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Is All Sugar Created Equal?
You may have heard the phrase, "Sugar is sugar." But is all sugar created equal? The truth is, your body processes different sugars in different ways.
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Does It Matter If a Sweetener Is “Natural”?
When you're building a healthy lifestyle, it's hard to give up treats like sweets. Here are some healthy sweeteners to replace refined processed sugar.
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Does Eating Red Meat Increase the Risk of Diabetes?
A recent study suggests that consumption of red meat contributes to (or even causes) inflammation and impaired glucose metabolism. How valid is this notion?
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Ask Chris: Is Fructose Really That Bad?
A reader poses the question: what are your thoughts on fructose? Is it really as bad as Paleo is making it out to be?
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9 Steps to Perfect Health – #2: Nourish Your Body
You've heard a lot about what not to eat. Read this to learn which foods provide the energy and nutrition your body needs to for optimal function.
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Why Your “Normal” Blood Sugar Isn’t Normal (Part 2)
Studies show that so-called normal blood sugars actually increase the risk of future diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other serious conditions.
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When Your “Normal” Blood Sugar Isn’t Normal (Part 1)
What passes for "normal" blood sugar may be common, but it's not normal. Unless you think diabetic complications like neuropathy and heart disease are normal.
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