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Magnesium Stearate: 6 Supposed Dangers That Need Attention to Determine if It Is Harmful or Harmless


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Reviewed by Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD, MPH

One of the benefits of ancestral eating is that you avoid potentially harmful food additives like artificial colors, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and artificial sweeteners.

magnesium stearate
Magnesium stearate is commonly used in supplement manufacturing. iStock/PeopleImages

However, even on a Paleo diet, it can be hard to avoid some fillers, thickeners, and additives. In fact, many common Paleo foods contain more additives than their Neolithic counterparts. For instance, commercial nut milks and coconut milk often contain thickeners like gums or carrageenan, while your run-of-the-mill grocery store whole cow’s milk is additive-free.

In this series, I’ll review the science on some of the most common additives and let you know whether you should be concerned about consuming them. First up—magnesium stearate.

Is magnesium stearate a harmless additive or a dangerous chemical? Check out this article to find out. #magnesium #magnesiumstereate #foodadditives

What Is Magnesium Stearate?

Magnesium stearate is a salt that is produced when a magnesium ion bonds with two stearate molecules. Stearate is just the anion form of stearic acid. Stearic acid is a long-chain saturated fat that is abundant in beef, cocoa butter, coconut oil, and other natural foods. As I mentioned in my red meat article, it’s also the only long-chain saturated fat that scientists and medical practitioners agree doesn’t raise cholesterol levels, and doesn’t increase the risk of heart disease.

Uses and Function

Magnesium stearate is most commonly used in supplement manufacturing as a “flow agent,” which helps ensure that the equipment runs smoothly and the ingredients stay blended together in the correct proportions. It can also be found in some cosmetics.

Given the seemingly benign components of this additive, it’s a little surprising how controversial it is. There are a lot of misconceptions and inaccurate statements about it floating around the internet, and while I wouldn’t recommend consuming vats of the stuff (not that you’d want to), I think the concern over magnesium stearate is largely overblown.

What Are the Supposed Side Effects and Dangers, and Are They a Cause for Concern?

1. Effect on Immune Cells

One study that many people have used as evidence against magnesium stearate is a 1990 experiment entitled “Molecular basis for the immunosuppressive action of stearic acid on T cells.” This baffles me, and I suspect that anyone using this study to indict magnesium stearate hasn’t actually read it.

In the experiment, scientists isolated T cells and B cells from mice, put them in a Petri dish, and bathed them in a solution containing stearic acid (along with some other components). They observed that the T cells incorporated the stearic acid into their cell membrane, eventually destabilizing the membrane enough that the cell died.

First of all, this study has nothing to do with magnesium stearate. They just used the plain old stearic acid that you’d find in your beef, chocolate, or coconut oil, so this study could just as easily be used against those foods. If you’re going to be concerned about this study (which you shouldn’t be), you’d have much bigger sources of stearic acid to worry about than the magnesium stearate in your supplements.

Second, the study has nothing to do with stearic acid consumed in the diet. Under normal conditions, your T cells are not bathed in stearic acid, even if you consume superhuman amounts of coconut oil, tallow, and cocoa butter.

Finally, the researchers used T cells from mice, and in this case, the results cannot be applied to humans. The mouse cells incorporated stearic acid into their membranes because they lacked the ability to desaturate fatty acids. However, human T cells do have the ability to desaturate fatty acids, so even if you did bathe your T cells in stearic acid, they would be able to maintain their membrane function. (1)

In case you got lost, here’s a summary: this study has no relevance whatsoever to human consumption of magnesium stearate, I have no idea why the study is being referenced in this manner, and you shouldn’t be concerned about it.

2. Concerns about Pesticides and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Another criticism is that because stearate is often derived from cottonseed oil, it can be contaminated with pesticides. Keep in mind that magnesium stearate is a highly purified substance, and goes through an intensive refining process before appearing in your supplements. So far, I haven’t come across any reports indicating that magnesium stearate retains substantial amounts of pesticide residue.

As for the concern that cottonseed oil is often genetically modified, the source of crude fat shouldn’t make a difference in the final form of the stearate. Stearic acid is an 18-carbon molecule with a specific chemical structure that will be the same whether the stearic acid is from a genetically modified cotton plant, a bar of Hershey’s chocolate, or a grass-fed rib eye steak.

3. Effect on Nutrient and Drug Absorption

Another criticism is that magnesium stearate might inhibit nutrient absorption. One in vitro study conducted in 2007 found that tablets containing magnesium stearate dissolved more slowly than tablets without magnesium stearate when placed in artificial gastric juice. (2) The study authors concluded that in vivo studies are needed to determine whether this finding has any practical significance. However, an earlier study found that although magnesium stearate increased the time it took for a drug to dissolve, it had no effect on overall bioavailability, as evidenced by blood levels of the drug in test subjects. (3) Further, another study found that levels of magnesium stearate didn’t affect tablet dissolution at all. (4)

All of this information indicates that although magnesium stearate might affect the rate of tablet dissolution in some circumstances, it doesn’t affect the overall bioavailability of the drug or supplement.

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4. Biofilms

I’ve seen this claim pop up in a few places around the internet, so I’ll address it briefly. Some critics of magnesium stearate claim that it can induce formation of harmful biofilms in the intestine. (Biofilms are immobile communities of bacteria that form when bacteria adhere to a surface and generate a polysaccharide matrix.) This assertion appears to be based on the fact that soap scum contains magnesium and calcium stearate, so they insist that just as soap scum creates film on your sink or shower, magnesium stearate creates film on your intestines.

It should be pretty obvious that the intestinal lumen is a vastly different environment from a shower door, but some people still seem to be concerned. Rest assured, there is no conceivable reason why this would take place, and I haven’t seen a single scientific article that even hints at this possibility.

5. Magnesium Stearate Allergy

A 2012 study entitled “Magnesium stearate: an underestimated allergen” reported on a 28-year-old woman who had an allergic reaction to magnesium stearate, resulting in hives. I’m very curious about this result, because an allergy to either magnesium or stearate seems highly unlikely, but unfortunately, I don’t have full-text access to that study. But, needless to say, if you develop hives (or another allergic response) after consuming magnesium stearate, you should probably avoid it in the future.

6. Magnesium Stearate in Cosmetics

Magnesium stearate has several uses in the cosmetics industry: it’s an anti-caking agent, a bulking agent, a colorant, and more. In the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, magnesium stearate is marked as “low hazard,” although it’s noted that limited data are available on this ingredient.

So, Is Magnesium Stearate Safe or Bad for You?

As a final note, a rat study determined that you’d have to take 2,500 mg of magnesium stearate per kilogram of body weight per day to start seeing toxic effects. (5) That means a 150-pound person would have to consume 170,000 mg per day, which is so far beyond any amount you would encounter in supplements that it’s a non-issue.

Overall, I haven’t found scientific evidence to substantiate the claims against magnesium stearate, and the small amounts found in supplements shouldn’t be a problem for the majority of the population.

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  1. I am a bodybuilder and because of this, my joints aren’t the best. Especially my knees. I take joint maintenance (Glucosamine and Chondroitin with MSM and Hyaluronic Acid) that was recommended by my trainer, but it hasn’t fully helped. I read some stuff on Shark Cartilage and tons of people said it helped them with their joint pains and arthritis. Is it ok to mix these two? They both have magnesium stearate but I don’t take full doses of either of them. I take 2 750 mg Shark Cartilage and only 1 Joint Maintenance. I just don’t want to be counterproductive.

    • I do know that MSM will combine with magnesium stearate to detoxify it – and so the MSM is less available to do its other jobs in the body that you are taking it for. Same with silica dioxide and other excipients used in making capsules and some powders. I have heard that taking MSM in combination with these substances make the MSM 85% less effective.

  2. I am allergic to soy and peanuts. I am extremely careful as the reactions are hideous, total uncontrollable purge from both ends of the GI tract. If I happen to get soy protein accidentally in advertised “soy free” meats, the reaction is very severe, requiring hospitalization. The last time, I passed huge blood clots for 3 days. I underwent every GI test known to man. It was due to soy. I have noticed similar but less serious reactions from food fried in soy bean oil and supplements containing Mag Stearate and a recent serious reaction from an antibiotic containing stearic acid. I am currently being treated for that one. There is definitely a health issue with mag stearate for me and probably others. I had to stop my anti-inflammatory due to this. I limit my intake to metformin which I need for diabetes. So far, I have been able to tolerate that.

    • Ida, I hope you are taking methyl B12 along with your metformin since it gets depleted.

      Since you have those allergies, make sure there is nothing in the sublingual tablets you need to avoid.

    • Ida ,take notice of Una’s comments,as they are related to your problem.All stearates,dioxides,and most all cosmetics,soaps,and hygiene products(I.e.deodorant,toothpast)contain super-heated chemicals that your body cannot process.This includes many prepared foods.Peanut,soy and
      Anything that that is fortified or enriched with vitamins should be avoided.Once you clean all that excess chemical garbage out of your system,you should tolerate your meds better.Mary is right in choosing free and clear products,such as gel caps,sulfate free products,and as I always say,lots of raw veggies and berries,and purified water,not tap or spring,they contain alum.Una I like to hear others like you,who are through with toxic products,filled with so called inactive ingredients.Anyone else making big lifestyle changes to avoid so much chemicals in their life?

    • Unfortunately I disagree with those that say that magnesium stearate does not have an effect on people. I have found that this supposedly natural product in tablets is causing me unbelievable pain in my stomach and in addition dries my skin so bad that I can rub my arm or leg and it produces a shower of dead skin like dandruff. I have investigated all the drugs that I am prescribed the only common ingredient is magnesium stearate. Am I wrong to believe it is this chemical that is causing both my complaints as they disappear when I stop taking them?

      I can remember in my youth that medics and chemist for years contended that there was no danger to pregnant women when they took a drug called Thalidomide even though thousands of ordinary people said it was dangerous for pregnant women. So I do not subscribe that the experts are always right, especially when money is concerned.

      • That’s highly unlikely the magnesium sterate is the cause. Dandruff isn’t very severe. That’s sounds like psoriasis which is an autoimmune problem. I have it. Your skin in some areas is being replaced too fast(days instead of monthly). It isn’t necessarily a constant thing and you can make changes to reduce flairups.

        Also that isn’t evidence as you likely didn’t start or stop it in a vacuum. Also antectodal at best even if you did. Plus add in a “nocebo” effect for good measure.

        But I put some reasonable advice elsewhere about autoimmune problems that could help you with what is probably actually occurring. Better yet ignore me and talk to your doctor. Get labs done. Etc

    • Look on Amazon at Innovix Labs Advanced Magnesium and read the review by RWM. His other reviews are quite in depth as well, he also recommends great probiotics. Cheers

  3. Well, as much as I tend to respect Chris’s advice, I’ll have to ask what part of just a little bit of toxic is considered “ok” for the chemically sensitive and/or those that take a hard line and refuse to treat their bodies like a junk yard?

    Stearates could have been a footnote by now. An otherwise archaic vestige of a profits-over-people mentality and not a dynamic response and much needed shift towards health when there are alternatives, as we evolve, moving towards sustainability. There aren’t many things more oxymoronic than taking nutritional/medical supplements with side of toxic crap, again, when there are alternatives.

    Since 2013, trans fats are no longer Generally Recognized Safe by the FDA, and likewise interesterified fats are on their way to infamy, yet stearic acid, affecting nearly every facet of our society is made commercially stable via nearly the same process, is safe enough? Super heating a (vegetable) fat, under high pressures and catalyzed against acetates or petrochemicals, is contraindicated for the autoimmune and chemically sensitive (and health conscious alike), creating a synthetic additive, another contraindicated unnatural compound our bodies have yet to evolve to properly recognize, diagnose, detox and dispose. And yet like all things modern, externality, and non sequitur, stearates continue to swirl the bowl because it’s merely inconvenient to a Special Interest Group, industry, or the typical aspiring-to-average consumer — even at a time when potentially related and still curious, contentious and misunderstood diseases like Alzheimer’s, Autism, Autoimmune Syndromes, and Cancer incidences are skyrocketing…?

    I’d love a well meaning and even better thought out response from Chris to assuage my frustrations. The time and effort saved alone finding supplements that don’t include stearates would be worthwhile, not to mention the costs saved (when super high end supplements are no longer exclusively required or industry economies of scale work in our favor), then there’s the societal step forward and self-esteem regained and the positive step taken, along with other choices like alternative power, codified civil rights, banning harmful substances, prosecuting corrupt politicians, etc.

    But, if the reasoning behind stalling the inevitable is industry skewed studies, or a “just bit of crap is ‘ok’ mentality” (until you consider the overwhelming, cumulative amounts of — what percentage of the human body today is toxic/synthetic — we actually are), in the meantime the alternative is a bit like having to google search and second guess my physicians and their one-size-fits-all, pill-pushing, or organ-sacrificing health “care,” voting with my dollar when special interest groups dictate right and wrong, wasting valuable time having to live my life around caveman-like behaviors instead of solving real issues that affect humankind’s future, etc, etc, etc…

    • OK, first we need to understand that modern medicine is a young “science” wrought with the “art” involved. Humankind is learning, sometimes in correct directions, sometimes not. This means we are part of a large experiment that will eventually end up bringing us to the answers we need. In the meantime, we must depend upon the best information available to us. Evaluations from knowledgeable people like Chris give us a starting point and further discussion has illuminated the issue further. It’s unfortunate that some people are incapable of discussing important subjects without getting emotional and not using rational reasoning, but there is often value to be found even in their rants. Read through the comments here. I personally am in the camp that believes that Magnesium Stearate is a proven harmless substance to the largest majority of the population. There will always be some people who have sensitivities to almost anything, and I feel for them. That doesn;t change the fact that not one person has ever provided a shred of evidence proving that Chris’ evaluation is anything but fair and level-headed. Consider the very real facts that Magnesium Stearate is made up of two harmless substances combined in a harmless process to provide a benefit that we as consumers receive. It is disingenuous to attack it as only benefiting the manufacturer.

      I believe we should always stay vigilant, watching the processes that create the supplements and medications we are sold as cures for what ails us. Try to always remember that logic and rational conversation benefits us all, while emotional outbursts and personal attacks accomplish nothing positive. Never depend upon a single source, or even a single line of reasoning, for your information. I spend as much time reading information counter to what I believe as I do reading what I believe about everything from medicine to politics, to religion and beyond. It helps to see the truth rather than the bias presented by one party or another.

      I wish all of you the best but hope you find a cause truly worth sinking your teeth into because this one is truly not worth your time.

    • If you are having a reaction when taking the stearate and do not know why I would strongly suggest being tested for Alpha-gal.
      Alpha-gal is an allergy that can be deadly. You are allergic to mammal and mammal products.

    • A few things to consider:

      1) For the most part, the dose makes the poison. There are all manner of things that, if consumed in small to moderate quantities, are harmless or even therapeutic. But if consumed in too large an amount, they will hurt or kill us. Salt and water are two great examples. Nutmeg, cinnamon and alcohol are others.

      2) Your body is basically a big, self-regulating chemical factory. It does not care what the source of a particular molecule is, if that molecule isn’t inherently poisonous. If you consume stearates derived from a natural source, your body will treat it the same as if they were stearates derived by synthetic processes (provided they’re not somehow contaminated).

      3) Stearic acid and magnesium stearate aren’t the same thing, just like metallic sodium and sodium chloride (i.e. salt) aren’t the same thing.

      If you sprinkle a little salt on your eggs, no big deal. But doing the same with metallic sodium would at least burn your mouth and cause your eggs to explode. And chlorine would poison you.

  4. I must apologize!! I went down to my cupboard to look at my supplements and I’ve actually been taking magnesium MALATE, so to quote Rosanna Rosannadana…”never mind”.

  5. I’ve been taking anywhere from 8-12 Magnesiums 400 mg a day and when I don’t…I easily get constipated….I like how that much mag. stearate and all keeps me flowing; but since reading this article, I’m not leary of the unknown that some caused me to fear before. Thanks,

    • Magnesium as a supplement is not the same thing Chris is writing about here.

      Apples & oranges!

  6. Magnesium Stearate/ Vegetable Stearate causing diarrhea. I’ve done extensive trial and error on all my supplements & a prescription containing it. After suspecting it was the stearate, I recently stopped all my supplements and only been taking my prescription that also includes it. I still have the diarrhea. It’s a critical Rx and I need to take it so how do I get the Rx without this ingredient?

    • Discuss this with your MD then have him prescribe the medication but in a compound form from the pharmacy.
      I have to have a compound made for certain ingredient allergies as well. I though use Hopewell Pharmacy out of NJ. My doctor sends them my RX and they bill insurance, collect co-pay from you and send it on to you.
      Good luck.

    • I doubt it’s the magnesium stearate causing the Diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused by something your ingesting is causing an immunal response from your immune system, that is right on the other side of your intestinal wall. Your immune system releases immunoglobulins into your gi tract, and that’s what causes diarrhea. Not tha magnesium stearate is good, it’s not it’s a horrible substance that should be avoided. However I would think the medication your taking is really what is causing the immune response, it’s probably a foreign substance the body does not recognize so it’s attacking it.. Anyway, I would question your meds, especially if it’s an antibiotic med.

      • Mg Stearate is the main ingredient in Pedia-Lax laxative –it causes loose stools. Presumably, too much would cause diarrhea.

        • If I am not mistaken, poorly absorbed forms of Mg will cause “loose stools” by osmotic action…

          • MR PALEO is correct:

            In laymans terms:

            The active ingredients in Pedia-Lax products work in several different ways to help relieve your child’s constipation.

            The active ingredient in Pedia-Lax Chewable Tablets, magnesium hydroxide, increases the amount of water in the intestine, which promotes bowel movement.

            The active ingredient in Pedia-Lax Liquid Stool Softener, docusate sodium, works directly on the stool to help soften it.

            The active ingredient in Pedia-Lax Glycerin Suppositories and Liquid Glycerin Suppositories, glycerin, attracts water into the stool and promotes bowel movement.

            The active ingredients in Pedia-Lax Enema, sodium phosphates, increase the amount of water in the intestine, which promotes bowel movement.

            Once again, this has absolutely notthing to do with Magnesium Stearate.

            • I am wondering why anyone with concerns over magnesium stearate used in teeny tiny amounts in supplements causing then health concerns would take an over the counter laxative as they are way more full of garbage than a little Mg stearate in a supplement.

  7. Those who have been here a while, and anyone who has read most of this thread will know me for agreeing with Chris’ assessment of Magnesium Stearate. You will also note that I have been silent for some time. The primary reason for this is that I decided to make big changes in my diet, supplements and medications. I completely cut out every item in my diet that get’s negative press… one at a time. It sure does simplify the diet. Unfortunately, none of the issues I was hoping to deal with improved. I have been drinking nothing but spring water and filtered water from the tap. Supplementwise I stopped all supplements and only added them back one per week, avoiding anything with potentially troublesome ingredients. Again, no big changes. Then I had a breakthrough. My neurology clinic had established that I suffer from Post-Concussive Syndrome, and recent research led to taking me off all psychiatric medications I had been taking for many years. In just six months I dropped a hundred pounds, my head cleared, and I felt like myself once again. Of course this opened the door for neurological meds. I have an unfortunate habit of experiencing paradoxical effects from medications. For those not familiar with the term I will give the following example in explanation: My neurologist gave me a medication intended to treat insomnia. I got so amped, I couldn’t sit still! My lifetime 120/80 or lower blood pressure skyrocketed and my heart rate doubled from the sixties into the 120’s. A desperate call was responded to with assurances that I would adapt and be just fine. My Internist was giving me a physical that week and freaked out when she saw my blood pressure and heart rate. She was angry, and insisted I call my neurologist and insist I quit that medication. It took a few days to come down, but I had to try something. Ambien, Lunesta, etc. had no effect on my insomnia at all. I am still eating clean taking only a few supplements and taking only three medications, but still have chronic migraines, and trouble with insomnia due to my head injuries. I have spent decades learning, and teaching, meditation, have spent years doing biofeedback, and tried acupuncture and chiropractic treatments as well. I don’t have an answer, but I still wonder about those who blame everything on miniscule amounts of substances that have been used for 30+ years in food, medications and supplements. Only when a few alarmists began publicizing “possible” dangers did people suddenly have sensitivities to them. Don’t get me wrong, if you have done the proper protocol to eliminate any other possibility, then you have my sympathy. I simply do not believe there is but a slight risk, and one must weigh the risk/reward equation before making decisions. I wish each of you the best of luck in your journey, and will continue my search. If I find I am wrong, you can rest assured, I am not too proud to admit it. I will happily address any issues that change with regard to this now sensitive subject. Peace.

    • If you are having insomnia after a concussion, often times microtears in your brain cause brain chemical insufficiencies that can lead to insomnia. Millennium Health Center in California specializes in these after effects of a concussion and even has a grant to test and treat military personnel with Post concussion syndrome which often is misdiagnosed as PTS syndrome. They helped my daughter significantly with her post concussion symptoms of brain fog, insomnia, nausia with eating, dizziness, depression & hypoglycemia. They consult with long distance patients with phone consults and recommendations for your local doctor.

      • I am very interested in finding out how they helped your daughter. I have had severe insomnia for years and wondered if my head injury is a factor. No one has been able to help, so I was finally prescribed a massive amount of seroquel, which is an antipsychotic even though it is only for insomnia because nothing else worked. I’ve gained 120 pounds on this med.This has been my fate for almost 20 years now and I have tried everything to get off this horrible drug. What treatment or medication has helped your daughter?

      • Thank you! I have been to specialists from Duke University Hospital, The Cleveland Clinic, Georgetown University Hospital and am treated at the top pain and headache treatment center on the East Coast. I have learned a great deal about what has happened, and that I am not alone, bu successful treatment is still a dream at this point. Living like this is very challenging to say the least. I will try to find further information on this and follow up. Thank you.

    • Shawn, You did not mention how you changed your eating habits. Have you tried eliminating foods, and/or food families, to see if you have an allergy to one or more of those? Also, have you tested the air in your home for Radon, or other pollutants? Have you had an Allergist test you? There are so many things that could be causing your problems, it is worth seeing an Allergist, and a Nutritionist who is experienced with food sensitivities. Our bodies are so complex, as are the environments we are subjected to in the current century. That leads me to another possibility, as I recently read about people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. Do you live close to a power grid? EHS is not well known, but worth looking into if nothing else is helping. Good luck to you.

  8. It’s so hard to find products without magnesium stearate! Anyone has by recommendations for an apple cider vinegar supplement without fillers?

    currently the brands I have been using are Perque, Pure encapsulation and Thorne. i’m surprised that so many people have recommended Thorne because i’m on the verge of throwing them out. It’s true that they do not have magnesium stearate. They do however, have silicone dioxide in the products. is that ingredient okay? I’ve read conflicting response to that so I thought i’ll try asking here. because if it is i’m going to continue taking them.

    • I would also like to add on that even if magnesium stearate doesn’t have adverse effect on us, I find that companies who havedecided to add it into the supplements tend to prefer using inferior ingredients in general as compared to companies who make a conscious effort to deliver good quality products.

      • I agree, Rene. Also, there are so many additives taking up space in the capsules that we must consume more of them to get the amount of the vitamin, or mineral we are needing, which adds to the expense. One way I judge a trustworthy company is by how they combine their ingredients. If you study supplements you’ll find that some should not be taken at the same time as others. Yet, many of those sold as multiples just throw everything in together indiscriminately. What I’m interested in knowing is do liquids work better? They are passing through the digestive system the same as capsules. Anyone know?

    • Hi there,
      I use Braggs ACV. I use 1 TBS ACV + 1 TBS Raw honey and one organic squeezed lemon in 4-80z of warm, not hot water. I drink this every morning first thing to start my day. You eventually acquire a taste for it and it goes down easy after a few times.
      Good luck!

    • Hello try HerbalProvider.com. I am going to order from them however I too am concerned not just about the additives but the process and extraction process of some herbs and they gave me a full run down and it was quite impressive. I have researched MANY companies and they could not compare, yet that is. so check it out and see if they have what your looking for being they say they don’t use additives.

  9. It seems insane to me that we can live in the information age and not be able to trust the information being supplied to us. If there are no laws against lying, then liars are not punished. News outlets are not required to tell the truth. Corporations have entire departments dedicated to lying. And historically, the citizenry has BEEN lied to over and over again, particularly with regard to things that can cause them harm.

    So everyone can bite me.

    • Hilary, you are a pip !

      I have, for the most part, left this conversation, but I had to agree with your “observation” that it is VERY difficult to discern “the truth”, for most people… and I personally feel it is somewhat irresponsible of Chris not to respond to comments on his own site, regardless of how “busy” he may be…

    • You conspiracy theorists are just laughable
      The article refers to numerous studies. Yes come corporations conduct their own study , but look at the science , why would they lie about a simple magnesium compound ? There are far more damaging substances included in food, ie hydrogenated oils etc. which have shown to have bad effects yet still included in many American foods.

      • Take care Dan. Whether you are correct or not, you will not accomplish anything positive by attacking in this manner. I have made the mistake of becoming frustrated and not being as charitable as I could have been. The end result is that you will harden people against anything you have to say, regardless of its merit. There “is” a great deal of evidence supporting the facts that Magnesium Stearate is perfectly safe for a large majority of the population. The problem is that people that end up on forums like this are often desperate to identify what is wrong with “them.” Who can really blame them? They are looking so hard for answers that when something discredits what they believe in, they feel they must defend themselves.

        • Hi Shawn,I’ m glad to see you are a little more aware about what is being introduced more and more into Americans bodies.We have to go beyond a return to ancestral eating,eliminate the products that don’t even label the dioxides and stearates-white flour,white sugar,table salt,spring water,even ground spices,are just a small example.I’m starting to have a tiny bit of respect for products that at least admit it.One should question how these chemicals,the body must work so hard to cleanse itself of, are affecting the medications and supplements some of us need to survive, when they are clogging blood,bones and organs.I hope removing these products from your diet can help your headaches,it has really helped mine.Remember that the crap about ms helping meds and supplements to remain in the blood longer isn’t just taking up the space needed for red blood cells,it’s just bad physics.If the water is still in the glass on the table,is it already working?I hope everyone here has a healthy happy holiday season!

          • So, mg comes from GMO soy and the purpose is to prolong the life shelf of the supplement/drug. That’s all I need to know to avoid it.

    • Very well put. Good point. There are no laws against prolonging life shelf of foods/drugs/supplements even though it cancels out any nurture/healing/nutrition they were supposed to deliver in first place. High fructose corn syrup is found in every processed food and GMO food. Mg stearate in every drug and supplement. Mg stearate and high fructose corn syrup only work for the shareholders.

  10. Regardless of this article, I’m still concerned about “ms”, especially after reading so many comments from people who are sensitive to this additive, as well as other con-ms information from well-qualified professionals. About 90% of the supplements on my shelf contain ms, and that tells me that I’m ingesting a lot of ms. I do have some digestive and other internal issues, and am wondering if ms is the culprit. I wonder…are we all better off not taking any supplements at all if we can’t afford the high prices of higher quality items? I thought I was taking some pretty good products, but now that I see they contain ms, I’m afraid to take any of them. I’d love to take quality products, but I’m old, retired and cannot afford hundreds of dollars per month on supplements, yet I know I should be taking some of the items. What’s a person to do when affordability is impossible?

    • That’s my concern too. And I am not even retired. I am too weak to work, just how sick I am. And I had been taking supplements (about 9) that was giving me negative reaction but I learned about the mg stearate which purpose is to prolong the life shelf of the supplement and retard the absorption of the good supplement, so, i dumped them all. I wonder if mg stearate cancelled any effect the supplement was suppose to deliver, cuz my condition got worse.

  11. Does anyone know if there is some brand name for hypothyroidism that one could take that doesn’t have magnesium stearate in it? Both Synthroid and Eltroxin have mag. stearate in them as well as other unhealthy additives.

    • Iodine cures hypothyroidism.

      There’s no reason to take proprietary things like artificial thyroid hormones.

      Treat your iodine deficiency and you will cure your hypothyroidism.

      • Ace, be careful not to give medical advice that could possibly be harmful. I also have hypothyroidism that has nothing to do with iodine. There are a multitude of reasons and conditions for low thyroid. I take a very high quality iodine supplement. Autoimmune disease, medications, inability to process certain nutrients, methylation issues etc. all can interfere with thyroid. Many times there are other hormone issues that need to be addressed first, that may be causing low thyroid. Please be aware that not all thyroid issues are treated with iodine

      • Wow, what!? Ignore Ace, except for the supplementing iodine, and that you can do with an organic seaweed seasoning (Maine Coast, Organic Kelp has 970% RDA in one 1 tsp, so don’t overdo).

        But, if you’re looking for toxin-free pharma, it’s a bit more expensive, but worth it. You can order Porcine Thyroid from a compounding pharmacy (much better than Naturoid or Armour which also include crap) – and usually can request specific fillers and artificial coloring free capsules. It will take a few months to target your dose, just like when you first got on your synthetic thyroid, but includes the entire range of T1-T4, not just what one-size-fits-all, profits-over-people Big Pharma want to sell you.

        I tend to ask for the smallest capsule they can make, but by requesting ascorbic acid, glycine, or acidophilus as a filler, you don’t really need to because these are beneficial.

        • Most (probably all) ascorbic acid powder is synthetic, produced by a long chemical-treatment process of glucose, which is typically derived from cornstarch (which is almost certainly from GM corn).

          Glycine is similarly synthetic, created by treating chloroacetic acid with ammonia.

          Non-vegan Acidophilus is likely derived from cows given bovine growth hormone.

  12. Magenesium sterate gives me joint pain all of my family does not take THINGS with this ingredient. I did my own test . No im back to normal aftere stoping this’…..np

  13. I react to a lot of vitamins, so I don’t take them very often. The ones that I react to contain magnesium stearate. It causes my lips to peel, crack, tongue hurt, in addition to headache and brain fog. The ones I don’t react to are liquid supplements or pearls, so it seems fairly plausible to me that something is going on with the encapsulated powders.

    • Hey Donna! Have you herd of nutraburst? It’s a all natural 100% organic liquid vitamin.

      • Nikki,Liquid vitamins and meds are a good way to avoid magnesium stearate,and doixides(I.e.bleach,etc…)but the the words natural and organic always should make one leary.Uranium is natural and organic.I could not find any info anywhere on processing,what foods the vitamins are extracted from,or what binders keep Nutriburst stable.Do you have this info?Mr. Paleo,I’m curious as to your opinion.Thanks to all who have been helpful to those of us who suffer from these so called inactive ingredients.

        • Diana,
          In general, I do not usually recommend liquid supplements unless one has difficulty swallowing…
          I also rarely recommend those that are presented as tablets or solid caplets. Since I deal with other peoples health, I always try my best to err on the side of caution…

  14. Why would magnesiun stearate cause shortness of breath for me? I had completely eliminated for some time. My herbalist is adding items that contain it again and with in 15 min or so I am hungering for air and struggling to get a deep breath. It can continue for 30 min to an hour. Nothing I can find makes this make any sense. Im am sensitve to pork. I do not respond to chocolate(Thank God), steak(again Thank God) or coconut oil. Any ideas of why or how to resolve appreciated.

  15. I was really concerned and confused about this. But now am comfortable because of the amount one has to take to have negative effects.
    I just bought a supplement for eye support which contains less than 2 percent of the product.

    Thanks for the info

  16. is there a difference between vegetable and other types of magnesium stearate? I know mag stearate is in most pills etc that one takes. Is the vegetable type different, safer?