RHR: Is Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance Real?
For decades, the mainstream medical view of gluten intolerance has been relatively black or white. But celiac disease is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to gluten intolerance—there are many other ways...
How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut
The intestinal barrier plays a critical role in health. When this barrier malfunctions, it can cause allergies and autoimmune disorders. This is called “leaky gut.” How do you know if you have it?
Still Think Gluten Sensitivity Isn’t Real?
Catchy media headlines often poke fun at gluten sensitivity. Yet many people without celiac disease feel better with a gluten-free diet. A recent study may have settled the debate once and for all.
Got Allergies? Your Microbes Could Be Responsible
Every mucosal surface on your body is colonized by a distinct group of microbes. Learn how disruption of those microbes are associated with allergies and what steps you can take to alleviate your worst symptoms.