RHR: An Update on COVID 19 and Gluten Intolerance, with Dr. Ramzi Asfour
In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I welcome back Dr. Ramzi Asfour on the podcast to discuss an update on COVID-19 before delving into celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and when it makes sense...
How to Prevent Parkinson’s Disease with Diet and Lifestyle
The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is rising, but it’s possible to prevent the condition from developing. Learn the risk factors for Parkinson’s and what dietary and lifestyle interventions may help you prevent the disease.
The Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance You Haven’t Heard About
Skin problems, depression and headaches can be symptoms of gluten intolerance. These signs are often overlooked by conventional medicine practitioners. Learn if you're sensitive to gluten and if going gluten free is right for you.
What Is Xanthan Gum—And Is It Safe for You?
If you’ve given up bread and other traditional baked goods in favor of gluten-free options, you’re probably eating xanthan gum. But what is xanthan gum? Is it safe to eat regularly?
Grain-, Gluten-, and Guilt-Free Pancakes
If you love pancakes but are on a gluten-free diet and are tired of eating pancakes that taste like cardboard and have a texture like hockey pucks, check out this recipe!
3 Reasons Gluten Intolerance May Be More Serious Than Celiac Disease
The significance of non-celiac gluten sensitivity has been downplayed in recent news stories. Evidence has proven that gluten intolerance is real and a much larger problem than celiac disease.
When Gluten-Free Is Not a Fad
Gluten intolerance is “fake”—at least according to many recent news stories. But what does scientific research have to say? Could it be a legitimate condition that may be even more common than currently recognized?
How to Make Healthy Living More Affordable and Accessible
I’m really excited to have Gunnar Lovelace on today's show. He’s the CEO and co-founder of a new and really exciting company called THRIVE Market.
Harmful or Harmless: Xanthan Gum
Xanthan gum is an additive often included in gluten-free baked goods. While opting for gluten-free is healthy, are there adverse effects to xanthan gum?