Why You Should Be Skeptical of the Latest Nutrition Headlines: Part 2
Nutrition headlines can contain dire health warnings, but are they trustworthy? Check out part 2 of this series to find out why you should remain skeptical.
Why You Should Be Skeptical of the Latest Nutrition Headlines: Part 1
Nutrition headlines can contain dire health warnings, but how trustworthy are they? Check out this series to find out why you should remain skeptical.
Debunking Paleo Diet Myths—with Sarah Ballantyne
Today, I talk with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom), about the science and research that supports the ancestral diet and lifestyle.
RHR: A Beginner’s Guide to Scientific Research
There is good research and bad research, and there's a tremendous gulf between the two. It is possible to evaluate research and to determine whether we can rely on a study’s conclusions.
How to Read and Understand Scientific Research
Information on health and lifestyle from a trusted source is important, but not as reliable as researching and understanding the scientific data yourself.