Basics of Immune Balancing for Hashimoto’s
Learn how to address the autoimmune component of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism with simple nutritional strategies.
3 Steps to Choosing the Right Thyroid Hormone
When it comes to choosing the right thyroid hormone, there's no "one size fits all approach".
Why Thyroid Medication Is Often Necessary
In many cases of hypothyroidism, thyroid medication is necessary - even within the context of a natural approach.
Why Changing Your Diet Is Always the First Step in Treating Hashimoto’s
If you have Hashimoto's, all the supplements and medications in the world will fall short unless you make these dietary changes.
The Role of Vitamin D Deficiency in Thyroid Disorders
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with thyroid disease. But figuring out how much vitamin D you should take if you're hypothyroid isn't so simple.
5 Ways That Stress Causes Hypothyroid Symptoms
Learn five ways that adrenal stress can cause hypothyroid symptoms - even in people without thyroid disease.