Drugs & Conventional Medicine
Read the latest research-backed articles on drugs and conventional medicine and find out how the Functional Medicine approach differs. Upgrade your knowledge on the conventional medicine fallout and share your thoughts with our community.
More Mainstream Madness
This week I'd like to bring your attention to three articles I came across on the web which illustrate the utter madness of mainstream medicine and nutrition.

When It Comes to Drug Claims, Skepticism Is Healthy
Drug companies make $285 billion a year selling their products. Can we trust them to provide doctors, researchers and patients with reliable information? Continue reading for the full story.

The Truth about Statin Drugs
Statin drugs are almost universally hailed as wonder drugs. But are they really as safe and effective as medical authorities claim? The answer is “no.”
Medical Care Is 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
The popular perception that the U.S. has the highest quality of medical care in the world has been proven entirely false by several public heath studies and reports over the past few years.