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Environmental Toxins

Get science-based and research-backed articles on environmental toxins here. Learn more and discuss your thoughts with our community.

Are Your Skincare Products Toxic? Makeup and Cosmetics
Are the ingredients in your makeup making you sick? Find out which common chemicals found in cosmetics you might want to avoid.
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toxic makeup
Are Your Skincare Products Toxic? Shampoo, Soap, and Lotion
Are everyday products like soap, shampoo, and lotion exposing you to harmful chemicals? Learn why what you put on your skin may be an even greater risk for toxin exposure than what you put in...
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toxic ingredients in bath products
BPA and Hand Sanitizer: A Toxic Mix with Serious Health Risks?
A new study shows that using hand sanitizer (and other skin products) before handling receipts increases BPA absorption by as much as 185 times.
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hand sanitizer dangers
RHR: The Right and Wrong Way to Treat Hormone Imbalance
In this episode, we discuss male and female hormonal issues and how to address those issues - including critical components of any treatment program.
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Revolution Health Radio podcast, Chris Kresser
5 Reasons Why Concerns about Mercury in Fish Are Misguided
Guidelines say fish consumption should be limited to 12 ounces per week due to mercury. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t take this advice at face value.
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selenium mercury, mercury in fish
RHR: Beyond BPA – What the Plastics Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
The $375 billion plastics industry is not particularly thrilled about this new evidence suggesting even BPA-free plastics are potentially harmful.
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Revolution Health Radio podcast, Chris Kresser
Fukushima Radiation, Cavities, and Liver Disease
Today, we're discussing an update on the Fukushima radiation. Plus other topics such as the truth about eating too much meat and naturally healing cavities.
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Fukushima Radiation: Is It Still Safe To Eat Fish?
Several questions have come in over the past few months about the Fukushima disaster and whether my recommendations for fish consumption have changed.
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fukushima seafood, fukushima radiation fish
All About Kidney Stones, Liver Detoxification, and Calcium
Today, we're discussing what causes kidney stones and what to do about them, liver detoxification and supplementing with calcium. Tune in for that and more!
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