RHR: Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s from a Functional Perspective—with Dr. Dale Bredesen
In this episode, Dr. Bredesen of the Buck Institute explores Alzheimer's disease and how it can be prevented and treated with diet and lifestyle changes.
Is Alzheimer’s an Infectious Disease?
Incidences of Alzheimer’s disease have rising sharply, but our understanding of this devastating condition remains incomplete. In an effort to develop more effective treatments, researchers have begun to explore new theories of what causes Alzheimer’s.
When Should You Try A Low Carb Diet?
There are people who thrive on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Here are the precautions you should take if you want to try this nutrition approach yourself.
Do Carbs Kill Your Brain?
In his book, Grain Brain, Dr. Perlmutter says carbohydrates cause effects that lead to a toxic brain. Is there evidence to the contrary? How true is this?
How to Prevent Spending the Last 10 Years of Your Life in a Diaper and a Wheelchair
The conditions we associate with aging are common, but they certainly aren't normal. Read this article to find out how to age gracefully.