When Should You Try A Low Carb Diet?
There are people who thrive on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Here are the precautions you should take if you want to try this nutrition approach yourself.
Is GERD an Autoimmune Disease?
Recent research suggests that GERD may be caused by an autoimmune reaction - not stomach acid burning the esophagus.
FDA Sounds Alarm on Dangers of Antacid Drugs
The FDA issued a report cautioning against prolonged use of acid inhibiting drugs because they've been shown to increase the risk of infection, bone fracture and dementia.
Get Rid of Heartburn and GERD Forever in Three Simple Steps
Follow these three steps to get rid of heartburn and GERD once and for all—without drugs.
What Everybody Ought to Know (But Doesn’t) about Heartburn & Gerd
Contrary to popular belief, heartburn and GERD are caused by too little - not too much - stomach acid.