Why Misleading Food Labels Are So Prevalent and How You Can Avoid Them
Clever labels can trick consumers into thinking their products are healthy when they are far from it. Check out this article to learn about common misleading food labels, food engineers, and sugar addiction.
Here’s the Research on Sugar and Health
What is our out-of-control sugar consumption doing to our health? Read on to learn about the latest research on sugar and health, including the concept of sugar addiction.
Is Sorbitol Safe for Your Health?
You probably already know about some of the health concerns associated with refined sugar. What about low-calorie substitutes like sorbitol? Is this sweetener safe to eat? Is there room for it in a healthy diet?
Why Your Brain Makes You Fat with Stephan Guyenet
Why is it so hard to avoid foods that taste good? Is it really about willpower? Discover four strategies for “tricking” the brain and achieving sustained weight loss.
How Artificial Sweeteners Wreak Havoc on Your Gut
Artificial sweeteners are commonplace in the food and beverage industry and are considered safe by the FDA. Yet they have been shown to alter your gut microbes and your health.
20 Things You Didn’t Know about Paleo
Paleo has received a lot of attention over the past couple of years and there are misconceptions about what Paleo means for most people. Here are 20 things everyone should know about Paleo.
When Should You Try A Low Carb Diet?
There are people who thrive on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Here are the precautions you should take if you want to try this nutrition approach yourself.
Can Sweeteners Fit into a Healthy Diet?
Is it possible to include sweeteners into a healthy diet? Read on to learn how to healthily and mindfully incorporate sweeteners into your diet.
Is All Sugar Created Equal?
You may have heard the phrase, "Sugar is sugar." But is all sugar created equal? The truth is, your body processes different sugars in different ways.