This is just a short post to let you know I’ve decided to retire The Healthy Skeptic and merge it with my professional site, I don’t have an exact date for the switch, yet, but I expect it will happen in 2-3 weeks.
Why the change? When I first started The Healthy Skeptic, my intention was to challenge mainstream myths about nutrition, health and disease. The first myth I took on was the idea that cholesterol causes heart disease. Since then I’ve tackled several subjects, ranging from heartburn/GERD, hypothyroidism, diabetes & obesity (diabesity), essential fatty acids and fish oil, and depression.
But while I continue to maintain an attitude of skepticism about mainstream medicine and nutrition, I’ve come to feel that the title “The Healthy Skeptic” is too narrow and limiting.
Ultimately, I want to present a positive vision of holistic health and wellness that is defined more by what it is than what it is not.
Okay, enough about me. What does this mean for you, as a reader?
Not much. The transition should be completely seamless for you. The look and feel of the new site will be almost identical to this one (rather than There’s nothing you have to do. No new web address to remember. Everything will happen in the background. Ah, the wonders of technology.
Starting in about 2-3 weeks, when you click on a link with “” in the address, such as:
you’ll automatically be redirected to this link:
This means that all “Healthy Skeptic” links will continue to work; they’ll just be redirected to the new location.
I’ll be creating a new Facebook page called “Chris Kresser L.Ac” and inviting those of you who are already fans of The Healthy Skeptic on Facebook to come join me at the new page. More on that to follow. My Twitter account (chriskresser) will stay the same.
The name of my podcast (currently “The Healthy Skeptic podcast”) will also change, though I haven’t settled on a name for it yet. Any ideas? Please leave them in the comments section.
The only other change to be aware of is that the email updates you get from me if you’re a subscriber will come from “Chris Kresser L.Ac” instead of “The Healthy Skeptic”. If you stop receiving email updates all of a sudden, please check your SPAM folder and make sure to add “Chris Kresser L.Ac” to your safe list.
I think that covers it. Back to the series on natural childbirth. I’ve taken a little break from the podcast since Sylvie was born, but will be recording the next episode soon. We’re going to have Chris Masterjohn back for part 2 of our cholesterol interview, and then Paul Jaminet shortly after.
Better supplementation. Fewer supplements.
Close the nutrient gap to feel and perform your best.
A daily stack of supplements designed to meet your most critical needs.
I have to say that none of the suggestions have rung well in my mind. The healthy skeptic is the way I would like to describe myself when approaching mainstream medicine. Skepticism doesn’t have to have a negative connotation… in my mind it implies a healthy mindset of challenging the status quo. Don’t give it up too quickly.
IMO, healthy seeker, healthy detective, healthy investigator etc. will not work, because these just mean a seeker, detective or investigator who is healthy, with no further connotation. It works with “skeptic” because we have the idiom about healthy skepticm. That’s why it’s so clever, because it has several levels of meaning: it can be healthy to be skeptical, skepticm is necessary when it comes to your health in the current context, and the skeptic IS healthy thanks to his skepticm. Health seeker, health detective, health investigator would be acceptable, but are not particularly rich in meaning (although health detective has some potential if you replaced the eye-glasses in your site graphics with a magnifying glass, and started wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat!)
Sorry to be so nit-picky, but as we say in French, chacun son metier (everyone has his area of expertise). I am a translator (and I’ve translated lots of slogans, marketing copy etc.) so I am very aware of this sort of thing. Honestly Chris, you are going to have to work pretty darn hard to top “The Healthy Skeptic”. I suggest you jump outside the box and go for a completely different idea. Your Healthy Baby Code has a nice ring to it. What about the Healthy Human Code (cracking the healthy human code…)–anyway, you get the idea. Whatever you do, please make sure it passes the I-can-comfortably-recommend-this-site/book-to-my-friends/family test!
BTW, I recently recommended your site to someone whose doctor was trying to put her on statins, and it convinced her to discount her doctor’s advice. I know it seems upside down that this is a good thing (“discounting her doctor’s advice”) but that’s the sad reality. Maybe you should call it the Righting Upside Down Wisdom Podcast!
Thanks everyone for your feedback. Just to be clear, I’m not looking to create another name for this site. It will simply be “” with a picture of me and my name in the header. I may keep the Healthy Skeptic name for the podcast. I definitely do need a name for my book, however, so it’s good to hear your ideas.
Don’t forget Google+. In my opinion, the ability to interact is much better than Facebook or Twitter.
Let me know if you need an invite.
I have a Googe+ account already. Here it is:
I’m waiting for them to start their business pages, which they’ve said they will do.
Yes, I’m looking into how to ensure a smooth transition with the RSS feed.
Doc! I have loved the Healthy Skeptic and have used it to develop my skepticism for the medical model. I also understand that you are approaching a more Approach mindset towards health versus an Avoidance model. Heathy Holistic sounds nice.
Thank you for showing up and presenting with high value. Your mind and intention is greatly appreciated as it navigates and sifts through thoughts and practices…always searching for a better way of living.
Much high regard to you.
Joe Valley
Forgot to mention: I hope you don’t change the music on your podcast or ditch the graphics from the Healthy Skeptic site!
For merging The Healthy Skeptic with your other site, make sure you get the RSS feed right, too! 🙂
I also really like the name Healthy Skeptic–it just work so well on so many levels. I understand that you don’t want to project a negative image, but in my mind a healthy level of skeptism is a positive thing (especially in the current context). Maybe the new title can be something with health/wellness detective (which you use on your site). That is more descriptive (but not as clever). I just hope that you come up with something that will make my boyfriend want to read your book when it comes out!
Best of luck with your new endeavor, Chris. I’ll keep reading whatever you post.
Thanks for the update Chris. Evolution is good.
The healthy seeker podcast
The healthy journey podcast
Health based health podcast
Whoomp there it is podcast
The Healthy Evolution podcast
Mindful Health podcast
Can we submit questions for Paul Giamet?
Yeah, I got a little panicked. Then I thought, more PC. I like The Healthy Skeptic. Skepticism is very healthy. I recently had some scary BS occur with mainstream doctors. Without some healthy skepticism I’d be medicated and CT scanned and otherwise mismanaged. Oh, but so long as you promise more great stuff, I’m all for it. 🙂
Title was a bit of a shock as I’ve come to appreciate your advice very much. My cortisol jumped I’m sure:)
Wow, you freaked me out for a minute there! Glad to hear you’ll still be doing your thing….I so enjoy your point of view, and you present information in a clear, concise way that is beginner-friendly. I learned so much from your thyroid series! Thanks for everything you do!
yes, i was scared there for a minute too. i use your blog so much and direct so many people to you, but very glad to hear your reasons, it makes sense. sounds like a good transition and people will benefit even more! I love your work! congrats with Sylvie, she is beautiful!
Will your RSS feed at this site be affected?
Wise decision Chris. Now you are a professional and a father it is perhaps better not to present you as a “skeptic”, but to emphasize on your qualities. As you may have read, I will be closing down my CutTheCarb-site soon too. I’ll be back with a new fascinating business initiative and may appeal to you in the future. I enjoy very much your podcasts. I’ll try to come up with a name.
I’m with Jo in liking the word ‘skeptic’. It sounds like someone who knows his own mind and isn’t going to be swayed by opinion. However, I shall continue to follow you wherever it leads…trust is not to be taken lightly. Amazing how having a child makes you question your status, your place in the Universe and just what, exactly, you are about! Good luck with the changes and your new name. See you when you get there!
What a scary headline! I’m so relieved that the message is much nicer!
You scared me there for a minute–I was afraid you were going to quit blogging. Always liked the name “the healthy skeptic” and your posts are always concise and informative!
I agree, i was so scared when i saw this headline!! . . . so glad you aren’t really saying goodbye and i love the new concept! looking forward to learning so much more from you! cheers 🙂