Top 3 Nutrients for Fighting Inflammation and Autoimmunity
The inflammation-busting properties of EPA and DHA, curcumin, and black seed oil show promise in reducing symptoms of chronic disease and other chronic conditions driven by inflammation.
RHR: My Top 3 Nutrients for Fighting Inflammation and Autoimmunity
In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, Chris shares his top three nutrients for fighting inflammation, the research supporting the use of these nutrients in treating chronic disease, and insights from his own clinical practice....
Should You Really Be Taking Fish Oil?
Fish oil might not be the cure-all it’s often advertised to be, and in some cases, it may even cause problems.
Should Everyone Supplement with Fish Oil?
Fish oil may not be all it was cracked up to be, especially in the case of heart disease prevention. In this podcast I'll discuss what the latest research says about fish oil supplementation.
Episode 2 – Essential Fatty Acids, Fish & Fish Oil
Confused about omega-3 and omega-6? Don't know which fish oil to take? Concerned about the safety of eating fish? This podcast will answer your questions.
The Fish vs. Fish Oil Smackdown
Should you eat fish or take fish oil? That depends on your goals. Read this article to learn more.
How Much Omega-3 Is Enough? That Depends on Omega-6.
Increasing our intake of omega-3 fats isn't enough. To enjoy their benefits, we must also reduce the amount of omega-6 we consume.