Get Your Period Back: 5 Tips for Recovering from Post Birth Control Syndrome
Here are my best suggestions for recovering from post birth control syndrome using diet and lifestyle, without a doctor's visit or prescription.
5 Reasons You May Need More Protein—Even on a Paleo Diet
Most people naturally eat the right amount of protein for their needs. However, there are certain situations where it may be advantageous to increase protein intake at least temporarily.
The Acid-Alkaline Myth: Part 2
In part two of this two-part series on the acid-alkaline myth, I am taking a look at the effect of dietary acid load on other health conditions
Reframing the Obesity Debate: Cause/Effect, Genetics & Robot Clones
Have you ever wondered why a low-carb diet works for some people, but not for others? Why some can eat junk food and not get fat? Read this.
Recruiting Volunteers for Weight Loss Study
Stephan Guyenet and I are recruiting volunteers for a study to evaluate whether reducing food reward is a valid approach to weight loss.
There Is No Single Cause of (Or Treatment For) Obesity
The debate about what causes obesity and the best way to lose weight rages on. But the answer to those questions isn't so simple.
Low-Carb Diet Best for Weight Loss
A recent study indicates low-carb diets are superior to low-fat and Mediterranean diets for weight loss, cholesterol reduction, and control of inflammation.