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Depression & Mental Health

Did you know diet and lifestyle plays an important role in mental health? Read these articles to learn how to boost your mood naturally.

How to Combat Seasonal Depression
If you find yourself feeling blue each winter, you could be experiencing seasonal affective disorder. Here’s how to combat seasonal depression with these natural treatment options.
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how to combat seasonal depression
Functional Psychiatry: Treating Common Conditions with the Functional Approach
Functional psychiatry can successfully address the underlying causes of mental illness, improving long-term mental health outcomes for patients. Find out how, and get tips you can implement in your practice.
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Functional psychiatry
Treating PTSD with MDMA, Dr. Michael Mithoefer
Conventional treatment for PTSD often means suppressing the symptoms associated with the disorder, rather than treating the underlying cause. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I talk with Dr. Michael Mithoefer about how MDMA,...
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Revolution Health Radio podcast, Chris Kresser
Your Gut Microbiome and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?
Did you know that your gut bacteria can influence your mood? Find out how the gut and brain communicate with each other, what connects the gut microbiome and anxiety, and how to fix gut dysbiosis.
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A disrupted gut microbiome can cause anxiety, like this woman is experiencing.
Changing Habits? You Need to Shrink the Change
Are you changing your habits? Maybe your goal is to eat healthier and lose some pounds or get more sleep. Whatever your objective, you’re more likely to achieve your goal if it's small and attainable.
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If you’re changing habits, shrinking the change can help. Be sure to celebrate your successes, like these runners finishing a race.
How to Avoid Burnout at Work and Stay Motivated on the Job
Jobs are often difficult and stressful. If you’re exhausted and feeling detached at work, you’re likely experiencing professional burnout. Here's how to avoid burnout or how to correct it if you’re already experiencing it.
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This doctor is likely experiencing stress. Doctors—and other professionals—may need help learning how to avoid burnout at work.
How to Use Positive Psychology to Improve Your Health
Your emotions impact your health. The good news is that through positive psychology, you can retrain your brain to follow healthier, more beneficial emotional patterns and learn to let go of negative ways of thinking.
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Taking a moment to complete a journaling exercise, like this woman is doing, is an easy way to use positive psychology to improve your mood.
Has Ancestral Health Gone Mainstream?
Not long ago, the concept of “ancestral health” was met with complete skepticism. But a renewed interest in studying the health of modern hunter–gatherers is signaling a change in conventional thinking.
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Ancestral health
New Hope That Alzheimer’s Can Be Prevented—and Even Cured
Dr. Dale Bredesen of the Buck Institute is at the forefront of Alzheimer’s research. His book outlines a program designed to reverse cognitive decline. I spoke with Dr. Bredesen to learn about his groundbreaking program.
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Alzheimer's spam