Drugs & Conventional Medicine
Read the latest research-backed articles on drugs and conventional medicine and find out how the Functional Medicine approach differs. Upgrade your knowledge on the conventional medicine fallout and share your thoughts with our community.
The Dangers of Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen, more commonly known as Tylenol, is one of the most popular over-the-counter painkillers. Yet acetaminophen may be one of the most dangerous medicines in the drugstore.

A Three-Step Plan to Fix Conventional Healthcare
In today’s podcast interview, I discuss why conventional medicine has failed to address chronic disease and what we can do about it.

RHR: Three Reasons Why Conventional Healthcare Is Destined to Fail
Healthcare continues to be a debate between political parties. But neither the politicians nor the media are acknowledging the real reasons that healthcare is floundering. How do we change this? Listen in to find out.

Should You Consider Medical Marijuana?
Medical marijuana is a pretty complex topic. Today I’ll cover the basics and talk about my experience with medical marijuana in my practice.

Two Reasons Conventional Medicine Will Never Solve Chronic Disease
Chronic disease is shortening our lifespan and threatening the health of future generations. Conventional medicine has failed to address it. I outline a new healthcare approach that would more effectively tackle the chronic disease challenge.
The Promising Potential of Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is now legal in several U.S. states. Read on to learn about the most promising potential applications of medical marijuana and the current state of marijuana research.
Why You Should Think Twice before Giving Your Child Antibiotics
Antibiotics are sometimes necessary, but they are also overprescribed. Discover when antibiotics are appropriate and how you can reduce your need for them.
RHR: Dr. Mark Hyman on the Future of Medicine
Mark and I discuss the failures of conventional medicine, research that supports functional medicine and discovering the underlying roots of illness, and what the future holds for the delivery of care.

Coffee Is Good for You—Unless It’s Not!
Numerous studies have linked drinking coffee with generally positive health effects. Recent research shows that coffee may not be a friend for all.