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Raw Milk Reality: Benefits of Raw Milk


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In Raw Milk Reality: Is Raw Milk Dangerous?, we took a closer look at the claims made by groups like the FDA and CDC that raw milk is “dangerous”. We found that, though the relative risk of becoming ill from drinking raw milk is about 9 times greater than it is from drinking pasteurized milk, the absolute risk of developing a serious illness (i.e. one that would require hospitalization) from drinking raw milk is exceedingly small: about 1 in 6 million.

Nevertheless, as small as the risk of drinking raw milk is, we still need to answer the question: why take the risk? What benefits does raw milk have over pasteurized milk that have convinced nearly 10 million people in the U.S. alone to actively seek it out?

Why drink raw milk in the first place?

There are many reasons one might prefer raw milk over pasteurized milk, ranging from nutritional to ethical to environmental. Different people will resonate with different reasons, depending on their value system, worldview and priorities.


Many consumers believe that raw milk is higher in nutritional content than conventional milk, which may have some merit.

Raw milk comes from cows that graze on grass. Some evidence suggests that milk from these cows is likely to have higher levels of fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. Cows fed fresh green forage, especially those grazing grass, have been shown to have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and essential fatty acids in their milk. (1,2)  Cows are natural herbivores and are healthiest when they eat grass, rather than the grain they are fed in confinement dairy operations.

The pasteurization process also reduces the nutritional quality of milk products. Research has shown a decrease in manganese, copper, and iron after heat treatment. (3) The FDA acknowledges that pasteurization destroys a substantial portion of the vitamin C in milk, and sterilization is also known to significantly impair the bioactivity of vitamin B6 contained in milk. (45) Beta-lactoglobulin, a heat-sensitive protein in milk that is destroyed by pasteurization, increases intestinal absorption of vitamin A, so the supplemental vitamin A in conventional milk may be harder to absorb. (6) While pasteurized milk does retain some level of nutritional value, it seems that unpasteurized milk is superior in vitamin and mineral content overall.


Many people experience digestive and other problems when they consume pasteurized milk, but have no trouble with raw milk. It’s not entirely clear why this is the case. The FDA insists that unpasteurized milk has no probiotic effect or any other characteristic that could explain this phenomenon. But the collective experience of raw milk consumers suggests otherwise. The Weston A. Price Foundation conducted an informal survey of over 700 families, and determined that over eighty percent of those diagnosed with lactose intolerance no longer suffer from symptoms after switching to raw milk. (7)

While this is certainly not rigorous evidence, it matches my own anecdotal experience and that of many of my patients, blog readers and radio show listeners.  I do not feel well when eat pasteurized dairy.  It gives me sinus congestion, headaches and intestinal discomfort.  Yet I thrive on raw dairy, and fermented raw dairy in particular played a substantial role in my own healing journey.

Is it possible that the millions of people that tolerate raw milk but not pasteurized milk are experiencing a massive placebo effect?  Sure.  Anything is possible.  But a likelier explanation is that raw milk has some quality that makes it easier to digest than pasteurized milk.  The fact that this has not been proven in clinical research doesn’t make it untrue.  Lack of proof is not proof against.

Fortunately, we shouldn’t have to wait long for more reliable evidence on this topic. A clinical study is currently being performed at Stanford University to help determine whether raw milk actually reduces the incidence of lactose intolerance. (8) The results have yet to be published, but will provide scientific evidence to support or refute the anecdotal claims of many raw milk drinkers.


There is substantial epidemiological evidence from studies in Europe that consumption of raw milk during childhood may protect against asthma, allergies and other immune-mediated diseases.

A large cross-sectional study demonstrated a significant inverse association between “farm milk” consumption and childhood asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, sensitization to pollen and other allergens. (9) While we must always remember that correlation does not prove causation, the findings were consistent across children from farming and non-farming environments, indicating that farm milk consumption may have had an independent effect on allergy development.

This protective effect may be related to the hygiene hypothesis, which I recently wrote about. It is thought that low dose exposure to a variety of commensal bacteria may help regulate immune responses outside the gut. Another hypothesis is that the higher level of omega-3 fatty acids in grass-fed dairy, particularly in full-fat dairy products, may help reduce childhood atopy risk. (10)  More research is necessary before a definitive mechanism for a reduction in allergies in children drinking raw milk can be established.

Additionally, some research suggests that unpasteurized milk contains antimicrobial components absent in pasteurized milk. (11121314) These studies found that pathogens grow more slowly or die more quickly when added to raw milk than when added to heat-treated milk. This does not mean that raw milk cannot be contaminated with bacteria, nor does it mean that raw milk “kills pathogens”.

Rather, unpasteurized milk may be somewhat less susceptible to contamination than pasteurized milk due to its probiotic bacteria and antimicrobial enzymes.

The evidence for this is not conclusive, however, so there is no excuse for subpar hygiene standards when dealing with unpasteurized dairy products.

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Many people think that raw milk has a superior flavor and texture to pasteurized, homogenized milk. They often use words like “fresh”, “real”, “alive” and “rich” to describe it. They also appreciate the subtle shift in the flavor of the milk through the seasons as the grasses change. Consumer research demonstrates that flavor is one of the top reasons that consumers choose raw milk in states where it is legal to buy. (1516) Emily Weinstein, blogging for The New York Times, describes her first raw milk experience:

The milk — oh man, the milk! — was creamy and full of flavors, not white like supermarket milk, but yellow-tinged. It was milk with a taste that wasn’t just defined by it texture — it was distinct, satisfying, delicious. All food should be like this, I thought, so natural it seems to redefine the word.

I’m sure those of you who drink raw milk can attest to the significant flavor differences between raw and conventional milk. While flavor alone is not reason enough for choosing raw milk, it is clearly a driving force in many consumers’ decisions.


Raw milk is almost exclusively produced by local farmers. A growing segment of the population is choosing to support local, family farms and businesses over multi-national conglomerates. There is significant economic potential in the direct sales of milk from small farms, which is often the method of producing and distributing unpasteurized milk in most states. (17) The direct sale of raw milk allows farmers to set a price that allows profit for the farm and equals the fair market value of the product for the consumer. (18) This way, farmers are able to cover their costs while still earning a living to support themselves and their families.

Consumers are reconnected with their food supply, and farmers are held accountable for their products, allowing for the stimulation of the local economy and the promotion of sustainable farming practices.


Similar to above, consuming milk that is produced by local farmers using sustainable methods has far less of an environmental impact than drinking milk produced in large confinement feeding operations thousands of miles away.  Conventional dairy operations are highly destructive to the environment. Air and water pollution from dust and feedlot manure, plus fertilizers and pesticides used in grain production, are damaging to the environment and to the health of farmers, farm workers, and nearby residents. (19) Manure runoff into water can cause the death of aquatic life, as well as contamination of drinking water by nitrate, harmful microorganisms, and antibiotics and hormones.

Raising dairy cows on well-managed pastures decreases soil erosion, increases soil fertility, and improves water quality due to decreased pollution. Cows grazing on pasture reduce the energy needed to grow grains or to mow, bale, and move hay, requiring less fuel consumption. (20) Sustainable small dairy farms that produce raw milk are much more environmentally friendly as compared to typical large-scale dairy farms that are energy intensive.


Cows that live on small farms and spend their days on green pasture are are much better off than those that live in overcrowded and inhumane “factory farm” conditions. This is important to those of us that care how animals are treated. When confined in small spaces under stressful conditions, cows often become ill and are treated with large quantities of antibiotics. (21) They are more prone to morbidity and mortality from diseases including dust-related respiratory conditions, metabolic diseases, and other ailments that can be directly attributed to their confined conditions, as well as their unnatural diet of corn, soy, and other grains. Pasture-raised cows have longer lifespans than conventionally raised cows, as corn-based diets contribute to health problems such as liver abscesses, and breeding practices designed to maximize milk production have caused reproductive problems. (22)

There are plenty of horror stories and disturbing videos that portray the inhumane treatment of cows in conventional dairy operations. (2324) By visiting small farms and purchasing raw milk from pastured cows, compassionate consumers can be assured that the animals are properly treated.

A personal decision

Any one of these reasons might be enough justification for choosing raw milk for a given individual or family. But when viewed together, it’s easy to understand why raw milk consumption has increased so significantly over the last two decades. Consuming unpasteurized milk and dairy products has several positive benefits that, for many people, may outweigh the possible risks. You must consider both the positive and negative qualities of raw milk consumption when making the decision for you and your family.

In the next article, I will discuss the important variables to consider when deciding whether raw milk is right for you and offer guidance on how to find a safe source of raw milk and minimize the potential risk, should you choose to consume it.

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  1. The article about raw milk deaths said 148 outbreaks, NOT DEASTHS- there were 2 deaths only mentioned, not 1500!

    • Better not eat spinach either. Or lettuce. Maybe stay out of the pool. Make sure you boil all your water as it might have E-coli. Better yet, don’t leave the house. Better to be safe then sorry.

      • “Better to be safe then sorry”

        Better to be safe, then sorry? That sounds about right.

    • Really? all these stories but one are from people who got an e. coli infection. e. coli is everywhere. You are more likely to get if from an undercooked hamburger, improperly washed lettuce, or drinking Tampa tap water. News flash: if that scare-site elevates your concerns, then you also shouldn’t drive a car, because someone might crash into you! just sayin…

  2. It’s easy to dismiss the words of even organizations like the CDC when they are the same group who tries to tell us that it is dangerous to not mutilate the genitals of baby boys. I have no doubt that the scientific process works, and honestly most of us here aren’t in a position to locate the human error in the studies. All we know, in regard to raw milk consumption, is the benefits we personally experience.

  3. This is disgusting. Typical quack advocacy of something dangerous and unproven.

    Twisting of statistics is irresponsible, and this article is putting people at risk! Untreated (raw) milk has all sorts of undesirables in it, including pus and other nasties.

    I’d like to also point at dismissing the FDA (government agency filled with scientists who study food) is purely idiotic.

    Pasteurisation is simply boiling. If you don’t want to pasteurise, you may as well not cook anything at all. Or just go raw vegan.

    This is absolutely appalling, and probably from the same bunch of idiots that are anti vaccine.

    • Dr. Harrison Ford…you are a clown. Your FDA has approved food products that contain carcinogens and neurotoxins. Nobody ever had milk allergies until humans started ‘producing’ your healthy milk. I suppose B-17, DMSO, MSM, Shark Cartilage, gershwin diet and alkaline diet are all useless in treatment of cancer?? Your FDA foods cause cancer you wanker. It’s self absorbed and self serving turds like you that are depriving the world of cures.
      Great article. The knowledge of benefits of raw milk is now wide spread. Cheers

      • “shark cartilage”
        No. Shark cartilage has been conclusively, nigh-incontrovertibly proven to be an idiotic and expensive scam that directly caused the deaths of millions of sharks and the collapse of innumerable ecosystems. This whole thing about shark cartilage started with people claiming that “sharks don’t get cancer.” That is false. This falsehood originated with an observation that cartilage in general has strong antiangiogenic properties, i.e., it is highly effective in blocking the growth of new blood vessels. Malignant tumors need greatly increased angiogenesis so as to provide the rapidly dividing cells with the nutrients they require. In several studies, the surgical insertion of rabbit cartilage next to cancerous tumors in mice and other animals prevented the growth of said tumors. Calf cartilage produced similar results, as did shark cartilage. The researchers involved with these studies used shark cartilage solely because sharks have skeletons comprised entirely of cartilage, and thus initially appeared to be a decent source of cartilage.

        This research was seized upon and bastardized by William Lane, who wrote a book called “Sharks Don’t Get Cancer.” Spoiler alert: sharks get cancer. Lane knowingly deceived millions to peddle his shark cartilage pills that have absolutely zero effect on tumors of any kind. He is, in part, responsible the continued destruction of the entire superorder of sharks. If you have ever purchased these cartilage pills, or encouraged anyone to do so or even supported them in any way whatsoever, you are also responsible.

        This is important stuff. The fact that you were so easily fooled by a blatant falsehood is compelling evidence that each of the other “scientific” claims you made warrant your increased attention. You’ve made an argument from authority, and you clearly have zero authority on even the most basic of scientific and ethical principles.

    • Hi Harrison,
      I do better with raw milk than pasteurized milk,.. and I do better with unhomogenized milk than homogenized milk.
      A matter of health, how my body responds; most noticeable with sexual vitality the older one gets(I’m age 47), and resistance to getting sick and diseases of accretion, such as atherosclerosis and other diseases of unhealthy ‘accumulation’.
      Disease organisms can exist more readily in raw milk, but it’s a chance I accept. The sanitation and health of raw dairies is paramount.

      • This a great point, as it seems to suggested that the homogenisation process actually makes the particle size smaller to it is more likely to pass through the gut wall. Could the anecdotal correlation between better digestion and drinking raw milk be because pasteurised milk is nearly always homogenised and raw is not.

    • You are an uninformed consumer that believes whatever the government tells you. I have actual proof. Raw milk has cured my lactose intolerance.

    • The so called “food” industries that are basically chemical companies claiming to be food producers have the financial means to push their ideas of health and instill fear tactics into most. As a scientist myself, there are many reasons to be skeptical about published science in some cases. The source of funding for the science, the politics behind scientific support, etc. can often lead us to accept whatever a so called authority or television ad says. Either way FREEDOM to choose what source of food we rely on is the definition of democracy. If I have a cow and a vegetable garden, I fell a whole lot safer with that than something that corporate america or the governing bodies have handled or dismantled.

      • I’m sorry to correct you good sir, because you have many good ideas. But it is not democracy that you seek, because democracy almost always leads to tyranny. What you seek, and what our founding fathers tried so desperately to establish, was a republic based on liberty.

      • True. As a scientist yourself, you are no doubt in a unique position to know just what a big fat liar Louis Pasteur was! Same goes for Newton! That lying bastard!

    • An excellent article!! I tried local Raw milk and the effect on my well being was astounding. I can’t wait to get more. Its creamy and wholesome.
      Pasteurized milk makes I’ll and it tastes disgusting.

    • Boiling kills all of the enzymes (which are life and we get a limited supply so we need as much as we can get from food) as well as much of the other essential nutrients in milk. Raw milk is an incredible source of magnesium and calcium. However, magnesium does not survive heats (it is actually very heat sensitive), so pasteurized milk contains only the calcium. But there interesting deal is, calcium cannot be absorbed and broken down without magnesium. So among other issues, the body has to do WAY more than it should to try and break down the calcium and therefore strips the body of more calcium than it puts in and also causes calcium build ups (which cause arthritis, back issues, muscle and joint problems, and cavities plaque etc. FYI-plaque is a large amount calcium). Pasteurized milk causes a host of issues. It may not kill you right after drinking a glass, but it can be a big contributor to illness, serious ailments, and things that can be potentially life threatening (like heart attacks). I would MUCH rather eat a whole live food that helps my body than something that is processed and contains little useful nutrients.
      I would be far more concerned about the prescription drugs causing all kinds of issues to people’s health than a food that has been consumed for thousands of years. There have been many many cultures who consumed raw milk every day and they would have died out if it was truly dangerous.
      It was in the 1800s when milk and whiskey (interesting choice 😉 were the two most consumed liquids. But during the war of 1812 distilled spirits from Europe became almost completely unavailable. To meet demand, distilleries were opened in most major cities. Someone decided it was a good idea to confine cows in pins adjacent to the distilleries. The pins were filthy due to the close quarters, conditions, and the fact that many workers were sick and did not keep clean. The milk was so poor it couldn’t even be used for butter.
      It was in 1861 that Pasteur invented the pasteurization process and 1891 that the first pasteurizing processing plant went up in the US. At the same time, in 1889 a New Jersey doctor Henry Coit, MD was working to oversee the cleanliness of milk (unpasteurized) due to his son’s death from unclean contaminated milk. He was able by 1893 to put together a Medical Commission to oversee the movement. He worked with dairy experts and farms willing to participate and after many years of hard work, unpasteurized milk was safe again. But unfortunately, it cost up to 4 times the amount of pasteurized milk.
      New York philanthropist Nathan Straus, who also lost a child due to the very unclean conditions, felt it was only safe to drink pasteurized milk and used his fortunes (he was co-owner of Macy’s) to spread the word about pasteurized milk thought US and Europe for decades. He also set up “milk deposits” in NY to provide low cost pasteurized milk.

      But pasteurization and certified unpasteurized milk sales and consumption were happening together peacefully for about 50 years, but in 1944 a smear campaign was launched against raw milk and the rest is history….

      So please note, this idea of raw milk being almost unheard of and ridiculous has only existed about 60 years. That is a blink of an eye in our thousands of years of drinking it. And the issue originated when we began what was basically factory farming.

      I hope this gives an idea of what we are dealing with. We get very short sited and forget that we have changed so vastly in so many areas over the past 200 years (especially the past 75) that we live VERY differently than we did for thousands of years. That does not mean we have to go back to what we did before, but there are things we should look and and readopt, especially when it comes to our food.

      • Right on point. Thanks for your comment. I already knew this, but wanted to thank you for taking the time to inform people about how FDA is brainwashing us.

      • I should be able to drink what I want to drink. I love raw milk. Grew up with it and never get sick. Look at all those fast food places and the diet drinks. They are dangerous, not raw milk.

      • What a mess!

        There is so much misinformation here that it is stunning.

        For starters…. magnesium is a metal similar in appearance to aluminum. It doesn’t get destroyed if it gets warmed up in milk.

        Pasteurization was discovered in 1861, sport.

        I could go on but I don’t have the time to spare.

    • your CDC and your FDA said that between 1993 in 2006 1500 people died from raw milk. Wow!!! to the CDC and the FDA please explain then how you allowed you allowed something like Monsanto patented seeds to be on the market we’re not talking 1,500 people who died we’re talking one and three people will get or have gotten cancer in their lifetime because of this genetically modified organism that destroys our body from the inside destroys our immune system on bility to fight off disease and has carcinogenic effects on the body you explain your rationale for allowing this destructive company to ruin not 1500 not 10,000 but a millions lives have been taken or destroyed because of what you have allowed and our food system and you want to complain about raw milk well you’re right about one thing raw milk from your industrial cow farms would kill us the only reason those cows survive in the Horde conditions is because you give him antibiotics we’re talking about good fresh raw milk from a real dairy farm someone who takes honor and loving their animals so they do provide well.thank you CDC and FDA for loving us enough take raw milk and give Monsanto seed thumbs up on that choice you definitely knew what you were doing didn’t you. totally
      I guarantee that your wife your husband your children do not ingest the poison from this destructive bio enginering.
      from this company’s products.

    • U wouldn’t have a clue. Media brainwashed. If raw milk has pus in it where does the pus go when it’s boiled? Pasture fed cows r the healthiest cows in the world and most humanly treated. They probuce quality milk. Just think about it…

    • Raw milk and pasteurized milk share a common problem, both can contain destructive pathogens. The problem is that both products can be contaminated due to “human error”. Raw milk is safe to drink if it comes from a “healthy herd” and is handled in a strictly sanitary manner. Pasteurized milk is only as safe as the the manner in which it is packaged, labeled, stored, and distributed. Again, human error, human judgment and integrity factor into the safety of milk and milk products as it is with other food sources. Raw milk can be as safe to consume as any other food source, if handled properly.

    • You are a dud! Why wouldnt you go vegan and also eat all raw food instead of cooking it if its beneficial for your health?

    • I bet most of the people that are against raw milk are also against breast feeding as well. (maybe the kids that get sick from the raw milk were never given any “mommy” milk just that nasty formula shit you buy at Wal-Mart ever read any of those labels?

      This country is going right to the gutter that we put the cows $hit in. Raw milk may not be for everyone but probably could benefit most rather than being harmful.

      If you want to drink Pasteurized milk and not get all the nutrition that is in cows milk go for it, your probably over vaccinated as well, I personally hate store milk would rather get it from my cow “Chip” who free ranges on our family farm.

      Like most people have said here that it should be a choice as to what route you would like to take, just like it should be a choice as to which vaccines you would like to inject into your babies, (I do not inject any and my children are never sick). I also have been allowing my children to consume raw milk, butter, yogurt, ice cream you name it, they are very very strong and healthy. Probably better than your kids you should try it sometime before automatically just going with and believing what your freaking FDA says.. (they are not always right you know)

      The FDA leaves out a lot on important information with their research, remember they are after MONEY, they want our money and they want us to be on medication so that they can conduct more research for more money. They don’t care about us and they loose no sleep when they are wrong. Why do you think the cancer rates are so high (oh it cant be from what ever the FDA says, what a bunch of quacks)

      When trying to get your facts strait you should widen your information try reading research from both sides and maybe from scientists that aren’t in bed with these major corporations or the government that want to weaken us.

      • I have to agree with the Farmer’s daughter, when you breastfeed your children, the milk is pure. When I was a child, my Family had a farm in Michigan, we used to milk the cows and drink it, we didn’t get sick! In my opinion, you have to do your research and make you OWN decision. The FDA is not always right, every time you turn around, they change whats good for you and what’s not good for you! It’s crazy and confusing. Do you believe everything you read??? Time to get back to basics….medically, we are all customers, waiting for next “new Drug” to fix something! It’s pure NONSENSE 🙁 DO WHAT YOU WANT Have a wonderful day all 🙂

    • To correct your ‘correction’, raw milk is unpasturized. Period. The term has nothing to do with what the cows eat. Other terms such as ‘grass-fed’ and ‘pastured’ are commonly used for farming techniques commonly used in conjunction with the production and sale of raw milk. The terms, however are not synonymous or interchangeable. Also note that milk can be produced sustainably and healthily from cows solely on pasture, if the pasture is sufficient and healthy, and the cow is genetically is from a breed and family line adapted to pasture-only feeding. Those cows are less common than those who need a little (or a lot) of grain to maintain condition. They do exist, though, and there really are farms producing excellent raw milk from strictly grass-fed cows.

      My advice? Know your farmer. Ask questions until you understand how your food is produced and why this methods are chosen. Then make your own choice.

    • Well, maybe not lying… But misinformed, probably. This is the same gov institution that gave us the death-inspiring food pyramid and a myriad of totally incorrect & bad food advice. I get my raw milk from a local farm, and am grateful to have it & if I get slightly ill from it, that is a trade I’m willing to make for the flavor & other benefits.

    • UHM…the FDA is NOT going to come out with anything that could potentially cripple the dairy industry…remember… money talks. I have to wonder why more people are not curious…no, deeply suspicious about the trend of illness’ happening the last 10 years at least. The greed and goals of producers across the board to get more of their product out there for less and less…profit profit profit! I am a product of whatever is going on…I drink milk ( which I have had in my diet faithfully forever…) or eat bread of any kind…well I am doubled over with pain in my gut all day every day. I eliminate both…replace with raw milk (which is delicious)
      and a gluten free ( or should I say CHEMICAL free) source of fibre and I am FREE of pain! You are very naive if you believe that the FDA has YOU in their sights…they have an entire industry to protect…if they were definitively shown that milk being processed or the crap they are genetically putting in the grains today was bad for YOU , it would take YEARS to get the industries to change. I am sorry…but when studies allow for the ‘small’ percentage of casualties before approving a drug or a process…guess I don’t like being on that end. There is nothing more important to big companies than money…period. More product…more money…less costs….at whatever cost to US! Google Celiac…ask yourself why this is becoming an epidemic. It is a nightmare to live with! Sorry…but I am finding less and less reason to have faith in the FDA and any big company…have all the faith in the world in the small farm where humane and clean facilities are a way of life. Love my pain free existence!

    • Wow…the FDA are the biggest bunch of crooks that there is. Does the phrase “revolving door” mean anything to you?

    • That would be my deduction. The FDA is hell bent on approving all kinds of garbage. You haven’t noticed? Use your thinker. GMO food is approved. High fructose corn syrup is approved. The list is HUGE!!

  4. Raw Milk is so dangerous that the queen of England drinks raw milk…its really shocking the number of fake posters on this website! (government spends millions on hiring paid trolls to go after their enemies).

    The FDA is doing raids with machine guns against Amish farmers who sell raw milk. Just makes me think raw milk is that much more awesome that the government wants to get rid of it. Like the government constantly trying to get rid of vitamins and make them “doctor only”. Great site, and you didnt go far enough into the good qualities of raw milk!

    • AGREED! The government doesn’t want healthy people. All these people citing the FDA and CDC (the mutual handwashers) don’t seem to understand they need to make money. They make money from pharmaceuticals and sick–er– healthcare. If you’re WELL, they can’t make money.

      Logic people. Disney doesn’t sell tickets to Universal. The government doesn’t sell wellness products.

  5. Well I hope you feel very silly now after that little boy died. Stop peddling your fad health ideas. Humans havent evolved to drink another animals milk, hence why it is pastured. I expect you also disagree with vaccines for children.

    • Yeah well… it would be my guess that if that one guy sells 200Lt per day… and only 5 kids got sick then it is probably something else they ate in common and not the milk or there would have been a lot more death.
      Also, If you had taken a closer look at the disease that killed the poor child, you would have realised that the child already suffered from that ailment and it is almost exclusively triggered by E.coli bacteria which as you know can be found to some extent in almost anything we eat or drink… You shouldn’t, and they shouldn’t, automatically blame milk just because you don’t drink it. You instead choose to use that pasteurised poison, do a little study on that crap sometime.

    • You need to know that humans are unique in that we are the only mammals that have a specific enzyme that allows only us to drink milk as adults. All other mammals should only consume milk when they are young.

    • So one boy died after drinking raw milk? do you know how many children die or have serious adverse reactions to vaccines? If you think vaccines are safe how can you possibly not agree with raw milk, when the statistics will show you that hundreds of thousands of people react badly to vaccines

  6. Hi Chris, I’m in the process of making a decision about whether or not to switch to raw milk. I just read an article in Medical News Today on research which suggests that people who consume a lot of milk (3 or more glasses per day) are at increased risk of fractures(!) and of dying at a younger age (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/284530.php). It is related to the effect of d-galactose on the body. I was wondering if drinking raw vs pasteurised milk would make any difference to this effect. What do you think?

    • Hey; obviously I’m not Chris but as an aspiring holistic health coach I may able to give you a little re-assurance for raw milk.

      I personally do not believe that raw milk would cause an increased rate of fractures. Decreased, if anything. Raw milk contains live enzymes that help fully digest and metabolize the calcium, along with it’s co-nutrients such as Phosphorous, vitamin D, magnesium, and a slew of other vitamins and minerals such as zinc and K2. All of these nutrients work together to ensure strong bones. The only concern I would have with too much raw milk is excess calcium intake; which can be combated with magnesium rich foods like chocolate/nuts and plenty of green leafy vegetables like kale.

      Conventional milk may cause increased fracture because some of the nutrients are missing or denatured. Vitamin D for example is killed by the heating process, and a synthetic fake vitamin D is added back in; synthetic vitamins won’t do anyone any good. Vitamin D helps you assimilate calcium, and not having enough can possibly cause your body to leech calcium and other nutrients from its reserves. This may be one of the contributors to loss of bone density in those that consume a lot of confinement garbage dairy.

      Hopefully Chris can chime in for you with a much more educated answer. In the mean time, I wouldn’t worry about raw milk compromising your bones. I don’t see baby mammals breaking bones left and right. Drink it within moderation and you’ll be fine. Also, try to get raw goats milk if you can. It’s supposed to have a PH around 7.2-7.4, rather than the slightly acidic PH of cows milk of 6.7. Acidic foods. I don’t think cows milk is acidic enough to worry about; (especially compared to garbage like soda with a PH of 1? maybe 2) but if you want to go all-out with maximizing your bone density, opt for the alkaline raw goat milk if you can find it.

      • PH of 1 would eat through your throat while you drank it. 2 would be like the acid in your stomach. 5.5 is not bad actually, that’s the pH of your hair and skin.

      • Just wanted to comment that developing mammals of all species tend to have softer more flexible bones, and the effects of lack of calcium during growth are likely to be more present in adult years.

    • I had become VERY lactose intolerant. I made the switch 3 months ago, to raw milk and canNOT believe the difference! The taste, the shelf life and how I FEEL is SUPERIOR to ANYTHING I’ve bought in a store. A few families in our area take turns driving over an hour each month to a small, family run dairy to get the milk. My husband is a physician and now says he will NEVER go back to pasteurized milk. He feels the long term health benefits FAR outweigh the miniscule risk of having a contaminated , processed, product. I mean….we COULD get killed in a car accident….but how many of us would quit driving cars?

    • Just saying, it is very scary to think of that. I recently have been think about my health, and want to make it more natural. I am still very young, but know a great deal. Those people (who wrote the article) are like the FDA. They don’t want you to eat raw milk, because some people in Sweden died. The post they made is very racist. They only surveyed Swedish people. Nothing wrong with them, but you need a broader spectrum. Hope that helped.

    • I was on the fence about switching over to raw cows milk too like many others. I went and talked to the local dairy farmer who sells milk ALL DAY LONG to people who absolutely love it. When I brought up the research I have done about raw cows milk and how it can get people sick he and a couple customers who were standing there in the same room actually started laughing at me and shaking their heads. They all told me that pasteurized milk gets WAAAAAY more people sick every year than raw. I went ahead and purchased the raw milk and never looked back. It is very good! I used to have digestive problems (because of pasteurized milk I think) and now I have no issues.

    • For nutritional reasons I’ve been drinking a 1/2 gallon of whole raw milk and Ovaltine per day for 4 years. I’m 87 years old. I eat one small meal a day – usually a Greek salad, or a grilled cheese sandwich w/ tomato, or soup, or an omelet, or eggs Benedict (!), or yoghurt with lemon curd, or left-over lamb or beef stew – you get the idea. Still going strong!

  7. If raw milk were as dangerous to human health as the government would like us to believe, none of us would be here having the debate, because everyone drank raw cow’s milk ‘back in the day.’ Individuals farmers would have been as conscientious/not conscientious in their cleanliness and habits as people are, then and now, and certainly any one thing can be problematic due to hygiene or individual health issues, but in general, healthy raw milk has been a mainstay at least in this country for centuries. Just read an 1870 agricultural census record, where they had a column for ‘milch cows.’ Not ancient history. I remember my grandfather milking his one remaining cow in the 1950s, and keeping a pitcher of cream in the fridge for his cereal. Now it’s practically black market. I am so grateful I found a local farmer who can sell my pets milk:)

    • Can those of us with type 2 diabetes consume raw unpaid turned cows milk without having a glycemic explosion???
      I know milk has lactose, but the taste of raw UM is insaine!! Delish!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    • Many people, especially before pasteurization, have died from the common pathogens found in milk. Using this article’s reference # 15; Listeria, Yersinia, Salmonella, C. jejuni, and E. coli are found in 13% of raw milk. Pasteurization is considered a breakthrough in science; and if you prefer the taste, that is one thing, but the safety claims are contradicted by most of these references.

  8. This should never have been a public health debate. Adults can make their own decisions for themselves and their families. Unless the business or consumer is engaging in force or fraud in the transaction, there is no legitimate reason for any government body to step in between a voluntary exchange of goods. Stop giving your government the power to make decisions for you before you lose all liberty.

  9. What happens when I’m allergic to whey and my arthritis flares up? I find that when I eat a vegan diet mostly with less than 6 oz meat a week that my inflammation and swelling in feet etc. goes way down. I have tried raw goat milk thinking this would help my stomach but I swell up pretty good. I have been tested and am allergic to whey and no other foods.

  10. The data seems clear that the risks are low enough for one to make their own informed decision, as seems the way that many European countries are handling the debate. So, I’m utterly confused as to why the US cannot follow suit.

    In the meantime, I’ll go across the street and buy a pack of cigs while I think about it some more…

  11. Elise – Here is one of those posts you’re looking for…

    I agree with so many points in this article, especially those dealing with the environmental impact of choosing raw milk. My family consumed delicious, “living” raw milk for many years. My oldest child was only a couple years old when we began. My younger kiddos, one by one, drank it starting at one year old. We believed we experienced better health – stronger immune systems. And we felt good knowing we were supporting a wonderful, local family farm. We appreciated that our Jersey cows lived in green pastures. We LOVED the deliciousness in every jar. (I CRAVE the stuff.)

    In early September of this year, a group of children from our herd-share were sickened; and four were hospitalized with life-threatening E.coli turned HUS. My eighteen month old son was the youngest of them. Thanks to the miracle of modern medicine, my son was kept alive while HUS ran its awful course. He is recovering. Not all of the children are completely out of the woods yet.

    Sadly, our herd-share families are not now being warned by our local raw milk proponents of the potential risks of consuming raw milk. This is due to the fact that the health department has been unable to find E.coli on the farm, although they do recognize the epidemiological evidence. I know from first hand experience that it’s important for the benefits and risks to be presented side by side – not just separately from opposite camps, as is most often the case.

    When I first began to hear that other children connected by our raw milk were being admitted to the hospital, I didn’t want to believe there was any chance that it could be the source. I said it out loud, “I don’t believe it’s the milk.” But as the connection became stronger (one child at a time), my heart knew… I couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room.

    I do wish we lived in a perfect world. Completely safe raw milk with all the enzymes you could ask for – that would be great. Ultra-pasteurized, homogenized and possibly hormone-laden milk certainly isn’t the answer. In the future, I will probably home pasteurize that wonderful raw milk to protect my family from the dangers of potential contamination. I know now that although that chance may be small, it is way too great a chance to take with developing immune systems (or compromised immune systems). We knew that our farm was clean, but that wasn’t enough for my son. I’ll probably never know why he was the one who got the (un)lucky number.

    My goal now is to share our story in an effort to support education for families. I really appreciate this comment from the above article: “You must consider both the positive and negative qualities of raw milk consumption when making the decision for you and your family.”

    • A. Nordyke:
      That is scary! Has your son recovered? I sure hope so.
      Did your whole family drink the milk? How did the farm respond to this?

      I just got my first order of raw milk, mainly for my 2 year old son. And even though I know the stats, I am still concerned.

      Thanks for sharing your story

      • Both of my parents’ families drank raw milk growing up without any problem. There is a risk. Look at how many E-coli recalls there are every year from lettuce to beef sold in the supermarkets. I feel safer purchasing locally from small operations where I can personally see how well their operations are conducted, rather than assume it’s all good because it has a sticker on its plastic wrapper.

  12. A friend turned me on to raw milk and I just Love it! I think that raw is the way it should be. One of my sisters (I have 6) told me that raw milk is not good for you. I asked her how she knew this and she told me that the doctors say that raw milk is bad for you. I told her that doctors are not necessarily right and that they don’t know everything. Of course she argued her point and what it came down to is that we agree to disagree. I dont know if she will ever change her mind but I will share these articles with her. I am thrilled with raw milk! Thanks for the great articles!

  13. I do think those with lactose intolerance should give raw milk a try. Have spoken with several folks who had this problem, and tried raw milk with no problems. They were thrilled! Can’t say it will work for everyone, but certainly worth a try. You do know pasteurized milk is boiled away, and then chemical vitamins are added back in to replace the D etc., that are lost in the process. This is where the problem lies. Why alter something that is natural and wholesome? If you find a local dairy farm, or a co-op, natural food store that carries raw milk from a certified farm, yes, you will pay for it, but your body and mind will be at peace knowing you are getting the real thing. These small farms are inspected for cleanliness and operations, and are perfectly safe. Their farmers take pride in how clean they are. Go to a big commercial operation, you will be shocked at how poorly their animals are treated.

    • Jill,
      Please have your friend check out A1 beta casein milk vs A2 beta casein milk. If someone is lactose intolerant it is most likely due to the digestion of A1 milk. Everyone I have worked with has not had any problems with A2 milk.
      Good luck.
      Jill too 🙂

  14. Just have to add this in. We live in rural Maine, and there are many small dairy farms, and a few large ones (who produce for commercial). We had a commercial farm right up the road from us, and their cows were horribly treated. They would go from the eating barn to the milking barn, back and forth, all day, that is the only light of day they ever saw. We would see cow parts laying all over, heads, legs. If a cow got sick, they just threw it into a pile. Thank goodness they went bankrupt, but the whole time, they were supplying milk to one of the biggest commercial milk companies in the state, who claim their cows are never given artificial growth hormones, etc. I don’t believe that one bit. Fast forward to the small dairy farmers around us, it is a world of difference. The cows are out in the field all day, and happily trot in for milking, and back out they go. If you could compare a rotten apple to a fresh one, this is it. Those people made me sick every time I drove by their farm, their calves were immediately taken from their mothers and bottle fed with formula, and the poor things cried all the time, as did the moms. THIS is big dairy farming, and you should all make yourselves aware of the practices. Visit one BIG operation locally, and stress locally, and then visit a small natural or organic farm, you will never drink store bought pasteurized milk again, and will probably get sick too knowing you have been all these years. Those poor animals.

  15. My four brothers and I were raised on raw milk. My mother made formula from it, not cooked. We would fight over the cream on top, and had to take turns, and with Gram, who made butter from that yummy stuff. We were rarely sick, only when we picked up stuff from kids at school, but our first five years of life, no one was ever sick. This is the 50s and 60s, so raw milk was delivered to your door. We are lucky to live in a state where there are many organic dairy farmers, and raw milk is legal and readily available. Read the labels of pasteurized milk, and then google those ingredients. You will be shocked!!!