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Curcumin: A Promising Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I’ve seen firsthand the debilitating effects that osteoporosis and osteoarthritis can have on my patients’...
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RHR: Is Dairy Harmful or Beneficial?
No matter where you personally stand on dairy products, there’s no denying that it’s a contentious issue in the nutrition community. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, Chris reviews what the scientific evidence says...
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RHR: How to Naturally Prevent and Treat Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, Chris examines the efficiency and risks of calcium supplementation, talks about the diet and lifestyle factors that contribute to osteopenia and osteoporosis, and lays out a natural approach...
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The Microbiota and Bone Health: Yet Another Reason to Protect Your Gut
Could there be a gut–bone axis? Read on to learn how your gut microbes shape your immune system, influence nutrient status, and maintain skeletal health.
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How to Keep Your Bones Healthy on a Paleo Diet
One of the most common concerns of those starting a Paleo diet is that the diet is low in calcium and our bone health will suffer. But is that accurate?
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Does Dairy Cause Osteoporosis?
There is a myth out there that dairy foods contribute to osteoporosis by acidifying our bodies. But is this really accurate? Read on for more details.
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The Acid-Alkaline Myth: Part 1
Some theorize that it is in our best interest to make sure we eat more alkaline foods than acid foods to protect us from modern diseases. But is this valid?
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Why You Should Think Twice about Taking Calcium Supplements
Taking calcium supplements carries some serious health risks. Learn more about the potential dangers of this mineral before you start supplementing.
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