We’ve made amazing strides in technology and communication in recent decades. Most of us have either drastically increased our internet usage over the last 20 years, or we have simply never known a world without it. Forty percent of the global population has access to the internet today (1), and Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has a plan to make sure that 100 percent of the world is connected to this resource. (2, 3)
The internet has opened up the entire world of data and research to us, making the very resource that you are now reading not only possible, but a source of credible information for you in a place where literally anyone can write and share anything.
At the dawn of widespread internet usage in the mid-1990s, researchers were already beginning to examine the effects of internet usage on our mental health. The concept of “internet addiction” was first studied in 1996. (4) Since then, there have been many studies linking problematic internet usage to various psychological issues, including anxiety, ADHD, autism, depression, hostility, schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder, loneliness, and stress. (5)
Has the rapid expansion of internet access created a new environment that is detrimental to our health? Let’s take a closer look at the environmental loads and pressures that characterize internet use today.
Take these 10 steps to protect your health when using the internet.
We’ve Increased Our Screen-Time
The experience of internet use includes screen-time, and the number of hours spent staring at screens these days is ever-increasing. Researchers at Childwise, a UK organization that specializes in research with children, estimate that there has been a recent shift in what our children are consuming online. (6) Of their three to nearly five hours a day online, children are spending more time on social media and playing games than watching television shows. In fact, a documentary called Screenagers by director and physician Dr. Delaney Ruston (7) addresses the new problems that have risen in family dynamics, social dynamics, physical brain development, parental influences and controls, and emotional changes as a result of our children being constantly stimulated by a screen.
Looking at an artificially illuminated screen has an influence on the human body’s circadian rhythm. (8, 9, 10) In particular, the isolated blue light that emanates from electronic devices is shown to be disruptive to the natural hormonal fluctuations that we experience in concert with the day and night cycles. Unnatural light can delay melatonin secretion (the hormone that primes you for sleep) in the evening, which can lead to any of the associated chronic and acute health consequences of insufficient sleep, including weight gain, reduced immunity, cardiovascular health, metabolic disease, cancer, and reduced motor skill function. (11)
The environmental input from screen use goes beyond its artificial lighting and attention-grabbing nature. Screen-time creates a very near, static focal length for our eyes. The ciliary muscle in the eye relaxes when distance vision is engaged, and it contracts at shorter focal lengths. (12) Gazing at a screen for hours on end is effectively practicing constant contraction of the ciliary muscle. Near “work” in the absence of mid-range and distance “work” influences the progression of myopia. (13)
We’re More Sedentary
Prolonged internet use is closely associated with sedentary behavior and all of the associated health consequences. (14) There are numerous studies supporting the connection between sedentary behavior and cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality. (15, 16, 17, 18)
Sitting for excessive periods has been shown to reduce the natural glucose and insulin response in the body. (19) Recent studies demonstrate that prolonged sitting is a risk factor for hospitalization, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality independent of the amount of exercise one gets. (20, 21)
The cardiovascular system changes in response to sedentary behavior. Capillary growth (called capillarization) occurs only in moving body parts for the purposes of nourishing the cells that are in use. This is made possible by the presence of a protein called VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). (22) In non-moving body parts, VEGF is reduced and the capillaries retreat from those areas. The more non-moving parts we have, the less capillarized we are, and the less nourished our bodies will be. Studies have shown that this process can happen even if your body is moved passively. (23)
Hypertension is a possible health consequence of excessive internet use. The less we move, the less capillarized we will be, and the higher our blood pressure is adapted to be. (24) The model, explained nicely by Katy Bowman in her podcast called “Cardio & Natural Movement,” describes your cardiovascular system as a container. All other things being equal, when that container gets smaller, your blood pressure must rise in response.
We’re Becoming More Socially Isolated
The internet was designed to connect us with others. It has certainly done this, but it’s also true that the internet can be a cause of disconnection in our lives. For example, a common scene in the modern household is for all family members to be present, with each person staring into their own screen, co-existing without sharing the experience of life. Likewise, it’s not unusual to go out to a café and see nearly every person there completely immersed in their digital device, or to go to a restaurant and see couples or groups of people at a table all staring at their phones.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there have been many studies linking excessive internet use to increased social isolation. One study (25) discovered a relationship between the amount of time that adolescents spent online and the ability to connect with others. It was found that kids who self-reported as “low” internet users (less than one hour per day) had better relationships with friends and family than those who reported “moderate” (one to two hours per day) and “high” (more than two hours per day). The authors concluded that excessive internet use can interfere with face-to-face relationships.
Caplan (2003) studied a person’s preference for online interaction as a factor in the development of problematic internet usage and the psychological health consequences that can develop as a result. He found that those who preferred to connect with others online would tend to become lonelier and more depressed over time and that people who identified as lonelier and more depressed would have a stronger preference for online interaction rather than face-to-face interaction. (26)
Researchers are finding that persistent loneliness and social isolation should be given the same attention as chronic illness with respect to mortality. They have discovered that one of the most important predictors of longevity is a feeling of social connectedness. (27) Importantly, this feeling of connectedness can be actual or perceived, highlighting the effect of mindset on overall health. Ultimately, the isolating influence of excessive internet use may do more than distract a person from “real life”—it could potentially rob one of years of life.
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We’re Stuck inside the Built Environment
Exposure to an indoor environment is a burden on health when that environment contains inadequate ventilation. High concentrations of particulates from smoke, burning wood, cooking emissions, or overexposure to biotoxins such as mold are some of the most problematic factors with respect to indoor air quality; these factors have been related to the study of “sick building syndrome,” (28, 29) a non-specific condition that describes the poor health of a population of residents in a building. (30) Typical symptoms includes headaches and dizziness, flu-like symptoms, eye, nose, and throat irritation, cough, itching skin, asthma, allergies, fatigue, poor concentration, and even personality changes.
Excessive internet users may have a deficiency in outdoor nutrients, such as fresh air, sunlight, beneficial microbes, and a feeling of some sort of connection to nature. Studies are demonstrating positive physical, cognitive, social, spiritual, and psychological health benefits for those who spend time in nature. (31) It has been suggested that “nature contact” should be considered to reduce work-day stress and overall health complaints in the workplace. (32)
What Can You Do? Follow These 10 Steps
Awareness is key, and if you interact with the internet on a daily basis, you might consider the following opportunities:
- Recognize that there is a difference between “internet use” and “problematic internet use.”
- Make a point of looking away from your screen routinely to focus on mid-range and far distances.
- Make a point of standing up from your desk routinely to move your body.
- Crowd out unnecessary screen time to do things that bring you joy.
- Schedule face-to-face meetings with friends, family, and coworkers to cultivate community.
- Head outdoors to experience movement and natural environments.
- Question your indoor air quality and work to improve it.
- Turn off screens at a certain time each night; install a program like F.lux on your computer to eliminate blue light in the evening.
- To limit blue light on mobile devices at night, try an app like Twilight for Android or Apple’s Night Shift feature that is new with iOS 9.3.
- Put your wireless router on a timer so that the internet is “shut off” each night.
Despite all of these warnings, the internet may in fact be making you healthier. The internet was immensely helpful for me in my own recovery, and I know that’s the case for many of you reading this article.
Since I am absolutely positive that some people will misinterpret my intentions with this article, let me be crystal clear: I am not suggesting that you stop using the internet or that it’s inherently unhelpful. I am merely pointing out that excessive use carries proven and significant risks.
In this respect, the internet is not unlike alcohol and coffee. When used in moderation, they have health benefits, but when they’re abused … watch out!
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I believe we’re all in danger of losing the harmony between the physical and online world. I do think to feel that the online world has upgraded the nature of a great many people’s lives. Be that as it may, as you call attention to there are results that should be overseen.
Yes, Too much internet use making us Sick/dull. I am a computer science student. I spend most of my time in front of the computer using the internet for assignments and researches etc. After this, When I want to relax I feel pain in shoulders and back. When using the computer, There is no focus on eating food and sometimes I look like as smoker from eyes.
Indeed, that it is important especially as millennials to know that there is a world outside of the internet and it is important for us to know when to disconnect and to connect with other people.
when I am sitting too much in front of my computer, besides the fact that my eyes are getting dry like in desert, and feels pain in my back and Shoulders.
As a writer i have to spend so much time in front of computer, But after that i feels pain in my back and and shoulders. when I am sitting too much in front of my computer, besides the fact that my eyes are getting dry like in desert
We are a marketing agency, share this article with our colleagues. really informative.
Not sure how about others, but when I am sitting too much in front of my computer, besides the fact that my eyes are getting dry like in desert, my shoulders and especially back are so aching that I have to either go to sleep or going to use some pain medications like aspirin or something and then not so long ago I’ve even taken a very long time aspirin… https://drugreviews.org/topic/used-an-long-time-expired-aspirin all because of the internet, I’ve forgot to check it out… generally I think that everything has to be used in moderation, this is why, yeah, too much internet makes us sick, pretty sure about that.
I am so on board with all of this, partcularly the vision aspects. I used to have perfect vision, but now I’m very farsighted to the point where I can barely read without reading glasses.
Here’s the trick, though: the last time we went camping I came back home and suddenly my need for the glasses was much lessened. I exercised those muscles that hadn’t gotten a workout in a while and felt much better. It’s a problem, but it’s a reversible one.
Thanks Chris. I think we’re all at risk of losing the balance between the physical and on-line world. I do think think that the on-line world has enhanced the quality of most people’s lives. But as you point out there are consequences that need to be managed.
Htf has the online world enhanced anyone’s life. How basic are you to think that? Say how
As a writer, I spend a lot of time on my computer and much of that on the internet. I can easily get sucked into the virtual world to the neglect of my physical world, and I must deliberately choose to be present in the physical in a balanced way. Helpful strategies for me include limiting internet usage every Sunday and making a point to read actual print books on a regular basis. We also take family vacations a couple of times a year, and we are sure to incorporate “no tech” time into those for all of us. In my quest to simplify life, I find I must have boundaries for my internet use. If I don’t, my life seems to grow more complicated as I spend more time on the internet.
There are a ton of different ways the Internet makes us sick……
– Being sedentary is certainly one of them as mentioned… I have gone out of my way to construct a stand-up desk so I stand at my computer every time I use it.
– It can make people hypochondriacs because they will start self-diagnosing themselves if they feel the tiniest of bits off.
– It squashes self-esteem, thanks to fake social media photos
AND SO MUCH MORE! That being said, I do think the PROS out weigh the CONS.
How do the pros outweigh the cons? Interested to know that. Really think first big guy
I love the article Chris.
Yes, we are spending more and more times online but less and less time with our families and friends.This is really very radiculous. I hope we can change but we are not likely to.
RSI, neck/arm/wrist/shoulder pain, frozen shoulders, bursitis…sound familiar? Screen time is not necessarily the sole cause of all the above painful conditions, but it certainly contributes to pain. I have had big problems with my neck and shoulders since getting an iPad which is not set up in a body-friendly ergonomic way. Consequently, I’ve had to fork out for an expensive stand to put the iPad at eye level, and a bluetooth keyboard. This has helped, but the best remedy to all pain is to stop what might be causing it! I’ve finally managed, after years of discomfort and ignoring the signs, to wean myself off so much screen time. My body is much more comfortable for getting outside and moving.
I very much appreciate this conversation. As a PWD, (chronic autoimmune issues), I am working on keeping a balance of how much time I spend on internet often. I try to remember to turn the router off, but I wonder @ times if exposing myself to it daily, as I get close to turn the box off & on, is pretty much defeating the purpose of “minimizing exposure,” as I feel the emf pouring out of it – anyone have thoughts on handling this conundrum? Appreciate any feedback.
You can solve this emf exposure by installing a programmable power socket so you don’t have to go near the device to power it on or off.
It feels almost impossible to balance my need for information (which seems infinite now) with my need to just go live my life the way I did before the internet. Even when I force myself to take a walk, I have to be listening to some complicated audiobook. Something for my brain to chew on. I do think information technology can be a form of addiction. People talk about being addicted to internet porn, but I think it doesn’t matter what the subject matter is (although some subjects may be more “productive” than others). When I’m not at the computer for work, I’m on the internet doing searches on (ironically) health related topics. Years ago I would have thought such a lifestyle would be ideal. I am constantly studying, reading, taking in information. Even more than when I was in graduate school. But suddenly I’m seeing the downside of it. All the things mentioned in this article, and especially social isolation, which probably impacts my health the most.
My brother has the same “information addiction” and too suffers social isolation, and depression. He’s always been an information addict but the internet has blown it to epic proportions. Like any addiction, it’s a way to escape reality, a way to escape oneself. I desperately want to help but have no idea what to do.
Well said as I can totally relate…
I know I am addicted and it’s causing me to feel overwhelmed!
draw the line when you can’t help always going online to get that next view of what is going on, time to put the cursor down