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Fukushima Radiation: Is It Still Safe To Eat Fish?


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fukushima seafood, fukushima radiation fish
In light of the Fukushima disaster, the safety of fish has been called into question.

I received several questions about whether my recommendations for fish consumption (one pound of cold-water, fatty fish per week) had changed since the Fukushima disaster. You may have seen reports in the media about the discovery of radioactive isotopes (cesium-134 and cesium-137) in Pacific bluefin tuna that migrated from Japan to California waters. (1) This was covered by more than a thousand newspapers worldwide and several thousand internet, television and radio outlets.

Unfortunately, despite statements by the authors of the original research and other authorities to the contrary, these media reports led to widespread belief that fish on the Pacific coast of the U.S. now contain harmful levels of radioactive chemicals. Several people have told me that they’re no longer eating seafood themselves or serving it to their children because of this information.

While it’s natural and appropriate to be concerned about radiation, in this case the concern is unfounded. A recent peer-reviewed study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences evaluated the health risks of consuming Pacific bluefin tuna after the Fukushima event and found the following: (2)

  • A typical restaurant-sized portion of Pacific bluefin tuna (200 grams, or 7 ounces) contains about 5% of the radiation you would get from eating one uncontaminated banana and absorbing it’s naturally occurring radiation. All foods on the planet contain radiation. Like every other toxin, it’s the dose of radiation (rather than its simple presence) that determines whether it’s toxic to humans.
  • Levels of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes (polonium-210 and potassium-40) in bluefin tuna are greater by orders of magnitude than levels of radioactive isotopes from Fukushima contamination (cesium-134 and cesium-137). In fact, levels of polonium-210 were 600 times higher than cesium. This suggests that the additional radiation (in the form of cesium) from Fukushima is insignificant from a health perspective.
  • Even at very high intakes (3/4 of a pound of contaminated bluefin tuna a day) for an entire year, you’d still receive only 12% of the dose of radiation you’re exposed to during one cross-country flight from LA to New York.
  • Assuming the very high levels of fish consumption above, the excess relative risk of fatal cancer would be only 2 additional cases per 10 million similarly exposed people. And there’s reason to believe that number is no more than chance. Statistically significant elevations in cancer risk are only observed at doses of radiation that are 25,000 times higher than what you’d be exposed to by eating 3/4 of a pound of bluefin tuna per day.
  • Some bottom-feeding fish right off the coast of Japan contain much higher levels of radiation (i.e. >250 times more cesium) than those found in Pacific bluefin tuna. Even if you consumed 1/3 of a pound per day of this highly contaminated fish, you’d still be below the international dose limit for radiation exposure from food.

Finally, according to Dr. Robert Emery at at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston says you’d need to eat 2.5 to 4 tons of tuna in a year to get a dose of cesium-137 that exceeds health limits. (3) That’s 14 to 22 pounds of tuna a day.

To date, I haven’t seen any credible evidence suggesting that there’s even a minuscule risk from eating fish caught in the Pacific ocean. If you read an article on the internet or elsewhere claiming that Fukushima radiation in seafood is causing problems, check to see if it includes references to studies published in peer-reviewed journals by independent researchers. If it doesn’t, I’d advise a healthy dose of skepticism.

My recommendations for seafood consumption haven’t changed. If there’s any risk you should be concerned about when it comes to fish, it’s the risk of not eating enough!

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  1. ‘Canadian 10th Grader Discovers Radioactive Imported Seafood Long After Government Stopped Testing’:

    So US and Canada stopped testing; well, at least they can truthfully say ‘We haven’t found any heightened radiation in seafood’, bit like they said they didn’t find any evidence of controlled demolition in the WTC – of course they didn’t, as they didn’t look for it!

  2. Hold on. I absolutely love Sushi and I have been following this very closely, and although there are plenty of ‘opinions’ about the safety of Pacific seafood, I find listening to the true experts the most rewarding. Here is a link to a respected nuclear scientist’s view on this matter. It’s only 6:30 in length, but if you are a bit impatient to wait for the part about eating the fish, then skip down to 5:00 and play to the end. This guy really knows his stuff and his site has an incredible amount of info about Fukushima and the ongoing bigger danger not yet contained. It is alot worse than any of us realize. For me, I am buying a reliable pocket radiation detector and using it.


    • When Arnie Gundersen says he won’t eat the fish, you must NOT take that with a grain of salt!

  3. I’m concerned about larger, long-lived fish that are already renowned for heavy metal toxicity. So, I intend to avoid swordfish and bluefin tuna, if not now, than increasingly in the future. It’s important to understand how ionizing radiation effects one’s health. First, it isn’t the radiation itself that directly kills cells, it’s the free-radicals or reactive oxygen species produced by the ionizing radiation that reacts with cellular proteins. Radiation’s “accumulated” effect if really the accumulated effect of highly reactive molecules modifying DNA, and increasing rates of mutation including cancer. Finally, the dangers of ingesting radioactive actinides (radioactive cesium, strontium, polonium) is by far more dangerous than being exposed to ionizing radiation from an external source. Radioactive potassium from bananas and other food sources tends to remain even in the body. Whatever is consumed is equally eliminated. This does not hold true for other actinides, especially those that mimic calcium absorption. I’ve studied the effects of radioactivity on human nutrition for years, and I suggest that increasing antioxidant enzyme levels by increasing one’s intake of polyphenols and phytoestrogens may prove moderately effective, but would never counter the effects of directly ingesting radioactive actinides. If ingested, they must be eliminated through chelation therapies directly targeting the radioactive material. IMHO.

  4. Bogus studies, and cover ups to protect an industry’s profits are a way of life in America. When there is a multi-billion industry involved there will be many people out there who will do what ever it takes to protect that industry. When I start to read stories about how our government is refusing to acknowledge the problems many of the sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan it reminds me that often it takes years/decades before the real truth comes out.

    Detailed studies, peer review, government involvement with paid lobbyists, complicated scientific jargon, and in the end millions of lives were lost and the truth finally came out about the safety of smoking cigarettes. Just remember don’t count on the word of others to keep you safe, and remember you are not living in a perfect world.

  5. I am a Cert. Nuclear Medicine Technologist. We operate under allowable amounts of radiation and what is safe for a human. Each organ (even the eyeball) has a limit. Different age groups right down to an unborn fetus has a limit and all of the limits vary. Radioactive sources/isotopes all have different half life, absorption and eliminations, from the body. Reading articles with info of “5% contamination” means nothing to me. I want to know what the Geiger counter readings are for the seafood, how many MCi… they are reading, then compare them to what is the ALARA prior to 2011. Radiation levels were increased after the contamination in order to keep selling contaminated seafood to people.

    • Japan actually made their standard for allowable contamination 10x more strict than any other nation they sell to, and that includes fish they export, not just fish they sell to their own people. I have yet to see one credible source that shows any government has raised it’s allowable limits. Canada set the limit for cesium at 1000 becquerels per kg, japan’s limit is 100. Since the fukushima meltdown, canada concluded that only 1/169 fish sold to them from japan contained any detectable amount of cesium and 0 breached the 1000 becquerel limit. The article read implied that the reason for this is that most fish japan exports is caught further from the coast. The fish they are catching closer to where the accident happened is obviously more contaminated, but of the 33,000 fish the japanese have tested in coastal waters, only 60% have had any contamination, and only 1/5 of those 60% are above the extremely strict 100bq/kg standard they have set.

      • If you check out the comments on this thread, most of them are concerned with fish CAUGHT in the Pacific, not ‘exported’ from Japan.
        You will also find thhat Tepppco and the Japanese Govt. have tried to hide the true extent of the Fukushima contamination.
        Somehow, I don’t really think too many folks would be interested in eating or drinking anything exported from Japan; I could be wrong, of course.

  6. I am a little concerned that much of the information on this cite is negative. Yes everything that is in our air, our water, and the earth itself could or will eventually cause cancer. But it has also been proven that a positive attitude and a sense of gratefulness and care prevents or assists in helping with cancer. Also there are multiple plants out there that can help to mitigate the effects of radiation. Despite the fact that many of the comments say how the government is out to cover up or purposely deceive others, one must look carefully at the information that is published by the government. They actually have a very helpful study published on multiple plants that were tested for their ability to help with radiation induced symptoms. Also the FDA came out with the food plate which encourages half of a persons diet should consist of fruits and veggies and that we should be sitting down to meals with family as much as possible. If we would just do the things that are true and not focus so much on the next new “conspiracy” that is out there to harm us we would all be much better off. Love God and love your neighbor was all the Jesus Christ said. I believe he also said that God puts in office whom he wills and that we are to respect the authority of those who are in office. This warped mindset that everything out there is either good or evil is completely invalid. The author of this blog was attempting to state that it is better to dine upon a cold water fatty fish for its myriad of health benefits which are not yet outweighed by its harm rather than the other crap that many of us consume on a daily basis without thought. Have some faith and love and charity. Honestly there are countries full of people who need us to have hope. If we have none, than what a sad world full of unused potential.

    • What Jesus said was ‘Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars, and to God that which is God’s’.
      He also said ‘The Truth shall set you free’.
      That is what we are trying to ascertain on this site, the Truth as to the safety or otherwise of Pacific seafood.
      Personally, I wouldn’t trust the Government as far as I could throw them; remember, they say GMO’s are safe, and allow all sorts of pesticide, herbicide and bovine growth hormone use which I don’t think you would wish to eat, or feed to your family.

    • Elizabeth, here is a 13 minute video which shows how big Corporations (and Governments) rig ‘scirentific reports’:
      ‘Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShJTcIlTna0
      You see, it’s not just ‘Conspiracy Theory’.
      Like Monsanto, the Nuclear Industry is a very rich and powerful one, with plenty of lobbying clout with the Government, so we can expect the same ‘silencing’ mechanism is at work with Fukushima.
      There is a civilian testing program starting this year in California re radiation and Pacific fish, but I can’t find the website I read about it on. When that gets going, it may prove the issue one way or another.

  7. @Altair – getting a bit too bothersome to have to scroll through so many comments to find where to respond, so I’ll respond here. Glad to have you agree they shaved the coating to make tritium; obviously you did not know that till I claimed they did, in order to fool the Yanks.
    I have already admitted I was wrong re Windscale being a civil nuclear plant; you could have at least have given me some acknowledgment; but no, still on the attack.
    Basically a bad move, because you have not responded to why insurance companies have stopped covering for cell-phone claims. I have even a Lloyds link to counter your pro-Government/Corporation approach. If you wish. I shall furnish it.
    PS – my ideas about ‘electricity too cheap to meter’, and another one which I did not mention, something that was going around at the time I was in school, nuclear power would provide energy so beneficient that the equivalent of a spoonfull of sugar would provide enough power to take the Queen Mary (a major sea liner of those days) across the Atlantic (from Britain) to New York) were from my childhood memories, not something I had picked up from the internet.
    I would really, really love for you to attack some of Barrie Trower’s statements, but it seems that is below your ‘dignity’.

    • Hi Paul and Altair,

      Please move this discussion elsewhere, or I’ll have to block you from further commenting. Chris’s blog is not the place to be having this out. Thank you!

  8. it is nice to hear about Tuna, my concern is Salmon and how this effecting them.
    with the amount of salmon that we here should we worried about what is in the fish

  9. The natural potassium 40 that’s in bananas cannot be compared to a piece of fish with an isotope in it. One isotope, and you have cancer. They are incomparable. Look up Biers VII report to start.
    A recommended book to understand this situation is this:
    Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

    Written by Alexey V. Yablokov (Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow, Russia), Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko (Institute of Radiation Safety, Minsk, Belarus). Consulting Editor Janette D. Sherman-Nevinger (Environmental Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan).
    Volume 1181, December 2009
    335 Pages

    Fukushima is estimated to be three times worse than Chernobyl.
    I think this is important to get. I know that the benefits of fish are wonderful and healthful, but our planet is changing, and I don’t think that the benefits outweigh the risks anymore of fish.

  10. I hate to keep the comments going on such a dated article, but I believe that this topic is still very relevant and will only become more so as time moves on.

    First off, I’d like to thank Chris for his article. I’ve stumbled across many articles doing searches for natural and healthier ways of doing/looking at things, and Chris’s articles are always some of the best. However, I’d have to agree that this particular piece is questionable.

    Having a scientific background, I understand the importance of peer-reviewed articles and studies. Unfortunately, this particular topic has had little time to collect useful studies. The nature of a nuclear meltdown prevents the utilization of peer reviews, since real peer-reviews are typically developed over years. A disaster of this magnitude requires immediate action, and this presents a whole host of issues.

    Without becoming too involved with the reasons why the public has been misinformed, let’s just set aside government bureaucracy this time. That’s usually the main culprit, but in this case we have many other reasons. It started with TEPCO. They have been fibbing about every step of the attempted cleanup since the beginning and have admitted to not having the best people for the job. Containment was set for just a few short months ago, but it has been extended to 2015 now. (I also understand the importance of references, but I’m not writing a report. Those who would like proof can simply do a web search.) In my opinion, 2015 will come and go and this facility, if it hasn’t gone into total meltdown by then, will still be leaking radiation at unheard of levels. Top scientists have even recommended that people simply leave the northern hemisphere if at all possible, should the reactor totally melt down. (Search for seminars in October or November. I can’t remember which event.)

    The economy is already in shambles now. The announcement of radioactive seafood would devastate an entire industry. This would not only have profound economic effects in the U.S., but worldwide. Many nations not only have a steady diet of seafood, but depend on seafood exportation for GDP robustness.

    Radiation levels at the coast of California, particularly in San Francisco, were found to have up to 400% higher than normal levels of radioactivity. Walking the beach, one can take a Geiger counter and detect these varying levels. It’s been done by several individuals, one having been an expert at developing and calibrating the instruments. It’s not just California (where it was highest), but all along the Western U.S. coastline – even Alaska. Government officials are claiming ignorance while non-officials scream for more testing.

    Officially revealing radiation presence at these locations or in seafood could lead to a possible panic, and it would force a public conversation about the severity of the Fukushima disaster. It’s much easier economically, politically, and socioeconomically to just say, “Nothing to worry about here.” While our go-to news outlets seem to usually do a pretty good job of covering the things that we are allowed to know, one usually has to dig a little deeper to find the whole truth. While there are many so-called ‘conspiracy’ and ‘fear-mongering’ outlets in which to receive information that can sometimes be incorrect, I think it’s best to not always just blow these ‘alternative’ outlets off. Opening the mind has never been harmful, and always be armed with the knowledge that truth is often stranger than fiction – it’s not just a saying. We have been raised and taught to only trust certain receptacles of information and only under certain circumstances. This can sometimes circumvent common sense, so be wary.

    With these facts at hand, I’ve decided that it’s okay, just this one time, to not wait on peer-reviewed articles and studies to determine that eating fish at this point in time is not wise. I have little trust in any government or official mouthpiece, peer-reviewed or any other-named guru, that says otherwise.

  11. ‘Last month, the ruling Japanese coalition parties quickly rammed through Parliament a state secrets law. We Americans better take notice.

    Under its provisions the government alone decides what are state secrets and any civil servants who divulge any “secrets” can be jailed for up to 10 years. Journalists caught in the web of this vaguely defined law can be jailed for up to five years.

    Government officials have been upset at the constant disclosures of their laxity by regulatory officials before and after the Fukushima nuclear power disaster in 2011, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)…’

    Suggest your read the whole (short) article).

  12. Further to my post about the Elk River, W. Virginia toxic spill, the firm (Freedom Industries – linked in some way to Eastman Kodak, I believe) has filed for bankruptcy (‘West Virginia Polluter Freedom Industries Files For Bankruptcy To Halt Lawsuits’ -Desmogblog).
    And of course, the CDC, which said 1 part per million in water was safe, later back-tracked and said perhaps pregnant women should not drink it; and their ‘assessment’ was based on one very small Industry test, done on a tiny sample of rats!! (‘Our Toxicity Experiment in West Virginia’ – wired.com).
    Does anyone STILL believe in Government Agency safety standards? The House speaker, Ohio Republican John Boehner, made a point of reminding us that we already have too much regulation.
    And in the upcoming elections, both Republican and Democrat contenders are Corporate lobbyists.
    Check out the articles.

  13. Hey, Chris. I suggest you link all your readers to the following articles. They would do well to understand the “backfire effect”, since they only demonstrate how common and widespread it is.




    In other words, the facts that show evidence against their position will only further entrench them into their beliefs and worldviews. In this case, it happens to be that eating seafood is unsafe due to radiation.

    Here is a perfect example of the backfire effect in action:

    You wrote: “You have provided no evidence to support your claims. If you have evidence supporting the idea that eating seafood from the Pacific exposes us to harmful levels of radiation, I’d love to see it.”

    They replied: “Do you honestly believe there would be public evidence of my statements?? It would cause mass panic and unrest. I don’t need evidence. I use my common sense. Evidence doesn’t over-rule common sense. Evidence is man-made. Common sense is God-given. Who do you trust?”

    A beautiful illustration!

  14. Sorry but I don’t believe that. One year after the Fukushima incident (April 2012) I did some research concerning the level of radiation in the ground in Arizona, resulting from the Fukushima incident. The level of radiation in the ground here was over 1600 times what the FDA had previously determined tolerable to the human body. The data has since been changed.
    Unfortunately, statistical research and peer reviewed information can be tweaked for the common good. Those who would simply do not want to create fear.
    Be careful, be very careful.

  15. The Government(s) have a habit of pandering to the requests (or demands!) of the Corporations.
    Look at ‘Deregulastion’ (food hygiene, Banks, you name it) and shifting the ‘safety margins’ ever upwards, allowing more of the offending substance/radiation to be classed as ‘safe’.
    Here is a good example: Deregulation facilitated the Elk River toxic spill; the President of Freedom Industries was so concerned (about answering questions!) that he cut the interview short after two or three questions:
    ‘GARY SOUTHERN, PRESIDENT, FREEDOM INDUSTRIES: We were aware of the leaking storage tank around 10:30. We load tank trucks of this material on a regular basis, and occasionally we’ve had reports of an odor previously. So we were first aware of any material being spilled at 10:30 yesterday.
    CALLIE KART, REPORTER, WCHS: Could it have been earlier than yesterday? ‘Cause we’ve also received reports into our newsroom that it was as early as Wednesday, possibly Tuesday, people were starting to smell this in the area.
    SOUTHERN: We have no information on that.
    KART: Are there no systems in place to alert you of a leak at your facility other than a smell?
    SOUTHERN: At this moment in time, I think that’s all we have time for. So thanks for coming. Thanks for your time.'(RealNews Network).
    ‘Now they’re starting–today they’re starting to lift–they’re starting to flush out the system. They say they have the chemical down to below one part per million, which they say is a safe level, although I heard an interview with the spokesperson for the water company today, and she was asked, you can still smell this. You know, a lot of people are still smelling it. It’s got this licorice smell. How can it be safe if you can smell it? And she says, we’ve been told by the CDC that one part per million is safe..'(RealNewsNetwork) (and you KNOW the CDC wouldn’t lie to you, now don’t you??)
    Another case, in my neck of the woods, this side of the Pond, the Camelford water pollution incident (worst industrial poisoning case in UK history).
    ‘Immediately after the contamination the authorities said that the water was safe to drink, possibly with juice to cover the unpleasant taste. In an inquest in 2012 into the death of one of the victims, the coroner stated that South West Water Authority had been “gambling with as many as 20,000 lives” when they failed to inform the public about the poisoning for 16 days, a delay he called unacceptable….’ (it’s woorth reading the whole Wiki article here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camelford_water_pollution_incident.
    Did the US Government warn the public there might be an ‘Anthrax attack’ after 9/11? Only their buddies, who got inoculated. Not only did they not warn the public, they were pretty sure their ‘crystal ball’ wouldn’t let them down (a bit like warning not to fly sent out to a select few just before 9/11).
    The ‘Homeland Security’ scam is not to protect the people, but to control and contain them. Think Katrina, only far far worse.
    If you can get indepedent radiation tests done on Pacific seafood, great. If not, go with the ‘precautionary principal’, particularly if you are pregnant, or are feeding young children.

  16. There is no question that the fish and sea life in the Pacific Ocean is majorly contaminated with radiation! The Governments will not admit to this fact and they attempt to hide these facts by upping the safety limits for human exposure to radiation that has already been in effect for many years! Anyone that has been eating Pacific Ocean fish and sea life should educate themselves about the ingest able mineral zeolite that does an incredible job of removing radiation from the body. Check out the website at http://www.zeolite.com