How Your Gut Microbiome Impacts Your Body
In a healthy gut, the trillions of microorganisms that inhabit the small and large intestine make up a symbiotic, harmonious community known as the gut microbiome. Your gut bacteria can impact everything about your health, including how your brain responds to stress, how well your body can digest certain carbohydrates, the health of your immune system, how you store fat, and much, much more. If your gut microbiome is disrupted, it can cause dysbiosis—which leads to chronic illness.
Find Out More about How Your Gut Microbiome Impacts Your Overall Health

How the Gut Microbiome Influences Everything about Your Health
The Hologenome: How Our Relationship with Microbes Drives Our Evolution
RHR: Is a Disrupted Gut Microbiome at the Root of Modern Disease?—with Dr. Justin Sonnenburg
Gut Inflammation: 12 Causes (and 12 Effects)
The Gut-Skin Connection: How Altered Gut Function Affects the Skin
Your Gut Microbiome and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?
Episode 9 – the “Gut-Brain Axis”
Your Gut Microbes and Your Thyroid: What’s the Connection?
The Gut-Heart Connection
The Microbiota and Bone Health: Yet Another Reason to Protect Your Gut
Got Allergies? Your Microbes Could Be Responsible
The Effects of Non-Antibiotic Drugs on the Microbiome
What Causes SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and Why It’s so Hard to Treat
Gut Health and Skin: 5 Skin Conditions Related to Your Gut
How the Gut Microbiome Programs the Immune System
Learn More about Gut Health and Digestion
eBook: Gut Health
Articles about Digestion
How to Heal Your Gut and Restore Your Health
Any number of factors can bring about gut dysbiosis: antibiotics and other medications, chronic stress, and dietary toxins like industrial seed oils and refined carbs can all damage the gut microbiome. Fortunately, there are methods available for healing your gut microbiome and restoring your health.