If you need to take antibiotics and are looking for ways to reduce the side effects, please see this article.
Maintaining proper balance of healthy gut flora is a crucial yet widely misunderstood component of human health. While the development of antibiotics has lengthened our lifespans, our excessive and inappropriate use of these drugs may be causing serious long-term consequences we are only now becoming fully aware of.
These consequences not only affect our individual health, but may even be causing permanent changes to the microflora of all people from generation to generation.
Martin Blaser’s recent (2011) article published in Nature highlights the potentially dangerous long-term consequences that arise from the rampant overuse of antibiotics. (1) He argues that changes in our microbiota may even be promoting the transmission of deadly organisms, as one of the important roles of an intact microflora is to resist colonization by pathogenic organisms.
Blaser also points out that not only does the individual use of antibiotics cause permanent changes in the gut flora, but that infants born to women given antibiotics during pregnancy, or the 30% of children delivered via cesarean section, may be starting life with a significantly altered and insufficient level of friendly gut flora. (2) This is a serious concern because lack of diversity in friendly gut bacteria has been shown to contribute to a large number of diseases and complications.
Unfortunately, even a single course of antibiotics can permanently alter the gut flora.
One study found that after a single treatment of intravenous antibiotics, fecal bacteria tests demonstrated a significant change in the variety of bacterial strains, and the development of the pathogen Clostridium difficile. (3) C. difficile colonization in the gut can lead to serious complications such as severe diarrhea and colitis. (4)
Another study demonstrated that a short course of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin reduced the diversity of the intestinal microbiota, with significant effects on roughly one-third of the bacterial species. (5) This study also found that while much of the diversity eventually recovered, there were still several species that failed to recover after six months, suggesting that even a short course of antibiotics may cause permanent changes to the community of friendly flora in the gut.
Antibiotics are known to cause diarrhea, which may be due to infection by antibiotic resistant pathogens such as salmonella, C. perfringens type A, Staphylococcus aureus, and possibly Candida albicans, as well the various metabolic consequences of reduced concentrations of fecal flora. (6) These results suggests that disturbance of the normal intestinal flora following antibiotic use may be responsible for the overgrowth of dangerous pathogens.
One study demonstrated significant changes in the primary intestinal flora of infants born through cesarean delivery, lasting at least six months. (7) Primary colonization of the newborn’s sterile intestinal tract normally happens during vaginal birth, and it is unknown whether an infant born with inadequate or unbalanced colonization will ever develop normal intestinal flora without intervention.
While breastfeeding can help restore some of the natural balance to the microflora, only about 44.3% of American women breastfeed (with only 14.8% breastfeeding exclusively) for the full six months that is recommended. (8, 9) Furthermore, breastfeeding alone may not compensate for the changes in flora associated with cesarean sections, suggesting that many infants may be at an even greater disadvantage when it comes to the proper development of a healthy, functional digestive tract. (10)
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Research from diverse fields demonstrates the negative effects of gut dysbiosis and inadequate friendly flora on a variety of health outcomes.
For example, resident bacteria of the normal flora are involved in intestinal mucosal inflammation and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have higher amounts of bacteria attached to their intestinal mucosa than do healthy people. (11) Patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are found to have reduced concentrations of fecal Lactobacillus and Bifdobacteria, which protect against pathogenic bacteria, increase mineral absorption and induce the production of growth factor in the gut. (12)
An unbalanced microbiota in the gut is also a contributing factor in autoimmunity. (13) Infection with certain microbial pathogens can trigger autoimmune reactions in joints and other organs. (14) The destruction of healthy gut flora can make the mucosal lining more susceptible to leakage, which some researchers believe is a precondition for developing autoimmunity. (15, 16) It is well-established that the balance of gut bacteria plays a key role in the formation of a proper immune response. (17, 18) A lack of healthy gut bacteria is associated with allergies, IBD, and general autoimmune reactions when this immune modulation goes awry.
New research has linked changes in gut bacteria with obesity. One study found that the gut bacteria of obese subjects differs significantly in species type from lean subjects, and that low calorie diets, restricting either fat or carbohydrates, changed the gut flora and increased the abundance of the bacterial strains found more predominantly in the lean subjects. (19) Another study found that transplanting fecal bacteria from lean or obese mice into mice with sterile guts could affect whether these mice gained body fat, even when food intake was controlled. (20) Those mice implanted with fecal bacteria from obese mice gained a significantly larger percentage of body fat than those transplanted with bacteria from lean mice. The authors hypothesized that certain types of gut flora are associated with obesity due to the increased extraction of energy from the diet. I’ve written about this in more detail here.
These studies demonstrate the wide range of potential consequences caused by the improper development or destruction of the intestinal flora.
If antibiotics must be used (and there are certainly situations where this is the case), special care should be taken to not only restore their gut flora using probiotic foods and supplements, but to eat a diet that supports healthy gut microbiota with plenty of fermentable fibers from starch and the removal of food toxins.
To protect infants’ gut health, especially those infants born through cesarean section, it is crucial to exclusively breastfeed for at least six months, with breastfeeding continuing on-demand throughout the complementary feeding period (up to 2 years of age). I also recommend using a high-quality infant probiotic to help populate your baby’s gut with beneficial flora, as I explain in this article from my natural childbirth series.
Infancy is a critical time where the development of a healthy gut microbiota is essential for the long term health of your child. You can read more about protecting the gut health of your child in The Healthy Baby Code.
As I said in the beginning of the article, antibiotics save lives and have significantly lengthened our lifespans. But that benefit has come with a price, and it’s one that we’re only just beginning to understand the full implications of. My goal here is simply to raise awareness of this price – the harmful and potentially lasting effects of antibiotics – so that you can make a more informed choice.
What are some alternatives to antibiotics?
Mark Sisson wrote a good post listing some alternatives to antibiotics a few months back. In my practice I use a combination of botanical anti-microbials, biofilm distruptors (bacteria often live in extracellular matrices called biofilm, which protect them from our innate immune defenses and any external anti-microbials we might take), and probiotics – as well as micronutrients to support immune function, like vitamin C, iodine and selenium.
While these botanicals do have an impact on the gut flora, it is less pronounced than the effect of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Still, I recommend taking any strong anti-microbials under the supervision of a qualified health care provider.
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My son is 15, he has Cystic Fibrosis (he’s pancreatic sufficient), his doctors want him to take 500 mg azithromycin 3 times a week, they say it helps with inflammation and reduces the incidence of lung exacerbations. They prescribe it to all their patients. Periodically I refrain from giving it to him because I worry about the long term effects of antibiotics. He was hospitalized last September for allergic bronchial pulmonary aspergillosis while in the hospital he was on IV antibiotics for 3 weeks and 60 mg of prednisone. When he was released he remained on prednisone for several months. I decided not to give him the zithromax because I felt that his gut was in need of healing.
My question is what do you think about the prophylactic use of antibiotics? His doctors say it’s a subclinical dose but I feel it will still damage gut flora thereby compromising his immune system.
Listen to your doctors – your son has a serious condition, this advise doesn’t apply
Hello, I am newly pregnant (6 weeks) and am in need of some advice ASAP. I know that this comment is late for this blog post, but I am hoping someone will still be able to help me out. I slipped on a box jump during my workout this morning and took a pretty big gash out of my shin. I ended up at the doctor when it wouldn’t stop bleeding and it is apparently pretty close to the bone. It was too big to do stitches and the Dr. (who is not known to be quick to hand out antibiotics) wants me on one, due to the depth and severity of the injury. If I were not pregnant I would definitely NOT take the antibiotic, as my gut instincts are telling me that I should let my innate immunity deal with it. I am not a fan of preventative antibiotics, (or antibiotics in general) but it is not just my health that is at stake. Pregnancy has made me a nervous mama, And the doctor scared me pretty good with talk of things like bone infections and losing my leg! Any advice or comments are welcome, thanks everyone!
I would say go with the antibiotics. Sounds like a potentially serious situation and being pregnant makes it even more important that you avoid any serious complications. Just be sure to take a good quality probiotic on the side. Chris recommends Prescript Assist frequently. I would assume that the antibiotics will be fairly short term since they are to prevent rather than treat infection.
I’m definitely going to do fecal transplant! It’s got a definite “ick” factor but the more research I do the more convinced I am that it is a sound, viable treatment for repopulating my gut. Fortunately my three year old is a perfect donor, she was born at home, breastfed for an extended period, no vaccinations, no antibiotics.
They put my granddaughter on antibiotics when she was 48 hours old. Massive doses for misdiagnosed meningitis. The idiots didn’t do probiotics at the same time. She is now six months old. After researching about probiotics and trying for three months to get her to give baby probiotics, she finally did. And within days saw a noticeable difference in tummy trouble. Now she gives them to her two or three times a week. So my thoughts are no irreparable harm has been done if you start her on probiotics. Good luck!
My 9 month old daugher came down with a nasty ear infection two days ago. I didn’t know enough to try and use natural treatments first and now she is on amoxacillan. So I have now ruined her gut flora for life? I, of course, will be giving her probiotics now for the rest of her life (until she is an adult), but even that may not be enough? That really makes me feel hopeless and like I have failed my child.
Hi Carol. Please, please, please try to resist that worry — and the general mindset of having “failed” your daughter. For a mom (or dad), that kind of thinking is a potentially endless rabbit hole. You made a decision based on the information you had, and the medical advice you received, and wanting to protect your daughter’s health. This is all we can ever do. Medical decisions are rarely as black-and-white as we’d like them to be. Now you have additional information, and you can use it to the best of your ability, with the best intentions (the same thing you did two days ago). My daughter was born via C-section and received antibiotics for the first 48 hours of her life, and then additional antibiotics through my breast milk for about 10 days… there was no question about the necessity of this, but there *are* things I could have done differently had I known more, and I’ve spent a lot of time beating myself up for not doing them. At this point I am trying to accept that I did the best I could at the time, which is all we can ever do. She’s now a healthy, vibrant almost-3-yr-old — no toddler obesity, no allergies or asthma, no eczema, great immunity, smart as a whip. Knock on wood, of course. But it’s important to remember that “increased risk” does NOT mean that every child will have every problem associated with altered gut bacteria — not by a long shot. Also remember that research on the microbiome and health is in its infancy. If you’re prone to worry and guilt, the Internet is not your friend … better to find a knowledgeable practitioner that you trust. Once again…you have *NOT* failed your child … please wipe that thought from your mind.
It should be considered malpractice to prescribe antibiotics without an adjacent anti fungal, clinic strength probiotic. Fortunately research is now discovering a way of reversing dysbiosis permanently, and the cures are “all natural” lol. The most major being HPI or fecal bacterotherapy aka fecal transplant. These are proven to take up PERMANENT colonization within the intestines, and repopulate. Turns out, you don’t need very much either, as the good guys can’t start overpowering the bad guys even in much smaller numbers..with the help of.a decent diet (breads are fine, unless you are sensitive to them
The major things you need to avoid like the plaugue are excess refined sugars, and caffeine. Yes this means especially, no pop for you.) and the second is fresh human colostrum, or first milk. This contains over 500 beneficial bacteria that can actually repopulate within the gut, and also help to heal leaky gut.
And fecal transplants are becoming less gross, thanks to a new “Robogut” machine created at the university of guelph, in ontario Canada. For your own amusement look up “RePOOPulate”. They hope to create the “ultimate probiotic”. Interesting stuff really.
Wow. I don’t even know how to respond. I am so very sorry for what you have been through and what you are going through. I finally convinced my daughter to try probiotics, and the difference in the child was almost instantaneous. Within two days, the crying all the time had stopped. I am convinced it was the massive doses of antibiotics. I, like you, have very little trust in doctors. I am of the opinion most have already diagnosed you before you open your mouth…that you are stupid and they are gods. Her pediatrician took the easy way out and blamed it on colic. Through just observation, my daughter and I have decided that it was the antibiotics and baby has some milk and wheat allergies. I live 15 hours away, see the baby every six weeks or so, and figured this out when the pediatrician who is in the same town couldn’t. Enough of my rant. But I am glad you are taking matters into your own hands. The doctors certainly haven’t helped you.
Thanks for the post and the time it took you to write. Thanks for the advice. It most definitely underscores my belief that we should take antibiotics only when absolutely necessary.
I will be praying for healing for you. I am so desperately sorry for what you are living with.
I know this is long after the article was originially posted. But I’m hoping to possibly get an answer to a question. My granddaughter was misdiagnosed with meningitis 2 days after birth (they thought she had it, but didn’t). Course of treatment is to pump massive doses of antibiotics through her little body. As it turned out, the culture was negative. But from then until now at four months, she has had severe gas and acid reflux. Could these issues be the result of the loss of healthy bacteria due to the antibiotics?
Hi Sandy,
I’m no doc, but I strongly think so. I’ve been struggling with both severe gas buildup in my intestines and acid reflux since 6th grade (I’m 24 now). I am just coming to the realization that it is because my GP put me on way to many antibiotics since I was a baby until 6th grade, at which point I started getting frequent sore throats (3-4 times/year for a month each time). I still didn’t make the connection at this point, and the doc proceeded to give me more antibiotics every time I went to see him (I’ve been on every antibiotic under the sun, just to name a few: Azithromycin, Bactrim (Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim), Levofloxacin, Moxafloxacin, Amoxicillin, etc.). Now, at 24, my condition has really worsened. I have a whole plethora of other symptoms, including food sensitivities, allergies, debilitating fatigue, incredible pain, all of which are so bad I can’t even work right now. My heart goes out to your granddaughter, and I urge you to explore every option possible of replenishing her gut flora (i.e. good probiotics – which there are a lot in breast milk. You could also get a powdered probiotic to mix in with the breastmilk for an extra boost). Or, find a local farm and buy some raw goat’s milk (If it’s legal in your state). But, the absolute best way to replenish gut bacteria – this may sound a bit gross – is through a Fecal Transplant (or Fecal Bacteriotherapy). It’s a relatively new procedure (most docs don’t perform it here in North America). I am planning to do one myself at home this weekend with the help of my mother. You basically take a donor’s stool sample (in my case my mother), mix it with saline solution, blend it up, and perform an enema. You then hold it in for as long as possible and then release. Many people do it themselves. Here is a link to an explanation on how to do it by Dr. Michael Silverman:
I know it may sound a bit extreme, but I urge you to consider it. Dr. Silverman’s paper is about C. difficile, but that’s only because that is the main condition people are doing this for as it’s the best understood. The procedure is only approved for C. difficile where I live in Michigan, hence why I have to do it myself. However, the reasoning behind the treatment for my situation and yours is simple. It’s really just a super powerful probiotic. A healthy human’s feces contains countless bacteria and innumerous different strains – making it more effective than any store bought probiotic – that are essential to a healthy gut. At 4 months old, I’m sure you’re correct in your assumption that the antibiotics have wrecked havoc on her developing system. Shame on those docs. Do you know what antibiotic they gave her? And the dosage? I have found a few research papers on specific antibiotics, but there’s certainly a paucity of good information on this topic. We’re just now starting to understand how vital the human gut flora really is since antibiotic over-usage has become rampant in recent years.
Anyways, if you tackle this head on you will save her years of continued misery! I’ve had a sore throat for the last 3.5 years because my acid reflux is so bad, and I foolishly let these dumb docs put me on PPIs for “treatment” (omeprazole, protonix, & ranitidine). Don’t let them do the same to your granddaughter! I don’t know if they will even recommend those for babies, but if they do, say no. They have messed me up even more. I spend most days completely silent because it hurts so much to talk, and my stomach distends like a balloon as soon as I start eating anything. I’m excited to try this fecal transplant this weekend though, and I may have to do it a few additional times over the next few weeks and months. Sorry to rant but your situation sounds so much like mine, and I am so dissapointed with our medical system because I have struggled for the past few years trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I’ve seen every doctor under the sun (5 ENTs, 2 allergists, 2 gastroenterologists, 2 infectious disease specialists, a pulmonologist, a speech therapist, and 6 GPs – many of them extremely well educated), dealt with so much pure stupidity and disbelief (I even had one doc tell me it was all in my head; I nearly hit him.), only to have come up short and worse off because of their supposed “treatments.” I’ve combed my medical records and every inch of the internet for endless hours, and finally I think I’m on the right track.
I would give anything to go back in time and stop the docs, my parents, and myself from taking all those antibiotics and PPIs.
Best of luck to you and your granddaughter. Feel free to reach me if you have any questions.
Take care,
I don’t know if you’ll see this or if I commented before- but I had IV antibiotics with my son’s labor. Just one bag/dose and close to birth. We developed thrush later. He is allergic to penicillin, which we found out after one dose for a stupid ear infection I knew better than to give him. We breastfed until he weaned due to my third pregnancy at 17mos. He always had weird bowel movements and sensitive skin. After weaning, his sleep worsened, he developed chicken skin and increasingly worsening eczema. He would cry about his belly hurting and melt down over everything. I kept asking his pediatricians if something was wrong and they said it was normal. Went to a pediatric allergist and he tested negative for wheat and dairy allergies. They wanted me to use a steroid cream. At that point I decided to pull gluten and dairy on my own(He was just over 2yrs). He has greatly improved since then and is just over 3 now. Better sleep, no skin issues, rarely stomach issues, better bowels but still weird. I understand it is a hot topic, but I am so thankful that in addition to extended breastfeeding, we chose not to vaccinate him. I don’t believe his system could have handled them. I would like to see more research done on the affects of these IV antibiotics in labor as the children grow. And I wish I could go back and decline that stupid IV.
I’m traveling to India, and have gotten mixed advice on whether or not to take Malarone or an antibiotic as a precautionary measure against Malaria. I really don’t like the idea of taking something, but am not sure if the risk of Malaria outweighs the potential harm. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi everyone I’m 27 and had an abcess lanced in my groin due to an ingrowing hair. The cut was very deep and was always getting infected as it was so hard to keep clean being in the position it was. So the brainless doctors kept feeding me strong antibiotic after antibiotic. Finally after almost a year the wound healed however a week after that the most angry blistering rash appeared in my pubic area. I took yet more drugs to clear that however I now suffer from dry skin on my chest and back and have dandruff and a red blotchy face and neck. And just recently I am being attacked by an angry bright red rash in my armpit. I’ve been on the candida diet for four days now and have noticed a slight improvement as my stools were very loose. Can you help me please I feel like I’m slowly dying and all my doctors want to do is give me more antibiotics which I refuse for obvious reasons….
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your excellent research. We used your Healthy Baby Code and loved it! Our 6 mo. old exclusively breastfed daughter just got a UTI and was given 2 shots of a broad spectrum antibiotic and is now on a 10 day course of amoxicillan. We started her on probiotics the first night of treatment. She is due for her vaccine at 6 mo. and I wanted to see your thoughts on getting vaccinated after the antibiotics have wiped out her gut bacteria. We are doing an alternative vaccine schedule where her vaccines are spread out, so she should be having DTAP on day 13 of 10 days of antibiotics.
Given this context, would you recommend waiting longer to get her vaccine? Also, is there something specific that you would recommend to help her gut flora recover?
Many thanks-
My daughter was born via C-section, and both of us received IV antibiotics for a uterine infection I developed during labor. I’ve been concerned about lingering health effects for her but wondered if, in some way, those antibiotics in the first two days of her life were somehow not as damaging than they would have been later in her childhood, since there were no friendly bacteria to wipe out yet. Or is this wishful thinking? She nursed for 2.5 years, so there’s that. I gave her some probiotics when she was a baby, but not consistently. Any point in doing it now, when she’s almost 3.. and if so, what product(s) do you recommend? I’m happy to say that she’s been healthy and has only taken antibiotics once since her birth (for pneumonia)…that’s once more than I’d like, but many kids I know have had multiple courses for ear infections, etc. Thanks for any insight and advice!
So we have this “farm” of friendly bacteria in our gut. Why then do we administer antibiotics orally? Seems we are maximising the damage by nuking the whole farm just to kill a few pests.
Speaking of farms, if you wish to a acquire a full (very full) range of gut bacteria, take a holiday on a French farm and eat the local cheeses. As Stephen Clarke said in his excellent book A Year in the Merde, the French believe that bacteria have rights too. You may get some tummy upsets, but it will do you good. If you doubt this check out the French life expectancy stats. One of the best in the world.
Question this post states
“Research also indicates that infants’ gut flora is significantly affected by cesarean delivery, which requires the administration of antibiotics to the mother. One study demonstrated significant changes in the primary intestinal flora of infants born through cesarean delivery, lasting at least six months. (7) Primary colonization of the newborn’s sterile intestinal tract normally happens during vaginal birth, and it is unknown whether an infant born with inadequate or unbalanced colonization will ever develop normal intestinal flora without intervention. ”
My wife was never given antibiotic before or after she had cesarean section of both of our children. This just sounds very strange to both of us.
Agreed, antibiotics are not universally used for cesareans.
Hello Chris,
Thank you for the article, i find that there is way to little real information about antibiotic related problems on the internet.
I have taken Flagyl (metronidazole) for 7 days in the end of february this year and ever since i’ve had severe problems. I took the medicin for some parasite that wasn’t really harmful, but the doctor said it doesn’t belong there and Flagyl doesnt have any serious sideeffects. However during the treatment i started to get flushes in my face and dermatitis all over my body. My skin has become better and i’m only left with dermititis in my face now, but this isn’t my biggest problem.
Since i’ve taken the antibiotics I have a serious depression, have anxiety, have problems sleeping, low libido, urine incontinence and low energy levels. I’ve had a lot of bloodwork done, and they haven’t found any serious disturbances yet. Furthermore i’ve started taking probiotics and am eating a lot of yoghurt. I also read about soil bacteria being good for depression, so i’ve started working in the garden more.
Do you have any tips so that i can recover from these horrible sideeffects, i’m really getting desperate. Also how do i get the soil bacteria in my stomach, does this go automatically by working in it, or should i wash my hands badly after working in the garden? Heh, i don’t really know how i get the fastest and safest result. Can you help me with this?
Thank you for this article! I am still unhappy that I had an emergency c-section for this very reason (among others). We are planning to have another baby but I have a lot of anxiety about a repeat c-section vs. a VBAC and one of my big reasons for wanting to attempt VBAC is this gut health issue. Now I am wondering, if my baby needed antibiotics for an illness later on, would that kill off all the good bacteria from vaginal birth and nursing anyway?
Also, I am planning to make coconut milk yogurt from a vegan culture for my milk allergic one year old now that she’s finished taking a round of antibiotics for strep. Is there anything else I could do to help restore her gut health? I am still nursing her and she’s about 80% breastfed and 20% on solid foods. Thanks very much in advance!
Hi Chris. Thanks for the tweet on this great article! In addition to everything you mention some antibiotics have severe side effects. It’s been a little over 2 yrs since I was poisoned by levaquin. It’s been a long road to health and I made never fully recover but thanks to you I’m getting healthier everyday. Keep up the great work.
So I’ve been taking long term antibiotics for the treatment of Lyme disease and have been on daily antibiotics to prevent transmission of the Lyme germ thru pregnancy and while breast feeding. I take daily probiotics and give probiotics to my girls. Additionally I could add more fermented foods to our diet? and encourage my kids to play in the dirt more!
Beside these things, what else is there to do but pray?
Hi there,
I was also on antiobiotics during pregnancy and breast feeding. How are your children? My kids are always sick with every virus. So stressful, I’m wondering if you have found any remedies for the gut flora? Hope to talk with you!
It is so stressful when our family gets sick! What a bummer!
I’d say my children have been pretty healthy or averagely sick. I gave my older daughter probiotics every day thru about age 2.5 now it’s hit or miss and my 1 year old gets them more hit or miss (poor second child 🙂 ) I take probiotics daily (HMF brand as recomended by my lyme doc) because I am still on antibiotics, nearly 4 years running now. Both the girls eat alot of yogurt and like kombucha when we buy it. They play outside and we have chickens and a garden. I’ve started washing their hands less after playing in the garden and in the yard. Oh and we don’t ever use antibacterial soap in our home.
My older daughter just started preschool last spring at 3.5 yo and then we’ve seen a lot more sickness. We went totally gluten free this summer and so far this school year we’ve only had 2 mild colds. Much better than last year.
I am very discouraged to think we are forever ruined by having ever taken antibiotics. So we do our best and try not to let all this new information stress us out!
Health to your family!
I had a bad experience with the antibiotic CIPRO about 6 years ago. I was given the drug some 3 times or perhaps 4 times in just a couple of months for a respirtory problem. It eventually caused me to have a tremendous heartburn and reaction of rash. The hearburn left me with no good bacteria at all. From that developed a sensitivity to most food products. I had to eat only about three or four food products which I could tolerate and over a year or so add back into my diet the rest of the food chain items. However, I began to develop a clearing of the throat, heavy mucos in my throat and around my bronchial areas which caused breathing problems. Had to cough up and also take clairtin regularly along with Mucenex. Now, I find the food eaten gets slowed down in the upper stomach and produces GERD. Makes more reflux and mucous in the throat. This week I go for a test to determine why the food is digesting slowly in the first stomach area causing the reflux. All of this I think started with the CIPRO deal. I think it damaged my total area and may have damaged my Vegus Nerve! This has been a struggle for me and I hope I can find some answers and some help now that I have finally discovered all of this. Not sure what however.