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Treat and Prevent UTIs Without Drugs


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Reviewed by Phyllis J Gee, MD, FACOG

Urinary tract infections (UTIs), which are infections anywhere along the urinary tract, including the bladder and kidneys, are the second most common type of infection in the United States. (1) Read on for five ways to prevent and treat a UTI without antibiotics.

UTI treatment without antibiotics
It is possible to get rid of a UTI without antibiotics. iStock/Tom Merton

UTIs can be caused by poor hygiene, impaired immune function, the overuse of antibiotics, the use of spermicides, and sexual intercourse. The most common cause, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases, is the transfer of Escherichia coli bacteria from the intestinal tract to the urinary tract.

For those of you who have experienced a UTI, there isn’t much you wouldn’t do to avoid another one. While I personally have never had a UTI, my patients have told me how symptoms like pain, burning, nausea, and even bloody urine can be debilitating, and for those who get chronic UTIs, the fear of infection can be enough to prevent engagement in any activities that could trigger one. For people who get them frequently, sometimes a specific cause cannot even be pinpointed. This can be frustrating and scary.

Fortunately, there are a few methods of natural UTI treatment and prevention that have worked extremely well for my patients, to the point where they no longer worry about getting a UTI.

These treatments don’t require a prescription, are inexpensive, and are completely drug-free. While your doctor may not know about them, I hope this article will help you completely avoid UTIs—or at least significantly reduce their frequency and severity. I recommend working with a Functional Medicine practitioner who is focused on treating the root cause of your UTIs.

UTIs can be debilitating, but it is possible to get relief without requiring a prescription. Check out this article for five ways to cure UTIs without antibiotics. #functionalmedicine #wellness #chriskresser

What Is the Standard Treatment for a UTI?

Doctors typically use antibiotics to treat UTIs, and the type and duration depend on your health condition and the type of bacterium found in your urine. (2) Commonly prescribed antibiotics are:

  • Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)
  • Amoxicillin
  • Ampicillin
  • Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

These antibiotics are often unnecessary and may cause more problems in the future by destroying the beneficial bacteria that prevent pathogenic bacteria from growing. Long-term use of antibiotics can also lead to antibiotic resistance in strains of bacteria like E. coli in the gut, and a UTI caused by these bacteria will be even more challenging to eliminate and can cause more serious issues like a kidney or bladder infection.

Furthermore, antibiotics do very little to prevent the infection from happening in the first place. So, while drugs may be an easy fix for the short term, in the long run, you will continue to be susceptible to UTIs, and these infections may be worse than if you had never taken a course of antibiotics in the first place!

UTI treatment without antibiotics
Cranberries contain D-mannose, which is an effective natural remedy for UTIs. iStock/Terryfic3D

Curing and Preventing UTIs Naturally: D-Mannose

Treating UTIs with D-Mannose

D-mannose is by far the most effective supplement for both treatment and prevention of UTIs. Similar to glucose in structure, D-mannose is a naturally occurring sugar that is found in a number of fruits, including apples, blueberries, and cranberries. (3) This sugar is the reason that cranberry juice has been commonly recommended as a UTI treatment, though it is far easier to get the recommended dosage from a supplement. D-mannose is effective because it attaches to E. coli bacteria, causing them to stick to each other and preventing them from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. (4) The bacteria can then easily be eliminated from the body during urination.

D-mannose, even in large quantities, does not cause any adverse effects, and cannot be metabolized the way other sugars can, meaning this supplement is safe for people with diabetes and others who are avoiding sugar for any reason. This treatment is also safe for children and the elderly.

Symptom relief can be seen as quickly as the following day, and most symptoms of UTI are generally resolved after 48 hours of treatment. Additionally, taking D-mannose during a time where you feel you are most prone to UTIs, such as before intercourse or during prolonged antibiotic treatment, can help prevent a UTI from ever developing in the first place. This is especially helpful for those who are prone to chronic UTIs and want to be able to engage in normal life activities without fear of infection.

The typical dose of D-mannose for UTI treatment is 500 mg, in capsule or powder form, taken with or in a glass of water or juice every two to three hours for five days. It is a good practice to continue taking the supplement even after symptoms have diminished to ensure complete elimination of the bacteria in the urinary tract. This dose can also be taken as a preventive, or prophylactic, method.

While there has not been any peer-reviewed research to support the effectiveness of D-mannose in treating or preventing UTIs, clinical and anecdotal experience suggests it is highly effective for the majority of infections, both acute and chronic. Some of my patients who have used D-mannose as a UTI treatment method have even described its effects as “miraculous”—so it’s definitely worth a shot!

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Four Alternative Treatments for Chronic UTIs

One caveat with D-mannose is that it is only effective with UTIs caused by E. coli infection. While this accounts for about 90 percent of cases, 10 percent will not benefit from this treatment. In this case, supplements that help disrupt biofilms can be useful in treating and preventing UTIs.

Biofilms are an accumulation of microorganisms and their extracellular products forming structured communities attached to a surface such as the lining of the urogenital tract. (5) The development of a biofilm can make infections extremely hard to treat, since they commonly return shortly after treatment is stopped.

The antibacterial resistance of pathogenic biofilms is one of the major reasons why those who get a UTI are highly susceptible to getting more in the future—if the biofilm is not completely eliminated, the infection will eventually return at some point.

1. InterFase Plus and Biofilm Defense

This is why the use of biofilm disruptors can be helpful for preventing the recurrence of chronic UTIs. The biofilm disruptors that I recommend to my patients are InterFase Plus from Klaire Labs or Biofilm Defense from Kirkman. These contain specialized enzymes to disrupt the biofilm matrix embedding potential of pathogens, and dissolve the sugar and fibrin components of most pathogenic biofilms. By destroying the biofilms, the recurrence of UTIs despite proper hygiene can be reduced. (6)

2. Lauricidin

Lauricidin is another supplement that may help in treating UTIs, particularly those that are caused by types of bacteria other than E. coli. Lauricidin (a proprietary form of monolaurin) has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial activity, and is specific against pathogenic bacteria so it won’t disrupt beneficial bacteria in the gut. It is highly effective at combating gram-positive bacteria in the families of: (7)

  • Streptococcus
  • Staphylococcus
  • Corynebacterium
  • Listeria
  • Bacillus
  • Clostridium

It works by disturbing the integrity of the bacterial cell membrane, blocking replication and making it easier for the immune system to destroy the pathogen. Lauricidin is only helpful, however, for UTIs not caused by E. coli, which is gram-negative and has a different kind of outer cell membrane than gram-positive bacteria.

3. Nattokinase

Nattokinase is another enzyme that has been shown to dissolve biofilms. (8) Produced by the bacteria found in the fermented food natto, this enzyme is proteolytic and can help break down the fibrin proteins that maintain the structure of biofilms.

Because of its fibrin-breaking ability, it’s important that nattokinase supplements are not taken by people with bleeding disorders, or by people who are taking Coumadin (warfarin), aspirin, or any other drug that influences blood clotting, unless supervised by a physician.

4. Apolactoferrin

Apolactoferrin (or lactoferrin) is one more supplement that I recommend to my patients with recurrent UTIs. This multifunctional protein lactoferrin is a component of the immune system with antimicrobial activity, and is part of the innate defense, found mainly in secretions and mucosal surfaces. (9)

Lactoferrin has been shown to block pathogenic biofilm development by binding to iron and causing the bacteria to “wander” across surfaces instead of forming cell clusters and biofilms. (10, 11) One study found that the amount of E. coli bacteria in the kidneys and bladder of mice was significantly reduced 24 hours after oral lactoferrin treatment, compared to a control group. (12) More research is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness of lactoferrin in treating UTIs, but I believe it is worth trying, especially if dealing with chronic UTIs.

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  1. just recently went to the doc. and was told that i had an e coli uti. was told that i needed to take an antibiotic that has penicillin in it. I told my doc that my son whom i am currently breastfeeding is severely allergic to penicillin. she then told me that she will not be giving me an antibiotics and to drink plenty of cranberry juice and water and hopefully it will go away on its own. I was wondering if you had any helpful advice on how to cure this e coli uti safely and effectively with out having to stop breastfeeding my son.

    • Do NOT drink cranberry juice! It will give you temporary relief as the hippuric acid kills off the thinner-walled bacteria, and then it will get worse as the tougher ones multiply.
      Drink a glass of baking soda water 3x a day: 1/2 tsp in 8 oz water.
      You need Vitacost or Swanson super strength olive leaf extract, raw garlic, and cayenne pepper. 1/4 tsp of cayenne, mixed into a spoonful of honey and taken right before the dose of baking soda water, may kill your infection outright. It destroys some sub-strains of E. coli on contact. If it doesn’t do the job alone, it combined with raw garlic and OLE will kill that infection, and they’re safe for a nursing baby.

  2. Hi! So last week I went to the doctor for a uti. I took the first one (augmentin) Tuesday night. Then took them as directed through Saturday. Sunday and Monday I was so uncomfortable (bloating, red face, couldn’t eat) that I made the decision to stop taking them. All in all I took 10. The prescription was for two weeks. I’ve been taking probiotics, d monnase with crab active, turmeric, oil of oregano and trying to eat clean. I’ve been avoiding sugar (except from bananas), starches and acidic foods. I’m worried it’ll come back full throttle since I stopped taking them so early. The uti itself to start wasn’t so terrible when I was treated. I don’t believe I feel any symptoms (though I am an anxious person so I’m overthinking things). Is there anything else I can do to help prevent it coming back? And did I do a really terrible thing by quirking them early? I told my doctor I didn’t feel well in this so she prescribed me a new antibiotic to take-macrobid. I haven’t started on them and really don’t want to if I don’t have to. I was on AB twice already this year for bronchitis. I’m tired of taking them.

    Really interested to hear back:)

    • I would get some UTI test strips and check to make sure it’s gone. Also, I’d take probiotics to re-populate after those antibiotics.
      If it’s not gone, I’d start on some good olive leaf extract and raw garlic right away, while it’s weakened.

      • I went to the doctor today and the uti is gone! I made a dish last night with one whole garlic clove- although it was heated. I will start on raw garlic! I just bought some OLE- 1,000 mg should I be taking that once a day?
        Thank you for your advice!

        • Is it Gaia brand? Gaia is really weak: it contains 5% active ingredient per dose. You want 15-20%.
          I would do a slow and easy gut cleanse with good quality OLE (Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength), starting with one capsule per meal and working up to four, taking activated charcoal first thing in the morning when your bowels get loose. Clearing Candida from your gut is imperative to prevent future UTI’s, especially after a round of antibiotics. Also, you should do a round of vaginal treatments with coconut oil to make sure you don’t get a yeast infection from the antibiotics, either.

  3. Just a quick update: I found that taking 4 cornsilk capsules every 3 hours… and taking Silver Shield, Probiotic Eleven, Cranberry capsules (10oz=1 capsules), Echinacea/Golden Seal every 1 hour. I’m ordering Cranberry and Buchu (supposedly works wonders) from Nature Sunshine which is where I get all my other herbs, supplements, etc from.

  4. Hi! I’m glad that I found this website. I’m 28weeks pregnant. Doc found out that I have enterococcus fecallis bacteria in my urine and have been prescribed to take Amoxicillin..I have already taken Amoxcillin for a week n it did not work, now I’m taking one more round of antibiotics of Amoxcillin and Clavulanic for 14days. I have least hope this time. Please tell me what works to get rid of this stubborn bacteria. I’m pregnant n freaking out. Please help!

    • Lots of good quality olive leaf extract (Swanson or Vitacost capsules), and raw garlic will clear that right up.

    • HI, did you end up getting rid of the infection? I have had an enterococcus UTI for about a YEAR! I thought it went away after taking GSE and interfase biofilm disruptor but my recent urine test shower above 100K of enterococcus AGAIN!!!! I have no symptoms though.
      We are TTC and I feel this is stopping us from conceiving 🙁

  5. I have not gotten a UTI or bladder infection in years! I’m 29, and currently just moved to New Zealand from USA with my family, my hubby family in nz, currently staying with them, the city water is awful so been buying bottled water, so I maybe was drinking a cup a day! I think that lead to my UTI currently 🙁 I’m vegan, gluten free, night shade free person, went and seen a local natural path she prescribed me this over the counter Ural, but it gave me a horrid headache, and I’m still hurting, only hurts when I’m at end of emptying bladder, like there’s a heavy weight and just hurts, not a particular burning (hot) feeling tho..am kinda itchy too…been dealing with it for almost a week now 🙁 I hadn’t had antibiotics since I was a kid and am trying to avoid them at all costs!!! I can’t seem to find any d mannose here 🙁 or any of the other supplements u mentioned…being so remote, I’m not sure what to do, any suggestions on this, I’m ready to be pain free gah!
    Thank you

    • Update: my back hurts bad this am! Went back to doc, said I have an acute bladder infection. Altho I was thinking my kidneys were infected.thety prescribed me TMP antiobitics .I was able to find d mannose and olive leaf extract with garlic and echinacea capsules! I’m gonna try it! Hoping this works! Seriously trying to avoid antiobitics !!

      • The problem is that the OLE may have to fight through intestinal Candida before it can get to your bladder, so that UTI may be able to get worse before the OLE gets there. I would keep the urine pH up with a glass of baking soda water to discourage pathogen feeding and breeding, and maybe take one antibiotic pill while you’re starting the other things. They won’t interfere with each other, and you don’t want that infection to spread while you’re trying to get the other things into your bloodstream. Antibiotics only kill bacteria, not fungi, so they don’t react to the Candida and pass right by it, while OLE will stop to kill it. You can actually do both, and as long as you keep going with the OLE to kill off the Candida, then you can re-populate with probiotics and stop the UTI from recurring.

        • How does one know if they have candida in the gut ?
          The antiobitics are strong and u take one a day for 3 days only at night…that freaks me out a bit…

          • You know when you take something that kills it, because dying Candida gives you a headache, nausea, and then diarrhea.
            Also, you can google ‘symptoms of Candida’ and run down the checklist to see if any of it sounds like you. It causes a whole host of symptoms that people don’t connect with the true cause, like constipation, fatigue, PMS, depression/anxiety, skin rashes, food allergies, reflux, all kinds of things.
            About 1 in 100 women with a UTI does not have a Candida overgrowth, in my experience. The other 99…have to push through Candida to get to the UTI.

            • Yes! I suffer from allergies (food) have anxiety 🙁 and do have headaches (but once quitting dairy, sugar, wheat, headaches went away 🙂
              So I been taking the d mannose as directed on bottle and the OLE as directed and it hasn’t even been 12 hours and back/lower flank area gone! Burning when urinating is gone!! Do have a headache right now tho :/ maybe some more sleep will help 🙂 I am neutralizing the urine too with baking soda as well… Thank you so much ! I hope this keeps working!!
              Maybe have headache cuz the OLE is working killing the candida ?? I have only taken 1 capsule thus far tho..

              • A headache is the first sign of die-off. My chronic, low-grade headaches stopped when I killed my Candida, too. 🙂
                I would take one OLE per meal today, and see how you do.

                I’m glad you’re responding so quickly! It’s a good thing you’d already done a lot to discourage Candida: that’s helping you big-time, right now.

                • Alright, I’ll do that 🙂 yup have a pretty good pounding headache 🙁 going to take some Tylenol and get in hot shower. How long before headache goes away from die off of candida ?

                • The quickest way is to take a couple of activated charcoal capsules, 2 hours after the last time you ate, and wait 2 more hours before eating/drinking anything but water. Charcoal will soak up the toxins causing that headache, and it will vanish within an hour after taking the charcoal.

                • Alright, I’ll have to search out some activated charcoal 🙂 thank you so much!!! The OLE is lighthouse brand, it’s the olive leaf plus,
                  Olive leaf (olea europaea –20,000mg
                  Oleuropein -110mg
                  Echinacea –1,000mg
                  Zinc citrate 25mg
                  Garlic -1000mg
                  Vit c – 50mg
                  Is taking one with every meal ok, not an overdose ? Says to take 1-2 a day! Lol just want to make sure 🙂

                • 1-2 a day is what you’d take as daily maintenance for a healthy person. In order to kill off an active UTI, you need to take around 1500 mg of oleuropein, the active ingredient, per day. That would be about 13 of those capsules!
                  It’s impossible to OD on oleuropein: it’s completely non-toxic. I don’t know about the zinc and echinacea…I would take those capsules for now and order some pure olive leaf extract from Swanson or Vitacost.
                  Activated charcoal is available at most drug/grocery store stores, near the antacids. I bought mine as a loose powder from Amazon, because I wanted to make poultices with it, too. It’s the best deal that way, but you have to stir it into a glass of water to take it..it’s odorless and tasteless, but you’re drinking black water. LOL

                • Good to know 🙂 thank you so much!! I’ll be ordering some pure OLE 🙂 right now 🙂

                • Good to know 🙂 thank you so much!! I’ll be ordering some pure OLE 🙂 right now 🙂
                  Would a liquid OLE be as effective ?

                • Most of the liquids are very low in the active ingredient, and those that aren’t are stupidly expensive. You could do it, but it would cost about 8-10x as much to kill it that way. The very best option is Vitacost capsules, their 300 count bottle. They’re my favorite kind because they’re very effective and the bottle costs less than $30, and ships free.

                • Update: ended up in ER cuz left kidney felt as if it was going to explode ! I hurt so bad it was insane! They found no fever, no bacteria, no protein in my urine tho! Small amount of blood was present- final diagnoses I have UTI aftermath kidney stones! Struvite stones: Found more often in women, these are almost always the result of urinary tract infections. Soo all I can do is wait for it to pass! Ultrasound today to see how big the stone is! On good note! UTI is completely gone! The all natural way! Now to find a way to dissolve the kidney stone naturally :))

                • Well, congrats on the great job killing your infection, and sorry about the kidney stones!
                  I had a lady who had the same thing happen: she killed her infection quickly but had a kidney stone, and she followed a protocol alternating lemon water and olive oil, and passed it.

                • This is what I found after looking online from dr Edward group.
                  Kidney stones removal
                  This is one of my favorites and easily one of the most effective remedies for kidney stones and the pain they cause. At the first symptom of stone pain, mix 2 oz of organic olive oil with 2 oz of organic lemon juice. Drink it straight and follow with a 12 ounce glass of purified water. Wait 30 minutes. Then, squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into 12 ounces of purified water, add 1 tablespoon of organic raw apple cider vinegar and drink. Repeat the lemon juice, water and apple cider vinegar recipe every hour until symptoms improve.
                  Just finished the first part with olive oil and lemon juice! Kicking this kidney stone out!

                • You go, girl!
                  You’re about to earn a black belt in natural healing. LOL!

                  (I would keep on the OLE and some garlic for a bit, just to make sure that UTI is fully cured. Sometimes they can lurk undetected in small quantities for a while, resurging when something happens to irritate the bladder)

                • After all tests, there seems to be nothing wrong with me. they cant find a stone! so I am wondering if me starting the OLE and not finishing to get the candida out, can cause intestinal issues, feels like there is a block, or as if my intestinal walls have expanded right in the area of my left kidney area. Or the candida has moved and stopped? I am just thinking outside the box….I feel I need to do my own investigation of why I am in pain, I am NOT nearly as in much pain as this past weekend tho! 🙂 so that’s a plus! I did get some thompsons OLE and activated charcoal 🙂
                  thinking of restarting to get the candida out, I never ended up with diarrhea…just got the headache….
                  thanks so much

                • Interesting..you didn’t even have a blowout after the pain?
                  That makes me think you have Candida with a biofilm: I’ve been seeing a lot of that, lately.
                  I would take a laxative to completely empty the gut, then take several large doses of activated charcoal in succession. It clears out intestinal Candida regardless of biofilms. Wait two hours after the last dose of charcoal, then eat a little something and take your OLE, and I would start on probiotics, too. Jarrow is a good brand.

          • Michelle, After reading this thread I’d really like to know how you ended up. It scares me a bit to think that the OLE might have caused you pain or a problem. I don’t yet understand biofilms or how to be sure that OLE not causing certain symptoms means that there is a biofilm. After reading things here and Bekah’s website, I’m intrigued and also a little freaked out by all of the bad symptoms women are going through to use the phases to try to get better. If I bite the bullet and try this, it sounds as though I may have to brace for a few days of being sicker before getting better, and it’s not easy to take time out for that w/o knowing for sure if it will help. I’ve read many posts here as well as several on Bekah’s website. I have not been on the FB page yet. I’ve also read to not combine charcoal with magnesium citrate, because it can cause electrolyte imbalance. I don’t feel talking to my doctor about any of this will be helpful. I want to know I’m doing the right thing for my body, but I know there are no guarantees, just suggestions from others who have done some research and experienced some of this first hand. I wish all of these threads ended with whether a person was well and uti-free. Thanks

    • D Mannose is available in NZ . Clinicians brand Bladder Support it is called.Chemists and health shops stock it.
      very good.

  6. First of all I want to thank you for trying to help so many people who really don’t know what else to do! That is the most frustrating part! I have suffered with UTI’s and yeast infections for years. My hormones changed even more after having my daughter a couple of years ago. I had to have IV antibiotics while pregnant due to having a UTI for 2 months. I have had two cystoscopies with dilation. They helped for about 4-6 months each time and then the UTI’s and yeast infections started again. I am on week 7 now of a UTI and of course have a yeast infection to go along with it, since it is just a vicious cycle. I was taking Boric Acid and an estrogen cream to get things back in order per the gyno and urologist, due to always feeling uncomfortable and not necessarily having a full blown UTI or yeast infection when being seen. It worked and things were feeling much better until I got my first UTI 4 months after my cystoscopy at the end of May 2016. So at this point in time, I am on week 7 of a UTI and about week 2/3 of a yeast infection. I have been taking Teraconzole cream vaginally at night per the urologist. I am supposed to do this each time I start an antibiotic, since Diflucan does nothing for me. Teraconzole Cream has always helped me feel better until this time. In the past 7 weeks I have been on Levaquin, Bactrim, Cipro, and now Macrobid. I had an allergic reaction to the Bactrim (broke out in hives) and have never had a problem taking it, so I was only on it a couple of days. I have a few days left of the Macrobid and know that I still have a UTI and yeast infection. I have read the many other entries and recommendations that you have given and wondered if you can tell me what I need to do, since every situation is a little different. I have been taking cranberry pills and Vitamin C along with my antibiotic and Teraconzole Cream. I’ve taken D-Mannose in the past and it was hit or miss if it helped, which obviously depended upon the kind of bacteria according to your information. I have always drank tons of water and that is all that I drink.

    Can you tell me the exact regimen you believe will help me get rid of my yeast infection and UTI? We also want to try for another baby, but I know that means I’ll probably get another UTI and yeast infection. I think that is why I have one now. Can you tell me the best way to maintain a healthy balance down there and what I need to do before and after intercourse, in hopes of not getting more infections?

    I have researched online before and never came across your website. I feel so blessed that I did! Once again, thank you for trying to help so many people who feel just miserable from too many antibiotics!

    Thank You,
    Stacie G.

    • Wow…I’m traumatized just reading that! You poor dear!

      Okay, this can definitely be cleared up. And you *don’t* have to get an infection when you’re pregnant anymore, don’t worry.
      Going into all the details here would be too lengthy for this comment section, but you’ll need either Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength OLE capsules, raw garlic, lots of ginger, and coconut oil, to start. Can you contact me through the site in my name?

      • Definitely! I have some of those items on the way! I have seen how much natural products can help after an extreme fatigue issue a year ago (and some of that was a UTI). That is why I believe in them! I’ll contact you and appreciate all that you do for all of us that are suffering! 🙂

    • Hi, I have also suffered from UTI’s quite often. It has become worse since being post-menopausal. Quite recently I stumbled across Doterra essential oils. One of their blends called Purify has been very helpful for when I get one. I can take it internally in a capsule and also massage it into my lower stomach area. Also, you can include Oregano and Frankincense and their On Guard blend in the capsule, but I think the Purify if the most important. I also immediately start drinking pure unsweetened blueberry and/or cranberry juice.

      BUT, the most effective thing I discovered to prevent them was to first, make sure to urinate and clean my genitals right after sex. Then I directly apply melaleuca oil to the external urethral orifice (urinary meatus). Surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt, but makes it feel better. If I think I might have an infection, I apply it every time I urinate until it goes away.

      This combination has worked for me and I had almost given up on avoiding taking antibiotics.

  7. Hi! I have never gotten a uti before, but I’m pretty sure I have one. This is what happens, I feel the need to pee (i drink a lot of water), i don’t feel anything until I’m almost done peeing and then it starts burning and so i push a little more and the burning is gone. I feel some itching throughout the day, but it doesn’t sound as bad as some people. I’m pretty healthy and take magnesium, milk thistle, vitamin c, vitamin d, and vs-c every day. I’m not quite sure what I should do next.

    • Burning at the end of urination is a classic UTI symptom. You can buy home test strips to see what type you have and how strong it is: in the meantime you should drink baking soda water (1/2 tsp in 8 oz water) several times a day to raise your pH and stop that pain, and you should get good quality olive leaf extract, raw garlic, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper to kill it with.
      There are more instructions below, in the comments.

  8. Hello,
    I have had multiple UTIs my urologist has treated with antibiotics. I just had another culture done with grew enterobacter that is resistant to every oral antibiotic and it is only sensitive to IV antibiotics which I don’t want to do. I am looking for an alternative to antibiotics that will treat this organism. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • Strong olive leaf extract and raw garlic will knock that right down, no problem.
      Do NOT buy Gaia OLE: it’s absolutely lousy. Swanson is the best kind sold in stores, and Vitacost is the best sold online. Buy capsules, not the liquid extract. Start with 1-2 OLE capsules per meal, and a clove of minced raw garlic, swallowed with water, without chewing. Work your way up to 3-4 capsules per meal, and a bedtime dose.
      If you get headache, nausea, or diarrhea, that means you have an intestinal Candida overgrowth being killed off. Push through it and your UTI will fold like a cheap lawn chair when Candida is out of the way.

  9. Hello, I just went to the doctor today for what I believe is a UTI and am waiting for the results of the urinalysis. I have been taking dmannose and it doesn’t seem to be working. What do you recommend? I notice you mention a lot about ole but wasn’t sure how much to take. Any help you can provide would be amazing! I am fighting thyroid cancer naturally and I would really hate to get on a antibiotic for this. Thanks again

    • Eileen, have you watched the videos or seen anything from “The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest”. It is a must watch for anyone. Also, glad you found this forum as Bekah has learned what to do .

    • You have to get a good brand of it, like Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength, and then you start with one capsule per meal and work your way up to 4. You start low and build gradually because you probably have enough Candida in your gut to give you die-off symptoms: OLE kills it. You want to also take a clove or two of raw garlic with every meal, chopped and the little pieces swallowed with water, like pills.
      Also, Google “Olive leaf extract kills cancer”.

      • Judy- Yes I loved those series! I have been applying a lot of protocols they mention. My tumor has shrunk .6 cm so I’m still working hard to get rid of it.
        Bekay- thanks so much for the info, will start on it tonight. That’s so cool the that olive leaf extract also kills cancer, win win for me!

  10. Hi,
    I’m 23 years old and I’ve had UTI’s come every 6 months. I currently have one now, and I went to the doctor twice and they gave me antibiotics, but still I feel the burning when urinating and the urge to pee. So, I decided to take an at home uti strip test, and it came out positive (leukocytes was positive). So I read this article and am trying d-mannose, been taking it for 2 days now, 2 capsules every 3 hours. I took another strip test still have the leukocytes as positive. Should I up my dosage? Or try something else? This UTI has been lingering for wayy too long.

    • D-mannose is only effective against E. coli, which is a gram negative bacteria. You have a gram positive bacteria, like staph, strep, or enterococcus. You need a combination of raw garlic and good quality olive leaf extract.
      You can begin getting immediate relief by mincing raw garlic and swallowing the pieces with water, like pills, with some food in your stomach. Chase with a glass of water with a pinch of baking soda in it.
      Avoid sugar, starch, alcohol, and tomato products until this is killed. Get Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength olive leaf extract capsules, and start taking 1-2 per meal and building gradually up to four, while taking at least, preferably 2 fat cloves of garlic with every meal. Do NOT mix it into anything heated: the medicinal properties will be destroyed.
      You should be done with this in less than a week, taking OLE and garlic with every meal and a bedtime dose with a snack. Test yourself first thing every morning, and continue the full regimen until tests have been clear for 3 days straight, then taper down.

      • So I have been doing the garlic and OLE regimen ever since you answered me, and about a week ago I took a test and it was a hint of pink; which meant I still have the leucocyte as positive. So I still continued to take the garlic and OLE. But I took a test this morning and my strip showed signs of nitrite as well! Am I not taking the “medicine” right? Literally as soon as I get up and eat I get two cloves of garlic and have been taking 4 capsules of OLE, and I do the same for dinner and before going to bed.. This UTI is probably the worst one out of all of the ones I l’ve had.

          • That is..really strange. If it were the infection, you’d have raging test results, bright pink and purple. How much water are you drinking per day? You’re not over-hydrating, are you? Your kidneys can only handle so much water per day.

        • You may have eaten/drunk something that fed it, which causes a temporary spike in test results. Sugar/starch/alcohol/dairy/caffeine/acid-forming food and drink all feed an infection or irritate the bladder.
          Keep doing what you’re doing, and increase the OLE a bit to kick the infection back down, keeping your bladder emptied and avoiding anything that feeds the infection. A few more days of hammering it should do the trick. Remember to keep going at full strength for 3 days after a clear test to make sure you’ve hunted down *every last cell* of this thing.

          • Ahh oops. I did eat a candy bar not too long ago. Ok, I’ll try not to eat those things. Although I really don’t know what kind of food have starch in them.. So what kind of foods can I eat? And as for water I try drinking 3 20oz bottle a day, that’s according to my weight. And it looks like the kidney pain has subsided.

            • Starch is anything white basically: pasta, potatoes, bread, white rice.
              If you can go hardcore for a few days, no starchy food, no sweets (including fruit, except small servings of watermelon or cantaloupe), no sodas/alcohol/caffeine, and keep dairy to a minimum..just for about 5 days.
              Keep it to some fish and veggies and beans for a few days, and hit that infection hard with OLE and garlic. Drink one more half-bottle of water than you are now, and empty your bladder every 60-90 minutes, even if it’s just a trickle. You’re really, really close to killing this thing for good: hang in there and keep up the good work!

              • Can I take the OLE and garlic with Cranberry tablets? Or just stick to the OLE and garlic? Also is chicken ok? I just want to make sure I’m doing it right this time.

                • No cranberry! It’s useless for the type of infection you have, anyway, and its acidity will only encourage what’s left of your infection. Just the OLE and garlic will do the job, in conjunction with avoiding the things that either feed an infection or irritate your bladder.

                • And yes, chicken is fine.
                  Sorry, with this reply system I can’t actually see your comment while I’m replying to it.

                • Sorry, I just saw the notification for this!

                  Probiotics are fine with OLE, and okay with small doses of garlic. Just make sure you’ve mostly killed any lurking Candida first, otherwise your friendlies will die painful deaths in the toxic swamp of Candida die-off.

    • Bekah has literally changed my entire life by using natural alternative’s, I have been suffering from chronic UTIs for 4 years, the last UTI I had was resistant to 2 different antibiotics I tried and lasted with serious pain for 3 months straight. Bekah walked me through the steps, was so supportive and extremely knowledgeable. I will forever be grateful, anyone who is suffering with chronic utis look at the replys below and get Bekahs email so your life can turn around.

    • I was fighting a UTI w/gallons of water & cranberry tea & echinacea tea. It came back so I got on line & saw a recommendation for D-mannose. Miracle, within an hour my symptoms were gone. I had the normal pain & urgency when peeing, also head ache, shakiness, couldn’t think clearly, fever & chills, my vision was also impaired, my eyes looked white & my face flushed. I was in bad shape folks! Thank God for D-MANNOSE!!!

  11. Dear Bekah,
    I wrote to you a little over two weeks ago regarding my 12 year old boy with UTI. I followed your regiment precisely:
    OLE with 18% oleuropein (2)500mg 3 times day. Cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp with honey 4 times a day
    Garlic 1 clove 4 time a day. Empty bladder every 45 min, drink lemon water all day. I even added cranberry non-sweet organic juice.
    First week the pain subsided from bad to mild, we even had a few good days but it didn’t went away completely.
    We are on our 3 week now, and he is getting frustrated and irritated as you know its a lot of work but I am not complaining. Is there anything else I can do? how much longer do you think I should do the treatment before I will have no choice but to take him to doctor. Thanks so much in advance.

    • I would double his OLE dose, then..and the thing about cranberry juice is, it can actually feed an infection. Many of the bacteria that cause UTI’s are highly acid-adaptive, and they feed and breed more in an acidic environment. Much of the hype about cranberry juice is false. Are you using test strips to see how much of an infection is left? If you’re nearly there, doubling the OLE should do it.
      Click on my screen name, and you can contact me directly through that site.

      • I’m sorry for imposing on someone else’s comment but I’m not sure how else to post my own! I have been having kidney stoneS bladder infections and kidney infections for years now i am so fed up with these UTIs i cant figure out whats going on i have seen a urologist and everything. You wrote alot of great treatment options but now I’m at a loss of which one to try first I have one at the moment that cephalexin is not treating I am also breastfeeding so I do not want to try anymore antibiotics could you please help me find an option that’s best for me and my baby.

        • Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength olive leaf extract is the way to go! (Get lots of it. Big bottles) OLE is perfectly safe for you and the baby, just start small and work your way up. You’ll probably have some Candida die-off symptoms, almost everyone does, so you should also get activated charcoal.
          You’ve read the comments below and check out the links?

          • Thanks so much I have looked through the comments I Just wanted to make sure everything is safe while breastfeeding. Could you possibly tell me how much of each and for how long I should take these, also is there a specific place that I could purchase these things?? I feel like reading through everything you have written is exactly me and that I may have a build up of candida I have taken antibiotics for years to try to take the pain away and unfortunately it is no longer working in my favor…..another quick question not sure if you’ll have the answer but my four year old constantly gets ear infections her tonsils are very large and she’s a mouth breather is there something I can do to help her other then removing her tonsils and adenoids like the dr suggests. Also she’s on her second set of ear tubes. Thank you for your time. ☺

            • OLE is perfectly safe for breastfeeding, and for kids.
              The important thing is to buy a good brand, and work your way up slowly. Expect a lot of sinus drainage..and pooping as Candida is flushed out of the bowels.
              If I add any links this comment won’t post for 24 hours, but if you click on my name, I list the best brands of everything on that site. Try to get Vitacost OLE, if you can. It’s what I use on myself and the kids. They have a website you can do a google search for. Get the capsules, NOT the liquid!!!!
              (Not a Vitacost affiliate, by the way. But I wish I were! LOL)

              • So far I am having great luck with the cayenne pepper garlic lemon water and my OLE finally came in the mail I took one today so far and already feeling little symptoms I don’t think I’ve ever been more happy to feel sick haha but anywho I wanted to ask what brand of charcoal you use bc I have gone to the store and it said not to use while nursing so I’m a little nervous to start that part?? Do I have to use the charcoal or could I skip that step.

                • That’s a standard liability warning: don’t worry. Activated charcoal is inert: it’s like taking fiber, except it removes candida from your gut. It is never absorbed into your system and has no affect on anything except what it touches. That’s why you take it on an empty gut, when there’s little in there except Candida lining the walls. As long as you wait till your bowels are moving freely and frequently, and take it first thing in the morning and wait 2 hours before eating, or drinking anything but water, you’re fine. It’ll vacuum up the Candida with no symptoms.

      • Bekhah,

        I have strep B UTI infection. What is the best way to kick this? Thank you so so much

        • A combination of Vitacost olive leaf extract, raw garlic, and fresh horseradish will kill strep B. Start slow on the OLE with 1 capsule per meal, and another at bedtime, and increase a little every day. OLE kills Candida as well as UTI pathogens, and almost everyone who has a UTI also has a Candida overgrowth. When too much of it dies at once, it makes you feel horrible. So, you either build up slowly, or you cleanse your gut with a laxative and take activated charcoal to remove large amounts of Candida quickly and painlessly.

          Click on my name!

  12. Hey there,
    After reading through this article and the comments I feel confident that you could help me fix this ailment that I’ve suffered from on and off for about 4 years now. I have reoccurring bacterial vaginosis. My gyno told me to lay off the soap, I did and still the problem persists. He still thinks it’s a soap problem, but I’ve read a few things and talked to a few people to know that there’s an underlying issue that isn’t being addressed. Now everytime I start having bv symptoms I end up with a uti too. I’ve tried the antibiotics my dr has prescribed and it does go away for maybe a week but then the bv and the uti are back. I’m tired of fighting this infection, I just want to know how I can keep both the bv and uti’s from reoccurring.

    • The good news is, the vaginal issue is fixed fairly easily.
      All you’ll probably need is coconut oil. You take a chunk of it (at room temperature, so it’s soft and white, not liquid)..about a 1″ cube, and drop it into a Ziploc bag or a square of plastic wrap. You form it with your fingers into a cylinder shape, in that plastic. It should be about the size of a middle finger joint.
      Put that coconut bullet in the freezer, and at bedtime you take that magic bullet and insert it 2 joints deep, so it can’t slide back out.
      You want to wear a pad and sleep on your side: lie down on your side right after you apply it.
      If it has rough edges when you take it out of the freezer, you can cut those off.
      You don’t have to worry about being super precise with the size or shape: the goal is to get a hunk of coconut oil well up into your lady parts, and make sure it stays there overnight.

      In the morning you’ll see yellow-green discharge that looks exactly like mucus when you’re sick: those are the dead germs coconut oil was killing all night. You should be able to feel the difference already.
      Repeat every night until the morning discharge has been perfectly clear for 5 days.
      Do you have a UTI right now, or just the BV?

      • I definitely have a UTI right now. I have been drinking plenty of lemon water trying to flush the bacteria put but that hasn’t been enough.

        • Okay, I would switch to half-strength baking soda water (1/4 tsp per 8 oz water) and take 1-2 minced cloves of raw garlic with every meal (no heating, swallow little pieces with water, like pills), while you wait for some OLE to arrive. Have you tried a dose of cayenne pepper? There’s some infections that are killed by it almost instantly. 1/4 tsp cayenne powder mixed into a spoonful of honey. If your symptoms dramatically reduce within 1-3 hours, repeat 4x a day for 5 days.
          (Unless you’re on blood thinners or beta blockers)

  13. Hi Bekah,

    I do not have recurring bladder infections, but I just got one. I am usually a very healthy person, I regularly have fermented foods (kombucha, kefir, whole milk grass-fed yogurt, etc.). I am trying to get through a UTI right now and I’m wondering what you think I ought to do based on what I’ve done and where I am.

    I do not want to contribute to having one in the future and I want to preserve my endothelial layer and my good bacteria as much as possible. With that in mind, once I figured I had a UTI, I started taking silver. It didn’t help too much, so I added oil of oregano (4 drops 4 times daily), turmeric (1000 mg daily), usnea uva ursi (60 drops 4x daily), cinnamon and honey (2 tsp cinnamon and a little raw honey in hot water), and I’m not sure what else I tried – I was desperate. I would feel a little better, and then much worse in the evenings.

    My urine was cloudy for 12 days. I finally got desperate (I will be competing in a triathlon and need to be better in less than a week) and took Bactrim (the first round of antibiotics I have taken in probably 10 years). The cloudy urine cleared up within about 20 hours and the pain is gone.

    The dose is 960 mg Bactrim/2x daily, and I’ve been doing a lot of reading that shows you can stop early so you don’t do complete and utter destructive unnecessary damage, but I don’t want to cut it too short and have this grow back with a vengeance.

    What would you recommend in this case? I am a very healthy person – I dislike sugar, eat very cleanly (organic produce, grass-fed and pastured meats, do not take very much caffeine in a day – one cup of black tea), no funky chemicals in what I put on my body, and I exercise daily. I want to be very protective of my good bacteria while killing off what is making me sick.

    What do you think based on what I have done and where I am now? I am on day 13 of the UTI, have taken antibiotics for about 28 hours. Please advise. I really respect your opinion.

    • Ugh, you poor thing!
      Sadly, colloidal silver seems to be a rip-off, at least when it comes to UTI’s. I’ve talked to a number of women who’ve tried it, and they all said the same thing, that it didn’t do much at all.
      Personally, I haven’t found oil of oregano to be particularly efficacious, either. I tried it on a gram negative and a gram positive infection without seeing much of any change. Same for uva-ursi: it was a big disappointment, as was echinacea.

      The two most effective natural antibiotics are olive leaf extract, and raw garlic. Cayenne pepper is almost miraculously effective on some types of gram-negative infections: it will kill those by itself in just a few doses, so it’s worth a shot. 1/4 tsp cayenne mixed into a spoonful of honey, taken with a little food in the stomach. It cured me in one day of an antibiotic-resistant infection I’d had for 4 years. It wipes out symptoms in a few hours, but since you’re on Bactrim you wouldn’t be able to tell if it worked…

      Regardless, I would immediately purchase the best olive leaf extract you can find. (The stuff in local stores is usually crap) You can use that and activated charcoal to prevent the Bactrim from damaging your gut: they can both be taken with antibiotics as long as you keep the charcoal separate from everything else by two hours. Have you seen the posts on that?

    • The two most effective natural antibiotics are olive leaf extract, and raw garlic. Those two will act strongly on any type of bladder infection..and any infection anywhere else, too.
      Cayenne pepper is marvelously effective against certain types of gram negative bacteria: as in, it can kill an infection on its own in just a a day or two, providing complete relief from symptoms in 2-3 doses. 1/4 tsp cayenne mixed into a spoonful of honey is a good way to take it, 4x a day. (don’t take if you’re on prescription blood thinners or beta blockers)
      However, because you’re on Bactrim, you wouldn’t be able to tell if it was working, or not.
      In order to prevent intestinal damage from the Bactrim, I would go ahead and order some good OLE, like Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength. Also, get some activated charcoal to take after the OLE makes your bowels loose: that will do the most to clean your gut of Candida and prevent any future UTI’s.
      Meanwhile, take 1-2 cloves of raw garlic with every meal, mincing it and swallowing the pieces with water, like little pills. Also, make and drink cinnamon or ginger tea: did you see the instructions for those in the comments below?

      • Yes! I did. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I got some OLE today and I’ll start doing what you recommended. Thank you again!

        • You are most welcome! I hope you were able to get a good brand of OLE.
          Let me know how it goes, and contact me with *any* questions!

    • My first post went into moderation, so I wrote another one and that one went through. The first may go through later, so if you eventually see another response, that’s what happened.

  14. Bekah,

    Thank you for the great information. I am definitely going to try the Vitacost OLE. It sounds like you are suggesting up to 16 capsules a day. How many days should one take that many for? Trying to figure out how many bottles to order. Thank you!

    • It depends on how deeply rooted your infection is: I would work my way gradually up to 16 and stay there until all symptoms are gone and all tests have been crystal clear for 3 days, then taper down. How long it takes to get to that point depends on how much intestinal Candida you have, how strong the infection is, and how consistent you’re able to be about taking OLE/raw garlic/cayenne. Women who don’t have too much Candida are typically asymptomatic by day 3, and completely healed in 6 days. Women with a lot of Candida can take 2-3 weeks to be completely healed, when there’s a long-standing Candida infection of the gut paired with an antibiotic-resistant UTI.

      I would buy the 300 count bottle, because it ships free and will give you enough for a complete cleanse and some maintenance afterward.

    • Sadly, they’re not near as effective as the raw stuff when you’ve just cut it up. Allicin is a highly unstable compound: there’s just no substitute for taking it fresh with the garlic clove.

  15. As a chronic UTI sufferer, I was desperate for a solution. I’ve been using the Lady Soma cranberry pills for not too long, but can already feel the difference. They DO NOT aggravate the stomach, as some people have said about cranberries. I do feel a slight difference in regards to stomach, though, but I can’t say if it’s these supplements or something else. But please don’t let that deter you – the Lady Soma Cranberry pills are an absolute godsend. I recommend them full-heartedly. I will be taking these on a daily basis for a very very very long time.

  16. I am trying to help my mom with her recurring yeast and UTI …i have started giving her D-mannose in addition to her antibiotic Cipro … can you give the D-mannose and the interface plus at the same time? She is on her 4th UTI in 4 months… 🙁

    • As long as she has a Candida problem, the d-mannose will probably be ineffective, because it will never reach her bladder.
      Also, d-mannose is only helpful against E. coli, which is by no means the only bacteria that can cause a UTI. You’ll need to clean out her yeast, and that will begin to give her UTI symptom relief right away, and when the Candida is largely out of the way, the UTI can be successfully treated.
      Check this out…

  17. I started using a D-Mannose powder to treat my UTI, and it worked great for the first 24 hours. Pain was gone.
    Now, on the second day, it no longer seems to be very effective. The painful and frequent urge to pee is back. I really don’t want to resort to antibiotics. What else can I do?!

    • It may be that you had two strains of pathogens in there, and when you flushed out the E. coli, the other took over the new real estate, so to speak.
      Drink 16 oz water with 1 tsp baking soda in it for quick relief, then switch to water with lemon juice in it. Empty your bladder every 45 minutes all day today, and once an hour tomorrow.
      Do you have cinnamon in the house? You can make a tea from it, 4 tsp cinnamon in a coffee filter tied shut at the top with string, and steep in 24 oz steaming hot water for 20 minutes.
      Drink 8 oz 3x a day for relief while you wait for olive leaf extract to come in the mail.
      Scroll down for more comments and informational links.

  18. Hello I’ve had an UTI for the past two months. It started off as a yeast infection, and this is my third time having a UTI. I’ve been to the doctor twice for antibiotics but it always seem to come back. I’ve been trying my best to drink lots of water. Any tips on how to treat it?? Please Help!?

    • The first thing you need to do is treat the yeast. Got cinnamon in the spice rack? You can make a tea with it that will begin killing Candida from the inside, and relieving the pain of your UTI within a matter of hours.
      Scroll down this page and you’ll see a bunch of comments on how to make the tea, and how to kill Candida and your UTI at the same time, which stops the cycle of recurring infections.

        • That’s entirely dependent on how much Candida you have in your gut, and you won’t know that till you start killing it. Let’s just say that you’re probably going to be surprised.
          Take a clove or two of minced garlic when you eat: swallow the little pieces with water, like pills: drink the spice tea 2-3x a day, empty your bladder once per waking hour, and drink water with lemon juice in it.
          You should get UTI tests from Amazon to monitor your progress: they’re much cheaper than buying locally.
          With how long you’ve had this infection, you’ll likely need olive leaf extract, too. Scroll down for more information about how it works.


  19. Hello,
    I’m pregnant and experiencing recurrent citrobacter UTIs due to having a cystocele. I was able to rid myself of one infection with olive leaf, garlic, cayenne, and vitamin c, but after it was clear I tapered down to only taking garlic once per day. The infection is back and despite treating with all of the above (except cayenne), it is not going away this time. What can I do to rid my body of the current infection and maintain a healthy utinary tract throughout this pregnancy and beyond?

    • 1. What kind of OLE are you taking, and how much?
      2. Do you have any Candida die-off symptoms? Did you have them the first time?
      3. Did you take activated charcoal, at any point? It’s the only thing that removes Candida all the way to the end of the digestive tract.

      In my experience, if you’re taking full doses of good OLE and you’re not feeling any difference, you have Candida with a biofilm and it’s bouncing off that and never making it into your bloodstream.
      The fix for that is a thorough gut cleanse with activated charcoal, followed by the OLE and garlic.

      • I am taking Nature’s Answer liquid extract 26 drops (as bottle suggests) 3-4x per day. I did take charcoal the first time I did the treatment but not for long because I didn’t experience any die off, so I stopped taking the charcoal. I thought the charcoal was only to combat die-off symptoms, not a way to help defeat candida.
        This time I am not taking charcoal and not experiencing die-off.
        When you say gut cleanse with charcoal followed by OLE and garlic, how are they taken? Charcoal for a week for example then add OLE and garlic? Or alternate taking charcoal then OLE/garlic in the same day? Do I need enzymes to break down biofilms? Can enzymes/garlic/OLE be taken at the same as high quality probiotics, or will the natural antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the probiotics? Thank you for your help!

        • I just read your blog about candida die-off and I was experiencing loose stools with the first treatment I did. I didnt know this could be from die-off and figured it may have been from something else I was taking that didn’t agree with me. However, I have not experienced loose stools this time and I do have other yeast overgrowth symptoms (another reason I would love to avoid Rx antibiotics). So the candida/biofilms explanation makes sense.

          • Well, after reading about the OLE you’re currently taking, I’m not surprised you don’t have die-off. I doubt you’re getting enough oleuropein to cause any.
            I need to add this to my post on OLE supplement labels…the dosage instructions they give you on the label are for general health maintenance for a person with no infections. You start at that level and work your way up to much larger doses, in order to kill Candida and a UTI. Candida runs interference for a UTI, and often exacerbates bladder pain and inflammation, which is why the UTI feels better when you take things that kill Candida, but leave the UTI untouched. (Like caprylic acid)
            You want to start out taking enough of whatever you’ve got to get about 100 mg of oleuropein (the active ingredient: look at the label to see how much oleuropein is contained in a dose of OLE) in every dose, 3-4 times a day. That’s your starting point, and you work your way up to about 4 times that much, per dose, 4x a day.

            I would increase the OLE intake first, and drink some ginger or cinnamon tea, and see how the Candida reacts before concluding it has a biofilm. I’ve only run into that half a dozen times out of about 200 women.

        • I wouldn’t be at all surprised if all you have to do is take more OLE. Since you had some die-off before, you probably just need to increase your dosage and await developments. I would order some OLE in capsules: Vitacost, Swanson Super Strength, and Nature’s Way with 20% oleuropein are the best. There’s more ineffective OLE out there than good stuff: never buy Gaia, for instance. Also, most liquid OLE is very low in oleuropein, the active ingredient you need.
          Until you get some good OLE, drink a strong tea made from ginger or cinnamon: did you see that instructions for that on my blog?

          • I see, thank you! I have Vitacost brand on order already, waiting for it to be delivered. I have also been juicing with ginger added (no fruit) but not every day. I will try the tea also. Do I need the charcoal? I take other supplements so it got to be a lot trying to time them so that the charcoal doesn’t carry out the good with the bad. Thanks again!

            • It IS hard to do the timing with charcoal! I would hold off on it till your bowels are really loose, and then start by taking it first thing in the morning when you wake up, and then wait two hours to eat, and if you wake up in the night, that’s a perfect time to take a dose. The keys are:
              1. Bowels must be loose, and
              2. Take a big dose. Two average size capsules of charcoal is less than 1/8 tsp, and charcoal is something that works by volume, like fiber. To really clean out Candida, you want to take 1/2-1 tsp at a time, which would be about 10-20 capsules.

              Hit it hard until your bowels are good and loose (Did I mention this makes you lose water weight that your body has been using to dilute Candida toxins? Most women lose about 10 lbs just by killing Candida.).

            • You take either cinnamon or ginger powder, and put 4 tsp of it in a coffee filter and tie it shut with string to make a homemade tea bag. Steep that in 24 oz steaming hot water for 20 minutes, then drink 8 oz at a time, 3x a day. You can stir in a spoonful of honey, add a squeeze of lemon juice to the ginger one, and you can either sip it warm or chill it and drink it cold.
              Both teas kill Candida and bacteria and flush out your kidneys (they’re diuretics, you’ll pee more), easing the severity of your UTI. You can drink the tea on an empty stomach, or with food.
              I love these because most people have cinnamon or ginger in the spice rack, so it’s something they can access quickly, and begin feeling much better right away.

          • Bekah,

            Are you suggesting to work up to 16 capsules a day? For how many days? Trying to figure out how many bottles to order. Thank you!