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Drugs & Conventional Medicine

Read the latest research-backed articles on drugs and conventional medicine and find out how the Functional Medicine approach differs. Upgrade your knowledge on the conventional medicine fallout and share your thoughts with our community.

How (And Why) to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Hypertension is a significant risk factor for premature death. Controlling your blood pressure is a key component to extending your lifespan.
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how to lower blood pressure naturally, lower blood pressure naturally
RHR: The Right and Wrong Way to Treat Hormone Imbalance
In this episode, we discuss male and female hormonal issues and how to address those issues - including critical components of any treatment program.
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Revolution Health Radio podcast, Chris Kresser
RHR: Treating MS and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Terry Wahls joins us to share her story of beating progressive MS and how to treat chronic autoimmune conditions using paleo principles.
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Revolution Health Radio podcast, Chris Kresser
What to Do If You Need to Take Antibiotics
Taking antibiotics is never ideal, but there are cases where it's necessary. Here are things you can do to minimize the damage and regrow the gut flora.
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what to take with antibiotics
Up-And-Coming Medical Apps
Technology has the potential to improve our health if we use it correctly. Learn which apps can help you get healthier in the new year.
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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Skeptical of the New Cholesterol Guidelines
New guidelines are out regarding cholesterol and the prescribing of statins. How valid are these guidelines and how do they affect how health is measured?
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old cholesterol guidelines, new cholesterol guidelines
How to Read and Understand Scientific Research
Information on health and lifestyle from a trusted source is important, but not as reliable as researching and understanding the scientific data yourself.
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how to read and understand a scientific paper
RHR: The Saturated Fat – Heart Disease Myth, Colonoscopy Health Risks, and Intermittent Fasting
Today, Chris addresses listener questions about the saturated fat and heart disease, health risks of colonscopies, managing histamine intolerance and more!
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Healthy Birth Control, Irregular Periods, and UTI’s
This one is for the ladies! We grouped together questions on women's health topics such as mammograms, irregular periods and healthy birth control methods.
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