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How Your Antacid Drug Is Making You Sick (Part B)


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Note: this is the fifth article in a series about heartburn and GERD. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll want to read Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IVa before reading this article.

In the last article, we discussed the first two of four primary consequences of taking acid stopping drugs:

  1. Bacterial overgrowth
  2. Impaired nutrient absorption

In this article we’ll cover the remaining two consequences:

  1. Decreased resistance to infection
  2. Increased risk of cancer and other diseases
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Our First Line of Defense

The mouth, esophagus and intestines are home to between 400-1,000 species of bacteria. However, a healthy stomach is normally almost completely sterile. Why? Because stomach acid kills bacteria.

In fact, that’s one of it’s most important roles: to provide a two-way barrier that protects the stomach from pathogenic bacteria.

First, stomach acid prevents harmful bacteria that may be present in the food or liquid we consume or the air we breathe from entering the intestine. At the same time, stomach acid also prevents normal bacteria from the intestines to move into the stomach and esophagus, where they could cause problems.

The low pH (high acid) environment of the stomach is one of the major non-specific defense mechanisms of the body. When the pH of the stomach is 3 or lower, the normal between-meal “resting” level, bacteria don’t last more than fifteen minutes. But as the pH rises to 5 or more, many bacterial species can avoid the acid treatment and begin to thrive.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens when you take acid stopping drugs. Both Tagamet and Zantac significantly raise the pH of the stomach from about 1 to 2 before treatment to 5.5 to 6.5 after, respectively.

Prilosec and other PPIs are even worse. Just one of these pills is capable of reducing stomach acid secretion by 90 to 95 percent for the better part of a day. Taking higher or more frequent doses of PPIs, as is often recommended, produces a state of achlorydia (virtually no stomach acid). In a study of ten healthy men aged 22 to 55 years, a 20 or 40 mg dose of Prilosec reduced stomach acid levels to near-zero.

A stomach without much acid is in many ways a perfect environment to harbor pathogenic bacteria. It’s dark, warm, moist, and full of nutrients.

Most of the time these bacteria won’t kill us – at least not right away. But some of them can. People who have a gastric pH high enough to promote bacterial overgrowth are more vulnerable to serious bacterial infections.

A recent systematic review of gastric acid-suppressive drugs suggested that they do in fact increase susceptibility to infections (PDF). The author found evidence that using acid stopping drugs can increase your chances of contracting the following nasty bugs:

  • Salmonella
  • Campylobacter
  • Cholera
  • Listeria
  • Giardia
  • C. Difficile

Other studies have found that acid stopping drugs also increase the risk for:

Not only do acid stopping drugs increase our susceptibility to infection, they weaken our immune system’s ability to fight off infections once we have them. In vitro studies have shown that PPIs impair nuetrophil function, decrease adhesion to endothelial cells, reduce bactericidal killing of microbes, and inhibit neutrophil phagocytosis and phagolysosome acidification.

A Gateway to Other Serious Diseases

As we discussed in the first article in this series, a decline in acid secretion with age has been well documented. As recently as 1996, a British physician noted that age-related stomach acid decline is due to a loss of the cells that produce the acid. This condition is called atrophic gastritis.

In particular relevance to our discussion here, atrophic gastritis (a condition where stomach acid is very low) is associated with a wide range of serious disorders that go far beyond the stomach and esophagus. These include:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Allergies
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Depression, anxiety, mood disorders
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Skin diseases, including forms of acne, dermatitis, eczema, and urticaria
  • Gall bladder disease (gallstones)
  • Autoimmune diseases, such as Rheumatoid arthritis and Graves disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease (CD), Ulcerative colitis (UC)
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Type 1 diabetes

And let’s not forget that low stomach acid can cause heartburn and GERD!

In the interest of keeping this article from becoming a book, I’m going to focus on just a few of the disorders on the list above.

Stomach Cancer

Atrophic gastritis is a major risk factor for stomach cancer. H. pylori is the leading cause of atrophic gastritis. Acid suppressing drugs worsen H. pylori infections and increase rates of infection.

Therefore, it’s not a huge leap to suspect that acid suppressing drugs increase the risk of stomach cancer in those infected with H. pylori (which, as we saw in Part III, is one in two people).

In a recent editorial, Julie Parsonnet, M.D. of Standford University Medical School writes:

In principle, current [acid suppressing drug] therapies might be advancing the cancer clock by converting relatively benign gastric inflammation into a more destructive, premalignant process.

One way PPIs increase the risk of cancer is by inducing hypergastrinemia, a condition of above-normal secretion of the hormone gastrin. This is a potentially serious condition that has been linked to adenocarcinoma – a form of stomach cancer.

Taking a standard 20 mg daily dose of Prilosec typically results in up to a three-to-fourfold increase in gastrin levels. In people whose heartburn fails to respond to the standard dose, long-term treatment with doses as high as 40 or 60 mg has produced gastrin levels as much as tenfold above normal.

Another theory of what causes stomach cancer involves elevated concentration of nitrites in the gastric fluid.

In a healthy stomach, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) removes nitrite from gastric juice by converting it to nitric oxide. However, this process is dependent upon the pH of the stomach being less than 4. As I discussed earlier in this article, most common acid stopping medications have no trouble increasing the pH of the stomach to 6 or even higher.

Therefore, it’s entirely plausible that acid stopping medications increase the risk of stomach cancer by at least two distinct mechanisms.

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Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers

An estimated 90% of duodenal (intestinal) and 65% of gastric ulcers are caused by H. pylori. It is also recognized that the initial H. pylori infection probably only takes place when the acidity of the stomach is decreased. In a human inoculation experiment, infection could not be established unless the pH of the stomach was raised (thus lowering the acidity) by use of histamine antagonists.

By lowering stomach acid and increasing stomach pH, acid suppressing drugs increase the risk of H. pylori infection and subsequent development of duodenal or gastric ulcers.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Adenosine is a key mediator of inflammation in the digestive tract, and high extracellular levels of adenosine suppress and resolve chronic inflammation in both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Chronic use of PPIs has been shown to decrease extracellular concentration of adenosine, resulting in an increase in inflammation in the digestive tract. Therefore, it is possible that long-term use of acid stopping medications may predispose people to developing serious inflammatory bowel disorders.

It has become increasingly well established that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is caused at least in part by small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). It is also well known that acid suppressing drugs contribute to bacterial overgrowth, as I explained in Part II and Part III. It makes perfect sense, then, that chronic use of acid suppressing drugs could contribute to the development of IBS in those that didn’t previously have it, and worsen the condition in those already affected.

Depression, Anxiety and Mood Disorders

While there is no specific research (that I am aware of) linking acid suppressing drugs to depression or mood disorders, a basic understanding of the relationship between protein digestion and mental health suggests that there may be a connection.

During the ingestion of food stomach acid secretion triggers the release of pepsin. Pepsin is the enzyme responsible for breaking down protein into its component amino acids and peptides (two or more linked amino acids). Essential amino acids are called “essential” because we cannot manufacture them in our bodies. We must get them from food.

If pepsin is deficient, the proteins we eat won’t be broken down into these essential amino acid and peptide components. Since many of these essential amino acids, such as phenylalanine and tryptophan, play a crucial role in mental and behavioral health, low stomach acid may predispose people towards developing depression, anxiety or mood disorders.

Autoimmune Diseases

Low stomach acid and consequent bacterial overgrowth cause the intestine to become permeable, allowing undigested proteins to find their way into the bloodstream. This condition is often referred to as “leaky gut syndrome”. Salzman and colleagues have shown that both transcellular and paracellular intestinal permeability are substantially increased in atrophic gastritis sufferers compared to control patients.

When undigested proteins end up in the bloodstream, they are considered as “foreign” by the immune system. The resulting immune response is similar to what happens when the body mobilizes its defenses (i.e. T cells, B cells and antibodies) to eradicate a viral or bacterial infection.

This type of immune response against proteins we eat contributes to food allergies. A similar mechanism that is not fully understood predisposes people with a leaky gut to develop more serious autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, Graves disease, and inflammatory bowel disorders like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

The connection between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and low stomach acid in particular has been well established in the literature. Examining the stomach contents of 45 RA patients, Swedish researchers found that 16 (36 percent) had virtually no stomach acid. Those people who had suffered from RA the longest had the least acid. A group of Italian researchers also found that people with RA have an extremely high rate of atrophic gastritis associated with low stomach acid when compared with normal individuals.


In the last ten years, more than four hundred scientific articles concerned with the connection between asthma and gastric acidity have been published. One of the most common features of asthma, in addition to wheezing, is gastroesophageal reflux.

It is estimated that between up to 80 percent of people with asthma also have GERD. Compared with healthy people, those with asthma also have significantly more reflux episodes and more acid-induced irritation of their esophageal lining.

When acid gets into the windpipe, there is a tenfold drop in the ability of the lungs to take in and breathe out air. Physicians who are aware of this association have begun prescribing acid stopping drugs to asthma patients suffering from GERD. While these drugs may provide temporary symptomatic relief, they do not address the underlying cause of the LES dysfunction that permitted acid into the esophagus in the first place.

In fact, there is every reason to believe that acid suppressing drugs make the underlying problem (too little stomach acid and overgrowth of bacteria) worse, thus perpetuating and exacerbating the condition.


As we have seen in the previous articles in the series, heartburn and GERD are caused by too little – and not too much – stomach acid. Unfortunately, insufficient stomach acid is also associated with bacterial overgrowth, impaired nutrient absorption, decreased resistance to infection, and increased risk of stomach cancer, ulcers, IBS and other digestive disorders, depression and mood disorders, autoimmune disease, and asthma.

Chronic use of acid stopping medication dramatically reduces stomach acid, thus increasing the risk of all of these conditions. What’s more, acid suppressing medications not only do not address the underlying cause of heartburn and GERD, they make it worse.

Is the temporary symptom relief these drugs provide worth the risk? That’s something only you can decide. I hope the information I’ve provided here can help you make an educated decision.

In the next and final article of the series, I will present a plan for getting rid of heartburn and GERD once and for all without drugs.

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  1. Hi
    I came across this site through searching up side effects of omeprazole as i wake up every morning with feeling sick.i also haveanxiety and low mood and now i am questioning..is it the meds.i had an ulcer 2years ago and had helicobactor..severe weight loss also not much of an appitite either….should i stop the meds…i want my life back

  2. My husband was diagnosed with Barret’s 3 or 4 years ago, had 2 ulcers and large hiatus hernia. He was put on 60mg Lansoprosol. July 2012 he was scoped again and they said everything was much improved see again 3 years. Last month he went to give blood and was found to have very low hemoglobin. They did an endoscopy as with his recent history thought he might have a bleeding ulcer, nothing found, now they have booked colonoscopy for Dec 30 to check for bowel cancer when it seems to us that the high dose PPIs are quite likely to be the cause. The last endoscopy also said he had developed multiple fundic gland polyps PPIs induced. Would welcome your advice.
    (He has halved the dose to 30mg on his own and apart from burping a bit more has not had any reflux pain.)

  3. Dear Dr. Kresser,
    Your article is wonderful. My situation is such that I suffer from GERD. I have been taking Raperprazole since 2011, switched to Tecta 3 months ago and now Zantac so that I can check for Hpylori again [I tested + [2 years ago] and was treated.
    My GERD has worsened. It burns my throat with a bad gas [like a valve has a tiny puncture hol;d and gas is release] and little liquid oozing out. I will be going to see my gastroenterologist [ASA I get an apt} whom I first visited I Dec 2011. I then did a test with a camera [not through my throat] , did a barium test and all was well.
    I am also overweight [157lbs as of Sept 18,2013] and have lost 5.5 lbs in 2 months through work outs Curves 3 to 4 times a week. I need to loose 15% of my body wt.
    This GERD is bothering me tremendously and I require help. Can you please respond? I am in Canada and was wondering if I could even call to discuss? Please advise.
    Thank you kindly.

  4. Amazing articles – really eye-opening. I’m not sure if I have GERD. I burp but it’s food that comes up – not acid but solid food. I don’t get heartburn, but I burp for hours after eating ANYthing – bread, fish, vegetables, whatever. I’ve had this for years and have taken all sorts of medications – Nexium and other acid-reducing drugs, and most recently Ranitidine. The only thing these drugs did was leave me with a B-12 deficiency which I’m been correctly with a vitamin supplement. I’m not obese – I’m like 5′ 8″ and 145 pounds – and I work out several times a week. I’m almost 30 and I worry about the damage all this ‘burping’ is doing to me. I think I’ll try the pre-biotic and pro-biotic combination that you suggested in another article. If that doesn’t work, endoscopy here I come? Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!



  5. Hi Chris,

    I am suffering from heart burn as a result of acid reflux, and was tested positive for H Pylori. I had always thought that an increase in stomach acid leads to reflux but it just didn’t make sense, since the bacteria would not survive in a high acidic environment. So, I started reading stuff and came across your excellent article, and I agree that “low acid –> increased bacteria –> further reduction of acid –> increased gas/bloating –> IAS –> acid reflux”.

    I am now taking antibiotics to kill the bacteria, so hopefully once the bacteria is gone it should lead to an increased production of the stomach acid leading which would hopefully reduce gas/bloating –> reduction in acid reflux.

    What do you think?

  6. For many, acid blockers and antacids can be harmful or counterproductive, but these medicines do have a place. I’ve struggled with IBD for some time and have progressively gotten worse. I’ve tried all the natural solutions and resisted following the advice of my GI. One of the suggestions I’ve resisted most vehemently is the use of acid blockers, largely because so many speak so strongly against it. But then I got to the point where my gut was so inflamed from top to bottom, any food at all hurt and made me ill, I finally succomed to trying an otc acid blocker. I woke this morning with no stomach pain or nausea for the first time in maybe a year.

    So again, this medicine has it’s place, and for some who truly need it, not taking can result in perforation and other issues. Do your homework, read the actual studies (not summaries found on the internet), and do what’s best for you.

    • I agree with you. I have gastritis and inflamation in my bowels from so much worry/stress,… I tried staying away from the PPI’s just because of all the negative i read about them. But after so much troublesome gas/burping and bloating, i finally had to try the zantac. My stomach feels calm, and no nausea. Now im taking digestive enzymes and b-12 under the tongue.

  7. I’ve been diagnosed 2 month ago with GERD and gastritis. I took 1 month PPI and saw some slight improvement, but I stopped because I’m definitely not planning to be on PPI for the rest of my life, I’m 32 years old. But actually what is impressing me the most is that low acid can increase Stomach Cancer Risks. Unfortunately I’ve just lost my mother in law last week because of Gastric Cancer, and most of the alternative cures we read, think that one of the reason of it is an acid environment, suggesting to have an alkaline body and to use baking soda, so exactly the opposite. Whats the truth?

  8. I’m not sure if anyone can help with this or not but thought it worth a try?

    My doctor put me on omeprazole 2wks ago to see if it would help with pains I keep getting in my stomach and I also had slight reflux. For the first 10days I thought they were fab, they didn’t fix the pain in my stomach but they put a ststop to the indigestion I was having. 3 days ago though my mouth became all red and inflamed with red lump where the tonsils are (I’ve had mine out) and also little red spots on the roof of my mouth and red sore type ulcers under my tongue. I also have a horrible metal taste/sensation in my mouth too. The reason for my question is because this afternoon I ate half a slice of white toast and along with all this other stuff happening in my mouth my lips started to tingle and swell with clusters of raised red lumps on the inside of my lips. Could the omeprazole caused this and made me allergic to things as I’ve never had this before I it was only a small piece of toast.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  9. Chris and team, this article is not linked to the final one in the series. You might want to edit to allow people to read forward. All other parts seem to have added a link to the next.
    > In the next and final article of the series, I will present a plan for getting rid of heartburn and GERD once and for all without drugs. (has no link)

    • I get your regular emails but do not have the final article with suggestions for getting rid of GERD without drugs.
      How do I get the link for that piece? Thank you very much for your good work.


  10. Hi Chris,

    My acupuncturist recommended I stop taking Aciphex, as part of my treatment. I found your articles invaluable in providing me with more information on the danger of low stomach acid and why GERD or acid reflux is not caused by too much acid.

    I was wondering if you could respond to Joe’s comment (or mine perhaps), mentioning a recent study that seems to show that PPI use doesn’t contribute to bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). (http://www.nature.com/ajg/journal/v107/n5/full/ajg20124a.html)

    It’s okay if you don’t have an exact explanation, as you said, there is contradictory evidence. I didn’t read the whole study, just the summary. But perhaps the method used to measure bacterial overgrowth (breath), or the amount of time a person was on a PPI, or other factors played a part in their findings. What is your take? Thanks!

  11. After 9 years on Prevacid I am finally free of this drug. I had tried 4 times in the past to get off this drug but always ended up in the ER. Finally 2 months ago I went to see a naturopath. She started me on two digestive enzymes, one before a meal and one with a meal. In addition I get a B12 shot (PPI ‘s can deplete your body) and I also take a B12 bilingual supplement. I am so happy to be free of Prevacid. I don’t understand why the GI doctors,supposedly the experts, don’t recognize digestive enzymes!

  12. Hi Christopher
    I’ve been reading the above and fascinating articles on GERD and PPI’s and couldnot find your regime article in how to tackle GERD and the like without using PPI’s. Would you mind sending me a link as I’m desperate to get off these things….. Taking them for 5 years now.

    Many thanks and thank you for writing these articles

  13. Thank you! I have recently gone through a crazy cycle of IBS-Gerd episodes.i was popping Pepcid AC and Tums every day but then got so deperate, I decided to try Prilosec OTC as my doctor had originally prescribed. I took two doses which made me start to feel better however, I didn’t like the idea of being on medication every day and started doing a little research online. I found so many reasons NOT to take Prilisec and decided to try to find a natural alternative. I changed my diet which is already pretty good since i have Celiac Disease and am gluten free. I read about and tried “Natural EsophaGuard” which is made of orange peel extract and also tried apple cider venegar right from my cupboard. That combination gave me great results for the Gerd which in turn made me stop taking the antacids. My IBS was still acting up and I read about how antibiotics kill all the good bacteria. I had just been on antibiotics, so I took some probiotics to counter. Between not taking antacids and adding the probiotics, I now feel great and am pharmaceutical free. I Just happened to read your articles which confirms what I stumbled upon. I am outraged that doctors are free to write prescriptions that will eventually cause more harm than good without telling you the potentially dangerous side-effects. Mine never offered a natural remedy or advice on how to stop the disease in the first place. He heard my symptoms and immediately prescribed Prilosec. I am thankful to my husband who encouraged me to dig a little deeper. Luckily he cares.

  14. Hi there,

    I had a question for you. I have had stomach problems since I was a child. It started with chronic gas that was so bad, I would cry. Eventually I got gall stones, passed out and had to have my gall bladder removed. Now that I am in my late 20s I am starting to have lots of issues with GERD. It seems that my stomach is very very sensitive, especially for my age. I have not always had a great diet but for the past few years I have eaten better and better. Do you think my lack of gall bladder could be causing problems with GERD? Possibly because of a lack of necessary digestive enzymes, or something of that nature? I’m becoming frustrated since most healthy foods contain citrus, tomato, onion, curry, garlic, oil, and other things which I am struggling with. I am going to start taking HCL, and ACV seems to help, but I want to be able to eat some of these foods again. What do you think?

  15. Thank you for these interesting articles. I have a unique situation since taking Omeperzole in my early 30’s (I’m 37 now). I went to Ireland for vacation and within 6 months of coming back started having horrible stomach pains. I was diagnosed (without an endoscopy) with an ulcer for which I was prescribed Omeperzole and antibiotics. I did test positive for H pylori through a blood test. Later I learned that H Pylori is very prevelent in the Irish drinking water and that most people in Ireland have the bacteria.

    The ulcer never really did heal with the Omeperzole, it just got worse over the next few years. I was taking at least 2-3 pills a day for over 2 years. I started getting really bad ocular migraines twice a week and my legs were covered with eczema. I have had migraines due to food intolerances, but never more than twice a year. I also develeloped strangely enough, a bad case of pure OCD. I’ve been in CBT therapy for 2 years now with no real let up in the symptoms.

    After researching some of the ramifications of this drug I feel as though it’s ruined my life. I’ve cleaned up my diet and taken gluten out and started taking b12, high quality fish oil, expensive probiotics and magnesium supplements. The symptoms of the ulcer are pretty much gone, and the eczema is gone 2 years after I stopped taking the drug. I haven’t had a migraine in nearly a year which is great.

    Unfortunately I haven’t found anything to help the OCD. My doctor wants me to see a psychiatrist to get on some medication, but I’m terrified of the side effects (for obvious reasons). No one seems to believe me that this could be from the Omeperzole pills.

  16. Hi Chris,

    I like to sing and I have found increasingly that I cannot do so due to chronic throat irritation. I also often smell “smoke”. When I burp I sometimes feel burning. I have been paleo for quite some time now and consume very little carbs and little to no sugars. I don’t really get what most people describe as heartburn, but all my other symptoms seem to be tell-tales of GERD. After reading your article I want to try HCL supplementation. What is not clear from the article is how often to supplement. Once I find a comfortable does thats effective, how many times a day should I take it? Once? Every Meal? I can manage the former, but the latter could get expensive.


  17. Hey there!

    I am so grateful to have been turned on to your site by friend who has also spent many years trying to fix digestive/fatigue/issues. I just finished a 60 candida cleanse and about 3 weeks ago noticed a feeling like “something was stuck” in my throat…near my right tonsil it felt like. I thought it might be allergies (they have been crazy in CO right now) or tonsil stones. It then moved to the left side, which was off and slowly to the middle of the top of my throat. A Dr. prescribed me a steroid nasal spray to reduce inflammation she thought could be from allergies. That did nothing and then it moved deeper into my throat, near the top of my esophagus. It feels like there is a vitamin stuck in my throat and now I can feel it every time I breathe not just when I swallow. Dr. now prescribed me Omeprazole 2 times a day for 2 weeks thinking maybe it is stomach acid although I have no burning, no real heartburn or sore throat.

    I am at my wits end, and after reading this blog, worried about taking these pills and making matters worse. I am trying to get testing for leaky gut/food allergies so I can better pin point what is really going on in my digestive symptom. It seems so odd that I would develop something like this when eating so “cleanly” . The only other thing I noticed was I got a really bad case of hiccups the day before this all started. I had a bad case of food poisoning in NOvember and have noticed since that my diaphragm is rather spasmadic…ie: if I sometimes burp it will spasm three or 4 times…and hiccups seem more severe.

    could that cause a refulx issue? I have never had this in my life and the feeling like something is stuck in there is making me so miserable, let alone making so much effort to clean up my diet and only having a NEW issue to work with.

    any insight people have would be so GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

    • I too have had this horrible feeling, for 2 months. Doc put me on 40mg Omeprazole, which went after 2 months, but now I feel nauseas(sp) all the time. But not as bad as the thraot thing. Cant come off Omeprazole though- any ideas for feeling sick? Thanks