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The Acid-Alkaline Myth: Part 2


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acid alkaline myth, mercola alkaline diet
Shaking up the acid-alkaline diet myth. istock.com/pilipphoto

In Part 1 of this series, I talked about why the basic premise of the acid-alkaline theory is flawed, and I showed that the evidence doesn’t support the idea that a net acid-forming diet is harmful to bone health. Now I want to look at the effect of dietary acid load on other health conditions.

Can the acidity or alkalinity of your diet affect your risk for muscle loss, cancer, and more?

Muscle Wasting

There is some research claiming that acid-forming diets cause muscle wasting, and the proposed mechanism is similar to that of the acid-ash hypothesis of osteoporosis. Some researchers hypothesize that in order to eliminate excess acid and maintain homeostasis, the kidneys must steal amino acids from muscle tissue. (1, 2) Just as a higher acid load increases calcium in the urine, it also increases nitrogen in the urine, leading some to believe that an acid-forming diet causes net nitrogen loss. However, some of these studies neglect to measure nitrogen balance, so this is not necessarily true. (3, 4) In fact, one study showed that a higher acid diet improved nitrogen balance! (5) This theory also does not acknowledge that protein, although it’s acid forming, actually increases the body’s ability to excrete acid. (6) Finally, the one observational study concluding that alkaline diets improve lean muscle mass didn’t even measure the overall acid load of the diet. (7) Instead, they used potassium intake as an approximate measure, and just assumed that the observed improvement in muscle mass was due to the diet being more alkaline. This, in addition to the limitations that always accompany observational data, makes the evidence less than convincing, especially since the clinical trials have conflicting results.


One of the more popular claims of the alkaline diet is that it can cure cancer. Proponents say that because cancer can only grow in an acidic environment, a net-alkaline diet can prevent cancer cells from growing, and can eliminate existing cancer cells. This theory is incorrect for a few reasons. First of all, the hypothesis depends on the ability of food to substantially change the pH of the blood and extracellular fluid, which I’ve already shown is not the case. (8, 9, 10) Second, cancer is perfectly capable of growing in an alkaline environment. The pH of normal body tissue is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline, and in almost every experiment done with cancer cells, they are grown in an environment at that pH. (11)

Now, cancer cells do tend to grow better in an acidic environment, but the causality is reversed. Once a tumor develops, it creates its own acidic environment through up-regulated glycolysis and reduced circulation, so the pH of the patient’s blood no longer determines the pH of the cancer. (12) It’s not the acidic environment that causes the cancer; it’s the cancer that causes the acidic environment. To top it all off, the only comprehensive review on ‘diet-induced’ acidosis and cancer did not even acknowledge this as a valid mechanism by which an acid-forming diet could increase cancer risk. They discuss a few biological pathways that could potentially link dietary acid load and cancer, but they admit that it’s mostly speculation and there’s no direct link. (13)

Other Effects

There are a few observational studies attempting to link acid-forming diets with hypertension, but the results are mixed. (14, 15) There’s also limited observational data associating higher acid loads with things like high cholesterol, obesity, and insulin resistance, but there are no proposed mechanisms or clinical studies to validate the hypotheses. (16, 17)

There are a few review papers examining the effect of acid-forming diets and health, but as you’ve seen above, the evidence they have to review is sparse. (18, 19, 20, 21, 22) If you read these papers, you’ll notice that whenever they cite trials showing the deleterious effects of acidosis, those trials were done on patients with chronic kidney disease or diabetes-induced acidosis. In the studies done on healthy people, they’re given ammonium chloride to induce acidosis. What you won’t see are clinical trials showing health consequences from purely ‘diet-induced’ acidosis. (Perhaps because ‘diet-induced’ acidosis doesn’t exist!) You’ll also notice that the strongest two hypotheses deal with osteoporosis and muscle wasting, and that links with other diseases are speculative or based on observational data. And although conflicts of interest don’t necessarily mean their conclusion can’t be trusted, it’s interesting to note that one of these reviews was funded by “pH Sciences®,” which “develops and manufactures patent-protected ingredients that safely and effectively manage biological pH levels.” (23)

In sum, I am not convinced that an acid-forming diet has negative effects on healthy people, based on the science. But just to be sure, it’s always a good idea to observe healthy cultures to see if there’s any anthropological evidence to support or refute the hypothesis.

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Evolutionary Data

There are a few studies where researchers attempted to approximate the net acid load of Paleolithic diets. One estimated that 87% of pre-agricultural people ate net-alkaline diets, and proposed this discrepancy with our modern diets as a possible reason for our declining health. (24) However, a more recent study estimated that only half of the world’s hunter-gatherer societies eat net-alkaline diets, while the other half are net acid-forming. (25) They reason that the other estimate is likely accurate for our earlier ancestors, because their tropical habitat would’ve provided ample fruits and vegetables. This idea is confirmed by another analysis that showed increasing acid load with increasing latitude. (26) Even without the study, it stands to reason that as humans moved into less hospitable environments, the animal content (and acid load) of their diet increased.

Given the subpar clinical science on this topic, I think the evolutionary argument is far more convincing. If half of the world’s hunter-gatherer populations avoid the ‘diseases of civilization’ on an acid-forming diet, it would seem that acid load has little to no bearing on overall health. For some case studies, we can always look to Weston Price’s work to see quite clearly that acid-forming diets are not detrimental to health. Based on Price’s descriptions, many of the traditional diets he studied would have been primarily acid-forming, including the Swiss, the Masai, and the Inuit. Yet despite their high intake of animal foods or grains and their comparatively low intake of fruits and vegetables, they maintained excellent health.


I don’t deny that many people have seen significant health improvements when switching to an alkaline diet, but there are many possible reasons for this not having to do with pH balance. Eating more fresh produce is rarely a bad idea, especially when it displaces nutrient poor processed foods. A person switching to an alkaline diet would significantly reduce their consumption of grains, which could cause dramatic health improvements for somebody with a leaky gut or gluten sensitivity. Dairy would also be minimized, which would help those with dairy sensitivities. And although pure sugar isn’t an acid-forming nutrient, many laypeople claim that it is, so alkaline diets tend to contain far less sugar than a standard Western diet.

Between the scientific evidence (or lack thereof) and the anthropological research, I think we can be confident that the acid load of our diets doesn’t negatively impact healthy people. For those with renal failure or similar conditions that affect kidney function, it’s a different story—there’s certainly room for manipulation of urine pH in the treatment of those conditions. But for someone with functioning kidneys, there should be no concern that an acid-forming diet will harm health.

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  1. I hate to throw another wrinkle in the complexities of acid vs alkaline, but I went to a holistic blood doctor, just to see what he saw in my blood. He was pretty much on point about what my diet was. Now he believes in eating for your blood type. Most hunter-gatherers are O type and O types are suppose to have a high level of acidity in the digestive system and needs to exercise vigorously to stay even keel. O types, according to him, should eat meat once a day and grains once a day, gluten free of course and the rest fruits and veggies. That being said could the blood type also be a factor in how you handle alkaline vs Acid foods. I mean non processed, no gmo Acid and Alkaline foods. Just a thought

    • THANKS Sunflower and PHunter for you considered and informational replies. Being open minded is key to intelligence!
      PHUNTER: I’m blood type A. Do you have any information about preferred eating for my blood type? I hope you do. Or maybe you can refer me to a website on the topic.I live in the Philippines, where services that are available to you, do not exist!

      • If we use common sense then eating according to your blood type becomes rather irrational. How long has it been that we are able to identify what blood type we are….sometimes it may well be a good idea to look at the animal kingdom and observe what they do…they seem to know very well what to eat and what not to eat….and they would not have a clue as to their blood type. Eating fresh food as nature intended, mix it up as in a rotation diet and learn how to listen to your body which will always tell you what is right and what is not….I am an advocate for an alkaline lifestyle and diet with the occasional protein like fish or eggs. I have not eaten any other meat for 33 years. The paleo diet is in my opinion totally out-dated and not suitable for people across the board. Intuitive eating can be learnt…all it takes is listen to your body and observe the function of your four channels of elimination. This is an opinion and it is not claimed to be a fact or applicable to all. All research these days needs to be looked upon with a healthy scepticism….look at the attached article:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16060722

    • I don’t believe in the eat for your blood type diet at all. The diet totally ignores metabolic differences in people, which is a major mistake to begin with.

      Let’s say hypothetically that the diet says people with type A blood can eat chocolate. So we take 4 people with type A blood. One is perfectly healthy, one is diabetic, one has candidiasis and one has allergies to cocoa. Is the chocolate still good for all these people just because they have type A blood? Of course not. The diet is ludicrous.

  2. Albert Einstein is arguably the single most brilliant human to ever have walked the earth! Of course, we don’t know anything about the millions of folks who walked the earth in prehistory, except that one of these folks invented the wheel! That fact notwithstanding, Einstein said, “The only thing I really know, is that I don’t know!” “I don’t know!” was his credo, the single philosophy that kept him open-minded to all the possibilities that exist, on any and every subject, and that was responsible for his ability to see things no one else did or could! Given “I don’t know!” as an accepted precursor only to currently accepted knowledge. how does the stance, “I know!” stand up as indicative of factual knowledge? It seems to me that the vastness of what we don’t know makes those things that anyone thinks he or she knows, pale by comparison, and essentially dissolve into foolishness! For Example: Margarine is healthier than butter! Wheat causes brain damage and hundreds of other illnesses! Veganism is healthier than being a carnivore! Meat is the way to go! Primal man lived longer than modern man! Alkalinity is healthy! The Acid-Alkaline myth!
    Everything you think you know is up for grabs as fact! The best you can do is mere guess work! AND, IN CONCLUSION: Any and all arguments protesting your
    (I use a universal “you”) “ability to know” just digs you deeper and deeper into a pit of ego driven ignorance! Does anyone care/dare to reply? 🙂

    • Thank you JC….it is all about ones ability to respect an opinion….regardless of right or wrong….we need to share these opinions w/o claiming them to be the truth as this sharing is stimulating discussion and allows us to keep doors open for new info. Knowledge is something we collect along the way only to be revised when the willingness is there to be flexible and open. What is true to me may not be true to you…it all depends on what we have experienced.

    • I hear you…that’s how I experience things. There are those who claim to “know” and they have the “truth” and they sell products to make money selling their truth. Typically these folks already have enough money….if it is so “true” why are they not giving these things away free?

      I am one who clearly doesn’t know and I’m always looking for more information…which typically leads me down other paths I don’t know about. I just stay open and listen to my body and work towards learning more. Somewhere in all of this…there must be something of value for each of us or we wouldn’t be discussing it.

  3. About the acid/alkaline diet, can you address the claim that combining, for eg, meat and pasta or potatoes, requires different types of enzymes at the same time, that this type of enzyme production is hard on the body, and therefore, is best avoided? It seems reasonable enough on the surface.

    • In my opinion the concept is pretty ridiculous.

      The enzymes are already produced and are just being released.

      And these enzymes are already designed to work in harmony for a very simple reason. Single foods can contain multiple compounds that will require multiple enzymes to break down.

      Plants for example can contain proteins that require one set of enzymes, starches requiring different enzymes, other saccharides requiring yet other enzymes, fats requiring still other enzymes……….

      So why would eating a plant be any different than eating a plant with let’s say meat?

      • Thank you, James. I did not know the enzymes were already there, and your interpretation makes sense to me. I will stop wondering about this. Having tried to avoid the “bad” combinations in the past, I can tell you it drives you nuts and takes all the pleasure away in eating. I generally try to avoid animal food, but only for ethical reasons.

    • The “blue zones” definitely have NOTHING to do with alkalizing. If you look at the diets in these areas you will notice that they consume a lot of foods and drinks that according to the acid-alkaline sites are “acid forming”. Again, there is no such thing, but the point is simply that pH is not playing a role.

      People in these areas are more active, don’t smoke as much as other areas of the world, have less pollution, etc. There are going to be a number of factors. One of the most important being that they also lead more stress-free lifestyles. Stress will kill you a lot faster than poor diet.

  4. No reply to my last post. Is it a problem?
    Boron is the element most responsible for calcium being deposited where it is supposed to be, the teeth and bones; not silica! Boron is deficient in the western diet because the soil our food is grown in is severely deficient in it. Lack of it is responsible for osteoporosis/arthritis. Read this: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/13/06/27/borax-conspiracy-how-arthritis-cure-has-been-stopped-walter-last

    I am constantly amazed at how otherwise intelligent folks can learn one thing, then think it is the be-all and end-all of knowledge; always neglecting to realize the obvious fact that the history of human knowledge is basically one of past fact becoming false as new fact takes its place, over and over again!
    We should all remember how bad butter became, to be replaced by the horrors of hydrogenated fat in margarine! Now we’re being told that wheat kills brain cells. Well, tell it Einstein, Newton, and all the great scientists of western history, all of whom ate wheat and grains! don’t you think that, just possibly, not everything pertinent is known by the pundits of extant “knowledge?” A little humility please; and this includes not only you, James, but also myself, and my current post!

    • JC: “Boron is the element most responsible for calcium being deposited where it is supposed to be, the teeth and bones; not silica!”

      Actually it is silica, not boron.

      Boron is great stuff. I have used it in my formulas for a long time. It does aid in the absorption of calcium and helps with hormones. But it is only ONE of numerous nutrients needed for healthy bones and joints.

      And again, silica is more important for several reasons. First of all osteoporosis is not a lack of bone minerals, it is a lack of bone collagen. Collagen is composed of proline, hydroxyproline, lysine, hydroxylysine, glycine, vitamin C and SILICA. Copper and zinc are catalysts for the formation of collagen. Boron is not a part of collagen, but rather with other minerals deposits in the collagen matrix. And yet more is still needed to build bone:


      The deposition of minerals in to the collagen matrix is the result of silica, not boron. Silica is a piezoelectric material, which means that when pressure or electricity is applied the silica generates electricity. It is this electricity generated by the silica that electrodeposits the minerals from the blood in to the collagen matrix.

      This is why exercise is needed to increase bone density. Simply taking minerals like boron, strontium calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. will not create strong bones. When we exercise the pressure on the collagen matrix compresses the silica creating the electricity, through the piezoelectric effect, that puts the minerals, including boron, in to the collagen matrix.

      This is also the same principle by which minute electrical currents have been applied to fractures to accelerate the healing of the fractures. The application of minute electrical currents creates the piezoelectric effect in the silica thereby stimulating increased bone growth.

      Also the same reason astronauts lose bone density in space despite taking nutrients. Again, the collagen matrix must be compressed, which is difficult to do in zero gravity, to stimulate the piezoelectric effect of silica for bone mineralization.

      Silica is not only essential for bone formation, but also cartilage formation. I am sure most of us have heard of glucosamine and chondroitin by now for joint health. Chondroitin is pretty much worthless as a supplement because it is so poorly absorbed due to its large size. What makes it so large? Because chondroitin is formed by the linking of multiple glucosamine molecules together with silica in long chains: glucosamine-silica-glucosamine-silica-glucosamine-silica-glucosamine-silica-glucosamine-silica-glucosamine-silica…………..

      Here are a few articles I have written on silica:




      And a Medline study on silica:


      And silica references:


        • Hi Martin,

          It’s not just a matter of getting silica in the diet. You still have to absorb it, and silica is poorly absorbed. Low stomach acid further decreases absorption. This is another reason I don’t like things that neutralize stomach acid including antacids, acid blockers, alkaline waters and supplements with calcium carbonate (oyster shell, dolomite, coral) and magnesium oxide.

          Silica does not absorb as silica (silicon dioxide), but rather as orthosilicic acid (OA). OA will form from the reaction of water on silica, which dissolves traces of silica forming OA. The presence of stomach acid or dietary acids enhances the conversion of silica in to OA.

          Silica primarily comes from insoluble fibers. I prefer oat or rice brans.

          I found the best way though to get silica is by adding food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) to water. DE is 80% silica, 10% metal oxides and 10% moisture. I add a spoon full of the DE to a gallon of water and let it settle out. This may take a few days initially. Once it is settled out I drink the water part way down then fill the container again with water leaving the DE in the container. I just keep repeating this. Each time more water is added a little more of the DE will be dissolved keeping the water partially saturated with OA. That spoon full will literally last several years if done right, but I usually change out the DE every 6 months.

          The advantage of doing it this way is if a person takes a silica supplement they may only take it 1 to3 times daily, and again you will only absorb traces with each dose. But you take a drink of water numerous times a day and will absorb a trace of the silica with each drink. Therefore, you end up absorbing significantly more silica this way.

          You can even fill water bottles from the DE water to take with you during the day if you work.

          One of the signs that you are absorbing the silica properly is that your nails will lose their flexibility and become very hard.

  5. This is interesting. I’m not quite sure I’m convinced, but it does open me up to the idea that alkaline vs. acid might might just be a myth.

  6. I find your mention of Eskimos in support of your philosophy has a flaw! As an anthropology major, I was taught that historically, the average life span of eskimos was 35 to 40 years. The Masai men expect to live only 43 years today. Of course, disease and other factors of a more primitive difficult life and poor medicine play a role. Still, using these peoples as support for high fat, high cholesterol diets seems unwarranted. Please respond.

  7. In your treatise on Alkalinity vs Acidity I couldn’t help notice that, in effort yo be honest and thorough, you repeatedly found yourself mentioning studies that supported the health benefits of alkalinity and/or the ill health associated with acidosis. Then you found ways to discount those studies, of necessity, to support your stance regarding the Paleo diet. My makor was anthropology, so I appreciate the philosophy of Paleo. However, I also find validity in veggie diets, and notice greater health among them than among non-vegetarians. I find you to be highly intelligent and logical. Just be wary that your logic may be affected by your Paleo philosophy. Finally, after doing my own research, I am not convinced that any diet extant today is the final answer regarding health. Sisson’s Primal exercise and diet philosophy, so close to Paleo, is very attractive. So is Paleo. But I think it would be difficult for a person who has had a heart attack, to fully subscribe to loading up on cholesterol laden fat or food substances! In conclusion I ask you this: What is your opinion about Vernon Johnston’s recovery from Stage IV, inoperable prostate cancer, metastasized to his pelvic bones, by drinking baking soda and molasses in water, that raised his PH litmus test to 8.5, in only a few weeks. It’s been over five years now, and he’s going strong!

    • JC: “What is your opinion about Vernon Johnston’s recovery from Stage IV, inoperable prostate cancer, metastasized to his pelvic bones, by drinking baking soda and molasses in water, that raised his PH litmus test to 8.5, in only a few weeks. It’s been over five years now, and he’s going strong!”

      Here is a response I did elsewhere concerning the claims about Vernon Johnston:

      “Nowhere have I found evidence that his cancer is gone. Even if it is gone we still do not know what got rid of it. Ingesting baking soda has NEVER been shown to be effective against cancer as where dietary acids from plants have been shown to help. So people need to stop focusing on one thing the person did and assuming it was responsible for something. As an example we can state that 100% of people who have ever been successfully treated for cancer were breathing air. Therefore, breathing air is what cured their cancer. See how ridiculous such generalizations are? Yet this is exactly what is being done in Johnston’s case where people are ignoring the other changes he made, and only focusing on the baking soda ingestion for which there is no evidence whatsoever that it has any effect on cancer cells.”

      By the way salivary pH testing ONLY tells you the pH of the saliva. It does not reflect blood pH whatsoever.

  8. One more thing, at the end of the day the body’s healthiest state is slightly alkaline. James or Chris or anyone cannot deny that is the recommended state of the body. So why not do it if it is the healthiest, natural state of the body. And if the doctors asked me to check my ph with the urine strips then it has to have some medical validity as a tool of measuring ph. Stay healthy everyone. Love to all.

    • Irfhan: “One more thing, at the end of the day the body’s healthiest state is slightly alkaline. James or Chris or anyone cannot deny that is the recommended state of the body.”

      Nobody ever denied that. But the key words there are “slightly alkaline”, not excessively alkaline which puts more stress on the body as the body has to work harder to lower its pH again, and if severe enough can be deadly. As I said before human bodies have been doing an excellent job of maintaining its proper blood pH levels, except is extremely rare cases, ever since humans have been on this Earth. It DOES NOT need assistance from drinking dangerous compounds such as baking soda or ionized alkaline water.

      As I pointed out also in previous posts anyone who wants to alkalize quickly for free can simply hyperventilate. This will make the person over alkaline just like what can happen when people try to make their already alkaline blood more alkaline by other means. And what happens when they alkalize by hyperventilation? The blood vessels around the brain constrict from the alkalinity cutting off the blood supply to the brain and the person passes out. When they pass out they fall down, which helps with restoring blood flow to the brain. The person will also stop breathing temporarily or breathing slows considerably to build carbonic acid levels back up to dilate the blood vessels and restore blood flow to the brain.

      The body really is smarter than most of the people who inhabit them.

      Irfhan: “So why not do it if it is the healthiest, natural state of the body. And if the doctors asked me to check my ph with the urine strips then it has to have some medical validity as a tool of measuring ph.”

      Any doctor that thinks that testing urinary pH reflects blood pH needs to have their license taken away because they don’t understand how the body works. You cannot determine blood pH through urine or saliva. You can only test blood pH with a blood test.

      And don’t start with it is the pH of the tissues, not the blood argument again. It is even more difficult to measure tissue pH, and this DEFINITELY CANNOT be done with pH test strips.

      • As I understand it, it is oxygen that is responsible for whether cancer grows or dies. Cancer likes an anaerobic state, lack of oxygen. Baking soda provides oxygen to the cancer, therefor preventing its ongoing life! So, blood alkalinity or acidity has nothing to do with it! The alkaline state of urine or saliva is an indication that sodium bicarbonate is in the body! Of course, the agreed upon fact that human bodies strive to maintain a slightly alkaline blood state is evidence enough for me that, conservatively, acid forming foods lean towards being “not good,” and alkalizing foods lean towards being “desirable!”

        • JC: “Cancer likes an anaerobic state, lack of oxygen.”

          This myth was disproven decades ago. It has since been proven that cancer cells die in the lack of oxygen leading to the process of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis brings more oxygen to the surviving cancer cells allowing the cancer cells to grow faster.

          Cancer cells derive at least 50% of the energy from oxidative phosphorylation, which requires oxygen. And cancer cells have been shown to have a higher affinity for oxygen than healthy cells.

          JC: “Baking soda provides oxygen to the cancer”

          No it does not. Most baking soda is going to be broken down in the stomach forming sodium chloride salt and carbonic acid. Even if any baking soda reaches the blood excessive alkalinity leads to tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen) since alkalinity decreases circulation and inhibits the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. If the alkalosis becomes too severe the person suffocates from severe contraction spasms of the lungs.

          JC: “The alkaline state of urine or saliva is an indication that sodium bicarbonate is in the body!”

          Not quite. The blood always contains bicarbonate in about a 20:1 ratio to carbonic acid. Yet urine is often slightly acidic to help fight pathogens and to prevent mineral precipitation forming kidney stones.

          Urine alkalinity can also indicate urinary tract infections as the bacteria secrete the enzyme urease to split urea in to highly alkaline ammonia. The alkalinity helps the bacteria to thrive since they are killed by acidity.

          JC: “Of course, the agreed upon fact that human bodies strive to maintain a slightly alkaline blood state is evidence enough for me that, conservatively, acid forming foods lean towards being “not good,” and alkalizing foods lean towards being “desirable!””

          There is no such thing as a truly acid or truly alkaline food. Many of the so-called alkaline food have acidic pH levels to begin with and ALL foods eventually metabolize in to acids. Most of these acids are ESSENTIAL to the body.

          And the so-called “alkaline response” occurs with ALL foods, even steak and junk foods.

  9. Well, for me personally I will leave this forum with actual and solid personal data for all here. After my first round of chemo I started researching alkaline effects. I took baking soda and lemon juice in the hospital, and for the first time in 2 weeks my back pain where I had metastasis was gone and slept without morphine for the first time in a couple weeks. I already had ph strips given to me by the hospital so I kept alkalizing even after it wasn’t monitored by the nurses. I am home now. Completely pain free. After only one round of chemo when they scheduled 4 rounds. Mri’s show complete recession. They are reconsidering doing stem cell. Whether it’s all related I am not sure but I will say ever since I have been monitoring my ph I am completely pain free, my weight is back up, my counts are normal and am starting to feel like my old self. These are my experiences. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. Cheers everyone!

    • Glad you are feeling better Irfhan, but there is still no evidence here that you were altering your blood pH. First of all the acidity of the lemon juice would neutralize the alkalinity of the baking soda as would the stomach acid.

      And I am skeptical about a lot of the story such as what kind of hospital would give a patient pH strips. It is well known in medicine that you cannot measure blood pH with saliva or urine. And I have never seen any hospital allow patients to do self diagnosis by giving them anything to do so. To the contrary hospitals are very much against patients self diagnosing and patients self “medicating” while in the hospital since interactions with treatments they are giving are not known.

      In addition, PET scans, not MRI are generally used to determine if any cancer is still present. The reason is that PET scans look for higher than normal glucose consumption that is a hallmark of malignant tumors. MRIs can look for masses, but cannot tell if that mass is malignant or something benign like scar tissue.

  10. Another question, and I quote directly from you: ” cancer cells do tend to grow better in an acidic environment”. Why is this if you have also said they grow better in an alkaline environment. Which one is it James? May I also ask are you a practicing doctor? Jus curious…

    • Irfhan: “Another question, and I quote directly from you: ” cancer cells do tend to grow better in an acidic environment”. Why is this if you have also said they grow better in an alkaline environment. Which one is it James?

      First of all that was not my quote. That was a quote made by Chris Kessler in his article. Secondly, I never said cancer grows better in an alkaline environment, I said the internal pH of cancer cells is alkaline. So both Chris Kessler’s and my statements are 100% correct. The cancer cells maintain the internal alkaline state they need to survive and thrive by exporting the acidic hydrogen ions (protons) in to the external matrix, which is outside the cell. So inside the cell is alkaline and outside the cell is acidic. Cancer cells do rely on this external acidity to metastasize since the acid activates the enzyme hyaluronidase that breaks down hyaluronic acid allowing the cancer cells to migrate through tissues.

      Irfhan: “May I also ask are you a practicing doctor? Jus curious…”

      Again this article is not about me. So if you have on topic questions I will be happy to answer them but I am not going to keep responding to off topic posts.

  11. James. I am a cancer patient. I was given 10 sodium bicarbonate pills every 4 hours for the reason of keeping me in a high alkaline state. I was told to check my ph to make sure it was in a high alkaline state. This is being done in hospitals so why would you say SB causes acidosis? Are hospitals wrong too?

    • “James. I am a cancer patient. I was given 10 sodium bicarbonate pills every 4 hours for the reason of keeping me in a high alkaline state. I was told to check my ph to make sure it was in a high alkaline state. This is being done in hospitals so why would you say SB causes acidosis? Are hospitals wrong too?”

      First of all it is virtually impossible to maintain a higher than normal alkaline state. The body will just work harder to reduce its pH back to normal since being too alkaline can kill you by reducing oxygen levels to the tissues. So in essence you would suffocate if you became too alkaline.

      Also keep in mind these two facts. The sodium bicarbonate would be mostly broken down by the stomach acid forming sodium chloride as well as carbon dioxide and water that combine themselves to form carbonic acid. Secondly, the only way to check blood pH is with a blood test. You did not mention how they were supposedly monitoring your pH, but it sounds like it was not with a blood test.

      It is well known in medicine though that when sodium bicarbonate is administered in an hospital setting, which is normally done by IV, that the patient must be carefully monitored for acidosis since again the reaction of sodium bicarbonate with and acid produces an excess of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia), which reacts with water in the body forming carbonic acid resulting in acidosis.

      • As you will notice with James, he only reads what he wants for sake of arguements. I don’t recall anywhere that anyone said over alkalizing, but, yet thats where he goes… The alkalizing stabilization is done so your body doesn’t have to work so hard doing it and tend to the cancer… James also uses “most likely” alot, along with adding a ton of information not needed…trying to force his “so called” knowledge on the subject.

        • You will notice that Joseph never responds unless he can attack the messenger. People attack the messenger when they are completely ignorant of the subject and therefore cannot attack the message. So they attack the only thing they can which is the messenger.

          The simple fact that Joseph has not been able to grasp is that the body regulates its pH tightly without assistance. This is why acidosis and the more dangerous alkalosis are such extremely rare occurrences. When people try to force the blood in to an alkaline state, which is already maintained in an alkaline state, the person is simply making the body work harder as it now has to address the induced alkalosis. This extremely simple concept does not even require a bunch of research, it only requires some simple common sense. Although, all the facts I have presented can be verified easily with a little simple research. People like Joseph though are too lazy to do that simple research and prefer to remain bliss in their complete ignorance.

          Once again, alkalosis can kill you just as acidosis can. This is why the body maintains such tight regulation on its pH. The primary means of pH regulation is respiration, not diet. Next on the list is dumping of hydrogen ions through the kidneys, not diet. And the body still has various other means of pH regulation that do not require dangerous alkaline substances such as baking soda or ionized water. If you try to force the pH in to an alkaline state though with these substances you can overwhelm the pH balancing systems of the body thus inducing a dangerous state of alkalosis that kill a person from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, when you induce this alkalosis the body has to work harder in an attempt to bring the pH back down in to a normal range to prevent death.

          The body has managed to maintain its pH since humans have existed on Earth. Let the body do its job as it is designed to and stop trying to force the body into an unnatural and dangerous state of alkalosis.

          And since Joseph decided to bring up cancer it needs to be pointed out once again that research has shown over and over that cancer cells have an internal pH more alkaline than healthy cells and that excess alkalinity of healthy cells morphs these healthy cells in to cancer cells.

  12. Not to start an argument, but i honestly think that both James and Mr Paleo could have ended on better terms. Instead of attacking each other, politeness could have helped, as well as the capability to admit wrongs. Honestly, both have provided viable info and have been a major help in clearing arguments, however tedious.

    • Dear Carey,

      Thank you for your sentiment, it is appreciated.
      I hold no grudge against James, he appears to be an intelligent individual willing to spend his own time to educate others.
      I simply have no desire to have to defend myself, especially when voicing my own “personal” opinion, nor engage in a “battle of wits”…


  13. Hi KJ,

    The confusion with the cancer comes from the fact that cancer cells have a more alkaline internal pH than healthy cells. They need this high alkalinity to survive and thrive. But they maintain this alkalinity by exporting the high number of acidic protons generated during energy production in to the external matrix. This makes the area surrounding the cancer cells acidic while maintaining the highly alkaline internal pH. This acidic external pH does help promote metastases since the enzyme hyaluronidase needs to acidity to function. But this IS NOT the same as the cancer cells thriving in an acidic environment as many people claim. To actually survive and thrive the pH of the cancer cell must be highly alkaline. Research has shown that when the proton pumps are blocked the internal pH of the cancer cells become acidic killing the cancer cells.

    As for alkaline waters supposedly boosting the immune system, this is not the case. Alkaline waters can do a lot to suppress parts of the immune system though primarily though inhibiting nutrient absorption, which among other things decreases methylation needed for about 4,000 reactions in the body including proper immune function.

    What people need to realize though is that the immune system IS NOT a singular thing. Instead the immune system is comprised of numerous components. Various glands, various cytokines, various white blood cells, peroxide, etc. Therefore, various things can affect the immune system, even placebo effect. Therefore, people can do a lot of things that can support their immune system without realizing it such as reducing their stress, giving up caffeine, increasing their fiber intake, etc. We cannot just assume it is one thing when there is no scientific basis for that one thing having any supportive effect on any component of the immune system.

  14. I’ve been drinking alkaline water for 8 years and haven’t got sick since then. I feel from my experiences and reports that by drinking this water you immune system is far stronger. This is the first time I’ve never heard that cancer can grow in an alkaline environment. I’ve only heard the opposite. Make it a great day and stay healthy..:)

    • I meant to say I’ve never heard that cancer can grow in an alkaline environment. Thanks

  15. James,

    I have offered, several times, to take this offsite. The FACT that you are unwilling to do so proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do what you do for your own egoic needs…
    When I check your MEDCAPSULES site, you may not have advertising per se, but it does present a company, MOUNTAIN MIST BOTANICALS, Las Vegas, NV, which you are listed as co-owner, and a product line which, apparently, you “advise/formulate” ? And, when I run your “profile” on LinkedIn, you have all of six connections and ONE apparent “testimonial”, from your significant other? You appear to be of above average intelligence, and I truly believe you may care. But I am not going to continue this…. you have lost a potential connection, and that is sad.
    Call it your “triumph” if you wish…but PLEASE, let it go….

    • Mr. Paleo: “I have offered, several times, to take this offsite. The FACT that you are unwilling to do so proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do what you do for your own egoic needs…”

      LOL!!! What egoic needs? You are the one that has been trying over and over to get the discussion moved over to your blog site to drive traffic there and feed your own egoic needs. There is nothing wrong with addressing the article topic right here where the people who are reading these comments came here to read and follow. How would posting comments here as opposed to your blog site be any different other than the fact that you have such as strong desire to feed your ego?

      Mr. Paleo: “When I check your MEDCAPSULES site, you may not have advertising per se, but it does present a company, MOUNTAIN MIST BOTANICALS, Las Vegas, NV, which you are listed as co-owner, and a product line which, apparently, you “advise/formulate” ? And, when I run your “profile” on LinkedIn, you have all of six connections and ONE apparent “testimonial”, from your significant other? ”

      Wow, getting in to cyber-stalking in a poor attempt to dig up dirt on me to make yourself feel superior. How egotistic is that!!!!

      By the way, I don’t have a significant other. I do have a lot of people who I have helped with their health issues with the PROPER information and we have become friends.

      In addition, I rarely do anything at all with Linkedin. I have a lot of requests by people to add them as connections. But I rarely do this because again I don’t do much of anything with Linkedin. In fact, since you looked when was the last time I did an update or anything on Linkedin? So stop with the cyber-stalking. It just shows how low you are wiling to go and makes me want to avoid your blog site even more!!!

  16. FYI, I am well aware that ozone is toxic if inhaled, that was not the point. And the fact that you appear not to know that ascorbic acid has a “bowel tolerance” makes me question your background. Given the choice between Mike Adams, and you, I’ll take the Health Ranger. He has done more to further the truth about nutrition in one year than you will in a lifetime of harassing people… and if you REALLY paid attention, BOTH PubMed and Medline have been caught with their “pants down” recently. I’m going to also recommend you look up the RIORDAN CLINIC, and Dr. Hunninghake, and actually READ the books I referenced, for your own edification. (As for the German “study” you quoted, please provide a DIRECT LINK to said study.)



    Unlike you, I don’t claim to be omniscient, or to be perfect. Nor do I need to justify my stance to you or anyone else…
    I am NOT a medical doctor, and I do NOT diagnose or treat. I DO provide extensive nutritional counseling and energy healing in conjunction with several excellent physicians…
    I choose to err on the side of caution, that is my choice, and don’t have the time or inclination to argue with people who claim to have “practical” experience but seem to spend ALL their time puffing out their chest and demeaning others…
    I do however recommend mega-dose B-vitamin therapy for your possible megalomania… or just “get a life”…

    • Oh wonderful news, so this means Mr Paleo and James will now surrender their egos and restore peace to this site for all. thank God, hallelujah! Hopefully this is the end of it, but both of them seem to want the last say, so being the childish creatures they are, the battle of egos will continue.

      • Nooooo ! No more paid off research links 🙂

        Btw James: I would only whine if they did reseach on how they might have been able to save me rather than doing so 🙂 (they as in your accident scenario) You know, research like cancer research costing billions to accomplish “Treatments”

        • Joseph Mahoney: “You know, research like cancer research costing billions to accomplish “Treatments””

          So Joseph, how do you explain the numerous medical studies proving the effectiveness of various herbs and supplements for cancer? For example, the studies proving the anti-cancer benefits of betulinic acid derived from black conch mushrooms for cancer and HIV?:





          Milk thistle:






          These are just a few of many examples. For example there are numerous studies on the anticancer effects of curcumin from turmeric. And other compounds within herbs such as quercetin and chrysin.

          Instead of constantly whining about things like Julie why don’t you spend some of that energy actually doing some research. You will be surprised at how much research is readily available on the anticancer effects of various foods, herbs, essential oils, supplements, etc.

            • Give it up Julie. You have done nothing but whine about other people and attack them in every one of your posts. You have contributed NOTHING to the discussion of the topic here. How is that being graceful or respectful of Chris and his site? if you are going to post why don’t you put your whining away since I assume you are an adult and if you have something to add make it about the topic instead of posting personal attacks.

              • why don’t you get a job, a life, a personality, and some humanity. While you’re at it, why not go to anger management class, or better still see a spiritual teacher to address your ego issues. The ego has a dark possession over people to distract them from what they are meant to be doing in this world and arguing at every opportunity like you are doing is a clear indication you are possessed. Maybe an exorcism is in order?

                • Dear Julie,
                  I think this is enough! Your posting is repugnant and I am sure not a reflection of who you are. You can do better than using this kind of language and approach. I have been a Therapist for nearly 30 years and would like to give you some free suggestions….look at what you have written to James and then ask yourself how much of what you have said relates to you…please don’t take this the wrong way…it is not meant to be negative but more so supportive. Please let it go now and enjoy every minute of your day celebrating the fact that you are here and alive. Anger is like a hot piece of coal that is thrown at us from time to time…and the thrower is the one that gets burnt every time.

              • Uh oh, Julie is having a conversation with herself again.

                She has done nothing but post personal attacks to argue and has yet to provide even one on-topic post to contribute to the discussion. Therefore, her last attack post has described her and her actions perfectly.

                Now Julie, did you have something to add that is not a personal attack to start an argument and that has something to do with the topic of the alkalinity myth? If not, you really should move on. Your games have been exposed and are just wasting everyone’s time.

                • ahhh, I knew you were possessed! the fact that you responded to my post speaks volumes. I will pray for you.

          • Research research…bla bla bla. You and I know there is no way to know which are accrurate and which are manipulated. As educated as you are,you tell these readers why the effective cancer (solutions) in other countries like Canada for instances, are not in the U.S. Also, why is it after chemo, radiation, which, is well known, to polute the body with poisons, is follow up care to rid the body of toxins not done by hospitals. Again and again, it’s a cover up, cures are available, but will never be made public unless the public forces a change. Research, research and more research, leading people to believe they are close. Much like that slot machine almost hitting, but, never paying out, continuing to suck you in …..much respect to you sir, but, 81% of Americans hate our government for a reason. (more so congress) but still. People want answers, not research!

            • Joseph Mahoney: “cures are available”

              Well, something we can agree on. I have been discussing one called ozone therapy, and just got done posting a bunch of references to herbs and herbal extracts shown to work.

              Joseph Mahoney: “People want answers, not research!”

              And how do you suppose people are supposed to get those answers Joseph? Guessing? Crystal ball? Flipping a coin?

              I don’t know about you, but I would rather see the research showing how the body works as well as how what herbs and supplements work and why.

          • Btw James..Nice promotion of med capsules there, I see you are the administrator to that forum…Hmmm no cut from selling those I suppose. Just give your educated research for free lol Just sayin…looks bad.

            • Joseph Mahoney: “Btw James..Nice promotion of med capsules there, I see you are the administrator to that forum…Hmmm no cut from selling those I suppose. Just give your educated research for free lol Just sayin…looks bad.”

              Boy, you will find anything to bitch about won’t you?!!!

              Pay careful attention Joseph so I don’t have to repeat myself. MedCapsules is a non-commercial site. Notice it has NO ads and yes, I give my time freely answering the questions when I have time. And I don’t make a cent posting the studies, nor do I manufacture ozone units for the public, or sell them. Maybe you are one of those people who cannot do anything for anyone unless there is something in it for you. I am not that way.

              • I live in the U.P. lending a helping hand is in our blood (not literally lol ) Oh James, because this is typed words one doesn’t always (notice) sense the sarcasm or tone… In person such a comment would consist of a gab to the arm and a “Oh I see how you are” with a chuckle….However, though I use humor, sarcasm, etc. This subject is very important to me and a serious matter. ( Just so people do NOT get the wrong impression)

      • Mr. Paleo and James….thank you for your heated exchange….I have been enjoying your interactions.
        It is not about being right or wrong…what matters is the intention behind it….and from where I stand all of us have only one intend and that is to find life saving answers to painful problems. I must admit …and it has been obvious here…that I do not agree with a number of things you guys have uttered here…and at the same time I love looking at things from different points of view…either to strengthen mine or to question my approach.
        What I consider silly is the fact that this forum is being used for personal judgements….I really thought that our common desire for answers would eliminate such rather immature behaviour.
        I would love to here more from others and their opinions…with a common denominator…mutual respect!!!

    • Mr. Paleo: “And the fact that you appear not to know that ascorbic acid has a “bowel tolerance” makes me question your background. ”

      LOL!!! Who said I am not aware of bowel tolerance. In fact, I was discussing the side effect of bowel intolerance in my last post. The fact that you did not know that this was what the bowel tolerance causes shows your complete ignorance of the subject.

      Mr. Paleo: “Given the choice between Mike Adams, and you, I’ll take the Health Ranger.”

      The difference between Adams and I is that Adams has been caught many times making up “facts” in his scare tactics to sell his products. And he likes to censor anyone who questions his claims. For example, my post providing evidence that microwave ovens did not pose the health risks he claimed was deleted because he did not want people seeing the actual research proving his claims were bogus. And he claims his clean chlorella is cleaner than the chlorella coming out of China. Yet, I pulled up Certificates of Analysis (COAs) for chlorella from both places. The COAs showed the Taiwanese chlorella he was selling was just as contaminated to more contaminated with heavy metals than samples coming from China. Once again he deleted the post with the actual COAs to prove this and I was banned from making any posts on Natural News articles because I was exposing the massive amounts of false information posted there. So the fact that you would accept the proven bogus information presented by the “Health Ranger” over someone who actually provides solid evidence from medical studies instead of repeating propaganda site crap says volumes about you.

      Mr. Paleo: “and if you REALLY paid attention, BOTH PubMed and Medline have been caught with their “pants down” recently.”

      The “Health Ranger” has been caught with his pants down numerous times yet you act like he is some health God. I guess you only believe what you want to believe and not real facts.

      If you know anything about research then you would know how research can be manipulated. Mike Adams has manipulated his “research” numerous times. Yet you accept his bogus claims like a little puppy begging for treats. A real researcher actually looks at the studies being referenced and reads those studies. In the process they look for things such as how was the study conducted? How was it interpreted? Was there conflicts of interest? And they look at other studies from independent sources so see if the information has been confirmed by other researchers. I see you don’t do any of this. You just read whatever article that says what you want to hear and accept is as fact without question.

      Therefore, to simply claim PubMed and Medline were caught with their pants down with such a broad brush shows your complete ignorance. Are there some bogus studies on these sites? Of course, corruption happens all the time. Using your reasoning though since Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger” has been caught with his pants down so many times this would have to mean that no information coming from his site has any credibility. Yet you accept that site’s information as fact without question.

      In reality people realize that yes there are some bogus research on both sides, allopathic and holistic. But this DOES NOT mean all of it is bogus. Again, there is a reason for actually reading the studies and related studies looking for things such as conflicts of interest of flaws in study design or interpretation.

      Mr. Paleo: “I’m going to also recommend you look up the RIORDAN CLINIC, and Dr. Hunninghake”

      So did you read any of the studies given in the links you gave? Right off the bat I notice that in the first link they keep saying ascorbate, which is not the same as ascorbic acid. Mineral ascorbates by their name should tell you that the ascorbic acid is bound to minerals. And some minerals help to form the various superoxide dismutases (SODs) that form peroxide. Therefore, is it the ascorbic acid or the minerals from the ascorbates that are increasing the peroxide? See why you need to actually understand what is being said, how the body works and actually need to read the studies?

      By the way, did you catch the part in your link where they talk about the case of oxalic acid induced nephropathy (kidney disorder), which also backs up the fact I mentioned earlier about the ascorbic acid in the IV breaking down in to oxalic acid? Thanks for providing the evidence backing up the things I have been trying to tell you all along that you have been ignoring.

      And as I brought up in my last post how do you know that the supposed anticancer effects of high dose IV ascorbic acid is not due to its breakdown product oxalic acid, which binds the iron cancer cells need to thrive? Ironically, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is well known for increasing iron absorption, which is the basis for the danger with people that have hemochromotosis mentioned in the link you provided.

      Your link is basically full of assumptions without any solid evidence.

      Your link for example claims that high dose vitamin C inhibits angiogenesis, which otherwise would promote cancer. What do blood vessels need to form? Well among other things vitamin C. Maybe this helps explain this research that shown vitamin C promotes cancer growth:


      “Our experiments in homozygous Gulo-/- mice indicate that dietary ascorbic acid restriction in these mice retards both initial tumor outgrowth and the growth of previously established tumors. Histopathological data from tumors in ascorbic acid-restricted mice demonstrate a paucity of blood vessels (from both microscopic examination and staining for vWF) and areas of hemorrhage. In contrast, tumors grown in mice supplemented with ascorbic acid have numerous and well-defined blood vessels and few areas of hemorrhage. Collagen staining of tumors in ascorbic acid-deficient and ascorbic acid-replete mice also suggests that collagen synthesis in these tumors is affected by dietary restriction of vitamin C. The possibility of using ascorbic acid restriction clinically is supported by our observation that restricting ascorbic acid to 10% of the full supplementation dose delays the onset of scorbutic symptoms in Gulo-/- mice while still significantly retarding tumor growth. Interestingly, we observed a trend toward increased tumor growth in mice that had been depleted of and then made replete with ascorbic acid. We postulate that host support for tumor growth may be increased secondary to overcompensation after ascorbic acid depletion.”

      “Our results, although obtained with a single mouse model and a single type of implantable tumor, support the idea that ascorbic acid depletion powerfully restricts tumor growth in vivo, likely through interference with angiogenesis.”

      Then there is this study that found ascorbic acid enhanced tumor growth in previously ascorbic acid deficient animals:


      Why is this important? According to your link, the link states that cancer patients are vitamin C deficient to begin with.

      As we can see the research on ascorbic acid for cancer is very contradicting.

      Also note that the ascorbate used IV for cancer is not the common ascorbic acid or ascorbates we commonly ingest. It is a synthetic compound known as 5,6-benzylidene-l-ascorbate, which is classified as a chemotherapy drug. This compound decomposes releasing benzaldehyde, which is considered a hazardous substance.

      Let’s see how smart you really are. Answer this question for me. Why do cancer cells have such a high affinity for vitamin C? There are actually two parts to this answer. Good luck!!!

      Since we are playing let’s see what you really know I have another one for you. What is the principle behind the IV ascorbate increasing peroxide levels and why is this dangerous to the body? I already know the answer so don’t try to give me some BS answer.

      Mr. Paleo: “As for the German “study” you quoted, please provide a DIRECT LINK to said study.”

      Too lazy again to do some real research without assistance? I don’t have time to do your homework for you. I am leaving shortly for a birthday party. But as I mentioned before you can get the book “The Use of Ozone in Medicine” and you can find the reference in there.

      Speaking of references I added more research abstracts on ozone showing you there is research available if you actually take the time to look:


      Also note the several studies showing ozone is superior to hyperbaric oxygen.

      Mr. Paleo: “Unlike you, I don’t claim to be omniscient, or to be perfect.”

      I NEVER claimed that, so you must be projecting again. In fact, I will prove I am not omniscient or perfect. I made a mistake on the number in the German study. It was just over 5.5 million, not 6.5 million.

      Mr. Paleo: “I choose to err on the side of caution, that is my choice, and don’t have the time or inclination to argue with people who claim to have “practical” experience but seem to spend ALL their time puffing out their chest and demeaning others…”

      How do you put up with yourself then? After all the chest puffing you have done and posting demeaning remarks such as FALSELY claiming that I claimed to be “omniscient” or “perfect”. Clearly you are just putting down other people to make yourself feel more important. The peacock puffing his chest and flashing his feathers.

      Let’s see if you can answer my questions above and we will see if you have even the slightest clue what you are talking about. When you can’t answer I’ll bet that chest of yours is going to deflate really fast and your feathers are going to be all ruffled!!!

  17. To anyone reading this blog interested in the potential of megadose parenteral Vitamin C treating cancer…
    FYI: vitamin C administered orally quickly reaches body tolerance and is eliminated by the digestive system, thus severely limiting the maximum amount available to the body, however, when administered intravenously, much higher doses (20 to 30 times as much, or more) can be administered. Please note that I know of no one single treatment that works across the board on EVERY type of cancer, at least, at this moment, and to the limit of my awareness… http://www.naturalnews.com/043972_vitamin_C_cancer_treatment_intravenous_injections.html
    I don’t use, nor recommend “ozone” therapy… this DOES NOT MEAN IT ISN’T A VIABLE, EFFECTIVE TREATMENT ! And please don’t confuse ozone therapy with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) which I do endorse, in MOST situations, but not all. Please do your own due diligence before choosing ANY therapy, no matter who recommends it…

    • Mr. Paleo: “FYI: vitamin C administered orally quickly reaches body tolerance and is eliminated by the digestive system, thus severely limiting the maximum amount available to the body, however, when administered intravenously, much higher doses (20 to 30 times as much, or more) can be administered.”

      Any proof that the excess ascorbic acid does not reach the bloodstream and is eliminated in the feces? Problem I see here is that you are assuming something again. Just because the ascorbic acid induces diarrhea at such high doses this does not mean that it is not reaching the bloodstream, where like all excess ascorbic acid the excess is broken down in to oxalic acid and eliminated through the KIDNEYS, not the intestines.

      There can be various factors that can explain the differences in effect between oral and IV ascorbic acid. For example, it could be that the oral ascorbic acid may be binding to minerals from food forming mineral ascorbates as opposed to pure ascorbic acid. Or it could be that the highly unstable IV ascorbic acid is breaking down almost entirely in to oxalic acid in the IV bag due to the light and moisture exposure. As I pointed out earlier IV ascorbic acid will mostly break down before it can be infused since it is so unstable. The synthetic ascorbic acid breaks down completely within 40 minutes and it takes a lot longer than 40 minutes for the IV ascorbic acid to be infused. So use a little common sense here Mr. Paleo. What is the byproduct of ascorbic acid breakdown? Answer is oxalic acid. What is one the primary things oxalic acid has a high affinity for? Answer is iron. What promotes cancer growth as I have provided references to before? Answer is iron. Therefore, it is possible that the IV ascorbic acid is forming oxalic acid, which in turn binds iron and thus helping to SLOW, but not cure the cancer.

      Point is that there is the possibility of a lot more going on than you are assuming. That is why real research is needed and you should be posting credible research, not bogus propaganda sites like Natural News, for your references.

      Mr. Paleo: “Please note that I know of no one single treatment that works across the board on EVERY type of cancer, at least, at this moment, and to the limit of my awareness… http://www.naturalnews.com/043972_vitamin_C_cancer_treatment_intravenous_injections.html

      You have to be kidding!!! You are referencing the quack site Natural News? I have addressed this quack site before:


      Furthermore, did you read their references? If you had then you would have seen the journal Nature they referenced. What did this journal article point out? Well first of all that the vitamin C was not curing the ovarian cancer but was rather helping to relieve the adverse effects of the chemotherapy. Hate to break this to you but there is a major difference between alleviating the symptoms of a therapy and actually curing a disease.

      If you read the reference then you would have also read where it clearly stated “Early studies championed by Nobel-prizewinning chemist Linus Pauling in the 1970s suggested that vitamin C could help to fight tumours. But larger clinical trials failed to substantiate those claims”. Again that is a massive jump to go from the research that shows high dose vitamin C being shown to be ineffective in fighting tumors to your claim of “I know of no one single treatment that works across the board on EVERY type of cancer”.

      I guess you also missed this quote in the article “McConnell, who was not involved in the study, cautions that the approach might not work for every type of cancer. She notes that some cancers express low levels of a molecular transporter that takes up vitamin C, and therefore may not be as susceptible to the treatment..”.

      Mr. Paleo: “I don’t use, nor recommend “ozone” therapy… ”

      Clearly you don’t understand ozone therapy then. I have yet to find any cancer therapy safer and more effective than ozone for cancer. Unlike HBOT, which cannot cure cancer, ozone therapy selectively destroys cancer cells, which cannot build a tolerance to ozone the way they can to chemo or radiation.

      I also like ozone because it attacks and destroys the cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms that no other therapy can do. It’s inexpensive, does not require a massive, expensive HBOT chamber, it can be done at home with little training unlike HBOT and unlike HBOT, which can increase vascularization and oxygen levels in tumors promoting cancer growth, ozone destroys cancer cells on contact. Therefore, even though ozone also promotes vascularization, it destroys the cancer cells faster than they can grow so it does not promote tumor growth like HBOT.

      Mr. Paleo: “And please don’t confuse ozone therapy with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) which I do endorse, in MOST situations, but not all. ”

      If you known anything about HBOT it is good for certain conditions such as diver injuries, crush injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, certain infections, burn care, etc. As for cancer though HBOT IS NOT a good idea for two primary reasons.

      First of all cancer cells are highly reliant on oxygen for growth . This is why they rely on angiogenesis to promote vascularization so they can increase their oxygen levels for survival and growth. Studies have shown that low oxygen levels inhibit cancer growth while higher oxygen levels promote cancer growth. Cancer cells also have a higher affinity for oxygen for the sane reason. Go back and look at the studies already presented earlier that prove these facts.

      Secondly, HBOT will not only temporarily increase oxygen levels to the tumor increasing its growth, but HBOT also promotes vascularization, which increases oxygen levels to the tumor long term, which also promotes their growth.

      This is why I mentioned earlier that HBOT may be a good idea to use in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which both rely on sufficient oxygen to work properly. At least this way the oxygen would be used against the cancer cells by eliminating the hypoxic areas of the tumor that render chemo and radiation therapies ineffective. And there would be something present to kill off the cancer cells faster than they could grow even with the increased growth rate from the HBOT.

      Mr. Paleo: “http://associatesinnutrition.com/wordpress/?p=435”

      Nice try. But first of all they mention problems if you have respiratory issues. That is ONLY if you are inhaling the ozone. Ozone therapy is not given by inhalation so you are once again showing your ignorance of the subject by posting this bog article of someone else that does not really understand it either.

      Also note where the author mentions the formation of peroxides, which we both know kills cancer cells. So you advocate high dose ascorbic acid IV, which is ASSUMED to form peroxide but are against ozone therapy, which has been proven to form peroxides.

      Mr. Paleo: “http://whatstheharm.net/ozonetherapy.html”

      So do you have the whole history on these patients? First of all did they really even exist in the first place or are these made up people to make ozone look dangerous? If they did exist how close to death were they when they started the ozone? How was the ozone administered including concentration, duration and within what time frame? What other things were they doing at the time? For example, the first one lists using cesium chloride at the same time, which has been proven not to work and is a proven cancer promoter.

      Any therapy can be dangerous if done improperly. Look I can even find people killed during HBOT, which you advocate:



      When properly done though ozone is very safe. One study done in Germany followed over 6.5 million ozone administrations. There were just over 30 adverse reactions. Most of these were due to improper administration and most of the adverse reactions were reported as pain and redness at the injection site.

      How many therapies proven to cure cancer can you name with this type of safety record?

      Mr. Paleo: “http://www.majidali.com/ozoneis.htm”

      This article was pretty useless. The fact is that ozone has been shown to kill cancer cells and various pathogens including many viruses such as HIV. The research is out there if someone knows how to really do research. For example, I posted in my article about ozone the study Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells.:


      Funny how you can so easily find bogus propaganda sites to reference, but don’t seem to be able to find any real research to cite.

      I recommend you obtain a copy of the book The Use of Ozone in Medicine for starters. The book was written by doctors for doctors. The book goes in depth in to how ozone works chemically and its biological effects on the body as well as PROPER administration methods and levels.

      Let me help you out since you clearly don’t know how to do proper research:







      There are so many more references readily available from credible sites instead of the bogus propaganda sites you are referencing. All it takes a little work to search for them. For example, this site gives all sorts of references that can be searched out:


      You are not going to help your credibility referencing quack sites like Natural News and whatstharm.net where the clams are not substantiated with any real reference sources.

        • Most, but not all the references come from PubMed because this is a central bank of various medical journal articles. Therefore, it makes it quick and easy to find medical research on various topics of medicine.

  18. Sunflower: “Ok…if I read this right there are cancer cells…and then you say that viruses enter healthy cells resulting in them becoming cancerous….this is supporting what I said…is it not?”

    No, here is your WHOLE quote:

    “If the environment changes cells will adapt …driven by the need to survive….”

    The cells ARE NOT adapting driven by the need for survival. They are being infected forcing the changes on the cell.

    This would be like claiming GMO crops have changed from their normal genetics because they were “driven by the need to survive”. GMO crops have forced alterations of their genes just like viral induced cancers. These ARE NOT adaptive changes.

    What you are referring to as far as mutations for survival would have to do with normal mutations that allow the organism to adapt to its environment as in evolution. For example how marine iguanas have adapted from terrestrial reptiles to allowing them to survive in water with the webbed toes and ability to hold their breath under water.