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The Acid-Alkaline Myth: Part 2


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acid alkaline myth, mercola alkaline diet
Shaking up the acid-alkaline diet myth. istock.com/pilipphoto

In Part 1 of this series, I talked about why the basic premise of the acid-alkaline theory is flawed, and I showed that the evidence doesn’t support the idea that a net acid-forming diet is harmful to bone health. Now I want to look at the effect of dietary acid load on other health conditions.

Can the acidity or alkalinity of your diet affect your risk for muscle loss, cancer, and more?

Muscle Wasting

There is some research claiming that acid-forming diets cause muscle wasting, and the proposed mechanism is similar to that of the acid-ash hypothesis of osteoporosis. Some researchers hypothesize that in order to eliminate excess acid and maintain homeostasis, the kidneys must steal amino acids from muscle tissue. (1, 2) Just as a higher acid load increases calcium in the urine, it also increases nitrogen in the urine, leading some to believe that an acid-forming diet causes net nitrogen loss. However, some of these studies neglect to measure nitrogen balance, so this is not necessarily true. (3, 4) In fact, one study showed that a higher acid diet improved nitrogen balance! (5) This theory also does not acknowledge that protein, although it’s acid forming, actually increases the body’s ability to excrete acid. (6) Finally, the one observational study concluding that alkaline diets improve lean muscle mass didn’t even measure the overall acid load of the diet. (7) Instead, they used potassium intake as an approximate measure, and just assumed that the observed improvement in muscle mass was due to the diet being more alkaline. This, in addition to the limitations that always accompany observational data, makes the evidence less than convincing, especially since the clinical trials have conflicting results.


One of the more popular claims of the alkaline diet is that it can cure cancer. Proponents say that because cancer can only grow in an acidic environment, a net-alkaline diet can prevent cancer cells from growing, and can eliminate existing cancer cells. This theory is incorrect for a few reasons. First of all, the hypothesis depends on the ability of food to substantially change the pH of the blood and extracellular fluid, which I’ve already shown is not the case. (8, 9, 10) Second, cancer is perfectly capable of growing in an alkaline environment. The pH of normal body tissue is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline, and in almost every experiment done with cancer cells, they are grown in an environment at that pH. (11)

Now, cancer cells do tend to grow better in an acidic environment, but the causality is reversed. Once a tumor develops, it creates its own acidic environment through up-regulated glycolysis and reduced circulation, so the pH of the patient’s blood no longer determines the pH of the cancer. (12) It’s not the acidic environment that causes the cancer; it’s the cancer that causes the acidic environment. To top it all off, the only comprehensive review on ‘diet-induced’ acidosis and cancer did not even acknowledge this as a valid mechanism by which an acid-forming diet could increase cancer risk. They discuss a few biological pathways that could potentially link dietary acid load and cancer, but they admit that it’s mostly speculation and there’s no direct link. (13)

Other Effects

There are a few observational studies attempting to link acid-forming diets with hypertension, but the results are mixed. (14, 15) There’s also limited observational data associating higher acid loads with things like high cholesterol, obesity, and insulin resistance, but there are no proposed mechanisms or clinical studies to validate the hypotheses. (16, 17)

There are a few review papers examining the effect of acid-forming diets and health, but as you’ve seen above, the evidence they have to review is sparse. (18, 19, 20, 21, 22) If you read these papers, you’ll notice that whenever they cite trials showing the deleterious effects of acidosis, those trials were done on patients with chronic kidney disease or diabetes-induced acidosis. In the studies done on healthy people, they’re given ammonium chloride to induce acidosis. What you won’t see are clinical trials showing health consequences from purely ‘diet-induced’ acidosis. (Perhaps because ‘diet-induced’ acidosis doesn’t exist!) You’ll also notice that the strongest two hypotheses deal with osteoporosis and muscle wasting, and that links with other diseases are speculative or based on observational data. And although conflicts of interest don’t necessarily mean their conclusion can’t be trusted, it’s interesting to note that one of these reviews was funded by “pH Sciences®,” which “develops and manufactures patent-protected ingredients that safely and effectively manage biological pH levels.” (23)

In sum, I am not convinced that an acid-forming diet has negative effects on healthy people, based on the science. But just to be sure, it’s always a good idea to observe healthy cultures to see if there’s any anthropological evidence to support or refute the hypothesis.

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Evolutionary Data

There are a few studies where researchers attempted to approximate the net acid load of Paleolithic diets. One estimated that 87% of pre-agricultural people ate net-alkaline diets, and proposed this discrepancy with our modern diets as a possible reason for our declining health. (24) However, a more recent study estimated that only half of the world’s hunter-gatherer societies eat net-alkaline diets, while the other half are net acid-forming. (25) They reason that the other estimate is likely accurate for our earlier ancestors, because their tropical habitat would’ve provided ample fruits and vegetables. This idea is confirmed by another analysis that showed increasing acid load with increasing latitude. (26) Even without the study, it stands to reason that as humans moved into less hospitable environments, the animal content (and acid load) of their diet increased.

Given the subpar clinical science on this topic, I think the evolutionary argument is far more convincing. If half of the world’s hunter-gatherer populations avoid the ‘diseases of civilization’ on an acid-forming diet, it would seem that acid load has little to no bearing on overall health. For some case studies, we can always look to Weston Price’s work to see quite clearly that acid-forming diets are not detrimental to health. Based on Price’s descriptions, many of the traditional diets he studied would have been primarily acid-forming, including the Swiss, the Masai, and the Inuit. Yet despite their high intake of animal foods or grains and their comparatively low intake of fruits and vegetables, they maintained excellent health.


I don’t deny that many people have seen significant health improvements when switching to an alkaline diet, but there are many possible reasons for this not having to do with pH balance. Eating more fresh produce is rarely a bad idea, especially when it displaces nutrient poor processed foods. A person switching to an alkaline diet would significantly reduce their consumption of grains, which could cause dramatic health improvements for somebody with a leaky gut or gluten sensitivity. Dairy would also be minimized, which would help those with dairy sensitivities. And although pure sugar isn’t an acid-forming nutrient, many laypeople claim that it is, so alkaline diets tend to contain far less sugar than a standard Western diet.

Between the scientific evidence (or lack thereof) and the anthropological research, I think we can be confident that the acid load of our diets doesn’t negatively impact healthy people. For those with renal failure or similar conditions that affect kidney function, it’s a different story—there’s certainly room for manipulation of urine pH in the treatment of those conditions. But for someone with functioning kidneys, there should be no concern that an acid-forming diet will harm health.

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  1. I am living proof that an alkaline diet works.
    I am sooooooooo glad i found some1 who could save me,
    no doc or hospital could tell me what was wrong, let alone give me a diet that helped. They had a year to test me for things and could not find a thing wrong with me, yet i had lost 3 stone and had serious symptoms and was at deaths door.
    I have my life back now and i will always recommend an alkaline diet, and b ever thankful to my q/n who put me on it, I’m so glad some1 like her can make people better when others can not.

  2. Hi Chris. I am a huge fan and I agree with you on most but on Acid / Alkaline I don’t. You make an argument against your own conclusion:
    You say pH does not cause / contribute to cancer. HOWEVER how do you explain that it probably MUST do, because as you yourself stated “The cancer will cause it’s own acidic environment, independent of what blood pH is doing.” Organisms of any form will do what is best for guarantee their survival at all costs. That conclusively tells you that cancer WANTS an acidic environment. And hence we must logically come to the conclusion that as cancer favours an acidic environment that it somehow CONTRIBUTES to the likelihood that cancer must exist in an acidic environment and that conversely an alkaline environment is logically a less favourable environment for it, as it ACTUALLY CREATES AN ACIDIC ENVIRONMENT FOR ITSELF. Therefore it logically supports the reasoning that an alkaline environment is less favourable to cancer and that it logically follows that it would a most likely avenue as a treatment / deterrent.

    In any event I am upset that you would so strongly knock bicarbonate / alkaline down as an effective treatment for cancer when your own argument is so flawed and so many people are still dying from cancer. If we spent 10% of what we spend on computer game development on cancer research we would have a cure by now. Your strong knock-down of the alkaline theory is dangerous & irresponsible.

    • Dear “Dr”…

      I am not sure what field your “doctorate” is in, but apparently your understanding of human physiology and biochemistry is flawed… I will not reiterate what James has already explained numerous times, far more eloquently than I can, but insist that you peruse his numerous responses to this very topic, here, and elsewhere… as for “treating” cancer, besides ozone and vit. C therapy, we now have another EXTREMELY effective therapy, which is cannabis oil…

    • I believe what Chris is saying here that alkaline diet will not increase alkalinity in the blood in any way. Conversely, tumor will create it’s own acidic environment in order to grow regardless. I strongly disagree, but again I’m not an expert. I do know that all nutrients travels via blood in the body, thus having more alkaline nutrients there would mean more impermeable environment for acid dependent organisms. Cheers!

    • You’ve got a lot of passion Dr. Smith and I like that you’re a fan of logic. Like you know any conclusion is only as good as the premises it’s built on so let me help you tidy up your premises:

      Cancer cells aren’t sentient. They are not conscious. They don’t ‘want’ anything per se. They also don’t plan anything. Also organisms don’t always do what is best for their survival- some bacteria will eat and reproduce continously until they starve and die. Trees will sometimes grow unevenly until they fall and die. Nature isn’t perfect.

      The acidic environment may help cancers propogate but it’s likely that the acid is from the metabolic waste the cancer puts out, not the cancer actively and purposefully changing its environment.

      The last point I want to touch on is that the National Cancer Institute ALONE contributes $5 billion to cancer research every year. The total amount of money spent on cancer research from all sources easily matches or exceeds the amount spent on game development.

      We can all agree though that cancer is a serious issue that still needs more research.

      • Absolutely… I think people should look in the direction of “candida”. Candida causes just about ALL problems. Which has everything to do with gut flora. Which bacteria thrives make all of the difference. Clean eating creates great gut flora. Starve the candida, ie; no meat, no starch, no sugar. Once you have your good gut flora flourishing… you can then have meat here and there and fruits and eggs and any whole food. Night shades included. Stay away from processed. And try to stick with grass fed animal products. (very important. You consume the grains the animals are fed. Mostly corn. Most likely GMO) So there was a time in history when our “meat” was much healthier. What the cow ate is what fed his muscles. Grains or grass. (green).

    • I have studied cancer mainly by listening to professor Gershom Zajicek on you tube. Cancer is a viral disease of the stem cells. Tumor is a bio-marker of the interaction between two processes: an ongoing driving virus and host resistance. Depletion of stem-cells also causes a metabolism deficiency of some substance, which partially and inefficiently replaced by tumor. Certain diets reduces the body’s need for this substance deficiency and contribute to slow tumor progression. In my opinion, and I am not a doctor, it must have to do with a viral load reduction as well. Inside the cell it is either the virus that kills (lysis) or it becomes an endosymbion and protects the cell from similar viruses. Outside the cell it is the immune system, which is exactly my hunch: diets straighten the immune system.

    • I would like to comment on ” cancer favors an acidic environment”: Two theories compete for hegemony: one is cancer caused by somatic errors, the other cancer is viral disease of the stem cell. According to the latter tumor is a by product of a viral infection. The organism supplies it with blood vessels, glucose etc… It starts as a viral infection. A strong host will set an acute inflammation and wipe out the virus quickly while a weak one tolerates a chronic inflammation from which cancer may develop. Anything to equip the host to better fight viral infection will help to silence or reduce the viral infection.

  3. I would like to thank both Chris and James for their insight, and James for his utmost patience!
    I am a 63 year old type 2 diabetic and have been living with it since 1998. Notwithstanding, I am in good health, and I am of the opinion that is has mostly to do with lifestyle. Should ‘we’ follow a balanced diet, i.e. enough vegetables, moderate amounts of starch and meat proteins and the elimination of ‘the bad’ sugars we should, as a rule, be fine?
    The problem is that most GPs are not trained to look beyond what is evident – they rely on ‘what is going around’ to make their diagnosis and therefore fail to diagnose a serious health issue correctly. I don’t think that following an acid or alkaline diet, or alternatively carb and protein loading is going to prevent a serious medical condition from happening. Furthermore, there is certainly no ‘one cure’ for all the ailments that may befall us!
    All we can hope for is that it is diagnosed correctly and that we get adequate treatment for whatever ails us.

    • Andre,
      I mean no disrespect, but I must disagree with your conclusions. I do this (see people as a nutritionist) every day of my life, and have for more than 35 years. I have never before had the excellent (and rewarding) results I constantly enjoy until I “discovered” the science behind PALEO/PRIMAL. Type 2 diabetes DISAPPEARS on this program, as do cardiovascular disease, cancer, MS, ad infinitum. So, to say that there is no “one cure”, or that diet is not important is incorrect…

  4. The most glaring evidence that the acid alkaline diet can improve health comes from the fact that high blood sugars damage the blood vessels and organs – the result of the acidity causing all the diabetic complications. If blood sugars are tightly controlled you can avoid and even reverse some diabetic complications – so says Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. And what do doctors do whith kidney disease patients – they make dietary modifications one of which I know, is they reduce the amount of animal proteins in the diet. Reducing acidity by dietary measures!

    • Rebecca: “The most glaring evidence that the acid alkaline diet can improve health comes from the fact that high blood sugars damage the blood vessels and organs – the result of the acidity causing all the diabetic complications.”

      That is complete nonsense. Sugar is not what causes the blood vessel or kidney damage or the diabetic retinopathy in diabetics. Those are side effects caused by INSULIN DAMAGE. In low levels insulin causes blood vessels to dilate. In high levels that occurs especially in the early stages of type 2 diabetes the insulin causes strong vasoconstriction. Same reason high blood pressure is so common in diabetics. The strong vasoconstriction ruptures capillaries in tissues leading to kidney damage, retinopathy and gangrene. Larger blood vessels can also be damaged, which leads to inflammation resulting in plaque formation. None of this has to do with acidity.

      Elevated blood glucose leads to immune suppression, diabetic cataracts, elevated triglycerides and in the long ruin can damage pancreatic beta cells. Although oral hypoglycemic drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes can also damage the beta cells in the long run. Again, none of this has anything to do with acidity.

      Rebecca: “And what do doctors do whith kidney disease patients – they make dietary modifications one of which I know, is they reduce the amount of animal proteins in the diet. Reducing acidity by dietary measures!”

      That is very misleading. Reducing animal proteins and using a more plant based diet can reduce SOME acids such as uric acid and arachidonic acid. This DOES NOT change the blood pH or pH of tissues other than the colon, which uses the plant fibers to produce beneficial acids.

            • OK, if you want to play games what acidity are you talking about specifically and how specifically does that become acidic by diet when the blood would have to deliver the acids and also helps to maintain pH? Again, be specific in explaining your answer.

              Also note that when discussing the so-called “alkaline diet” the pH changes being referred to are changes in the blood pH as lymph fluid is maintained in a more alkaline state than blood and some areas of the body are supposed to be acidic fore health.

              • This is my last post. Try uric acid, for example, people do have excess uric acid in the body and doctors do recommend dietary changes to bring this type of acid in the body down. As for who is playing games – duh that is obvious. You nit pick, and pay no attention to the opinions of others, right or wrong, and try to forcefully convince people you are right and they are wrong. You are not an expert in everything, you do not have the ultimate say in what is correct and backed up by strong science. I think you should be banned from posting I think you could cause harm because you are posting like you are a great authority and expert on everything.

                • Rebecca: “Try uric acid, for example, people do have excess uric acid in the body and doctors do recommend dietary changes to bring this type of acid in the body down.”

                  This is a great example of what I was referring to about people who don’t understand how the body works trying to act like some medical authority.

                  You really think that diet is the only cause of elevated uric acid? Well, you are wrong again. Elevated uric acid can be caused from hemolysis that has various causes, alcohol consumption particularly beer, dehydration, various medications including diuretics, hypothyroidism, etc. Therefore, dietary changes WILL NOT always address elevated uric acid.

                  Rebecca: “As for who is playing games – duh that is obvious. You nit pick, and pay no attention to the opinions of others, right or wrong, and try to forcefully convince people you are right and they are wrong.”

                  More bogus claims. I have agreed with people plenty of times. The only time I counter opinions of others with REAL evidence is when those opinions are not based on any real science. For example, your bogus claim that acidity causes the blood vessel damage and other adverse effects in diabetes.

                  The reason you are lashing about and storming off like a little child having a temper tantrum is because you were not only called on your BS, I have now asked you to explain your claims in detail. Of course you cannot do this because you are simply making up your own science to make yourself sound like some kind of authority. So now that I backed you in to a corner by asking you to explain your claims in detail, which you cannot do, your only other option is to lash out then run away. Not the first time I have dealt with misinformed people doing this.

                  Rebecca: “You are not an expert in everything,”

                  Never claimed I was. But when it comes to medicine I do know what I am talking about. I have been in medicine for nearly 37 years and I spend a great deal of my time doing medical research primarily for some medical based books I am writing. So what is your background in medicine that makes you think you are such an expert?

                  Rebecca: ” I think you should be banned from posting I think you could cause harm because you are posting like you are a great authority and expert on everything.”

                  You are simply proving my point earlier about lashing out by acting like such a drama queen. I NEVER said you should be banned from posting. Maybe that is a Freudian slip on your part due your feeling deep down that you should be banned before you seriously hurt someone with your blatantly erroneous information. Don’t put your personal feelings about needing to be banned on me. I don’t control your subconscious thoughts.

                • Actually uric acid is a great example. Here is a study where they looked at the change in uric acid excretion from an alkaline diet. From a move of .6 PH of the urine(which in my opinion is a small movement and indicates just changind diet might not be enough), uric acid excretion was drastically increased around 33% despite a lower intake of uric acid producing foods. “. Uric acid and excreted urine pH retained a linear relationship, where uric acid excretion increased from 302 mg/day at pH 5.9 to 413 mg/day at pH 6.5, despite the fact that the alkali diet contained a smaller purine load than the acid diet.”

      • Hi James,

        Thank you for your time to share all your knowledge with us. Learned a lot from you!

        Since it’s hard to reach you, could you please email me at [email protected].

        I have a question about leaky gut or something similar to it that is very real and present yet the doctors so far have no answer to what’s causing it.

        Too private to share more here publicly.

        Thanks in advance!

      • Chris you actually used to have interesting original articles. The fact that you are just spreading myths yourself is disappointing. Why would we only look at blood which is maybe 10 lbs of a body? Intracellular fluid on the other hand makes up 70% of the fluid of the body. Here according to a company that makes sensors for measuring intracellular PH has it has range of around 6.8-7.4 (other places claim a tighter range of 7-7.4) https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/cell-analysis/cell-viability-and-regulation/ion-indicators/ph-indicators.html So yes your PH can be acidic and can be changed,and yes that change is significant. I will say alkalinity has had the greatest effect on my health of anything I have tried.

    • Hi James,

      I notice you have commented on most posts. You seem very negative, I appreciate all the research and knowledge you have gained but even science gets it wrong sometimes. Look at the case of saturated fats the low fat craze was based on old and faulty science and now science says saturated fat does not cause heart disease. The same thing may happen in the future. Whether an alkalizing diet does or does not work as the theories behind it state doesn´t really matter. If it helps people move towards a healthier diet like lots of vegetables great. If it makes people feel better great.

      • Rebecca,

        I don’t know why you are trying to make this personal, which is itself EXTREMELY negative.

        It is also very negative to keep posting dangerous, bogus information putting people’s health and lives at risk without a second thought.

        For example, falsely claiming that acids are what lead to diabetic damage of blood vessels, etc. So someone reads garbage like that they are going to try to neutralize those non-existent acids, which can have disastrous consequences. They may end up forcing their blood in to a more alkaline state creating the EXTREMELY dangerous condition known as alkalosis, which among other things increases blood pressure due to vasoconstriction. Since diabetics are already prone to high blood pressure.due to vasoconstriction by insulin. Or they may try something equally as stupid such as ingesting baking soda based on the bogus claim that acidity leads to the diabetic complications. Ingesting baking soda among the NUMEROUS health issues it can cause can also lead to higher blood pressure due to all the sodium chloride produced when the baking soda is neutralized by the stomach acid. Again, since diabetics are already prone to high blood pressure increasing their blood pressure even more is just asking for trouble including kidney damage, heart attack and stroke.

        Kidney damage, heart attack and stroke risks are not increased only by increased blood pressure, but also over alkalizing. Again, alkalinity leads to constriction of the blood vessels decreasing blood flow to the organs, which can lead to organ failure. This is why nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc), celecoxib (Celebrex) and naproxen (Aleve) increase the risk the heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, liver failure, etc. See:


        The NSAIDS increase the risk of these problems by further constricting blood vessels and so can cause these side effects even with a single, recommended dose. So here comes along someone falsely claiming that the side effects of diabetes are due to acidity. So someone decides they need to force their blood in to a more alkaline state inducing alkalosis, which in turn further constricts the blood vessels of diabetics just like an NSAID increasing the risk of those same problems induced by NSAIDs.

        Yes, science can sometimes get things wrong just like people who don’t understand how the body works. But at least science is constantly learning and adapting to new findings.

        It was once thought by science that disease was punishment by the, gods, that bathing was detrimental to health, that tomatoes were poisonous, that cancer cells were anaerobic, etc. As technology improves though we have discovered new things. Since there is no proof that current science is faulty, unless you can see in to the future with your crystal ball, we need to go with what has been currently proven by science. For example, science proved that hemoglobin carries oxygen to tissues. Do you really think that a hundred years from now that science is going to disprove this? The point is that just because science gets some things wrong this DOES NOT mean everything is wrong. And you cannot pick and choose what you think is wrong to fit your needs. Again, we have to go with what is backed by current evidence.


      • Rebecca, Something that I find interesting is that James did say that the acidity of urine can be affected by diet.

        As to the fats issue, that was not science that got it wrong, that was medical politics. The Ancel Keys study was badly flawed and this was pointed out by the scientific community at the time the study was published. There was also plenty of peer reviewed work done prior to Keys Lipid hypothesis that disproved his theory. However, for reasons probably not fully understood the AMA and others jumped all over Keys study and began pushing the low fat diet.

        In a “post Keys” study that was touted as “proving” the lipid hypothesis the results did show more heart attacks for those eating large amounts of saturated fats but what no one talked about was that the study also showed that the mortality (from all causes as well as from heart problems) was significantly lower for those that consumed the animal fats.

  5. Do you have food recommendations for someone with blood pH that is too alkaline? My blood pH is 7.7. Thanks

    • I think your Dr. did the right thing to put you on an alkaline diet. Do some more reading about being too alkaline in books or on the net, it is explained by the experts who believe in an alkaline acid diet. Since he did a lot of tests and only put you on an alkaline diet it probably an overly acidic problem in other areas of your body.

      • Again, there is NO such thing as an alkalizing diet. ALL foods whether it be lettuce, fruit, steak , pie, or whatever will be metabolized in to acids. Therefore, ALL foods are acid forming, but pH is not regulated by diet. Virtually all pH is regulated by respiration followed by proton retention or elimination by the kidneys.

      • How can you say the doctor put anyone on an alkalizing diet? All vegetables found in the US are acidic, all fruit is acidic and all meat is acidic. So there are only a couple of sources of alkalinity. One is baking soda, and the other is alkaline water. If your urine is alkaline that is because your body is off loading alkalinity, and not a sign you are health. That isn’t science about acidic foods. That is just facts. On top of that the stomach acid makes all of these things even more acidic changing them. When they go to the intestine they are changed to alkaline of 7.2 at first. Not because you ate anything alkaline but because the body does that.

  6. Hi James,

    I am newly pregnant (worse GERD) and have had diagnosed GERD since I was 12 years old and subsequently put on Nexium among several other acid reducers. As you can imagine, the medication did not work so I took the next step and had surgery to “correct” the reflux. That was 6 years ago and I have had MUCH worse issues since the surgery. Needless to say it was a huge mistake.

    I have since eliminated gluten, dairy and all processed food. My question/confusion is, why when I drink a cup of coffee does the lining of my stomach burn and I get the shakes from hunger after eating a full meal for breakfast 2 hours prior (my breakfast meal isn’t always the same).

    I have tried nearly everything I can think of for relief with no success.

    My newest venture and hope is that the acidic/alkaline diet would help but based on your article, this too is a lost cause.

    I would gladly take any suggestion you have!!


    • Hi Ashley,

      GERD is most often associated with a lack of stomach acid, which inhibits digestion and promotes fermentation. The gas from fermentation applies pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When the LES tires out and relaxes the gas races up the esophagus with traces of acid.

      Things such as caffeine, nicotine or mints make things worse by relaxing the LES.

      A less common cause would be damage to the LES.

      Hiatal hernia can also contribute by reducing stomach volume meaning less gas is needed to created to form the same amount of pressure.

      Since things are worse after the surgery this makes me wonder if they were working on the LES and created scar tissue that is preventing the LES from closing properly. If this is the case then there is not much you can do.

      And being pregnant this will limit some of what you can do.

      I recommend supplementing with betaine HCl first taking it after meals to see if that works. Betaine HCl improves digestion while decreasing fermentation and it is not an issue with the pregnancy.

      I also recommend avoiding things that relax the LES such as caffeine and products containing mint.


      • Elevate the head of your bed by placing “bed risers” under the bed’s legs at the head of the bed. Simple, but it works.

  7. Hello James, most impressed with your many many discussions on health problems and diagnosis.
    I am wondering if you could give me some advise.
    I am male 72 and for the last 12 years or so have suffered with a swallowing problem and getting worse over the last year or so. I had an endiscope examination and the hospital found: “In distal an ulcer with a raised about 18mm mucosa unable to rule out neoplasia it is observed.
    STOMACH: The mucosa of body, fornix, notch and antrum is normal. Central and permeable pylorus.
    Duodenum: The mucosa of duodenal bulb and second portion has a normal appearance.
    In distal esophageal ulcer with a raised mucosa, unable to rule out malignancy. BIOPSY. hiatus hernia bulky.” Machine Translation because I live in Spain and results in Spanish.
    I was later told that no cancerous cells were found as a result of biopsy.
    The doctor then put me on Omprezole. They seemed to help with swallowing for a few weeks then not so effective. I then started doing some research and decided that I did not want to take these tablets for the rest of my life as I had been told that I would need. I stopped taking them and started taking sodium bicarbonate before and after meals. At the same time I saw a chiropractor for a shoulder problem and told him that I had a hiatus hernia and was it possible for him to adjust this. Well for a couple of weeks swallowing wasn’t a problem and seeing him a second time the swallowing seems to be better and I am still taking SB before and after meals. I would really appreciate your comments on my situation. I used to suffer with heartburn for 1 or 2 weeks at a time and then be ok for some weeks. I have always had for probably 60 years, an irritating little cough sort of to clear my throat, I have allergic rhinitus and had a cauterising of my nasal passage, which did nothing and then had some bone chisseled out which after a few weeks was the same again, that was when I was about 35 years. I generally eat well and do not buy convenience foods although maybe not eat as many veg and fruit as I should. I have always suffered with dry throats and in the last few weeks have been making myself drink around 2 litres of water a day. I don’t find that water helps my dry throat and don’t like the taste at all of water. I do drink cold sparkling water which I find sweeter. My main drink is 1 coffee and maybe 2 or 3 decaf. coffee a day with a glass or two of red wine in the evening. Occasionally some Fanta but with 50% sparkling water. I am a very active person having built a 35 square metre first floor extension on my cortijo all by myself except for having a labourer for maybe 10 days. I really hope that you will have time to offer your help and suggestions. Regards

    • I just can’t believe the body can manufacture minerals and alkaline salts unless it has a source of the raw ingredients (whether that be from food or bones and body tissues). I do wonder how eskimonians, Inuits etc. who get no vegetation sources could live a long healthy life off animal flesh alone; so to me its conceivable they eat off bones or possibly cook them and drink minerals.

      Relative to PH, it’s fact the mineral content of water does raise or lower it, right? So if we forget about blood PH for a minute and spend more time talking about the water content of the human cells, which all toll add up to 70% or more of the total body mass, as per every book written; then maybe the implications of a higher acidic environment will shed more light on healthy cells versus disease ridden cells. It’s just hard to believe the human body is just as productive in managing its own health status in a wide range of PH affecting 70% of its total mass. Unless we have never seen life in the Dead Sea versus life in the acid ridden lakes or streams, then it has to make you wonder why animals love to grow in ocean water and fresh water that does not go off the PH charts in either direction.

      To me these basic observations of animal life itself, tells a more meaningful story than what these “myth” articles are pitching. To me these “myth” articles are spinning the topic this way and that, using calcium, meat, and blood to divert the logic to support the title of the article and thus make it clear that eating your way to better health is futile when it comes to alkalizing or acidic forming foods.

      I respect and enjoy Chris’s engagement in health advancement, and knowledge for all to help us stay in control without heading down the old age and disease path. But this article does not try hard enough to acquire data from the Alkalizing community of practice, and weigh their results. I also have to compare the larger sector of historical civilizations past and recent who grew off farmed vegetable crops, to the few scattered Tundra & Ice teams of humans who demonstrated health and well-being. The fertile land peoples generated billion of humans in comparison to small numbers of ice and tundra peoples. Also the World today complains vehemently that the land has lost its mineral contents that are so vital for our health. Just these simple things are in essence being refuted by these “myth” articles. The minerals and elements drawn by vegetation from the soil and made biologically available in the human digestion should be truth enough to say we should be including alkaline forming foods. The fact that the Human is able to manage blood PH to a tight tolerance until it dies from something, is just sort of, well, a dumb reason to justify enjoying a high acid forming meal plan.

  8. Hi James,

    I can’t paste in the whole post due to it’s length, but if you are up to it.. could you possibly critique this article by Dr Robert Young re alkalinity?


    I will paste a bit here…

    “The Stomach DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Learn and understand the science of the stomach’s true function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The following scientific discourse are twenty-five important points to understand concerning the the real purpose of the stomach, the physiology of digestion, the creation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach lining, the ingestion of protein, dairy, cheese and sugar in any form and how acid/alkaline biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy relate to health, sickness, and disease.
    Unfortunately, contemporary medical doctors and scientists as well as alternative health practitioners and lay people DO NOT understand how acid/base are created in the body and the onset of latent tissue acidosis in the colloidal connective tissue or the “Schade”. Welcome to the 21st century and Dr. Young’s “New Biology.”
    How is acid/base created in the body?
    1) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why a call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.
    2) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system – specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested.
    3) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer.
    4) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus – created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.
    5) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s spaces.
    6) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger’s space, or the extracellular space that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology text books. There is mention of the extracellular space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores metabolic and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.
    7) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline. The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosporhoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.
    8) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ, which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.
    That is why I have stated, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs…….”

    Thanks James,

    • Hi Ivo,
      The approach used by Dr. Young is very confronting and challenging because it turns a lot of what we know upside down….I have studied with him for a few years now and am convinced that some of his innovative ideas have merit and will in time be embraced by mainstream science. We need innovators or pathfinders who are not afraid to challenge existing believes….even if it is just for the exercise of questioning what is believed to be true….I have been following James’s comments for a long while and believe him to be sincere and knowledgeable ….and to compare his views with Dr. Young’s is going to set in motion an avalanche. Stay open to new ideas, research and come to conclusions that are based on innovative science rather than old and often out dated paradigms.

    • Hi Ivo,

      The response will also be too long to post so I will have to do it in several parts.

      Part 1:

      I have heard these myths before. And in my opinion Dr. Young DOES NOT have a very firm grasp of human physiology.

      Let’s start with the claim that the stomach does not digest food. Digestion starts in the mouth and continues in the stomach and throughout most of the intestine. Therefore, I am not really sure what he means by the stomach not digesting food. If that is the case then wouldn’t the same apply to the mouth and intestines since enzymes are working in all these areas to digest the food? So where does Dr. Young think digestion takes place if at all?

      As for his claims about the stomach alkalizing food this just further backs my belief that Dr. Young DOES NOT understand human physiology. Alkalizing of the chyme occurs in the duodenum, not the stomach.

      When we ingest food or liquids stomach acid is released for a variety of reasons.:

      -Stomach acid is needed to kill ingested pathogens.

      -Stomach acid is needed to acidify certain nutrients such as minerals and the vitamins B6, B12 and folate for absorption. These B vitamins are required for methylation, which is essential for about 4,000 processes in the body including the production of more stomach acid.

      Methylation is also required to prevent cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease, build up neurotransmitters and hormones, support energy levels and the immune system, for cartilage synthesis, etc.

      And a lack of stomach acid decreases the conversion of silica in to orthosilicic acid (OA). Declining stomach acid leads to decreases in OA, which in turn leads to many of the conditions associated with aging such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, emphysema, diverticulitis, wrinkles, etc.

      -Stomach acid is required for the protein digestive enzyme pepsin to function. Without sufficient stomach acid the proteins fail to break down properly leaving protein solutes that can trigger off immune reactions.

      I have a write up on the benefits of stomach acid here:


      The chyme, which is a mixture of food or ingested liquids, stomach acid and enzymes is made acidic by the stomach acid for the above reasons. The chyme is then released in to the duodenum where pancreatic bicarbonate is released to neutralize the acids in the chyme. The duodenum IS NOT the stomach. The stomach only releases bicarbonate after digestion in the stomach is finished to neutralize whatever acid is left in the stomach since the stomach does not maintain a protective barrier 24 hours a day.

      What really get me is how Dr. Young claims hydrochloric acid is a waste product when it is essential for many things in the body.

      And he is wrong on most of what he claims the hydrochloric acid causes. Stomach acid DOES NOT cause indigestion nor reflux. A lack of stomach acid can cause these, which is why things that increase stomach acidity such as bitters, betaine HCl or vinegar are used to treat these conditions. See:


      Excessive stomach acid (hyperchlorhydria) is actually so rare that it is almost unheard of. Especially since stomach acid levels naturally decline with age and most people are acid deficient after the age of 40.

      It was once thought that excess stomach acid was a cause of stomach ulcers. That myth was disproven decades ago!!!!!

      Stomach acid only causes stomach ulcers when the stomach’s protective lining is not there to protect the stomach, such as when nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc), celecoxib (Celebrex), naproxen (Naprosyn), etc. These drugs inhibit hormones known as prostaglandins. Most people familiar with these hormones know that some are associated with inflammation since they dilate blood vessels, which can lead to leakage. But these hormones are also required for the production of the stomach’s protective lining.

      If Dr. Young understood ulcer formation he would also know that the most common cause of ulcers is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which secretes highly alkaline and toxic ammonia to neutralize the stomach acid that would otherwise kill the bacteria.

      Helicobacter pylori is also a primary cause of stomach cancer. Stomach cancer risk has been found to have a direct correlation to low or absent stomach acid, which is contrary to Dr, Young’s claim.

      His claims in number 5 are simply laughable!!!!!

      Apparently Dr. Young is also unaware of the fact that stomach acid is released with the ingestion of any food or liquid. Even the though of food can stimulate stomach acid release. This DOES NOT occur only with animal protein sources as he implies.

      Then there is his contradiction. He claims earlier that the bicarbonate and the acid are produced in equal parts. But then he claims that as the stomach acid is released the bicarbonate is released in to the stomach to neutralize the acid thus inducing alkalosis and using up the alkaline reserves. First of all none of this is true. Then he continues with claiming the hydrochloric acid is taken up by the blood lowering the plasma pH, which is also complete nonsense. If that really happened we would all be dead. So how does he explain the alkaline reserves being depleted while there is still an excess of acid supposedly entering the bloodstream if they were produced equally? Using some common sense should tell him that if these two compounds are formed in equal amounts then this would also mean that the depletion of sodium bicarbonate would also mean a complete depletion of the stomach acid. In other words, if the salt forms one unit of bicarbonate and one unit of hydrochloric acid and one unit of bicarbonate will neutralize one unit of hydrochloric acid that would mean that a depletion of the bicarbonate reserves would mean a complete neutralization of ALL the stomach acid. In fact, this does not even take in to account the compounds in our diet that will neutralize the stomach acid such as carbonates, alkaloids, etc. in the diet that all neutralize acid. Therefore, the stomach acid would be depleted long before the bicarbonate. So where is all this hydrochloric acid coming from that is supposedly entering the bloodstream according to his bogus claims?

      • Part 2:

        If Dr. Young really understood human physiology then he would also know that acid buffering bicarbonate is released in to the blood by parietal cells during stomach acid secretion leading to ALKALINITY of the blood, not acidosis as he claims. He should research the “alkaline tide”. Alkalizing bicarbonate is also produce in the blood. So again, how is acidosis occurring when stomach acid never enters the blood and even if it did the acid would be neutralized by the bicarbonate and the body’s pH would still be maintained through respiration and kidney function?

        In fact, it is not the acid that is the danger as he claims, it is the base that has to be dealt with. See:


        Then Dr Young refers to the Pishinger’s space as an “organ” when it is not an organ. A space is not an organ. Furthermore, if you look up Pishinger’s space the only sites that come up are the ones repeating his claims.

        Dr. Young also refers to the acids from cells as waste again when in fact they are required for our health and existence.

        Then Dr. Young claims there is no mention of any organs that store acids from metabolism and diet. So what? There is no reason to store these acids since they are utilized by the immediately. For example, we produce carbonic acid continually, which serves numerous purposes such as to buffer highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia, to maintain circulation, to allow oxygen release from hemoglobin, to form more stomach acid for proper digestion and absorption, and for the production of bicarbonate!!!! Come on, this is BASIC human physiology he is not grasping!!!!!!

        Then Dr. Young falsely claims the kidneys store acids. The kidney IS NOT a storage organ and DOES NOT store acids.

        Dr. Young then goes on to falsely claim these acids are buffered then eliminated via the skin, urinary tract and bowels. See the contradiction in his claims? If the bicarbonate buffers were used up by stomach acid leading to an increase of hydrochloric acid in the blood leading to acidosis as he claims then where is the bicarbonate buffers coming from that are supposedly buffering those acids? There are no other buffers in the blood. And if there were they would be used up by the hydrochloric acid in the blood if t really made it in to the blood which according to Dr. Young is causing acidosis. How can you buffer the metabolism acids if acidosis is present? The answer is you cannot. Yet this is what Dr. Young is claiming. So not only does he need to learn some human physiology, he also needs to learn some basic chemistry.

        Dr. Young contradicts himself yet again with claim number 7. If a high animal protein meal caused acidosis as he falsely claims then the excess hydrogen ions from the acidosis he claims would be excreted through the kidneys causing ACIDIC, not alkaline urine. Then Dr. Young goes on to claim a base being excreted in the urine, which is the alkalinity. So where is this Base coming from? Again that base would have to be bicarbonate, which he claims earlier is depleted by the hydrochloric acid. So again, where is this base coming from if his claim were true?

        Dr. Young’s myth about tissue acidosis leading to disease has already been addressed a number of times. The vast majority of diseases arise in an alkaline, not acidic environment.

        On claim 8 Dr. Young talks about lactic acid during heavy exercise that in order to be absorbed by the collagen fibers as he falsely claims would have to be excreted. The lactic acid being excreted by muscles during heavy exercise myth was disproven decades ago!!!! During heavy exercise non-acidic lactate is formed, which IS NOT the same thing as lactic acid even though the terms get used interchangeably frequently. The burning sensation people feel IS NOT from lactic acid but rather an excess of hydrogen ions (protons).

        Same with Dr. Young’s false claim that the lactic acid is stored in the tissues. How can this be occurring when no lactic acid is secreted from cells?

        Dr. Young’s claim in 9 starts out bogus then gets outright bizarre where he refers to alkaliphile glands. Alkaliphiles are microorganisms, NOT glands!!!! So it looks like he is making up his own terms along with his “facts”.

        In claim 9 Dr. young further incorrectly states that the body’s alkaline reserve status can be determined by blood or urinary pH testing. This is totally ludicrous!!!!! Salivary pH is affected by the amount of bacteria in the mouth so things such as brushing your teeth will make the saliva more alkaline. So will drinking water, thinking of certain foods, etc. Dry mouth increases acidity as alkaline saliva normally washes away acid forming bacteria in the mouth. Urinary pH is affected by hydration levels, certain supplements and medications and by bacteria in the urine. Urinary tract infections lead to highly alkaline urine as the bacteria use the enzyme urease to split urea in to highly alkaline ammonia. The alkalinity helps the bacteria, as with most pathogens, to survive.

        Claim 10 starts out right away with a major error since this IS NOT how the blood pH is maintained. Again, pH is maintained through respiration and kidney retention or elimination of hydrogen ions (protons). If the acids were being pushed in to the connective tissues or spaces

        And how can the blood give the urine the same amount of acidity if the tissues, such as the kidneys store the acids as Dr. Young claims?

        Urinary pH DOES NOT reflect tissue pH. Tissue pH is maintained by the blood, which again does not reflect in urinary pH.

        In claim 11 he refers again to “alkaliphile organs”. Again alkaliphiles ARE NOT glands, they are microbes.

        Next Dr. Young refers to hyperproteinization leading to people looking like prunes as they age. More garbage!!! Wrinkles are the result of a lack of orthosilicic acid and/or ascorbic acid, which in turn leads to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. Orthosilicic acid loss occurs from a DECLINE in stomach acid since stomach acid aids in the conversion of silica in to the usable orthosilicic acid.

        Apparently Dr. Young does not understand ORP either. Without going in to long explanation ORP is simply a sales tool often misrepresented to sell products. It DOES NOT measure all the antioxidants of the body.

        In claim 12 Dr. Young talks about the acids being stored again, which is not true, the alkaline reserves being depleted that again is not true and again contradicts Dr. Young’s other claim of acids being excreted in to the urine at the same amount that is going in to the blood. Again, how can x amount of acid enter the blood and x amount be excreted in the urine is y amount of acid from X is being stored in the tissues?

        Most of the claims up to number 18 are just regurgitated proven wrong already claims.

        I find it interesting in claim 18 though that Dr. Young mentions pH regulation by respiration and by the kidneys. If he is aware of these pH regulators then he should also be aware of the fact that this goes against his claim about HCl entering the blood leading to acidosis. Even if it were true that the acid could enter the blood the body responds to even the slightest shift in pH by adjusting respiration to either increase or decrease the pH of the blood. Since there are no reserves involved there are no reserves to be depleted as he claims. Same for kidney function, which is the second primary means of pH regulation.

        Claim 20 does not make any sense either. Sodium bicarbonate IS NOT reabsorbed. It is neutralized by acid. The blood maintains bicarbonate levels, not sodium bicarbonate in the blood. Note that he even points this out in claim 21 where it states “CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+”. Where is the sodium (Na)? It’s not there because he is talking about the blood bicarbonate, not sodium bicarbonate that he is incorrectly claiming is absorbed back in to the bloodstream.

        In claim 22 Dr. Young claims ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney. Again, the kidney DOES NOT store things, especially highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia that would kill the tissues if it built up like Dr. Young is claiming.

        In claim 23 Dr. Young claims and 90% of the carbon dioxide is used by the body to “reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal and metabolic acids.” What is needed to absorb these alkaline minerals? STOMACH ACID!!!!! So once again Dr. Young is contradicting himself.

        In claim 24 Dr, Young states: “Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. “.

        First of all as pointed out sodium bicarbonate is neutralized by the acids, not reabsorbed in to the bloodstream. Blood bicarbonate (note not sodium bicarbonate) is formed in the blood from carbonic acid.

        Secondly, what else is needed for sodium bicarbonate production? Sodium chloride salt, which is abundant in meats and dairy. So again his claims are contradictory.

        At least in claim 25 Dr. Young gets something right when he states “Human Body is an acid producing organism by function”. The body is composed of acids, runs on acids, requires acids to maintain circulation and oxygen delivery, for maintaining health and tissues, for detoxification, etc.

        What Dr. Young does not seem to understand is the fact that we cannot live or even exist without acids. Or the fact that ALL foods are metabolized in to acids, not just animal proteins.


        • James, I just wanted to say thank you for all the information you post on this forum. It really is appreciated. I’m saving them all to study again later in greater detail. The time you spend and give to others hasn’t gone unnoticed. Regards. Marisa

        • Just had to mention that Dr. Robert O. Young is now in prison for 10 years. Seems that too many of his patients wound up dead. His theories are quite dangerous and stupid. Each person is responsible for his own safety, but on the other hand, each doctor is responsible for not giving out false data that kills people.

      • James,
        I have been following your posts for a long time. Your research that you provide for readers always lines up with my science classes that I have taken over the past couple of years. I know you are very busy but I really need some help with my son. He has high functioning autism, swollen adenoids and tonsils. I have taken him to many doctors and no one seems to treat him as a whole person, only treating symptoms. Could you please help me. I NEED your highly respected advice on what I can do to help him have the best health possible. If there is a place where I can email you I would certainly do so.
        I did try to contact you through the your website, only to find out that it is down. I am truly sorry for your loss and wish you the best.

        • Hi Donna,

          Probably the best way to reach me would be to send a message through the Mountain Mist Botanicals Facebook page since I won’t post my e-mail address publicly.

          I don’t check messages there very often but I will try to remember to check in a few days.


  9. It’s great that Chris able to keep us informed with researched validated information but I’m still in two minds about the acid-alkaline debate. I am a 56 year-old male, quite healthy apart from joint damage, and I have recently been diagnosed with quite severe osteoporosis after suffering a severe proximal humerus comminuted fracture in a cycling accident.
    I am trying anything that might help my condition. The doctor wants me to go on 6-monthly prolia injections but I have read about the dangers posed by the use of past bisphosphonates like Fosamax to treat this condition and Prolia does the same job as these drugs through a different mechanism. Apart from taking a calcium supplement, I don’t know what else to do. I have definitely found that I have increased energy since going on a more alkaline diet – less red meat, much more salad, no processed food, green and herbal tea.
    Do you have any other suggestions re osteoporosis in a relatively young male?

    • Steve, fire your doctor, and find a competent nutritionist with real experience. Osteoporosis has NOTHING to do with insufficient calcium. This has been discussed NUMEROUS times on Chris’s blog…. I cannot give specific advice, but there is PLENTY of information on this topic.

    • Hi Steve,

      I have written on the topic of osteoporosis a number of times. The most common myth about osteoporosis is the claim that it is the result of bone mineral loss. Bone mineral loss results in osteopenia or osteomalacia, not osteoporosis.

      Osteoporosis is a loss of collagen matrix in bone. Collagen is essential for both strength and feasibility in bone, and acts as the surface for which the minerals can deposit.

      Bisphosphonate drugs such as Boniva do not address the collagen loss. Furthermore, these drugs actually increase the risk of fracture by leading to the formation of very poor quality bone in large part by inhibiting proper bone remodeling and from over-mineralization leading to decreased shock absorbing flexibility. To make matters worse, once in the body it takes about 10 years to get these dangerous drugs back out of the body.

      Other potential side effects of these drugs include osteonecrosis of the jawbone and a burning sensation in the body that can become permanent.

      Taking calcium DOES NOT treat osteoporosis since calcium is not a component of the collagen matrix.

      The most common deficiency leading to osteoporosis is silica (orthosilicic acid). The most common reasons for silica deficiencies are lack of stomach acid or lack of fiber intake. Stomach acid naturally declines with age, but the use of antacids, acid blockers, calcium carbonate (oyster shell, dolomite, coral) or magnesium oxide in supplements, ionized alkaline water or ingestion of baking soda all contribute to lower stomach acid levels. Especially since the nutrients required for methylation to produce more stomach acid are acid dependent themselves for absorption.

      Here is part of an old post I did on the subject:

      The best source of silica is food grade diatomaceous earth. It can be added to water so a little of the silica dissolves in the water. Let the DE settle out then pour off the water above the sediment to drink:


      I don’t like horsetail grass (shavegrass) because it constricts blood vessels, which is not safe in some individuals such as those with diabetes, heart disease, who are using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. Here is more information:


      If you want an herbal source of silica then bamboo stalk is the best. It is 7 times higher in silica than horsetail grass and dilates blood vessels.

      And some other associated links:



      The second most common deficiency is vitamin C. Natural sources tend to be stronger and more stable than the synthetic ascorbic acid or Ester C. Food sources include papaya, kiwis, mango, berries and peppers. Herbal sources include acerola cherry, amla, nettle leaf and rose hips.

      Stay away from stimulants like caffeine and nicotine as these rapidly reduce vitamin C in the body as will stress.

      I also recommend staying away from anything that reduces stomach acid. A list of common sources was given above.


      • Hi James: I find your knowledge extremely impressive. Thank you! I was a staunch believer in the vital importance of pH balance, until I read this article and your posts. But I studied macrobiotics in the past, and was even cured of a serious health problem, by eating that way at one point. And macrobiotics takes a broader view of health/balance, which is not only affected by the foods we consume but also by our lifestyle and the weather/climate. (I would even add genetics, psychological and spiritual well being, and personality type to the mix.) Macrobiotics explains why people in cold climates eat more yin (i.e., acidic ) foods, and people in the tropics eat far more yang (i.e., alkaline) foods. (There is not a precise correlation between yin/yang and acid/alkaline, but it broadly matches up). The point being, that we are not just affected by what we ingest, but also by what is around us. Inuits, as th example mentioned in the article, live in an extremely cold (i.e., yang) climate, so they eat a very yin diet; and those who live on the equator need a very yang diet. It makes sense. In the cold weather, we crave hot foods and heavy foods, like meats and stews; whereas, in the tropics, we crave cold foods and lighter foods, like fruits, smoothies, salads, and iced drinks. And this is why I realized that pH in the food we eat is not the WHOLE answer–if it was, then, as stated in the article, all healthy people would be eating the same pH levels in their food, around the world, during every season–and this is not the case.

        On another subject: I went to holistic MDs, nutritionists, and acupuncturists to cure some serious health issues I was having. After spending thousands (none of which was covered by my expensive health plan!) I ended up curing most of my problems myself, by listning to my body, using my own instincts, experimenting, researching at places like earthclinic.com and reading reviews of MANY products on amazon.com. I was already eating a much healthier diet than most people, for along time, but I kept getting worse. I am much better now, thank God, but I still have an ongoing digestive problem; my arthritis is still bothering me; and I have a minor skin problem that will not go away. Eating very little gluten definitely seems to help the arthritis, but it can still be painful. MSM also helps, but it is nasty bitter stuff and it only helps symptoms; sometimes; it is not a cure. Drinking lemon water daily (it may just be the water, but I prefer it with lemon) eliminates my leg and toe cramps and restless leg syndrome. Brown rice and turmeric seem to help my digestive problem better than anything else, even though I was told to avoid starches. 😉 Still, it is not cured.

        I also know a 15 yr. old who is extremely ill and no doctors or healers have been able to cure her. (Though the scissor-happy allopathic guys removed her gall bladder, which they never should have done). Recently, a doctor claimed that her various problems were stress-related, which is what I thought from he start. I would very much like to talk to you and get your advice, for me, and for this poor girl. Would you please contact me at [email protected]? Thank you so much!

        • Hello Heidi,

          I will send you an e-mail here shortly. Ask the moderators though if they can delete your e-mail address from the post. It is not a good idea to post your e-mail address publicly like this.

          There are a few points I would like to make about your post.

          First, keep in mind that there is no such thing as an alkalizing food. ALL foods will be metabolized in to acids in the long run.

          And many of the so-called “alkaline foods” actually have acidic pH levels. The alkaline food hypothesis is based on only looking at the alkaline ash of the foods, which is very misleading. What if they only looked at the naturally occurring acids in these same foods. Would they then be considered acid foods instead of alkaline foods.

          There is no real basis to consider a food alkaline. This probably has a lot to do with why various acid-alkaline sites cannot agree on what foods are supposedly acidic and which ones are supposedly alkaline.

          As I said earlier though, ALL foods are metabolized in to acids. Even something considered alkalizing such as greens. Their simple sugars already present and formed from the breakdown of starches for example will be metabolized forming carbonic dioxide ad water that form carbonic acid. The fibers will be fermented by the intestinal flora in to a variety of beneficial acids. Ironically meats that are considered acidic have less sugar and no fiber to be converted in to carbonic acid or the fatty acids produced by the flora. Of course there are other sources of acid formation for both plants and meats such as amino acids, other fatty acids, uric acid, etc. Again the point is simply that there is no such thing as an alkaline forming food.

          As for the warm weather vs. cold weather diet claims the one thing that has to be kept in mind is that diet is dependent not on what you crave, but rather what is available to eat. The Inuit don’t have tropical papaya and mango trees growing there. You don’t think they would crave something sweet and juicy if those trees grew there. After all they do stock up on things like berries and other edible plants when the season allows. There diet is not just blubber and caribou.

          Although one advantage of the high fat diet of the Inuit is the fact that fats are high calorie, which means an increase of and a more efficient fuel for producing body heat.

          In warmer climates the diet again consists of what is available. This could be fish, monkeys, fruits, other plant material, etc. If you lived in some South American jungle and you were hungry and some big fat walrus shows up you would not eat it? Again, people have simply adapted to eating what foods are available to them in their parts of the world. It has NOTHING to do with pH.

          Digestive problems is vague and can many things. I will get more information from you when I write you.

          As for arthritis, there are about 120 forms of arthritis and there can be different causes and thus different ways to address it. When you write back please be more specific in your diagnosis and symptoms.

          Lemon water is a good source of potassium, but the most common cause of muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome is a lack of magnesium, which acids such as those in lemon does help with absorption.

          The lemon water can also be helping simply because of the acids in it as well. Lemon contains a variety of acids including citric and malic acids needed for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the “gasoline” for your cells that allow them to run and help them to run properly. This includes muscles. By the way, magnesium also elevates ATP, which is one of the reasons I prefer acidified versions of magnesium such as magnesium malate or magnesium citrate.

          A lack of muscular ATP leads to conditions such as fibromyalgia and rhabdomyolosis.

          As a last note for now, turmeric is good for a lot of things but it also has its drawbacks. First of all it is poorly absorbed. More importantly in your case though is the fact that turmeric is an antacid, which can further aggravate many digestive issues.


          • Hello again James, and thanks so much for taking the time to share your vast knowledge with us! I just want to clarify that I was not saying that diet and geography prove that the pH balance theories have merit, but the reverse. My point was that native people all over the world are very often healthy and balanced, yet they eat completely different foods (and ratios) in terms of the so-called alkaline and acid content. For me, this proves that there is something fundamentally flawed about the pH balance theories, which, until I came to this website, I was pretty much swallowing whole. 😉 This conversation reminded me of what I learned 40 years ago, when first studying macrobiotics and the yin and yang properties of food. I am not a macrobiotic and never have been, but there was a time when eating that way cured me of a very serious ulcer and although I do not think it is the end all be all, or only answer, or the path for everyone, I have always liked the food and the philosophy that goes with it. According to these ancient theories, the balance that must be achieved for maximum health takes many factors into consideration, not just your food intake. Remembering this, verified for me what you and Chris are saying here. Of course native people eat what is available and of course they could easily crave foods that are not available, including the unhealthy things we all crave in our urban habitats. I did not say that people ONLY crave healthy food or local foods. Yet, it is a fact that we crave heavier richer foods in cold weather (IN GENERAL) and lighter cooler foods in hot weather (IN GENERAL). I believe there is a scientific explanation for this, such as the meats and fatty food helping the body stay warm in cold weather, as you explained, etc. I also believe that I feel more drawn to local foods when I travel, and they often seem to taste better in their local environments. (But this does not mean that chocolate does not taste great anywhere and everywhere. 😉 I think our bodies often tell us what we need, but the more junk food, processed food, and poisons we ingest, the more out of touch we become with our bodies natural (healthy) cravings or desires. So many times I have found myself suddenly buying a food I rarely eat, only to read later that it is a cure for an ailment I was having. And then there is the whole Chinese approach of balancing your energy, or Chi . . . of course that may reduce stress, for one thing, which we all know causes all kinds of problems, lowering the immune system, etc. But I know that acupuncture and other things very often work where western medicine fails. I will write you about my own conditions because they are too numerous and complex to go into here. But the good news is, I am MUCH MUCH better than I was 6 months ago. If we figure out what kind of arthritis I have and how to cure it, then you or I can report my progress back here, to share with others. Thanks again!

        • Hello Heidi, hope you don’t mind me chipping in here. I’ve just read your post and see you’ve cut down on gluten but still have arthritic and skin problems. Were you were aware that if someone is gluten intolerant, even the smallest amount of ingested gluten will create an immune response? In other words, people who are gluten intolerant have to be completely gluten free to feel the benefits, not just reduce their intake. Moreover, all grains – e.g. oats, rice and corn (all grass seeds) contain different forms of gluten which many people still react to. For some people, full benefits aren’t experienced until going completely grain free (and going soy and peanut free). Other things you might wish to research are ‘cross reactivity’ and ‘molecular mimicry’. Cross reactivity is where non gluten products, such as coffee, contain a substance (e.g. protein/amino acid) which is similar to gluten and the body still reacts to it, even though it doesn’t contain gluten. Sometimes, (so I read) the proteins in our body tissues have a similar molecular structure to those in gluten, hence, when the body launches an attack against ingested gluten, it also launches an attack against our body tissue. Apologies if you’re familiar with this already. Naturopathic doctors tell us that so-called auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, even eczema and thyroiditis etc are not malfunctions of the immune system; but are symptoms resulting from the immune system attacking various bodily tissues because, as I say, the proteins in that tissue ‘mimic’ the proteins in gluten. Dr Peter Osborne and Dr Sarah Ballantyne are two doctors, among many, whose websites discuss these things in details. Basically, if you are gluten intolerant, you may not experience full recovery until you’ve eliminated all grains and identified other foods which cross react with gluten. There is a list of cross reactivity foods in an article on Dr Ballantyne’s website. The real issue with so-called auto-immune conditions appears to be intestinal permeability. Once you remove the offending foods and give your intestines chance to heal (which could take up to 2 years for some people) recovery often follows whereby some people are able to consume the offending foods again – at least in moderation. Incidentally, I’m not advising you to change your eating habits, I’m simply sharing a few things I’ve come across which you may wish to research further. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Marisa. 🙂

          • Thanks Marissa: I appreciate your help and references and I will note down the sites you have mentioned to research them. I do not think I am gluten intolerant, because I do not have any immediate adverse reactions to gluten, and never have, but I may be. Not sure how to tell. I am hoping there is another way to cure my arthritis than give up all grains. I already eat very little sugar, drink very little coffee or tea, hardly any processed foods, and, as I said, very little gluten. I don’t have much time to cook and can’t afford to hire a chef. 😉 I live in the country, where food choices are limited, so what few grains I eat (mainly brown rice, and not every day) are quite a nice addition. I rarely eats oats or other grains. I went off all starches completely for a few months, and all fruits, as per my doctor’s and nutritionist’s instructions—when I was trying to cure my digestive problems, but I did not get better. When I started eating brown rice, I immediately saw an improvement. (It also is much worse when I am tired than when I am getting enough sleep! And, of course dampness and humidity are killers.) I think this guy, James, may have a good cure for arthritis. I am hoping he will respond to my post!!

            • Hello Heidi,

              Sorry about that. When you said you’d cut down your gluten intake, I assumed you were trying to avoid it. I’d be interested in knowing what James says about arthritis. My husband has rheumatoid arthritis. I wonder if James will post the info on this forum or reply to you directly. From what I’ve read, RA could be caused by all sorts of things, Charles Weber says it’s potassium deficiency, someone else says it’s a mycoplasma/protozoa infection (treatable with antibiotics if you can find a doctor to prescribe them), others say it’s due to leaky gut, others improve after lots of sunshine and bathing in the dead sea – suggesting a Vitamin D3 and mineral deficiency. Others improve on a high dose pharmaceutical fish oil regimen, suggesting omega 3 deficiency. Perhaps the cause is different for different people, therefore the cure must be different for every one? Let us know if you improve. 🙂 Marisa

              • Marisa: “I’d be interested in knowing what James says about arthritis. My husband has rheumatoid arthritis. ”

                There are about 120 forms of arthritis and therefore are various causes.

                Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition linked to a form of chlamydia bacteria. It cannot be treated simply with antibiotics though since it is autoimmune. Antibiotic therapy will only address the trigger, not the underlying cause, which is the immune suppression due to adrenal dysfunction. See my earlier post for a link to my Autoimmunity write up, which explains things in more detail.

                Some of the things you mention in your post will help address symptoms for various reasons. For example, vitamin D has an immune regulatory effect. Although there is a lot more to this as there are various forms of vitamin D. What people need is active D3, which the body has to manufacture since it is not available as a supplement. What is sold as D3 on the market as a supplement is inactive D3. The omega 3 fatty acids help reduce the inflammation, but does not cure the problem.

            • For some people, one of the symptoms associated with gluten intolerance is arthritis. According to some doctors, auto-immune conditions are a greater indication of gluten intolerance than inflamed bowels.

            • Heidi: “When I started eating brown rice”

              Brown rice still has the polishings, which are silica rich. Silica can help with some forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis by both building up collagen and chondroitin in cartilage. See:


              Heidi: “It also is much worse when I am tired than when I am getting enough sleep!”

              This would be due to the stress this puts on the adrenal glands, which decreases anti-inflammatory and immune regulating corticosteroids.

              Heidi: “And, of course dampness and humidity are killers.”

              Studies have shown that changes in barometric pressure can aggravate some forms of arthritis.

            • Hi Heidi, if you got better after starting eating carbos again, then check your thyroid = you my be hypo, even hidden hypo. I’m not a doc., just from my own experience and suffering a lot!

          • Hi Marisa,

            Marisa: “Were you were aware that if someone is gluten intolerant, even the smallest amount of ingested gluten will create an immune response?”

            I am glad to see you saying gluten intolerance. A big pet peeve of mine is people interchanging gluten intolerance with Celiac disease, which are not the same thing.

            Celiac disease is an inherited disorder as where gluten intolerance is an allergy type condition. Thus Celiac disease cannot be cured as where a gluten intolerance is curable.

            Allergic responses are the result of adrenal dysfunction, which leads to a decrease of epinephrine and corticosteroids that counter allergic responses. Therefore, building the adrenal glands back up will eliminate allergies. Same reason children can outgrow allergies or allergies can come and go throughout life. Also reason doctors treat allergies with epinephrine or epinephrine-like compounds and steroids.

            Marisa: “Cross reactivity is where non gluten products, such as coffee, contain a substance (e.g. protein/amino acid) which is similar to gluten and the body still reacts to it, even though it doesn’t contain gluten. ”

            For people who want to understand this principle better research the problem of serological cross reactivity in antibody tests such as those for HIV and hepatitis. This is a big problem for these tests as far as accuracy, which is nowhere the 99% accurate they claim.

            Marisa: “Naturopathic doctors tell us that so-called auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, even eczema and thyroiditis etc are not malfunctions of the immune system; but are symptoms resulting from the immune system attacking various bodily tissues”

            Autoimmunity is a dysfunction of the immune system. But not hyperactivity of the immune system as so many doctors claim, but rather immune suppression through the adrenals. For a more detailed explanation see my write up:


            Marisa: “The real issue with so-called auto-immune conditions appears to be intestinal permeability.”

            Yes and no. Intestinal permeability can aggravate autoimmune conditions, but is not the cause. Intestinal permeability, such as leaky gut syndrome allows protein solutes to enter the bloodstream due to the inflammation increasing permeability. These foreign proteins create an immune response, which must be dealt with again by the adrenals. This can overwork the adrenal glands thus aggravating the autoimmune condition through the increase of low affinity antibodies and other immune dysregulation.


    • We use testosterone cream for any male or female with osteoporosis. Look in the literature. Even Harvard Med. School Dept of Urology recommends it for that. No side effects like Fosamax (I would never put a patient on any of those drugs).
      200 mg. per day transdermally.

      • Rob,

        First of all testosterone is hardly free of side effects. It has all sorts of adverse side effects.

        I don’t like bisphonates like Phosamax either, which can actually increase the risk of fracture, lead to necrosis of the jaw and cause a strong burning sensation in the body that can sometimes become permanent. With testosterone though you are only trading one set of side effects for another.

        And neither bisphonates nor testosterone will correct osteoporosis. They will help mask the symptoms, but neither correct the problem, which is often mistaken even by doctors as being a loss of minerals. Loss of bone mineralization is known as oseopenia and osteomalacia, not osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the result of a loss of the collagen matrix resulting in a loss of mineral binding sites.

        Testosterone can help with osteomalacia and osteopenia by increasing muscle mass, which in turn increases stressing on the bone DURING EXERCISE, which in turn leads to mineral deposition in to the collagen matrix. I emphasized during exercise because without exercise no amount of minerals, collagen or hormones are going to increase bone density.


        • James, wondering what you recommend for dosage of bamboo silica to restore bone density. I have read that in countries where bone loss is least silica intake is about 100 mg. My bottle of bamboo silica is suggesting 400 mg per day and that seems high. Do you know if it affects absorption of other supps if taken at same time?
          Could you get enough silica carefully choosing foods such as oats ,apples that are higher in it. What about dried fruits for boron ?

    • You already have the proof you need. You feel better going with a more alkalizing diet. Keep going for the 80/20 everybody recommends. More fruits and vegetables will do good for everybody, and you can still get plenty of protein from animal sources if you want in that 20%. You be the judge.

      • Rebecca: “You already have the proof you need. You feel better going with a more alkalizing diet. ”

        There is NO such thing as an alkaline diet. Every single food you ever consume will metabolize in to acids.

        And many of the so-called “alkalizing foods” have acidic pH levels to begin with.

        Finally, if you look at the various charts of supposedly alkaline forming foods you will see all sorts of examples where they do not agree with each other. This is because the whole diet IS NOT based on real science.

        • Well if it makes you feel better who cares if there is real science behind it or not. All science was once considered quackery until there were enough people saying this really helped me, then the scientists finally take notice and start investigating. Why wait for the science to back it up. A diet rich in vegetables and maybe fruits and low on grains and small to moderate protein is a healthy diet by any standards.

          • And it has already been investigated and still found to be quackery. As already pointed out ALL foods get metabolized in to acids. So how can these be alkaline forming? And so many of the so-called “alkalizing foods” have acidic pH levels to begin with. So again, how are these alkalizing?

            There is no question that a lot of these foods are healthier. Much of this comes from the beneficial acids in these foods and produced by these foods. So it is the term “alkaline or alkalizing diet” that is very misleading. Just like the so-called “liver flush”, which DOES NOT flush the liver. The high amount of oil will contract the gallbladder, which IS NOT the liver.

            So it does not matter if something has a beneficial effect in any way if it is being mispromoted, which makes it appear as quackery. Why not simply call the diet a nutritional diet since it is nutrition, not changes in pH that are creating the beneficial effects?

            • Good point why not call it a nutritional philosphy of eating. I really wonder why you are so passionate in your nay saying on this topic. Terminology is misleading everywhere. And dietary advice is bad and wrong in many areas – take the standard diet given to diabetics by most doctors, nutritions and the relevant medical associations. They are recipes for disaster, science has now proved for most diabetics this is not a healthy approach.

              • If you want to knwo why I am so passionate then read my other post where I explain why your misleading comments can put people’s health at risk.

                And if you are going to make claims about a recommended diet for diabetics being harmful be more specific then back your claims with some evidence. Are you claiming diabetics are being to go load up on simply sugars or other high glycemic foods? See, with such vague un-backed claims your statements are left open to a lot of interpretation.

              • Rebecca, I probably now look like “I’m hammering on you” but I hope that you realize that is not what I’m doing. My scientific background is in physics not biology. However, proper use of terminology is vital to proper understanding.

                The infamous Apollo capsule disaster was directly caused by a failure of personnel reading specification to realize that they were ignoring a single important term.

                Accuracy in the use of terms is indeed vitally important as others will likely not have the same unstated assumptions that you have.

  10. If diet DOES NOT alter pH, can you explain health benefits of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar? I’ve read that adding latter to the feed cures cattle from arthritis or osteoporosis?

  11. I don’t have strong opinion one way or another, but appreciate well researched and informative opinions on both sides of the alcaline-acidic diet issue. I think you did a good job overall and that is why I am surprised you completely left out gout from the discussion. Gout is the most obvious condition proven to be result of high acidity level in the blood. I have it and doctors are telling me to avoid foods rich in purines and other acidic foods and the main treatment is reduction of the blood pH. Leaving this out of your article couldn’t be accidental since you are certainly well aware of it.

    • I will be removing myself from further comments on this topic after this…
      Nick, I don’t know where you got the idea that gout is a result of acidification of the blood, but if your physician told you that, it is time to find a new doctor… it is true that there is an increase of blood levels of uric acid, but with gout there is an increase of total body levels of uric acid, and blood increases are mediated to keep the pH to 7.35-7.45.
      GOUT: a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes an arthritic condition, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, deposition of chalkstones, and episodes of acute pain.

    • Mr. Paleo is right, gout has NOTHING to do with blood pH. Gout is both a disease, a form of arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and a symptom being it has various causes. Causes include inability to metabolize uric acid, hypothyroidism, alcohol use, high purine intake, certain medications or poisonings, etc.

      Part of the confusion also comes from the myth that ingesting baking soda helps gout by alkalizing. First of all the whole baking soda alkalizes the blood thing is very misleading, but that is a different story. Baking soda helps with gout because the sodium provided by the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) converts the uric acid in to a more soluble sodium urate. Potassium works even better as potassium urate is more soluble than sodium urate. Again, this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with altering the blood pH, nor does elevated uric acid.

  12. I’m a 71 year old man, always have been healthy, never overweight, workout regularly, and have eaten a balanced diet. About 10 years ago I began to travel more than usual, about 1/2 of the time in airports and hotels, etc. I developed pain in my pelvic area that evolved into major discomfort, particularly on travel it got much worse. Two urologists ruled out prostate problems and had no answer. I could hardly get off the airplane when I landed back home wiht so much pain in my pelvic area. Someone suggested going green (drinking green smoothies filled with veges and almonds, and reducing all acidic foods like coffee, meats, chocolate, sugar) and stretching which I did both and within a few weeks, all of the pain had vanished. Other joint pain also vanished. I began measuring my pH before and after and found that my urine pH went from about 5 to 6 to 8 measured in the morning. I have on occasion reverted back to that similar acidic diet and the pain began to return until I stopped and went back to the veges, nuts, fish, mineral supplements, and super greens. So to me, its not theoretical, I have my life back by simply changing my diet to the green side and avoiding the dark side. So you can say that eating a predominately diet of veges, fruits, nuts, some fish, and reducing meats, sugar, etc., but it would not work for me.

    • Again the so-called “alkaline diet” helps because it is more nutritional. NOT because it alkalizes the blood since foods don’t alkalize the blood.

      The nutrients in the so-called “alkaline diet” include acids that help reduce inflammation such as omega 3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid and pantothenic acids and from antioxidant and antiseptic acids such as acidic polyphenols, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, etc.

      Also, as has been pointed out so many times urinary pH DOES NOT reflect blood pH in any way.

      • That isn’t true. It is the healthiness of the diet, yes, but also the alkaline state. Human bodies are always working to obtain homeostasis and a human body is balanced at alkaline state. Our diet over the past centuries have just made it so that it is just impossible to obtain that state, with current mainstream food. Without, a diet like above, and awareness of a controlled diet, the body is set up for disease. Stress can cause cancer but cancer in an alkaline body, is in a body that has a strong system, and can fight it off better when the body is strong, immune system is strong. Acidic bodies have a weak system, thereby making homeostasis impossible. Actually, there are many natural ways to prevent and cure cancer. You never go wrong with a stable, healthy and balanced alkaline body, never! Unless you are too alkaline, again, it is about homeostasis.

        • Healthnut,

          You are simply repeating already disproven ideas.

          The body does maintain an alkaline state, which is referring to the blood and most of the tissues. This alkaline state is maintained REGARDLESS of the diet. This is because humans can only survive within a very narrow pH range. Therefore, the body relies primarily on pH balancing systems that do not have reserves so they cannot be depleted. If the body has even the slightest shift in pH the respiration will increase or decrease in response to either increase or decrease the pH to maintain that narrow range. If the lungs cannot keep up then the kidneys will either start excreting or retaining hydrogen ions again to maintain the pH in the alkaline range. This is why acidosis is EXTREMELY rare and why diet DOES NOT alter pH.

          As for stress causing cancer this is not quite true. Stress can contribute to cancer formation because stress suppresses the immune system. Although again, this has nothing to do with pH. The vast majority of cancers have been linked to viral infections. Most of the remaining cancers have been linked to other pathogens. Suppression of the immune system allows these pathogens to take hold easier leading to cancer formation. Same reason people on immune suppressing drugs such as anti-rejection drugs and autoimmune drugs are at such as higher risk for cancer.

          Cancer forms all the time in an alkaline environment. And studies have also shown that:

          -Normally acidic tissues such as the stomach and colon have a higher risk of cancer when these tissues become alkaline.

          -Alkalinity drives glycolysis in cancer cells.

          -When healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells.

          -The internal pH of cancer cells is highly alkaline, which allows them to survive. If their proton pumps are blocked the cancer cells become acidic killing them.

          The myth that cancer cells need an acidic environment seems to stem from the fact that as the cancer grows beyond a certain point the body’s buffers cannot keep up with the protons being excreted by the cancer cells to maintain their alkalinity. When this occurs the area around the cancer cells will becomes acidic due to the build up of protons. This is well in to the cancer cells growth though. The cancer cells arise in alkaline tissues.

          Various acids are also involved in the whole immune process. They DO NOT cause immune suppression, they support immune function and help kill pathogens.


          • James, I would love to pick your brain about a condition in which a friend of mine has and no doctor can diagnose. Will you give it a try? My email is [email protected]

      • Hi, I have been reading all these post & agree with a lots of things. Our body will alkaline itself where it needs to be so whether we are busted or not, if too much acidity will get sick or vice versa. I have MS (multiple sclerosis) & noticed what I’m eating/drinking so I tried my best not to eat/drink of the kind. Even my husband noticed the difference & I don’t use the walker like before only when I’m going to walk for a long time. Trying searching to better myself. I also have pad (peripheral artery disease) it was swollen & it pain, I started drinking what I needed to calm the swollen leg & back to normal–& is better now all gone. Any advise to the MS? What is the active vit d3 needed for that? I’ve been drinking these vits for MS. Does kind of vit k needed? If possible to know. Thanks so much. 🙂

    • Hi Michael
      I agree that “alkaline diet” whether claimed to be bull or not certainly does improve quality of life and change the ph OF URINE SWEAT , SALIVA AND TEARS I measure myself on a daily basis I have seen the change in what I excrete and the difference in my general health. Going from a fully acid urine and saliva to an alkaline one. Weather this has got anything to do with blood alkalinity I dont know according to Mr Paleo and James it doesnt but there also a whole load of websites that says it does. However the results are there to be seen
      I will as soon as I can go and follow up with both my doctor and urologist to get their opinion. What I do know is that the current medical profession is failing badly at many things. My son has chrones – a stomach disorder involving the fauna and flora of the gut, Modern specialists recommended all sorts of medication .Being my son we investigated this we spoke via email to over a thousand chrones sufferers who all related their experience both with and without medication the majority said they manage the chrones by managing their diet .
      The doctors told us its bull and were quite insistent that he have a particular infusion which apart from costing a fortune has numerous side effects. we did not follow this route we managed the diet. for the past two years the doctors have been astounded at the improvement and the way this problem has gone into remission. Diet plays a big role in how we operate.
      Here is a question to Chris James and Mr Paleo are you qualified medical doctors or are you people who through your own experience and the internet gained this knowledge

      • Guy,

        No, those do not have anything to do with the blood pH. Also are you aware of the fact that alkaline urine can indicate a urinary tract infection and can also predispose a person to urinary tract stones by allowing mineral salts to precipitate out?

        As for Crohn’s disease this is not generally a stomach issue. Crohn’s disease is closely related to ulcerative colitis, which are both autoimmune conditions involving improper adrenal gland function and being triggered by a pathogen known as mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). The difference is that with ulcerative colitis there is just a superficial inflammation of the intestine as where with Crohn’s the inflammation goes all the way through the intestinal wall.

        It can be eliminated instead of simply managed by destroying the MAC and by restoring proper adrenal function.

        As for if we are doctors if you read my previous posts you would know I hate when people want to try to make this personal instead of addressing the actual topic. But if you want to make this personal then the real question you should be asking is are YOU a qualified medical doctor? After all if you are treating your son for Crohn’s disease then you should actually understand this condition first, such as the fact that it is an intestinal, not stomach, disorder although in severe cases it can progress up the digestive tract to and past the stomach. You should also understand the cause and related factors. This IS NOT related to a lack of flora. Irritable bowel syndrome can result from a lack of flora.

        Trying to treat someone by guessing at what a condition is or what causes it is irresponsible and outright stupid. That is like someone telling someone to treat their hyperparathyroidism by taking calcium because of the resultant bone loss. It is not the bone loss that is the real dangerous issue in this case, it is high serum calcium levels. Having only a little knowledge on a health issue can be a dangerous thing.


        • Hi James there was nothing personal in it.
          Don’t be so defensive. I wasn’t attacking anything nor was I questioning your knowledge. I wanted to know where do you get your knowledge from.
          As for crohns I was simplifying the statement. It affects the the intestines, the gut causes arthritis and has a whole load of nastiness. Over simplification- its a gut problem. caused as I understand an overactive immune system. I must admit though you are the first person who has said it can be eliminated. Now having seen multiple specialists from various places all over South Africa, and being in direct communication with a hospital in the UK who are specializing in the treatment of crohns I do have some idea. No I dont go into the special speak that you do and I have spared no expense in the diagnoses and treatment – remember its my son, None of the specialists nor the doctors nor the hospital in the UK say it is curable. Now in lay man terms it affects the gut from mouth to anus. The immune system attacks the bacteria in the gut (bacteria that should be there) – Layman’s terms the flowers and animals that live there.
          There are no medications or surgical procedures that can cure Crohn’s disease. direct quote from various specialists.
          Because of the above statement and the side effects of the treatments offered (Immune suppressants) and the like, we decided to look at diet and have subsequently managed the problem in this manner. I now have a healthy 14 year old.
          Now back your attack which was unnecessary and uncalled for. If some one is telling you about your car and they seem really knowledgeable as you do regarding medical stuff it is only reasonable to understand the back ground that this knowledge comes from. Continually in my profession I deal with specialists all the time I like to know the back ground for me to balance the information and the expertise claimed. from your reaction it would worry me. I didn’t doubt you, I was just curious. So Sorry if you felt it was an attack it wasn’t.

          • Hi Guy,

            Actually you said it was a problem with the stomach, which is not generally the case. Crohn’s is considered an intestinal disorder, although as I pointed out it can affect the digestive system higher up.

            One reason allopathic doctors have not figured out how to cure Crohn’s is because they do not understand the condition. Autoimmune conditions DO NOT result from an overactive immune system. If the immune system were “overactive” then people with these conditions would not be getting microbial diseases.

            This would also mean that people would not be getting infected with the microbes that trigger off so many autoimmune conditions in the first place.

            Also ask yourself why it that if the immune system is really overactive then why do things that suppress immunity such as stress and stimulants aggravate autoimmune conditions? Even the steroids they often use to suppress immunity in cases of autoimmunity only cover up symptoms while making the underlying condition worse. If the immune system was really overactive then these things should improve or cure autoimmunity. Both sugar and xathines are immune suppressants so why can’t people eat a diet of just chocolate cake, which contains immune suppressing sugar and xanthines to control or eliminate their autoimmune conditions?

            What these doctors don’t seem to understand is the simple fact that there is no single immune system. The immune system is comprised of various things such as the various white blood cells, the various cytokines, acids, peroxides, various glands, etc. If they really think the immune system is overactive then what within the immune system is overactive?

            The fact is that there is NOTHING overactive about the immune system in cases of autoimmunity. The majority of the immune system is working fine and doing its job just as it is designed to do.

            The problem lies in the immune SUPPRESSION through the adrenals that regulate the production of high affinity (specific) antibodies as opposed to low affinity (nonspecific) antibodies also known as “autoantibodies”. It is these antibodies that tag the digestive tissue, not flora, for destruction by white blood cells seen in Crohn’s.

            To understand this more in detail read my write up on autoimmunity:


            The adrenal glands also regulate inflammatory responses such as the inflammation associated with Crohn’s through the production of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids released by the adrenals.

            Therefore, in my opinion the best way to address Crohn’s is by first killing off the bacterial trigger then working on re-strengthening the adrenal glands. Here is information on this I wrote:




      • Guy,
        I am a functional nutritionist and exercise specialist. I live PALEO/PRIMAL, and it would assist in Crohn’s as well….

        • Hi Mr Paleo
          Please relate some of your knowledge of Crohns
          As I said we manage this by diet and we researched this with people who have the problem- most people relate to food triggers that introduce an attack. Have you found this to be true. My friends child has the infusion and she is fairing no better than my son ( they are the same age) In fact the infusion makes her sick for a day or two after the treatment
          Kind regards

          • Guy,
            I have had clients with Crohn’s, and yes, I agree with James that it is a “treatable” autoimmune condition. If you wish my assistance, then please contact me by email…

        • You said you have some knowledge on the crohns
          Please contact me direct by my email. I would really appreciate it
          As stated, the past two annual check ups the gastroenterology specialist is amazed at his health and has stated we are doing something right because this is in “remission” However everywhere we have been and thousands of dollars later we are constantly told it is a chronic problem and treatable not curable
          come back to me
          PS the diet we have him on is recommended by a qualified nutritionist and the results speak for themselves

    • You cannot discuss this with an Alopathic Dr. because they only believe what they are taught. I have cured myself of many many diseases and ailments. I have proof… I don’t need any verification, I do my own research. Dr. Amen has a different view along with other Dr’s Buttar etc. I think it is great that you are able to keep yourself pain free on a alkaline diet… That’s awesome!.. A side note, cancer may create it own acidic area, but the less acidic the body is, the less it can feed. I even had a test with radioactive sugar water to find cancer, they explained the entire thing to me, about cancer migrating towards sugar… Its just that too many pharma companies have vested interest in keeping status quo.

      • It DOES NOT matter what the pH is the cancer will still feed EXACTLY the same. The pH has absolutely NOTHING to do with cancer feeding. In fact, cancer cells and healthy cells both feed on glucose and other fuels in the same exact manner. The only difference it that the cancer cells have a higher metabolism and thus use more fuel than healthy cells.

        What we do know though is that alkalinity promotes cancer. It has been shown in research that when healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells. And research has also proven that the internal alkalinity of cancer cells not only allows the cancer cells to survive, but also drives glycolysis of cancer cells.

        Alkalinity driving cancer cell growth and malignant transformation:

        Role of the Intracellular pH in the Metabolic Switch Between Oxidative Phosphorylaiton and Aerobic Glycolysis-Relavance to Cancer. Cancer 2011;2(3):WMC001716

        Na+/H+ exchanger-dependent intracellular alkalinization is an early event in malignant transformation and plays an essential role in the development of subsequent transformation-associated phenotypes. FASEBJ 2000 Nov;14(14):2185-97

        Tumorigenic 3T3 cells maintain an alkaline intracellular pH under physiological conditions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 October; 87(19): 7414–7418

        31P NMR analysis of intracellular pH of Swiss Mouse 3T3 cells: effects of extracellular Na+ and K+ and mitogenic stimulation. J Membr Biol 1986;94(1):55-64

        Extracellular Na+ and initiation of DNA synthesis: role of intracellular pH and K+. J Cell Biol 1984 Mar;98(3):1082-9

        How cancer cells maintain their internal alkalinity and evidence that blocking the proton pumps makes cancer cells acidic killing them:

        Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase in Cancer Cells: Structure and Function. Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology Sept. 2011

        Vacuolar H+-ATPase in human breast cancer cells with distinct metastatic potential: distribution and functional activity. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 286: C1443–C1452, 2004

        Targeting vacuolar H+-ATPases as a new strategy against cancer. Cancer Res 2007 Nov 15;67(22):10627-30

        Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase signaling pathway in cancer. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2012 Mar;13(2):152-63

        Ironically, many of the same people who claim acidity drives cancer metabolism are the same ones also erroneously claiming cancer thrives in an absence of oxygen. One of the facts they seem to lack understanding of is the fact that alkalinity is what leads to a lack of oxygen to tissues. Acidity causes excessive oxygen levels to tissues.

  13. I do enjoy some of Chris’s articles but unfortunately, I had to disagree with his research on that being alkaline is basically BS. If anyone would like to be educated on cancer, here is Part 1 documentary series for ALL to watch. Prevention is out friend and unfortunately tradition treatments are the enemy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc1rtIxvkao

    • Joann,

      I think that Chris, James, and myself would ALL agree that “conventional” treatments for cancer are less than a bad joke… but, when it comes to TREATING cancer, as many of us do deal with, you will find that one must be careful listening to “sources” if one is not sufficiently educated in the science being presented… I (and others, EDUCATED in this) have said it REPEATEDLY, acid/alkaline balance is crap science… please read this ENTIRE thread, then we can talk…

    • Anyone can make a video and claim whatever even if it is untrue.

      This video is yet another bogus information on cancer talk by Ty Bollinger, who in my opinion should not be giving ANY medical advice since he has no clue what he is talking about. I addressed his misinformation in this rely to another of his misinformation videos:

      The Truth About Cancer Interview: Ty Bollinger
      One of the few statements I agree with from Ty Bollinger is the statement if an effective cancer cure were put on the market this would collapse the economy since this is my quote I have been saying for many years. I make reference to why here:


      And he is right the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is worthless. PSA is known to rise because of various things including benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostate infection and even consuming caffeine.

      It has also been shown that if prostate cancer is simply left alone in most cases it will encapsulate and never be dangerous to the man. If biopsied though it does spread.

      In my opinion though Ty Bollinger knows has a lot of real facts to learn about cancer. He is promoting a lot of the same disproven myths about cancer. I have addressed some of his misinformation in the past:


      Other myths I hear him claiming are that we are all producing cancer cells, which is a common myth:


      And the prime cause of cancer is toxicity, which is also a myth. The vast majority of cancers are caused by viral infections. These include breast, vaginal, vulvar, uterine, cervical, prostate, penile, brain, colon, skin, nasopharyngeal, oropharynx, esophageal, laryngo- pharyngeal, anogenital, bone, bladder, kidney, intestinal, lung, gastric and liver cancers. Also leukemias, lymphomas, insulinomas, leiomyosarcomas, ependymomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma and breast, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. There is all sorts of researching proving this in the medical journals and other sources.

      Breast cancer is often touted as hereditary although this cancer has been linked to various viral infections such as human papilloma virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus and murine mammary tumor like virus.

      Women are often falsely told they tested positive for the BRAC gene meaning they are prone to cancer. Problem with this claim is that the BRAC genes are ANTI-CANCER genes, not cancer promoting genes. It is mutations of these genes generally from viruses inserting their genes in to BRAC gene that lead to the increased risk of breast cancer.

      Prostate cancer is another one that is often claimed to be hereditary although there is NO evidence of this. Prostate cancer has been linked to human papilloma virus, BK virus, cytomegalovirus and xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus.

      Here are some posts I have done on the subject:





      Cancer viruses have been known since 1908 and therefore there has been a lot of research on their role in carcinogenesis. That is why I told you to search Medline. Here is just a small sampling of some of the research studies I have found linking viruses to various cancers.

      Barbanti-Brodano G, Sabbioni S, Martini F, et al. BK Virus, JC Virus and Simian Virus 40 Infection in Humans, and Association with Human Tumors. In: Madame Curie Bioscience Database [Internet]. Austin (TX): Landes Bioscience; 2000-.

      Antibody levels against BK virus and prostate, kidney and bladder cancers in the EPIC-Oxford cohort. Br J Cancer 2005 November 28; 93(11): 1305–1306

      Association of BK virus with human brain tumors and tumors of pancreatic islets. Int J Cancer 1987 Jan 15;39(1):60-7

      Human cytomegalovirus and mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: cell-specific localization of active viral and oncogenic signaling proteins is confirmatory of a causal relationship. Exp Mol Pathol 2012 Feb;92(1):118-25

      Glioma-Associated Cytomegalovirus Mediates Subversion of the Monocyte Lineage to a Tumor Propagating Phenotype. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Jul 15;17(14):4642-9

      Detection of human cytomegalovirus in medulloblastomas reveals a potential therapeutic target. J Clin Invest 2011 Oct;121(10):4043-55

      Detection of human cytomegalovirus in normal and neoplastic breast epithelium. Herpesviridae 2010 Dec 23;1(1):8

      Is HCMV a tumor promoter? Virus Res 2011 May;157(2):193-203

      Epstein-Barr Virus and Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2004 Feb 1;10(3):803-21

      The role of Epstein-Barr virus in cancer. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2006 Nov;6(11):1193-205

      Epstein-Barr virus in breast carcinoma in Argentina. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2005 Mar;129(3):377-81

      HBV and liver cancer. Med J Malaysia 2005 Jul;60 Suppl B:63-6

      Viral hepatitis and liver cancer: the case of hepatitis C. Oncogene (2006) 25, 3834–3847

      Splenic large B-cell lymphoma in patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Hum Pathol 2005 Aug;36(8):878-85

      Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in cases of B-cell lymphoma in Japan. Histopathology 2006 Jan;48(2):189-98

      A Population-Based Study of Hepatitis D Virus as Potential Risk Factor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2012 May 16;104(10):790-2

      Association of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) with cervical cancer by lymphocyte reactivity with HSV-1 and HSV-2 antigens. Am J Epidemiol 1979 Aug;110(2):141-7

      Herpes simplex virus type 2 and human cervical cancer: relationship between cellular and immune assays for the detection of previous infection. J Natl Cancer Inst 1981 Jun;66(6):1031-6

      Herpes simplex virus. An expanding relationship to human cancer. J Reprod Med 1983 Feb;28(2):116-22

      Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Lancet 2007 Sep 8;370(9590):890-907

      High-risk human papilloma virus associated oropharynx squamous cell carcinomas: clinical, biological implications and therapeutical perspectives. Cancer Radiother 2012 Feb;16(1):34-43

      Prevalence of human papillomavirus in breast cancer: a systematic review. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012 Mar;22(3):343-7
      Human papillomavirus infection and incidence of squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas of the skin. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006 Mar 15;98(6):389-95

      Human papillomavirus-associated cancers – United States, 2004-2008. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2012 Apr 20;61:258-61

      The specifities of the HPV-genital infections in males. Med Glas Ljek komore Zenicko-doboj kantona 2010 Aug;7(2):89-95

      Etiologic role of human papillomavirus infection in bladder carcinoma. Cancer 2011 May 15;117(10):2067-76

      Investigation of Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles in patients with laryngo-pharyngeal, HPV-positive cancers. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012 Jun 13

      High prevalence of human papillomavirus in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a study in paired samples. Dis Esophagus 2012 Jun 7

      Lymphomas and leukemias due to infectious organisms. Hematology 2012 Apr;17 Suppl 1:S87-9

      Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Hematology 2012 Apr;17 Suppl 1:S32-5

      In vitro cellular tropism of human T cell leukemia virus type 2. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2000 Nov 1;16(16):1661-8

      HTLV-II-associated cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a patient with HIV-1 infection. N Engl J Med 2000 Mar 30;342(13):930-6.

      JC virus in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, an etiological agent or another component in a multistep process? Virol J 2010 Feb 18;7:42

      Oncogenic role of JC virus in lung cancer. J Pathol 2007 Jul;212(3):306-15

      Oncogenic potential of human neurotropic papovavirus, JCV, in CNS. Dev Biol Stand 1998;94:93-101

      High JC virus load in gastric cancer and adjacent non-cancerous mucosa. Cancer Sci 2007 Jan;98(1):25-31

      Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al., editors. Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine. 6th edition. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker; 2003. Human Herpesvirus 8 and Malignancies.

      KSHV infection of B-cell lymphoma using a modified KSHV BAC36 and coculturing system. J Microbiol 2012 Apr;50(2):285-92

      Merkel cell carcinoma: a virus-induced human cancer. Annu Rev Pathol 2012;7:123-44

      Mouse mammary tumor virus-like RNA transcripts and DNA are found in affected cells of human breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2004 Nov 1;10(21):7284-9

      Progression from normal breast pathology to breast cancer is associated with increasing prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus-like sequences in men and women. Cancer Res 2004 Jul 15;64(14):4755-9

      Elevated expression of the tumor suppressing protein p53 is associated with the presence of mouse mammary tumor-like env gene sequences (MMTV-like) in human breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004 Sep;87(1):13-7

      Viruses and human breast cancer. Future Microbiol 2006 Jun;1(1):33-51

      Identification in human brain tumors of DNA sequences specific for SV40 large T antigen. Brain Pathol 1999 Jan;9(1):33-42

      Integration of SV40 in human osteosarcoma DNA. Oncogene 1998 Nov 12;17(19):2457-62

      Presence of simian virus 40 sequences in malignant mesotheliomas and mesothelial cell proliferations. J Cell Biochem 1999 Dec;76(2):181-8

      Brain tumors and polyomaviruses. J Neurovirol 2003 Apr;9(2):173-82

      Role of viruses in the induction of primary intracranial tumors. Neurosurgery 1982 May;10(5):643-62

      Integration site preference of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, a new human retrovirus associated with prostate cancer. J Virol 2008 Oct;82(20):9964-77

      Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus establishes an efficient spreading infection and exhibits enhanced transcriptional activity in prostate carcinoma cells. J Virol 2010 Mar;84(5):2556-62

      He also made claim that several cancers are estrogen dependent, such as prostate cancer, which is not estrogen dependent. This cancer is stimulated by a more radical form of testosterone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Estrogen compounds antagonize the DHT.

      And coffee enemas are not a good idea. The caffeine still adversely effects the adrenals leading to IMMUNE SUPPRESSION!!! See:


      And an example f someone learning the hard way:


      Another common myth he repeated is that cancer results from acidity. Acidosis DOES NOT cause cancer. Cancer cells have a more alkaline internal pH than healthy cells, which allows them to survive and thrive. The cancer cells export the acidic protons, also produced by healthy cells, in to the external matrix to maintain their alkalinity. When the proton pumps are blocked the internal pH becomes acidic and the cancer cells die.

      Studies have also shown that when healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells.

      I see Bollinger also brought up Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) from Natural News. Definitely not someone I would trust with my life. In my opinion Adams is more interested in profits that safety and relies heavily on bogus scare tactic propaganda to push sales. I have tried to correct so much of the misinformation on that site but he has my posts being deleted or hidden since people are not supposed to question his ridiculous claims such as the ones he made about microwave ovens. When I posted a reply with solid evidence his claims were made up my post was deleted and all of a sudden my other posts were being hidden. The way I see things is if a person is telling the truth and they really believe in what they are saying they will not censor replies. The best way to deal with someone questioning your claims is to present solid evidence to your claims so the other person cannot refute it. Problem was that is what I was doing against Mike Adam’s claims so instead of addressing what I said my posts were being deleted and hidden by Adams.

      I also called him on the bogus claims he was making about the chlorella he was offering and again the post was deleted. I wrote about this in my blog though:


      And before people start with the bogus I must be a pharmaceutical shill crap I have been in medicine for 36 years with 24 years of that in holistic medicine. So even though I work in holistic medicine there is still a need to expose bogus holistic claims if holistic medicine is ever going to be taken seriously.

      As for cancer, I have been doing serious cancer research including holistic therapies for 34 years and am in the process of putting a book together on holistic cancer therapies. The book discusses what holistic cancer cures have been proven to work such as ozone therapy and many herbs and what is proven quackery such as “oleander soup” and cesium chloride.

  14. Hi
    I have read on many sites on the internet that lemons have an alkali effect on the body. The explanation is however rather fluffy. I guess that it must be the metabolic “ash” that you talk about. I just dont understand how a acidic food can have a alkali effect in the body.
    I would be very happe to hear your oppinion.

    • I have explained this previously:

      “As pointed out so many times already there is NO SUCH THING as an alkaline diet. Most of the so-called ”alkaline foods” are acidic from their naturally occurring acids. And foods like lemons do not alkalize the blood as is often claimed. They stimulate the same exact alkaline response that is a normal part of digestion of ALL foods including steak, junk foods, greens, other fruits, etc.

      The alkaline response though is merely the neutralization of the acids in chyme by pancreatic bicarbonate as the chyme leaves the stomach. This has NO effect on alkalizing the blood!!!”

      • Hi James
        My first comment on this site was to ask you about the alkaline diet. and medical marijuana
        Now regardless of whatever is said here this is my own experience.
        I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January, and had brachy therapy early March. I am an engineer by profession meaning I research and check things before I believe them I take very little at face value
        I was advised to change my diet, following the “alkaline” diet, which is much healthier than fast food fried food stuff
        I have done this fairly strictly since end of January ( no red meat, no processed food, cut out sugar, eat plenty of veggies and fish, cut down on dairy. At the same time I tested body fluids -sweat saliva and urine- regularly. Initially all showed up acidic. Also tested the people I work with and my dogs just about everything we could even the rain (which is slightly acidic) The dogs and the vegetarians at work were very alkaline???
        After 2 months of this diet and practicing deep breathing. A practice I learnt in martial arts I now am from all body fluids alkaline (urine sweat and saliva) saliva is somewhat dependent on what I have eaten. But the rest sweat and urine show alkaline results and I (the skeptic that I am) have felt a difference in my energy levels and general well being. So although you have trashed the diet on this site I would like you to know the healthy eating has made a difference to me and it seems to my alkalinity
        PS great site keep it up

        • Guy, I am also educated as a mechanical engineer… the “difference” you have seen in your health has nothing to do with acidity/alkalinity but with your CHANGE to a healthier diet than you were previously consuming, and tat is why you feel better… as for “measuring” pH, sweat and urine are EXCRETORY values, so your body is actually ELIMINATING alkalinity… please read this… it is in layman’s terms…


          • I know that the better health is from better diet and nothing to do with alkaline acidity totally
            however what I am saying that I have made no other changes and this has been the result. I didn’t change the diet to achieve acid or alkaline. I did it to boost the immune system. The side effect of the diet seems to be the the difference in the acidity in the body fluids. I am making no claims for one or the other I am only stating the results. Whether the two are linked I have no idea just reporting the observations
            Love the controversy and arguments on this site just wish the people would not hurl the insults, without disagreement there would be no progress

        • The health benefits of the so-called “alkaline diet” have NOTHING to do with alkalizing the blood. Especially since foods DO NOT alkalize the blood.

          The benefits come from the higher nutritional level, which includes a number of beneficial acids.

          And again you cannot determine blood pH by testing the pH of the saliva, urine or sweat. I have explained previously the various factors that affect salivary and urinary pH levels. Sweat pH is altered primarily by the bacteria on the skin that split ammonia containing secretions in to highly alkaline ammonia.

  15. The vegan, vegetarian diet can provide benefits for a time, as it eased the inflammation in my joints due to arthritis. But over time, it also was increasing blood sugar due to my age. High blood sugar is bad for the brain as it has been shown in studies I’ve read to foment an brain environment more suitable to Alzheimer’s disease.

    The answer for me is the ketogenic diet as I can still have the veggies I love but have to learn how much to eat to keep me in ketosis as I also still need to lose weight. I have had less short term memory problems since beginning this diet and will come back and comment how I fair in the longer term.

    Ketogenic diets remove the source of energy which cancer needs to live off of or to breed itself, in effect creates a starvation scenario for them. Likewise organisms such as the yeast and fungus problems people have like Candidas, are also better treated with a state of ketosis as again they need an environment where they can ferment sugars. No high sugars any more and Candidas will also starve. So the skin improves for two reasons: no more fungus making you itch also treating ringworm without topical medication and the skin benefits from the high fat to lubricate itself, lowering dry skin and problems with wrinkling of the skin. Ketosis is also unfriendly to viruses and bacteria which also feed off of sugar. Ketosis is a good solution to keeping well as they age therefore.

    To take advantage of this diet, takes study to both fine tune what it is doing and to make it work for my individual health issues. To think we can get by without reading put us still in the generation who thinks that toxic pills from the doctor is really offering any sort of benefit in the long run. Knowledge of nutrition is what is going to help more people. If we love to learn, we have plenty to keep us busy. If we are addicted to play, we will suffer in the long term.

    Work and play are both necessary but because we like play better, we forget that work is what most of our time should be devoted to.

    • Blood sugar issues are not age related. People can develop issues with elevated blood sugar at any age. Most often this has to do with a chromium and/o magnesium deficiency or excess body fat.

      As I posted evidence of previously, a ketogenic diet DOES NOT starve cancer cells. Ketones are on of several fuel sources for cancer cells. Ketogenic diets are also protein rich and proteins are made up amino acids, some of which can also feed cancer cells.

      Candidiasis is a condition of overgrowth of Candida in its fungal form. This IS NOT the result of ingesting sugars. The Candida is kept in its benign yeast form by flora acids. When the flora numbers decline the environment becomes alkaline converting the Candida in to its pathogenic fungal form and turning on the Candida growth gene.

      Viruses do not feed off sugar. They are not even considered living. Instead viruses insert themselves in to genes and use those genes as factories to replicate.

      • You say that the ketogenic diet does not fight fungus internally and externally. Ring worm I have not been able to cure is gone. So is that just a coincidence? People who can’t see positive evidence for someone because it doesn’t match what they think love to steal the joy from the jaws of victory. No can do, I know why it is going, going, gone.

        As far as Alzheimer’s, I know alot and I also know when I feel better.

        If your task in life is to make others feel bad, take a number, there are loads of people doing that already, You are no pro.

        Evidence of how I feel, how I look is telling me that even if I eventually die, I don’t have to lose cognition just to please you.

        So I won’t.

        Sorry you would wish me dead, that is your problem, not mine.

      • These guys have been going hard with KD and HBOT the past few years and as a result have apparently spawned 10 studies because of it.. interesting.. and the ratio seems key to thee KD side of things

      • Sally: “You say that the ketogenic diet does not fight fungus internally and externally. Ring worm I have not been able to cure is gone. So is that just a coincidence? People who can’t see positive evidence for someone because it doesn’t match what they think love to steal the joy from the jaws of victory. No can do, I know why it is going, going, gone.”

        Did you even read what I wrote? If you did how are you coming up with your statement?

        The rest of your response is not even worth wasting my time on.

  16. I disagree with most of the looney toons on here. This article makes one very valid and very strong argument. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THE PH OF THE DIET IS THE CAUSE OF THE HEALTH EFFECTS. Rather, it’s the foods that you remove from your diet when switching. Coorelation vs causation people. For example, it is well studied and documented that nitrates contained in processed foods causes changes in the cells that can lead to cancer. That process has absolutely nothing to do with the pH of the diet or the pH changes in the body.

    There are also many forms of cancers and likely many causes. Cancer involves both genetics and environment and can manifest itself when a trigger is presented. Therefore, there will never be ONE CURE for cancer, but rather many different treatments for different forms. This is why “the cure” for cancer has been so ellusive.

    Regardless, the best cure for cancer is prevention. Eat a healthy diet that is unprocessed and high in fiber. Moderate your fat and sugar intake. Focus on variety rather than on eating specific food items over and over again that supposedly “prevent cancer”. If you are genetically prone for cancer, focus on prevention and monitoring. Catching it early is key to long term survival.

    I would just like to finish up by pointing out that Mr. Rogers was a vegan, worked out daily and ate an alkaline diet and died of stomach cancer.

    • Yes, cancer involves genetics because there is an alteration to the genes. But people often confuse genetics with heredity. Only one cancer has ever shown evidence of a possible hereditary link. That is familial retinoblastoma.

      The vast majority of cancers are caused from pathogens, especially viruses.

      Cancer cells also have other common traits that can be targeted such as their inability to seal with peroxides. Cures for cancer have not been elusive, they have been blocked. Cancer is a multi-trillion dollar a year industry.

      If you want an example of a proven and blocked cure read my post below with some of the available references on ozone for cancer. Ozone therapy has been around since 1892 and under the law is LEGAL to use. But the FDA, who is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry has ignored their own laws and has jailed people for using this legal therapy. When you are arrested the firs thing they do is to illegally seize your bank account (violation of Constitutional law. You cannot be deprived of property without due process). The reason they seize your bank account immediately is so you cannot hire a good attorney to fight their bogus charges, to charge the FDA criminals and to sue the pants off them for all their illegal activity.

      • Please see a presentation on you tube from professor G. Zajicek: Virus Interference and Oncolysis

        In 1954 The French medical community was convinced that cancer is a viral disease. This year is to remember.
        “It is now more than fifty years since Borrel (1903) founded the hypothesis that cancer has a viral origin”

    • A voice of reason. Your are too right. Science is not the definitive answer for manythings and science may never be able to tell us what is a truly healthy diet. The human body is to complex.

  17. That James, pretends to be so knowledgeable,yet,cures nothing. Fills peoples heads with statistics, research, and B.S. So much knowledge (or so he believes) but no cure for cancer yet? How can this be? Ask yourself, if this guy can know so much about a subject, why has no cure been found? If you are looking for answers? Look outside the U.S. Have a great day!

    • Here we go again with the personal attacks. People like Joseph do this because they cannot argue the topic itself with real facts. So they try to attack the messenger instead in a poor attempt to make the messenger to appear as ignorant as they are.

      For example, who said there is no cure for cancer yet? I know of a number of proven cancer cures that are not accepted by allopathic medicine. My favorite is ozone therapy, which is not only highly effective, but also quite safe when used properly. Ozone also attacks the cancer through a variety of mechanisms without causing cancer like chemotherapy drugs do. See:


      Want to see some research on ozone therapy for cancer:









      Ozone therapy: A clinical review.
      Elvis AM1, Ekta JS.
      Author information
      Ozone (O(3)) gas discovered in the mid-nineteenth century is a molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen in a dynamically unstable structure due to the presence of mesomeric states. Although O(3) has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system. Medication forms in a gaseous state are somewhat unusual, and it is for this reason that special application techniques have had to be developed for the safe use of O(3). In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the form of a transcutaneous O(3) gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low (sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O(3) into the surrounding air. Ozonized water, whose use is particularly known in dental medicine, is optimally applied as a spray or compress. Diseases treated are infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.

      Free PMC Article

      Int J Cancer. 2008 May 15;122(10):2360-7. doi: 10.1002/ijc.23382.
      Treatment with ozone/oxygen-pneumoperitoneum results in complete remission of rabbit squamous cell carcinomas.
      Schulz S 1, Häussler U, Mandic R, Heverhagen JT, Neubauer A, Dünne AA, Werner JA, Weihe E, Bette M.
      Author information
      Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) represent a group of metastasizing tumors with a high mortality rate in man and animals. Since the biomolecule ozone was found to inhibit growth of various carcinoma cells in vitro we here applied the highly aggressive and lethal VX2 carcinoma HNSCC tumor model of the New Zealand White rabbit to test whether ozone exerts antitumorous effects in vivo. Therapeutic insufflation of medical ozone/oxygen (O(3)/O(2)) gas mixture into the peritoneum (O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum) at an advanced stage of tumor disease led to a survival rate of 7/14 rabbits. Six of the seven surviving rabbits presented full tumor regression and the absence of local or distant lung metastases. Insufflation of pure oxygen (O(2)) resulted in a survival rate of 3/13 animals accompanied by full tumor remission in 2 of the 3 surviving animals. Of the 14 sham-treated animals only 1 had spontaneous tumor remission and survived. No adverse effects or changes in standard blood parameters were observed after repeated intraperitoneal insufflations of the O(3)/O(2) or O(2) gas. Animals with O(3)/O(2)-induced tumor eradication developed tolerance against reimplantation of the VX2 tumor. This could be reversed by immune suppression with a combination of dexamethasone and cyclosporin A suggesting an antitumorous effect of O(3)/O(2)-mediated activation of the body’s own immunosurveillance. Although the exact mechanisms of action are still unclear the present data point to O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum as a promising new strategy in anticancer therapy.

      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
      Volume 1 (2004), Issue 3, Pages 321-325

      Original Article
      Adjuvant Ozonetherapy in Advanced Head and Neck Tumors: A Comparative Study
      Bernardino Clavo,1,7 Ana Ruiz,1,7 Marta Lloret,1,7 Laura López,1,7 Gerardo Suárez,1,7 David Macías,2,7 Victor Rodríguez,6 Maria A. Hernández,1,7 Roberto Martín-Oliva,2 Santiago Quintero,3 José M. Cuyás,4 and Francisco Robaina5,7

      1Department of Radiation Oncology-Research Unit, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      2Department of Medical Physics, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      4Department of Otolaryngology, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      5Department of Neurosurgery and Chronic Pain Unit of the Dr Negrín Hospital, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      6La Paterna Medical Center Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
      7Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain

      Received 13 March 2004; Accepted 20 August 2004

      Copyright © 2004 Bernardino Clavo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

      Advanced head and neck (H&N) tumors have a poor prognosis, and this is worsened by the occurrence of hypoxia and ischemia in the tumors. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy. Over a period of 3 years, 19 patients with advanced H&N tumors who were undergoing treatment in our department with non-standard fractionated radiotherapy plus oral tegafur. A group of 12 patients was additionally treated with intravenous chemotherapy before and/or during radiotherapy. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The ozonetherapy group was older (64 versus 54 years old, P = 0.006), with a higher percentage of lymph node involvement (71% versus 8%, P = 0.019) and with a trend to more unfavorable tumor stage (57% versus 8% IVb + IVc stages, P = 0.073). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the chemotherapy (median 6 months) and ozonetherapy (8 months) groups. Although these results have to be viewed with caution because of the limited number of patients, they suggest that ozonetherapy could have had some positive effect during the treatment of our patients with advanced H&N tumors. The adjuvant administration of ozonetherapy during the chemo–radiotherapy for these tumors merits further research.
      Full article and citing articles available- http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2004/581750/abs/

      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
      Volume 1 (2004), Issue 1, Pages 93-98

      Original Article
      Ozone Therapy for Tumor Oxygenation: a Pilot Study
      Bernardino Clavo,1,5 Juan L. Pérez,2,5 Laura López,1,5 Gerardo Suárez,1,5 Marta Lloret,1,5 Victor Rodríguez,3 David Macías,2,5 Maite Santana,1,5 María A. Hernández,1 Roberto Martín-Oliva,2 and Francisco Robaina4,5

      1Radiation Oncology and Research Unit, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
      2Medical Physics, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
      3La Paterna Medical Center, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
      4Chronic Pain Unit, Dr Negrín Hospital, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain
      5Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC), Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain

      Received 17 November 2003; Accepted 4 February 2004

      Copyright © 2004 Bernardino Clavo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

      Tumor hypoxia is an adverse factor for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ozone therapy is a non-conventional form of medicine that has been used successfully in the treatment of ischemic disorders. This prospective study was designed to assess the effect of ozone therapy on tumor oxygenation. Eighteen subjects were recruited for the study. Systemic ozone therapy was administered by autohemotransfusion on three alternate days over one week. Tumor oxygenation levels were measured using polarographic needle probes before and after the first and the third ozone therapy session. Overall, no statistically significant change was observed in the tumor oxygenation in the 18 patients. However, a significant decrease was observed in hypoxic values ≤10 and ≤5 mmHg of pO2. When individually assessed, a significant and inverse non-linear correlation was observed between increase in oxygenation and the initial tumor pO2 values at each measuring time-point, thus indicating that the more poorly-oxygenated tumors benefited most (rho = −0.725; P = 0.001). Additionally, the effect of ozone therapy was found to be lower in patients with higher hemoglobin concentrations (rho = −0.531; P < 0.034). Despite being administered over a very short period, ozone therapy improved oxygenation in the most hypoxic tumors. Ozone therapy as adjuvant in chemo-radiotherapy warrants further research.
      Full article and citing articles available- http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2004/437019/citations/

      Mediators Inflamm. 1998;7(5):313-7.
      Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 8. Effects on the total antioxidant status and on interleukin-8 production.
      Bocci V 1, Valacchi G, Corradeschi F, Fanetti G.
      Author information
      Ozone (O3) is a controversial gas because, owing to its potent oxidant properties, it exerts damaging effects on the respiratory tract and yet it has been used for four decades as a therapy. While the disinfectant activity of O3 is understandable, it is less clear how other biological effects can be elicited in human blood with practically no toxicity. On the other hand plasma and cells are endowed with a powerful antioxidant system so that a fairly wide range of O3 concentrations between 40 and 80 microg/ml per gram of blood (approximately 0.83-1.66 mM) are effective but not deleterious. After blood ozonation total antioxidant status (TAS) and plasma protein thiol groups (PTG) decrease by 20% and 25%, respectively, while thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) increases up to five-fold. The increase of haemolysis is negligible suggesting that the erythrocyte membrane is spared at the expense of other sacrificial substrates. While there is a clear relationship between the ozone dose and IL-8 levels, we have noticed that high TAS and PTG values inhibit the cytokine production. This is in line with the current idea that hydrogen peroxide, as a byproduct of O3 decomposition, acts as a messenger for the cytokine induction.
      Free PMC Article

      J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 1998 Jul-Sep;12(3):67-75.

      Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 7. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after exposure of human blood to ozone.

      Bocci V1, Valacchi G, Corradeschi F, Aldinucci C, Silvestri S, Paccagnini E, Gerli R.

      Author information


      The acceptance of any complementary medical approach is conditioned by the results obtained after the same scientific scrutiny applied in orthodox medicine. Otherwise any claim of efficacy remains in the realm of fiction. In the case of ozone therapy, the mechanisms of action have remained nebulous and in a series of publications we are trying to present the biochemical, immunological and morphological evidence in favour or against ozone therapy. We have now shown that ozone (O3) dissolved in the water of either plasma or serum or physiological saline generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), of which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be unequivocally demonstrated by using specific methods for its detection. Lipids present in plasma preferentially those present in lipoproteins, undergo peroxidation that is somewhat O3-dose dependent and can be observed by the measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). While the generation of H2O2 is crucial in activating both biochemical (hexose monophosphate shunt) and immunological (via the transcription factor NF-kB) mechanisms, the role of lipid oxidation products (LOP) remains to be investigated. We have shown here that there is a small but consistent induction of some cytokines (TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-2) when human blood is directly exposed to O3 concentrations up to 100 micrograms/ml per g of blood. On the other hand, isolated blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in tissue culture medium are far more sensitive to the oxidant action of O3 as shown by a progressive reduction of the proliferation index with comparatively far lower O3, concentrations. On the whole, these results support the concept that much of the O3 toxicity is neutralized by the powerful antioxidant system of blood. The minimal hemolysis supports this idea but as far as platelets are concerned, we must mention that they tend to aggregate in heparinized blood, even when it is exposed to an O3 concentration of 40 micrograms/ml. In spite of the lack of side-effects after autohemotherapy, this drawback must be kept in mind and avoided in clinical practice.

      Oxygen-ozone therapy in medicine: an update



      Ozone therapy: A clinical review.

      Elvis AM1, Ekta JS.

      Author information


      Ozone (O(3)) gas discovered in the mid-nineteenth century is a molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen in a dynamically unstable structure due to the presence of mesomeric states. Although O(3) has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system. Medication forms in a gaseous state are somewhat unusual, and it is for this reason that special application techniques have had to be developed for the safe use of O(3). In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the form of a transcutaneous O(3) gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low (sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O(3) into the surrounding air. Ozonized water, whose use is particularly known in dental medicine, is optimally applied as a spray or compress. Diseases treated are infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.

      Free PMC Article

      Does ozone therapy normalize the cellular redox balance? Implications for therapy of human immunodeficiency virus infection and several other diseases.


      Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Dec;13(5-6):307-12.

      Reversion by ozone treatment of acute nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats.

      González R1, Borrego A, Zamora Z, Romay C, Hernández F, Menéndez S, Montero T, Rojas E.

      Author information



      Ozone therapy has become a useful treatment for pathological processes, in which the damage mediated by reactive oxygen species is involved. Several lines of evidence suggest that cisplatin-induced acute nephrotoxicity is partially mediated by reactive oxygen species


      To analyze the effect of ozone administration after cisplatin-induced acute nephrotoxicity.


      Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with five intra-rectal applications of ozone/oxygen mixture at 0.36, 1.1 and 1.8 mg/kg after cisplatin intraperitoneal injection (6 mg/kg). Serum and kidneys were taken off 5 days after cisplatin treatment. Creatinine was measured in the serum and the activities of antioxidant enzymes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and glutathione content were analyzed in renal homogenate.


      Ozone treatment diminished the increase in serum creatinine levels, the glutathione depletion and also reversed the inhibition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities induced by cisplatin in the rat kidney. Also, the renal content of thiobarbituric reactive substances was decreased by ozone/oxygen mixture applied after cisplatin.


      Intrarectal applications of ozone reversed the renal pro-oxidant unbalance induced by cisplatin treatment by the way of stimulation to some constituents of antioxidant system in the kidney, and thereby it decreased the renal damage.

      Free PMC Article

      Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Feb;13(1):13-9.

      Protection by ozone preconditioning is mediated by the antioxidant system in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats.

      Borrego A1, Zamora ZB, González R, Romay C, Menéndez S, Hernández F, Montero T, Rojas E.

      Author information



      Acute renal failure is a dose-limiting factor of cisplatin chemotherapy. Here, we show the protective effect of ozone oxidative preconditioning against cisplatin-induced renal dysfunction in rats. Ozone oxidative preconditioning is a prophylactic approach, which favors the antioxidant-pro-oxidant balance for preservation of the cell redox state by increasing antioxidant endogenous systems in various in vivo and in vitro experimental models.


      To analyze the protective role of ozone oxidative preconditioning against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.


      Male Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated with 15 intrarectal applications of ozone/oxygen mixture at 0.36, 0.72, 1.1, 1.8 and 2.5 mg/kg before cisplatin intraperitoneal injection (6 mg/kg). Serum and kidneys were extracted and analyzed 5 days after cisplatin treatment for determinations of the renal content of glutathione, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, renal concentration and enzymatic activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.


      Ozone pretreatment prevented the increase in serum creatinine levels, the glutathione depletion and the inhibition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities induced by cisplatin in the rat kidney. Also, the renal content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances was decreased by ozone therapy. These protective effects of ozone were dose dependent.


      Intrarectal ozone therapy prevented effectively the renal antioxidant unbalance induced by cisplatin treatment.

      Free PMC Article

      Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2014 Aug;14(3):e342-8. Epub 2014 Jul 24.

      Ozone-Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rats.

      Delgado-Roche L1, Hernández-Matos Y1, Medina EA1, Morejón DÁ1, González MR2, Martínez-Sánchez G3.

      Author information



      Induced dilated cardiomyopathy is the main limitation of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, which causes oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte death. As ozone therapy can activate the antioxidant systems, this study aimed to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of ozone-oxidative preconditioning against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.


      The study was carried out from September 2013 to January 2014. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly distributed in the following treatment groups: Group 1 were treated with 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal (i.p.) of doxorubicin twice a week for 50 days; Group 2 were treated with 0.3 mg of ozone/oxygen mixture at 50 μg/mL of ozone per 6 mL of oxygen by rectal insufflation and then treated with doxorubicin; Group 3 were treated as Group 2 but only with the oxygen, and Group 4 were treated with oxygen first, and then with sodium chloride i.p. as the control group.


      The results showed that ozone therapy preserved left ventricle morphology which was accompanied by a reduction of serum pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels. The cardioprotective effects of ozone-oxidative preconditioning were associated with a significant increase (P <0.05) of antioxidant enzymes activities and a reduction of lipid and protein oxidation (P <0.05).


      Ozone-oxidative preconditioning prevents doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy through an increase of antioxidant enzymes and a reduction of oxidised macromolecules. This establishes the background for future studies to determine if ozone therapy can be used as a complementary treatment for attenuating doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in cancer patients.

      Free PMC Article

      So as we can see there is in fact a cure for cancer and more people would know about it if they spent less time making bogus personal attacks against other people and spending more time doing some actual research.

      • James….This time I would like to thank you….you quoted a couple of studies I did not know about…and as I use Ozone Therapy in my clinic and am always keen for new and additional info I am glad you posted it.

      • James…We both know very well multimillion dollar corporations will never let that happen…do all the research you want, post all the b.s you like. It all comes down to the dollar. Weird thing is what most of you have in common ( industry) What is med capsules James? (hint hint people) I’m a writer, both fiction and non. Research will always remain research, the outcome of that research will ALWAYS prove EXACTLY what (corporate) entities want it to be. Case by case each and every method produces results both good and bad..dig a bit deeper, think outside of your little box, even prayer has had success in healing. During my course of (research) to write Mortal Strike, exactly what I’m telling you became more clear. But, of course you already know that now don’t you? Where in all your research is the new practice? Mind, body, and soul…our inner energy is the best healer of all…healing thousands world wide, but a practice not allowed in the U.S. why? Time to step out of your old box James… Have a great day.

        • Joe,

          First of all some states have passed laws allowing holistic medicine, including ozone therapy. While others have doctors that still perform holistic medicine including ozone therapy regardless. As more people learn about these therapies and see the evidence that they actually work then there will be more and more pressure to allow these therapies openly just like what happened with marijuana, which is now allowed in many states DESPITE Federal laws to the contrary. When people simply whine about things though, such as big pharma suppressing cures rather than promoting the therapies with proof of effectiveness then these people are doing as much harm to holistic medicine as big pharma itself!!!

          As for MedCapsules the site was designed to be a central hub for medical information. Not everyone believes in or wishes to use holistic medicine so the site gives people the choice to research holistic or allopathic according to what they want. The way it should be. Holistic and allopathic medicine should be working together, not fighting each other. If you have a ruptured appendix are you going to rely on allopathic medicine or holistic medicine? If you end up in an major auto accident with serious trauma are you going to rely on allopathic or holistic medicine? Or are you going to rely on prayer as you hemorrhage to death? Personally I prefer holistic medicine for most conditions such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, etc. But there are times where allopathic medicine is necessary. Again, the two sides should work together and the quackery from both sides needs to be purged so we are using the best of what does work from both sides.

          You need to get off your high horse and get back to reality!!!


          • I am going to agree with James… we need a “middle ground” where allopath’s and naturopath’s can work TOGETHER, for what should be a common cause, the health of the people… his “war” between two sides of the equation has got to stop… it is nothing but counterproductive, and TRULY senseless.

          • Not that my opinion should actually carry any weight here (it shouldn’t as it just my opinion) but I agree wholeheartedly with James.

            One of the quickest ways to get me to stop listening or reading what a holistic doctor has to say occurs when that doctor indicates that allopathic medicine is of no value.

            The allopathic method of treating almost everything by “forcing” things with medicine is, I believe, a huge disservice to the patients and rarely cures anything.

            Prescribing antibiotics for non-serious illness is an example while on the other hand that antibiotic may be the only thing that can save a life for a serious problem.

            Of course the antibiotic will not cure the underlying problem if for example the original problem got “out of control” because of deficiencies in the immune system. Unfortunately few allopathic doctors even try to deal with things like nutrition.

      • Facts… We were protected (somewhat) by limits of chemicals put on our foods. The U.S. clearly knew that over years and years of consumption those chemicals would pollute our bodies. As (the people) become more aware of chemicals used, how it effects our bodies, we ate and regulated the consumption amount. (Ate healthier) All of a sudden that (amount) that was safe for us, has gone up? What are (the people) super human now? It doesn’t take much common sense to figure out why cancer stats continue to increase. Just my opinions, but, If I paid you to do research ( paid you a lot) and I wanted that research to point in a particular direction…enough said.




        • Joe: “It doesn’t take much common sense to figure out why cancer stats continue to increase. ”

          Right, and it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. As population increases guess what else increases? That’s right, cancer stats!!!! Not that hard to understand.

          As for the causes of cancer the vast majority of cancers are from viruses.

          As far as using Natural News as a reference, are you kidding?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn’t you find a less credible site than this bogus propaganda site? See:



          • ” As population increases guess what else increases? That’s right, cancer stats!!!! Not that hard to understand.”

            Bogus site I referred to…whatever, it was just a quick examples. How can you James even say such a thing ^^ population has nothing to do with it, people are dying off just as quick. I never said I disagree with you. My point is… As people learn, change eating habits, and live healthier, ( More free of cancer) we are subject to a higher powers raising levels and limits on poisons we consume. Why? (money) cancer is a multi billion dollar industry… It can be prevented, rates can be reduced. Pisses me off that it’s always about treatments or therapies, research etc. Enough is enough…find the cause and STOP IT…. The food we eat, the air we breathe, polluted with intent! I live in the U.P. let me just tell you this, when you throw some food out in the yard and the wild animals here don’t touch it, that should tell you something! How about a loaf of bread that all of a sudden now lasts forever without molding? Yet if you bake you own, molds in a couple of days…just examples. Chemicals, additives, whatever…they are killing us!

            • An increase of population does increase the incidences of cancer. Common sense.

              And bread still goes moldy. You must be reading more bogus propaganda from Natural News or something.

              • James,

                It seems to me that at least part of Joe’s comments are correct. Many chemicals that we are exposed to are toxic and often suppress the immune system. When that happens the virus can then produce the cancer.

                While I far as I know the evidence for herbal or nutritionally induced remission is mostly anecdotal it still appears that such remission does occur. It seems reasonable that improved nutrition would improve a deficient immune system which could lead to the body destroying the cancer.

                Is this reasonable?

          • James, Brian Peskin claims that viruses do not cause cancer, that cancer comes about by oxygen starved cells. Chris K agrees with much of what Professor Peskin has studied and reported. In the least it is a very interesting proposal and one that I am presently pursuing, studying and implementing.

            So far, after about three weeks on the plan (nixing all things fishy 🙂 ) my eczema is improving with less itch and healing vastly showing progress. But this has happened before so I am not holding my breath.

            I am now in intensive study of Professor Peskin’s and Chris’s information and looking for other valued sources in favour and in question of it.
            Namaste and care,

            • Hi Mhiki,

              Cancer IS NOT from a lack of cellular oxygen. That myth came about from people who kept misquoting Otto Warburg, whos hypotheses on cancer cells having a respiratory defect and relying on solely on glycolysis for energy production were later disproven.

              One problem is that so many people have hypotheses on what causes cancer but cannot back their claims with evidence. Some people claim that cancer is caused from a parasite. Some claim from acidity. Some claim it is a survival mechanism. Some are claiming cancer is a fungus. Some claim cancer is caused by toxicity or suppressed emotions………. Again, these are not backed by any evidence. On the other hand the medical journals are loaded with research showing the link between viral infections and cancers. The viruses insert their DNA in to our own genes altering our genes to inhibit apoptosis, turning off tumor suppressor genes, increasing growth hormones, etc.

              Here is a small sampling of the research on the role of viruses in cancer that is available:

              BK Virus, JC Virus and Simian Virus 40 Infection in Humans, and Association with Human Tumors. In: Madame Curie Bioscience Database [Internet]. Austin (TX): Landes Bioscience; 2000-.

              Antibody levels against BK virus and prostate, kidney and bladder cancers in the EPIC-Oxford cohort. Br J Cancer 2005 November 28; 93(11): 1305–1306

              Association of BK virus with human brain tumors and tumors of pancreatic islets. Int J Cancer 1987 Jan 15;39(1):60-7

              Human cytomegalovirus and mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: cell-specific localization of active viral and oncogenic signaling proteins is confirmatory of a causal relationship. Exp Mol Pathol 2012 Feb;92(1):118-25

              Glioma-Associated Cytomegalovirus Mediates Subversion of the Monocyte Lineage to a Tumor Propagating Phenotype. Clin Cancer Res 2011 Jul 15;17(14):4642-9

              Detection of human cytomegalovirus in medulloblastomas reveals a potential therapeutic target. J Clin Invest 2011 Oct;121(10):4043-55

              Detection of human cytomegalovirus in normal and neoplastic breast epithelium. Herpesviridae 2010 Dec 23;1(1):8

              Is HCMV a tumor promoter? Virus Res 2011 May;157(2):193-203

              Epstein-Barr Virus and Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2004 Feb 1;10(3):803-21

              The role of Epstein-Barr virus in cancer. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2006 Nov;6(11):1193-205

              Epstein-Barr virus in breast carcinoma in Argentina. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2005 Mar;129(3):377-81

              HBV and liver cancer. Med J Malaysia 2005 Jul;60 Suppl B:63-6

              Viral hepatitis and liver cancer: the case of hepatitis C. Oncogene (2006) 25, 3834–3847

              Splenic large B-cell lymphoma in patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Hum Pathol 2005 Aug;36(8):878-85

              Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in cases of B-cell lymphoma in Japan. Histopathology 2006 Jan;48(2):189-98

              A Population-Based Study of Hepatitis D Virus as Potential Risk Factor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2012 May 16;104(10):790-2

              Association of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) with cervical cancer by lymphocyte reactivity with HSV-1 and HSV-2 antigens. Am J Epidemiol 1979 Aug;110(2):141-7

              Herpes simplex virus type 2 and human cervical cancer: relationship between cellular and immune assays for the detection of previous infection. J Natl Cancer Inst 1981 Jun;66(6):1031-6

              Herpes simplex virus. An expanding relationship to human cancer. J Reprod Med 1983 Feb;28(2):116-22

              Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Lancet 2007 Sep 8;370(9590):890-907

              High-risk human papilloma virus associated oropharynx squamous cell carcinomas: clinical, biological implications and therapeutical perspectives. Cancer Radiother 2012 Feb;16(1):34-43

              Prevalence of human papillomavirus in breast cancer: a systematic review. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012 Mar;22(3):343-7

              Human papillomavirus infection and incidence of squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas of the skin. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006 Mar 15;98(6):389-95

              Human papillomavirus-associated cancers – United States, 2004-2008. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2012 Apr 20;61:258-61

              The specifities of the HPV-genital infections in males. Med Glas Ljek komore Zenicko-doboj kantona 2010 Aug;7(2):89-95

              Etiologic role of human papillomavirus infection in bladder carcinoma. Cancer 2011 May 15;117(10):2067-76

              Investigation of Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles in patients with laryngo-pharyngeal, HPV-positive cancers. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012 Jun 13

              High prevalence of human papillomavirus in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a study in paired samples. Dis Esophagus 2012 Jun 7

              Lymphomas and leukemias due to infectious organisms. Hematology 2012 Apr;17 Suppl 1:S87-9

              Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Hematology 2012 Apr;17 Suppl 1:S32-5

              In vitro cellular tropism of human T cell leukemia virus type 2. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2000 Nov 1;16(16):1661-8

              HTLV-II-associated cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a patient with HIV-1 infection. N Engl J Med 2000 Mar 30;342(13):930-6.

              JC virus in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, an etiological agent or another component in a multistep process? Virol J 2010 Feb 18;7:42

              Oncovirus in lung cancer. J Pathol 2007 Jul;212(3):306-15

              Oncogenic potential of human neurotropic papovavirus, JCV, in CNS. Dev Biol Stand 1998;94:93-101

              High JC virus load in gastric cancer and adjacent non-cancerous mucosa. Cancer Sci 2007 Jan;98(1):25-31

              Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al., editors. Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine. 6th edition. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker; 2003. Human Herpesvirus 8 and Malignancies.

              KSHV infection of B-cell lymphoma using a modified KSHV BAC36 and coculturing system. J Microbiol 2012 Apr;50(2):285-92

              Merkel cell carcinoma: a virus-induced human cancer. Annu Rev Pathol 2012;7:123-44

              Mouse mammary tumor virus-like RNA transcripts and DNA are found in affected cells of human breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2004 Nov 1;10(21):7284-9

              Progression from normal breast pathology to breast cancer is associated with increasing prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus-like sequences in men and women. Cancer Res 2004 Jul 15;64(14):4755-9

              Elevated expression of the tumor suppressing protein p53 is associated with the presence of mouse mammary tumor-like env gene sequences (MMTV-like) in human breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004 Sep;87(1):13-7

              Viruses and human breast cancer. Future Microbiol 2006 Jun;1(1):33-51

              Identification in human brain tumors of DNA sequences specific for SV40 large T antigen. Brain Pathol 1999 Jan;9(1):33-42

              Integration of SV40 in human osteosarcoma DNA. Oncogene 1998 Nov 12;17(19):2457-62

              Presence of simian virus 40 sequences in malignant mesotheliomas and mesothelial cell proliferations. J Cell Biochem 1999 Dec;76(2):181-8

              Brain tumors and polyomaviruses. J Neurovirol 2003 Apr;9(2):173-82

              Role of viruses in the induction of primary intracranial tumors. Neurosurgery 1982 May;10(5):643-62

              Integration site preference of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, a new human retrovirus associated with prostate cancer. J Virol 2008 Oct;82(20):9964-77

              Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus establishes an efficient spreading infection and exhibits enhanced transcriptional activity in prostate carcinoma cells. J Virol 2010 Mar;84(5):2556-62


            • You may want to watch professor Zajicek on you tube. He has many lectures on cancer. Some of them are for non-doctors”. In general it is explained there that cancer is viral disease of the stem cells. Virus kills cell by lysis. With time, if virus load is high, stem cells are hit too. The adult organism lost its capability to produce stem cells (symmetric vs asymmetric division). The depletion of stem cells cause a metabolic deficiency, which is compensated by the new organ, that organism creates to protect it namely – tumor. In the beginning tumor is very small and compensates for the deficiency. Except for some fatigue, patient feels healthy. With time the deficiency grows. Tumor has to grow too and causes suffer and patient seeks for doctor’s help and the clinical phase of the disease starts. Please see more details in the you tube playlist: cancer is viral disease, on the correct treatment of cancer and more.

          • James if the cancer stats have increased proportionally to the population I would agree with you However this does not seem the case as if 50 years ago cancer was -say 1 in 10 and now it is say 1 in 5 thenincrease in cancer is not just because the increase in population

            • Statistics are a tool to “prove” what someone wants to prove.

              1 in 5 or 1 in 10 means nothing since statistics can be skewed to fit whatever need.

              I could turn around and argue that the population of younger people with less chance of cancer has increased compared to the ratio of older people with a greater risk of cancer thus decreasing the cancer statistics despite the increase in population.

              Point is that statistics can be skewed in many ways to fit whatever.

              Some cancers have actually been on the rise.

              • Statistics, or any observations for that matter, certainly cannot prove hypotheses, but well vetted statistics can disprove hypotheses. Einstein’s theory of general relativity was tested by a single statistic, the apparent position of a star during a solar eclipse. This observation did not prove Einstein, but if the result had been different, the entire theory would have needed to have been discarded. One may skew statistics to their own position, but well vetted peer reviewed statistics based on observation are the ultimate tests of any hypothesis.

      • James, got to respect the effort you put into this reply.
        Shall be looking for more of your posts (and replies).
        Namaste and care,

      • And yet you had no problem when Mike made a personal attack on others: “I disagree with most of the looney toons on here.”

        You might look to the thoughts of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Johanna Budwig on ozone therapy for a more balanced opinion.

    • Awsome site with great comments
      James all respect you seem to really do your research, however one thing bothered me it was your statement about bread. Bread today is not the same as 40 years ago. it is loaded with gluten and other sh!t to stop it going stale- fact My friend is the director of Premier Milling the biggest flour produer in Africa
      But the reason I am on this site is the alkaline diet – I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and been advised by people to do the alkaline diet which I must admit is actually a lot healthier than the general junk I eat so to do it is not a bad thing, however its not a cure for cancer it just promotes a healthier body which will help any other method that is used to fight cancer . What I am keenly interested in is the medical marijuanna (weed) If anyone has any comments I would like to hear them

      • Guy, as James and I have both said, re-iterating what Chris has said here, in plain language, the “alkaline diet” is crap science.
        Medical marijuana (cannabis oil) is a possibility, but you should be aware that prostate cancer is one of the EASIEST cancers to treat…

      • Bread has had preservatives for a very long time. And gluten is not a preservative. It is added to help with conditioning the dough.

        As for cannabis the research is still in its infancy. It is high in phytoestrogens for one, which can help with some cancers. But phytoestrogens are found in all plants and can have adverse effects such as being goitrogenic.

      • Gluten is a natural part of bread. It causes many health problems in a large minority of the population, but it is not added to bread to reduce mold: It is part of the wheat itself. Some bread makers concentrate gluten and add more of it to bread flour because it improves the texture of the bread. It is also not new to modern wheat: All forms of ancient wheat also contain gluten.

      • A friend of mine in his 70s got prostate cancer, he changed his diet to Alkaline and he is cancer free and still working (he is very active), he is in mining so he travels a lot, and also loves playing golf.
        Not everybody is the same, what might work for some won’t work for others. A person may be allergic or have a sensitivity to a vegetable that millions of other people don’t, for example.
        I suggest, test for allergies, sensitivities, infections; check ALL your hormones thoroughly (very important for prostate cancer); heal your gut; and eat and drink only natural (not processed food) better if organic, hormone free, antibiotic free, not Genetically modified; drink the best water you can (free of poisons),etc.
        As per the studies, In vitro is not the same as in vivo… but then again because of our uniqueness the only way to really know is to try for oneself, see what works for our particular bodies and what does not.
        Also, if you are doing Chemo, look into studies done with Reishi and Curcumin extract. These especially the Reishi and other medicinal mushrooms make the chemo more effective, targets more the cancer cells and less the healthy ones.
        I hope you heal soon!

    • No cure for common cold. No cure for lack of common sense. No cure for poverty. No cure for stupidity. No cure for car accidents. No cure for people killing other people. No cure for dictators like Putin accumulating wealth at the expense of the people. No cure for electing bad presidents. etc.

      Nothing unusual about no cures.
      What is the evidence for your opinion?

  18. Hi I am totally confused because when I try an eat an alkaline diet, or increase the alkaline foods in my diet, I feel worse. The only way I can describe the feeling is that I feel ‘acidic’!
    So, not sure what I am doing wrong or what is wrong with my body?

    • Amee….when you increase the pH acids are thrown out into the connective tissue creating a temporary overacidity before these can be neutralized and eliminated. This is quite common in people who are starting to alkalize. All disease and illness is a consequence of Toxicity and Deficiency….hyper-acidity is a toxic state which can lead to disease…when going through a detox so to speak many will experience what is called a Herxheimer reaction=die-off.

      • Sunflower,

        That information is incorrect.

        First of all you can alkalize through diet. Virtually all pH regulation is maintained through respiration followed by kidney retention or elimination of hydrogen ions. This is why acidosis is so extraordinarily rare.

        Also the vast majority of disease occurs in an alkaline environment. This is because most pathogens thrive in an alkaline environment. This is why low stomach acid or a lack of acid producing flora increase the risk of so many diseases such as cancer, which is most often caused by pathogens that thrive in an alkaline environment.

        In addition, cancer cells themselves are more alkaline than healthy cells. This alkalinity not only allows the cancer cells to thrive, but also drives glycolysis in the cancer cells.

        Studies have also shown that when healthy cells are made excessively alkaline the healthy cells morph in to cancer cells. See:

        How cancer cells maintain their internal alkalinity and evidence that blocking the proton pumps makes cancer cells acidic killing them:

        Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase in Cancer Cells: Structure and Function. Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology Sept. 2011

        Vacuolar H+-ATPase in human breast cancer cells with distinct metastatic potential: distribution and functional activity. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 286: C1443–C1452, 2004

        Targeting vacuolar H+-ATPases as a new strategy against cancer. Cancer Res 2007 Nov 15;67(22):10627-30

        Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase signaling pathway in cancer. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2012 Mar;13(2):152-63

        Alkalinity driving cancer cell growth and malignant transformation:

        Role of the Intracellular pH in the Metabolic Switch Between Oxidative Phosphorylaiton and Aerobic Glycolysis-Relavance to Cancer. Cancer 2011;2(3):WMC001716

        Na+/H+ exchanger-dependent intracellular alkalinization is an early event in malignant transformation and plays an essential role in the development of subsequent transformation-associated phenotypes. FASEBJ 2000 Nov;14(14):2185-97

        Tumorigenic 3T3 cells maintain an alkaline intracellular pH under physiological conditions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 October; 87(19): 7414–7418

        31P NMR analysis of intracellular pH of Swiss Mouse 3T3 cells: effects of extracellular Na+ and K+ and mitogenic stimulation. J Membr Biol 1986;94(1):55-64

        Extracellular Na+ and initiation of DNA synthesis: role of intracellular pH and K+. J Cell Biol 1984 Mar;98(3):1082-9

        If you think about it acidosis is extremely rare while disease is very common meaning most disease is occurring in the normally alkaline blood of the vast majority of people.

        When people try to force their pH in to an alkaline state all they are doing is putting more stress on the body as the body now has to work harder to prevent the extremely dangerous alkalosis that causes death from a lack of oxygen.

        • James: It has been a while….and you are still promoting the same stuff….there are a large number of scientists and doctors who have moved on to research that is current. Watch: The quest for the cure…a series of interviews with up-to-date individuals who are all in agreement independently that cancer occurs in an acidic environment amongst many other interesting info….anyway , good to see you are still involved.

          • Sunflower,
            I have taken a back seat, since I know that James can handle himself… but “Quest for the Cures”, are you serious ? LOL…
            Ty is a nice guy, and I think he truly cares, but some of his guests, as well as himself, don’t really get the science… some of the info is accurate, and some of it is a joke…

            • Mr Paleo…thanks for your input. No info is perfect 100% of the time…the attempt to shine a new light on some of the old info is encouraging debate…we all know that the old paradigm of medicine is no longer acceptable b/c it has not shown any improvements in the lives of those suffering …we need new input, new ideas, new strategies …and as always some of it will fall to the wayside and other info will revolutionize healing and health.

              • Sunflower,
                The most any of us who really care can do is to do our damndest to stay current with the science to the best of our ability… allopathic medicine is fast becoming a noose around the neck of every person in this country who is not aware of the importance of proper nutrition….
                but then, I’m not biased… LOL…

          • Sunflower,

            I know where you are getting confused as it is a common misconception.

            Part of the confusion comes from the fact that people often do not understand the difference between intracellular (inside the cell) and extracellular (outside the cell).

            Cancer cells have an alkaline intracellular pH. And the cancer originates in the alkaline state of blood or tissues. Studies have also shown that in normally acidic tissues, such as the colon and stomach the cancer arises in these tissues when the tissues are made alkaline. For example in the colon from a lack of beneficial acid forming flora and in the stomach from the stomach acid neutralizing bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

            Now, the second part of the confusion people have on this subject is that they are not differentiating between origination and established. What I was talking about was the origination of cancer. What you are referring to is the established cancer.

            It is well known that the microenvironment immediately around malignant tumors is acidic. Thus people mistake this for meaning cancer cells originate from an acidic environment, although this IS NOT the case. The acidity is the RESULT of the cancer NOT the cause of the cancer.

            As pointed out cancer cells have an alkaline internal pH. They need this alkalinity to survive and thrive as well as to drive glycolysis. To maintain this alkaline internal pH the cancer cells rapidly export acidic hydrogen ions (protons) in to the external matrix as do healthy cells. But the cancer cells have a higher metabolism and thus produce the hydrogen ions in a higher concentration than the healthy cells. Now normally our body’s pH buffers can keep up with the hydrogen ion production of healthy cells. Due to the higher metabolism and thus higher hydrogen ion production of the malignant cells as the tumor grows, the hydrogen ion production of the malignant tumor exceeds the body’s ability to clear the hydrogen ions. Therefore, the body is unable to maintain the extracellular alkalinity and the microenvironment immediately around the tumor becomes acidic.

            As we can see this acidifying of the extracellular microenvironment is the RESULT of the growth of the cancer cells that ORIGINATED in an alkaline environment and grew for a period of time in the alkaline environment until the tumor finally grew enough so that the hydrogen ion production exceeded the buffering capacity.

            What you are trying to claim is like saying that if you break a bone the inflammation created is the cause of the break instead of the result of the break.

            Cancer is not the result of acidity, the acidity is the result of the cancer growth.

            In addition, as has been pointed out most pathogens, including those that can cause cancer thrive in alkaline environments and are controlled or destroyed by acidity.

            Now, as far as the cancer cells thriving in an acidic environment this is misleading. Even though cancer cells are killed if they themselves become acidic, the external acidity does promote metastases. This is because the proteolytic enzymes needed to promote metastases are acid dependent. But metastases IS NOT the same as growth, which is what “thriving” would imply.

            As for The Quest for the Cure this series is by Ty Bollinger who has no clue what he is talking about. Bollinger simply repeats the same BS that so many other people are repeating from sales and propaganda sites on the internet instead of actually researching the claims. I have addressed the myths Bollinger promotes several times including in this post:


            And in these video comments under Hveragerthi:




          • The article is full of hypotheses as they point out in their wording. Also they are using the term acidosis as in leaning towards acidemia but NOT being in an acidic pH.

            • I agree, but it does provide some suggestive evidence that diet might affect pH within the narrow window fixed by physiology. I’m not agreeing in any way with those who suggest large sensitivity, but it can be equally wrong to support a viewpoint that diet has zero effect when this point of view cannot even be supported by statistics.

              • First of all statistics only prove what one wishes to prove.

                As for “no effect” I never said that. What I pointed out is that there is no such thing as an alkalizing food. ALL foods get metabolized in to acids. Many of those acids are essential to our existence and function.

                But at the same time they do not really induce an acid state since the lungs and kidneys are our primary pH regulators and thus prevent an excess or deficit of hydrogen ions (protons) to maintain the narrow pH range we must maintain to survive.

                • James,

                  I love reading your comments as always! The information you share has always lined up with what I’m studying in college, particularly in chemistry, biology and anatomy and physiology. I know this isn’t the proper place to insert a question for you, but I tried emailing you on your website but for some reason it didn’t get through to you. I need your advice on a situation with my son and his swollen tonsils/adenoids and fluid in his ears. Could you please tell me how I can reach you through email or any other way to discuss this issue.

                  Sincerely, Donna Thompson [email protected]

    • Hi Amee,

      Without being more specific in symptoms it is impossible to say what may be happening.

      As pointed out though there is NO such thing as an “alkaline food”. ALL foods get metabolized in to acids so this has NOTHING to do with making your body acidic. If your symptoms were from acidity and diet could actually make you acidic then ALL foods would make you feel the same way.