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What Causes SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and Why It’s so Hard to Treat


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Reviewed by Vanessa Wong, MD

While bacteria are an essential part of a healthy small bowel and perform important functions, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can lead to leaky gut and a number of other symptoms. Learn what puts you at risk for SIBO.

sibo info
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a complex issue. istock.com/frentusha

The normal small bowel, which connects the stomach to the large bowel, is approximately 20 feet long. Gut microbiome bacteria are normally present throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract, but in varied amounts. Relatively few bacteria normally live in the small bowel (less than 10,000 bacteria per milliliter of fluid) when compared with the large bowel, or colon (at least 1,000,000,000 bacteria per milliliter of fluid). And, the types of bacteria normally present in the small bowel are different from those in the colon.

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Why You Should Thank Your Small Bowel and the Beneficial Bacteria That Live There

The small bowel plays an important role in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. It is also an important part of the immune system, containing an impressive network of lymphoid cells (cells of the immune system that help fight infections and regulate the immune system).

Are you at risk for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth? Find out what the most common risk factors and symptoms are.#SIBO #SIBOsymptomps

The normal (beneficial) bacteria that are an essential part of the healthy small bowel also perform important functions. These beneficial microorganisms help protect against bad (i.e. pathogenic) bacteria and yeast that are ingested. They help the body absorb nutrients, and also produce several nutrients (such as short chain fatty acids) and vitamins like folate and vitamin K. These bacteria help maintain the normal muscular activity of the small bowel, which creates waves that move the contents of the intestine, like food, through the gut.    

What Is SIBO?

SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is defined as an increase in the number of bacteria, and/or changes in the types of bacteria present in the small bowel. In most patients, SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria, but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that should normally be found in the colon (1). Less commonly, SIBO results from an increase in the otherwise normal bacteria of the small bowel. 

SIBO has been shown to negatively affect both the structure and function of the small bowel. It may significantly interfere with digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, primarily by damaging the cells lining the small bowel (the mucosa). Additionally, this damage to the small bowel mucosa can lead to leaky gut (when the intestinal barrier becomes permeable, allowing large protein molecules to escape into the bloodstream), which is known to have a number of potential complications including immune reactions that cause food allergies or sensitivities, generalized inflammation, and autoimmune diseases (2).

These pathogenic bacteria, whether too many or the wrong types, can lead to nutritional deficiencies on top of those due to poor digestion or malabsorption. In particular, the bacteria will take up certain B vitamins, such as vitamin B12, before our own cells have a chance to absorb these important nutrients. They may also consume some of the amino acids, or protein, that we’ve ingested, which can lead to both mild protein deficiency and an increase in ammonia production by certain bacteria. (We normally produce some ammonia daily from normal metabolism, but ammonia requires detoxification, so this may add to an already burdened detoxification system.) The bacteria may also decrease fat absorption through their effect on bile acids, leading to deficiencies in fat soluble vitamins like A and D.

What Causes SIBO?

The body has several different ways of preventing SIBO. These include gastric acid secretion (maintaining an acidic environment), waves of bowel wall muscular activity, immunoglobulins in the intestinal fluid, and a valve that normally allows the flow of contents into the large bowel but prevents them from refluxing back into the small bowel. (This is called the ileocecal valve because it’s located between the ileum, or terminal end of the small intestine, and the cecum, a pouch forming the first part of the large bowel.)

The cause of SIBO is usually complex, and likely affects more than one of the protective mechanisms listed above. A number of risk factors for SIBO have been identified, with some of the more common risk factors listed below.  For a more complete discussion of associated diseases and risk factors check out this study and this study.

Risk Factors for SIBO

  • Low stomach acid
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Celiac disease (long-standing)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Prior bowel surgery
  • Diabetes mellitus (type I and type II)
  • Multiple courses of antibiotics
  • Organ system dysfunction, such as liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, or renal failure

Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) Also Increase the Risk for SIBO

Heavy alcohol use has long been recognized in association with SIBO (3). This study also found an association between SIBO and moderate alcohol consumption, defined as up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Alcohol appears to have effects on several of the normal protective mechanisms, including causing injury to the small bowel mucosal cells, contributing to leaky gut, and decreasing the muscular contractions. Additionally, alcohol may “feed” a few specific types of bacteria contributing to overgrowth (4).

Overall there appears to be a moderate association between OCPs and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease (5). Though no studies to date specifically correlate the use of OCPs with SIBO, given the known relationship between IBD and SIBO, it is likely that this association holds true for SIBO as well. However, once patients stop taking OCPs, this risk appears to reverse.

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How Do You Know If You Have SIBO?

The number of people with SIBO in the general population remains unknown. Some studies suggest that between 6 to 15% of healthy, asymptomatic people have SIBO, while up to 80% of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have SIBO (6). 

SIBO is largely under-diagnosed. This is because many people don’t seek medical care for their SIBO symptoms, and because many doctors aren’t aware of how common SIBO is.

Complicating this, the most commonly used tests (breath tests measuring levels of hydrogen and methane gas) still have fairly high rates of false negatives (meaning the test results come back as negative but you actually do have the disease) (7).

The most common symptoms of SIBO include:

  • Abdominal pain/discomfort
  • Bloating and abdominal distention
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation (generally associated with methanogens as Chris discussed in his recent podcast)
  • Gas and belching
  • In more severe cases, there may be weight loss and symptoms related to vitamin deficiencies.

Is SIBO Contagious?

Unlike many other bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, SIBO is not contagious, and there is no evidence that exposure to any single microorganism increases the risk for developing SIBO. SIBO occurs due to a complex interplay of many different factors and is not passed on between individuals. However, some evidence suggests that there is an association between Helicobacter pylori and methane production, suggesting that H. pylori plays a role in gut dysbiosis. (8)

Why SIBO Can Be Difficult to Treat

Antibiotics are often used to treat SIBO. However, studies show that despite treatment with antibiotics, recurrence develops in almost half of all patients within one year. One study comparing treatment with rifaximin (the most commonly used antibiotic for SIBO) and botanical antimicrobials showed slightly better outcomes with the botanical protocol, but still with successful treatment in close to only half of all patients after one course of treatment.

These finding suggests that treatment of the overgrowth alone is not enough for most people. An additional piece of successful treatment must include addressing the underlying cause, or predisposing factor.

Though there are many identified associations between SIBO and other diseases as described above, abnormalities in gut motility are recognized as one of the most common associations. One study published this month demonstrated that patients with SIBO do have significant delays in small bowel transit time (the amount of time it takes something to move through the small bowel). This finding suggests that patients with SIBO, who do not recover after a standard course of antibiotics, or botanical antimicrobial protocol (which we prefer), may benefit from the addition of a prokinetic agent, which increases the muscular contractions of the small bowel. Octreotide and low dose naltrexone are two such options that are being investigated, and may help treat some cases of SIBO that don’t respond to antimicrobials alone. Other options may include prucalopride and low-dose erythromycin, as well as lubiprostone. (9)

As research into SIBO continues, we are increasingly understanding the complexity of this disease, and how treatment must be tailored to each individual to maximize success.

If you need support in dealing with SIBO, consider working with the California Center for Functional Medicine. CCFM offers a membership-based health transformation service that excels at helping people with chronic conditions make the changes necessary to reclaim their health. Find out more about what CCFM has to offer.
Amy Nett

About Amy:  Amy Nett, MD, graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2007.  She subsequently completed a year of internal medicine training at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, followed by five years of specialty training in radiology at Stanford University Hospital, with additional subspecialty training in pediatric radiology.

Along the course of her medical training and working through her own personal health issues, she found her passion for Functional Medicine. She works with patients through a Functional Medicine approach, working to identify and treat the root causes of illness. She uses nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, supplements, stress management, detoxification and lifestyle changes to restore proper function and improve health.

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  1. I’ve had SIBO for almost 7 months now. I could deal with the pain but the bloating is unbearable. I was diagnosed right before I had to move to the Fort Worth, TX area and have not had time to find a good GI to resume treatment. Any recommendations? I was on one two-week course of Rifaximin. I felt better for about 4 days and then my symptoms returned. 🙁

    • Don’t give up hope. It seems like there are very few success stories on here so I will tell you mine. I was 21 when my health started declining drastically after some emotional turmoil. I went from 190 down to 150 in a matter of months. After the whole ringer of tests including colonoscopy endoscopy gallbladder a medley of blood work the only thing that showed anything was the hbt. Here I am almost 2 years later and I’m a fully functioning person again. Back to a healthy weight and diet heck I can even drink beer again if I want. Just don’t get down, don’t get depressed it’s hard I know.

      • Would you mind sharing your experience: how you were diagnosed and treated? Would love to know more about your experience….I have not been officially diagnosed.

      • Hi Sam,
        Could you please detail how you were able to recover please. I would really appreciate your story and information on what you did to treat your SIBO.

        • Hello,
          Im sorry i have not checked back to this site for awhile. I hate to say it but if you want to get better thats exactly what you need to do. You cant be worrying on these websites i wasted a year of my life doing just that. I know its hard when you are neaseated and your bowels dont work. Dont get me wrong there is great information and support but its easy thinking you will never feel better when this is all you read. I was diagnosed with a hydrogen breath test and stool analysis. I worked with a homeopathic practioner out of new york. Originally prescribed antibiotics by my gastroenterologist. Took those made me feel worse. Tried taking atrantil had some positive results. I tried every trick on these forums from diets to accupuncture. There is not a fix all for everyone. For me, I cleaned up my diet from gluten dairy and nuts those were some of the worst triger foods. My biggest problem was because of my emotional turmoil my stomach wouldn’t work right. There is a huge connection between the two. This is exactly why being on these sites isn’t going to fix you. Getting up and running or exercising even though you know you will vomit will help. Go for a walk, read a book, try and enjoy life but you have to keep moving. Lastly you have to have a connection with a higher power to give you the strength you need. I was lucky for my support system from family but I couldn’t have felt better without strength from him. So what helped me was no gluten dairy or nuts (I can eat all of those now), exercising through the stomach problems, talking with my family

          • Sam, I agree with you. My issues didn’t start until severe personal trauma. My guts stopped working right 6 months later and 8 years since, it’s a chronic loop of symptoms. Stress is a culprit to many health problems. The gut, as it’s also a muscle, would be affected from stress and the tightness it cause on muscles. Chronic tension very likely slows down transit time. I feel this is what is happening to me.

          • Sam,
            I was diagnosed with SIBO recently and given antibiotics by GI doctor, but obviously that is not going to solve the problem. Even though I am feeling pretty optimistic I know I will need guidance through the healing process, would you mind sharing who was the homeopathic practitioner you saw in NY?

    • Do the Medican again they give you refills do all the refills then do probioitics I know l have sibro BAD l do the Rifixmam often we have this for life . You can get probioitics at cvs cheap 2/ 1 price l billion each take 2/3 a day you will fill better I have the best Gl. In the World ..Judy

    • Do your meds again do all your refills then do probioitics billion each get those at cvs 2/1 price cheap take 3/4 probioitics everyday you will fill better I live with sibro Aswell I do this yearly we have this for life …sorry if they didn’t tell you no cure ..

    • Since October 2013 I’ve had two upper and lower screens and they found nothing, but my stomach and symtoms were getting worse. Today, is January 15, 2016 and I’ve tried antibiotics and ect for the bacteria but temporary help. Tried Xifaxan but got worse. But, you want believe what reduce my pain and bloating…oolong tea!!! I drink it first thing in the morning and before every meal.

    • Have you been tested to see which bacteria you have? My GI says Xifaxin is used to treat the hydrogen producing bacteria, which causes diarrhea. Neomycin is used to treat the methane producing, constipation causing, bacteria. Repeated use of Xifaxin may not treat your bacteria. And Xifaxin may be safely prescribed repeatedly (according to my doctor) but Neomycin may have serious side effects. So it may be important for you to take the breath test to determine what bacteria remains in your system. My current symptoms are consistent with the methane producing bacteria (and yes, the swelling “pregnant belly” is SO painful!) but my doctor wants to repeat the test to confirm diagnosis before prescribing the Neomycin again.

  2. For the past few years, no matter what I ate by the end of the day i looks 6 months pregnant. I lost a lot of weight at the time so it looked really bad. I was just diagnosed with SIBO and prescribed Xifaxan and Neomycin at the same time. The first two days I was so nauseous and sick I couldn’t take all the antibiotics I was supposed to. Now I only have a few days left and if anything my symptoms are WORSE than before! My doc told me to follow the FODMAPS diet but cheat here and there to make the bugs come out so they can be killed. I feel like I’m doing that so I have no idea why my symptoms (mostly bloating) are worse. Anyone have a similar experience? or does it get worse while on the antibiotics and better afterward?

    • Antibiotics always make me feel worse. Give it a week for your stomach to settle down and see how you feel. The bloating may just be a temporary reaction to the antibiotics (maybe caused your gut to go into spasm, giving the sensation of increased bloating)

    • I’ve had SIBO since June 2015, the worst the diarrhea. I took every antibiotic possible, combined with probiotics and with a drug to kill stomach bugs. Nothing worked. My last Dr told me to follow the FODMAP diet. I will try that.

      • I’ve suffered from that since 2013 and did the probiotics and antibiotics and when I stopped the antibiotics it returned. My son told me to try oolong tea and since I tried it in November 2015 this is March 2016 and I can pass a bathroom without stopping! I started drinking 3 cups a day and after a month I notice my trips to bathroom became less.

        • I find that Gaia Herbs Gas and Bloating Tea (I used two bags in a mug) help with gas and bloating. It makes me belch when I drink it.

          Simethicone pills also work to help me belch.

  3. I was diagnosed with SIBO three months ago (very high readings) and have been treating with SCD and Rifaximin (actually, three weeks Cipro and then Rifaximin 550 mg/day for a month and a half now). Not much improvement yet. Doctor doesn’t want me to increase dosage of Rifaximin, but gave no real reason as to why when I asked.

    I wound up in ER the other day where I was diagnosed with mild acute pancreatitis and instructed to go on liquid-only diet for several days, followed by diet restrictions that are pretty much the complete opposite of SCD. Now what to eat?

  4. What to do if you can’t tolerate antibiotics? Even herbal ones at small doses give me severe stomach cramps and anxiety. Probiotics give me severe gas. Don’t know where to start

    • Hey Chris – I have the same reaction. From what I have been able to figure out – it is the histamines in probiotics triggering something in the seretonin neurotransmitters in the gut that cause the anxiety. THE WORST. I am in a real bind because I can’t tolerate food that contain histamines or trigger histamine reactions, and also have trouble with oxalates so my diet is very limited and I am disappearing. So even with the cleanest diet, I can’t get good bacteria back in there or meat on my bones.

      • Hi Sally!
        I’m in the same boat as you.
        I have terrible GI pain ..mostly gastritis..I only tolerate 3 to 4 foods..have to eat mono meals and can’t seem to take any supplements… Right now I’m doing scd intro..I tried to introduce ground beef and I’m having a bad flare right now

    • Hi, have you ever been tested for Dientaemoba’s or blasto or other pathogenic parasites?
      Also I had a comprehensive stool test (here in Australia) $328 that showed I could not tolerate probiotics that are high in Lactate as they cause Bad bloating and IBS type symptoms. Take D-lactate free probiotics and my dr had recommended to reduce the strep in my gut with antibiotics etc as well as the above probiotics, there were a few other things too. Hope it helps 🙂

  5. People talk about antibiotics and Probiotics for sibo. But my gut seems to go into complete spasm and my anxiety levels soar whenever u try to take either. Plus Probiotics seems to bloat badly (I had to have a colonic cause I was in so much pain from last one I took). Don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to get better. Sure the anxiety is playing a part in the fact these things give such a bad reaction with me.

    • After 45 years of alternating constipation (up to 14 days between bowel movements) and extreme diarrhea, cramping, bloating & pure misery, I’ve finally taken the advice a physician’s assistant gave me a few years ago. I was doing mega probiotics (on advice of a physician), stool softeners, Senekot, and a high fiber diet (all on advice of physicians). The paralyzing gut problems had started to effect my life A LOT. I could not go anywhere for fear that would be the time I needed to be in a bathroom for a few hours. The SIBO ruled me. I had two major stomach surgeries 40 some years ago and have gastroparesis. The advice that’s working: Extremely low and/or no residue foods. The residue/fiber was packing my stomach and small intestines and blocking transit. I’m strictly following that diet now and have seen a marked improvement….a BM every day for two weeks and no loss of control. The BMs have consisted of soft, formed stools and very mild lower stomach cramps. Hopefully this is not a fluke. If the food is not staying in my gut, it doesn’t have a chance to rot.

      • My daughter has your symptoms, with gastroparesis and weight loss. I suspect SIBO for sure. What are no/low residue foods exactly? We have tried many options including black walnut for 2 weeks which helped a lot, along with chicken bone broth soup and root veges. I’d be interested to find out about the low residue foods. Thanks so much

        • The following is from Mayo Clinic and was given to me by GI doc office: Low residue limits amount of fiber & other undigested material that passes through the large intestine. A check with a doctor or dietitian can recommend vitamin/mineral supplements (preferably liquid) because fruits/vegetables, etc, are severely limited. A low residue diet will reduce the size & number of stools. Some foods in a low residue diet: Refined breads, cereals, crackers, chips & pasta w/ less than 1 gram of fiber per serving; white rice; vegetable juices w/o seeds or pulp; fruit juices w/ no pulp; milk, yogurt, pudding, ice cream & strained cream based soups & sauces; tender meat, poultry, fish & eggs; oil, margarine, butter & mayonnaise; smooth salad dressings; broth-based strained soups; jelly, honey & syrup. Dairy products should be limited to no more than 2 C a day.
          AVOID: whole grain breads, cereals & pasta; whole vegetables & vegetable sauces; whole fruits, including canned; yogurt, pudding, ice cream w/ nuts or pieces of fruit or vegetables; tough or coarse meets w/ gristle; luncheon meats or cheese with seeds; peanut butter; salad dressings w/ seeds or pieces of fruit or vegetables; seeds & nuts; coconut; marmalade. After giving the digestive system time to heal with this type of diet, a transition can be made to low fiber. Low fiber diet lists can be found on the internet. This was hard for me because I was always told fiber was necessary for regular bowel movements. WRONG! I am doing so much better now…some flare ups, but nothing like before. Good luck to your daughter.

    • Your gut troubles are most likely the cause of your anxiety. We’ve been taught to believe the opposite. Not true at all in my experience, and am still getting opportunities to relearn this one. With inflammation and nausea from disturbed small intestines, I’m in a state of fear, sometimes debilitating. When the nausea fades and the inflammation calms down, the fear is gone. See GUT: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ by Giulia Enders (2015, most recent) or The Second Brain by Michael Gershon (1999). By the way, I just started a series of colon hydrotherapies; they are starting to stir up and move the contents of the impacted small intestines. This is very uncomfortable, causing intense nausea for days, but then it clears for short periods, then longer ones. Yesterday was the best day I’ve had in a very long time. Whoa, life again… Today, not so good, and am glad to be heading back into the colon hydrotherapist. I know I’ll be sick for a couple of days, but the nausea is actually better than the toxin overload symptoms I’ve been dealing with for six months. Good luck to you and please take care. This anxiety is not you! Please feel free to remind me of the same thing when I’m having a bad day…

  6. I was diagnosed with methane-type SIBO in early September 2015, along with candida, blastocyctis, and citrobacter. Recently finished a round of antimicrobials, and my SIBO retest (lactulose breath test) results have actually slightly worsened. Starting treatment round 2 with a stronger dosage of herbs, and have been eating SCD/low FODMAP since diagnosed. Have others seen a worsening of symptoms before getting better? My naturopath assures me he has seen this before (although rarely) and has still been able to “cure” the SIBO eventually.

    My antimicrobial protocol includes the following: allicin, berbarine complex, neem, oregano/clove/thyme essential oils, grape seed extract, a probiotic (without prebiotics) and magnesium citrate to aid with motility. My naturopath did not recommend using a biofilm disruptor.

    • Hi Jen – In the podcast that Chris did with Dr. Pementel, they mentioned that it is important to eat at least 100 grams of Carbs while doing the herbal antibiotic protocol. That is because, unless the bacteria have something to eat – they will hibernate and not be killed. The only way they die is in the stage while they are feeding. Dr. Pimentel says that it should be some high glycemic type carb too – like white bread or a sourdough white bread that digests quickly. I had read an e-book called the Sibo Solution online and started over a week ago. I stopped eating all carbs like, bread, sugar and starchy vegetable and have been eating low fodmap as well. My symptoms improved pretty quickly. But then I listened to the podcast — and have added some bread during the day. I am experiencing a little bloating now – but not too bad. Here is the podcast link: http://chriskresser.com/sibo-update-an-interview-with-dr-mark-pimentel/

      • Hi Elka, Surprised he mentions bread because they feed off the yeast – and if they’re feeding, they’re not dying, they’re spreading. Reason for bloat is most likely a wheat intolerance. See how you go but sounds a bit odd to me.

        • Well, if you are taking the antibiotics or the natural antibiotics they will kill the bacteria. So basically you are luring them out with the carbs and killing them with the antibiotics. I am taking the herbal antibiotics. Since I added back the carbs I am still feeling pretty good.

          • Elka is it possible for you to list the herbs and ither things you are taking in dosage and whether they are taken together or different times of the day.


            • Allimed (Allicin) – 1 – 2 Caps 3x per day

              Berberine Complex 2 caps 3x per day

              Neem Plus: 1 cap 3x a day

              MotilPro for motility: 3 caps 1 – 2 times a day

              Biofilm Defense – not sure of dosage – just order this

              • Elka,

                Thanks for listing the supplements you’re taking. Do you take them with food, empty stomach?


                • I am taking the herbal antibiotics about an hour after meals. I am not sure if this is correct, because I am self treating. But seems to be going fine. I ate everything on Thanksgiving — that was a mistake! I’m back on track now. Feeling quite good. Still have a ways to go – but I believe I am on the right track – after a few years of suffering with IBS-C this is quite a relief.

                • Elka,

                  Thank you so much for your response. I have SIBO and my only complaint is terrible bloating. I don’t have other terrible symptoms that other do that I’ve read about in this thread.
                  Which ones of the supplements you listed are antibiotics and which ones are for other purposes.
                  Also, have you tried Allicin from other reputable nutrition companies – I only ask because the one from Allmed is so expensive and if you believe it makes that much of a difference.
                  Thanks for your time.

                • So Allicin and Berberine you are taking an hour after meals.
                  What about the other 3 supplements you are taking?
                  Thank you!

        • When I say I am eating some bread — it happens to be a gluten free sourdough. It is high glycemic but doesn’t have any wheat. I also eat some jasmine rice which has the highest glycemic of any rice – digests very fast.

        • Chris adds a biofilm disruptor taken one hour before eating. The critters come out to feed on the carbs and the disruptor pokes holes in them. At the same time you eat you take botanicals that kill them. That’s the premise for the protocol.

    • I’m a practitioner of Chinese medicine. Your protocol is very aggressive to kill the bacteria, which may be necessary, but it sounds like you need more support to heal the tissues. Acupuncture is a great option, plus licorice, bone broth, colostrum. I hope you find help and heal quickly.

  7. I have just been diagnosed with SIBO I’ve more than likely had sibo for over 40 yrs. I’ve had ibs and food allergies all my life and every side effect of sibo most of my life. When I was 12 I got very sick and had to have 3 months worth of antibiotics. I see a Natural path who has started me on natural antibiotics instead of more synthetic antibiotics. It will take 6 months to treat. I’m willing to do whatever I can naturally. ; )

      • For Elizabeth
        Use interface plus as directed 3x Dailey between meals to remove biofilm. Use oregano oil,4-5 drops right before meals.

        • Loli – thanks. I have interfase plus but haven’t been able to use it properly yet because I keep getting a cold/flu due to the weather season at the moment (my immune system is very weak). I took a similar product before 3x in one day (as described) and became bed ridden for a week with “die-off” which I was unaware of could happen until I read about it thereafter, so I try to go slowly and cautiously the products, if already sick I avoid them. I am surprised they don’t say to do this. Look forward to trying interfase though.

          • Molybdenum helps with the dieoff but be careful not to take large doses or for longer than necessary, no more than two months . Amy is treating me for many things, I highly recommend her. Her undergraduate degree in pharmacology gives me a lot of confidence in her protocol’s. It was amazing how seemingly unrelated test findings are interconnected. It’s expensive but being chronically ill is very dangerous. I have been sick as far back as I can remember, and the treatment takes commitment and fortitude. Just remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not a train!

            • LOL you are right….. “It’s not a train” and that can be frustrating at times, but it is better than having to call the paramedics because things are happening to fast and overwhelm the body.

        • Be careful with Interface Plus. One of the ingredients is EDTA and it can destroy your tooth enamel. EDTA is an acid used by dentists to soften the enamel while doing root canals. I have read about people whose tooth enamel was enamel was destroyed by taking this.

    • I only know they work very well to relieve constipation caused by lack of motility in the large intestine.

        • I use Iberogast daily. 20 drops in a glass of water. It’s helped me immensely. I bought it on Amazon. It was recommended by my MD.

          • Hi Shelly,

            Are you taking Ibergast as part of SIBO treatment?
            If so, has you Doc indicated a point where you no longer will need the motility support?

    • I recently started using mag citrate as suggested by my naturopath. It does seem to be helping with motility.

  8. I was recently diagnosed with SIBO by a gastroenterologist after taking the breath test, he originally prescribed Rifaximin stating that it was the best medication to treat my condition. My insurance company rejected the Rx and the doctor subsequently changed the prescription to Ciprofloxacin, I believe I have had this condition for a very long time (6 months-1 year) and have been enduring some VERY unpleasant symptoms that have affected my ability to function normally. I am hesitant to take a second-choice medication that may not work as well and could cause more problems in the meantime, any feedback would help a lot in deciding what to do in order to recover quickly, thanks in advance.

    • Hi Stephanie,
      It’s worth reading through the comment thread on here to gain helpful insight. I would personally suggest not to take the Rifaximin/Xifaxin or the Ciprofloxacin if you can help it. From what I have read it does not defeat the problem and the issue can become a long term occurrence and possibly reoccur with a vengeance. Antibiotics/drugs advised by a doctor unfortunately can only mask a problem. In the process they also destroy your good bacteria. In order to get to the bottom and defeat what’s de-functioning your body (besides helping your body with a decent diet) is natural antibacterial/anti-parasitic products. Please look into that before you consider Rifaximin (or any other related drug). There is so much information available on natural products (i.e. garlic, oregano, etc) that are powerful in helping your body get back to it’s natural state. It may also help to read about the need to kill any ‘biofilms’.

      • Stephanie, while much of what Elizabeth stated is true, I don’t believe that natural antibacterials are any more discriminating in destroying good as well as bad bacteria than prescription. The only bad thing about Cipro is that is a broader spectrum antibiotic that can cause antibiotic resistance more easily than Rifaximin, which is why Rifaximin is the preferred medication. I started off on Cipro because my doctor figure Rifaximin wouldn’t be covered by insurance. I only found out about it by Googling about SIBO treatment. I am a lucky one in that my insurance does cover the Rifaximin, so I asked my doctor to switch me from Cipro to Rifaximin. That said, after a month on each antibiotic, I have seen little to no symptom relief. I also have been taking some of the naturopathic suggestions as well as following an SCD/low FODMOP combo diet along with the antibiotics, so I too am still searching for answers. Best of luck that it works for you. My doctor is now investigating if my SIBO is the result of another as yet undiagnosed disorder 🙁

        • Sorry, I just realized I left something out of my reply. Following either protocol (Rx or natural) is going to wipe out most of all bacteria, good and bad. I was instructed to take the antibiotic at night, and take a multistrain probiotic in the morning to help crowd out the bad and repopulate the good bacteria. In addition, I’ve also been drinking kefir and kombucha, and trying to incorporate other fermented foods such as kim chi and sauerkraut, as they contain far more strains than any over-the-counter probiotic available.

          • Kris,

            I am currently taking Rifaximin and was wondering if you are eating/drinking the good bacteria foods while taking antibiotics or after?


            • Hi, Ella. Yes, was doing them together. My doctor had me on a low daily dose of Rifaximin (which I feel has been ineffective), so I was told to take the Rifaximin at bedtime and take the probiotics during the day. If you take them at the same time, the effects may sort of cancel out. Taking the probiotic and eating other natural probiotics earlier in the day gives them a better chance to start populating before taking the Rifaximin.

              I had an appt. with GI yesterday and he has taken me off the Rifaximin as it has not been effective. However, I may seek another opinion on this, because the standard protocol is high-dosing (550 mg three times daily) for two to three weeks followed by probiotic supplementation after you’re done with the Rifaximin, whereas he had me only on only 550 mg once a day, 1/3 of the dosage I’ve seen talked about on many sites.. What daily dosage are you taking of the antibiotic?

              • Kris,

                I am taking the recommended dosage of Xifaxin 550 mg 3 times a day. I am not done with it, have another few days to go, but hasn’t notice much difference yet.
                I have SIBO and unlike some of the horrible symptoms people describe in this thread, I have bloating. But it’s very uncomfortable and it drives me crazy! although I should probably be thankful that it’s only bloating.

                I just ordered almost all the supplements that Elka listed that she is taking and I am also taking oil of oregano. I will start all the supplements once I receive them.

                Do you suffer from SIBO or other GI disorder?

                • Just a note….Herbal treatments can be very powerful! Be very careful…….. I ended up calling the paramedics twice! The first time I was treating my “SIBO” with Allysin and Neem (not knowing I had parasites) and it started killing them releasing their toxins and made me very ill. The second time, I knew I had parasites, was being treated by my Applied Kinesiologist, and I decided to added back Allysin and Oil of Oregano (also both anti-parasitics) and I started to kill too many too fast and got severely ill and had to call the paramedics again. Proceed cautiously and see how your body responds. You think you are treating SIBO, but in reality you do not know what all you are actually treating.

                • Tobi — Can you be more specific? What symptoms did you experience that made you call the paramedics. I have been wondering if there could be any danger to the amount of herbal anitbiotics I am taking.

                • Elka, I think it’s only a problem if you start the treatment by take too many at once. The body does not know what to do with all the toxins. I did this the first time without knowing about “die-off” because unless you have researched it or really considered that your body may react, you wouldn’t know. Herbal formula’s made to kill parasites (at least the ones I have used) do not mention you may experience “die-off” so proceed slowly, most actually advise to take the 2-3+ a day (regardless of whether you have done so before). If you start off with 2-3+ you can actually end up really sick as I have done. I don’t know Tobi’s circumstance to be paramedically sick but as always everything in moderation. If you have been taking the herbs for a while then obviously the body will be used to it and it’s fine to take a bit extra. I think this is more a warning/caution for the inexperienced.

                • Tobi — OK, that was my general impression about it too. I have been taking it easy — and sometimes skip the mid day doses.

                • Elka,
                  The beauty of herbal supplements is they do a powerful job without hurting our body any more than pharmaceuticals (they do not damage our own cells, and they do not kill our good bacteria). But they work very well! They work on things you don’t know you have. Everyone is “Treating SIBO”, but why do you have SIBO?? Herbals may end up showing that answer. So what happened to me….well the first time when I was treating SIBO and I refused a fourth round of Rifaximin because I could tell it wasn’t working and my body didn’t like it any longer, we tried Neem and Allysin. Day two of those supplements I threw up the Neem in the am but not the garlic. Neem was am/pm, and the garlic was three times a day. I took the garlic at noon and went to LA to visit my daughter, was out to dinner and when the check came I told them I couldn’t get up because I felt bad, “are you alright”, “no I can’t move or I’ll faint” remember I am a RN…… I felt hypoglycemic, hypotensive and bradycardic. I had eaten all the legal foods. After 30min of not being able to move, and going from leaning back to full reclining in the booth with my legs up… I still felt horrible and said to call 911. My daughter double asked because she knows I would never call the paramedics. They arrived and still could not move me. After getting to their truck 15min later, my vitals stabilized and I was released. Long story short I was by Watts in LA, the hospital would have been LA County and they didn’t want to take me there. This was at a time when I did not know I had worms/parasites. Got home and looked up all the NEEM ingredients and all can cause hypoglycemia (low bld sugar) which I already was on a very restricted sugar and carb diet for over a year. Four months pass, then I found out I had worms and other parasites, was seeing my Applied Kinesiologist. She had me on her Voo Doo herbal tea, Paracid and other pill herbals, along with kidney and liver support to help with the detox process. I DECIDED ON MY OWN to add back Allysin and the Oil of Oregano because I want these parasites gone faster. That was a bad decision- I got overloaded in two days with toxins, woke up at 230am with severe stomach cramps that lasted 4 hours then I started throwing up bile that didn’t look like bile (it was thick and looked like melted lemon opaque ice cream) I could’nt move from the floor in front of the toilet and was throwing up on the floor. That’s when I called 911. So remember……. you have a GI problem, you don’t know if it is only SIBO, I don’t feel SIBO is a primary disease. MD’s don’t seem to know much about herbals. Just saying be careful. As your experience builds, you will understand how your body reacts and what it can handle. I have been treating my parasites with herbals since September. Two days ago I was sitting and started to have severe lighten bolt intermittent pains over my liver area for over an hour (I have worms in my liver). Went to bed to get through the pain. The next day I had raised itchy dots on my whole torso, anterior and posterior. The second day after the pain I had a stomach ache the whole day. I don’t have a colonic scheduled for 2 days from now, so last night I gave myself a coffee enema. I was able to hold it for 20min, and when I went to the toilet I do believe I expelled a 3 foot tape worm!! I know what happens to my body now and what might be causing it. Herbals are slower than antibiotics. I have been treating these for 2 1/2 months now, but I plan on staying out of the hospital and causes the least stress on my body as possible. It is already at it’s max. Good Luck to you all. DO NOT GIVE UP and do not settle for not feeling good, that is not the way our bodies are. They want to heal them sevles, but they get overwhelmed and we have to help figure it out. SIBO should not be a way of living. It is not normal.

                • Thank you Tobi! That is very interesting and informative. I hope we both get better — you are right, this is no way to live!

                • Yep, I have confirmed SIBO through hydrogen breath testing with very high readings. Totally agree, the bloating and distention are horrible. Can’t get comfortable and often feels like my intestines or something is being pinched by my lower ribs, which also feel bruised from the pressure.

                  Good to know, Tobi. I will consult with another doctor about using the herbal remedies, because I am aware they can be as powerful or more so than prescription antibiotics. I’ll be looking into whether any DOs or NPs are covered by my insurance.

                • Thank you Tobi and Elizabeth for very informative replies. Do you think I should finish my course of Rifaximin before taking the herbal supplements. I’ve been taking Oil of Oregano once a day and it’s not doing anything good or bad.
                  Elka mentioned taking the supplements after meals. Do you guys take them before meals or after?

                • My Applied Kinesiologist is having me drink the detox tea and Interfase Plus on an empty stomach am/pm. With meals I take Paracid after three or four bites, so when the parasites start eating they get the herbal poison. The at the end of my meal I take digestive enzymes, which increase the acids etc. and make it less friendly to the parasites. If I were to take the digestive enzymes at the beginning of my meals, it would hamper my bodies ability to produce them on their own, and they are needed to kill bad things we accidentally ingest.

              • Hi, I was on Rifaxamin 550 mg. twice daily for 10 days, followed by a probiotic and have seen significant improvement, but not 100%. My GI doc said many people require two courses to begin to get things under control, so I’m prepared to try that if necessary.

          • Yes – just wanted to echo your statements about the natural and herbal “antibiotic” remedies are very powerful and can also disrupt your gut flora. Probiotics must also be taken even with herbals.

      • Hi,
        I was recently diagnosed with the SIBO relating to methane gas production. I would like to go the botanical route but I am currently nursing my little one. Do you think it would be okay to take oregano oil and other herbs to help nip this in the bid. I would wait until I am done nursing but it won’t be for another 6months to a year…:(

        • Kate, I learned I had SIBO after being diagnosed with Ocular Rosacea, a SIBO related autoimmune eye disease. I can’t take the antibiotics for various other reasons, and my ND doesn’t even think the natural antimicrobials ate a good idea. But I’ve been able to manage it by doing the Fast Tract Diet combined with AIP. FTD limits foods that are known to feed the bacteria in your small intestine. It’s worth checking out anyway. Good luck!

        • It probably depends on the age of your lo. I am still nursing my 2yo twins. They only nurse 1-4 times a day. After doing some reading I felt more comfortable with the antibiotic route than the herbal route.

    • I had a pancreaticoduodenectomy about a year and a half ago. I knew healing and adjusting would be adventurous, it’s been horrific. Pancreatitis attacks about every 3 months, sudden internal spasms or “whipple attacks”, Painful to eat solid food, spontaneous bouts with painful nasia, brain fog, body aches and the list goes on and on. All my bloodwork, mri’s and ct’s came back normal. So it wasn’t the beast.
      Finally, last week I was diagnosed with SIBO and started on the VERY expensive medication Xifaxan. I’m on day 5 and can feel the difference. I’m having an upper gi to make sure it’s not from a kink or scar tissue from reconstruction.
      Hope it doesn’t come back, insurance denied me because it’s considered an elective medication. EGH!
      If there are preventative measures, I’d love to know.
      I’d like to go organic if I can. I don’t eat processed or refined anything, And very limited wheat.

    • Stephanie, and anyone else RX’d Cipro for SIBO, I would urge you to avoid it at all costs. Cipro is in a class of antibiotics called “fluoroquinolones”, that the FDA has given a ‘black box’ warning label. Most doctors are unaware of the dangers:


      Peripheral neuropathy, tendon rupture, seizures, and thyroid problems, are just a few of the potential side effects.

      My own health has been nearly destroyed by these drugs, and while I’m following many of the protocols now that rebuild gut flora, which has helped modestly, nothing has healed the nerve damage, which affected my cardiovascular function, gut motility, cognitive ability, etc.

      I should add that B-12 deficiency was also a hidden problem for me, common with SIBO, that I may have had for years, and anyone with SIBO is at risk for it. Serum B-12 tests don’t offer accurate results, but methylmalonic acid tests do. If you’d like to learn more, I wrote a blog post about my diagnosis and recovery protocol:


      SIBO is frustrating because the nutrient deficiencies it creates slow the body’s ability to heal, and eating more can often make us feel much worse. I would recommend testing to locate and fix deficits, such as B-12, vitamin D, plus key minerals and trace elements like zinc and copper.

      Time will tell, but B-12 therapy may improve my gut motility, carbohydrate utilization, energy and mood, and become a key part of healing from SIBO. I hope this can help the rest of you, too.

      • Excellent post Terry. The fluoroquinolones nearly wrecked me, too. Luckily, before taking too many I exhibited clear allergic reactions and stopped. Then I found out what they were.

        Also wanted to make a note to readers here – while herbal “antibiotic” remedies are not as harsh on the GI, they do still kill good bacteria. The multiple benefits of the herbals over synthetic antibiotics is that they are often the whole plant, which benefits our bodies more. But they are also quite powerful and steps should be taken with the herbals to replace the good bacteria as well.

      • Do you have any information/links on B12 and carb absorption/utilization? (I was able to find studies on gut motility.)

        I found this especially interesting, as I was just playing around with the results of my DNA testing the other day, and one of the things I noticed is that I have a number of gene variations that result in impaired processing of B12. Given that B12 has such an impact on things like gut motility, this could be a clue for the medical community — perhaps some of us are genetically prone to B12 deficiencies and, since that is not something that’s routinely tested, it could increase the risk of developing SIBO.

  9. I am so happy to have come across this site! I have a lot of these same issues:
    bloating looking it 6 months pregnant
    stomach ache
    feeling full after even a small bit of food,
    skin rash on arms, that comes and goes
    dry skin
    Foggy brained
    Achy all over
    Cant sleep thru the night
    constipation, diarrhea, normal stools that alternate throughout the week. Right now constipated for 4 days..

    The list goes on. I was diagnosed with H. Pylori a LONG time ago (talking years), which drs did NOTHING about as they knew nothing about the disease. Then I mentioned it back in May of this year and I was tested for it and it was positive so they put me on a triple antibiotic regimen for 10 days. After that I felt pretty good, no bloating, I lost 20 lbs had energy and felt great, I was soooo happy! Then on September 26th a few weeks ago (yes I wrote the date down) all of a sudden I felt tired, sore, BLOATED like NO OTHER, constipated grumpy but worse than before…..i thought may be it was PMS but my period wasn’t due for 3 weeks. I then got my period (normally PMS subsides at this point) and it hasn’t. I am still tired, foggy brained exhausted feeling, woke up this morning and my back ACHES and my stomach. I feel slightly nauseated but not bad.

    I am wondering if I have SIBO on top of the H. Pylori coming back? I am going to schedule a breath test just to see if there is something other than my assumption that my H. Pylori came back. I think the breath test can also detect H. Pylori if I understand correctly? My MAJOR ISSUE is…I live in a small town in Alaska and the health care here is SLIM..but with some research I can talk to my dr and suggest some tests and go that route for starters. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any suggestions that I can offer my dr to help me along the way. I am feeling desperate at this point. any help/insight/ or suggestions are MUCH appreciated, at least after reading all this I dont feel alone! Thanks everyone

    • You symptoms sound very similar to what mine used to be like. I have some posts on my website that might help you. Here are my posts on insomnia-http://familyhomeandhealth.com/category/insomnia. Also, you may be helped by these posts-http://familyhomeandhealth.com/category/liver. And you may want to check out this post as well-http://familyhomeandhealth.com/2014/12/can-eat-sibo.html. I hope you soon find what is helpful for you! By the way I also had triple antibiotic therapy, and it didn’t solve my digestion issues. It may have helped some, but I still had lots of issues.

      • Kristie, are you SIBO free now? If so what actual “herbal treatment” helped kill it off? Thanks

      • Thank you so much! This is some good info. Its really nice to have people out there that have had the same issues and are able to help. I have never done the blog thing until yesterday, this is really cool.

        Does anyone know about the breath test? Are there different ones I need to do? what about doing some of these things without knowing, I am sure some of the stuff would be good for the body to rid any bad stuff that may be in there….which I am sure everyone has some

        • I decided to have the testing done. But, some people end up treating SIBO herbally without testing. If you are going to do oregano oil, you may want to have testing (it can kill the good bacteria you do need just like antibiotics). If you are going to use something like garlic, then generally it doesn’t have side effects. If you are intolerant to garlic, you may not be to some types of the pills (they don’t have the FODMAPS that regular garlic has). Those are just some thoughts that came to mind.

          • Also, h pylori can be treated with DGL-http://doctormurray.com/dgl-for-peptic-ulcers/ DGL may help or hurt your SIBO symptoms so you would want to pay attention to that. I took DGL recently for close to 16 weeks with good effects for my digestion and hormones. I had already taken a few rounds of Allimed for SIBO.

            • Thank you so much for all the info! I have heard good things about DGL and mastic gum. What negative effects does DGL have on SIBO? Can you elaborate a little on that?

              • I have heard one source say that demulcent herbs (herbs that sooth the mucus membranes of the digestive system) may be bad for SIBO. (It may have been Dr Allison Siebecker.) That is one reason I felt safer taking it after I had done the Allimed for a while.

      • The only thing that was scary is, as I was reading online people were talking about how they did the coffee enemas and coconut oil enemas and they were expelling things, but then they could see stuff crawling in their skin and they got itchy and what not, and saw exit wounds. Does this really happen? Has anyone has that happen? Cause that is just SICK. LOL. And scary…I don’t know about all that. I don’t think I could handle it…I would go nuts.

      • Hi again Kristie,

        I have read some of the links you sent me. GREAT INFO! Thank you again!

        Do you have any blogs or info on diets for high ferritin levels (hemochromatosis)? I was told I have one gene for hemo, but my dr told me that it wouldn’t cause issues unless i had two mutated genes but after some research, I believe this may contribute to some of my issues as well.

  10. Please everyone suffering from SIBO or Candida, consider reading about BIOFILM and how it is a protective barrier to parasites, fungus and bacteria… It protects them from dying completely. This might be the reason why patients relapse. The bacteria lingers and lives within this biofilm it produces. It is, according to him, essential to take a supplement which kills biofilm in order for all subsequent treatment to be really effective. Biofilm is the reason treatment like taking antibiotics does not work in 50% of cases and patients relapse. I have not yet tried it – still saving my money for the whole treatment but I am convinced – after countless years of battling candida that this is the only real thing close to a cure for me. It’s all on this naturopath’s page – the website is yeast infection advisor (.com) and I urge you to check out the tab ”bad bacteria” . He deals with treating bacteria as well as candida.. Hope you get healthier!

    • WOW! Thank you! I just browsed through the website you gave and you may be on to something! It mentions H. Pylori AND AND AND! High iron levels, in which can be caused by biofilm bacteria and I was also just diagnosed with high ferritin! Thanks so much for the website, I have somewhere more to go with this.

    • I totally agree that Biofilm is an important confounder in SIBO.
      I did a round of the traditional SIBO antibiotics with no effect and herbal antibiotics had little effect. But when I found out about Biofilm and started to tackle that in conjunction with herbal antibiotics I started to get relief.
      I have used Interfase (plus EDTA that I already had – Interfase Plus has the EDTA in it). It seems helpful.
      I also think Mycopryl is helpful.
      And I eat coconut oil which is supposed to get at the Biofilm. (I mix about a tablespoon of warmed coconut oil with almond butter and dip slices of apple into it for breakfast.)
      I have tried many herbal anti-bacterials.
      I found Oregano Oil helpful.
      The most helpful may be 2 products by Biotics Research used together: FC-Cidal and Dysbiocide.

      • Thank you Ann! that is some great info. I need to schedule an appointment for a breath test for starters. Can you tell me, when there was die off, could u feel the parasites in your skin? I really want to know. I read some stuff about it, but you cant always believe what you read. I feel there are more credible answers here. Someone was saying they could feel as if the parasites were trying to get out of their skin and a few other gross details. It sounds a little far from the truth to me, but I have never done a parasite cleanse before. I am just curious if anyone has really experienced that…?

    • Just a word of caution. I recently discussed using a biofilm disruptor with my naturopath, but he was hesitant for a couple of reasons: 1) the leaders in SIBO research/treatment are not using them (Siebecker, Pimentel, etc), 2) there is not enough clinical evidence to prove that disrupting biofilm will not have negative long-term side effects. I certainly am not an expert, but thought I’d share.

  11. In scanning through this thread, I keep seeing “I’m positive I have SIBO”, or other similar sentiments. When we get chronic symptoms that appear digestive-related and aren’t getting the attention we need from doctors, there’s a tendency to dive into the internet head-first, searching out our symptoms like detectives. As someone who’s faced faced a lot of the same things others here have, I’d just like to say tread cautiously. I understand the Eureka moment when you discover that obscure condition that seems to align perfectly with your symptoms, but there’s lots of other conditions out there that could also match up. At best you’re throwing (in some cases a lot of) money away on unhelpful products, which, believe me, may seem like a fair trade-off when your health is at stake. Here’s a worst-case scenario: A relatively inexperienced dietician determined I had a Candida overgrowth, which was the root cause of my problems. In reading about it, everything made sense. I felt we had solved the case, and proceeded with the Candida diet. Within two WEEKS I had lost 15-20 pounds and was lost in a cognitive fog. During the third week systems shut down and I woke up one morning going into shock. An ambulance showed up in time and that was the end of my Candida diet. It was an unusual case: A few months later a GI specialist found I wasn’t absorbing fats, which contributed to the sudden, precipitous weight-loss. Obviously, this is a situation that will probably never happen to any of you and it’s not meant to scare anyone off from self-experimentation as a means of diagnosis, but just to say that when you’re playing doctor, stay smart about it. Like a real doctor should.

    • If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck… Doctors are constrained with a 15 minute visit with someone they hardly know. They are stressed with too many patients, most lack true experience with life, never mind keeping straight the many symptoms. I have suffered GREATLY at the hands of doctors; lots of time and money, a great waste of my life. 3 specialists diagnosed me to have IBS, ignoring all else. I already had 3 bouts of Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO). I suffered 18 months out of 36 months and I am suffering again for the 4th time. Since the doctors can’t give me the time of day, act like I am looking for attention, and diagnose me wrongly; I am left on my own. Pretty much we know our own bodies. Maybe we are not doctors, but we want to be well and we desperately seek healing. Doctors don’t desperately seek my healing. They talk, ask questions and come to conclusions that are not necessarily correct under the guise of “PRACTICING’ medicine. I asked my doctor, after 7 months of expensive tests WHY did SHE let me suffer for 7 months when all I needed was a breathe test? She didn’t think I had SIBO because I was constipated and from her recollection of what she learned I should have had diarrhea. 7 months! It was extremely uncomfortable to go through all the holidays looking 6 months pregnant at the age of 59. There are good doctors but they are hard to find. A good doctor listens and believes you. What’s happening to me is REAL.

        • Thank you! It is nice to have agreement in our suffering. So many times I am alone. Doctors do not take me at my word; they, of course, don’t want you to diagnose yourself. But the tests and symptoms prove the truth. They are too quick to guess at a convenient diagnoses for THEIR convenience. Where is House when you need him, lol.

          • That’s ok, I know it doesn’t seem right to “self-diagnose” but in this day and age things in life change. I by far trust my own opinion on my health than any “everyday” doctor – your body already communicates something is wrong by giving you a problem, its just a matter of listening to your own body and doing some proper research to work out what that is – unless of course it’s extremely serious (and in that case should be seeing a professional). When there is a world of knowledge on the web from people who have same/similar experiences I would rather gain that insight than from someone who may as well be a stranger. A lot of people now haven’t been seeing the same doc for years so the likelihood of a doc knowing your body more than you is just unrealistic. A general doc from experience and the cases I have heard seems to be a complete waste of time (unless they are an expert in their field) can lead to prolonged health issues because the issue itself is being thrown at with antibiotics etc and not actually being resolved. The last time two times I went to a doctors, both different docs (on separate occasions) had to Google something, that was writing on the wall for me. Unsurprisingly it’s also been highlighted recently that docs are receiving bonuses from keeping their patients out of hospital, so when you hear that story that they were sent home and such and such happened it makes you wonder who else really cares or knows about your health other than you. I haven’t watched House myself but am an avid watcher of Grey’s and admire the dedication, commitment and care shown that majority of general doctors seem to lack. Taking time out of work to see someone who doesn’t really know what’s going on and can only suggest something which is unlikely to help, verifies to me that something radical needs to change.

  12. I had an IgG food allergy test done and cut out all of the foods on the list. My symptoms diminished but dod not go away. After doing some research I excpected I had SIBO. I am now drinking garlic soaked in water on a daily basis and I am doing much better.

    • Hi Maria
      Please would you be kind enough to help me with this garlic thing — I keep reading about people drinking garlic but I don’t understand — are you putting pieces of raw garlic in water or are you taking in the entire clove? Cooked or raw? Does it help at all with the bloating? Thank you so much for sharing

  13. I’ve been dealing with digestive issues my entire life (keep in mind I’m only 18 now), but recently found out about 5 months ago I was SIBO positive. My doctor recommended the antibiotics but I have a hard time swallowing pills so I looked into further treatment and found the elemental diet. I had one dose and refused to have another because it was so disgusting. I told my doctor and my mother I would rather starve, so I went on a water fast for 10 days to starve out the bacteria. So to clarify, I had no substance other than water for 10 days. And before people tell me that’s dangerous or destructive, I highly encourage you to research water fasting. The process and outcomes are phenomenal although the fasting process is difficult initially because of the food cravings. But after I finished the fast, my results came back completely normal. My results before the fast were in the 60-90 parts per billion range early on in the digestive process (normal amount is around 20) and after the fast they were down to 23-50 range. I highly encourage fasting to anyone who is at wits end and wants a shortened healing process although be warned that fasting can be dangerous if not researched thoroughly and taken seriously because your body is running on its own energy. But it’s been about a month and a half since I finished the fast and came back with normal results and I’m very certain I’ve relapsed with the bacteria. I take Ibuerogast 3 times a day to help with IBS symptoms and MMC function. I also take acv on and off whenever I feel the symptoms more so. But to clear out the bacteria again I plan on doing a 3 day water fast once a month to continually starve the bacteria. I have been trying to live by a low fodmap diet but is difficult because I am a freshman in college and can’t control what goes into everything I eat or even know what’s in everything I eat (*found out some of the mayo at my school had gluten in it!). I hope my story can be a small testimony to anyone struggling with treatment options but please thoroughly research fasting before you do it or you can really end up damaging your health!

  14. 3 bouts with SIBO in 4 years & am on my 4th right now. I look like I am pregnant. I am 61. Biggest deal is seeing regular doctors a number of times & 3 idiot “specialists”. Don’t mean to bash, BUT, their ignorance caused me a lot of suffering. First time went on for 7 months before any relief came. The 7 months of waiting on my doctor included X-Ray, CAT, MRI, Ultrasound, some test with radio active oatmeal & then finally the breath test. 2nd time around I asked my Doc why the breath test last? She said I was constipated & overgrowth should have diarrhea with it. Seven months because she didn’t bother to look that up! Also all those test exposures! Thanks a lot! I’m to take yet another bottle of orange sugar syrup to test my SIBO in 3 weeks. It takes forever to get an appointment for it; they give the test on Tuesdays & only one person at a time. I am faxing information about myself to my new “specialist” (that makes 4) so maybe there will be a little more understanding of my specific needs (I had 18 inches of my colon removed when I was 15, I have a LOT of adhesions, etc.). I plan on taking the test, taking Xifaxin, & then following up with digestive enzymes & probiotics religiously. I want to find the cause & I NEVER want to go through this again. Seriously, not one doctor has helped me, except for sugar test and Xifaxin, I have had to research for myself on the internet. Every doctor has missed this. 3 specialists said it was IBS. Give me the older generation of doctors with maturity, experience and a good bed side manner any day compared to these young ones that see you for 15 minutes, all the while asking you 25 plus questions so they can try to stick you in a category. My insides are a mess & I can’t see what’s wrong. I have to trust doctors & yet I can’t because things are WORSE. I appreciate being able to read the experiences of others here. I read & then say EXACTLY! I have brain fog & sheer exhaustion & am taking ProVigil to stay awake. It is prescribed for Narcolepsy! Otherwise I was sleeping for 13 to 16 hours a day. My D has been very low (11), but I have brought it up with Bio-D-Mulsion Forte to 29. I also drink BADIA tea It has a purple band on the box, super cheap, regular supermarket. This is a good answer to constipation-I should know, ha ha. I think the doctors should be asking US for information. Peace to our intestines and Godspeed to our healing processes.

    • Hi Carey, don’t even get me started on doctors but please don’t take the Xifaxin if you can help it. I have not taken it myself but from what I have read it does not defeat the problem and the issue can become a long term occurrence and possibly come back with a vengeance. These antibiotics/drugs unfortunately only mask the problem. In the process they also destroy the good bacteria. The best thing to get to the bottom of it and defeat what’s defunctioning your body (besides a decent diet) is natural antibacterial/anti-parasitic products. Please look into that before you consider Xifaxin. Hope you feel better 🙂

      • Please don’t tell people with true SIBO not to try Xifaxan. For many people it is the only thing that has helped and as antibiotics go it has few side effects as it remains largely contained in the GI tract where needed. I tried all the diets and natural remedies first with no improvement. 10 days of Xifaxan returned me to 80% or more of normal function. I prepared to do another course if necessary, but it’s been 3 months now and I have few remaining symptoms.

        • I wish my insurance would approve the xifaxan . I have suffered with SIBO for a while now and the last 6months it has gotten worse was put on Flagyl and that did nothing. Dr wants me to try xifaxan and the insurance co denies it because I don’t meet the criteria of “hepatic encephalopathy” I am 43 yrs old and have no life because I am so miserable and my husband of 25 yrs and 4 children are also suffering because of my health. It is so depressing. And now the dr isn’t even talking about the SIBO but rathering talking about removing the large intestine because of motility issue.

    • Hi Carey,
      I have been on the same journey as you…for over a year and a half.
      I started have symptoms after picking up a heavy table….I have had a complete hysterectomy in 2002, and also had two hernia repairs…adhesions…and mesh?

      Perhaps a meshoma? I gained almost 20 pounds…cannot do even water without getting huge…no nausea and no diarrhea ..at all..I was .huge from collar bone to past …I went up from a size 4 to a 12.
      I have done Xifaxan, and had pelvic floor therapy…these did make a difference.I went down from neck to knees edema….now still abdomen……I also have a 25 percent blockage of the mesenteric artery..just found out…..and I am currently sub clinical hypothyroid…I am 65. I have seen 2 Drs.. Specialists in Gastro , 2 internists..a family Dr. And Integrative Dr, and 4 surgeons….And 2 Urogynocologists….they were the most helpful….I had aSitz marker test at my request again diagnosed constipated..that was followed by two back to back bouts of Xifaxin….helped…not cured….but that is not it…! …and the continuous diagnosis is Chronic constipation yet…I am functional so I get dismissed….what to do?
      So mine must be a hernia…pin hole .type? ..pseudo blockage? ..a floating kidney, mega colon? adhesions attached to bowel?.dunno?something is very wrong…. Help!

  15. Just diagnosed with SIBO by breath test after clearing Blastocystis with courses of Bactrim and Humatin.
    GI doctor recommends course of rifaximin.
    Scares me, since I already suffer from autoimmune problems at 63, with chronic urticaria and angioedema.
    Is there an effective practical natural remedy? (I already minimize refined carbs and have taken soooo many probiotics.)

    • Look into the elemental diet, which takes as long as the rifaximin regimen or water fasting. Both are difficult and the elemental diet disgusting but the only other treatments I’ve come across besides antibiotics

    • Hi Earl,
      There are lots of natural alternatives. Just Google how to kill parasites, there are many different natural products that can help and there are products you can purchase that contain these various natural products in one supplement; such as garlic, cloves, oregano, woodworm etc. Have a look on Amazon. Ensure you don’t purchase just the cheapest probiotics or parasite killers, the cheap ones tend to have the least amount of strength. I have heard that Prescript-Assist can be helpful and Diatomaceous Earth is good (I have just started using this so can’t attest to it quite yet but the reviews alone are worth reading)

    • p.s. I have read a few times that rifaximin can work to start with but the problem always comes back and doesn’t actually get rid of it; in other words like majority of drugs it masks the problem temporarily. Rifaximin is another antibiotic which in the long run is no good for the stomach as it destroys all the good bacteria. Natural remedies are the best route to go.

      • Elizabeth I totally agree! I feel SIBO is just a symptom of a bigger problem. I’ve taken Rifaximin 3 times which I now regret, but at least my parasites have been discovered through natural ways and are being treated. I feel after the parasites are killed, SIBO will take care of itself. SIBO now appears to me, my good organisms have migrated north to escape a parasitic environment in my colon.

        • Being new to this I am not really one to say but anything with strong antibacterial properties is what is needed for the body to kill it off. It’s best to take a something that has a combination of many of the natural (anti-parasitic) products that help to kill it. But if using a specific product to fight it, use slowly and gradually because the “die-off” which I have experienced from a Candida product can be extreme. I was in bed for days but that’s because I didn’t take it slowly to start with. Garlic, cloves, oregano, coconut oil, black walnut & wormwood are all powerful. Many types of good parasite cleanse supplements will contain these. General diet itself is also important and it can be very beneficial to start the day with AC Vinegar and fresh lemon in a warm glass of water. Hope that’s of help.

  16. Hello. Looking for some help! I am a 19 year old male, and I believe, (but not positive), that I have SIBO, Candida, or some type of stomach parasite/yeast. I have dealt with digestive issues for the past 2 years, along with skin issues; stomach cramps, bloating, indigestion, random bouts of diarrhea and constipation, eczema, and mild acne. Also, my stools for the past several months have been mushy, crumbly, unformed, dirty and unusual looking, and it definitely looks like there is a large amount of bacteria in them. (Looks like the hairy, floaty green algae stuff in fish tanks.) I have tried elimination diets, such as low-fodmaps, scd diet, but have found that the symptoms are completely random no matter what I eat. I’ve been eating 95% Paleo based for the past year and a half. I am very active as well. As of now, I am drinking 2-3 tbsp’s of acv with water a day, taking a HCL supplement before dinner, probiotic on an empty stomach, zinc and a multivitamin with dinner. I’ve definitely noticed that exercising and the acv helps keep my digestive symptoms at bay, but I am still getting a good amount of acne and my stools have not changed. Back to the diagnostics.. I have never been diagnosed. I have seen a couple doctors who did nothing for me, and I am waiting 2 months to see a GI. But I am completely fed up with whatever is wrong with me and cannot wait. And even when I do get that going, the testing will take awhile and is unreliable even. I have been doing quite a bit of research and have come across SIBO, and I feel that it is very close to what I have, and/or Candida. Especially with the bacteria in my stools. I also believe that whatever is wrong, is causing malabsorption, (if that’s the word), of vitamins and nutrients. If anybody could please give me some insight, advice, and tips on my situation and help me figure out whats going on! I don’t care if you’re not a doctor, doctors can be very unreliable.. I’m just looking for anybody who knows or has experienced the same thing. I just want to know what is wrong with me. Thanks in advance

    • Nate you sound like an incredibly intelligent 19yo. I feel it is the parasite and bacteria that is causing your SIBO! I totally understand your frustration w medical doctors. But w the sounds of your stools something has got to culture out! I don’t know if you have the money, because it’s not covered by insurance, but a applied kinesiologist may be able to help you. It has been the only person who has helped me! I live in San Diego and their is one here who specializes in guys and parasites. In the meantime you could start in wheatgrass and chlorophyl drinks to make their environment difficult. Colonics also brings them out. I feel SIBO IS A SYMPTOM OF ANOTHER DISEASE, it is not the primary problem, that’s why it “is so difficult to Treat” because the underlying disease still exists. Our gut are very complicated and important to keep In balance.

      • Thanks for the reply! So you’re saying that the infection is ‘culturing’ out in my stools? That makes perfect sense. And so that almost 100% proves that I do indeed have some sort of infection. I definitely want to try to hit my whole gut with whatever I use, so no matter what I have, I can do some sort of damage to it. Have you heard of CandiBactin? Seen a lot of positive reviews on that for getting rid of SIBO and Candida. The ingredients looks fantastic and I feel like that would cure my entire gut. Also gonna look into the Wheatgrass and Chlorophyll, and L-Glutamine. Wondering if it’s okay to use probiotics during the infection/overgrowth? Another thing I wanna add is every now and then I drink GT’s enlightened kombucha, and there’s a certain flavor called ‘multi-green’ that I believe has chlorophyll and some other green herbs in it, and I feel pretty amazing during/after drinking it.

      • In very short. I’ve also dealt with what the gentleman above is dealing with for over a year…I’ve had a Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, and several other tests done. I was tested for SIBO and it came out Positive. Went to go see my Dr. who practices holistic medicine with the help of MetaGenic Supplements. He’s prescribed a quite Difficult Regiment for me, and although I’m quite confused, I do know it will help me some…Everything came out ok with my Colonoscopy & Endoscopy nothing too alarming aside from some Internal Hemmarroids, sorry don’t mean to be graphic…But other than that, everything is ok…I was very scared for a while of the unthinkable…But Since my SIBO came back positive the GI wanted me on an Antibiotic called Xifaxin….Which would cost me $500-$900 depending how much my insurance would cover, if they covered anything at all…I said Forget about it, because not only did I know now I was dealing with SIBO I also knew I’ve been dealing with Candida for more than several years, and Yeast overgrowth….So when I went to go see my PCM who practices holistic medicine…He recommended a Protocol that would Eliminate Dairy, Gluten,Soy,Corn and ALL Sugar from my diet including Fruits! Along with the protocol I would need to drink Bio-Active Silver Hydrasol three times a day 2tbsp for 8weeks! Along with that I would also need to take Candida Forte & Ultra Flora Spectrum which is a combo of really high count Probiotics. But since the prescription Silver was going to cost me $96 a bottle from his office I ventured out to my local health food stores and found a comparable product called Soveirgn Silver it was 10ppm versus the Argentyn 23ppm. I came back with my doctor with that info, and he said I had to be on Argentyn because its a prescribed strength…I grabbed a pamphlet from Argentyn, and another from Soveirgn Silver and they both said the absolute same things…I looked at the back and noticed they were both made by the same company so I called…I spoke with a Dr. they had on call and he initially said that even though Argentyn is stronger…That Soveirgn Silver would and could potentially also do the job! So that’s where I’m at, at the moment! I will be starting my Protocol today! And hopefully it works, and I will update after the 8-weeks! To see if my test comes positive or negative.

        On the Diet…I’ve been extremely confused….There’s a Diet for Candida, for Yeast, for Leaky Gut, for SIBO, there’s diets like Whole 30, FODMAP, Nigthshades….As you can see it can get a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with a number of things….In my case SIBO,Candida, and Yeast. Some of the ok’s in Candida aren’t ok with SIBO and or Yeast, vise versa…So how do you know what to eat? Because by the time you cross reference what you’re left with, it’s basically Protein, some Veggies, and salt! lol I have a dedicated Nutritionist that is helping me and gave me a handout/list of a Candida yes/no’s but obviously some of those I can not have because of the SIBO as well…And although she’s been a lot of help, I feel like she lacks knowledge in the SIBO dept, along with the other two…So it’s been a work in progress…I know that I will try my best and if I fail in some areas, or eat the wrong things it will be unintentionally, but for the most part I have a general understanding of what is ok to eat and what isn’t. Another thing I should add, is that I’ve started a Myers Cocktail IV Therapy. The DR. put me on it for twice a week for 4 weeks then once a week for 8 weeks…Please let me know if there’s any other feed back…I certainly hope that my knowledge helps some! Best Wishes, and God Bless!

      • I said I had been eating 95% Paleo. Well the exceptions were oatmeal, tortilla chips, and rice and rice products. Recently cut those out and have been 100% paleo (except for beans). Started experiencing new symptoms today; random fatigue (I had no energy for 5 hours, when just yesterday I ran for 3 miles), and almost constant light-headedness when standing. I also had a very painful stomach cramp today. Along with those, I’ve noticed weight loss as well. I’m already super skinny and a bit underweight! I’m very very concerned. I feel like there is something inside me eating me alive…

      • Hi. I’m blown away reading all this. It sounds like me 100%!!! Anyone willing to offer me advice I’m open, please do email me [email protected]
        I have gas (mainly belching) bloating, stomach pain that’s anywhere from my stomach to low down in my ovaries, also back etc. No triggers ryme or reason. Dr doesn’t want know when I mention bacteria or candida etc.
        I’m particularly interested in the comments re wheatgrass colonics and making the environment inhospitable.. Thanks in advance for any replies. Not sure if I get email updates upon response so please email me if you have advice. Txs in advance..

      • @Tobi, who is the professional that you see in San Diego? I live here as well and would love to find a local specialist.

        • Hey Nate,
          She is FABULOUS! Brandy Augustine PhD in Del Mar above Prep Kitchen, 1201 Camino Del Mar #205 858 509-4742
          Took me 3 years of struggling before I found her. She is literally saving my life!!!!! She is not cheap, but worth every penny, and not a cent wasted! Good Luck to you
          I have had 23 colonics and I have had over 500 or so parasites and parts come out of me ( maybe 20 in the toilet including egg clusters ). You will be amazed what you go through to recovery, but you WILL recover with her!

      • I too live in San Diego. Could I have the name of your kinesologist. That would be greatly appreciated. Best, Barbara

        • Brandy Augustine PhD 858 509-4742
          1201 Camino Del Mar #205
          Del Mar, Ca 92014
          She is the GREATEST. I’ve tried for 3 years to get help. She was right on day one!!! Not a wasted penny!
          Good Luck

    • Nate….The only thing that has MINIMALLY eased some of the problems with gastroparesis is eating low residue foods. The high residue/fiber type foods are more likely to stay in my stomach and rot. The low residue diet seems contrary to constipation issues, but at least it has an easier time moving out of the stomach itself.

      • Never heard of Gastroparesis before.. looked it up. I definitely fit some of the symptoms, except I have bowel movements every day. I do not suffer with constipation

    • Hey, i think u dont jus have a single problem,there are several issues that might be goin on such as SIBO coupled with leaky gut syndrome,lack of beneficial bacteria, i recommend u check out “gut thriven 5” and follow the steps that are outlined.I have the same problem,however sticking to these steps in recovering from my digestive problems has helped my condition improved greatly.

    • Nate –
      Regarding the acne:
      Our skin is our largest organ and one that helps us detox. One thing I’ve noticed in the conversations on this site is that people aren’t talking much about detox support as they work hard to kill microbes, bacteria, biofilm, fungus, etc. Many of us don’t detox well, which is why our bodies get overwhelmed in treatment or in every day life. We can have DNA mutations that interfere with proper detox and another process called methylation. Acne is a sign of hormonal imbalances, improper GI function, and/or poor detoxing. Lots of good info on line about safe and easy detoxing–I strongly encourage you to incorporate a simple protocol and then build from there. Start slow and steady.

      The main ways your body detoxes should be explored:

      – your blood carries toxins through your lymph nodes and liver so dry brushing is key in helping circulation and flushing –there is a lot of info online for dry brushing which you can do after you shower every day

      – also, you can take liver support like milk thistle seed extract, burbur, parsley extracts (they’re expensive but valuable and can be bought online)

      – exercise can help get the blood circulating but also, sweating is very healthy, especially in concert with bath soaks with some helpers like epsom salt, sea salt, hydrogen peroxide. There are good recipes online.

      – you are already well informed about food sensitivities – strict diet is key and may be something you need to commit to for several years but likely not forever once you get your gut balance back and help your immune system function a little more normally –70% of your immune system lives in your gut so andy imbalance there is likely going to affect how it under functions (to make you susceptible to illnesses) or over functions (which brings on auto-immune issues. If you aren’t already familiar, look into “leaky gut”

      – you are already well informed in gut health – rebuilding your gut flora is complicated and takes a long time. Most info I’ve researched suggests people don’t replenish w/ enough probiotics – since I’m doing IV antibiotics I take 800-900 billion probiotics daily. As always, high quality with as many varied strains that are live are critical. But also, people w/ acne usually don’t flush well in your digestion so you should incorporate a binder or two–psyllium husk, bentonite clay, or my favorite is pure cholestyramine (expensive Rx and not usually covered by insurance but it is doing miracles for some of my very serious digestive issues) but a binder used daily (with a 2-hr buffer after and before consuming anything else) or twice a day will really help heal your gut but you will also need to make sure you’re regular. The more bowel movements you have each day, the better. If this is a challenge for you (constipation also commonly causes acne) try drinking 2-3 tablespoons of pure organic tart cherry juice. I toss my probiotic into the cherry juice.

      – and sleep and stress control is sooooooo important. Stress is like a huge hairball clogging the pipes.

      There are other detox protocols but those are the basics.


  17. I am an RN and won’t stop until I am healthy. I am running across some very interesting stuff. I have been dealing with SIBO (supposedly) for the last 3 years. I had a parasite a year ago that cultured out in my stool, Blastocystis H. That was easy to get rid of, but the 3 days of die off were terrible. Still struggling with SIBO and stumbled across coffee enemas (google it- too much to explain) this stopped my bloating. Then came across a woman who detoxes heroin addicts w wheat grass (google wheatgrass). So started wheatgrass, then started colonics for a better coffee enema. Worms started coming out, both in colonics and in my toilet stools. Identified as a fish worm, Shistosomes- probably from sushi. Then went to an Applied Kinesiologist, who found I had 10 DIFFERENT TYPES OF PARASITES!!!!!!!!!!! She did no lab cultures, and she confirmed by her techniques (which are very unconventual ) that I had Shistosomes! on that list of parasites! I suggest to all of you out there LOOK OUT OF THE BOX! Western medicine (which I am included) is not helping us! You may have something totally different than you think and SIBO is a side effect. Find the root of your problem, SIBO is a symptom. Our food sources are messed up and they are ruining our bodies. Off of my soap box……. but please think bigger picture.

      • I would like to add I’m allergic to wheatgrass so that’s not an option but I’m researching the others. 🙂

        • Then how about trying Chlorophyl drinks (kale, spinach, apple, parsley and spirulina powder (at Whole Foods and maybe Sprouts). Coffee enemas I believe are what started to mobilize the parasites in my body. It is a green coffee from Canada, 10 times the caffeine of regular coffee and high Palmitic acid. It goes up your colon absorbs into the hemrroidal veins and into the Portal veins directly into the liver- irritates the liver, makes it purge the toxic build up and bile, gets your intestines moving and gets rid of the bad shit causing problems! Doing that for 3 weeks on my own, then starting to drink wheat grass and chlorophyl drinks, then I started professional colonics is when worms started coming out in the toilet. If I hadn’t of done this I would have never known I had worms! They don’t like to come out. MD’s kept telling me I had a virus and SIBO.

          • Try ‘GT’s Enlightened Kombucha. Multi-Green flavor’ It has of course probiotics, and Spirulina, Chlorophyll, and a few other green herbs. No unnecessary/extra ingredients. Every time I drink one of these I feel amazing. Tobi, what do you think?

          • Any reason for doing the coffee enema before the professional colonics?

            I’ve done coffee enema before, haven’t had amazing results, but curious about colonics


    • Is there a diet for sibo? As I read these blogs, I see I am eating all the wrong foods. I need help. I’m surprised that my Dr hasn’t suggestedig. November will be a year that I’ve been dealing with these stomach issues.HELPPPPPPP

      • Try a FODMAP diet. It’s been great for me to start. I picked up a good book to help my understanding by Patsy Catsos, “Free at Last!” Other posters are correct and there may be an underlying problem.

        My doctor prescribed an anti-spas med and while it is not helpful at this time (apparently I am overrun with bacteria at the moment) I believe it will be helpful after the antibiotic treatment.

        Hang in there and find the right gastro. Good luck!

      • Hi Sandra,

        I think i may be able to help you. I have been to doctors over the past 5 years. This past year, my latest doctor one figured out immediately what i had- SIBO. The breath test came back positive and i reacted to the solution immediately so i knew my doctor had to be right. I’ve been off and on antibiotics but i have a better solution since i keep getting reactions. My reactions are 6 month prego distention, constipated and severe abdominal pain when i ingest gluten. I stay on a strict meat/seafood/ veggie/ fruit strict diet. i I’ve tried eating gluten free items that are packaged does not work- for me. if i do get a reaction (and this may not be for everybody) i do a 2 ducolax, wait 2 hours, put 355ML of miralax into a pitcher and 40 oz of gatorade and let the magic happen. I then begin to resume my strict GF diet. Strict to the point of carrying all my food in coolers. i remain social but with my cooler close by. i hope i can help someone with this remedy because my original doctor told me to eat GF and nothing worked. So i tried the cleanse first and it did!!! My current doc put me on the antibiotics, the same antibiotics did not work the second round. I ended up with CDiff. anyways this is just a suggestion and worth a try.

      • Google Allison Siebecker’s SIBO diet. It’s a combo of the Specific Carb Diet and low-FODMAP.

      • Started with Coffee enemas on my own for a month, daily- I used 2 starbucks individual med roast packets (costco cheapest) and and 2 empty bottles of fleets enema. (again costco). Dumped the fleets out, added a pack of starbucks (which is not organic and would have been better, but I was just starting alternative self help) into the fleets bottle and added spring water or distilled water, mix well. Best to do after you have a BM so that you can hold the coffee for 15min, then sit on the toilet for whatever comes out. for the enema, Go lie on the bathroom floor on your left side to start, insert the enema tip and squeeze the coffee in, then the next bottle, there will be some left over so I mixed the two leftovers to get all the coffee I could. after you insert the coffee get your hips up on a pillow and now lie on your back a few minute to get the coffee into the transverse colon, then lie on your right side to get it to go to the ascending colon (if it does, idk, but thats our anatomy). The coffee enters your Hemorrhoidal veins, then goes into the portal veins up directly to the liver. It irritates the liver and makes it purge bile and toxins that have accumulated and are taxing the liver making it unable to do its job. After the first month, I learned about wheatgrass and coffee colonics (CLOSED SYSTEM COLONICS). I started drinking 2oz of fresh wheatgrass daily (wholefoods) and added chlorophyl drinks 12-16oz, then in between my own enemas, I started getting professional coffee enemas 3 times a week for two weeks, and have now cut down to two times a week. On my second professional colonic weird stuff came out. Then when I went home, what looked like an embryo (brown center/surrounded by a mucous looking coating, irregular shaped about the size of a marble) came out in the toilet. Continued as I was doing. After the 7th colonic the next morning at home, two approx. 10″ fucking worms came out with one piece of stool. I took a pic w my phone (and of everything). Absolutely disgusting looking. Sent it to a lab, who waited for more stool specimens before they would ID it…… But I had no other stools because of colonics. I ID’s it online as Schistosomes, fish worms, probably from sushi. My Applied Kinesiologist Identified Schistosomes in my body, mature and eggs 🙁 I have 10 parasites ID’d in me. Once you get one, it is easy to get more. Parasites are protein, in a normal healthy body, they are recognized and killed by our immune system, broken in little pieces and we poop them out and never know a thing. For many reasons, I was overwhelmed by them. Certain parasites can cause elevated esinophils, but otherwise not detected, majority of them don’t come out of us and do not culture out in stool specimens. Therefore many, most MD’s don’t know what is wrong with us. So at this time I am seeing an Applied Kinesiologist in Del Mar (San Diego County) who specializes in gut and parasites. Brandy Augustine PHD. She is fabulous. I am on a detox tea of hers as she also has me on supplements to strengthen my liver, kidneys and body so that when we do specifically go after a certain parasite, my body is strong enough to handle it. Parasites have very strong toxins they release and are inside of their bodies. When you kill them you can be overwhelm by the release. I had to call the paramedics as I was bent over in a fetal position for 4 hours then started throwing up bile that did not look like bile, it was thick and milky looking, shoeing my liver was not functioning properly, but liver enzymes were never elevated in the past. May I add MORE IS NOT BETTER! I decided on my own to add Oil of Oregano and Allisyn (high Dose of Garlic). I want these things out, they have stole 3 years of my life. But all the things I was doing created too many toxins and I had big time problems. Slow is better, as not to stress your body more than it can handle! But you still kill the organisms. With my own coffee enemas started, it got rid of my bloat. I had started to eat a balanced healthy diet, as I had been the perfect patient without results on a SIBO diet and my hair was falling out because of no carbs (which the Doctor said made no sense, but it was true. Once I started eating healthy carbs, English muffins and Jasmine Rice, along with the cheat of tortillas, my hair started to fill back in. As of this date, I am feeling better, still no bloat, looks like tiny pieces of parasites are coming out in colonics and the toilet with my stool. With the detox tea, at times I will get headaches and kidney aches as these things are being flushed out and releasing toxins. But Brandy takes care of this and wants no stress so she rids these symptoms, I just have to communicate to her what is happening. FINALLY I AM WINING THE BATTLE against these creatures. I feel our food is a big factor in creating these problems, the antibiotics and hormones are causing Dysbiosis in our guts.

        • Hi Tobi,

          Would a colonoscopy have found these parasites? Did you ever have one before you started your own coffee enemas?

          • Hi Lizzie,
            I have wondered this myself…….. not sure….. If they are so very difficult to culture out in a stool specimen, (which I’m not sure why 1) do they hang on tightly and not move with stools? , or 2) are they further up and possibly living in the small intestine, with accidental passage to the large intestine? or any other reason?) not sure if they can be seen in a colonoscopy. I am 59 1/2yo with my next one due in April, but God willing I will be healthy and rid of them by then!!

        • Thank you for sharing specifics of your journey. I appreciate knowing exactly what happens & exactly what to expect. I wondered about coffee colonics. If I drink it I get incredibly jittery & my heart races. Will I have the same happen if I consume it at the other end? Sounds funny, I know. Decaf? Seriously.

          • Hi Carey,
            Coffee enemas have a totally different purpose and effect than drinking coffee orally. Decaf would defeat the purpose, which is to get up to your liver and get it purging and working efficiently again, to get your gut working properly. The green coffee I use for coffee enemas has 10 times the caffeine that we drink, I felt no caffeine side effects at all.

    • Tobi, can you please tell me how long you had your symptoms before you realize it was si Bo and that you discovered you had the parasites……what’s your symptoms bloating very bad pain and gas.my pain is lower right abdomen and has been there for quite some time I have had a colonoscopy I have had endoscopy I have CT scans both contrasting contrasting I have had the ercp surgery and oh yes diagnosed with IBS. I have had my symptoms for going on for years now and I am quite frankly sick of it the pain is immense at times it seems like it has made me back hurt. no matter what I eat little or small portions big portions ice well and can be small on for weeks at a time with horrible gas…..

      Please reply.

      • Robert,
        I had a very stressful event,Oct. 2010, My husband died 2 months after being diagnosed w Pancreatic CA. Approx. 6months later I was not feeling great and started seeking care of a DO. We balanced my hormones, and did a nutra eval, and I started on supplements I was low in or lacking. I was exercising like crazy 12-14hours a week as an antidepressant. Then I started getting overly tired, thinking I overtrained…. took time off and then decreased the amount of time of exercise to half that when I started up agiain. (Most likely I was in adrenal shut down, which my labs did not show). I believe at that time I was very compromised and started getting parasites, or else ones I had already, started to take over. So still being treated by the DO, we did genetic testing, and searched for mitochondrial dysfunction as a possible explanation for my lack of energy. Nothing came to light so I was on a bunch of supplements to replace what I was lacking. (Basically feeding the parasites what they were depleting me of.) 90% or more parasites do not culture out in stools. 2013 I had the same complaints, so we retested my nutra eval, and I was worse off than the test in 2011! SO she had me stop taking everything, and said I can’t help you until we figure out what is wrong with your gut, it is really messed up. Sent home to do the breathing test (which came back + for SIBO) and a stool specimen (which came back + for Blasto). I also had Candida overgrowth. I was going on a trip so she wanted me to wait until I got back home in a week to treat the Blasto. While I was gone, we treated the Candida, and I was bed ridden with die off for 3 days, and it was like a miracle how I felt after. Then got home and took Alinia for 3 days for the Blasto, again bed ridden for 3 days and I didn’t care if I died the first night, it felt so bad. Again like a miracle after, the way I felt. Then tried dealing w the SIBO with 3 rounds of Rifaximin- I think it was 10 days each, with a breath test in between. My methane started at 150 and slowly made it down to 21. They like it to be below 20. She didn’t want to start me on an AB again, and I said I wasn’t doing it anyway because my body couldn’t handle more. This was April 2015. So we tried the herbal route w NEEM and Alysin (high dose garlic) I had a terrible “reaction” to these herbs and had to stop them. Actually I think they were killing the parasites (we didn’t know I had, because they never cultured out) and I had a terrible reaction to the toxins. So I stopped the herbs and I was just following a SIBO diet. I started doing my online research myself and found out about coffee enemas. July 14th, 2015, I started them myself at home, and they were stopping my bloat. Then new neighbors moved in, and I found out more about coffee enemas and colonics through the wife (who works with this professionally). The ball started rolling…. August 23rd I started professional closed system colonics and wheatgrass about the same time. Second colonic, a worm egg ball came out in my toilet at home, totally clean w/o stool. Didn’t know what it was at the time. After the 7th colonic, again at home w/o stool, two 10-12 inch worms came out. On my own I added Oil of Oregano and Alysin again to my treatment regime, which was a mistake, too many die at once and I ended up in the ER with severe stomach cramps and vomiting up bile, which did not look like bile (it was thick and looked like melted yellow ice cream), worms are in my liver). CT scan showed no blockage and no diverticulitis, but generalized edema. Since that time, I started seeing my Applied Kinesiologist, Brandy Augustine PhD, who identified the same worm in my toilet, without knowing I had worms yet. She identified 10 species of parasites in me. I have had approx 30 colonics to date with 20-30 THOUSAND parasites come out of me! These have been mostly babies, and teenager stages of life, with possibly 20 adults. Note, I have had no other signs or symptoms except being overly tired and exhausted some days. I saw Brandy today, and we think 5 of the parasites are gone, but there is a new one identified (parasites carry parasites, and this could have been on or in one of them). Parasites also carry heavy metals with them. My metals are decreasing and I am feeling stronger as of last Wednesday! We are gaining on these creatures! 😀 I feel good To answer on e of your questions…… I always had bloating but never terrible gas that I passed. The bloating would just go away with time if I stayed away from sugars and carbs.

        • Tobi S – thanks for your response to Robert. Very insightful, especially about the neem and garlic, hopefully you are getting much better and enroute to full recovery. One question about the kinesiologist, you mentioned she identified the parasites in you, how did she go about that? Sorry I don’t know much about the kinesiology side but will look into it. Thanks

          • LOL Being a nurse it was like quackery- but I was desperate and she made me a believer!!! As she identified the worm that came out in my toilet without me telling her I had worms! They do muscle testing and it utilizes our bodies magnetic field. A similar belief as acupuncturists. A Western medical professional has trouble being opened minded to things like this. But I am definitely a believer. It is not Kinesiology, BUT Applied Kinesiology. Finding a good one is priceless!!

            • Hi Tobi. Amazing story Godbless you trough your journey. What is the doctors name of applied kinesiology in SD you seen?

              • Brandy Ausgustine Phd
                1201 Camino Del Mar #205
                Del Mar, Ca. 92014
                [email protected]

                5 parasites killed and 6 to go, parasites carry parasites, and when you kill one they release their contents. But I have felt better and stronger since November 4th, and continue to improve 😀 Thank you Chris for your well wishes! Best to you also

  18. Hi, all. I hope this thread is still active. I am getting desperate as I’m really having difficulty working because I feel so bad, slightly relieved when lying down.

    I started back in April with stomach ache all the time and not being able to eat. I’d feel full after just a bite or two. Went through the whole upper GI endoscope, colonoscopy, ct scans with and without contrast, ultrasound (which resulted in removal of gallbladder but no improvement) and now for the past three months my stomach bloats out like I’m 7 months pregnant and painful. My pain and majority of the bloat is between sternum and belly button, now lower abdomen.

    GI doc diagnosed IBS-C and ordered breath test that was positive for SIBO, as well as off the charts for lactose intolerance. GI doc did not state whether I blew methane or just hydrogen, or both. For the past month he’s had me on cipro at 250 milligrams every other day (this does not seem like enough to do anything) and if anything my symptoms are worse. The weird thing is even though my guts blow up, I am NOT flatulent nor do I burp very much. I am miserable every day and the past week I’ve been so tired I can hardly function (probably due to malnutrition at this point). I have eaten low-carb paleo-ish for several years before this even started. Doctor recommended low carb/high fat/no fiber and I have been following that along with the cipro.

    I have also tried taking enteric peppermint oil, but just gives heartburn if not taken with food, no relief of symptoms. I have also been taking a digestive enzymes supplement that seems to help somewhat with pain following what little I do manage to eat. For that matter, it doesn’t seem to matter if I eat or not, I still bloat, but it’s worse after eating.

    Anyone else experience SIBO this way? I find lots of complaints of the bloating/distension, but also of major flatulence and diarrhea, which I do not have. Would anything else produce a positive breath test? Has anyone found any relief? I’m glad for the weight loss I’m experiencing, as I could stand to lose another 20 pounds or so, but I’m so tired of this.

    • Idk about anyone else, but I e been dealing with SIBO (diagnosed by breath test) for the last 3 years, I BELIEVED. I was not getting better so I searched for more helped. Funny how people come into ours lives at the right times. long story short- I started coffee enemas, wheat grass to detox and colonics, this dissipated my bloat and stomach problems. Now parasites (visible worms) are coming out both in the colonics and in my stools in the toilet. A specimen was sent to the lab and results pending. THIS IS MOST LIKELY THE ROOT OF MY GUT PROBLEMS! All parasites do not culture out. Mine did not either from Past specimens sent. ALL of you suffering out there, it is worth the try!

      • Hi there Tobi S Just curious… Are you STILL doing coffee enemas and colonics? Or were you able to ween yourself off? I’m dependent on them to survive and feel like a prisoner some days, and others, I’m grateful that I have them? It’s gotten to the point that colonics and water enemas produce nothing expect some undigested lettuce and the water just remains stuck until I ruminate it out throughout the day.

      • Tobi, posted my issues and my comments that I think they went to Chris will you please read the posting thank you

    • I had self diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant for years, but even with avoiding dairy I was still sick a few times a week, always bloated and uncomfortable. I went to a new gastroenterologist 2 years ago who did breath test and I was diagnosed with SIBO. He prescribed Xifaxan and for 6 months I felt like a new person! Regularity for the first time since I could ever remember! Then my symptoms slowly came back. I tried it again, but it wasn’t as effective. Then my insurance changed and it was $1100 so the antibiotic was no longer an option. I did a lot of research and found a diet from a doctor in Pinehurst, NC. – http://www.pinehurstmedical.com/downloads/GI/Diet-martin_scd_en.pdf

      I changed my eating habits and cut out sugar, high fructose corn syrup, beer, dairy…all the good tasting thing and went to a whole grain – no white flour, no white rice, no beer, no sugar,no soda – as close as I can be to the diet noted. It has been about a year and I feel so much better. I am not bloated and uncomfortable all the time and my bouts of being sick and needing to always be near a bathroom have decreased immensely. I also lost close to 15 pounds just by changing what I eat and drink. I do have slight relapses now and again, but usually it’s because I ate a piece of cheese, had cookie or celebrated with a margarita…who can live on a “cardboard” diet 100% of the time?

    • Kris,

      Please see my post below, I didn’t have the a typical symptoms. After doing much research I believe I am a methane problem, however I am not sure if one can tell that just from breath test. Chripo did not work for me. I went on Xifaxan 3 times a day for almost 6 weeks, now I am on the compound specialty med I talked about before. Explain to the doctor more details make him/her sit down and work with you. Ask about Xifaxan possibly. Also I notice I have trigger foods not one set diet is perfect for me. That took years of understanding, prior to knowing about SIBO.

      • Thanks, Tiffany. I had another follow-up with my GI yesterday. I asked about the hydrogen vs. methane from my test results. He said they don’t have the capability to measure methane, so he doesn’t know if I also produce methane, but my hydrogen readings were very high. He now is going to switch me to the Xifaxan (that thankfully is covered by my insurance, which I’ll start as soon as it arrives from the mail order – no brainer with local pharmacy $517 vs. $20 for mail order service with my insurance). Probiotics he just suggested Floragen. I tried taking it initially and it made things worse, so waiting until it hopefully gets under control before trying to rebuild gut flora. I’d love more info about specific types of probiotic strains you are having compounded. GI isn’t sure 100% of my problems are completely from SIBO alone, so if I don’t have improvement in the next few weeks after starting Xifaxan, he’s going to refer me to the state medical college for evaluation. As far as foods, anything aggravates it at this point still. I’m eating only meat and small amounts of cooked, low-carb, low fiber veggies only.

    • I am experiencing everything you are. Have had all the same test. I am still miserable. I look pregnant and at 66 years old we know that ain’t happening. I am struggling with medicare to approve a drug that my GIRLFRIEND doctor requested. Is there a diet that could help me?

      • Sandra, Google SCD or SIBO diet. My doctor recommended low carb, low fiber and high fat. SCD gets a bit more specific with food lists and when to try reintroducing foods.

    • My signs and symptoms were bloating (sometimes as full as 6 months preg), leaky gut, sometimes I would gain 5lbs in one night if I ate the wrong food, constipation with normal looking stools otherwise, no regurge, no gas, no belching, very tired, brain fog, very hard to learn or concentrate, no skin problems, not sick all the time.

    • The probiotic VSL#3 has drastically helped my wife in the past six months. It comes in capsules or sachets that you can get or order at your pharmacy without a prescription. While a bit expensive it is life transforming. Prior to finding this solution she spent three years burping constantly, irregular and varying texture and colored bowel movements, most very greasy indicating low fat absorption. Unable to drink any alcohol, dairy, beef, spicy food, or any soups with a lot of liquid. Her hair was falling out, nails turned orangish yellow and stopped growing, and generally felt horrible combined with sleep interruption and low vitamin d and b levels in blood tests. I was watching her health slowly decline and unable to do anything. All this we think started after taking antiparasitic medicine Zentel for eggs in feces possibly from contaminated salmon sushi. Multiple GI doctors including endoscopy and cultures were useless. She takes 6 capsules per day (each capsule has over 110 billion CFUs) and her hair has stopped falling, nails returned to normal color and growing fast, and blood test shows normal vitamin d and b levels. Still can’t have alcohol and while not free of all symptoms 100%, six months on she feels miles away from how she felt before. She continues to take the VSL#3 and hopefully will continue to see improvement. Would recommend to anyone looking for natural alternative. While I have no proof I personally believe irresponsible handling and preparation of raw fish for sushi is driving a silent and overlooked epidemic of parasitic infections that are resulting in SIBO and other afflictions. All it takes is carelessly cutting the fish too close to the stomach lining that comes with filleted fish or with a cross contaminated knife that was used to gut and fillet a fish, piercing the stomach wall and touching the edible flesh.

      • Very interesting points about quality of sushi and mishandling/prep! I think I might need to avoid it for awhile. Glad your wife is improving.