Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue. People with fibromyalgia often experience tenderness at certain points on their body when pressure is applied.
Fibromyalgia sufferers also experience other symptoms, including:
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
- Morning stiffness
- Headaches
- Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet
- Menstrual irregularities and pain
- Difficulty concentrating (i.e. “brain fog”)
According to the most recent statistics, about five million Americans (roughly 1 in 50) suffer from fibromyalgia. It’s the second most common musculoskeletal ailment behind arthritis, and it affects females far more often than males (it is seven times more common in women).
As anyone with fibromyalgia will tell you, it’s a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of life. For example:
- People with fibromyalgia are three to four times more likely to suffer from depression.
- 50% of fibromyalgia sufferers have difficulty performing daily activities.
- 30–40% of people with fibromyalgia have to quit work or change jobs.
- People with fibromyalgia are hospitalized once every three years on average.
- The average fibromyalgia patient uses three or four drugs daily to control symptoms.
What Is the Conventional Approach to Fibromyalgia?
There is no laboratory test to diagnose fibromyalgia. Instead, patients are diagnosed based on their symptoms and history, and after excluding other diseases that may present with similar symptoms, such as rheumatoid arthritis, major depressive disorder, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases.
There is no consensus in the medical community on what causes fibromyalgia. However, the current theory is that it may involve a variety of factors, including:
- Genetics. Fibromyalgia runs in families, so there may be genetic mutations that make people more susceptible to it.
- Infections. Some viral or bacterial infections appear to trigger or aggravate fibromyalgia.
- Physical or emotional trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder has been linked to fibromyalgia.
An Alternative Theory on What Causes Fibromyalgia
For many years I’ve suspected that fibromyalgia is caused by gut dysfunction. I noticed that the vast majority of my patients with fibromyalgia also had digestive problems, and when I started to run tests on them, I discovered that many of them had gut infections, dysbiosis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and leaky gut.
Could an unhealthy gut be the cause of fibromyalgia?
Then I decided to look into whether this connection had been explored in the scientific literature. Sure enough, there were several studies connecting fibromyalgia with problems in the gut. For example:
- 73% of patients with fibromyalgia reported GI symptoms, compared with 37% of those with osteoarthritis. (1)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is present in 30–70% of fibromyalgia patients. (2)
- 33% of IBS patients meet the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia, compared to just 4% of control subjects. (3)
- Up to 50% of patients with fibromyalgia have functional dyspepsia, which is a fancy term for “indigestion” with no known cause. (4)
While I was intrigued by these correlations, they are just that—correlations. What’s more, like fibromyalgia, IBS and functional dyspepsia are simply diagnoses based on symptoms, so these papers didn’t shed much light on what actually might be causing both the fibromyalgia and the IBS/indigestion.
In functional medicine, we’re always concerned with finding the underlying mechanism or cause, because addressing that is what will lead to the most effective and long-lasting treatment.
For example:
- A study in 2008 found a relationship between alterations of the intestinal microbiota (i.e. “gut flora”) and fibromyalgia. (5)
- Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles found that 100% (42/42) of fibromyalgia patients they studied had small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This is astounding. (6)
- A study of 40 patients with fibromyalgia, 28 (70%) had intestinal permeability (i.e. leaky gut). Importantly, 12 of the 28 patients with leaky gut had no gut symptoms. I believe this is one reason the gut is often overlooked as a potential underlying cause of fibromyalgia. (7)
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Are Gut Problems the Cause—or Effect—of Fibromyalgia?
Of course, one might ask “Are these gut problems causing fibromyalgia, or is it the other way around?”
At least one study has directly addressed this question. A group of patients with fibromyalgia that were positive for SIBO were split into two groups. One group received antibiotics to treat the SIBO, and the other group received a placebo. Significant improvement of fibromyalgia symptoms was observed in the patients that achieved eradication of SIBO with antibiotics, whereas no improvement was seen in patients who took placebo or who still tested positive for SIBO after the antibiotics. (8) This suggests that SIBO plays a causal role in fibromyalgia for at least some patients.
A New Approach to Treating Fibromyalgia
I’ve written extensively about how to do that elsewhere on my blog (this free eBook on gut health is a great place to start), but here’s a brief summary of the most important steps:
- Avoid foods, medications (e.g. antibiotics), and chemicals (e.g. BPA) that irritate the gut.
- Eat plenty of fermentable fibers (starches like sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.).
- Eat fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kim chi, etc..
- Consume bone broth and glycine-rich foods (e.g. tougher cuts of meat like beef shanks, oxtail, brisket, and chuck roast).
- Consider taking a probiotic (I prefer options like the Daily Synbiotic from Seed) and/or a prebiotic supplement.
- Treat any intestinal pathogens (such as parasites) that may be present.
- Manage your stress (with mediation, mindfulness practice, biofeedback, etc.).
- Get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night.
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I have read many of the comments posted below and find a very personal story in almost all of them. I have been on prednisone for six years to control joint pain of “unknown origin” and have been diagnosed with immune dysfunction. This was the best diagnosis my medical doctor could come up with, but my real diagnoses include food sensitivities, IBS, intestinal permeability, SIBO, and Candida-leading to fibromyalgia. I am sure this started due to chronic antibiotic used as a child due to the sinus and ear infections I had from my dairy sensitivity, followed by a stress, PPI’s for severe GERD (also from food sensitivities), and antibiotics as an adult. I have every symptom of fibromyalgia including the sensitivity to nightshades-eating white potatoes can render me disabled for several days. I have had the most success by following the autoimmune Paleo approach to eating. I have also use the low FODMAP approach and continue to do so. I have read most of the books that are available but have recently read the book by Amy Myers MD-“The Autoimmune Solution”. I am currently following this diet along with the supplements and doing quite well. The last food I was hanging onto for fear of not having anything to eat was rice. I stopped rice three days ago and I’ve noticed that the remaining joint pain I have left is indeed disappearing. I am mostly eating vegetables, meat and a small amount of fruit, and healthy oils. I am absolutely free of dairy, sugar, grains, eggs, soy, nuts, and nightshades. If I go off my diet even one time I will start to have joint pain the same day. I hope to be off Prednisone in a month or so-which is mandatory because I now have osteopenia (from the prednisone). I’m working very hard to improve my bone strength with supplemental calcium, vitamin D3, magnesium vitamin K, and strength training (very gentle at this point trying not to cause a relapse). I’m quite frustrated by the side effects from prednisone, but I do feel I would’ve been on disability without it . Fibromyalgia is a devastating disorder that is not being recognized by some of the medical community-this is very difficult for me because I am a medical professional. I think my favorite line is “I will survive in spite of traditional medicine”. I can’t even begin to remember how many times I have been given a wrong diagnosis or heard “I don’t know what’s wrong with you” and “it’s all in your head”- you’ve all heard this all before and this is tragic. The medical profession Is starting to understand some of this but, I think your best bet is to stick to a functional medicine doctor and have faith! I do think everyone the fibromyalgia would benefit from the changes that are in the books about autoimmunity and inflammation including fibromyalgia.
The main reason I was not given a fibromyalgia diagnosis was because prednisone worked immediately for me and I was told prednisones does not help with fibromyalgia. I know now that prednisone does help with fibromyalgia -found out from reading blogs not from my doctor. FYI-The other authors I have found helpful are Sarah Ballantyne, Diane Sanfilippo, and Mark Hyman.
I can back up your assumption that predisone works on fibromyalgia. I had a respitory infection and they gave me the predisone and where I usually go up and down the stairs holding on to the rails, I was floating down without holding on to anything. My joints did not hurt at all. So tempted but I knew the side effects and could not take the chance but for about 8 days I felt so good until it wore off and I felt crappy again. I do not take any prescriptions for Fibro, I try alternative measures.
Predisone is a steroid that shrinks skin tissues. It also makes your skin paper thin, the longer you take it. Steroids, temporarily provide relief, but steroids and antibiotics led to a systemic yeast infection that mushroomed in my sinus’s, over 20 years ago. Basically you have to treat this as a Candida infection of the nervous system. You need to go gluten free, eliminate sugars, outside of honey. Take a look at the Eat for Your Blood Type Book. It is all about the “ecosystem” of the body. Balance your bodies Ph… and you will see Fibro gradually disappear.
To heal bones it is also recommended to take Boron. I suggest that you look at the Youngevity product of Dr Joel Wallach since it contains 90 essential supplements and is relatively cheap. I recommend Youngevity since a high percentage of all chemical processes in the body are done by enzymes. And all enzymes needs a vitamine and a mineral, without them they do not function. Furthermore, even functional medicine is not yet advanced enough that it can claim to know everything, but we do know that the full 90 essential minerals, vitamins and amino-acids are required for all enzymes to work prroperly.
I am working on gut healing but it is not helping my fibromyalgia at all. My gut health has improved though. As for sleep, NOTHING seems to help. I am losing hope since the gut diet is not helping. It has been almost a year since I started. I am wondering about iodine to treat it.
May I recommend getting a sleep study done to test for sleep apnea? I can’t recall the specific study, but they tested women who had no former symptoms of fibromyalgia – that is, all very healthy women – and put them through one full month of waking them up every hour on the hour. At the end of the study, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN had developed fibromyalgia! That’s huge! I myself have sleep apnea, chronic sleep disorder, myofascial pain disorder and fibromyalgia, and one of the greatest things that has helped me, aside from meds (especially Prednisone and yes, Narcotics, despite what they say about them, that they don’t help – mine is sooo severe every Dr. I’ve seen has said I’m the worst case they’ve ever had and appologize to me for it – and I’m only 30) has been my CPAP machine (that is, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine) which breathes for you so you don’t wake up so much in the middle of the night. It’s very possible you have sleep apnea, which means you literally stop breathing for at least 10 seconds while you’re sleeping, so finding out if you have it could actually save your life.
Some of this advice is horrible, such as eating starches and especially taking soil-based organisms. Avoid gmo foods and pesticides at all cost and eliminate processed foods and refined sugar from your diet. Temporarily(probably for a year or two) remove grains and starches from your diet until your gut can repair itself and then keep them in moderation thereafter. Dairy and non-organic meat should be severely moderated during this time as well. Best that beans, nuts and seeds be soaked, even better, sprouted whenever consumed and always buy organic and eat as raw as possible. The rest of this advice is sound. Any toxins you put into your system with a leaky gut, are varyingly bypassing the natural filters in your system and being released into your blood, then attacking everything, starting with existing and underlying conditions. I’m not a doctor. In my opinion, this is the best information I’ve discovered in my research on the subject.
I know its been a while since you posted Merc, but I totally agree that the recommendations are shocking for people with SIBO and Fibromylagia. Most of the stuff recommended will feed SIBO and make conditions worse. I have severe Fibromyalgia that is triggered by electromagnetic frequencies from wireless devices and I’m 100% sure I have SIBO although I have forgone testing in favour of treating myself naturally. I had a severe H.Pylori infection for most of my life which I cleared almost 2 years ago, and was diagnosed with Hashimotos a few years ago too. I cut gluten, dairy, fluoride, permanently and all other high lectin foods temporarily which helped me get my Thyroid back to normal function without meds. I’m now working on clearing the SIBO which probably developed as a result of the Pylori lowering stomach acidity. I’m researching Dr Patrick Nemechecks protocol of using high DHA (3000mgs), 2tbsps of olive oil, Inulin and ALA (not sure if this is Alpha Lipoic Acid or Alpha Lineolic Acid).
I’ve got fibromyalgia (started in2008), chronic fatigue, migraines (my whole life), hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, over-growth of candida, and sibo-like symptoms (not diagnosed yet). Also have brain-fog, forgetfulness, depression, and anxiety.
My naturopathic doc is treating for candida with diflucan, pao d’arco, Serra peptase, and oregano oil. We haven’t done specific treatment for sibo. Should I finish candida treatment first?
I recently started acupuncture treatments for the headaches. The lady that does them recommended no foods with tyramine which seems very much like histamine triggering foods.
As far as diet, I’m taking their advice… No tyramine/histamine foods, no gluten, no sugar, and a lot less dairy (probably should avoid completely). I’m eating unprocessed/uncured meats, veggies, rice, quinoa, and more good fats. All of this is beginning to help.
Meds like lyrica lost their effectiveness. Old doc had me on 800 mg of ibuprofen 3x day. That royally hurt my stomache! In the past, docs have had me on various antibiotics, birth control pills, and antidepressants. I find traditional docs uninformed and possibly causing greater damage. My naturopath is doing a better job of trying to treat the cause rather than the symptom. I hope traditional docs will get better training for treating all these things.
Thanks for the info on this site! It’s helping a lot of people.
May I recommend getting a sleep study done to test for sleep apnea? I can’t recall the specific study, but they tested women who had no former symptoms of fibromyalgia – that is, all very healthy women – and put them through one full month of waking them up every hour on the hour. At the end of the study, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN had developed fibromyalgia! That’s huge! I myself have sleep apnea, chronic sleep disorder, myofascial pain disorder and fibromyalgia, and one of the greatest things that has helped me, aside from meds (especially Prednisone and yes, Narcotics, despite what they say about them, that they don’t help – mine is sooo severe every Dr. I’ve seen has said I’m the worst case they’ve ever had and appologize to me for it – and I’m only 30) has been my CPAP machine (that is, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine) which breathes for you so you don’t wake up so much in the middle of the night. It’s very possible you have sleep apnea, which means you literally stop breathing for at least 10 seconds while you’re sleeping, so finding out if you have it could actually save your life.
Oops, I’m so sorry – that was meant for a different person, but I have some great advice for you as well, as I suffered from the overgrowth of candida as well – it was a nightmare and I was pregnant at the time so I had to try my hardest to not use drugs like Diflucan, though at times my Dr. and I had no choice. But then I found the best cure EVER and will never go back, and it’s sooo cheap and relieving, though it sounds quite odd. It’s very homeopathic, so I think you’ll like it. Okay, please don’t think me odd, I researched this thoroughly and it makes perfect sense once you think about it. The best cure I’ve found is soaking a tampon for 15 minutes in PLAIN yogurt, Greek or regular, but make sure it has at least 4 different active cultures – that’s what’s most important, well that and that it’s plain and not flavored at all. You’ll want to open it up a bit to expand it and allow the yogurt to fully soak the whole tampon, and when the times up, I recommend doing this over a towel and a cupped hand to catch any dripping, but just insert and leave in for about 4-6 hours or even overnight. I would wear a pad with it and if there is external itching, smooth the extra yogurt whereever your discomfort lies. This actually works for yeast infections anywhere on your body. And you can freeze the tampon if you’d prefer, though I’ve never tried that – it sounds a bit too frosty for me – lol! You gotta laugh at this stuff or it’s just too depressing, right?! Well, I know this is probably the weirdest comment on the site, but I know it works wonders and I truly hope you try it because it’s amazing. God bless you, my poor fellow sufferer. And may you feel some relief from your symptoms soon!
This is not weird. When I was pregnant with my daughter (who is now 33), I got a vaginal yeast infection and my OB actually “prescribed” vaginally induced plain yogurt. Didn’t mess with a tampon as I’m not so sure using a tampon while pregnant would be a good idea, but using an applicator (back then the dr gave me one…kinda looked like a plastic tampon casing) that I filled with yogurt and there ya’ go. Worked like a charm. I do have to admit that in the 33 years since, I still can’t actually EAT yogurt now.
Why mess with yogurt? I actually just open a probiotic capsule and put what I can as far into my vagina as possible when I have the first sign of a yeast infection. If you do not start getting better within 24 hours it probably will not work, but if you can avoid antifungals with the probiotic its worth a try.
Fodmap diet has helped my brain fgo go away, dry mouth and throat stopped,
I was 18 when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which my doctor said seemed odd because its usually not found that young. Im 19 now and have found that regular exercise and a mix of daily vitamins helps. Ive never had digestive issues. My vitamins started out as a suggestion from my doctor. He suggested CQ10 and Vitamin D. From that I have added a fish oil, biotin, and B-12. I’ve found that keeping a fairly clean diet can help too but being a broke college student that isn’t always an option. My biggest issues are usually due to increased stress and anxiety and lack of sleep. Those two things end up causing me the most pain. Being a college student thats a huge issue.
I was a very healthy 33 year old until 5 years ago i had a gyn procedure that created a small hole in my small bowel that was left untreated for 4 weeks. After being sent home over and over complaining of pain after the procedure I collapsed and ended up in the ER with sepsis and peritonitis. I had open surgery to clean out the infection of the leaking bowel, a small bowel resection and my infected appendix removed. After a week in the hospital I was sent home. I have never been the same since. I have since had 2 additional surgeries for adhesion’s and been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and hypersomnia. I also have GI problems now I never had before. I suffer from severe fatigue, pain in my joints and flu like symptoms. I know i have to live with adhesion’s but I need my energy back. I take medication for pain and depression. I am 38 years old with 4 children and I need some relief or answers to help me. I don’t want to except this as my life, I need energy, i need to be pain free for myself and my children. Its heartbreaking when my kids ask me “Mommy how are you feeling today”, “Mommy whats wrong with you, why can’t you get up and play with us”. The hospital saved my life but my life is not the same and no one tells you this when they send you home from the hospital or wants to help you with issues once the main problem of infection and bowel resection is resolved. I am looking for help and tired of going to doctors with no answers on how to feel better. I am just told I need to learn to live with it. I don’t accept this as an answer. I know my bowel issues and past infection have something to do with it. Looking for relief!!! Please help
Hi Jennifer
do take heart, I’ve had FM for over 5 years too and even just a few weeks of gluten and dairy free has reduced my symptoms. I’m having a bad day today, but that’s off the back of 3 or 4 good days, which I can live with. I have found a way to accept what is, make peace with it, so that I still have energy to try new things. You don’t have to go down the ‘acceptance as giving up’ route, there are lots of options.
good luck
Hi Jennifer
I believe you can get your life back with some very hard work. I became exhausted when I was 28, now 33. I lost my career and my very fun social life. I cut out wheat, took lactase enzymes and did graded exercise therapy on a treadmill at home. I also took milk thistle and Probiotics. After about 1 year of hard work, after being ill for 3-4 years I had more energy than I could have wished for. I wasn’t fixed completely but I could manage so much more. I even fell pregnant and we had bee n trying unsuccessfully for 3 years. However during pregnancy I ate wheat stopped the enzymes. I had c section and stacks of antibiotics and now I’m 36, my son is 22month and my pain and exhaustion is worse than ever. He grabs my hand to play and I can’t I’m flat out on sofa; it’s heart breaking. So I do know how u feel. I most certainly couldn’t manage 4! I had sold my treadmill for space for toys. BUT now I know how vital that is and dietary changes are I’ve got a new treadmill. It may seem daunting all the advice but just introduce one change at a time. Keep a brief journal to keep track of what works. And good luck. There is lots of hope xxx
If you are still looking for help please contact me. I sell natural products focused on healing the gut, and sooo many Fibro sufferers are finding relief from their symptoms with this. It doesn’t cure Fibro, bit it definitely may help you find some relief.
Jennifer, what gyn procedure did you have. I’m so sorry you were harmed by the procedure and have lost so much. I was mangled by a uro procedure too and the meds I took to treat the pain have wreaked havoc on my gut which has robbed me of a lot of vitality and joy.
My wife got diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in January of this year. She’s always had issues with dairy and I also figured out with gluten (I cook and every time we had gluten her tummy would swell).
We went gluten free in January of this year. Two months ago, she cut out most dairy too.
I truly now think that her fibromyalgia is a combination of things. She had a genetic report done through 23andme and then ran that information through Nutrihacker and that indicated several issues – she had the MTHFR gene defect and several others that impaired her ability to rid her body of xenoestrogens and heavy metals.
We eat very clean now. She eliminated most sugar, all sweeteners and all processed foods. She avoids high glycemic fruits and potatoes / white rice.
We start each day out with a fresh veggie juice with either some pineapple or papaya in it (for the enzymes). She takes methyl Bs (she takes two supplements from Ben Lynch / Seeking Health – a Optimal Start and the Methyl Bs with Folate and B-12 in their methyl versions. This helps her with SAM-e production and glutathione.
She drinks a bioactive whey scoop each morning in purified water along with Great Lakes Collagen (great for joint aches).
She now also takes Lumbrokinase (a powerful natural enzyme) along with a supplement called Candida Complex by Nature Bound to fight the biofilms once per day.
She also takes one more supplement that is great for heavy metal detox too. She still has some mercury fillings that we want to get removed soon. It’s called DIM Detox by Pure Encapsulations. It’s a great pill to get rid of heavy metals and xenoestrogens.
Before bed, she takes one more supplement called Anxiety & Stress with L-Theanine and Valerian Root (a sleep protocol that Jacob Tietlebaum has mentioned). It’s made by Bio Herbal Tech. This has helped a lot.
In addition, she takes VitK2 with olive oil. VitK2 has been shown to put calcium in the proper places in your body. I personally think that muscle can calcify. VitK 2 prevents that (and helps your arteries too).
In January, she said she’d rather die than go on living like she is. Now, she’s 70% better (six months later). She’s upstairs doing an hour long exercise video as I’m typing this. I’m a researcher and I’ve been the one finding the answers for her.
We also go a good holistic practitioner that doesn’t believe in masking the symptoms with pills like Lyrica. He has given her needle injections with ozone and steroids into her pressure points too. That also has helped tremendously.
She takes also a probiotic that is dairy free and soy free as well daily that we got from Costco. It’s called Trunature Digestive Probiotic.
Hope this helps some. Eating better is the number one thing you can do. Eliminate gluten / grains and eat green veggies and grass fed meat or at least non antibiotic meats whenever possible.
Hey, Thanks Mike you’ve covered a lot there & an extensive protocol that has achieved some positive results. I am a sufferer too & it really feels like life or death sometimes. I have been doing extensive research & find myself looking at very similar protocols. Melatonin for deep sleep may help as well as 5-HTP, but it sounds like what your doing is working.
Cheers for sharing
I’ve been diagnosed with FM for over 5 years now and whilst amitriptyline helps with sleep and takes the edge off the pain, it has dramatically impacted what I can do. I still have a full on career though, just have to pace myself and I often can’t do anything much after a hard day. I’ve heard good things about the Paleo diet and have read Chris’s book. I’m going to embark on the 30day reset and start working out what impact different foods have. Are there any resources like shopping lists and quick recipes that are helpful for someone just starting out? was a great resource for me. I got a six-month membership from groupon. It had great recipes and shopping list. I did the Paleo reset a year ago and realized I definitely need to stay off gluten. I have been gluten free for a year now and it has made a huge difference in my stomach issues. I have not stayed Paleo, but feel like I need to go back to that way of eating because I had so much more energy, better quality sleep and just overall less pain.
95% of patients with a diagnosis of CFS/Fibro actually have 2 conditions Ehlers Danlose Syndrome a genetic born
mutation of Collagen ‘glue’ passed on from either Parent with condition called MCAD Mast Cell Activation Disorder see
Wikepedia Ehlers Danlos Syndrome also see Anne Maitland immunologist New York on Mast Cell Activation Disorders
there is no Cure but some medicines/diets as well food eliminations low histamine type foods tomatos tuna spinach are high in histamines…steroids low dose also anti histamines over the counter can help numerous types…
95% of patients with a diagnosis of CFS/Fibro actually have 2 conditions Ehlers Danlose Syndrome a genetic born
mutation of Collagen ‘glue’ passed on from eithr parent with condition called MCAD Mast Cell Activation Disorder see
Wikepedia Ehlers Danlos Syndrome also see Anne Maitland immunologist New York on Mast Cell Activation Disorders
there is no Cure but some medicines/diets as well food eliminations low histamine type foods tomatos tuna spinach hugh histamines…
After six months of back and forth to the doctor, test after test, I was just recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This diagnosis makes sense (even though it was the last thought in my mind), and I hope to be able to move forward now. My doctor has recommended I try the fodmaps diet, so that is my next step – after looking at the list of “foods to eliminate”, I was disappointed to see that the majority of foods that I eat on a daily basis are on that list. Perhaps that is a big part of the problem!
As others with fibromyalgia know, there are good days and bad days, and the bad days can go on and on especially when triggered. I haven’t been methodic enough about my diet yet to know what (if any) of my food triggers are, but I am a periodic consumer of kombucha. Is this a good source of probiotics suitable for fodmaps?
On a side note, is anyone here RH-? I have never been the same since the birth of my daughter, who is RH+. My mother is also RH+, the gene comes from my father’s side. I have found little research on the chimeric/autoimmune effects of RH-‘s who have RH+ parents or children (in the case of mothers), and it is definitely worth exploring.
I suffered with Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, vitiligo, tachycardia, hypertension and acid reflux for years. I stumbled upon the gut health correlation almost 2 years ago. I started on these natural supplements and focused on good gut health and I am off all 16 medications and no longer suffer with any of the issues I did before. I’ve done this with my doctors blessing and approval. As a positive side effect I’ve lost over 60 lbs as well.
I would Love to hear exactly what this woman took to completely recover foods vitamins minerals etc etc
This is in response to Lisa Ozio, April 28, 2015 comment
What natural supplements did you take? and what exactly else did you do to get rid of the fibro and lupus?
Thank you,
Lisa I look into Plexus I saw that they do not deliver to the U.K. is this still the situation or has this changed at all you can message me here plus on Facebook as well I follow your Link mine is the Golden Angel under my name above thanks so very much I wish you continued wellness & yes I am still interested in these Products also to sell in near future as well…be well blesses Aidan
Lisa I looked into Plexus I saw that they do not deliver to the U.K. is this still the situation or has this changed at all you can message me here plus on Facebook as well I follow your Link mine is the Golden Angel under my name above thanks so very much I wish you continued wellness & yes I am still interested in these Products also to sell in near future as well…be well blesses Aidan
I am now seeing something very odd in Fibromyalgia CFS Lyme patients just from their Facebook photos their earlobes are attached their noses thin also their upper lips are thin as well I even studied over the last week Celebrities from Actors to Musicians even George Bush Jr. has these facial traits the pattern I am now seeing it in my Family memebers my daughter has it so does my Father I still have not looked at other ones thus far…I think Dr. Peter Rowe is 100% right he is seeing Syncope in some also others have Syncope with P.O.T.S. these are all hallmarks of an illness which also has heart issues thyroid issues in some Chiari Malformation Stenosis Compression fractures sprains of ankles pain in joints…The majority of patients I am seeing photos of indicate they all have hypermobility issues & the facial issues are all to me are Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome the question now is what types do all of these patients fall under it explains no doubts the stomache SIBO issues & even in some ‘sudden death’ as well the no.4 type of EDS is the more serious one it is refered to as the Vascular type one…This is the type that Genetisists encourage not to have children as it is passed on to them…There are numerous medicines used & there is no Cure I beleive all CFS Fibo Lyme patients have EDS I think also it is going to me seen in numerous disorders like M.S. Autism etc etc it is an illness that is missed by Doctors but is so easily picked up once they start looking at facial features…Lyme disease infections or others could be making things Chronic in these patients because of these Genetic disorders plus Vaccines could also make this subset of patients worse as welllI have seen numerous cases where someone goes for Sinus operations & recovers plus some but not all have Chiari operations or Stenosis & they get well & recover I see the same pattern in patients who take thyroid medicines & recover the thyroid in EDS is known to have a reduced size im measurements so are the hearts as well to me this explains so much as all of above are actual complications in patients with EDS…I encourage everyone of you to get an EDS diagnosis ruled in/out then take the steps to see what needs to be corrected Florinef can help & also a diet high in Salt on foods even salt tablets can help to retain salt as well…Check also always your mineral vitamin levels on a regular basis…One can lead a good life with EDS its important crucial to find out what type you are look at family photos see if you can see this pattern I am now seeing in so many people look at Cher also Avril Lavigne Morgan Fairchild even Cher’s Mother has these traits including the Bush’s as well…
Hi Aidan – my fibro dx of 25 years time turned out to be Lyme disease, a bacterial infection I acquired from a known tick bite. my facial features do not match what you’re describing. I’ve been to plenty of Lyme support groups and can say the same. People are just normal people before they get exposed to the bacteria. I read the description of EDS and I do not match it. The borrelia bacteria eat collagen – they scavenge our body for their nutritional needs. They weaken our tissues. I’ve heard that anything with silica in it is good for us, like taking Biosil, or diatomaceous earth or horsetail extract tea. We also benefit from multi-vitamins and minerals. I used to take Ultra Body Toddy, the supplement with 72 minerals in it from the Utah seabeds. My nails would get hard.
Not all patients have the facial features as well there are numerous types the Collagen you speak of is a trait of EDS when Dr. Peter Rowe released the SEID paper with other Doctors their focus was on the Syncope and or P.O.T.S. plus EDS that was what was proven thus far when I speak to Lyme patients & I do not know your case they are now diagnosed with EDS types…As far as CFS is concerned there is ‘no’ diagnostic test nor as of yet there is no cause…I recall in the mid 80’s there was a huge call to call this chronic ebv now their is the same thing happening with a diagnosis of Lyme disease or others say they have RSD or something else I am not saying I am right but there is no doubts that EDS is playing a role…In the last few years group have sprung up with Thyroid as a cause ‘unproven’ as well then anothe camp said XMRV even a large amount of Scientists are also saying Lyme is not chronic but it is something else even Stratton says its C.Pneumonaie plus the camp here says its SIBE…one thing is clear EDS does have diagnostic Genetic tests & yes already proven in EDS & so called CFS thyroids hearts are smaller…The link to EDS is there all tested by Rowe have a form of EDS 100%
How can so many people with so much information not be able to use BASIC PUNCTUATION?
Not all patients have the facial features as well there are numerous types the Collagen you speak of is a trait of EDS when Dr. Peter Rowe released the SEID paper with other Doctors their focus was on the Syncope and or P.O.T.S. plus EDS that was what was proven thus far when I speak to Lyme patients & I do not know your case they are now diagnosed with EDS types…As far as CFS is concerned there is ‘no’ diagnostic test nor as of yet there is no cause…I recall in the mid 80’s there was a huge call to call this chronic ebv now their is the same thing happening with a diagnosis of Lyme disease or others say they have RSD or something else I am not saying I am right but there is no doubts that EDS is playing a role…In the last few years group have sprung up with Thyroid as a cause ‘unproven’ as well then anothe camp said XMRV even a large amount of Scientists are also saying Lyme is not chronic but it is something else even Stratton says its C.Pneumonaie plus the camp here says its SIBO…one thing is clear EDS does have diagnostic Genetic tests & yes already proven in EDS & so called CFS thyroids hearts are smaller…The link to EDS is there all tested by Rowe have a form of EDS 100%
2 of the most undiagnosed conditions are EDS including Chiari in some EDS has all these different subsets involved even some have Stenosis or Spinal compressions…EDS is a serioud hand me down Genetic illness…Gail Kanksy’s team says it is low level radiation injuries ‘but’ that also remains unproven Dr Peter Rowe has found something huge its in the SEID report now…
how can one read your comments it you do not put a single comma or full stop!!!!!!!!
I’ve had Fibro for several years, and it’s was really activated/irritated by a motorcycle accident 2 years ago. I take no prescriptions, just vitamins, probiotics, fiber, and coconut oil. I know for a fact, when I eat too much bread and sugar, which feeds bacteria, it greatly affects my pain and fatigue. I’m trying to manage naturally, and I do ok, but still have my days I can’t move or think and have horrible pain. I’m going to research and try the borax. Thanks for a great article!
I didn’t have any of these medical problems meaning a ton of symptoms until after I had a bad c section in 2008 took 7 months to heal with crappy doctors because I caught m.r.s.a deep down in stomach and muscles. Everything has went down hill since health wise. Fibromyalgia is very painful !
I actually know what my fibromyalgia really is – it’s Lyme disease, a bacterial infection I acquired from a known tick bite in my foot just before symptoms started. The bacteria invades the brain and spinal cord early on and inflames nerves. This includes the nerves to the stomach, thus slowing down parastalsis and affecting gut motility fairly early on.
The bacteria can also corkscrew into tissues everywhere and inflame. It messes up every system in the body!
Go to for more info about symptoms, testing, Lyme-treating doctor referrals, treatments, support and activism. There are lots of treatments to try.
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia since the summer of 2013. It came about after a UTI. First I thought I was having a reaction to an antibiotic because I felt like I got hit by a Mac truck after the 2nd dose. My main symptoms are hands & foot pain and abdominal/pelvic/bladder pain.
I am treating the pain with Low dose Naltrexone 5 mg at bedtime. This seemed sufficient until just before Christmas 2014.
I stumbled across articles by you and also happened upon a talk about treatment of fibro by Dr. Spengler. I take 6000 mg MSM during the day 200 mg 5-htp at bedtime, along with 3 mg melatonin. 4 capsules of inno-cal mag, b complex vitamin, 400 mg Co-q-10, ester C 1000mg, 8000 ui vitamin D3, colostrum 1500 mg daily, zinc citrate 30 mg, Atlantic kelp extract, and 3000 mg is astragalus, d-ribose 7.5 gm a day, rheuteri multi strain probiotic. I have been taking this for 5 weeks now and I am noticing less gi symptoms. I am working hard at avoiding all wheat with a couple accidental slip ups( not realizing I ingested it in a soup) I am trying to avoid all grains, and I eat yoghurt 3 times a day, and focus in on eating fermented foods. Could you comment on what I am taking and how I might tweak my regime?…
Thank you kindly,
Reg. N
what did you take for the UTI? if it was an antibiotic in the fluoroquinolone family, most commonly cipro for UTI, you could be having a bad reaction to the antibiotic. This is a common issue. I have it. also look up Oils For Floxie Recovery on FB.
Look up this site:
I have said from the beginning that GMO squash which caused an instant allergic reaction(my throat closed up) was the cause but everyone disregarded me. I was exposed to formaldehyde in a science lab in college which messed with my immune system. I am now 56.
I have Fibro and Hashimotos as well as a history of multiple Lyme infections. Fibro has the same symptoms as Hashi and Lyme. I have always felt the three were related.