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Pills or Paleo? Reversing High Blood Pressure


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High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for premature death, and 9 in 10 Americans are expected to develop it by age 65. Yet medications are often ineffective, and can cause significant side effects. Find out how a Paleo diet and lifestyle can help you reverse high blood pressure naturally.

Can high blood pressure be reversed?
Can high blood pressure be reversed? Nutrient dense whole foods can help. Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Thinkstock

This article is part of an ongoing series comparing prescription medication with a Paleo diet as a means of treating common diseases and health problem. Click here to read the other articles in the series.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most important risk factor for premature death, accounting for half of all deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and 13.5 percent of all deaths each year. It affects 26 percent of the population worldwide, and one-third of the population in the U.S. Nine in ten Americans are expected to develop high blood pressure by the age of sixty-five. With this in mind, it’s no exaggeration to suggest that keeping your blood pressure under control is one of the most important things you can do to extend your lifespan.

Like most other chronic diseases, high blood pressure is caused by a mismatch between our genes and the modern diet and lifestyle.

High blood pressure affects only one percent of hunter-gatherer populations following a traditional diet, but its prevalence increases when those cultures adopt a western diet and lifestyle that is characterized by processed and refined foods, sedentary behavior, chronic sleep deprivation, a lack of sun exposure and excess use of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. (1)

Did you know that high blood pressure can often be improved or even reversed with simple diet and lifestyle changes? Find out more.

With this in mind, let’s compare conventional medications with a Paleo diet and lifestyle as treatments for high blood pressure.

Conventional Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Current guidelines in the U.S. and most industrialized countries recommend treatment of “prehypertension” (aka mild or borderline hypertension). However, a review of clinical trials by the prestigious Cochrane Collaboration found that treating mild hypertension with drugs did not reduce the risk of death or disease. (2) Unfortunately, the guidelines have not been revised and most physicians continue to prescribe medication for prehypertension despite the lack of evidence supporting this practice.

Blood pressure medications can be effective in more pronounced cases of hypertension (referred to as “Stage 1” and “Stage 2” hypertension, depending on the severity). But “effective” is somewhat of a deceptive term, because while blood pressure medications do reduce blood pressure, they do not address the underlying cause of the high blood pressure in the first place.

And I would argue that any treatment that does not address the underlying cause of a problem is ultimately ineffective.

What’s more, blood pressure medications are notorious for their side effects. These vary depending on the class of medication taken. For example:

  • Diuretics flush extra water and sodium from the body. Their side effects include frequent urination; erectile dysfunction; weakness, leg cramps, or fatigue; and, gout.
  • Beta-blockers make your heart beat more slowly and less forcefully. Their side effects include asthma symptoms, cold hands and feet, depression, erectile dysfunction, and insomnia and sleep problems.
  • Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors block formation of a hormone that causes blood vessels to narrow. Their side effects include a dry, hacking cough that won’t go away; skin rash; and, loss of taste.
  • Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs) keep calcium from entering the heart muscle and blood vessel cells. Their side effects include constipation, dizziness, headache, palpitations, and swollen ankles.

Unfortunately, in many cases more than one class of medications is used so the chance of experiencing several side effects increases significantly.

As you can see, using medication to treat high blood pressure is either ineffective (in the case of pre-hypertension), or plagued with the potential for side effects that can make life very unpleasant.

The Paleo Diet and Lifestyle for Reversing High Blood Pressure

Fortunately, high blood pressure can often be improved or even completely reversed by returning to a diet and lifestyle that is more consistent with our evolutionary heritage.

A Paleo diet and lifestyle is an excellent starting place for those wishing to embrace a natural approach to lowering blood pressure. We know this because hypertension is virtually unheard of in hunter-gatherer and pastoralist cultures. Moreover, clinical studies have found that the Paleo diet is effective in reducing blood pressure. (3, 4)

Here are some specific considerations to keep in mind:


Increased consumption of sugar—especially sugar-sweetened beverages like soda—is associated with high blood pressure, and reducing sugar intake has been shown to lower blood pressure. (5) Those with high blood pressure should be particularly mindful about reducing their consumption of added sugars.


High dietary intake of potassium is associated with lower blood pressure. In fact, many researchers believe that the protective effects of potassium are one of the major reasons why hunter-gatherers like the Kalahari Bushmen and traditional pygmies of Sub-Saharan Africa have such a low incidence of high blood pressure. In Paleolithic diets, the average daily intake of potassium was approximately 10,500 mg/d. In comparison, the average American consumes about 2,800 mg/d. (6)

In the U.S., increasing potassium intake alone would decrease the number of adults with high blood pressure by 17 percent, and increase life expectancy by five years for over 12 million Americans.

The highest sources of potassium in a Paleo-type diet are potatoes, halibut, plantains, rockfish, sweet potato, salmon, and beet greens.


A high dietary intake of magnesium has been shown to reduce blood pressure, though its effect is not as strong as what is observed with potassium. Nuts, seeds, spinach, beet greens, and chocolate are the highest food sources of magnesium on a Paleo diet.


We’ve been told for years that a high salt intake is one of the primary risk factors for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, but it’s time to shake up the salt myth. Though some studies do suggest that restricting salt can lower blood pressure, the evidence supporting a connection between salt intake and cardiovascular disease is weak at best. What’s more, some evidence suggests that restricting salt too much may be harmful to our health. Click here to read my special report on salt and its relationship to blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

So far we’ve focused on diet, but lifestyle modification is equally important for regulating blood pressure. For example:

  • Exercise and sitting less are both associated with lower blood pressure (7)
  • Both short sleep duration and poor sleep quality increase the risk that you’ll develop high blood pressure. (8)
  • Exposure to sunlight increases the production of a chemical in our bodies called nitric oxide, which in turn lowers blood pressure. (9)
  • Several studies have shown that meditation can be effective for lowering blood pressure, possibly via its relaxing effects on the nervous system. (10)

All of these treatments are free of side effects (unless you call losing weight, having more energy, and looking better “side effects”), and unlike medications, they actually address the underlying cause of high blood pressure. And that explains why they can be so effective, as the following story sent in by reader Jeff Lines suggests:

In October 1991 I was admitted and spent several days in hospital for hypertension and high blood pressure and was placed on blood pressure medicine. In 2006 I had a sextuple bypass and was placed on statin drugs.

I’ve always researched more natural paths and my wife and I ate what was classified a healthy diet, but we have both struggled with weight and other conditions. I had read about Paleo diets, but as most diets go most of the articles and books where pretty strict about what you could eat. While researching Paleo, I came across an article by Chris and what I liked about it is the whole idea of customizing the diet to you. That article led me to ChrisKresser.com and the blog and that led me to buy his book.

That gave me the initiative to start the diet. By the time I went in to see the cardiologist a few weeks later my weight had dropped to 210 so I lost 15 pounds pretty quickly and I noticed my blood pressure had dropped. I started monitoring my blood pressure on a daily basis and noticed it was staying pretty low so I cut my blood pressure medicine in half. The cholesterol test came in about 75 points below my previous test several weeks earlier.

My next follow-up appointment with my cardiologist was about a month after the first. By then I’d lost another 10 pounds. I expressed elation over the drop in cholesterol and told him I had cut my blood pressure medicine in half.

I’m currently down to about 192 and have been off of blood pressure medicine since the end of June.

Jeff’s experience is not unusual. In fact, I see similar results in my work with patients every day.

So what will it be for you? Pills, or Paleo?

If your answer is Paleo, make sure to check out my book (just published in paperback with a new name: The Paleo Cure) for a detailed explanation of how to use Paleo to prevent and reverse disease and feel better than you have in years. And don’t miss the bonus chapter on addressing high blood pressure with diet, lifestyle, and supplements.

As always, check with your doctor before starting or stopping any new treatment plan—including what I’ve suggested in this article. This is not intended to be medical advice, and is not a substitute for being under the care of a physician.


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  1. Intro paragraph: “This article is part of an ongoing series comparing prescription medication with a Paleo diet as a means of treating common diseases and health problem. Click here to read the other articles in the series.”
    The “Click Here” leads to a couple of photos; that’s it. Pretty please reattach the correct link. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much! To control the blood pressure you need to take good diet. There are so many herbal supplements which help to control the high blood pressure and also improve your health.

  3. Choosing healthy food is one of the most important parts of anyone’s diet, but for the diabetic it can literally be the difference between life and death. Without proper blood sugar control the list of complications suffered by those with diabetes is quite scary.For many diabetics trying to figure out this website…..http://diabetesdietrecipes.info/

  4. I have been following a Paleo lifestyle since beginning of May 2016 because I needed to lose weight and I also had read positive results for Hashimoto Thyroid disease. When I started Whole 30, I was 240lbs and taking 300mg of Labetilol morning and night. My bp was always 160/100 on Labetilol, but it was safest choice for while I was pregnant and then breast feeding. I lost 10 lbs in May and by Mid-June noticed improvement in my bp. My dr reviewed my numbers and reduced my rx to 200mg morning and night. I lost 5 lbs in June and am seeing continued improvement. I expect my rx will be reduced again at my next appointment, July 19. Additionally, I started using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea on June 15. I believe the Paleo Lifestyle and the CPAP are having a very positive impact on my conditions.

  5. I am so glad I came across this article. I was practicing paleo diet not perfectly, but progressively and felt amazing, especially when I was true on a Whole 30. After heart problems and an unexpected death in a friend’s husband (way too young) I got scared and started trying to eat more vegan or at least vegetarian. I have tried this several times, but have noticed a pattern in that I start having heartburn/reflux and this time around my blood pressure has gone up significantly. Could the grains on a vegetarian diet do this, even if eating plenty of vegetables and beans? I am typically at 150’s and 160’s in systolic and 90’s to 100 in dystolic….which scares the crap out of me. On paleo I was usually no more than 140’s/80’s and typically even lower 120’s/130’s over 80’s. I think now on the third true attempt at plant based diet with grains I see the patterns….and it is not for me. I think a plant based diet with healthy meat products may be better. I got so sucked into the whole China Study/Forks Over Knives documentaries and got scared so wanted to try it. I am more confused than ever. Will paleo work for me? If I feel better on paleo, and my BP comes down on it…does this mean that it is indicative of better heart health? I currently and always have had great cholestrol readings and BS usually good for my annual blood tests, but I do suffer from blood sugar drops and diabetes (type 2) runs rampant in my father’s family. I guess I am looking for confirmation that paleo will not hurt me, after all the information I have read about from the plant-based, nutritarian gurus. HELP!!!!

    • Joanne,

      I read your post and wanted to provide my personnel experience as of late. I have always been in good shape, with what I thought was an good diet my entire life. I have always been very active, and in no way overweight. However I have struggled with high blood pressue for most of my life. Most of the time I blammed it on stress, or anxiety. About a year ago I went to the Dr for check up and my blood pressue was almost un readable it was so high (avg 150 – 190 over 100 – 130). I immediatley started taking action with respect to the stress part which was the only thing that made sense becasue like I said, I was fit and thought to have a good diet. My blood pressure did come down, however still hovering around high – to pre hypertension. 3 months ago I decided to go completely Paleo based on a Podcast I listened to (Tim Ferris interview of Art Devany, I highly recomment). Not only did it make scense from a physical level, but from a cellular level of how your body functions and the nutrition it needs to function at a level to fix, and heel itself. Since I have been full Paleo, my blood pressue has never been lower (115 – 120/60-70), even when I am feeling stressed or anxious it is still low. I am amazed at how much it has changed. On top of that my brain function has improved, and as a side effect to eating paleo I have never been in better physical shape. I am 42 and feel the best I have ever felt. I would highly recommend transitioning into full Paleo, and trust me its not that hard, and you will not feel like you are missing out on anything. You will begin to just look at everything diferently and realize that it just makes sense.

      Hope this helps


  6. Heya I am kind of desperate to find some help with my BP. I have been paleo for 4 ish years now and have dropped 130 lbs. I cant seem to do anything with my BP though. Long before I was paleo I had a regular pressure reading of 190/110 and I was on 3 meds with all the wonderful side effects. Diovan hct, norvasc and one other I cant recall what but it was an ACE inhibitor. Nothing helped. I went paleo, lost weight fast and felt great and for a while the bp was down to 135/80 and now it is back up to 150/85 and it has recently spiked to 245/140 which put me in the hospital.

    The doc says it is genetic or just is and there is nothing to be done for it but to spend the rest of my life sucking back pills. I dont want to accept it but so far the only thing that the paleo lifestyle has not massively improved is my bp.

    I dont know what to do, I supplement with potassium and magnesium and large doses of Vit D and nothing is helping the bp. I get plenty of exercise and work a hard physical job, dont own a tv and so I dont generally sit too much.

    Can anyone suggest something? please?

    • When all else fails. Call Dr. Fred Bisci or google him. I’ve seen this guys work miracles with people and he’s been doing it for over 50 years.

    • Joe, I don’t know if you found your answe to blood pressure. I had the issue as you and I discovered something very interesting. I would be happy to share it with you if you like. You can contact me – Eva from Brea at gmail dot com.

    • hey!! I started taking Carditone, Dr. Christophers Blood stream and Dr. Christophers blood circulation, all NATURAL herbs that WILL keep your BP LOW! Please try this. You can find them on AMAZON.COM!

    • How is your sleep? Getting 8 hours of quality sleep a night is vitally important for overall health and well being. Best health to you, I hope you find your answer.