This article is part of a special report on Thyroid Disorders. To see the other articles in this series, click here.
A healthy thyroid is a critical component of one’s overall health, and many people are struggling with thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, specifically Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis. In this autoimmune condition, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, with the resulting inflammation leading to an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s disease is the most common form of hypothyroidism and was the first condition ever to be classified as an autoimmune disease.
I’ve written extensively about thyroid health, focusing on a multitude of environmental factors that may affect thyroid function, including gluten, gut health, stress, excess iodine, and vitamin D deficiency. I’ve also discussed why dietary changes are always the first step in treating Hashimoto’s, and why replacement thyroid hormone is often necessary for a successful outcome.
There Is yet Another Nutritional Factor That May Play a Role in Thyroid Health: Selenium.
Selenium deficiency is not thought to be common in healthy adults, but is more likely to be found in those with digestive health issues causing poor absorption of nutrients, such as Crohn’s or celiac disease, or those with serious inflammation due to chronic infection. (1, 2) It is thought that selenium deficiency does not specifically cause illness by itself, but that it makes the body more susceptible to illnesses caused by other nutritional, biochemical or infectious stresses, due to its role in immune function. (3) Adequate selenium nutrition supports efficient thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism and protects the thyroid gland from damage from excessive iodine exposure. (4)
One study found that selenium supplementation had a significant impact on inflammatory activity in thyroid-specific autoimmune disease, and reducing inflammation may limit damage to thyroid tissue. (6) This may be due to the increase in glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase activity, as well as the decrease in toxic concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxides which result from thyroid hormone synthesis. (7)
Another study followed patients for 9 months, and found that selenium supplementation reduced thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in the blood, even in selenium sufficient patients. (8) While these studies show promise for the use of selenium supplementation in preventing thyroid tissue damage, further research is needed to determine the long-term clinical effects of selenium treatment on inflammatory autoimmune thyroiditis.
Additionally, selenium is also essential for the conversion of T4 to T3, as deiodinase enzymes (those enzymes that remove iodine atoms from T4 during conversion) are selenium-dependent. As I’ve explained before, T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone, and low T3 can cause hypothyroid symptoms. A double-blind intervention study found that selenium supplementation in selenium deficient subjects modulated T4 levels, theoretically by improving peripheral conversion to T3. (9) In cases of severe selenium deficiency, conversion of T4 to T3 may be impaired, leading to hypothyroid symptoms. As T3 conversion is not performed by the thyroid, the dependence on selenoproteins for this conversion demonstrates how significant selenium deficiency could lead to hypothyroid symptoms.
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So the Question Is, Should You Start Supplementing with Selenium If You Have Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, or Low T3 Levels?
As the answer often is, it depends.
While it seems that selenium supplementation would be an obvious solution to poor thyroid function, long term consumption of high doses of selenium can lead to complications such as gastrointestinal upsets, hair loss, white blotchy nails, garlic breath odor, fatigue, irritability, and mild nerve damage. (10) Additionally, supplementing selenium in the context of low iodine status may actually aggravate hypothyroidism. Mario Renato Iwakura discusses this particular topic extensively on Paul Jaminet’s Perfect Health Diet blog.
Moreover, a large clinical trial examining the effects of selenium supplementation on prostate cancer risk in over 35,000 men found that those with normal to high selenium levels at baseline experienced a significant increase in the risk of prostate cancer after supplementing with 200 mcg/d of selenium. For more details on this study, see my article “Important Update on Selenium Supplementation“.
For now, the best option for most people may be to include selenium-rich foods in the context of a healthy Paleo diet. Great sources of selenium include: brazil nuts, crimini mushrooms, cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon, scallops, chicken, eggs, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and turkey. Brazil nuts are particularly rich in selenium; it only takes one or two per day to improve your selenium status and boost immune function. (11)
Making sure your selenium intake is optimal may give your immune system and thyroid the boost it needs to help it function better. It is especially important for those managing thyroid conditions to ensure their selenium status is adequate.
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I am sorry to say that Chris seems to have misintepreted his reference (8)
This study does not demonstrate selenium supplementation “reduced thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in the blood, even in selenium sufficient patients.”
The subjects’ baseline selenium level was not determined prior to selenium supplementation. They may have had low or deficient selenium; it is possible selenium supplementation corrected this and reduced their TPO antibody levels.
Are you sure about selenium and Hashimotos.
There are studies that show that too much selenium can cause problems like diabetes, blood circulation issues. See below:
and there is more like this.
I would like to get a selenium test but don’t know what kind of test is best — plasma, RBC, urine? Same for zinc. Please advise.
I have MTHFR defects and hypothyroidism with too high Reverse T3. My doctor put me on T3 (liothyronine) but doesn’t want to raise it at all even after 3 months. My Free T3 is right at the bottom of the range and my free T4 is right at the top of the range and my reverse T3 is finally inside the normal range but hovering right underneath the top of normal. I have read that ideally I would have FT3 at the top of the range and FT4 at the low end of the range, the reverse of my current values. Doctor has suggested selenium, zinc, iodine b50 b100 and vit A after three months of being on T3 and methylfolate; I am interested in pursuing these supplements but am worried that doc is not testing selenium first since sometimes too high selenium occurs in those who don’t methylate very well due to the MTFHR defect. (I have C665T hetero). Thankyou!
I suggest you get a plasma Se test done.The level we now know, wants to be 1.6-2.0 mcrml/lt. Below 1.6 the major benefits
do not occur.
A Zn test is a taste test. Health shops can do them. If you’re short of Zn, you cant taste the dilute Zn solution supplied. I take Se ,Zn, 12 mgs iodine [Lugols iodine] and borax for Boron as these are all low in NZ.
Get a good hair analysis done –
Check out Lydia Shatney – living from the inside out.
I’ve just had mine done re my thyroid health and her service has been really good as I was bumbling around taking stuff and didn’t really understand what I was doing.
Your doctor is on the right track, because the protocols for T3 supplementation are to slowly start, (esp. if you have a heart condition) and continue for 3-4 months, without any adverse affects. Too much T3 can cause severe heart palpitations and other serious side effects. My mother was on a dessicated time-released liothyronine (T3). She is 80 years old. She has Hashimotos and has had so many health issues, such as Hashimoto’s, Congestive Heart Failure, dementia, high blood pressure, diabetes and AFIB, along with all the lesser symptoms low thyroid. Standard endocrinologists are generally not agreeable to prescribing T3, because they are afraid of harmful side effects, and the potential for law suits. Frankly most aren’t knowledgeable about the subject.. My mom was on a 3 mcg gram dose for 4 months, then her doctor moved her to 4 mcg dose, for another 4 months. She had no issues with palpitations and she noticed her hair loss started stabilizing, but still was cold all the time. She thought it worked. Because of her poor health, she moved from Florida to Massachusetts and since her doctor in Florida retired, she is now looking for one who will re-prescribe some T3. Now she is back on T4 until we can find a doctor who believes in T3 therapy. My mom’s doctor also did a micronutrient test, which showed she was deficient in B12, vitamin D, CoQ-10, and zinc. She since has supplemented and I think those vitamins have helped with her energy level…she naps less. We will be trying Brazil Nuts for sure….then a retest of her selenium. Hope this helps!
That all could be cause from to much thyroid medication
I was initially diagnosed with Graves disease 12 years ago with a T4 of 43! After 18 months on neomercazole i was told to have radioactive iodine treatment which i now regret as i have suffered severe hypothyroid systems since then and weight issues where i put on 12kgs. Eltroxin did nothing for me and just made me feel terrible. At the beginning of the year i started a new drug therapy of 90% thyroxine and 10% triiodothyronine (Diotroxin/Levotrin). I feel much better and have lost 5kgs. However, a recent blood test showed a normal TSH, normal T4 but a high T3. Would you suggest a selenium supplement if i’m trying to reduce my T3 levels now as the doctor has suggested a reduction in Diotroxin.
Terry i am the same as you i would like to know what food i should not eat as i love broccoli and they say that is a no no .
Raw cruciferous vegetables are a no no cooked they are ok.
I had radio iodine in 2011 and 2012 cos it didn’t work first time. … Been on 100mg thyroxine most of the time but was overmedicating and told come off them few days. … Couldn’t get my breaths and had palpitations … Can’t get level right !!!
My RBC selenium is 420. , the upper RBC limit is 44. Two months ago it was 380, I have not taken selenium for at least six months but it continues to rise what can I do? I do have Hashimotos, numbness in my fingers and hair loss. I am gluten free and eat healthy. Please help.
I suggest you get a plasma Se test done.We now know that a plasma level 1.6-1.9 is the optimal level.A bit more is OK but less stops some of Se’s benefits. David Walpole
Lori – Do you suffer from fatigue? I am hypothyroid and have high selenium rgb count (my number is 498 in a normal range of 120-300) and suffer from significant fatigue. I too take NO selenium supplements whatsoever.
Same here…. I just had an elements profile (urine) done by ZRT and my selenium is way high. I don’t supplement it except for whatever is my multi. what could be making it high? I do have adrenal issues but now I am wondering if my high selenium is causing me the fatigue more than my adrenal issue. How can I bring it down??
I would look into your diet and any multivitamins which may have selenium. Maybe too much selenium is causing the problem. Also a micro nutrient panel/test is a good option, since it covers a lot of trace minerals and is generally cheaper than getting all of your vitamin totals tested separately. There are doctors and labs which do this test.
I am trying to help my mom who has a HIGH selenium level. She is early into a gluten and dairy free diet. Is there anything or anyplace I can go/read to help reduce selenium level? Her primary concern is fatique
Dear Cynthia,what is your mothers level? The optimum level that has been published in the Lancet is now recognized in two countries as 1.6-1.9 mcrml/lt. This is higher than earlier thought necessary, but is vital for the enormous benefits adequate selenium can provide. David Walpole
This is from a long time ago – but my dad was high and had high iron too and the excess selenium was found to be from a lifetime of selsun blue shampoo.
Hi Chris,
I have hypothyroidism but am intolerant of fish and severely allergic to nuts!
I follow a primal style diet, but am wondering, with my restrictions, if I ought to consider supplimenting selenium. If so, what dosage and frequency would you recommend?
Do flax seed oil instead then or hemp
Can taking selenium with levothyroxine increase the effectiveness of the levothyroxine?
Janae,it will depend on your present selenium level. If a selenium blood test shows your level is above 1.6 mcrml/lt. there will be no advantage in taking extra. If you are below this level you could expect a benefit. There is this precis threshold minimum level.
I have a normal tsh, high t4, but my t3 and free t3 are low. I got off thyroid meds both synthroid and liothyronine; they actually made my thyroid function worse. At a loss where to go from here, I just don’t want to take prescription meds to many side effects. Plus most natural supplements have t4 in them and I’m high in t4. Any ideas?
Get thee to a better doctor – asap. It sounds like you are not converting T4 to T3.
Homoeopathy with such remedies as Thyroidinum
Hi, Annette, Have you tried compounded or dessicated thyroid? You must get a prescription for them and compounded thyroid can only be filled at a compounding pharmacy. They are easier for our bodies to use. I had exactly the same issues you had. Synthetic thyroid didn’t help me at all. Unfortunately dessicated thyroid didn’t either help-actually gave me migraines. But compounded thyroid has been my health salvation. It might take some hard research etc to find a doctor who will prescribe but it will be worth it in the long run. It took two years on high dose T3 and LOW dose T4 but I lost all the weight I had put on and I got my life back!
Walmart sells Armour so does cvs
Do you have hashimotos or any other autoimmune disease or any kind of inflammation? If you do, your cytokines will be high, and that will disrupt the conversion of T4 to T3. Synthroid is T4. It has to be converted to T3 by your body. You can try Cytomel. It’s already T3 and doesn’t need to be converted.
Armour was best answer with me oils too
I have Hashimotos and have been diagnosed for years. I recently found something that literally changed my life and am now treating the disease differently. Maggie Hadleigh-West is producing/directing a film about thyroid disease called “Sick to Death”. The trailer is mind-blowing for us hypos. Check out the links page on her website to find a doctor near you. Amazing results.
Dear Dawn R, Relax- a recommended level for Se is 1.6-2.0 mcrml/lt. This is a preferable range but don’t worry about something over. Mayo Centre told me their alert pts.were .5-5mcrm/lt. The critical point is not to be below 1.6 that is a minimum threshold level. Below 1.6 all Se’s fantastic benefits do not occur. Hope this helps. David Walpole.
Check out this film trailer about Thyroid disease.
I’ve had Hashimoto’s for years, although only diagnosed in 2010. I’ve didn’t know about the selenium connection until recently and also magnesium for bones. During one blood test my Vitamin D levels were deemed insufficient and was given prescription strength Vitamin D. A few months later I started experiencing some real bone pain. Pain bad enough to keep me laid out, so I added selenium and within about 2 weeks the pain was less and I could walk better. I just got some magnesium to add to it. I think both minerals should be part of thyroid treatment.
I had no idea about Selenium! It was confusing to me at first before catching on! Sorry, I’m a slow reader and have difficulty comprehending at times! I was diagnosed at the age of 42 with low thyroid. Recently my new doctor put me on precription vitamin D! Almost every year my meds get changed from high to low or visa versa! I’m 60 now and not one doctor has explained to me about this connection. I have 8 other siblings, me being in the middle and can’t help but wonder if they know about this missing link. We all have this desease but one! The latest information I get is from the doctor shows. Like cooking certain greens first and not to eat too many of those other greens. Anyways, thanks for your info and for listening!
Interesting. I have the exact same story. My NP put me on a prescription D for a three week boost. Next week I will go to quality over the counter D-2000u per day, which must be taken with a good fat for absorption into the body.
I am having the same reaction and was advised to take 2 high quality alfalfa 1,000mg tablets per day for the Selenium.
I got my order in and then read that alfalfa is dangerous for Hashimoto folks.
I’m thinking this is in reference to people, who consume larger doses daily. Dr.s don’t seem to agree. What do you think?
I have hasimotos who knows how long – at least 3 years, but i suspect more and I also have celiac undiagnosed for 20+ years (gluten free for over 2 years). I am 43. My quality vitamin d supplement did nothing for my vitamin d levels. My vitamin d levels, however, are now incredible because I have been taking 6 green pasture FCLO capsules with butter oil everyday for a couple months. My elbow psoriasis has almost disappeared during that time. I plan to switch to 2 krill oil a day and 4 fclo soon for the other benefits.
besides the fact that my pms symptoms are now almost nonexistent
Still looking for advice. Newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Don’t have any of the common symptoms. Blood tests showed extremely high TSH and low T4. Do I have to treat my condition wit pharmaceuticals or are there natural dietary alternatives?
Will Brazil nuts work?
Absolutely, they did for me!
Just one or two per day though, don’t go overboard. Read up on their dietary content, you will be surprised at the amount of Selenium in them. The best ones come from Brazil because they take up the Se from the Se rich soil. (probably a volcanic soil, I do not know yet – I’ll research it and let you know)
It would be very helpful if you read Dr. Brownstein’s books on iodine, and thyroid. You can start by watching his YouTube videos.
Thanks I’ll check out the YouTube video.
I have taken all doses of Synthroid for my hypothroid and none of them work. My thyroid is almost gone, have very little of it. Doctors will not suggest anything else, I keep gaining weight and workout 5 days a week in gym. Help, what can I do.
Going gluten free is what tipped the scales for me. I “lived” in the gym for awhile and kept gaining weight. Gaaaaah! Once I quit gluten, the weight started dropping without effort. It’s definitely worth a try if you haven’t tried it yet. One major indicator for me was the morning after a spaghetti dinner, I’d instantly weigh like 2 pounds more than I did the day before. I guarantee I didn’t eat that much and after doing some research, that weight gain was an indication my body was highly inflamed from the gluten paired with a nightshade (tomatoes). Seriously give GF a try. You might like the results.
I have hoshimotoes as well with hypothyroidism. I was on levithyroxin for years. I felt terrible on it I had no change and I was on 175 mcg. I decided to go back to doctor told her how I felt she checked levels 14.5 went back three months later 10.5 went again and it is at a 7. We don’t really understand it all but I lost 40 pounds going off it. I can say I am back gaining and felling awful. I felt so much energy when it was at a 10.5 it has been a year so weight held off until now. I think it’s time to go back on some other brand and see if it works.
Hi there,
I don’t know if you’re looking for an all natural way to supplement with Selenium. Thrive is an option worth looking into – it’s a 3 step nutritional Supplement that is non-GMO, GF, plant based and made in the USA. I provided my email and website, if you want more info!
Interested in thrive. Website please. Thx!
Akempken38 [at]
Too many Brazil nuts gives me heart palpitations at night. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Zavia, It seems that whatever number of brazil nuts you are taking, it is too many. How many are you taking?
Otago University, (N.Z.) trials have shown that two Brazil nuts per day will get you to the required level of 1.6 to 2 mcrmls/lt. blood plasma, (which any medi-lab can measure), in 2-3 months, the same as 200mcgms. of organic selenium tablets or capsules.
Thanks David – was eating about five or six but cut back to two every couple of days starting last week and palpitations are gone. 😀
That’s good news. I’ve been hedging my bets with 4 brazil nuts on the days I remember so it’s reassuring to get some locally derived information from the University of Otago.
Selenium chelates heavy metals, therefor you need other things in your diet to carry the chelated heavy metals out of your body. The recommend elements are vitamin C, iodine/patqssium iodine, magnesium, vitamin B2, B3, and silica.
Try to see if homoeopathic Nat Mur 30c counters the palpitations
The truth is you’ve all been lied to go to or the Facebook and you can find the lady that talks about and sells the book called the root cause of Hashimoto’s is actually caused from a virus that we’ve had later in life it’s called Epstein-Barr you can get rid of all that junk by using oil of oregano
How much are you taking? You suppose to take one Brazil nut a day. I started the Thirsty thyroid drink by nutriliving/nutribullet today. I have hypothyroidism hyper overactive thyroid gland. 3 leaf of romaine lettuce, inch of ginger, 1/2 cup of blue berries, 1/4 Oats measure the oat then cook it n put it in the nurtibullet or blender & Only 1’Brazil nut. Google and about 1 Brazil nut it all u need. This Drink, Faith & Prayer is all we need, we all can do this in PRAY FOR EACH OTHER.
No but supplementing selenium kept me awake with beating heart till 3 am. Had it the past few nights.
I had an idea…..I took 200 MG of lugols iodine…..The palpitations went away and I went to sleep finally!
It seems if you are lower in iodine and you take higher doses of get probs.
If you want to do high doses of either you have to balance levels of both as you increase.
I think Chris is wrong about iodine and that the issue is the balance between iodine and selenium.
Build up slow. I am used to taking 200 mg of iodine…but hadn’t taken any for a while yet had continued with the selenium hence the imbalance
Dear Dominic, I have taken 200 mcg Se for 15 years. Recently, from Dr.Brownstein’s book on iodine I’ve worked up to 12.5 mcg. Lugols iodine I just wondered why you took 200mcg. iodine? My object is prevention, is this enough?
I’ve not had papitations. David Walpole
My homeopath/naturopath told me to buy selsun gold shampoo and slather it over my body, leave on 5 min., then shower off, as we can’t eat enough Brazil nuts to get sufficient selenium. The shampoo has selenium sulfide 25 mg/mL.
you can easily get the daily amount of selenium from just 2 or 3 brazil nuts they are so high in selenium u probably learned that by now, saying it anyway. they are the richest source of selenium naturally on the planet.
My understanding is that Brazil nuts are indeed an accumulator of Selenium, but the tree will still grow and produce nuts even if the Selenium level in the soil is low. If it is low, there won’t be much Se in the nuts you consume.
I would assert that the amount of Selenium is always relatively high in Brazil Nuts. These trees have a very deep root structure, are old and massive, and are constrained geographically in a smallish area.
Do not think that anyone “farms” these things in the same way as Corn or even Almonds. Almonds are grown on more that one continent, so I would expect much more mineral variation in nearly all foods.
Thanks for replying to my comment, Travis. Over time, even the Se-rich soil could become depleted. I don’t know one way or another. The only sure way to know about the Se content of Brazil Nuts is to take a few of them to a lab for analysis.
It is also believed that animal products were full of goodly amounts of Vit. B-12. Well, get this: about 20 years ago, Sylvia Ruth Gray did tests on swiss cheese, chicken breast, beef, etc. and found that the content was exactly Zero. I read this in “Solstice” magazine 20 yr. ago. Maybe things have improved since then, I can’t say. I’d advise everyone to further investigate this if it matters to them.
For my part, I take a B-12 supplement fom time to time, as well as Seleniuim.
I am newly diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I have not started taking meds yet. I would prefer not to. Is there a a way I can treat my problem through diet and dietary supplements? By the way, I DO NOT have symptoms. I’m not tired, depressed, or have any of the other symptoms. My hypothyroidism was diagnosed when I went for my annual checkup.
Yes, Pat. You could start watching Dr. Brownstein’s YouTube videos and get his books on iodine and thyroid.
Iodine is not the answer and note how Iodine and Selenium go hand in hand. Taking Iodine on its own in large amounts is poisonous regardless in what form whether Lugol’s or not. You’d be much better off using homoeopathic Iodum which helps to correct the Iodine balanced in the body so when some iodine intake from food etc comes in you assimilate it and hold onto it properly the same principle as with Calc Carb and Calcium intake.
Homeopathic Thyroidinum 6x
Which is better for selenium supplementation for Hashimoto’s–selenomethionie or SeMSC?
just discovered the site and learning a lot , had partial thyroidectomy , taking 50 mcg of levothyroxine but ever since my cholesterol level and blood pressure went up and I am hesitating to take blood pressure medication until I am sure it is not my thyroid that is causing it. other than my levo I was not prescribed any other medication. I was hoping someone posted same situation and as to why. My Tsh is in a normal range , did not have any other test done .
This could be due to the levothyroxine. It gave me weird symptoms and cholesterol issues. I have to take the real synthroid. Check into your selenium levels. Sometimes a supplement can help even if your not in the range the doctor thinks you need attention.
Synthroid is so named because it is SYNTHETIC. The body knows it is not real. My friend blew-up so fat on SYNthroid that she could no longer work as a singer because no one wanted to see a fat lady sing. But she was convinced it was the real thing too. Natural form is recognized by the body, and likely better utilized, & carries less risk. We may be fooled by our doctors, but the body is not. Always be sure you test for all 3: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), T3 & T4 — that’s the most reliable way to see how you stand regarding thyroid efficiency.
Synthroid also has some gluten in it so if you have Hashimoto’s and are particularly sensitive to gluten that may cause issues for you.
You may also want to check out for extensive information about thyroid testing and T3 alternatives.
hi had to comment i had a total thyroidectomy 4 months ago, they put me on a t4,,,, you need t3 as well. i am sensitive to everything as i found out allot of people are,,,, (bad drugs i believe) i have become severely severely ill while the doctors watched … so I had to do do research on my own with prayer. i now am on )ISP) desiccated thyroid t3 and t4 no fillers no binders expect rice flour made in a compounding pharmacy… so sick now just waiting for it to go to work which i believe it will. I know you have to be careful with vitamiens ,iodine etc while balancing your thyroid because some times allot of the wacco levels in your blood will improve with proper medication. and the horrible symptoms of hypothyroid can manifest 1000 different diseases and symptoms ,,, and you even have to fight your own mind ,as you will feel sad,, hopeless, scared, and super sick…… i know now… hope this helps someone…take care n b blessed d
T4 converts to T3 if your conversion routine works. You could benefit from Dr. Brownstein’s research on iodine and thyroid.
Cholesterol levels are always elevated with thyroid problems and many other health problems since cholesterol is a defence mechanism to keep you alive as well as to transport your fat soluble vitamins around the body etc. Do not be worried about cholesterol. I would suggest you take hawthorn berry herbal tonic or homoeopathic Crataegus for your heart and nourish it up.
When it comes to the thyroid it’s all about iodine (plus selenium and a variety of other micronutrients). There is a myth that too much iodine is bad (or can “congest”) your thyroid. Please see David Brownstein, MD on YouTube talking about his extensive research and clinical data pertaining to iodine. And visit his website and/or look up his multiple books on Amazon. He’s an integrative physician and a leading expert on iodine and the thyroid, breast cancer etc. It will change the way you think about MANY diseases. Most people in the world are iodine deficient. The implications are FAR reaching. (I’m not related or associated with Dr. Brownstein in any way. I’m a dietitian and psychotherapist with personal interest in the subject and I found Dr. Brownstein through my own searches.)
You are right on. Fortunately I live in michigan where Dr. Brownstein’s practice is. He has written me, and his partner, Dr. Richard Ng, has spoke with me in his two resent presentations.
Dr. Richard Ng had Hashimoto desease, and Dr. Brownstein treated him, I believe (I could be missing something here) with iodine/potassium iodine, selenium, magnissoum, Celtic salt, vitamin C, B2 and B4, and a few things (it is written in the book “iodine” of Brownstein.) Dr. Ng was cured.
Dr. Ng is 62 years old today and does more things than when he was 45. He is active and passionate about health.
Hello chris, is UTI related to being hypothyroid? I have on UTI for years and no luck. Even got a sling bladder lift… any help
Had the UTI problem unt Syntheroid levels were lowered ,