In our modern society with its seemingly endless supply of fast food and junk food, it seems obvious to most why we’re dealing with an obesity epidemic. Cheap, low-quality food surrounds us, and there’s not enough time in the world to exercise away all the excess calories that exist in our food supply.
However, those of us in the Paleo and ancestral health community seem to have a different problem altogether. It’s one that I’ve seen in dozens of clients.
This problem is chronic under-eating.
Are you an under-eater? Learn the most common signs and symptoms of a too-low calorie intake. #calorieintake #undereating #optimalonutrition
Why Under-Eating Is so Common
Yes, I said under-eating, not overeating. While most people would find it hard to believe that many of the health problems people experience when going Paleo are from a lack of calories and appropriate macronutrients, I’ve seen it in my private practice countless times; clients who were experiencing mysterious, nagging symptoms that suddenly disappeared when we evaluated and corrected their daily food intake.
I’ve even seen clients who couldn’t lose weight that were suddenly able to do so after realizing they weren’t eating enough and increasing their food intake. Quite the opposite of the “calories-in-calories-out” mentality!
Why is under-eating so common? It can happen for a number of reasons:
- A restricted diet
- Above average activity levels
- Stress
- Fear of certain foods and food groups
- Busyness
- Chronic dieting
- Pregnancy/breastfeeding
Could something as simple as under-eating be causing your health problems? Could inadequate food intake be the reason why your Paleo diet suddenly isn’t working for you anymore? Is your “rapid weight loss” diet plan the reason your jeans are getting tighter instead of looser?
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Signs and Symptoms of Under-eating
Below are the top eight signs and symptoms I see in my clients who are chronically under-eating. Read on to discover if you might simply need some more food to start feeling better today.
1. Your Weight Isn’t Budging
This is one of the most paradoxical symptoms of someone who is under-eating, and it often goes hand in hand with overtraining. You might be surprised to hear that I’ve rarely worked with a weight loss client who was blatantly overeating. In fact, many of my clients come to me on extremely low-calorie diets (around 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day) combined with six to seven days per week of intense exercise like CrossFit or long-distance running.
For good reason, they are extremely frustrated that their weight isn’t changing; for some of these clients, their weight has actually been increasing since they dropped their food intake and started working out more. Many of these clients are also eating a very low-carbohydrate diet with the goal of losing weight quickly.
We’ve been trained to believe that the body is a machine, and we can input and output our calories in a way that will cause weight loss. So it’s understandable why these clients would expect to see weight loss from a significant caloric deficit like that. But the fact is, they simply can’t lose the last 15 to 30 pounds no matter how little they eat. Why is this?
While a short-term, moderate caloric deficit can lead to sustainable weight loss (think 300 to 500 calories per day), much larger deficits induce changes in your body’s metabolism in order to keep your body in a homeostatic balance. Your body does not like major, drastic changes, and it will make modifications to your thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones in order to reduce your overall caloric output.
These changes include reducing active thyroid hormone, shutting down sex hormone production, and raising stress hormones like cortisol. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Chronically elevated cortisol leads to both leptin and insulin resistance, a disastrous hormonal state that can keep body weight high. (6, 7)
These hormonal changes can lead to stalled weight loss and body fat retention, along with many other negative health effects that go beyond weight loss resistance. So, if you’ve been eating much less and exercising much more in a futile attempt to lose weight, consider whether this strategy has been working for you.
2. You Can’t Get Pregnant
Scientists have known for a long time that low-calorie dieting and inadequate body fat can lead to infertility and amenorrhea in women. (8) One of the most commonly seen manifestations of this problem is known as hypothalamic amenorrhea, which is hallmarked by menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea and low energy availability, with or without an eating disorder. (9)
Menstrual irregularity doesn’t necessarily mean a missed period; it can simply mean a woman is having an anovulatory cycle, meaning there is no egg released during the ovulatory period.
Hypothalamic amenorrhea caused by chronic caloric deprivation is also associated with physiological changes like hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis overactivity (also known as adrenal fatigue) and disturbances in the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis (also known as euthyroid sick syndrome).
I’ve worked with many clients who recovered their period after returning to a normal caloric intake. I’ve even had one client who was finally able to get pregnant when she switched to a higher-calorie ancestral diet, after her doctors told her she’d always be infertile.
So, if you’ve been struggling to get pregnant, and you have a history of dieting and exercising for weight loss, it’s possible that your low-calorie diet is preventing you from getting pregnant.
3. Your Blood Sugar Is on a Roller Coaster
While many people blame excessive carbohydrate consumption for wild blood sugar swings, you might be surprised to learn that inadequate calorie consumption can cause just as many issues with blood sugar control. The most common issue that comes from chronic under-eating is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.
Hypoglycemia is defined as blood sugar below 70 mg/dL, though some people experience symptoms at higher blood sugar levels. Common symptoms of hypoglycemia include:
- Hunger
- Shakiness
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- Weakness
- Confusion
- Changes in mood
Severe under-eating can easily cause hypoglycemia, especially when combined with exercise. (10) And because many people feel better eating sugary foods when they’re hypoglycemic, this can lead to the common cycle of high and low blood sugar swings that cause chronic dieters to overeat or binge on junk foods.
This is yet another reason that the most sustainable diet for weight loss provides adequate calories to keep your hormones and blood sugar even-keeled.
4. Your Mood Is Totally Unpredictable
Have you ever heard the term “hangry” before?
It refers to the state of anger and irritability resulting from being hungry. And even though it’s a made-up term, there’s actually scientific evidence for the existence of this volatile emotional state caused by inadequate food intake. (11)
As I mentioned earlier, lack of eating enough food can lead to hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Since the brain requires blood sugar to function optimally, when it starts to drop, one of the first cognitive processes that suffers is self-control. (12) Your ability to exert self-control allows you to:
- Focus your attention
- Regulate your emotions
- Cope with stress
- Resist impulsivity
- Refrain from aggressive behavior
So, if you’re always on a short fuse, or your mood is constantly swinging between cheerful and irritable or anxious, make sure that you’re not severely under-eating before making any other significant changes to your diet and supplement or medication routine.
5. You Can’t Fall Asleep (Or Stay Asleep)
Insomnia and other sleep disturbances are one of the top health complaints my clients come to me for help fixing. This is especially common in peri-menopausal women who seem to be especially prone to poor sleep despite generally good sleep hygiene and a health-conscious lifestyle.
Oddly enough, one of the first symptoms that changes when I get my clients eating a more calorically appropriate diet is a significant improvement in sleep duration and quality. Even if they weren’t necessarily waking up hungry, many of my clients find that an increased calorie intake (especially from carbohydrates) can lead them to fall asleep faster and stop waking up at night.
One reason for this likely comes from the improved blood sugar control that arises from an appropriate calorie and carbohydrate intake. As your blood sugar drops overnight, your liver must release its stored glucose (in the form of glycogen) to keep your blood sugar steady.
If you’re constantly under-eating, especially if you’re overexercising on top of that, your liver won’t have the glycogen stores it needs to keep your blood sugar stable. In this case, your body must release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to promote gluconeogenesis, the process of creating new glucose. If these stress hormones elevate high enough, they can actually wake you up in the middle of the night.
Making sure you’re eating enough overall and potentially including a carb- and fat-dense bedtime snack one to two hours before going to sleep can help keep your blood sugar stable overnight, leading to more restful, uninterrupted sleep.
Some of my favorite examples of balanced snacks are:
- An apple and 1 to 2 TB of nut butter
- Half a sweet potato and 1 TB of butter or ghee
- Berries and coconut milk
- A banana and 1 ounce of macadamia nuts
- Full-fat yogurt with a drizzle of honey
6. You’re Chronically Constipated
There are a few reasons why chronic under-eating can cause constipation. The most obvious is that feces is made up of waste matter from the digestion of food, so if you’re not getting enough food, your stool won’t have much bulk to it.
The less obvious but more likely reason that under-eating can lead to constipation is due to the effects of undernutrition on thyroid hormone. As I discussed previously, under-eating causes a downregulation of T3, the active thyroid hormone. This can lead to a condition called euthyroid sick syndrome, where T3 is low, reverse T3 is high, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and T4 are often normal. In this condition, your body develops hypothyroidism symptoms without necessarily showing any change in the typical thyroid function markers that most doctors check.
Constipation is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism. Active thyroid hormone helps stimulate peristalsis in the gut, keeping digestion humming along smoothly. When T3 drops, gut motility slows, and this can lead to chronic constipation. So, if you’re having a bowel movement only every couple of days, check your caloric intake and make sure you’re not under-eating.
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7. You’re Always Cold
Caloric restriction is known to cause a drop in body temperature. (13) While some calorie-restriction proponents suggest that this is a sign of expected longevity, my clients’ (and my own) experience dictates that this is not a comfortable way to live on a daily basis. Whether or not this extends our life span, who wants to constantly feel frigid on a daily basis? Not me, and I’d bet not you either.
A lowered body temperature can be due to a decrease in thermogenesis, since your body needs a certain amount of ingested calories to create heat, as well as due to the hormonal changes that come from caloric restriction, such as thyroid hormone reduction and HPA axis disruption. Low insulin can also lead to low body temperature, so some people on a very-low-carbohydrate diet will experience this symptom, as well. (14)
I may sound like a broken record at this point, but if you’re always cold, even in the summertime, it’s highly likely that you’re not getting enough to eat.
8. You’re Losing Hair by the Handful
Hair loss is one of the first signs of nutritional deficiency, whether that be calories, protein, or both. It is exacerbated by the hormonal changes that develop from chronic under-eating, including a drop in sex hormones like progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. (15, 16) Hair loss is another common symptom of hypothyroidism, which, as you’ve learned, can develop from long-term calorie restriction.
If your hair is falling out at a scarily fast rate, you need to take a hard look at your diet. Consuming a calorically appropriate, protein-rich, nutrient-dense whole foods diet should be the first step for anyone who wants to stop hair loss in its tracks.
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How Do You Stop Under-Eating and Improve Calorie Intake?
Determining exactly how many calories you need to eat on a daily basis for optimal health and weight control is tricky. Many factors come into play, including your physical activity, stress levels, sleep adequacy, history of chronic disease, and more. It’s impossible to know exactly how many calories your body needs on a daily basis, but there are some ways to estimate what you should be eating.
A quick and easy way to roughly estimate your “basement” calorie target—the lowest amount of calories you should ever eat—is to multiply your ideal body weight by 10. A woman who is 5’5” has an “ideal” body weight of around 125 pounds, so she should not eat less than 1,250 calories per day. Use this calculator to determine your “ideal” body weight. (Note: this calculator does not take into account frame size or muscle mass—that’s why I put “ideal” in quotes.)
It’s important to note that this quick estimate is a “sedentary” formula, meaning it does not take into account any physical activity beyond sitting and standing. If you’re exercising regularly, you’ll need to add at least 200 to 400 calories on top of that number. That same 5’5” woman might burn around 300 calories or more from a 30-minute run, taking her minimum calorie needs up to 1,550 calories per day, assuming she doesn’t do any other exercise that day.
Different workouts burn different amounts of calories. A CrossFit WOD can burn 12 to 20 calories per minute on average, so a WOD that takes 20 minutes could burn 240 to 400 calories. (17) If you’re aiming for a high step count, 10,000 steps burns around 300 to 500 calories, give or take, depending on body size and gender.
These are just examples of common exercise types in the Paleo community, and the point is to be aware that if you’re a highly active individual, your calorie needs will go up by several hundred calories per day above the “10 x ideal weight” formula.
Another common factor that will raise your caloric needs is if you are a breastfeeding woman. Many of my female clients are shocked to hear that breastfeeding can raise your caloric expenditure by 500 calories per day or more. (18) So breastfeeding women need at least 300 calories per day above and beyond other women who are not breastfeeding, and that’s only if they have extra weight to lose postpartum.
So what does this calorie target exercise look like in practice? Using myself as an example, my “ideal” body weight is about 140 pounds, and I usually burn around 400 to 500 calories via exercise per day, so I try not to eat below 1,800 calories, especially on heavier training days, where I may eat more like 2,000 to 2,200 total. Your mileage may vary, but it’s a pretty easy place to start from, and you can tweak up and down as necessary as your health and weight fluctuates.
Alternatively, you can use this calculator to estimate your daily calorie needs based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.
As you can see, determining caloric needs can get somewhat complicated, especially with the goal of weight loss thrown into the mix. When I work with clients, my goal is to get them on the least restrictive, most calorically appropriate diet possible. It’s amazing to see the health improvements that come from a simple increase in caloric intake when someone has been chronically under-eating.
If you need help figuring out the right calorie intake for you, let me help you to determine the best diet to keep you feeling and looking your best, without unnecessary restriction or starvation dieting.
Remember, eating too little is just as unhealthy as eating too much. Find the right amount of food intake that works best for you, and don’t be afraid to experiment with eating more if your health isn’t where you want it to be!
I have been under eating for a while and I apply to many of these symptoms. I am also WAYYYY underweight. My parents said this might be a doctor situation. But before we do that I will show them this website and hope for the best.
By the way, I weigh 59 pounds and I am 5 feet tall. I am also 11 almost 12
I also forgot to say this
I started not eating when I ate almost nothing for a whole week because I got very sick and all my mom would give me was nasty tea and soup. So, I just didn’t eat it.
Here are the Things I apply to
I can’t fall asleep,
my mood is un-predictable-ish,
And I’m always very cold.
Not eating can become a habit-a bad one. Starvation can give people a ” high”, and change the brain function-leading to possible anorexia. You can do some searches into neuroplasticity/anorexia/habit. You possibly also starved many of your microbes. More fat will warm you up. Coconut oil will actually make you leaner, as it does work on changing the microbe levels. You can add more fiber, resistant starches, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, . and berries. Certain microbes will help make us fat, and you may want some fat on you, except for belly fat.
As for grains, that is up to you. Sometimes very skinny people have celiac or grain intolerance. Try an egg drink with eggs, butter, some sweet potatoes, berries, avocados along with some spices mixed in a blender along with some hot water, and drink it. You can read some of my other replies also about my size.
That was a great read!
I have been under eating since the past five years. When I started cutting out on my food, I weighed around 176 pounds. However, I shed weight drastically and have got stuck at 118 pounds for the last three years. I am a 22 year old Software Engineer measuring 5’4”. I try to go for long, brisk walks for an hour and a half on weekdays and prefer doing yoga on weekends.
I am struggling with getting on to start eating properly. What holds me back is the fear that I would get back to square one (176 pounds) in no time of me beginning to ‘eat’ again. Lately, I have been having irregular periods also. My hands remain cold most of the time and I tend to get anxious and peeved easily.
All I can say is that I need help with correcting my diet. Any suggestions regarding how to go about it would be appreciated.
I am 44 years old, for the past 20 years I have tried every diet known to man or woman with no luck. I am a chronic under eater. I can go an entire day without eating a thing. I dont get hungry. I have a high stress life as well, not job so much as life stress. I started dating a body builder and he has made me start to follow an eat every few hours type of diet, and at first it seemed to work, but now I am eating every few hours and gaining instead of losing. I have had my thyroid tested- its normal although I have all of the symptoms of low thyroid function. I am currently at 200 pounds. I eat oatmeal with honey for breakfast, then i have a hand full of nuts, and a protein shake, I have a salad with either chicken breast meat or tuna, and a little dressing. I have a cup of what ever I made for dinner the night before which is usually meat ( beef chicken breast or fish), and veggies ( zucchini, mushrooms, celery, broccoli, onions, peppers) at some point in the day I have a cup of brown rice, a sweet potato or white potato.I drink 2 ltrs of water a day or close to that as some days I cant drink it, and nothing else. I try to stay away from sugars and bread but once in a while i treat myself to a croissant or a piece of cinnamon toast or cereal with almond milk instead of oatmeal. If i eat bread its multigrain. I occasionally eat fruit.and if i fall off the wagon and want something sweet I eat a chocolate chip cookie or 2. But my issue is that i feel that i have gone from one extreme to another and now I eat too much food. I need help! I eat small portions, but I am still struggling and I cant lose the pounds. I try to take walks, but I have 0 energy. I also try to keep up with the bedroom but its also hard when you have no drive and hate your body. I am not a morning person, but I work almost every day- days off i could stay in bed all day if i didnt have stuff to do.
Suggestions anyone????
By eating throughout the day you will be constantly raising your insulin levels. This will prevent you from losing weight. You would be better having three good meals per day with about 4 hours between each one. Try and avoid having too much carbs – either rice or potatoes in a day but not both. If you can leave 12 hours between your evening meal and your breakfast your body will release glucose overnight and lower your levels ready for the next day.
My issue is almost never talked about. I have trouble gaining weight. I hover around 110 lbs. on a 5’4″ frame. This was my normal body weight as a teenager but I’m 63 now. The most I’ve ever weighed is 127 and at that weight I looked pudgy and bloated, even with exercise. But at 110 I’m too thin and worry about frailty as I get older.
I’ve been gluten intolerant for over 30 years and also can’t eat dairy. Eating Paleo, without grains, beans and dairy, high calorie foods are hard to come by. I lift weights but gain very little muscle, in part because of my low post-menopausal hormone levels. But it feels impossible to eat enough calories to gain weight. I know about healthy fats and root vegetables, but how many sweet potatoes with coconut oil can I eat in one day?
I don’t have most of the symptoms of too few calories. My hair is good, I’m not constipated or cold. But I do have osteoporosis in the lumbar spine even with the weightlifting. And sex drive, what’s that? I chalk it up to age, but it’s depressing.
Somebody said to just eat more of what I already eat. I’ve heard too much protein is bad for us. ? Vegetables don’t add many calories although I eat plenty of them. (No nuts at the moment because I’m doing the autoimmune protocol for three months to see if I bring chronic inflammation under control.)
Any suggestions?
I have the same problem, but I’m a male 67. Weight about 116, 5′ 7.5″ I was vegan for 2 years, but recently I tried something different–began eating WHITE rice with beans. (BTW, to hell with “paleo”). A few billion Asians mst know something many in the health food industry don’t know: you can’t extract enuf calories from brown rice, not without eating a ton, and then, since you’ve eaten a ton, and yer all clogged, you can’t extract enuf calories. Anyway, one day at lunch, when I ate a large bowl of white rice and red lentils (red lentil: cooks very fast, and is ez to digest), and added seasalt and alotta spices and a heaping teaspoon of tahini–well, I hadn’t felt that good after meal in don’t know how long. Hey, I went the sweet potato route. I enjoy those meals, but the rice and bean meal put me back on the map of feeling good from a meal, and not vaguely ‘Inflamed”. Last word: don’t listen TOO hard to anyone., especially the anti-carb crowd. Keep seeking, and watch your expectations. Aging is inevitable.
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for sharing your experience. It just goes to show that there’s no one size fits all where diet is concerned. I did the vegetarian, rice and lentils thing for years and just got sick…chronically congested, acid reflux…and I’ve done the white rice too –it’s not bad but I notice quickly that I don’t feel well. A Paleo approach is best for me overall. My body loves meat. Glad you found what works for you!
We could not afford a lot of meat when my sisters and I were growing up. Sweets were rare, and beans and rice along with maybe some neck bones were a large part of our diets. My parents and their parents probably did not get enough nourishment. My mom was slim, but did not have a large pelvic and was told not to eat much when pregnant with me( I was the middle one). Her mom was my size, and my dad was short, although my mom and her farher were tall. I weighed 5 lb and was not premature. At least as we got older we could afford more meat. I tried for some years to cut down on meat. That did not work out well. I could not control my blood sugar. I need more meat and fat, other wise, I stay hungry and shaky, and in pain. .
Hi Louise,
I am about your age, am 5 feet at about 100 lb. I am small boned though, and look thin only in my rib cage. When I weighed 15 lb heavier(before LCHF) I still looked thin in my rib cage. I want to look small around my waist. I can add some potatoes and nuts though. At very strict LCHF(just meat, vegetables and fat ) I lost too much weight. Can you handle macadamia nuts? Have you tried goat cheese or whey? Butter and ghee never gave me any problems. I was very thin as a teenager. My mom was put on a diet (so not to have a big baby). Epigenetics affect your weight, and you may never be able to gain weight without it being a unhealthy weight. Audrey Hepburn was very thin all her life, but she underwent starvation when she was growing up. Hope this helps some.
Hi Cindy, I appreciate your response. Like you, I’m small boned to begin with. Macadamia nuts — love them! They’re part of my diet (except for right now while I’m doing an autoimmune protocol for a few months). They don’t help me gain weight, however. I love butter and goat cheese/yogurt too, but sadly they don’t love me. I haven’t tried ghee but I just got some grass-fed beef tallow which will add some calories to my sautéed veggies.
What you say about epigenetics is very interesting. My mother was not a dieter, but you could be right that I “may never be able to gain weight without it being an unhealthy weight.” Almost no attention is paid to this problem because most people suffer from the other extreme. Additionally, seniors are not the target audience of this website or any of the others that I read to learn about Paleo/low carb eating. We seem to be an invisible population. But there are a lot of us! Thanks for your comments.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have gained 15 pounds, I can’t seem to lose any weight. I am 5 3 and weigh 145 pounds. Can anyone offer any advice to lose weight with a thyroid condition, I am monitored closely by my dr and my tsh is in the Normal range. I have been struggling for a year and am so discouraged. I eat around 1200 calories a day and have a moderate exercise level walking 10000 steps a day.
The TSH is irrelevant. Find a doctor who will test Free T3 and Free T4s, and will prescribe desiccated thyroid. Join the natural thyroid hormone group on yahoo and you will get a lot of info.
Also, I had major fertility problems as well.
Oh, yes! I had severe anxiety, religious obsessions (I am a practicing Catholic, and these were not anything consistent with my religion), obsessions with food and weight, depression, crying spells, exhaustion, trouble sleeping, and noticing that my weight and water weight would change super easily. When I started eating more, a lot of problems just *disappeared*. Not all of them right away, but eventually. I also had to eat a lot more for a while to make up for weight loss, and my weight increased and settled to a healthy weight.
did it happen that at first it wasnt easy to gain weight?
I have a very restrictive diet due to health complications, food intolerances & allergies… That being said, I am starting to think that I might not be getting enough calories. I eat a ton, or so I think, but I have sometimes calculated my intake (out of curiosity) and if my calculations are correct, I eat at MAX about 1400 calories. I also work out a ton… I get tired very easily… But I also cannot eat many food groups in general… So I don’t know. I always think I am eating a ton but perhaps I am actually not? Who knows. This is a very complicated issue, and certainly NOT one size fits all… Also, that being said, I am actually not frequently cold, I am actually quite HOT on the regular… But the one symptom I definitely have, infertility. I know I cannot get pregnant, and haven’t gotten my period in years. Hm… Doctors are clueless for me, it’s almost a waste to go to them at this point.
I have all these symptoms except the can’t get pregnant, loss of hair (altho I did a couple months ago) & coldness. My hands and feet are, but rest of my body is pretty warm. Altho the coldness I had a couple months ago too.
I’m worried because I work out every day, and run 2 miles at least 3 times a week, yet I’m not losing weight or even toning up my legs, butt, abs etc. Constipation and falling asleep/staying asleep are the biggest that ring true for me…idk what to do. To toy my daily calories up or down, exercise more? I already do about 4-6 hours a week?!
where do i begin… i guess i should say I’m bulimic(binge/purge)… i have had this ED for probably the last four years and i am so tired and sick of this disease. I really want and need to stop and get better. with that being said… i came across your site and it really caught my eye… i don’t know were/who to turn to anymore and maybe you have some validating answers… Yes, i have been for help but…. that just didn’t work. so let me start now… i have always been into healthy eating and fitness… ALWAYS, and let me add I DO know the correct way to eat but since this ED i can’t wrap my head around eating the correct way..i lost weight (my current weight is about 98-100lbs) which I’m sure is too low,and i definitely restrict my calories (but in a weird way, i like the way i feel and look) which is such an oxymoron because I’m always tired, i look to thin and my workouts suffer from them and half the time i do not want to work out anymore(which is so unlike me).. i have to also say that since this ED i have given up almost ALL carbs(complex carbs ) salads, etc, the only thing that i kept in my diet is fish, eggs whites and some dairy… occasionally i would eat a salad with fish or some type of shellfish.. some PB, (which is a trigger food) avocado.. sometimes i think everything i eat is a trigger food. anything i eat i purge whether it is a binge or not.. i start my day (i think the right way) scrambled eggs whites …and than i panic… for lunch and dinner it ALWAYS turns into some type of binge/purge whether its healthy food or junk food… I need to start a program where i can get back on track and start feeling good… i want my workouts to feel good not like a job actually this disease is a job that i want to quit….UHG!!! I hate the word diet because i don’t believe in diet i believe you eat healthy and the rest will follow … but something happened and i lost control. i have had blood work and everything has come back fine.. maybe i have adrenal fatigue not sure it doesn’t show in my blood work.. i do not SLEEP at all actually i have become an night owl …. i can eat and bing/purge in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping…so night sleeping (up all night) not eating the correct way and binging/purging I’m sorta unfunctionable. I am hoping you can steer me in the right direction, maybe have some answers for me, maybe a new way of handling the way i eat … (btw .. its is very hard for me to eat 5-6 small meals a day) I’m bar with 3 meals -if that) you may not have the background in ED’S BUT hopefully you will have some type of answers. i can not afford a nutrutionist or help at this time .. so i decided to email you i know its a long email… but hopefully i will hear back from you.
Hi my name is Melanie. I a under eater. I’m experinceing the stress, moody, shakyness, and lack of interest in sex. I’m trying to get better. I gone to the doctors and they all said the same thing that I am healthy. I just stopped eating and now I want to eat again before I make my body worse.
I suffer from binge eating and compulsive overeating.
In the last 5 years I went from 70KG to 140KG because of a depression that made me stop doing lots of sports as I used to do.
Now the depression is gone, but i am 50KG overweight and since 3 month I have diabetes type 2.
Since I got the diabetes I only ate the allowed foods and not the forbidden ones according to the doctor.
But because of my binge eating and over eating disorder I eat too much of the allowed foods.
I eat like 4 packages of rice cookies with 2 pots of sugar free strawery jam…….
This is no good, because I don`t loose weight and slowly gain more……
I eat a perfect healthy diet all day, but at some point of the day I HAVE to binge……..
I tried everything and don`t know what to do.
A person recommend me your web site, so I contact you by this post…..
And the thing is that everyone says a different thing……….”you will cure the diabetes by being vegetarian”, “by being vegan”,”eat 2 eggs a day”, “only eat one egg weekly”, “do the paleo diet” and so on……..
My main goal is not to cure the diabetes, is to stop binging and over eating so I can loose 50 KG…….
I am in South America right now.
Much thanks
Is it possible to do a vegetarian paleo diet?
Yes, we’ll sort of… it’s called Pegan. Pegan is Paleo and Vegan together. 🙂
I have been on nutrisystem for about 5 months and I have lost about 50 lbs. I am on an 1800 calorie program with a combination of protein and smart carbs through the day.
At first the weight was flying off and the past few weeks, i have barely lost a pound and this week, i gained five.
The suggestion from nutrisystem is for me to eat an hour within waking up and to eat my last snack later. I am going to see how that works. I am female, 5’7 and I currently weigh 460 lbs.
My goal weight for now is 300 lbs. Any suggestions, besides surgery is appreciated
Hi, love that your goal for now is reasonable. It is so important for your body to get all the nutrients it needs to get healthy. It is so hard to maintain weight loss if you are unhealthy. The trick here is to give your body what it needs to get healthy and stay away from foods, chemicals, toxins etc that it is sensitive to. Once the body starts to heal, then the weight can come off easier. Your body needs vegetables (green leafy ones, cruciferous ones and bright coloured ones) every day. I have one type with every meal to get all 3 types in. Green leafy ones at breakfast, cruciferous at lunch and coloured at supper. Very important. You also need protein and healthy fats with every meal. Animal protein is the easiest to get all the amino acids from that your body needs to heal and build and sustain your body with. All you need is about 4-5 oz ( the size of the palm of your hand) with every meal to start. As your body starts to heal you can reduce that amount. I needed to eat that much protein with every meal for 2 years before my body started craving/needing less. Healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil (on salads, in soups etc), avocado, nuts, eggs, cheese, yogurt and organic butter are all good sources. Again with every meal. Fat will NOT make you fat. It is cereal, bread, pasta, rice, baked goods, processed foods etc if eaten in excess will cause the weight gain. It is fine to have some refined carbs like pasta, or rice for example at supper or starchy foods like potatoes. Your body needs some starchy food. They will also help you sleep at night but only ¼ cup. Too much of anything is unhealthy. Fats are higher in calories than protein and veggies/carbs, but they are essential for your health! If you eat real food, not in boxes or bags etc, then calories don’t count much. Eat vegetables, meat and healthy fat with a small amount of starchy carbs and you can’t go wrong.
Now this does not take into consideration whether or not you are sensitive to gluten, dairy, sugar etc. If you are, they need to be eliminated from your diet, but at least you now have the basics to get healthy and lose weight. Walking is also soooo important. Any type of movement all day is needed. It is a good habit to get into. There is more, but that comes later. Try this for a few months and see how you feel. I think feeling good/healthy is more important than losing the weight. I truly believe the weight will come off if you can adopt a healthy lifestyle (food, sleep, movement and stress management) and get rid of the things that are causing you to be inflamed like not eating a balanced meal with all 3 macro nutrients in it. Hope this helps.
Hi I’m Kassidy. I’m 5″4 and weight 117 pounds. I between 500-700 calories a day and do exercise like abs or biking every other day. I cut down calories because consuming a regular 900-1200 had me stuck and I was not seeing any difference in weight at all. I eat healthy, (like, REALLY healthy) and I’m just kinda confused?? Like I know I’m not fat but I would like to be comfortable in my own skin. Is it possible I’ve lost all the weight I could while it still being considered healthy? Am I not soupossed to loose anymore?
Hi Kassidy, assuming you are female, while your current wt of 117# is within a normal BMI range for your height (BMI of 20, normal wt range: 18-24.9), unless you are several decades older than 90 years old, your caloric intake is too low by more than 50 percent with the amount of physical activity you do. What is your age? If you are 18 yrs old, then the amount of calories needed just for breathing and keeping your body temperature going without doing anything else or lifting a finger is about 1400 Cals/day, that is your basal energy expenditure (BEE) If you are 90yrs old that BEE goes down to about 1100 calories per day, just for breathing!
Please consider increasing your calories to at least double what you are doing now with planned future increases. Perhaps starting early in the morning to eat something and spreading out your calories every 3 to 4hrs. My guess is the weight you are loosing is your muscles and the scale is not always the best measure of sucess. Are you thriving?
Eat disorder are unfortunately very common. There’s probably some one you know that has it.
Consuming a extremely low amount of calories has a number of side effects as you have listed. But it also lowers your metabolism. And when it does you wont see any results which causes you to lower even more. This is how people end up in the hospital.
The only healthy way to get into better shape is by making a lifestyle change. Start eating more nutritious foods and exercising regularly.
Great Post. Keep up the great work.
I had no idea! Just tracked my calories and I am definitely under eating–this explains so much! Any idea how long it takes for symptoms to resolve? Hair loss is a big one, extra weight and feeling cold–all of which I attributed to thyroid.
You may see improvements within days, if not weeks, provided you’re eating enough now!
I’m a *nursing mom* struggling to overcome chronic illness (a lifetime of worsening health issues, unnecessary gallbladder removal, having to figure out health issues myself, chronic pain, almost dying, finally a severe endometriosis diagnosis, surprising miracle pregnancy/baby, suspected gluten sensitivity etc., etc.).
I have gleaned so much knowledge from this website for years. Thank you for your invaluable work that is helping people like myself on a journey to healing!
This article is very timely for me as I’ve suspected some of my health problems are linked to not being able to get enough calories, protein deficiency, nutrient deficiencies, and possible thyroid problems (but I’m having trouble getting accurate testing of many of these things).
I’ve followed the autoimmune paleo protocol for over a year postpartum and cannot seem to get enough calories to sustain me day in and day out. I’ve never once cheated on this diet.
I do eat white rice out of necessity as a nursing mom (not because I love grains or possible gluten cross reactivity). I do not restrict calories. Some of the things I eat include bananas, sweet potatoes, lots of tuna and fish, avocados, coconut oil, gelatin, dessicated liver, fish oil, grassfed beef.
Not being able to get enough calories is really affecting my quality of life. I constantly cook, eat, feel like I cannot function for more than an hour or two without eating, repeat. I cannot seem to get enough food to sustain me. I’ve always had trouble maintaining a healthy weight and especially now. Getting out is almost impossible at times. I pack my own food everywhere I go (to avoid gluten contamination) and cannot seem to pack enough to sustain my body.
Do you have any food tips to help with this? I’d greatly appreciate it any insight here.
Until then, I’ll continue reading your website and comments very frequently as I’m able as I’ve done for years. Thank you so much for your help and articles!
I’m currently a *nursing mother* who deals with and has dealt with chronic illness (the details of which are too lengthy to explain quickly here–lifetime of worsening health issues, unnecessary gallbladder removal, had to figure out health issues on my own, almost died, finally an endometriosis diagnosis, miracle baby, etc., etc.), and I was so thankful to come across this article as it’s very timely for me.
After coming to the conclusion that I probably had some sort of gluten intolerance or possibly celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity a few months postpartum, I started the autoimmune protocol paleo diet and have been doing so for almost a year. It has been really difficult to do this diet as a new mom with chronic illness, but I’ve never cheated on the diet as I’m desperate to be well.
I feel I might be suffering from a protein deficiency, other nutrient deficiencies, and maybe thyroid problems (possibly have had these issues for a long time). I’ve had an extremely difficult time finding practitioners to accurately test things, and doctor trips mostly feel like a waste of my precious time and energy.
***I particularly feel like I’m not getting enough calories.*** I’m one of those who has had a consistently difficult time maintaining a healthy weight my whole life and especially now.
I eat white rice on the autoimmune protocol–not because I’m excited about grains or possible gluten cross reactivity–but out of necessity as a nursing mom. Some of the things I eat include bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, coconut oil, lots of fish, gelatin, dessicated liver, fish oil, recently grassfed beef (I had never really eaten beef much before my whole life and had avoided it out of fear that it would negatively impact endometriosis, but I think I’m benefiting from it’s rich nutrients and heavy caloric load.). I do not restrict calories. I am benefiting from all these things.
***However, I still cannot seem to get enough calories! Do you have any calorie suggestions for a nursing mom with often low energy trying to recover from chronic illness?***
It is really affecting my quality of life! I literally cook and eat all day long when at home. I pack my own food everywhere I go to avoid gluten cross contamination and other foods I cannot have, but it seems I cannot pack enough to successfully sustain me. When I’m out of the home (which is unfortunately not that often because of how taxing it is on my body), I particularly have a hard time meeting my body’s needs as it still feels I need to be eating constantly. I cannot seem to get enough food to function for more than an hour or two before needing more food. It feels like a viscous cycle: cook, eat, feel badly–like I can’t function until I eat more, repeat.
If you could help me, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Until then, I’ll continue frequenting this website as Chris Kresser’s work has been such a help to me for years. Thank you for your work! You’re helping people like me!
As a nutritionist myself, I could not agree more with this article! A huge problem I am finding recently is how to get in enough calories for those suffering from SIBO. There’s just not enough carbohydrates they can eat. What can they do?? (I know a lot of people use plantains and white potatoes, but according to Dr. Siebecker at NCNM, these should not be part of a SIBO diet.)
You could try an elemental diet to get rid of your SIBO and then repress a recurrence with natural antibiotics like garlic, cayenne, peppermint oil… (oregano oil is also very good, but could be harmful if used long-term.) You can find a lot of helpful info on the siboinfo website.
I’m in the midst of a modified elemental diet (modified only insofar I use whey protein hydrolysate instead of synthetic aminos because I can’t get the latter in the quantities I need where I live.) So far all of the SIBO symptoms have disappeared, no bloating or intestinal discomfort at all. I’ve never felt this good in my life.
Carbs I consume are pure glucose (500g! I need those calories!) and a little honey (contains glucose and fructose, both of which are fine as long as they are present as simple sugars and not as sucrose etc). Since I drink some of the diet every hour I don’t have any worsened blood sugar issues, in fact my blood sugar is more stable than before. I only take MCT oil since I have a fat malabsorption (probably due to the SIBO, but might also be causative, we’ll see.)
I find that a lot of patients with SIBO actually do better with some amount of low FODMAP starches. Certain starches are more easily absorbed by the gut and do not feed bacterial overgrowth.
Check our our recent podcast on this topic:
I found this article very fascinating. I think this is a great read because many people don’t realise that common health problems can be caused by their diet. The points that you have made in this post are very interesting and full of facts that people need to know. I learnt from reading this that hair loss is a sign of nutritional deficiency. It is hard to sleep on an empty stomach, this is why many people are mid-night snacking. The point you made about knowing how much you should eat, the recommended daily US calorie intake is 2,700 calories a day for a man and 2,200 calories a day for a woman, but don’t you think people should also work out their TDEE so they have an idea of how many calories they need to function and take that into consideration when they want to lower calorie intake?
Sorry I do apologise for posting twice