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Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient


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This bowl of natto is a good source of vitamin K2.

The role K2 plays is still not entirely understood, but research suggests that a nutrient deficiency of this vitamin can have far-reaching consequences for your health.

A study published by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) revealed that increased intake of vitamin K2 may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent. (1) The authors point out that the benefits of K2 were most pronounced for advanced prostate cancer and, importantly, that vitamin K1 did not offer any prostate benefits.

The findings were based on data from more than 11,000 men taking part in the EPIC Heidelberg cohort. It adds to a small but fast-growing body of science supporting the potential health benefits of vitamin K2 for bone, cardiovascular, skin, brain, and prostate health.

What Are the Benefits?

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the health benefits of the K2 vitamin. The K vitamins have been underrated and misunderstood up until very recently in both the scientific community and the general public.

Vitamin K2 can help you maintain cardiovascular health, improve your skin, strengthen bones, and promote brain function. Find out more about this powerful nutrient.

It has been commonly believed that the benefits of vitamin K are limited to its role in blood clotting. Another popular misconception is that vitamins K1 and K2 are simply different forms of the same vitamin—with the same physiological functions.

New evidence, however, has confirmed that the K2 vitamin’s role in the body extends far beyond blood clotting. It may help stave off chronic disease by:

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What Does It Do?

The K2 vitamin has so many functions not associated with K1 that many researchers insist that K1 and K2 are best seen as two different vitamins entirely.

Differences between Vitamins K1 and K2

A large epidemiological study from the Netherlands illustrates this point well. Researchers collected data on the vitamin K intakes of the subjects between 1990 and 1993. (2) They measured the extent of heart disease in each subject, who had died from it, and how this related to K2 intake and arterial calcification. They found that calcification of the arteries was the best predictor of heart disease. Those in the highest third of K2 intakes were:

  • 52 percent less likely to develop severe calcification of the arteries
  • 41 percent less likely to develop heart disease
  • 57 percent less likely to die from it

However, intake of vitamin K1 had no effect on participants’ heart health.

While K1 is preferentially used by the liver to activate blood clotting proteins, K2 is preferentially used by other tissues to deposit calcium in appropriate locations, such as in the bones and teeth, and prevent it from depositing in locations where it does not belong, like the soft tissues. (3) In an acknowledgment of the different roles played by vitamins K1 and K2, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) determined the vitamin K2 contents of foods in the U.S. diet for the first time in 2006. (4)

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Do We Need K2 in Our Diet?

A common misconception is that human beings do not need K2 in their diet, since they have the capacity to convert vitamin K1 to K2. The amount of K1 in typical diets is generally greater than that of K2, and researchers and physicians have largely dismissed the contribution of K2 to nutritional status as insignificant.

However, although animals can convert vitamin K1 to K2, a significant amount of evidence suggests that humans require preformed K2 in the diet to obtain and maintain optimal health.

The strongest indication that humans require preformed K2 in the diet is that both epidemiological and intervention studies show its superiority over K1. According to the epidemiological study from the Netherlands referenced above, intake of K2 is inversely associated with heart disease in humans, while intake of K1 is not. A 2007 study showed that K2 is at least three times more effective than vitamin K1 at activating proteins related to skeletal metabolism. (5) And remember that in the study on the K2 vitamin’s role in treating prostate cancer, which I mentioned at the beginning of this article, vitamin K1 had no effect.

Foods High in Vitamin K2

All of this evidence points to the possibility that K2 may be an essential nutrient in the human diet. So where does one find K2 in foods? The following is a list of the foods highest in the vitamin:

  • Natto, a soy dish popular in Japan
  • Hard cheese
  • Soft cheese
  • Egg yolks
  • Butter
  • Chicken liver
  • Salami
  • Chicken breast
  • Ground beef

It was once erroneously believed that intestinal bacteria played a major role in supplying the body with this vitamin. However, the majority of evidence contradicts this view. Most of the K2 produced in the intestine is embedded within bacterial membranes and not available for absorption. Thus, intestinal production of K2 likely makes only a small contribution to vitamin K status. (6)

While some foods like natto and hard cheeses are high in K2, many people don’t consume them regularly. This is where smart supplementation can play a role. When supplementing with K2, consider a product that contains a blend of MK-4 and MK-7 forms, which may have unique benefits.

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Fermented Foods Are a Good Source of K2

Fermented foods, however, such as sauerkraut, cheese, and natto, contain substantial amounts of vitamin K2. Natto contains the highest concentration of K2 of any food measured; nearly all of it is present as MK-7, which research has shown to be a highly effective form. One study demonstrated that MK-7 increased the percentage of osteocalcin in humans three times more powerfully than did vitamin K1. (7)

Butter and “Activator X”

It is important to note that commercial butter is not a significantly high source of vitamin K2. Dr. Weston A. Price, who was the first to elucidate the role of vitamin K2 in human health (though he called it “Activator X” at the time), analyzed over 20,000 samples of butter sent to him from various parts of the world. (8) He found that the Activator X concentration varied 50-fold. Animals grazing on vitamin K-rich cereal grasses—especially wheatgrass and alfalfa in a lush green state of growth—produced fat with the highest amounts of Activator X, but the soil in which the pasture was grown also influenced the quality of the butter. It was only the vitamin-rich butter grown in three feet or more of healthy topsoil that showed dramatic curing properties when combined with cod liver oil in Dr. Price’s experiments and clinical practice.

Therefore, vitamin K2 levels will not be high in butter from grain-fed cows raised in confinement feedlots. Since the overwhelming majority of butter sold in the U.S. comes from such feedlots, butter is not a significant source of K2 in the diet for most people. This is yet another argument for obtaining raw butter from cows raised on green pasture.

We’re Still Learning about the Health Benefits of K2

New research that expands our understanding of the many important roles of vitamin K2 is being published at a rapid pace. Yet it is already clear that vitamin K2 is an important nutrient for human health—and one of the most poorly understood by medical authorities and the general public.

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  1. I recently read an article in a news paper a week ago about vitamin K2 and its benifits with removing calcium from the arteries and placing the ca to bone.  The vitamin they were promoting was the “king of all calcium” because it included calcium, D3, mag, and K2 from the natto bean.  I have been reading your information about how K2 from natto bean needs to be fermented.  Would this be something to ask that company and its article if the vit D3 thats from the natto bean is fermented? Thank you

  2. I’m not too picky about vitamin K2 supplements, though I prefer to get as much of it from food as possible.  I explain how to do that in the article.

  3. Hi Chris,
     Recently on http://www.mdsbeacon.com  I read a great article on K2 in the treatment of this disease …a Phase II trial.  i have a friend with this and after stopping a tough drug that didn’t work…  Revlimid. she showed her Dr. the article and now she is doing  15 mgX3 daily and Vit D3 at 5000 Iu/day + some B12.   Her RBC indices are back to normal and she is hoping to extend the time between transfusions.
     I found a source of K2 15mg at Vitamin Research Lab in Nevada. Her Dr. ok’d her
    to try this for 3 months.
      Any comment?  Other Vit K2 sources better?

  4. K2 has been shown to reverse arterial calcification in some people.  So yes, it has that potential.

  5. I’m 37 and I recently had a brief bout with heart palpitations (they’ve since gone away), and an Echocardiogram showed a small amount of mitral calcification.  Since the palpitations had gone away and I had no other symptoms, the cardiologist said no other action or follow up was necessary.  I did some reading and began supplementing my diet with 150 mcgs of MK-7 K2 from Jarrow. 
    Any hope that the K2 may help “de-calcify” my mitral valve and leaflets?

  6. Is it safe for someone on warfarin sodium / coumadin to take Garden of Life Raw Meal once a day everyday ? As I would like to incorporate into my morning smoothies to get nutrients I need as I don’t get all the nutrients listed on the nutritional label.

    It has Vitamin K2 in it in the form of Raw MK-7 at 80mcg ( 100% daily value ) ? Is 80mcg enough to benefit as I was said to have osteoporosis I am only twenty something ? Should I avoid Vitamin K1 that is in the Vega Health Optimizer ?

    I do appreciate replies.

  7. I’m not a fan of calcium supplementation, and your issue is one of the main reasons.

    You should not have calcium in your soft tissues.  K2 and vitamin D both regulate calcium metabolism, so you should definitely be normalizing your levels of both.

    I’ve never heard of K2 causing insomnia and can’t figure out any mechanism that could explain it.

  8. A recent DEXA scan showed that I had “quite a lot” of calcium in my system.  Does this mean that I am absorbing the calcium supplements I take (i.e. not eliminating them in urine), but it is being deposited in the wrong place?
    I have begun to take K2 but wonder if it should be taken away from the calcium supplements in order to allow it to take action on the unwanted deposits.
    Should I reduce the calcium?  I take 650 mg together with magnesium, D3 etc.
    Finally are you aware of any reports of insomnia with higher doses of K2?
    I’d be very grateful for any enlightenment.   Many thanks.

    • I know this is an old post, but the Thorne Vitamin K drops gave my son insomnia and generally made his disagreeable. He’s got loads of food allergies (IgE and intolerances). This was a single drop in a batch of gluten free pancakes.

  9. Dear Chris
    I take Strontium Ranelate for osteoporosis.  As I’m sure you are aware, it has an uncommon side effect (1 to 10 in 1000) of blood clots.  I would like to take K2 but wonder if it would be contra-indicated with the strontium as K2 clots blood –  doesn’t it?
    If appropriate, what dose?
    Can you advise?   Many thanks.

  10. Awesome! Thanks for your reply! Would the fermented cod liver oil replace the Krill Oil? And, if I switched to that could I still take my multi-vitamin? The multi-vitamin is a whole food one.

  11. Hello, Chris! I just started taking the TriK Vitamin K supplement, and was wondering if the multi-vitamin that I am taking offers sufficient D3 (5,000 IU) and A (5,000 IU) to aid in absorption? I also take a Krill Oil supplement once daily. I am taking the supplement becuase I am genetically predisposed to heart problems and osteoperosis (both sides of the family) – I am 30 but don’t want to take any chances with problems down the line. Just wondering if this is a good idea? Thanks for your time!!

    • You should be fine. I prefer getting A & D from natural, whole food sources like fermented cod liver oil (from Green Pasture), but in terms of dosage you’re fine with 5,000 IU of both.

  12. Chris, thank you for you reply.  This info has helped.  I will make diet changes.  I know that I am not getting enough calories with vegan diet, but in going low-fat vegan, I was trying to lower cholesterol which has been high for years; plus, acidic animal foods supposedly make osteooporosis worse.   I am allergic to seafood, so can’t do fish or cod liver oil.  I do have Ann Wigmore’s books with instructions on how to make sauerkraut.  It is not easy  to find the right way to eat to obain better health.  This blog has offered more information that just reading an article would not provide.  Thanks again!

    • …it’s not possible to be “allergic” to fats, like Cod Liver Oil, etc, as you can ONLY be allergic to proteins.

  13. Chris, thanks for your information on K2.  I am researaching benefits of K2 for my situation.  I did not have osteoporosis until I had been on Advair for a few years for COPD from chronic bronchitis.  I have been on Actonel for 1 yr and 7 months.  Just had a bone density test that showed I have declined again, 12%.  Now at -3.3.  I have taken calcium supplements for most of my adult life and have been taking D3 and magnesium for several years.  I have a history of DVT, so I take Persantine, which is not a blood thinner, but keeps my platelets from sticking together.  I transitioned to vegan and have been free of animal products for one year.  I do not eat the high fat raw, but try to eat mostly fruit, veggies, legumes, and small amount of whole grains and try to keep fats low (nuts and EVO).  I am wondering if 1) K2 is right for me,  2)  if my diet contributed to the bad report,  3) would K2 help if I still have to take Advair (steroids).  Would Kefir have K2?  What about rejuvalac?

    • Ann: I don’t advocate a vegan diet for multiple reasons, and this is one of them. It’s impossible to get the nutrients (from food) necessary for optimal health with a vegan diet. I’ve written about that elsewhere on the blog. My recommendation for dealing with your problem would include a diet rich in grass-fed animal products, fermented cod liver oil (supplying A, D, K2, E and other quinones in their natural, whole-food form), and regular consumption of whole, fatty fish like salmon. K2 is certainly right for you, as is a whole-food form of D and A. Kefir probably does have some K2, since it’s fermented – especially if made with milk from grass-fed cows. Sauerkraut is another potential source.

  14. I am on a Calcium, Vitamin D supplement for thinning bones. It also has 45mcg of vitamin K2. Does this cause blood clots, since that what I understand vit K does? 

    • Vitamin K2 and vitamin K have different effects. K2 primarily regulates calcium metabolism (i.e. makes sure calcium goes into the bones and teeth where it belongs and not the soft tissue), whereas vitamin K has a stronger effect on coagulation.

  15. I’ve just come across your site & this thread on K2. I wonder if you’d share you thoughts on a a bit of a challenge we face at times in my health food store — how to best inform people who are taking blood-thinning drugs about the benefits of K2. We now just suggest that they ask their doctor about how to balance the K2 & the warfarin. We realize of course that virtually no PCP’s are informed on this.
         I myself take K2 & D3 daily, to help stop my body from taking calcium from my bones & then depositing it in joints, etc.

    • There are studies demonstrating that rats treated with high doses of warfarin develop arterial calcification, and that K2 protects against this. It can be speculated that humans who take warfarin also develop some degree of calcifications in their arteries, predisposing these patients to heart attacks and strokes. Unfortunately I haven’t seen human studies confirming this. On the other hand, the Rotterdam Study showed that K2 intake is associated with a significant reduction in CVD. And this study shows that K2 does prevent arterial calcification. So, although we don’t yet have all of the research we’d like to have on this subject, I think you can piece together a pretty strong argument for taking K2 with warfarin. The caveat is that K2 will probably lower the INR to some degree, so the PCP would need to monitor that.

      You could also educate them on using EPA & DHA at high doses as an alternative to warfarin. Studies have shown similar CVD-preventative effects, and of course EPA & DHA have benefits warfarin doesn’t have.

      • In my analysis, very high doses of omega-3’s are lethal, although this is not yet recognized. High doses of omega-3’s change the bone marrow progenitor cells from a healthy balance of white and red blood cells to fewer white blood cells. “. . . omega 3 fatty acids impact hematopoietic differentiation by reducing myeloid progenitor cell frequency in the bone marrow and promoting progenitor cell differentiation.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2669087/ I know of at least two cases where this became critical. I myself was taking 10 – 12 high purity omega-3 fatty acid capsules per day for cholesterol and sugar effects. A blood test revealed a dangerously low white blood cell count. When advised by my internal medicine doctor I dropped Omega-3 dosages to 2 capsules per day the white blood count came back up to normal.

        Another example is Dr. Timothy Shields, the MD who discovered the cholesterol effects of Omega-3’s. On his radio show he said he would take handfuls of Omega-3’s per day but only about 12 were effective and over that amount there was no more benefit but that there was no danger (that he recognized, parenthesis mine). It was reported on the radio that Tim Shields had died of a leukemia that was not related to the Omega-3’s (that they recognized, parenthesis mine.)

        Also studies have shown that too much Omega-3’s cause mice to change the numbers of bone marrow progenitor cells.

        My conclusion is that too much Omega-3’s cause low white blood cell counts which will lead to death if the dosage is not changed. Overly high doses of Omega-3’s for blood clotting treatment are therefore life threatening and will probably always lead to death unless the dosage is moderated.