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What Everybody Ought to Know (But Doesn’t) about Heartburn & Gerd


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In the next few articles, I’ll be writing about the epidemic of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and its mismanagement by the medical establishment.

In this first article I will present evidence demonstrating that, contrary to popular belief, heartburn and GERD are caused by too little (not too much) stomach acid. In the second article I’ll explain exactly how low stomach acid causes heartburn, GERD and other digestive conditions. In the third article I’ll discuss the important roles stomach acid plays in maintaining health and preventing disease, and the danger long-term use of acid suppressing drugs presents. In the final article, I’ll present simple dietary and lifestyle changes that can eliminate heartburn and GERD once and for all.

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Heartburn and GERD Are No Joke

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Digestive Diseases, sixty million people experience heartburn at least once a month and twenty five million experience symptoms daily.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), a more serious form of acid reflux, is the most common digestive disorder in the United States. Studies show that 10-20% of individuals experience symptoms at least once a week, and prevalence of GERD is increasing steadily.

Drugs for acid reflux and GERD are cash cows for the pharmaceutical companies. More than 60 million prescriptions for GERD were filled in 2004. Americans spent $13 billion on acid stopping medications in 2006. Nexium, the most popular, brought in $5.1 billion alone – making it the second highest selling drug behind Lipitor.

As sobering as those statistics are, it’s likely that the prevalence of GERD is underestimated because of the availability of antacids over-the-counter. This permits patients to self-medicate without reporting their condition to a doctor.

Up until fairly recently heartburn wasn’t taken too seriously. It’s primarily been the butt of bad jokes about Grandma’s cooking. But we now know that heartburn and GERD can have serious and even life-threatening complications, including scarring, constriction, ulceration, and ultimately, cancer of the esophagus.

Recent studies also show that the damage from poor stomach function and GERD not only extends upward to the sensitive esophageal lining, but also downward through the digestive tract, contributing to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal problems. IBS is now the second-leading cause of missed work, behind only the common cold.

Problems with the Conventional Theory

If you ask the average Joe on the street what causes heartburn, he’ll tell you “too much stomach acid.” That’s what most of the ads seem to suggest too. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures like the one at the top of this post in ads for acid suppressing drugs on TV and in magazines.

But there’s a big problem with this theory: the incidence of heartburn and GERD increases with age, while stomach acid levels generally decline with age (Fig 1).

Numerous studies have shown that stomach acid secretion declines with age. In one study researchers found that over 30 percent of men and women past the age of 60 suffer from atrophic gastritis, a condition marked by little to no acid secretion. Another study found that 40% of women over the age of 80 produce no stomach acid at all. 1

Figure 1. Mean stomach acid secretion from the second to the eighth decade. (from Wright, 2001 p.20)

graph of stomach acid secretion by age

Just as studies show acid secretion declines with age, it is also well established in the scientific literature that the risk of GERD increases with age.

If heartburn were caused by too much stomach acid, we’d have a bunch of teenagers popping Rolaids instead of elderly folks. But of course that’s the opposite of what we see.

In fact, according to Jonathan Wright, MD of the Tahoma Clinic in Washington state, when stomach acid is measured in people suffering from heartburn and GERD it is almost always low, not high. In his book Why Stomach Acid is Good For You, Wright explains:

When we carefully test people over age forty who’re having heartburn, indigestion and gas, over 90 percent of the time we find inadequate acid production by the stomach.

In Wright’s 25 years of conducting these tests, he found very few people with excess stomach acid. Excess stomach acid is only found in a few rare conditions like Zollinger-Ellison syndrome), and GERD is hardly ever associated with too much stomach acid.

What’s more, Wright and other clinicians have found that giving hydrochloric acid supplements to patients with heartburn and GERD often cures their problem:

In 24 years of nutritionally oriented practice, I’ve worked with thousands of individuals who’ve found the cause of their heartburn and indigestion to be low stomach acidity. In nearly all these folks, symptoms have been relieved and digestion improved when they’ve taken supplemental hydrochloric acid and pepsin capsules.

My own clinical experience confirms this. So far every patient I’ve had with heartburn or GERD has responded well to hydrochloric acid supplementation. We’d expect just the opposite to be true if these conditions were caused by too much stomach acid.

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A Symptom Is Not a Cause

When I explain to patients that GERD is caused by not enough stomach acid, rather than too much, they are initially doubtful. “If that’s true”, they say, “then why do my antacid drugs provide relief?”

I’m not denying that the symptoms of heartburn and GERD are caused by stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. Nor am I arguing that reducing or eliminating stomach acid with drugs doesn’t relieve those symptoms.

What’s crucial to understand is that any amount of acid in the esophagus is going to cause problems. That’s because its delicate lining isn’t protected against acid like the stomach lining is. You don’t have to have excess acid in your stomach to have heartburn.

Also, symptom relief doesn’t imply that the underlying cause of the problem is being addressed. Too often western medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms without paying attention to what is causing the symptom in the first place.

The misguidedness of this approach is clearly demonstrated by the use of acid inhibiting drugs to treat heartburn and GERD – problems which are caused by not enough stomach acid!

The Consequences of Ignoring the Cause

As I wrote above, Americans spend more than $13 billion on acid stopping drugs each year. This expense might be justified if antacid drugs were actually curing heartburn and GERD. But just the opposite is true. Not only do these drugs fail to treat GERD, they will make the underlying condition (not enough stomach acid) worse. This virtually necessitates the lifelong use of these medications for anyone who takes them.

While this is a nifty sales strategy for the drug companies, it’s a bitter pill to swallow (yes, pun intended) for those suffering from heartburn and GERD.

Curing a disease means eliminating its cause. When a disease is cured, the symptoms don’t return once the treatment is removed. This of course is not the case with drugs for heartburn and GERD. As soon as the patient stops taking them, the symptoms return. And often they’re worse than they were before the patient started the drug.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested in cures because they aren’t profitable. It’s much more lucrative to sell drugs that people have to take for the rest of their lives than it is to promote dietary or lifestyle changes that would cure the problem.

Therefore, although the drug companies are well aware that GERD isn’t caused by too much stomach acid and that low stomach acid causes serious health problems and complications, they continue to sell billions of dollars worth of antacids to an unsuspecting public. Even worse, these powerful drugs are now available over-the-counter with no warnings about the dangers they present.

Note: if you think this sounds strangely like the situation with the #1 selling drug, Lipitor, you’re correct. Lipitor arbitrarily lowers cholesterol across the board, even though evidence clearly indicates that high LDL cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. What’s more, low cholesterol is associated with greater risk of death in the elderly population. Something is definitely wrong with our “healthcare” system when the #1 and #2 medications are actually contributing to the conditions they’re supposed to treat. But I guess if you’re looking at it from the standpoint of the drug companies, who are in business to make a profit, it’s the perfect business model.

In the Part II I explain exactly how low stomach acid causes heartburn, GERD and other digestive conditions. We’ll also look at the primary causes of low stomach acid, and how you can prevent this condition from occurring. Read on!

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  1. Sharp GS, Fister HW. The diagnosis and treatment of achlorhydria: ten-year study. J Amer Ger Soc 1967;15:786-791.
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  1. Been reading all the comments, I’m 69, born with partial stomach, problems ever since, under control til after I had children, now allergies, reflux, acid, gas, etc. just went off nexium after 8 yrs, no permenantly cure, after reading about multitude of side effects, eating organic, gluten free, diet, no pork, chicken,fish,seafood, just minimum of beef & turkey, veggies, fruit. After reading about low acid, started 1 tbs apple cider vinegar in room temp water, 3 times a day, really seems to help. Mom use to give it to me when younger. Also no food after 6 pm. Bigger meal at lunch, light at night

    • I concur, SuzyB. I just yesterday read on Michael Greger, MD blog about vinegar lowering the blood sugar and preventing diabetes. He recommends 2 tsp. vinegar daily, which I enjoy in a glass of water.

  2. I had my pyloric sphincter removed along with the distal portion of stomach and very top portion of duodenum. So my question is can I still take betaine hcl just like a normal person? I do take 1 capsule with heavy meals and it helps so much. I fear that my stomach will release too much too fast and cause a problem. I’d like to do the test of taking more with the meal until I find the right dose. I use dr.s best brand with pepsin and gentian bitters.

  3. Hi, Great article, very informative. First I will like to ask where is the link for the 2nd and 3rd article? 2nd I will like to describe my condition and will appreciate any feedback.
    I have chest heaviness/pressure (breast-bone) with heavy breathing and irritation on my throat all day long. Is aggravated when I stand, eat, walk, or talk. When I eat I can’t breath, so eating is becoming very stressful even if I want to eat.( but not very hungry) When I lay back symptoms go away within minutes – Now it appear to be extending to my upper respiratory because I feel light headed and nasal feels congested but I’m not congested. Had 3 endoscopes and many other test but the one I will to bring here is the PH Bravo. I was just reading the results and this is what they wrote- Bravo study – Normal : EGD showed mild esophagitis/mild chronic gastritis- Now, I had a Barium Swallow which showed mild reflux on my esophagus and a Laryngoscopy which showed irritation on the back of my throat/vocal. I don’t have any of the regular symptoms on reflux or gastritis besides what I described above. I have done the Baking soda test for 2 test and both times I never burped. Been cleared by Cardio and Pulmo and PPI’s don’t help at all even at high dose for short period of time. 15-60 days. Any feedback is appreciated. 😉

    • I have the exact same symptoms, nothing is curing this constant problem which I have been suffering from for over 9 months. It’s running my career, family life and well being. I can’t excercise and play sport any more and this has led to depression and anxiety!
      I really have no idea what to do anymore hence any advice would be appreciated!

  4. Does a symptomatic h.pylori infection contribute to GERD? I was diagnosed 3 years ago and followed the typical protocol of triple therapy but it never worked so I resorted to taking manuka honey 15+ for a long time and after a while the excruciating heart burn faded and now I never suffer it. However, after a trip to Ciaro and an acute case of gastroenteritis my stomach has never been the same. Months after the sickness I experienced bloody stools and diarrhoea but all tests came back clear and I no longer suffer this. However, for the past year I have suffered with GERD. The symptoms do not include heartburn just a constant regurgitation of food after some but not all meals. I sometimes get headaches and nausea after eating and recently experienced a case of hives alongside this. I cannot seem to find a pattern in my GERD and it is very frustrating. I am 21 and otherwise healthy. I don’t smoke or drink and I exercise and eat well. It is very frustrating. My doctor has prescribed me a PPI but I am pretty skeptical and reluctant to take medication.

    Any advice from anyone?

  5. I recently made the switch from taking PPI meds for about 6 year to taking HCl with pepsin during meals. The first couple weeks were great! Most of my reflux issues were gone until mid-afternoon and evening, when I would get a slight burn feeling. I’ve noticed the burn feeling sets in a couple hours after eating, especially when I drink water (I usually don’t drink water until a couple hours after a meal). This has progressed to basically any time I drink water, I get a burning in my throat. Has any one else experienced this, and what did you do to remedy the issue?

  6. Hi, I’m fed up of looking like I’m pregnant! I came off PPI’s 6 weeks ago and just use gaviscon liquid now to relieve my symptoms. My stomach is so swollen from just under my breastbone. I can’t wear any nice clothes. My gut problem is making my life miserable. I have had a endoscopy answer 2 small polyps were removed, they , the dr said my stomach lining was inflamed. I’ve had a test for H Plyori and that was negative. So the problem in my stomach is an Acid problem……..is it too high oresolution too low? Please help, my main concern is my swollen stomach. I’ve had other tests that are connected to a swollen stomach and they are all clear.

    • I have the same problem. A distended stomach. I started getting it a while back after eating lots of fiber and resistant starch (60-80 gram each per day).
      Now I have been on a meat, fish and oil diet for 12 days, but it’s gotten only slightly better. Best in the mornings after waking up. But it distends after a meal. Also I keep burping all the time when I walk, rarely had this problem before. Have had bloodwork done and the doctor says it’s probably not cancer or ascites and I will have to wait it out for now. Any ideas?

      • Look into SIBO and see if it rings a bell with you. That’s what mine turned out to be. Main symptoms were belching all the time and pressure below my ribcage. Couldn’t stand to wear a bra because of the pressure. Lots of fiber makes it worse. That’s the favorite food for the bacteria.

        • I have the same thing, plus bad taste in the back of my throat. What did you do?

    • I had the same diagnosis after a scope. I fortunately never went back to the Dr. who did the scope because I’m sure he would have prescribed heavy duty drugs. After I went gluten free the horrible bloating that you describe went away along with the burning stomach. I now also take vinegar and honey in a cup of war water for better digestion.

    • I had the same problem for the past 8 years. Had scopes etc.. Showed inflammation and acid scarring but no heliobacter virus and no Celiac disease. Gave up all grains (bread/cake/biscuits/pasta etc. etc..) and most sugar (except the fruit and vegetables allowed on the Fodmap diet) – ALL symptoms completely disappeared. It’s a limited diet and tricky at times but if I ever break it and have even the smallest amount of bread – BAM – the reflux and swelling is back.

    • Same here. Had a scope. Inflammation but nothing else. Gastroenterologist recommended the Fodmap diet. I follow it loosely but I eliminated all grains and symptoms have completely disappeared

  7. almost every medication that is prescribed for life or for a long period of time is boloney– do you think GERD medications are bad — estrogen prescriptions are even worse than… poor those TS patients who are destroyed for life– stay away from all the supplements that promise prostate health- are more dangerous than you can ever imagine– let me start — saw palmetto, nettle root, fo-ti. reishi mushroom, beta sitosterol, spironolactone … bhringaraj– minoxidil .., steroids inhalers for asthma and so many– i know them all– stay away from anything that is anti- androgenic or with estrogen property or aromatase converter– these legal criminals invade the market with false information, and they know what kind of people they want to target– dht or alpha reductase is the best thing ever happened to you and the backbone of almost every part in your body — and once you reduce the activity of your dht or deactivate your alpha reductase you become a revolving door for every disease out there– you name it and i can tell you — I’m not a doctor but i know more than most –

  8. Hi was on Nexium for almost 15 yrs. When I spoke to my Doctor telling him I wanted to get off the medication he asked me why. I explained that the meds were not fixing the issues I was having with GERD, only masking the symptoms.
    I was told that once I got off the meds, the reflux would come back really bad, and it sure did. I was taking tums all the time for about 2 to 3 weeks, then the reflux was more tolerable.
    I have changed my diet and have added fresh probiotics in homemade yogurt and also with homemade kefir. The IBS is gone, and the heartburn is at a minimum. I figure it will take a number of months for the gut flora to regulate itself and get use to the good bacteria fighting the good fight.
    Please think twice before you start taking Nexium and other drugs like it. Work on finding the solution to your Gerd and fixing it instead of masking the symptoms.

    • Hi Karen
      This sounds like me to a “T”… I have been taking PPI drugs of one kind or another for 16 years, and I still am. I want to get myself off of them as well in the worst way, as I am concerned about my health. Can you respond to me and let me know what you are doing in more detail to get past your reflux? I do not really suffer with IBS, although have had bouts with this in the past. Please, I would love to hear back from you. And thanks for your time!

      • Yes! Right! I also got off the medications. I have written about my story on this site. Yes, medication only make GERD worse and worse. I added honey with water, some yogurt with probiotics, kefir, fruits and veggies, I drink water in a right way (1 hour before and 2 hours after the meal, in overall 2litr/in a day), as the country I live it’s a cultural thing to use honey added in water as a medicine. And of course I added APPLE in my diet! It GREATLY helps me, try it may be it helps you too. I eat a sweet green apple after every meal. In this way I eat less and feel full after eating an apple after. It’s 4th month that I quit the medication and live with this diet, and I just started to forget about GERD. If you have further questions, please ask them. Good luck

        • My gastroenterologist told me apples are one of the worst offenders for people with reflux or GERD and that seems to be commonly recognised. However I get no symptoms from eating them or juicing them. Dropping all grains and loosely following the Fodmap diet (excluding the grains it allows because it’s just easier to have a blanket ban) has completely worked for me after 8 years of GERD and intermittent use of Nexium and necking bottles of Gaviscon….

          • It’s hard to be believe but for me apple became the best cure. It’s been 8 months I am completely out of meds after taking PPI’s for 6 months! I have already posted my successful story in other comment, but it’s APPLE and HONEY which helped me the most. I start my day with honey- water(1 tea spoon honey added to 1 cup of water). In the country I live honey is used as a national medicine and I have decided to use it too. The honey-water has to be COLD because.only in that case it can increase the natural acid in your stomach, and you must eat after 40 min after drinking it. I also eat a medium or two apples after every meal, which is kind of a miracle for me! It decreases the reflux for sure!!! My doctor also told me that it’s a suicide ehat I do, but it’s 8 months I live without heartburn. My meals consist of organic food- meat vegitables and fruits. I eat very few grains, which always make some heartburn. Good luck!

    • Try giving up grains – all of them – bread, pasta, cookies etc. It has worked for me when everything else failed. Also check out Fodmap diet as recommended to me by a (good) gastroenterologist. It allows some forms of wheat starch but I find it easier just to rule out all grains completely.

  9. Thanks for the enlightening article! I have one question that has troubled me while reading your post just as much as when I read Jonathan Wright’s book: If the LES does not close properly when there is insufficient acidity in the stomach and quitting a PPi causes massive acid rebound – why would anyone explerience reflux when they stop taking their PPIs? I would assume that the high levels of gastrin in the body due to acid suppression while taking the PPIs cause production of HCl once the proton pumps are no longer inhibited. This in turn should cause the LES to close properly, thus retaining the now highly acidic contents in the stomach rather than causing reflux and the associated experience of heartburn. What am I missing?

  10. Hi, what about babies with reflux? Is this also too little stomach acid or just the immaturity of the valve? How do we give babies relief as the regurgitated acid can be quite painful and damaging. Acid suppressing drugs are also being prescribed for babies.

  11. Hi, I’m unsure if I have this but the symptoms sound similar. About a year ago I was suffering burning and acid within my stomach. This was going on and off for two weeks at a time. I have been to the doctors around half a dozen times and each time diagnosed as IBS. The symptoms are now more regular with some good days it mostly an acidy stomach day is more common. I have tried Colofac, Omeprazole, I am now on Alverin and Ranitidine. Nothing seems to work. It is affecting my whole life. I was a keen runner but don’t do much now. My home life has been affected. I am irritable and down thinking have I this for rest of my life. I also think the worse that there is something seriously wrong with me. I don’t think I’m losing weight as I eat rugularly and haven’t found foods that aggravate. There is just no ryhme or reason. I am quite anxious but no more anxious than I have ever been. I am 42 male. Should I ask doctor for endoscopy? Help please.

    • To J
      The effects of anxiety over the years adds up and takes a toll on our bodies. It is absolutely possible that your anxiety or habitual stress, has manifested in physical symptoms.
      Don’t rush into PPI’s. There are more rational ways to approach this with first. Anxiety/stress reduction, not easy but necessary and possible with effort, healthy foods and mindful eating including enzymes with every meal, probiotic, etc.

    • No. Buy baking soda powder mix like 2 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it. It helps so much

  12. What about heartburn and pregnancy? I developed celiac disease after my first pregnancy so I do have digestive issues and have since this point in time. During my first pregnancy I also had heartburn toward the end of my pregnancy. This time around I tried to sip on water and AVC-this did not help at all. I’m just trying to figure out if this is something I need to treat with hcl or if it’s just pregnancy heartburn due to hormones and my stomach being pushed upward??

    • Kefir was the ONLY thing that helped when I was pregnant, the second time. I tried organic apple cider vinegar, which did help, but not as much as kefir.

  13. Hello fellow sufferers. I can sooo relate to your problems. I have been suffering for years. Driving me crazy, sooo painful. Been on omperozle for several years. Not working like it used to so changed to another rabeprazole and ranitidine. Valium for anxiety increased by pain. Dizziness, heart racing and doing strange things. (Am on blood pressure tabs also) Right arm is sooo sore and have little energy. When I do things it is like a workout and one of the worst is bending over kills my stomach (pain) even washing up dishes at the sink just my stomach touching the sink hurts. I have had so many tests done
    With another gastroscopy in a couple of weeks ….

  14. Hi all, glad I found this site.
    I have gerd but very little heartburn. Gerd verified via endoscopy.
    My symptoms were bloating,heavy feeling in stomach for hours after I ate.
    Also tachycardia and fatigue with left shoulder pain and left upper back pain. Ended up going to ER. Emergency angio , and during procedure the found no bloackage.
    Later went to cardiologist. Stress EKG,echo, holter monitor 24 hrs. Dr said your heart is fine. But still had tachy and pain.

    Now, what I have learned is that gerd is caused by too little stomach acid. As we get older our stomach produces less acid. Below a certain threshold the LES does not close and the little acid that exists burns the esophagus.

    Any antacid or PPI will temporarily lower stomach acid. That fixes a symptom but not the problem. To fix the problem you need to fix the LES valve.

    What I have been doing that seems to work.
    1 ppi in the am for TWO weeks only on an empty stomach.

    2 after meals I take 2 betaine HCL supplements as well as digestive enzymes that contain ox bile.

    1 d-limonene tablet (that is orange peel oil) 1000 mg. it is all-natural.

    2 ounces of aloe vera juice(find one without vitamin c in it) at night before bed.

    My tachy and pain have gotten better.

    Again low acid ,ph> 3 keeps the lower esophageal sphincter (les) open. Acid crawls up and burns the esophagus.

    The ppi lowers acid to help with the pain for two weeks.
    The hcl acts as acid when you have food in your gut. 1 pill will not cut it fyi.high protein fat diet needs at least two,maybe more.
    The d-limonene creates a barrier to acid flowing up,allowing the les and esophagus to heal. 1 after every meal.
    The aloe heals the burned esophagus.

    This is a work in progress for me. But so far it feels much better.

    Side effects.
    You may be sitting on the toilet longer than you usually do.

    Also, beano has enzymes that breakdown certain foods. Take it if you feel gassy or bloated.

    Hope that helps.

    • How are you doing now? Did you stop taking PPIs now completely or taking? Do you see any any improvement in GERD symptoms?

    • James please update us! I have SVT and GERD, and am taking 80mg of protonix ppi daily. I tried reducing it to 60mg and couldn’t deal with the burning and sore throat.

      You seem very smart, and I hope to learn more from you!

  15. I Have been suffering from SEVERE acid reflux for the last week- never had any issues with it until I was put on Zoloft and Wellbutrin… It actually wakes me from a dead sleep- I wind up being SUPER nauseated as well severe burning in my throat and stomach down almost to my navel. I constantly clear my throat and suffer from a sore throat when it starts to get too bad… I currently take 300mg of Ranitidine a day as well as pop tums and pepto bismol left and right when I have flare ups… I’ve tried propping up while sleeping (which makes me sleep worse because I am so uncomfortable), and even tried natural remedies like Mustard… nothing seems to be helping 🙁 I’m at a loss for what to do….

    • I have suffered similarly in the past. When you wake up and night with the burning pain, one thing that helps is eating a slice of untoasted bread. It absorbs the acid and soothes the pain. Or try eating a banana. I sleep in a recliner to avoid the reflux.

    • Have you tried the natural remedy of an elimination diet? Eliminate gluten. Eliminate ALL gluten from your diet for one month and you might, just kidding, YOU WILL have less or NO heartburn. Be strict. Look up what foods contain gluten and what is gluten. Big pharma doesn’t make money if you do this so be prepared for programmed resistance. You might have other food “allergies” but elimination diets will find them. YW

      • Nowadays it’s become a gluten vs zero gluten mania! I think it’s a balanced diet. Not too much of anything! I have gerd, and I guess it’s the ph balance of our systems that goes of kilter. I will try the apple cider vinager in water and also change up more veggies and old grains in diet. Kefir! Sadly I’ve been away from home 4 months, and will have to help myself till I get back to Canada.

      • I thought the same thing…so I have been juice fasting for over three weeks now but am having big issues. I tried intermittent water fasting with juice fasting ONLY, which means no gluten. Why am I still having trouble? I use a variety of fruits n veggies ( berries, melons, grapes, kale, spinach, peaches, oranges, apples, bananas, cherries, apricots, plums, etc)

        • Heather, try much apple. I eat an apple after every meal, and after every fruit or veggie. It helps so much! I got off my medication and while eating apple more, I really take my reflux under control

          • I also find that Apple is really good. Try organic galia apples. If you juice everything you will not digest as well. The very act of chewing food is a part of the digestive process. In order to get all the goodness of the enzymes you should try to eat some things in the natural form and just chew them really well. As you chew you feste digestive juices which start the whole process as it should be. If you juice everything it arrives in your stomach without the natural process of digestion working.

            • Agree with you Jasmine. Well, I also try honey water ( a cold mix of honey and water), which I take in the morning before my breakfast. And it helps greatly! The other thing helping me is a chew gum. I prefer mint gums. As to sleeping, I sleep on my left side, as I’ve read somewhere it does not allow the the sphincter to open…

        • I’ve read that it’s not ideal to blend vegetables and fruit at the same time. Ginger is a great addition to vegetable smoothies – makes them more palatable.

      • I find gluten free bread etc. still causes heartburn so have just eliminated all grain products. There are suggestions that modern fast acting yeast might be the culprit. It’s tricky to quit all grains and I’ve only been off it a month so don’t know how sustainable it is long term or how healthy it is to consume large quantities of blended vegetables for breakfast or lunch and survive mainly on salads, nuts and eggs…. But time will tell. At least I’ve dropped a few kilos!

    • I suffered with heartburn for over 10 years
      A year ago I contracted a bacteria from a restaurant .
      When I found a cure for the bacteria the heartburn went away .
      I started taking a couple tablespoons of olive oil and coconut oil . I got results within one week .
      I suggest you do your research on these two oils .
      Because I feel like I’m wasting my breath , it sounds too simple to most people .
      I distress I have a percentage of the medical society , especially pharmaceutical companies .

      • I distrust A high percentage of the medical society , especially pharmaceutical companies

    • Baking soda two or three teaspoon mix in a glass of water and drink it, it does miracles!

      • But Raquel, you are just eliminating the symptom, not fixing the real cause with the baking soda.

  16. ok here is my condition
    its been three months
    no chest pain but a bit pain sometimes and the left back side
    sour throt all the time
    but when i chew gum i feel soo normal . no even a single anything
    but when i dont even when i am hungry i feel iritated throt …
    do you think its GERD or something ? so worried

    • I’m no expert but I also found chewing gum helped. I was told it was relieving my symptoms because it was aiding digestion (by chewing) – so it sounds like you might simply have a digestive issue.

    • I have the same condition and have become addicted to gum, unfortunately I have a sore jaw and teeth to add to the problem!

  17. I was too pleased to read that gastric acidity was decreasing with age and took it for granted up to now
    a quick google search showed that age has no influence on gastric acidity

    “influence of age and gender on gastric acid secretion as estimated by integrated acidity in patients referred for 24-hour ambulatory pH monitoring.
    Shih GL1, Brensinger C, Katzka DA, Metz DC.”

  18. my stomachal/intestinal problems create extrasystole tachycardia and worse fibrillation
    this is mainly due, I guess, to compression on cardia/ oesophagal sphyncter which is agressed by gerd
    this pressure comes from gas produced by stomach or bowels ?

    cardia is then irritated and its close to heart may disturb rythm
    anybody had such heart rthm anomalies link with too much gas ?

    • Hi There, Last year I suffered very similar problems which also included chest pain and difficulty breathing.. Doctors were baffled as I am healthy weight, exercise regularly and eat well.. They checked out my lung capacity etc which as the time my peak flow was half of what it should have been, They also tested my heart which seemed to be irregular at times and pounding out of my chest.. They gave me the dreaded Omeprazole tablets and that’s when I felt so very ill I thought I would never be able to eat again.. I lost 2.5 stone and was almost giving up on ever eating normally again.. I then discovered digestive enzymes chewable kind, Acidophilus and stopped eating anything out of a packet or can… Drank water, water and more water… It is one year on now since that terrible time with endless tests and a ruined digestive system… I have a good healthy diet and do not avoid acid.. I use good quality vinegars and oils on my salads and lemon juice on fish and meat.. I believe that having problems with gerd and digestion is more about eating rubbish and also stress etc.. keep calm don’t eat on the go and if you have a really stressful life I believe anti-depressants can help in a very tiny dose.. Yoga and light exercise.. don’t hunch up on the sofa when you eat, sit properly at the Table and allow your food to digest properly.. There is light at the end of the tunnel although it is a very long road and can takes many months to get your digestion back on track.. PPI’s in my opinion are not the answer..

      • Suffering from the exact same problem. I exercise everyday, 38 years, generally good eatings habits and suddenly out of the blue I’ve been having severe heartburn and reflux. Doc put me on PPI for 28 days which is now completed and within 2 days the symptoms are back. Going for a H Pylori test tomorrow. Dont know what to do!

      • I am going through exactly what you have just described. I also take DGL enzyme and just started probiotics. I am still in a bad way and am tempted to try a new PPI even though the last 3 have not worked at all and had terrible side effects.
        Could you tell me roughly how long it took you to feel better when taking probiotics and enzymes and eating well? I too have lost about 1 stone. I am starting to feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks

        • I found at last that the best therapy ( for me ) is , when I have the oesophagia too irritated ( this is what generates heart problems ) I first take IPP for abou 1 week and then HCl acide ( betaine HCl with pepsine ) for 3 weeks and the gaz , pressure , go away after about 3 weeks.

          so IPP all time is really a non sense

          • For the last three weeks i have been suffering reflux, bloating and tachycardia. When the bloating gets its extremes my heart races up to 180 BPM.
            I am a 38 year old male in otherwise good health.
            My doctor refuses to accept that the tachycardia is gastric sourced. However I have been prescribed omeprazole for the heartburn. I need this to change fast. What is the most crucial first step?

            • Hi There,

              Please look at my other posts.. In brief I thinnk the best thing you can do is to think clean fresh food, no ready meals, no chemicals.. Take Acidophilus daily, try chewable digestive enzymes after evry meal, sit up straight when you eat and wait 15-20 mins before moving around, exercise regurlarly, drinks water ALL the time, and if you eat something that seems to be too acidic follow on with another food thet will buffer that acid, such as crackers or bread etc also again water.. It takes a very lng time to get back to normal, but it is very possible!

              • Hi what digestive enzyme do you use? Please I need help, ppi not working for me. I’ve been so miserable for two months now and don’t know how much longer I can last like this.

                • Hi Maria. I just used a Holland and Barrett chewable Papaya Enzyme. They worked really well. I don’t need them anymore but I took them for about six months after every meal. My digestion was zero after taking the PPI as it took away all my stomach acid. I also take Quest Acidophilus. I still take those as the keep the friendly bacteria populated in the digestive system.

            • I have a New explanation for my problem : hiatal hernia. This would explain 99% symptômes.
              Xray next week to confirm

              • unfortunately , xray didn’t reveal any problem ( hernia , reflux etc )
                so remains little explanation !
                stress ? colitis ( when I have colitis tachycardia comes easily )
                and forget about HCl complement , it is of no use as well as PPI ( this is conclusion for myself and not for everyone of course

            • Honestly, have a sleep test done. Sleep apnea causes both problems to be worse (heart and stomach). I only recommend it because I never ever thought I had apneas, but my Tachycardia got so much better after treating sleep apnea.

      • Thank you for that great post! My main symptom is a dry cough. I am following your advice!

    • Malabsorption of choline due to genetics, decreased enzymes, or use of gerd medications can cause serious arrhythmias. I went thru this myself and the doctors were stumped. I had my genes done and discovered that i have a decreased ability to absorb choline (usually discussed because it causes non alcoholic fatty liver ). When i started supplimenting with choline, the arrhythmias,which were debilitating, vanished and havent returned. It also stopped the POTS that i experienced every time i bent forward.

    • I have been taking 40 MG of Nexium for 10 years now, finally last year if assistance assistant suggested I get tested for H. pylori which I had so then I took her medication that they usually give to people with Crohn’s… I can’t remember what it was called but it started with an X? My insurance wouldn’t even cover it so the doctor gave me samples, it helped me for two months and now the diarrhea is back again in my stomach feels like it’s been wrapped with a wire brush inside. I was tested for celiac several years back and they said I didn’t have it in my doctor said there’s nothing I can eat or not eat that will help prevent bacteria in my stomach. I am willing to try gluten-free, lactose-free… Whatever. I feel like nobody’s helping me find an answer. When I eat lots of vegetables the diarrhea is worse. So I tend to eat carbs and toasted bread and chips to settle my stomach which cause me to be fat

      • i have the same issue as you, been battling stomach issues for years, missing work, missing parties, it’s hard to travel anyplace…. Every doctors I see tells me nothing is wrong. I’ll be 36 this year and I feel like it’s taken over my life at times.
        I tried cutting out things that come in a box or can, no milk, dairy, caffeine…it doesn’t help.
        Now, I experience the “wire brush” stomach for days at a time and the diarrhea after meals also for days at a time.
        I’m lost and looking for relief. My family tells me to go to the doctor again, but I feel like it’s a dead end road and they will just shove me out of the office with a sample of drugs to cover it up.

        • I am so sorry Brandi?I am 62 and has been my whole life pretty much but worse since last September when I had my appendix removed. I did take a medication for 10 days and antibiotic that helped me for two months is the most relief I’ve ever had in my life I wish I could remember the name of it started with an X is usually for people with Crohn’s. I go to my doctor next week and I’m going to ask if I can take it again. Will post the name of it. He had told me I can only take it once every six months, and my insurance wouldn’t cover it because I’ve not been diagnosed with Crohn’s although I feel like I have it most of the time! I have been cutting out gluten with some positive results . I hope we all can find what will work for us.

        • Hi Brandi,

          Please look at my previous posts regarding diet etc.. Are you suffering from nerves, are you stressed… Try asking your GP about anti-depressants.. There is one called Nortryptiline (not sure if that is spelt correctly) these can actually relax the stomach and nervous system, and can be a good stat to getting yourself feeling more relaxed and helping your stomach to calm down.. I have known many people to take these for various stomach disorders/reflux etc you only need a really tiny dose, I only took 5mg, when I used them.. and there were no additive or after effects.. Try asking your doctor

          • Yes, I do suffer from nerves and stress as well. I own my own business and it can be demanding and long hours at times. This week and last were both bad as far as stomach rumblings, frequent bathroom trips. Twice I locked up and came home. I’m not sure what to tell the doctor at this point. They are quick to say IBS and move on to the next person. Thanks for the suggestion of low dose anti depressants. I can certainly ask and see if that’s something to try.

            • Maybe your nerves and stressful lifestyle are playing a big part in your stomach problems. IBS seems to be the docs diagnosis for everything.. I do know however that anti-depressants are described often for IBS so maybe your doc could help you with this.. I found it a massive relief when I took these as I could not believe that at last my stomach could at last feel calm and both mentally and physically the 2 things just felt so much easier.. I did keep up with my diet changes and I stick to a very healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg.. but even with those, I find that if you have IBS type symptoms if you eat too much roughage with nothing to buffer it, it is not always so easy to digest and that in itself can cause a rumble tummy. I guess it is all about getting the balance right.. I hope this information might help you in some way..

            • Brandi you and I have so much in common. I think I am just blown off by doctor and maybe I am just crazy. It’s actually a comfort to me to read complaints of similar gut issues. I hate for anyone else to deal with this.
              I want to loose weight and eat more veggies and then have had and bathroom run. Any change in diet throws me off- either no bathroom For 10-12 days or diarrhea?I am doing gluten free and no soy to see if it helps. I sure not gettin answers from gastric dr.

          • Jasmine I just want to let you know that your posts are giving me hope of actually getting my health back again. I started with acid reflux symptoms on 6/9/15 and my life hasn’t been the same since. I am trying my 3rd gastro doctor in a week. My symptoms came after a very stressful couple of weeks. I am not overweight, ate what I thought was a fairly well balanced diet, do not consume a lot of alcohol, etc. I do think the stress brought this on, so am now going to try a low dose anti-d, along with trying the paleo diet, digestive enzymes and the acidopholus. I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this and the ppi’s do nothing.

            • Hi Brandi, So glad that my posts may have helped in some way.. It is amazing how things can change, but personally I do not think that the PPI’s can do any good at all. I found tht after taking them all I could do was burp and not digest any food what so ever.. I constantly felt sick and it was like hell.. I hated even getting up each day… Convinced that I could only eat very bland foods etc my digestion was not improving.. I had to turn things back around and get myself back onto a well-balanced diet which included acids.. I found that the real problem foods come in packaged ready meals.. I also used to drink strong Tea which did not help the situation.. The Tannin in tea is very bitter and can cause burning.. I started by taking the anti-depressants as they helped to calm my stomach down as I could no longer deal with the awful situation and like you I was giving up hope.. I then started digestive enzymes after every meal in order to aid my digestion… both of these things helped a great deal…It is nearly 2 years now since this all began and it took about 9 months for me to get back to a normal diet feeling fit again.. My weight had plummeted so much thet the doctors were convinced I had all types of illnesses.. consequently I had all sorts of scans and tests.. they were baffled.. It was not until I read about how digestion can cause such terrible symptoms if it is not working properly.. Also if food is not digested properly it can cause chronic inflammation in the digestive tract and stomach etc which leads to pain and malnourishment.. A vicious circle… I now eat a very fresh diet I have not eliminated wheat, even though the docs did try all those things to test me.. I do not eat very harsh wheat products though, as I now believe that these can irritate the intestinal tract.. I only eat refined wheat products, so white only.. I try to avoid drinking milk and eating dairy.. It does take a long time to get back to normal but do not give up hope as things can change.. I think it is about getting the right balance and tranquility is a great help.

        • Make milk kefir with kefir grains. It has multiple times probiotics of commercially made kefir. It will restore the beneficial bacteria mucous lining of the stomach and gradually reset your body. Actually will repopulate the mucous membranes throughout the body which is the key to every autoimmune issue and many others. That barrier fights off everything including invaders causing allergies. ( read about microbione study by National institute of Health). Two years ago I was on a daily Claritin. Decreased down to every other day and used lavender essential oil on forehead and top of head, now kefir is my remedy. No Clairitin. I also make Kombucha (full of benefical bacteria as well) and eat fermented veggies. Check out fermenters kitchen (a Facebook group that is FREE!!) it will change your life -got to learn about your med conditions yourself or go to a naturopath or integrative doc. I’ve also got my mom off her diabetic meds and sis drinks raw cows milk with beneficial bacteria entact instead of pasteurized which kills it off) for her acid reflux. Nurse looked at me surprised when she was hospitalized with a snake bite recently and I explained why no acid reflux meds that were in her records. ( they gave them to her anyway and she was gagging next day). They will manage your symptoms all day long but get to the source…..nope.

        • re: diarrhoea

          Use a good quality probiotic BUT at night just before sleep, this way it will stay in your system & not go flying straight down the toilet, cleared my long term problem in less than 2 weeks.

      • Try 1 tablespoon off BRAGG ORGANIC Apple cider vinegar and a good probiotics.I use hyperbolic pro 15 advance d strength. It works for me

      • I have had GERD for years. And a haitle hernia as well. And I now have non-hodgkins lymphoma on my small intestine. I have been on PPI’s for years with minimal results. Then…I went gluten free. I was tested for celiac and it came back negative. Apparently I’m just sensitive to gluten. Now I don’t take ANY PPI’s at all! An occasional Tums (just one) if I eat too much spicy foods does the trick; unlike the days when I would have to eat Tums all night long and sleep sitting straight up.

    • I saw your response and I have that problem. Please help me discover what I need to do to prevent this from happening. Thank you

    • Yes. They didn’t tell me what was going on but I’ve noticed over and over and over that there’s a connection between upper GI gas and heart attack symptoms. I take gas x daily to prevent it but no one is trying to help me get off all these gut meds so I’m interested in this idea

    • I have gone to the hospital four times with palpitations. Had deep brain stimulation on the left side of my head and yesterday had it on my right side. I feel very nauseous I have been given several drugs to keep me from throwing up. I’m not supposed to throw up having DBS nothing tastes good even water tastes horrible. I really help this will help me. I’m 17 years old

    • Yes I experience the same problems every time I have a candida overgrowth outbrake. It keeps coming back, so I treat it with Nystatin and Formula SF722. I think Betaine HCL also helps. And a glutenfree diet.