High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious and common condition that can lead to life-threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke, heart or kidney failure, and more. While 1 in 3 American adults have high blood pressure, this condition only affects 3% or less of hunter-gatherer populations that are following a traditional diet and lifestyle. (1, 2) This would suggest that hypertension is a disease of poor lifestyle choices, and one that can be effectively treated using simple diet and behavior changes, as well as strategic use of herbal remedies.
Blood pressure is measured by two numbers: the top number is the systolic pressure (when the heart is pumping blood) and the bottom number is the diastolic pressure (when the heart is at rest). A normal blood pressure number is below 120/80, prehypertension is diagnosed between 120/80 – 139/89, Stage 1 hypertension is between 140/90 – 159/99, and Stage 2 hypertension is blood pressure above 160/100.
While most doctors prescribe drug treatment when a patient has reached the prehypertension stage, there is no evidence to support pharmaceutical treatment in these patients. (3) But this doesn’t mean hypertension shouldn’t be addressed. Much like high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure (even in the prehypertension stage) is a sure sign of other problems going on in the body.
By addressing underlying issues with diet and lifestyle changes, you may be able to reduce your blood pressure without resorting to drug treatment. This article will address six dietary changes you can make to help lower your blood pressure naturally. (That said, medication should always be considered if these changes are unable to lower your blood pressure adequately. Please defer to your doctor’s advice here!)
These 6 simple diet changes can help lower your blood pressure without using drugs.
1. Reduce Excessive Carbohydrate Intake, Especially Refined Carbs and Sugars.
One of the most significant contributors to high blood pressure is high blood sugar and insulin resistance. (PDF) Some evidence suggests that pathological changes in glucose and insulin metabolism significantly affect the development and clinical course of hypertension, and thus should be primary targets for dietary intervention. Chronically high blood sugar, hyperinsulinemia, and high triglycerides are far more common in individuals with hypertension than those with normal blood pressure, and one of the major contributors to all three of these conditions is an excess intake of carbohydrate, particularly refined grains and sugars. (4, 5, 6)
Additionally, excess intake of sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, sweet tea, and other sugary drinks has been shown to directly influence blood pressure. (7, 8) Cutting out these beverages should be the first step in any hypertension treatment, and can also help with shedding excess weight and reducing high blood sugar – both issues that further contribute to hypertension. And don’t think switching to Diet will help either, since artificially-sweetened beverages also contribute to hypertension. (9)
While some research has suggested that high fructose intake may increase blood pressure, other research shows that fructose itself is not the problem; rather, it is the consumption of excess total carbohydrate that is the major issue. (10, 11, 12, 13) This means you shouldn’t be concerned with eating modest levels of naturally-occurring fructose, like that from fruit and honey, as these foods are healthy in the context of a moderate carbohydrate diet. Be sure to adjust your carbohydrate intake to your needs and health goals, and get your carbohydrates from nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits and starchy vegetables.
2. Increase Intake of Beneficial Minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium.
While most conventional medical professionals will recommend sodium restriction as the primary method for blood pressure reduction, it appears that focusing on eating foods rich in other macrominerals is more beneficial than strictly focusing on avoiding sodium. (14, 15, 16, 17) More important than overall sodium intake is the sodium-to-potassium ratio; thus, eating a high-potassium diet is a better strategy than eating a low-sodium diet. Further, as Chris has shown in his series on the salt myth, restricting sodium to the levels recommended by the American Heart Association may actually be causing more harm than good.
I’ve included a chart of the Paleo foods richest in potassium to help guide you in increasing potassium intake (this chart is from the bonus chapter on hypertension from Chris’s new book, Your Personal Paleo Code; published in paperback as The Paleo Cure in December 2014). Those with hypertension should aim to get at least 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day. If you have hypertension and are unsure about the adequacy of your potassium intake, I recommend using a food diary for 3 days and analyzing your average potassium intake.
Also, don’t go too low carb when reducing your carbohydrate intake – many of the best sources of potassium and magnesium are starchy vegetables like white and sweet potatoes or fruits like plantains and bananas. White potatoes are especially good sources of blood pressure-lowering minerals like potassium and magnesium; hypothetically, you could eat three large baked potatoes per day to easily meet your potassium needs while only consuming around 180 grams of carbohydrate. While eating a potato at each meal isn’t necessary to get adequate potassium, I do think those who eat “strict” Paleo should consider reintroducing white potatoes if tolerated.
Also, those eating “strict” Paleo may be missing out on significant sources of calcium from dairy products, and calcium intake is another important predictor of high blood pressure and cardiovascular events. (18, 19) If you’re not eating dairy products, be sure to eat plenty of bone-in fish, leafy greens, bone broth, and nuts to make sure you’re getting adequate calcium. Keep a 3-day food diary to check on your intake; if you’re falling short of the minimum 600 milligrams per day, you can try adding bone meal to soups or stews to boost your calcium intake.
Most Americans are deficient in magnesium, a nutrient required for billions of reactions within our cells each day. Increased dietary magnesium is correlated with lower blood pressure. Increasing both magnesium and potassium while moderating salt could lower blood pressure as much as a single medication. Unfortunately, recent research suggests that most people in the U.S. are falling between 200–300 mg per day short of the optimal intake of magnesium.
Some good sources of magnesium in the diet are spinach, pumpkin seeds, tuna, almonds, dark chocolate, avocados, and bananas. However, some of these foods—like spinach and almonds—contain compounds like oxalate and phytate that reduce the absorption of magnesium, which makes it difficult to meet magnesium needs through diet alone. This is why Chris has always recommended magnesium supplementation in addition to getting as much you can from food.
3. Eat Grass-Fed Dairy Products like Ghee, Butter, and Cheese.
Beyond being a good source of calcium, full-fat grass-fed dairy has another contribution to the treatment of hypertension: vitamin K2. While this nutrient is hardly discussed by conventional medical professionals, preliminary data suggests K2 may be one of the most important nutrients to include in a disease-preventing diet. (20, 21, 22) Vitamin K2 may be protective against osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and more, so it’s definitely a nutrient you should be looking to get enough of no matter what your health situation.
Vitamin K2 may also be protective against hypertension. While there haven’t yet been any studies directly measuring K2’s effects on blood pressure, logic would suggest that this nutrient could help prevent high blood pressure by reducing vascular stiffness and arterial calcification. (23, 24, 25, 26, 27) High serum calcium levels are related to hypertension, and vitamin K2 (along with adequate vitamin D) is crucial to ensure that calcium is deposited in the bone where it belongs, and not in the arteries where it can cause vascular stiffness and calcification, leading to hypertension and heart disease. (28, 29, 30)
One of the most well-tolerated foods high in vitamin K2 is grass-fed ghee. Pure Indian Foods is my favorite brand of ghee, but you can also eat butter, cheese, and full-fat yogurt or kefir from grass-fed cows to get adequate K2. (Fermented dairy may actually have independent effects on hypertension as well. All the more reason to drink full-fat kefir!)
If you’re completely dairy intolerant or allergic, you can supplement with vitamin K2. My favorite supplement is one that contains the three fat soluble nutrients, A, D, and K2, in balanced form, which is the way these vitamins must be taken to support optimal health. If isolated nutrients aren’t your style, you can also take the Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil from Rosita.
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4. Eat at Least One Pound of Fatty Fish per Week.
Fatty fish is high in essential omega-3 fats, and these fats have been shown to reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular events in multiple studies. (31, 32, 33, 34) A meta-analysis demonstrated that fish oil supplementation may significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. (35) However, taking fish oil supplements to get your omega-3 fats is not an ideal strategy, since some studies suggest that high doses of fish oil may increase cardiovascular and total mortality, especially when used for more than four years. (36, 37)
The many benefits of fatty fish for promoting overall health are hard to argue against, and those with high blood pressure may especially benefit from including more fish in their diet. Also, certain fatty fish like halibut and wild salmon are high in potassium, as seen in the chart above. This demonstrates the benefit of choosing whole-foods over supplements when it comes to preventing disease; many foods have multiple and possibly synergistic effects that can provide significant health benefits over supplements containing their individual components. Eating one pound (16 ounces) a week of fatty fish like salmon, sardines, halibut, and mackerel is an important dietary strategy for reducing both high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
5. Drink Tea.
Habitual tea drinking may help reduce blood pressure, as demonstrated by research mostly conducted in regions where tea is a significant component of the daily diet. (38) There are some teas that may be more effective at reducing blood pressure than others, however, and caffeinated tea may raise blood pressure in the short term. (39, 40) The following teas are ones I recommend consuming if you need to reduce your blood pressure. (If you are taking prescription medicines, talk to your health care provider before drinking these herbal teas.)
Hibiscus tea has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure in pre- and mildly hypertensive adults. (41, 42) Hibiscus is a small tree with red flowers that are rich in flavonoids, minerals, and other nutrients. (43) Hibiscus tea has a fruity taste that makes it popular as both hot and cold beverage, and experts recommend two to three cups per day to achieve blood pressure reducing effects. I recommend making a large jug of iced, unsweetened hibiscus tea and drinking it in place of water for at least 3 cups of fluid. Add a little honey or stevia if you prefer sweetness, but this tea is delicious on its own.
Hawthorn tea may also be effective as a blood pressure-reducing beverage, and the plant has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. (44, 45, 46) The antioxidant-rich tea may help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Dosing guidelines have not been established, but three cups a day is recommended by some health professionals.
Gotu kola tea may be another helpful tea in lowering blood pressure, specifically in the case of venous insufficiency. (47, 48) It is believed that gotu kola might assist in the maintenance of connective tissue, which strengthens weakened veins and helps improve circulation. Again, three cups daily is the current recommendation for this tea.
Finally, oolong and green tea may be beneficial for lowering high blood pressure. One study of more than 1,500 subjects showed that drinking one half to two and a half cups of oolong or green tea on a daily basis can lower a person’s risk of hypertension by 46 percent. (49) As you can see, there are many different teas that can benefit those with high blood pressure, so find one or two you like and drink them regularly.
6. Eat More Beets.
Some researchers hypothesize that a major reason the DASH diet is beneficial for lowering blood pressure is that the content of inorganic nitrate in certain vegetables and fruits provides a physiologic substrate for reduction to nitrite, nitric oxide, and other metabolic products that produce vasodilation, decrease blood pressure, and support cardiovascular function. (50)
So take a page out of the Dwight Schrute handbook and eat your beets! Beets are high in nitrates, which, as suggested above, may reduce blood pressure by improving vasodilation. Other foods high in nitrates include celeriac, Chinese cabbage, endive, fennel, kohlrabi, leek, parsley, celery, cress, chervil, lettuce, spinach, and rocket. (Ironically, bacon is another source of dietary nitrate…)
Beet juice in particular has been shown to lower blood pressure in multiple studies. (51, 52) So if you have a juicer, try making some fresh beet juice to drink on a regular basis. If you’re looking for an even healthier form of beet juice, you can also drink beet kvass, which provides probiotics in addition to hypertension-fighting nitrates. It’s an acquired taste for sure, but one that might be helpful to acquire if you’re suffering from hypertension that hasn’t responded to a healthier diet and/or weight loss.
Of course, there are many more recommendations for how to lower blood pressure, including strategic exercise, restful sleep, sun exposure, and meditation, yoga, or other stress management practices. There are also several different supplements that can aid in further lowering blood pressure once these dietary and lifestyle strategies have been made.
Chris has written a great bonus chapter on high blood pressure in his new book, Your Personal Paleo Code (published in paperback as The Paleo Cure in December 2014), which releases at the end of this year. (I’m so excited!) If you’re struggling with high blood pressure or other common but serious health conditions, I strongly recommend checking out this book for more information on how to address your symptoms by making nutritional and lifestyle changes that will greatly improve your overall health and wellbeing.
A whole foods diet should always be the foundation of any nutrient strategy. Sadly, thanks to declining soil quality, a growing toxic burden, and other challenges in the modern world, it’s no longer possible to get the optimal level of nutrients from food alone.Chris formulated the Core Plus bundle (from Adapt Naturals) to close the nutrient gap so you can feel and perform your best. It was carefully curated to give you everything you need each day—from essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, folate, magnesium, and vitamin D, to phytonutrients like bioflavonoids, carotenoids, and beta-glucans.
Core Plus is backed by over a decade of research and clinical experience and is fueled by high-quality, evidence-based ingredients you can trust. Click here to learn more.
I did not have a lot of dietary changes to make but I began drinking Hawthorn and
Hibiscus tea. There has been a change and most of the time I experience low bp readings; but, two hours before rising my bp spikes after a reading of 110 / 69. I sleep well but can not enjoy a leisurely late morning. Also my body is very regemated
And doesn’t respond well to change of meds. I lost 20lbs and weigh 137. I eat fish
And seldom eat red meat. I use Himalayan salt sparingly and drink very little caffeine.
Do not drink sodas on a Reg bases but do drink organic beet juice and beets.
Any suggestions? One other questions about dandelion tea helping and the greens of da dandelion?
Thank you in advance for your input.
What about avocado as a source of potassium? It did not make your list
I’ve been doing low carb for 10 months. I’ve lost 22 lbs, my diabetic numbers have improved a bit, and my blood pressure has gone through the roof. *confused* Some years ago I was on a raw food diet. I felt great, but my blood sugar went through the roof and damaged my kidneys so that they can’t flush out potassium. So now I’m eating low potassium and low carb. This is very strict and difficult, but I don’t cheat, since I want to survive. So now what? Everything I do is wrong and causes more damage.
I am having the same problem! I been doing gluten free, sugar free and lost 30 lbs over a year but my blood pressure remains high.
How is you sodium? Make sure you are eating sea salt and not the regular table salt. Also, gluten free is still carbs. It just doesn’t have the wheat flour in it. Just other gluten free flours.
Do you exercise? You can’t possibly exercise and still have high blood pressure if you’re also eating right.
Same thing happened to me. My blood pressure went through the roof
Any suggestions for those with an intolerance to fish?
A Week Ago I Got Dizzy And Went To The Hospital With Blood Pressure At 175 Over 112..It Is Always Around 150 Over 90..So I Made A Change..No Coffee..No Sugar..Low Salt..No Processed Foods..In 10 Days My Pressure Is 116 Over 64 With No Meds..Potatos And Eggs For Breakfast..Broccoli and Macaroni For Lunch..White Rice And Chicken For Dinner..6 Glasses Of Water A Day.. 2 Hours After A Meal And 1 Hour Before A Meal..I Am 58 And About 30 Pounds Over Weight..Lost 6 Pounds Already..I Went Out For The Day And Had A Burger With No Fries And A Few Beers ..When I Got Home My Pressure Was 124 Over 72..Not Bad For A Day Out..
I had never had high blood pressure before but at 17 weeks of my last pregnancy it spiked and then normalized at 21 weeks without any changes and remained normal throughout the rest of my pregnancy. However, at 2 days postpartum it spiked again and they kept me at the hospital an extra night to monitor me and put me on HBP medication. 1 week later my BP was still high on the meds so they doubled my dosage. After a 2 week follow up it was still slightly above normal but told me to keep with this dose until 6 wks postpartum and at that time of it’s still high they will recommend me to my PCP to go on a long term med. I obviously want to avoid this. I wondered if there were any additional recommendations you had for me since pregnancy\delivery seemed to have triggered it. Thank you!
I’ve had heart surgery due to highy blood pressure never knew i had so i need to know how to treat it I’m on medication
I’ve been doing to AIP of Paleo for about a month now and my blood pressure which has always been ‘normal’ has dropped to about 25 points– my bottom number 58 this morning. I am considering stopping the diet — any recommendations? Perhaps I should reintroduce something I have eliminated….
Top number = systolic, bottom number = diastolic. 58 is normal for diastolic pressure.
58 for diastolic is nothing to be too, too concerned about, but it is generally not considered “normal.” Normal for most people is somewhere need 80. In fact, the accepted norm for blood pressure is 120/80. 120 = systolic, and 80 = diastolic. But, I agree that 58 is nothing to be concerned about. I would kill to have diastolic pressure of 58.
I’m almost 55 years old. And my blood pressure has always been extremly high. I have been on HBP medications for 25 years. A month ago, I went on very low carbs and eliminated sugar and any processed food. My blood pressure is now reading 102/66. Unbelievable!
That is fabulous. Can you give me an idea of which foods you eating? I too have HBP and am on meds since past August. Are you still on your meds too?
I also have had high blood pressure problems. I added 1 1/2 cups of soaked chia to my diet. (I soak 1/4 – 1/2 cup chia seed to 1 to 1/2 cups water. I add them to my drink all day long) I have went a little over board and my bo is 107/64 quit my lasinaprol lady month.
But definitely don’t do it like I did. Consult your Dr.first.
I would appreciate any info on what kind of low carb foods you used
I was glad to see your comment! My BP has been high for two years, starting with pre hyp and then stage one but my PCP wouldn’t prescribe meds until I monitored qith 7 consecutive day readings 3x a day. With my schedule, I couldn’t always get consecutive readings so she wouldn’t prescribe, even though my BP was always elevated at visits. This past weekend, I ended up in the ER with pretty high readings on both numbers and the ER Dr prescribed a 30 day med and orders to follow up. I am looking at ways I can take charge with my diet and beginning some exercise. I am almost 56. I was also diagnosed with Hyperglycemia and told to get the numbers down.
W hat do you eat on a Low Carb Diet, my blood pressure is up and I don’t eat no salt and I try to stay away from sodas and sugar
Do you exercise, and meditate too? Also, rooibos tea can significantly help reduce blood pressure, plus it’s good for a whole host of other ailments!
No processed (boxed) foods of any kind. Limit pasta or find a good substitute. Watch rice, even brown. Brown rice over White rice but watch your serving size. Check with your Dr to find out what your total daily carb limit is and then know that you have to split that between 3 meals and snacks. I’ve had to learn that read labels. Yes, it’s a little extra time but my health is worth it and so is yours. I do a lot of protein and veggies and then look for “good” carbs and fats to add but stay inside my limits.I only take Amlodipine and my BP is now normal since my last post due to diet changes. I think I can eventually get off the BP med. I’m still borderline to being diabetic but that’s newly diagnosed and I can get that down too. In 3 weeks I have lost 5 lbs. by knocking out refined sugars in almost everything and eating healthier. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive either. I budget 40.00 a week for two of us. 35.00-40.00 goes to meat (poultry) and another 20.00 for veggies etc. that leaves enough for basic pantry spices if needed and a few things to make diabetic friendly sweets. I have an extra 10.00 cushion on my budget if I need to use it. It’s having a plan and then working it. ???
Sorry, I was typing my reply on my phone and it auto corrected and I didn’t proof it before submitting. I wanted to clarify on my grocery budget. I do budget around 80.00 for two weeks. I try to spend 35.00 to 50.00 for meat that will go for 13-14 meals, including enough to have lunch left overs the next day. The remaining 40.00-45.00 I spend on veggies, spices etc and plain yogurt, skim milk, eggs etc to round out healthy meals for the two weeks. If I can hit sales, it helps of course. Hope that helps!
I have had hbp for over 5 years, am 40, eat well and exercise by being outdoors. Today I was 172/110. I am 5’6″ and weigh 132. I am so frustrated because I try to get healthy and the doctors freak me out to the point where my bp rises when they are talking to me. I obviously need to fine tune something. What do you feel is the most important thing about diet?
Are you on a plant-based diet? If not, listen to this short talk now!! http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-an-animated-summary/?utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=6ed9a3a4a2-RSS_VIDEO_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-6ed9a3a4a2-24198709&mc_cid=6ed9a3a4a2&mc_eid=3bfd271002
I now take a low dose of Amlodipine once a day which helps but mostly, as far as diet, it’s been more of the typical choices such as avoiding refined sugars and processed foods and eating more plants foods like salads and steamed veggies, staying away from red meat except on occasion and natural sugars in moderation. Excerise helps except I’ve had to start it very slow and in baby steps to build up. There is a lot of good info on food choices that are budget and health friendly. I will say by cutting refined sugars, my BPvis down, a little weight off and my GERD is much better. Almost non existent in fact.
My doctor had immediately told me to take medicine when my readings were high. I had asked her if I can first monitor my bp and control it with diet and exercise. She was pretty hesitant. My bp at the doctors was 116/92. She also told me that I was low in vitamin d and iron. I disregarded her recommendation because I wanted to see if o can fix this first in a natural way rather than immediately taking Meds. I am currently taking vitamin d supplements and have been increasing food that contains iron, such as beef, apples and cereal. I was afraid to eat too much food and cereal for a while because I thought my blood sugar will increase ( I had gestational diabetes) but recent blood work said my blood sugar is normal. I have also cut down on sugar, eat more potassium veggies and fruits and drink jasmine green tea and hibiscus tea every morning. I also try to exercise at least 30/40 mins every other day. I am still experimenting, but my bp has gone down to 121/81 -83. I have tried not drinking hibiscus tea for 1 weekend and I noticed my blood pressure went up. Hopefully with these changes my bp can be normal again.
I used to have high blood pressure, I started taking bp meds when I was 20, when I became pregnant at 26 I was taken off. I recent lost 100lbs by following a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. I eat egg whites but don’t eat cheese but occasionally. I do taebo 4-5 times a week. Walking also when weather permits, which is never. Well my bp is now 100/55. Today it was 93/55. My heartrate resting is before average. To be honest it actually scared me at first because I get light headed alot. But I was certain it was from low sodium intake now I’m almost 100% sure its from not eating carbs, refined sugar and processed foods!
I was diagnosed with hbp at the age of 12 and have been on medication ever since. I’ve never been overweight. I grew up eating fairly healthy but have become extremely healthy in the last four years after an endometriosis diagnosis. I don’t eat processed sugars. I eat organic/grassfed as much as possible. I’m gluten free. I take cod liver oil twice a day. I eat a lot of vegetables, beets included. I just can’t seem to get the root cause of my hbp. I would love to get off medication, as I’m trying to lead a completely natural lifestyle. Any suggestions?
Yes, water fasting.
Do you exercise regularly?
Hi Nicole,
I can imagine how frustrating it must be to take medication for high blood pressure from such a young age, especially from such a young age!
In my opinion, some people just have higher blood pressure than others… and you’re probably not doing anything wrong at all. How high was your blood pressure when they started you on medication? Did you have any symptoms?
Blood pressure means blood is passing around in your body. If there is lower circling of blood in your body than it is the problem of low blood pressure and people should change diet. In this situation, people should eat more salty food and eat only diet food.
My dictor put me on baby asprin, 1 per day, because i have diabetes 2 and hypertension.
After reading about K2 I want to try it, particularly because it decalcifies arteries and the cascular system – but it seems it can’t be taken with a daily regime of baby asprin.
Please advise.
I think that applies to Vitamin K1, which influences the clotting of the blood. Many doctors confuse the two, which have entirely different effects in the body. Personally, I can’t see why K2 would have any contra-indications in conjunction with a small dose of aspirin – after all, people taking a couple of aspirin for a headache won’t be put off doing so just because they supplement with K2 and Vit D3 combo.
I had an appointment with a new Doctor; when I tried to explain to him that I like a more holistic approach and that I have MTHFR gene mutation, gave him the website: http://www.mthfr.net to explain the mthfr gene issue. He pulled it up, glanced at it and told me they just want my money! So he is not going to be my Doctor.
Does anyone know if my Dad who is maxed out on Nitrate medication levels can add in beets to open his arteries? He has almost 100% blocked arteries but not a candidate for any procedure.
Seriously it is an awesome information. very nice to read and great way to maintain a diet as well as controlling the blood pressure. in today’s trend blood pressure is the most common disease among all age group of peoples. thanks for this blog.
I’m 26 years old and my blood pressure is around 134/80 to 140/90, which is making me worried. I will try this strategy and see how it goes.
I stopped my high protein diet, heavy weight training (I switched to full body light weight training) and I do practice boxing.
I’ll update you guys on how it goes.
I’m not sure you need to stop lifting heavy weights. Look into kettle bells. Pavel Tsatsouline or Valery Fedorenko are good names to start with in terms of resources to learn.
i was diagnosed with high blood pressure 3 years ago and have not been able to control it. At work it would be 150/102 . I was on meds every day, excercised , am not over weight 5′ 7, 140 lbs) and nothing seemed to help. Four months ago I started a no refined sugar diet! Now my blood pressure at work is 102/82, the only change I made to my lifestyle is cutting out sugar. I am totally amazed and shocked. I still eat all my cheese, all the fruit I want, and veggies and meat. I do limit my carbs, and only eat whole wheat if I am going to have grains. I am shocked and elated at the difference this has made to my health. I highly recommend cutting out refined sugar! It has saved my life. I am hoping to be drug free soon.
are you still on meds?
Would love to know how you are doing now…..
I’m SO fed up with this bp medicine nightmare. I WANT to try to eat the way this article says. Problem is, my medicines forbid the use of potassium and magnesium both. In fact, I’m supposed to avoid eating high potassium/magnesium foods. I was on Lisinopril for years. Now Cozaar (can’t take calcium channel blockers). HOW can I transition off of my med and to eating these foods?
First of all no one should ever take potassium supplements without a doctor telling you to do so because too much potassium can cause heart issues, etc. You would have to consume alot of potassium rich food to be excessive. Generally speaking you will not consume too much unless you go on quotes binge. Taking supplements tends to give you a much higher dosage at one time and isn’t recommended unless your potassium level is consistently low.
I take Cozaar as well, but I don’t worry about eating potassium rich foods and I’ve never had a problem.
On another note, I have cut my blood pressure medication dosage in half just by getting at least 7 hrs of sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep definitely takes a toll on your blood pressure.
I started eating low carb for weight loss. 30 grams or less/day. In 3 weeks I was off my B/P meds. Before Labs. B/P average 166/102, after 117/72, Trigylcerides 282, after 145. I continue to eat low carb. I have not lost any weight, but I have gone down one dress size in 6 months, but I am more energetic, my sleep is alot better, my skin looks great. I am now starting to play with portions. at 49 y/o,5’2″ and 195 I need to get the weight off, but at least I am no longer a stroke and heart attack waiting to happen
what do you eat daily Marley? I am looking for tips I took my blood pressure today and it was 180/115 &105pluse rate: I am only 5″2 &28 years old with a 3 year old so I need to get my stuff together and get healthy.. any tips are appreciated thanks
Jess, I have cut out refined sugar and have cut down on carbs. I have garlic, and cayenne pepper in a supplement. I have a large glass of beetroot juice and pomegranate juice daily. I take a fish oil supplement and another with COQ 10.
One of the main things you need to do is regular exercise that raises your heart rate for at least 20 mins 4 or 5 times a week.
I have also been doing single nostril breathing which I supposed to increase the nitric acid
Hope that helps
Did you not mean Nitric oxide Janet
Can you please tell me why you stopped take the lisinopril? It made me so sick…thank you.
Dairy? 1 lb of fish? Come on! You can recommend better than this! Is this 1980??