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8 Signs and Symptoms That You’re Not Eating Enough and How to Come up with a Good Calorie Intake Plan

by Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD

Last updated on

Reviewed by Tracey Long, MPH, RDN

If you’re not eating enough, an inadequate calorie intake could be the root cause of your health problems. Find out how to recognize the signs of under-eating.

not eating enough
Not eating enough has its own set of consequences, including trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. iStock.com/Tero Vesalainen

In our modern society with its seemingly endless supply of fast food and junk food, it seems obvious to most why we’re dealing with an obesity epidemic. Cheap, low-quality food surrounds us, and there’s not enough time in the world to exercise away all the excess calories that exist in our food supply.

However, those of us in the Paleo and ancestral health community seem to have a different problem altogether. It’s one that I’ve seen in dozens of clients.

This problem is chronic under-eating.

Are you an under-eater? Learn the most common signs and symptoms of a too-low calorie intake. #calorieintake #undereating #optimalonutrition

Why Under-Eating Is so Common

Yes, I said under-eating, not overeating. While most people would find it hard to believe that many of the health problems people experience when going Paleo are from a lack of calories and appropriate macronutrients, I’ve seen it in my private practice countless times; clients who were experiencing mysterious, nagging symptoms that suddenly disappeared when we evaluated and corrected their daily food intake.

I’ve even seen clients who couldn’t lose weight that were suddenly able to do so after realizing they weren’t eating enough and increasing their food intake. Quite the opposite of the “calories-in-calories-out” mentality!

Why is under-eating so common? It can happen for a number of reasons:

  • A restricted diet
  • Above average activity levels
  • Stress
  • Fear of certain foods and food groups
  • Busyness
  • Chronic dieting
  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding

Could something as simple as under-eating be causing your health problems? Could inadequate food intake be the reason why your Paleo diet suddenly isn’t working for you anymore? Is your “rapid weight loss” diet plan the reason your jeans are getting tighter instead of looser?

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Signs and Symptoms of Under-eating

Below are the top eight signs and symptoms I see in my clients who are chronically under-eating. Read on to discover if you might simply need some more food to start feeling better today.

1. Your Weight Isn’t Budging

This is one of the most paradoxical symptoms of someone who is under-eating, and it often goes hand in hand with overtraining. You might be surprised to hear that I’ve rarely worked with a weight loss client who was blatantly overeating. In fact, many of my clients come to me on extremely low-calorie diets (around 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day) combined with six to seven days per week of intense exercise like CrossFit or long-distance running.

For good reason, they are extremely frustrated that their weight isn’t changing; for some of these clients, their weight has actually been increasing since they dropped their food intake and started working out more. Many of these clients are also eating a very low-carbohydrate diet with the goal of losing weight quickly.

We’ve been trained to believe that the body is a machine, and we can input and output our calories in a way that will cause weight loss. So it’s understandable why these clients would expect to see weight loss from a significant caloric deficit like that. But the fact is, they simply can’t lose the last 15 to 30 pounds no matter how little they eat. Why is this?

While a short-term, moderate caloric deficit can lead to sustainable weight loss (think 300 to 500 calories per day), much larger deficits induce changes in your body’s metabolism in order to keep your body in a homeostatic balance. Your body does not like major, drastic changes, and it will make modifications to your thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones in order to reduce your overall caloric output.

These changes include reducing active thyroid hormone, shutting down sex hormone production, and raising stress hormones like cortisol. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Chronically elevated cortisol leads to both leptin and insulin resistance, a disastrous hormonal state that can keep body weight high. (6, 7)

These hormonal changes can lead to stalled weight loss and body fat retention, along with many other negative health effects that go beyond weight loss resistance. So, if you’ve been eating much less and exercising much more in a futile attempt to lose weight, consider whether this strategy has been working for you.

2. You Can’t Get Pregnant

Scientists have known for a long time that low-calorie dieting and inadequate body fat can lead to infertility and amenorrhea in women. (8) One of the most commonly seen manifestations of this problem is known as hypothalamic amenorrhea, which is hallmarked by menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea and low energy availability, with or without an eating disorder. (9)

Menstrual irregularity doesn’t necessarily mean a missed period; it can simply mean a woman is having an anovulatory cycle, meaning there is no egg released during the ovulatory period.

Hypothalamic amenorrhea caused by chronic caloric deprivation is also associated with physiological changes like hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis overactivity (also known as adrenal fatigue) and disturbances in the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis (also known as euthyroid sick syndrome).

I’ve worked with many clients who recovered their period after returning to a normal caloric intake. I’ve even had one client who was finally able to get pregnant when she switched to a higher-calorie ancestral diet, after her doctors told her she’d always be infertile.

So, if you’ve been struggling to get pregnant, and you have a history of dieting and exercising for weight loss, it’s possible that your low-calorie diet is preventing you from getting pregnant.

3. Your Blood Sugar Is on a Roller Coaster

While many people blame excessive carbohydrate consumption for wild blood sugar swings, you might be surprised to learn that inadequate calorie consumption can cause just as many issues with blood sugar control. The most common issue that comes from chronic under-eating is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia is defined as blood sugar below 70 mg/dL, though some people experience symptoms at higher blood sugar levels. Common symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • Hunger
  • Shakiness
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Changes in mood

Severe under-eating can easily cause hypoglycemia, especially when combined with exercise. (10) And because many people feel better eating sugary foods when they’re hypoglycemic, this can lead to the common cycle of high and low blood sugar swings that cause chronic dieters to overeat or binge on junk foods.

This is yet another reason that the most sustainable diet for weight loss provides adequate calories to keep your hormones and blood sugar even-keeled.

4. Your Mood Is Totally Unpredictable

Have you ever heard the term “hangry” before?

It refers to the state of anger and irritability resulting from being hungry. And even though it’s a made-up term, there’s actually scientific evidence for the existence of this volatile emotional state caused by inadequate food intake. (11)

As I mentioned earlier, lack of eating enough food can lead to hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Since the brain requires blood sugar to function optimally, when it starts to drop, one of the first cognitive processes that suffers is self-control. (12) Your ability to exert self-control allows you to:

  • Focus your attention
  • Regulate your emotions
  • Cope with stress
  • Resist impulsivity
  • Refrain from aggressive behavior

So, if you’re always on a short fuse, or your mood is constantly swinging between cheerful and irritable or anxious, make sure that you’re not severely under-eating before making any other significant changes to your diet and supplement or medication routine.

5. You Can’t Fall Asleep (Or Stay Asleep)

Insomnia and other sleep disturbances are one of the top health complaints my clients come to me for help fixing. This is especially common in peri-menopausal women who seem to be especially prone to poor sleep despite generally good sleep hygiene and a health-conscious lifestyle.

Oddly enough, one of the first symptoms that changes when I get my clients eating a more calorically appropriate diet is a significant improvement in sleep duration and quality. Even if they weren’t necessarily waking up hungry, many of my clients find that an increased calorie intake (especially from carbohydrates) can lead them to fall asleep faster and stop waking up at night.

One reason for this likely comes from the improved blood sugar control that arises from an appropriate calorie and carbohydrate intake. As your blood sugar drops overnight, your liver must release its stored glucose (in the form of glycogen) to keep your blood sugar steady.

If you’re constantly under-eating, especially if you’re overexercising on top of that, your liver won’t have the glycogen stores it needs to keep your blood sugar stable. In this case, your body must release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to promote gluconeogenesis, the process of creating new glucose. If these stress hormones elevate high enough, they can actually wake you up in the middle of the night.

Making sure you’re eating enough overall and potentially including a carb- and fat-dense bedtime snack one to two hours before going to sleep can help keep your blood sugar stable overnight, leading to more restful, uninterrupted sleep.

Some of my favorite examples of balanced snacks are:

  • An apple and 1 to 2 TB of nut butter
  • Half a sweet potato and 1 TB of butter or ghee
  • Berries and coconut milk
  • A banana and 1 ounce of macadamia nuts
  • Full-fat yogurt with a drizzle of honey

6. You’re Chronically Constipated

There are a few reasons why chronic under-eating can cause constipation. The most obvious is that feces is made up of waste matter from the digestion of food, so if you’re not getting enough food, your stool won’t have much bulk to it.

The less obvious but more likely reason that under-eating can lead to constipation is due to the effects of undernutrition on thyroid hormone. As I discussed previously, under-eating causes a downregulation of T3, the active thyroid hormone. This can lead to a condition called euthyroid sick syndrome, where T3 is low, reverse T3 is high, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and T4 are often normal. In this condition, your body develops hypothyroidism symptoms without necessarily showing any change in the typical thyroid function markers that most doctors check.

Constipation is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism. Active thyroid hormone helps stimulate peristalsis in the gut, keeping digestion humming along smoothly. When T3 drops, gut motility slows, and this can lead to chronic constipation. So, if you’re having a bowel movement only every couple of days, check your caloric intake and make sure you’re not under-eating.

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7. You’re Always Cold

Caloric restriction is known to cause a drop in body temperature. (13) While some calorie-restriction proponents suggest that this is a sign of expected longevity, my clients’ (and my own) experience dictates that this is not a comfortable way to live on a daily basis. Whether or not this extends our life span, who wants to constantly feel frigid on a daily basis? Not me, and I’d bet not you either.

A lowered body temperature can be due to a decrease in thermogenesis, since your body needs a certain amount of ingested calories to create heat, as well as due to the hormonal changes that come from caloric restriction, such as thyroid hormone reduction and HPA axis disruption. Low insulin can also lead to low body temperature, so some people on a very-low-carbohydrate diet will experience this symptom, as well. (14)

I may sound like a broken record at this point, but if you’re always cold, even in the summertime, it’s highly likely that you’re not getting enough to eat.

Not Eating Enough
Not eating enough can sometimes lead to hair loss. iStock/Doucefleur

8. You’re Losing Hair by the Handful

Hair loss is one of the first signs of nutritional deficiency, whether that be calories, protein, or both. It is exacerbated by the hormonal changes that develop from chronic under-eating, including a drop in sex hormones like progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. (15, 16) Hair loss is another common symptom of hypothyroidism, which, as you’ve learned, can develop from long-term calorie restriction.

If your hair is falling out at a scarily fast rate, you need to take a hard look at your diet. Consuming a calorically appropriate, protein-rich, nutrient-dense whole foods diet should be the first step for anyone who wants to stop hair loss in its tracks.

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How Do You Stop Under-Eating and Improve Calorie Intake?

Determining exactly how many calories you need to eat on a daily basis for optimal health and weight control is tricky. Many factors come into play, including your physical activity, stress levels, sleep adequacy, history of chronic disease, and more. It’s impossible to know exactly how many calories your body needs on a daily basis, but there are some ways to estimate what you should be eating.

A quick and easy way to roughly estimate your “basement” calorie target—the lowest amount of calories you should ever eat—is to multiply your ideal body weight by 10. A woman who is 5’5” has an “ideal” body weight of around 125 pounds, so she should not eat less than 1,250 calories per day. Use this calculator to determine your “ideal” body weight. (Note: this calculator does not take into account frame size or muscle mass—that’s why I put “ideal” in quotes.)

It’s important to note that this quick estimate is a “sedentary” formula, meaning it does not take into account any physical activity beyond sitting and standing. If you’re exercising regularly, you’ll need to add at least 200 to 400 calories on top of that number. That same 5’5” woman might burn around 300 calories or more from a 30-minute run, taking her minimum calorie needs up to 1,550 calories per day, assuming she doesn’t do any other exercise that day.

Different workouts burn different amounts of calories. A CrossFit WOD can burn 12 to 20 calories per minute on average, so a WOD that takes 20 minutes could burn 240 to 400 calories. (17) If you’re aiming for a high step count, 10,000 steps burns around 300 to 500 calories, give or take, depending on body size and gender.

These are just examples of common exercise types in the Paleo community, and the point is to be aware that if you’re a highly active individual, your calorie needs will go up by several hundred calories per day above the “10 x ideal weight” formula.

Another common factor that will raise your caloric needs is if you are a breastfeeding woman. Many of my female clients are shocked to hear that breastfeeding can raise your caloric expenditure by 500 calories per day or more. (18) So breastfeeding women need at least 300 calories per day above and beyond other women who are not breastfeeding, and that’s only if they have extra weight to lose postpartum.

So what does this calorie target exercise look like in practice? Using myself as an example, my “ideal” body weight is about 140 pounds, and I usually burn around 400 to 500 calories via exercise per day, so I try not to eat below 1,800 calories, especially on heavier training days, where I may eat more like 2,000 to 2,200 total. Your mileage may vary, but it’s a pretty easy place to start from, and you can tweak up and down as necessary as your health and weight fluctuates.

Alternatively, you can use this calculator to estimate your daily calorie needs based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.

As you can see, determining caloric needs can get somewhat complicated, especially with the goal of weight loss thrown into the mix. When I work with clients, my goal is to get them on the least restrictive, most calorically appropriate diet possible. It’s amazing to see the health improvements that come from a simple increase in caloric intake when someone has been chronically under-eating.

If you need help figuring out the right calorie intake for you, let me help you to determine the best diet to keep you feeling and looking your best, without unnecessary restriction or starvation dieting.

Remember, eating too little is just as unhealthy as eating too much. Find the right amount of food intake that works best for you, and don’t be afraid to experiment with eating more if your health isn’t where you want it to be!

Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD
Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD

Laura Schoenfeld, MPH, RD, is a licensed registered dietitian and women’s health expert trained in Functional Medical nutrition therapy. She assisted in the creation of educational materials for both the ADAPT practitioner and health coach training programs.

Her passion is empowering women to nourish their bodies, develop true strength, and ultimately use their improved health to pursue their purpose. Laura guides her clients in identifying and implementing diet and lifestyle changes that allow them to live a healthy, fit, symptom-free life without being consumed by thoughts of food and exercise. She draws from a variety of sources to form her philosophy on nutrition, including ancestral diets, principles of biochemistry, current research, and clinical experience. Her areas of expertise include women’s hormones and fertility, gut health, autoimmune disease, athletic performance, stress management, skin health, and weight loss. Recognizing that health goes far beyond just diet and exercise, Laura teaches her clients how to focus on and implement life-changing mental and spiritual health habits as well, including changing their thoughts and beliefs to ones that drive health-supporting decision-making around food, fitness, and life in general.

Her greatest mission is to help health-conscious women realize that, while their health is priceless, they are so much more than a body. When she’s not educating and serving her coaching clients and community, Laura loves traveling with her husband, Sundays with her church family, hikes with her dog, beach trips, live music, and strength training.

Professional website: lauraschoenfeldrd.com

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  1. Hi,
    I have been recovering from an eating disorder for about three years now and I recognize myself in almost every sign. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your article, it really opened my eyes and you just made me more determined than ever to change to a healthier diet.

    Healthy breakfast/lunch tips are appreciated!

    • I shake all he time I know I’m not eating right in 2014 I felt really good I had lost 14 lbs I have gained the weight back by no getting enough sleep and eat little when I doesn’t I eat to much I had a car wreck and that really messed things up because I have a pacemaker and defilibrator I had to have brain surgery and it turned out ok I didn’t get anything broke in my bony just a bleeding brain had to have surgery. This shaking feels like it taking over my body think it’s that conagitive thing inmu brain I feel dizzy light headed and all those symptoms u mentioned really bad I need help bad and I take 75 mlg of thyroid medicine the shaking never stops . I have been drinking a Boost Hgh protein drink because it makes me feel so good for a while it has 28 sugars and reading this makes me realize I am eatin not enough of he right foods I need a good diet to make me feel better and loose my weight again right I exercised all the time when I didn’t eatenough and I wasn’t losing any weight so I just quit I am goingout start walking again and do my other exercises in my home and I need a good diet canu help me?

  2. Hi,

    I’m 18, 95lb, 5’2”, and I’ve always had a very low BMI, but a relatively large stomach. Anyway, in the last few months I’ve been gaining even more weight in my stomach and my diet hasn’t changed drastically. (I eat ~1400 calories a day). I’m worried because while my stomach is expanding, my arms and legs are way too thin. (I can reach across my wrists with a thumb and little finger, and even though I’m an adult now, my thighs are barley larger than my lower legs.) Is having a large stomach and smaller extremities also a sign of under eating? I’m taking a medical class so of course I’m all freaked out that I have tape worms or high testosterone or something. I’m probably going to see a doctor soon, but I wanted to know what you guys think.

    • You need to take a good Probiotic anywhere from 50-100 billion is what it says on bottle. Stress can also make the stomach get larger. And Preg of course.
      Stress seems to go straight to the Gut.
      Probiotics will help a lot in getting stomach down. But stress is a ruling factor if you are stressed.

      • I am so small I am losing weight so much I eat I sweat at night alot I urine a lot sometimes I have bad leg cramps joint pain vision not good sometimes I feel my heart fluttering what happening with my body

  3. Hi,

    I am a woman that weighs 270lbs and am 5’6. At my smallest size with flat stomach and in shape, I weighed 170lbs. My goal is to get back to to that. May I eat 1500 calories a day and still do my 6 days a week workouts that are zumba, aerobics and treadmill? I also do not eat bread, rice, or potatoes except for 2 cheat meals a week. I also may have something sweet 3-4 days a week in small moderation.

  4. Last year I was constipated due to my bad diet of pizza and mars bars until I saw a dietician. She told me to eat fruit and veg, I also still have an anal fissure. But since then I lost 3 and a half stone, I eat Weetabix for breakfast, an egg sandwich for lunch and 6 peanut butter sandwiches and 4 granola squares for tea time. I also make 2 protein shakes (37 grams per shake) each day. I literally cannot fit anything else in my stomach till at least 11am the next day (usually after my 1st BM). I have tried everything to gain weight but since the undiagnosed abdomen pain and rib pain I feel like I am struggling with weight gain. I am worried if this carries on my body will go into shutdown or anorexic mode. I am 9.9 stone after my 1st BM and at the end of the day I go up to 10.5 stone and every single day it is the same. On a bad week I go to 9.7 stone. I believe because I eat so poorly my muscle fat is eating itself up inside as how can I remain the same weight eating so little and so poorly?

    I had a CT Scan, an Endoscopy and the usual tests and all came back negative. I’ve never lost a single 1lb in my entire life and I even tried to diet for 3 months and I cycle 8 miles a day and have done for many years. So if anyone has any idea to what I could try I would be grateful please. Note that I do not drink milk or eat cheese as it causes my bowels to go crazy.

    I have had enough now and I am a litte scared that I am becoming anorexic, but I feel no matter what I eat I just end up in the toilet all the time (note that my BMs are 3 – 4 a day but always the next day not that night so my digestive system is working roughly on time).

    Sorry for going on but I just need someone who has heard of similar conditions and learn how to battle this.

  5. So if I weigh 400 pounds and my ideal bodyweight is 180 pounds, I shouldn’t eat less than 1800 calories? What’s the opposite end to that? How much shouldn’t I eat?

    • Any male or female adult eating 1,000-1,200 calories per day and doing crossfit 6-7 days per week is guaranteed to lose weight, no exception.

      The reason someone wouldn’t be losing weight is because this is actually unsustainable for nearly all people and they will be cheating, getting hungry, snacking and increasing their caloric intake. Someone who thinks or says they’re consuming 1,000 calories per day will almost certainly be consuming much more than that.

      The right amount to eat is a caloric level below what you are using (BMR plus exercise), but high enough to be comfortable and sustainable over time so you don’t end up cheating.

      • You have NO right making such an ignorant, umbrella statement like that, especially being a man. There ARE exceptions. Everybody is different and until you’ve dealt with PCOS and childbirth and all the other fun things women go through, please leave the advice to the experts.

        • Yes. I have had prolonged periods of sustained caloric deficit and have retained stubborn fat despite best efforts and no “cheating.” There are clearly additional factors at play.

  6. Hi! I’m a seventeen year old female who, likr many my age, loves food. I am not overweight and am a decent eater, though I could definitely eat more vegetables. My problem is under-eating and disturbed sleep. It can take me time to fall asleep and I can sometimes wake up early. I have (and am in recovery) severe anxiety, GAD and health anxiety. My problem is I will not eat much for dinner sometimes and will wake up, but still won’t eat because I want to sleep. I often worry hunger will wake me up and cause my own cycle. I can be starving and be okay without food and then that hunger feeling fades. I am not trying to lose weight, I just forget to eat. And now I am hungry and nauseous and I have had similar things like this before and food always helps because sometimes I revert back. Can eating more fix this problem?

      • I seem to suffer with the same issue. I do so good all day. I eat low carb which I know people that are against but it has worked for me over the last 4 years but here lately with personal problems in life anxiety has caused me to not sleep very well. I will end up snacking after midnight unlike you, I EAT! I will feel guilty about it and usually toss it moments later. I think Xanax will increase hunger or maybe not. It almost acts like Ambien, in that aspect. I guess I need not take that drug either and just stick to Melatonin 10mg and perhaps some Benadryl. At least this combination will eventually get you back to sleep… No scripts, no guilt! Hope things get better for all. I’m looking for a sign of hope. My ideal weight would be 105 but I’m thinking my comfort zone is 115 but that’s too much for someone only 4’11”. I’m down to 112 but was 130. 100 pounds was unrealistic and I’ve realized I am almost 47 years old. But what’s she got to do with anything? I want to feel and look awesome for 100 years?

  7. Hi am 5’4 I have been drinking strip shakes drinks breakfast and lunch to replaces meals then having 500 calories for tea I have done this for 2months now and don’t see much difference my weight is between 9stone 12 up to 10stone 4 I exercise on a leg magic machine most evenings because it fo lower bodies toning were I carry my weight most please advice what I can do thankyou

    • If you are drinking only one serving of strip shakes for breakfast, and one for lunch, and 500 calories with tea (if you are including cream/milk/sugar in the tea with the 500 calories); then you are eating 1630 calories daily.

      You may consider using an app that tells you exactly how many calories you are consuming, and how many you /should/ consume to lose weight. The “loseit app” has helped me lose weight by showing me how many calories I’m actually eating and telling me how many I /should/ eat. I’ve gone from 17 stone 8 to 11 stone 1 just by monitoring my calories over this past year eating the correct amount and exercising if accidentally ate too many calories.

      Make sure that you are running a calorie deficit, or you are doomed to a weight plateau that won’t go away. Good luck on your weight loss journey!

  8. I am a 48 year old mom of 3. I was low carb, low calorie and high exercise for 4 years. During that time, I gained 35 pounds, and started waking up between 2 and 4 almost every night. Before that, I had never had weight, or sleep issues. Although the weight gain and sleeping issues were frustrating, I felt that giving up grains and sugar, adding free range organ meats and bone broth, and continuing to eat lots of whole foods–mainly plants (which I was already doing) was a good idea, and so I kept on the same path, mystified by the constant weight gain. One day I realized that I had stayed in a hungry state for the entire 4 years, and I decided to never let myself be hungry again and see what happened. Immediately, my weight went down, my fasting glucose went down (I am not diabetic, but I keep track of my fasting glucose to make sure I don’t ever become diabetic), and I stopped waking in the night. In addition, it just felt really good to not be constantly hungry. I could not believe that doubling my calories was the cure to my issues! It was VERY frustrating to be so misunderstood–folks just assumed that I was overeating and under exercising. More importantly, it was frustrating to be working so hard to have good health and instead achieve poor results! I am very happy to find this article! Thanks for getting the word out!!! I hope others who are struggling find this article before they give up.

    • I feel like I am in the same boat. I’m trying to eat plant based and healthy but still feel hungry! Knowing how much is too much is hard though!

    • I have been struggling to find a happy medium to lose weight. I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. After my diagnosis in 2014 I gained 10 pounds ASAP almost like overnight. I was puffy swollen and very irratabile. Beings my thyroid was out of sync it threw my body for a loop. I switched from levothyroxin to nature thyroid in October 2015 a year later after my diagnosis. I still was struggling with weight felt better but couldn’t lose an ounce and if I did it never stayed off for long. At my dr appointment in March my dr suggested I eliminate gluten and eat low carb high fat. When I say high fat I am not talking the bad for you fats but good fats olive oil, coconut oil etc. everything has its limits and I think I have found the balance. I have lost 7.8 pounds in 7 weeks never feel hungry and I am on my weigh no pun intended to getting a healthy weight and feeling so much better. I don’t exercise my brains out take a walk do some strength training and call it good. Works for me I am 61 years young and am getting my life back. I use my fitness pal to log my food and it helps with keeping track of my nutrition protein, fats, fiber etc. I also belong to a FB page that is amazing for low carb living. It will be my way of eating for life. My husband has also followed me and he has lost 20 pounds in 7 weeks seems men lose so much quicker. We do not restrict our calories either. We just keep it low carb and it’s working, I wish everyone here much success in what ever plan you have found that works for you. Restricting calories and under eating is not the solution I can attest to that. I eat more calorie wise than I ever have and am losing weight getting healthy and feeling great. One other perk for me I was always cold and very tired and I know this is all part of my thyroid disorder but since adapting this way of eating I have pretty much eliminated this all together.

      • Hy Cyndy,

        Me too – hashimotos and trouble losing weight despite a good clean diet for many years.

        Great that you’ve found a combo that works.

        When you say ‘low carb’, what does that translate to?


        • I try to keep my carbs around 40 per day. I also don’t eat gluten so it helps keep the carbs down as I don’t eat bread or pastas. My daily diet consists of lean proteins, eggs, vegetables, healthy fats, and I eat berries for fruit. Raspberries I had found are the best for low carbs. Unfortunately a lot of fruits and vegetables are high in carbs. I try to get the bulk of my carbs from vegetables. So far it’s working well for me. I wish you luck as I know all too well how hard it is when you have thruoid problems.

          • It’s “working for you” because a low carb diet removes water from the body. You haven’t lost fat, you’ve lost water. It’s not the same thing.

            • Kiwi I am under the care of dr and I am following her instructions. Not sure what your referring to about fat and water….but I do know with my autoimmune issues and low thyroid I do feel much better. Not everything works for all but I am very happy with how I feel and being able to feel good is even more important than the weight loss. This works for me. I think we all have our opinions on different eating styles I am only sharing what has worked for me.

  9. Hi. I am a 70 year old female. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism many years ago and take .5 mg of eltroxin every morning. I am gluten and lactose intolerant and eat a very restricted low fodmaps diet as I had colon cancer 15 months ago and had 30cms of my colon removed which caused a lot of diarrhoea. I now find that I am cold all the time, cannot get to sleep and if I do sleep it is only for 3 hours or so. I am never tired in the day either. I am losing weight (now weigh 60kgs) and wonder if anyone has any suggestions as my concern is lack of sleep.

  10. I’ve recently started a new medication, a little over a week ago actually. It completely suppresses my appetite to the point that I feel sick even trying to eat anything. I may eat some applesauce or rice daily and have bought some nutritional shakes to try adding in but I’m kind of at a loss as what I should do. The medication is necessary and a last resort after several others tried and failed. As a 22 year old female weighing 316 when starting it and currently at 307 I know that I’m far from being in the danger zone but it’s still pretty scary.

    • I have the same problem. I’ve been taking vyvanse for my adhd and it’s completely suppressed my appetite, to the point where I can barely stomach anything even on the days I don’t take it. At first, I was happy with the added bonus of a flat stomach, but now it’s sorta static and the medication along with the appetite loss seems to be causing more trouble than it’s worth (anemia, general weak feeling, a kind of “fuzziness” counteracting the focus gained from the pill in the first place). The only solution I’ve found is this nutritional meal replacement drink called Soylent; a quick (bland) chug and my nutrients are filled and my I don’t feel quite as drained/empty.

  11. Hi
    My name is Brittany. I’m 26 (my 27th birthday is March 17 lol) I have been trying to lose 30 lbs since September of last year. I am currently 193. In September I started at 197.5. I’ve tried everything I can think of. I eat 6times a day. 3 meals 3 snacks. I workout at least 2 or 3 times a week. I meal prep every Sunday to make sure I’m eating healthy all week. But I have not lost a pound. I actually feel like I’ve gotten bigger. Especially in my midsection. It used to just be a little big but now it’s huge. Then the weird thing is I start my morning with a flat stomach and by lunch I look pregnant lol. I’m starting to get discouraged with the entire process. I feel like if I’m gonna keep gaining weight I might as well eat whatever I want and not work out. I’m not even sure what I’m doing wrong. Im tired all the time, no energy, no motivation, I’m actually getting used to being overweight and I’m trying to force the idea that it will never get any better than this
    I need help and encouragement please

    • Have you had your thyroid checked. All the symptoms sound like you could have Hypothyroidisum. I have it and all the symptoms you mentioned go along with it. I recently started a low carb diet which has helped me lose weight but you need to also be on medication if you have thyroid problems.
      Good luck to you.

    • Hi Brittany, First of all–good on you to have not gained, and to have lost some weight! Secondly, find out your numbers, and then you can truly have a better understanding about what’s going on, as well as improvements that you make. I encourage you to get the following numbers about your health: fasting insulin; A1c; triglycerides; blood pressure; and c-reactive protein. You can google around and find the meaning of those numbers and what level they should ideally be. It sounds like you are struggling with insulin resistance. If your fasting insulin is higher than 5, then this is most likely your issue…

    • Hi Brittany don’t feel discouraged… Try cutting out dairy and red meat… Lots of hormones in them… When I did my whole body shape and energy changed.

    • Brittany, I was in your boat a year ago. I weighed more though: 205 lbs. I thought, “hey! I’ll just cut out this fast food, and eat healthily at home and I’ll lose weight!” Nope! I got up to 246 lbs before I decided that I needed a lifestyle change. Even eating /healthily/ didn’t fix my problem. My problem was portion sizes.

      Without realizing it, I was eating twice as much as someone my height and age should eat! And I had to eat that much, just to feel full!

      It has taken almost a year, but I am now down to 155, and all that I did was use a calorie counting app (loseit) (some of my friends used fitness pal). I started logging all of my foods, and I realized that my portion sizes were causing me to overeat. I used the app to help control how much I was eating, and I would exercise to pull my calories back down to my goal if I over-ate during the day.

      Running a calorie deficit works. Having little rewards every 5 or 10 pounds is important, and having someone who keeps you accountable (besides just you) is important as well. My husband will purchase and play a new board game with me, every time I hit my 10 lb goal!

      It took 2 months for the constant feelings of hunger to go away, I would even exercise to get to eat a night time salad so I wouldn’t feel so hungry; but finally my stomach shrank and I began to feel full just eating /normal/ portions.

      Good luck on your weight loss journey! Don’t give up, running a healthy calorie deficit *always* works; even when the other “weight loss tricks” just seem to fail over and over again.

  12. I do not eat paleo, but I stumbled across this article while trying to find help. 10 years ago I weighed 215 lbs. I started losing weight with diet pills and exercise and gradually losing through the years. The last 5 years I have focused on just eating lower calories and have made it as low as 129 lbs., but I am now currently struggling at 140 ish. This has become all consuming. I was happier teetering around 130-135. I do exercise ever single day for an hour and a half and keep my calories at 1500 ish. I have binges about every 8 days that easily go into the 4000 calorie mark. I have been living this way for far too long. I obsess over food to a grand scale and constantly think about it. When I am done with a meal I am actually sad. All I want to do is eat. I never ever want to be fat again and find myself trying to get back 135 and keep telling myself I will live normal when I get there, but I cannot get there. I am miserable and hate social gatherings and will cancel and avoid at all costs. God bless my husband who has been with me for 21 years, he loves me so much and I am making him miserable too. I never leave the house EVER! I go to the grocery store on saturday morning and thats it. I dont want to be fat again, I cannot lose weight so therefore I cannot eat more cause when I do I gain. I don’t even know where to go for help or how to start.

    • Honey, I understand! I’ve been battling similar issues for many years as well. Please buy the book “Intuitive Eating.” I promise it will help change your life! It will help you be “at peace” with food, and you don’t get fat! I promise! You’re not alone. There is a great online community for Intuitive Eating as well. Please buy the book. I am rooting for you!

    • Are you saying at 140lbs. you are fat? Be lucky you are only a couple pounds overweight. I am a 58 year old male that always weighed about 220lbs. when I was younger and quite physical through work. After 2 back surgeries and heart surgery I was bed ridden for 3 years. I went from 220 to over 400 I am now lifting weights, I can`t do much cardio because my heart medication, but over the last 2 months I have lost 30 lbs. eating some white meat, fruits, and veggies amounting to no more than 1000 cal. per day. I am finally going to lose that 200 lbs. I am SICK of being a prisoner in my own body. You don`t realize how lucky you are.

    • Please Google Overeaters Anonymous. I completely relate to every word that you wrote. There is help specifically for us in this program (it’s free, so I’m not trying to sell you anything).

  13. I’m a 5’5 15 year old girl and I usually have about 800-1000 calories a day. I was 115pounds last month and now currently im 110. Recently I’ve been feeling extremely weak and just standing is a struggle everyday..

    • Amorah
      I recommend that you eat a little more or add another snack you are feeling the way you are because you need more fuel to give your body more energy and since your young you burn calories faster because you are more active. I promise you will feel a lot better.

    • Girls your age should eat no fewer than 1200 calories a day. If you are eating under this amount, your body is burning your muscle as energy /instead/ of fat. That means you have even less muscle to help you lose fat in the future (muscle is hard to get back!). Over the long term, under eating can be very harmful to your health. Look online to see how many calories a girl like you should be eating in order to maintain your muscles (so your body won’t burn them as energy).

      I was 5’5 at 15 and I ran track (had large leg muscles) and weighed about 117 lbs at my peak physical level. Don’t focus as much the actual /pounds/, but on a healthy lifestyle that will give you enough energy to do daily tasks without /overeating/.

  14. I am a 15 year old girl and I have been a good restricter for myself since third grade. I typically eat around 700 calories per day and it seems like enough to me but I am 140 and whenever I try lowering my calorie intake to lose weight (which is always) I can never lose any weight. I realize now that I am not nearly eating enough along with excercising 5 days a week and I want to start eating more but I am afraid of gaining weight. I try to eat very healthy and protein packed food but no matter what I eat I still feel overweight and unable to lose weight. What do I do?

    • i dint know how o gain weight and i am under weight but only 13 and i am eating more and then instead of gaining weight i keep on losing it.What should i do?

    • 700 calories is too few calories a day to maintain a 140 lb weight. What does your typical menu look like? You could be underestimating how much you are eating. Also 5’9 and 140 is pretty normal.

    • 700 cals is way to low you need to double that or more You’re too young to be eating so low!!! Eat when you’re hungry. Eat more plant based foods . Eat MORE. You may gain weight initially but you need plant carbs & protein to rebuild yourself . Then once your body is happy & healthy the weight will come off. You need to heal yourself first tho stop worrying about the weight & just get healthy lots of FRUITS & veggies beans rice sweet potatoes edamame quinoa CARBS & proteins! Peanut butter almond butter flaxseeds healthy fats

  15. Hi, I am 16 years old and I am 5’5. During the course of 2 and a half months, I went from 142 pounds to 118. I am currently 122 pounds but my entire body is super puffy and it looks as if I’m retaining water. The way I lost weight was very unhealthy, each day I lowered my calorie intake and now I only eat a few snacks a day. The foods I’ve been consuming are apples, oranges, pineapples, salmon, chicken, protein shakes and bars, and three or four scrambled eggs. I splurged on junk food and chocolate during my last period. I’m often depressed, lack motivation, and I rarely have an appetite. I don’t eat proper meals anymore but rather just small snacks to satisfy my appetite at the time. My skin is loose and the muscles in my legs are not as firm anymore. I don’t know what to do. I want to eat enough again but I’m afraid of gaining weight.

    • You should definitely speak tp tour doctor about it. They’ll help you fimd a healthy way to get back eatting well. 🙂 good luck!!

    • Gabriella can you speak with a parent to make an appointment with a primary care physician? Most health plans will make an allowance to see a nutritionist. I would recommend you start there.

      Your weight loss is impressive and shows discipline but is not healthy. At your young age you have years of growth ahead of you and need to eat more. A progressive physician should be able to refer you to a nutritionist for your diet and a therapist for your depression.

      Growing up is very hard. Don’t beat yourself up but get help now so you don’t diet in an unhealthy way. Good for you for seeking advice on this site…but seeking out medical in person help is the best advice i or anyone else can give you right now.

  16. So soooo glad I found this. I’m 20 years old and normally a really healthy eater day in day out but sometimes do enjoy the odd treat. Exercise at least 4 times a week and I am on my feet all day. For the past 2-3 months I’ve been trying even harder to lose a bit of weight ( summer is coming and all that) however all I have done is gain weight and even my normal clothing does not fit me. I upped my fibre intake, had more protein when I could and avoided more carbs than normal and was reaching 1100 cals a day, if even some days. Could not figure out where I was going wrong. After Reading this and agreeing with at least 5 things I realised that I was having the right things but no where near enough for the amount I do. Will be definitely trying to improve as of tomorrow and hopefully start to see results 🙂

  17. Hi I am a 31 yo male and I work as a bartender/server and what helped me realize why I wasn’t losing weight and feeling awful all the time while experiencing mood swings and skin irritations was all due to eating too low of a calorie deficit. I was kinda freaked out since I consumed 2,700 calories but with Fitbit saying I take at least 21k steps a day since I don’t have a car neither and walk everywhere and on top of it lifted 6days per week w/20-30 min of hiit cardio after. I’m still not too sure Fitbit is accurate 100% w/calories but there’s days that I burn over 4,000 calories! So it was hard for me to consume more calories but once I started my skin started clearing up and I started to feel better w/more mental clarity and have been losing! Keep in mind that I have been working out for awhile and the program’s I do are off of bodybuilding.com and when I go to the gym I take no longer than 30sec rest in between each set and workout almost 2hrs a day! I’m really happy that I read this blog! People are so obsessed with losing weight that they go so low on calories and it can cause a lot of harm to your body. I would know. Glad I’m learning more.

    • PS what has helped me as well is eating small meals and snacks every coup,e hours. If your an active person you need to eat more frequently! Stop letting tv advertisements and crash diets control your life! Your better than that! ?

  18. I’m 5’6 and weigh 140 lbs. I eat around 1100 calories a day. I workout 5 times a week and for about a month, I’ve been focusing cardio and abs so that I can have a 6 pack with out having to flex. After a month of consistent working out and dieting, I haven’t seen much results. Am I not eating enough?

  19. I am 16 years old and I do gymnastics 4 days a week from 4:30 to 8:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00. I recently lost about 20 pounds because I cut down on how much I was eating. I have just started to increase the amount I eat in a day because I am not having a period and I have no energy to do the sport that I love. I still don’t know if I’m eating enough. For example, this is basically what I eat everyday.
    Breakfast: whole bagel, chocolate milk
    Lunch: ham and cheese sandwich, banana, granola bar
    Snack: cliff bar
    Dinner:chicken and veggies

    • I think that sounds very healthy, minus the chocolate in the milk lol. Mind you I say that somewhat in jest, of course you’re allowed a small splurge if you make room for it with your diet and exercise. If you don’t mind sharing, what sort of portion sizes are you making your meals in? “Chicken and veggies” is a very healthy option, but you don’t want to have a quarter piece of chicken breast and call it a meal. Much like you don’t want to eat an entire skin-on roast chicken and call it “healthy”.

  20. Sick, very sick. Definitely under-eating, but not sure if that’s the cause of my overall state, or if my lack of appetite is a symptom of something else entirely. I will try to eat more, though often, no desire to. Symptoms – feeling unwell, swollen glands under arms and in my neck, sore throat, chest tightness & breathing issues, always tired, anemic, weak & dizzy, frequent cramping in my lower legs, night sweats, feeling inflamed all over. I know something is wrong, but doctors have been dismissive. I finally got some to listen to me, when my pain got so bad, they realized I had an infected & obstructed gallbladder, which they quickly removed two weeks ago.. But even after all that, I still feel terrible, like something is still wrong. Am I crazy? Will I ever wake up and feel well and strong? I can’t remember a time when I did. Please.. If someone out there can help, I implore you. This is positively depressing.

    • I’m sad they removed your gallbladder. Like you, I struggle from many symptoms no doctor has taken seriously. They treat each separate ailment when it’s the whole picture of long term illness that is the problem. I’m currently looking into candida overgrowth from regular antibiotics growing up but I’m still not sure that’s it. Keep looking! Do your own research. I am convinced after years of this and no help from the medical industry that we have to trust ourselves and look into any and all options. See a naturopath, see an syrveduc practitioner, see a Chinese herbalist, see a nutritionist. Anyone who says diet does affect your health is mad. Trust your gut and keep searching. I wish you the best!