One of the biggest motivations to adopt a more nutritious diet is the desire to improve skin health. Many people of all ages struggle with skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, dry skin, wrinkles, and sun damage, among others. This can be very upsetting for those who have yet to find a solution to their problematic skin. While conventional medical professionals often discount the connection between skin health and nutrition, there is strong evidence to support the influence of our food choices on the health and vibrancy of our skin.
There are several nutrients that are known to play a role in the proper growth and immunity of the skin, and many people have found that their skin health has dramatically improved after making purposeful changes to their daily diet. For example, Liz from the blog CaveGirlEats has a great post about how eating a traditional diet has improved her skin health. As her story suggests, making simple changes to your diet can have a significant impact on skin appearance in a short amount of time.
In this series, I will discuss how vitamins and minerals from a nutritious whole foods diet can treat acne, wrinkles, and other problem skin conditions.
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Vitamin A
Vitamin A influences the physiology of the skin by promoting epidermal differentiation, modulating dermal growth factors, inhibiting sebaceous gland activity, and suppressing androgen formation. (1) As it promotes cell turnover in the skin, vitamin A is effective in preventing the formation of comedones that cause the most common forms of acne.
Lack of vitamin A causes the skin to become keratinized and scaly, and mucus secretion is suppressed. (2) Rough, dry skin is a common sign of vitamin A deficiency, which often first appears as rough, raised bumps on the back of the arms. (3) This condition is called hyperkeratosis pillaris, and is found in approximately 40% of adults. (4) Though dermatologists believe this is an inherited condition with no cure, I have successfully treated this condition in several patients by significantly increasing their consumption of vitamin A rich foods. While physicians prescribe synthetic retinoids to treat skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, wounds, burns, sunburn, and ichthyosis, it is possible to obtain similar effects from consuming natural sources of pre-formed vitamin A. (5)
Eating liver once or twice a week is a great strategy for addressing stubborn acne and other skin issues.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is an imperative part of many physiological functions, including structure in certain proteins and enzymes, and regulation of gene expression. It plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division. (6) In skin, zinc assists in the proper structure of proteins and cell membranes, improves wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effects, and protects against UV radiation. (7)
Several studies indicate that dietary zinc may reduce acne, even as effectively as antibiotics such as tetracyclines. (8) This may be because it interacts with vitamin A as a component of retinol-binding protein, which is necessary for transporting vitamin A in the blood. (9) Zinc supplementation has been shown to significantly increase the level of vitamin A in the blood, indicating an interaction between the two nutrients that may explain its positive effect on acne. (10) In fact, men and women with serious acne are found to have lower levels of serum zinc than healthy controls. (11)
Plant foods such as pumpkin seeds and other nuts can also be high in zinc as well, but are less bioavailable, as the zinc is bound to phytates if not properly prepared by soaking. To get the most zinc from your diet, include shellfish, organ meats, and red meat on a regular basis.
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Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been known for decades to play a crucial role in the regulation of the structural protein collagen, which is necessary for the extracellular stability of the skin. Vitamin C nutrient deficiencies cause scurvy, which is first manifested as rough dry skin and corkscrew hair growth. Inadequate vitamin C is also known to contribute to the development of the common problem of hyperkeratosis pillaris, as the follicles become damaged when collagen formation is impaired.
Increasing the amount of vitamin C in the diet can contribute to improved skin health and faster healing. Observational studies have shown that diets high in vitamin C are associated with better skin appearance and less skin wrinkling. (12, 13) Vitamin C may also help prevent and treat ultraviolet (UV)-induced photodamage by acting as an antioxidant. (14) Higher intakes of dietary vitamin C have been correlated with a decreased level of dry skin, and ascorbic acid may have effects on trans-epidermal water loss. (15) Vitamin C has an important role in wound healing and can improve the proper formation of strong scar tissue. (16)
While true deficiency in the United States is uncommon, studies suggest that 39 percent of Americans don’t get the recommended amount of vitamin C. The highest sources of vitamin C include bell peppers, guava, dark leafy greens, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kiwi, citrus fruits, and strawberries. Certain fresh herbs such as cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley are also high in vitamin C. Consuming a wide variety of colorful plant foods on a regular basis is the best way to get adequate vitamin C in your diet. It’s important to remember that vitamin C is sensitive to heat, so lightly cooking these plant foods or eating them raw (if possible) is ideal to maximize your intake of this vitamin.
While full-blown nutrient deficiencies that cause acute diseases like scurvy, pellagra, and rickets are now rare in the developed world, that doesn’t mean that most people are getting the levels of micronutrients required to support optimal health. In fact, recent data suggest that most people are falling short on not just one but several essential vitamins and minerals. For example:
- 100% don’t get enough potassium
- 94% don’t get enough vitamin D
- 45% don’t get enough zinc
- 43% don’t get enough vitamin A
- 39% don’t get enough vitamin C
In a perfect world, we could meet all of our nutrient needs from food. Sadly, thanks to declining soil quality, a growing toxic burden, and other challenges in the modern world, that is no longer possible for most of us.
This is why I created the Core Plus bundle. It’s a daily stack of 5 supplements designed to close the modern nutrient gap and help you feel and perform your best. Core Plus exceeds the RDA for the essential vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health and beautiful skin. Click here to learn more.
Keep your eye on the blog next week for three more nutrients that can greatly improve your skin health.
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Hi Chris,
I occasionally take Cod Liver Oil in “softgel” form, but I always feel lousy after taking it, and have bad gas and stomach problems. Do you think this is related to the Cod Liver Oil, and if so, is there an alternative form that is as effective?
I wonder if the “softgels” themselves are causing you problems? I have been taking lemon CLO (Carlson brand) and never notice gas or digestive problems with it, and I do have some issues. But everybody is different. Just a suggestion.
Im very excited for this series! I’ve had rosacea forever it seems.
I have had rosacea (more acne than redness) for years which was only managed by doxycycline. Sulfur washes and topicals did nothing and the breakouts would get progressively worse if I stopped the antibiotics. Also seemed to get worse with age. No change when I went gluten free, but then I had the Cyrex Array 4 done and was shown to be sensitive to eggs and dairy. Within a couple of weeks of eliminating eggs (which I was eating daily for breakfast) and the 1 oz. slice of cheese I had with them, my face has completely cleared. I have been off the antibiotics for months and my skin looks great.
Wow, Jennifer! That’s awesome!!
Hi, Chris.
I hope you will address the ladies’ hormonal acne issue. I have chin acne that has been completely recalcitrant to any interventions. It is finally clearing, one week post my first post-partum period (baby is 18 mos). Did I really just have 6 mos of PMS acne?
I would love love love if you could include some information about eczema in this skin series. Thanks, appreciate all the knowledge you put out there on this blog!
My eczema cleared up after I quit eating tomatoes. I understand that most eczema is caused by food sensitivities. Dairy and wheat are probably the top causes. Sometimes it takes a little experimentation with the elimination diet to see which food is the culprit.
Can you explain how you went about figuring out that it was tomatoes? I have done 2 elimination diets at separate times (gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn, citrus, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine) but did not find that my skin noticeably cleared up, although the general itchiness did seem to get better. The only consistency I notice in pattern is that my skin tends to flare up right before my period, other than that I just can’t seem to figure out what helps and what makes it worse. I had an IgG/IgE test done a couple months ago by genova diagnostics which showed low amounts of sensitivity to lots of different foods, high IgE to oats/corn, and ridiculously high to specific molds (pityrosporum orbiculare, mucor racemosus). I know these tests aren’t greatly accurate but I think it just shows at least that my immune system is just out of whack and hypersensitive to everything it comes into contact with plus likely gut permeability since basically everything I ate during the elimination diet prior to getting my blood drawn showed up as “very low” sensitivity. So I’ve been attempting a fairly paleo/wap approach to my diet with the inclusion of occasional dairy and white rice, but am so envious of people who have figured it out!
I was fortunate that I finally figured out the pattern. I only like local vine ripe tomatoes, so I used to eat very little tomatoes through the winter and then gorge on them as soon as they became ripe in the early summer. So, when that finally dawned on me, I did the elimination diet and confirmed it.
I would say that the monthly cycle connection that you have found could be significant in one of two ways. Either you are craving and eating a certain food more at that time of month or that time of month allows your body to be easily overcome by inflammation and the food you are eating regularly plus the stress of your monthly time overwhelms your body.
I find that some people are not doing the elimination diet strictly enough. This is the way that I recommend:
First, and this is the crucial part, you must completely eliminate the food from your diet for at least five days. Then, you add it back in on day six. If you have eliminated several foods you add them back in, one food every two days. So, if on day six you experience any symptoms from depression, insomnia, headache, sinus problems, aches in joints to gut problems, then you know you have a problem. If you are not sure, continue to eat that food for another day. It may take 48 hours for the symptoms to show up. This is why many people fail to connect their illnesses and aches and pains to a particular food.
Since mold may be a problem for you, that is a difficult one to isolate. Check out the BulletProof version of paleo because it goes the extra step of eliminating micotoxins. Mold hides easily in cheap coffee and many spices and dried herbs. Irradiation is actually a good thing for spices and dried herbs to try to eliminate molds. I prefer to use fresh herbs whenever possible.
In addition to wheat, grains and dairy, consider soy, yeast and nightshades (tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers and eggplant), eggs, nuts (often tainted with micotoxins). Also, I found that I can’t eat any fermented foods. The yeasts they contain were just too much for me. And, I tried several brands of probiotics before I found one that works for me without any bad side effects. Klaire Labs is the probiotic that I ended up with. Also, when I say eliminate dairy, I mean even cream, butter and ghee. Good luck! 🙂 I am happy to answer any more questions.
Also, the skin clearing up takes weeks. What you are looking for when you do the elimination diet are other symptoms that I list above that are obvious quickly. Then if you suspect a food, eliminate it from your diet for several months to give your eczema time to heal. Mine took months to heal, and never came back because I haven’t eaten tomatoes since I figured it out.
Thanks for taking the time to respond with such a thorough reply! I think you are right about not doing the diet strictly enough. My difficulty was, however, that both times I very strictly eliminated the common offenders for 6 weeks, but still did not notice enough of an improvement to feel like I could reintroduce and hope to gain any information. So I did not follow through with careful reintroduction, and have just avoided items that I feel more commonly contribute to leaky gut type problems.
Im wondering what you mean by finding a probiotic that doesn’t have any bad side effects? The reason I ask is, I have taken Jarrow and Bio-kult (separately) and both have caused me to have quite a flareup after which I know can be die-off, so I guess what I wonder is what you differentiate as something that is an expected bad reaction to something that just does not fit with you?
Thanks for the BulletProof recommendation. Seems to have a wealth of information. I am just so impressed with everyone who is so in touch with themselves. Part of my difficulty in attributing lethargy, or insomnia, or headache, or whatever symptom is that I just can never be sure if something really is caused by a food group I have introduced. Ya know? I just dont feel sure. Wish I had a mood ring or something haha that would tell me conclusively.
Thanks again
Now that I am at the point that I feel great most of the time, I can usually tell if something disagrees with me within 48 hours. I am so well now, that I don’t consider die off anymore because I believe I have already gone through that stage and have a balanced system. So, when I took probiotics that didn’t agree with me, I noticed insomnia very quickly. That was enough for me to move on to another brand. I think you have to be pretty well to distinguish some things.
I don’t have to be *sure* to eliminate something. If I suspect something, I eliminate it. Then, in six to 12 months I may try to reintroduce it again. It never hurts to eliminate a food or a food group for a time. I does cause problems to eat any food that disagrees with you. I err on the side of caution in the beginning and then become more daring when I am feeling great and have gone months without the food. With some foods, I find that I can reintroduce if I keep them rotational, say once per week max. I don’t think it is wise to do this until you are well and the problem you are trying to solve is completely gone.
Monica, my teenage daughter has eczema and we are hot on the trail. We are looking at this elimination diet “failsafe” which targets the following food compounds: salicylates (aspirin like compounds such as found in tomatoes), amines, sulfates, gluten? , plus food additives and preservatives which mimic these substances. It looks very well researched although the hospital version (a hospital in Australia) is fat-phobic they seem good at finding the offenders which is of course related to dose and genetics.
Did you ever discover the source of your issues?
I’ve tried many different types of oils for my very dry eczema prone skin. The only one that it responds well to is red palm oil. I found out that RPO is rich in beta carotene so I started taking retinol and it has helped a lot. I also see great improvement on large amounts of vit D3 and zinc. I had been eating paleo, with a lot of eggs and FCLO, for over a year and haven’t seen the type of improvement I saw after 1 week on the supplements. This is a great article.
I would heartily recommend the products that Daniel Kern sells on for all those still struggling with acne. His protocol (gentle cleanser, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel, and gentle moisturizer plus jojoba oil and alpha hydroxy acid) has completely cleared my acne, better than any prescription from 10+ years of dermatologist visits. I also take a supplement of chelated zinc daily per Daniel Kern’s recommendation, and so Chris’s article today really resonated for me. For me, finding Daniel Kern’s products has been as revolutionary for my acne as finding Chris Kresser’s site has been for my general health (and I’m sure the paleo eating and daily CLO have also been beneficial to my skin).
I noticed improved skin after transitioning to a WAPF traditional foods diet, and one astonishing change was that I no longer sunburn — and I’m fair with blonde hair and blue eyes. Or it takes a very long time to turn pink, and then it turns to tan quite quickly. I attribute this to getting all those industrial fats and oils out of my system and replacing them with traditional ones. I believe the fake fats make our skin much more reactive to the sun and other things. And of course, our ancestors didn’t evolve using sunscreen!
I also have hyperkeratosis pillaris and I have not found that the vitamin A and zinc helped. However, what did help was BHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy) – specifically progesterone. When I was using it, I noticed my keratosis (chicken skin) cleared up 100% on my arms. I also have it on my thighs and it got better but didn’t totally clear (I used the creams for 2 months). I am having issues with a lack of energy and am on thyroid meds now so I stopped the BHRT but will start again soon.
If you google thyroid and hormones and keratosis you can see for yourself. It makes sense to me as I am having a lot of hormone problems and thyroid issues and now my keratosis has gotten even worse. I think it is all very related. I recently had a hormone test and my hormones numbers are incredibly low.
Kelly, I too am concerned my dry skin and low energy are hormone related, but my tests came back within range. You said yours were low, were they out of range for your age?
I got my ferritin checked even though my iron was normal. The rash on my arms legs went away so did tiredness hair stopped falling and got thicker. Be sure to insist on ferritin check as they won’t want to give it to you if your whole iron is normal. Ferritin is a part of whole iron not tested normally
Like a few other posters here, I notice a direct link between wheat and dairy consumption with the clarity of my skin. The day after eating a couple ounces of cheese or a couple slices of bread, I inevitably have a few blemishes.
Is there any advantage to topical treatments for things like psoriasis? I noticed Green Pastures has a FCLO ointment… Or is the best treatment through dietary intake?
I have Rosacea which I’ve come to believe is a very complex systemic issue. I’ve eaten healthy for a long time but am realizing the need to elimate sugars and starches for a while and to heal my gut. I’ve also started using sulfur soap on my face just to tame the redness for now. My question about zinc is if you recommend supplementing with it. I do eat red meat and shellfish, but wonder about adding a supplement too. Any advice?
my wife developed rosacea 1989,after she had armpit lymph nodes removed,as part of breast cancer surgery;the nodes were clear,but her previous perfect facial skin became inflamed with pustules and this condition has persisted; curiously,I have suffered a lifelong mild form of rosacea which I now believe to be a consequence of lymphatic tissue removal,ie,tonsils and adenoids removed at 5 due to chronic inflammation/enlargement,probably caused by diet,eg,dairy intolerance.
Very interesting story about rosacea ! in fact in medicine , we can see that various causes can create similar symptoms …
Sometimes rosacea is caused by a skin mite (Demodex) and many people have treated it successfully with sea buckthorn oil applied topically. It might be worth a try.
For those struggling with rosacea: Dr. Jonathan Wright’s book, “Why Stomach Acid is Good for You,” explains that rosacea is a reflection of the gut. People have poor stomach function and bacterial overgrowth. With low stomach acid, the pH does not get low enough during digestion to kill all the germs in our food. “Hydrochloric acid and pepsin pills taken with every meal control rosacea as well or better than tetracycline.” After a while, your body should start to make enough HCL on its own and that does away with heartburn, rocacea, and more.
How about Carrots, Peppers, and sweet potatoes ?
Thanks Chris, good info as always. I’d like to hear any recommendations you might have for topical (i.e. face creams, body lotions) support of the internal nutrients you outlined. What ingredients to look for that might help moisturize, help reduce / prevent sun spots, lines, wrinkles, spider veins… Can you discuss the external use of squalene, herbal preparations, antioxidants such as Vits. C & E, that might be beneficial for the skin.
I had horrible acne before going gluten free- bad enough to be prescribed awful Accutane. It went away. When I went paleo my skin improved even more. When I am dairy-free, it’s near perfect. I do take supplements, since we are celiac and I am exposed to wheat at work. CLO, natural vitamin A from fish liver oil, and zinc monomethionine are in my protocol.
I don’t know if you will address skin cleansing, but I’m a huge fan of no soaps. This is the oil cleansing method that I use. Oil binds with trapped oils and then your warm wash cloth draws the impurities up and out. Some may have an initial breakout time from this, but that is the process pulling the impurities out. And, I use coconut oil as my only moisturizer.
+1 for oil-cleansing. I’ve been doing it for well over a year and my skin loves it. I can’t imagine putting soap on my face now. Eat clean and be gentle with your face: oil & a steamy washcloth is all you need.
I tried the oil cleansing method for a couple weeks and all was well until my face started getting little bumps and acne all over, worse then I’ve ever had before (I’m not one who had bad acne). I stop doing it because I was scared of what it might turn into but I really wish it had worked…
Annette, my sister suggested I use a cloth on my skin but really, she does not have youthful skin. I was told not to use a cloth, soap or very hot water so I don’t. (Such really peals off the protective skin.) I am finding that Sweet Almond Oil NF works better than anything I have tried – coconut oil (virgin seems better than cheap-o), but SAlmondO-NF seems best. I also have been painting my eczema legs below knees, one elbow and two spots on lower arms with iodine Lugol’s (now I make my own) but I have to do it four times a day and if I am too late in next painting, then the itch is incredible but if I put the SAO-NF on after the iodine or even after a shower and the skin is not dry nor too wet, that seems the best. Again, I have to re-address as soon as any indiction of dry itching starts. (What a bother.)
But so far, this is all that works. The eczema is better but I suspect there is more to do. Little steps, I guess. I do spray with Magnesium Sulphate=Epsom salts but I have found a source for Magnesium Chloride which is the best I’ve been told for rubbing into the skin. Then I would add the Almond Oil.
The other problem I think I have is mercury problems. I have at least six root canals and one is exposed since the filling fell out. None of my fillings are mercury based. The iodine, the vitamins and alkalising the body with baking soda throughout the day is supposed to help. Now, little steps seem to be turning in to summersaults.
I’ve struggled with skin problems my whole life, after I switched to paleo still no major improvements… ‘m beginning to despair a little bit 🙁
Have you tried a candida free diet? i t will be a great thing to do for skin.
I had the same experience until I started taking Cod Liver Oil / Butter Oil blend. Seemed to make a huge difference.
How much do you take?
I am an individual with hyperkeratosis pillaris – “chicken skin.” I already consume 6 pastured eggs daily and FCLO.
Perhaps I need to take a look at my zinc; since moving I haven’t found a good source of offal.
So many people enjoy improvements to the health of their skin when they switch to a Paleo diet, but I haven’t had the same experience. Well, that’s not totally true: I do notice that whenever I have a “gluten cheat” I get a few blemishes and a canker sore or two.
My face is clear, but I still struggle with scalp psoriasis and very dry skin. A clean diet with plenty of fats and fat soluble vitamins hasn’t touched these issues for me.
I struggle with this as well.. I eat paleo but still suffer from dry skin on certain areas of my scalp, upper lip, and eyebrow area. I am embarking on a elimination diet soon to see if I can isolate something in my diet (paleo or not) that could be causing it.
Try a full vegan diet, my skin is soft and has a healthy glow before I was vegetarian (back when I was still eating meat) I use to suffer from harshly dry skin in the winter and now I don’t have that problem, daily putting on sunscreen/moisturizer helps as well
Don’t try a “full vegan diet”. If it worked, you wouldn’t need the ‘daily’ moisturizer. Sheesh.
And sunscreen? Yeah, that’s great for blocking vitamin D.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin issue, and may require a different approach. I’m not sure if I’ll cover that in this series, but I plan to at some point. Hormonal issues should always be ruled out as a potential cause of skin problems in women. Finally, I’m going to discuss an approach I’ve used with some success in my clinic later in the series.
I had psoriasis for over 30 years. I had cortizone injections, UV ray treatments, coal tar, several different prescription creams, and used non-prescription hydrocortisone for years. I was hospitalized once for lymph infection from scratching it so bad. My doctor told me it would never be cured. He was wrong.
My psoriasis is completely gone. I radically changed my diet over the course of two years. I’m not sure which change did it but I started with eliminating HFCS and hydrogenated oil. Progressed to eliminating diet soda, then all caffeine. Eliminated dairy but then added back raw dairy in the form of homemade kefir. Switched to pastured, free range meats and organic fruits and vegetables.
Its been gone for over two years and has never returned in that time. Truly the body has amazing healing powers when you give it what it needs.
I’m afraid you’re right and it is a hormonal issue. I have struggled with it throughout my life, some times more than others. When I was pregnant, it actually disappeared, but now it’s worse than ever. I’m still nursing, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. Plus, I’m underweight and can’t seem to put on pounds even though I have a strong appetite. Anyway, I think a series that addresses hormonal issues in women would be awesome (sorry guys!).
could you also cover vitiligo as well? (i know most would say eliminate gluten.
but mine popped up 2 years AFTER i had changed diet. i had been > 90% gluten free even before that. also dairy free did nothing. so i ran out of ideas of what else i could do.)
Try going vegan
you do know you are responding to people who posted over 2 yrs ago, right? It must be the brain fog from malnourishment from a vegan diet….
So what’s your excuse Andria? Sheesh…
I’m very interested in this, my husband has pretty extensive psoriasis on his scalp and under his arms. No dietary change, herbal or topical treatment has touched it, vitamin D supplementation has improved it slightly and kept it from getting worse. But he has to take at least 4,000 a day to get an effect, CLO isn’t a high enough dose.
So I had a skin abscess 5 years ago and the sack is still inside my face. What is the best way to remove it?
My psoriasis on scalp, upper lip, and in ears is gone since I went 100% gluten free. Please note that there is no such thing as 90% gluten free, it is all or nothing. When I eat even 2 slices of bread with gluten, psoriasis in ears comes back within days. Btw. a celiac test at a regular doctor’s office showed I was negative (i.e. don’t have celiac disease), but a more comprehensive gluten sensitivity test 3 years later showed that I have antibodies to a few gluten proteins (i.e. mild gluten sensitivity). Note that both gluten sensitivity and psoriasis are auto immune diseases. As a side note, my doctor treated ear psoriases as ear infection with antibiotics for over 3 years until I went to ear specialist who immediately said that i have a skin condition and need to see a dermatologist. It took years for psoriases to show up on scalp and upper lip after a few years on and off in only one ear. Treatment of Vitamin D deficiency with 2000 IU daily also may have helped. Hope this helps!
Since psoriasis is one of many autoimmune disease that begin in the gut, you may want to do the GAPS Intro and full GAPS diet for a time to address the underlying gut imbalance.
Thanks, Beth. I follow the GAPS diet already, but you’re right. I’m a fermented food fanatic, too.
I recently started putting my vitamin d-3 on my skin and it seems to be helping. I just take the vitamin pill and puncture it and spread it on. This is highly anecdotal, but I say give it a try.
Hello Zack please could inform whther you still experience improvement by using topical VIt D3 ?on your skin.
Thanks in advance
dry skin can be a symptom of inflammation and inflammation can be caused by infection for eg,so diet changes won’t resolve non-dietary health issues.
It wasn’t my motivation but my skin did indeed improve greatly when I started moving towards paleo…
I had had acne all my life prior to that. It cleared up before I went totally grain free…I’ve had clear skin for several years now, but am still tweaking my diet for other health benefits.