One of the downsides of using “the Pill” is that many times it’s hard to get back to a normal menstrual cycle once you stop taking it. Some of my young female clients in their 20s and 30s who were taking birth control for a long time and then stopped haven’t had their periods for months, or sometimes even years!
It can be frustrating, especially for women who have stopped taking birth control because they want to become pregnant. And my clients realize that having amenorrhea isn’t a good sign for their overall health regardless of their childbearing plans, so they’ve come to me to help them make the diet, supplement, exercise, and lifestyle changes they need to in order to get their hormones back on track.
Has birth control use made you lose your period? Get it back naturally with these tips by @AncestralizeMe!
Since this is a common experience for women my age, I wanted to share my best suggestions for recovering from post birth control syndrome using diet and lifestyle, in order to help those who have been frustrated by the symptoms associated with the condition. The following are tips you can follow without needing a doctor’s visit or a prescription. Read on to learn how to get your period back!
1. Optimize Your Nutrition Status
As a dietitian/nutritionist, nutrition is always the number one focus in any of my health improvement plans. My clients who’ve aren’t having regular periods tend to be some of the fastest responders to a tailored nutrition and supplement program, primarily because the loss of menstruation is often be a sign of underlying nutrient deficiencies. Even if you’re eating a whole foods, Paleo diet, there are many nutrients that can be inadequate if you’re not making a concerted effort to include specific foods and/or supplements.
Zinc is a critical nutrient to consider, and many nutritionists recommend an increase in zinc intake for female clients struggling with loss of menstruation following the use of the Pill. There is evidence demonstrating that women who take oral contraceptives have lower plasma zinc levels, so they may have higher need for this important mineral for fertility.
Some healthcare practitioners theorize that taking oral contraception might either cause zinc deficiency or even copper overload, which could contribute to the loss of healthy menstrual function. Either way, I always include zinc as part of my recommendations for my clients with amenorrhea.
Zinc can be sometimes difficult to replenish without short term therapeutic supplementation, even in the context of a whole foods diet. If you’re willing to eat lots of shellfish (e.g. oysters and clams), red meat, pumpkin seeds, and poultry, you may be able to avoid supplementing with zinc in this case. I usually recommend 15-30 mg of zinc per day for someone with post birth control syndrome. (If you do supplement, be sure to take it with a meal, otherwise you may get sudden, intense nausea.)
Magnesium is another mineral that I find beneficial for my clients with post birth control syndrome. While many of us in the ancestral health community feel that everyone can benefit from daily magnesium supplementation, it’s especially important for those on birth control (or coming off birth control) to supplement with magnesium.
If you have a history of birth control use, I recommend using a chelated form of magnesium and taking 200-400 mg daily to supplement what you’re getting from food.
Vitamin B6
Finally, vitamin B6 is another nutrient that is not often discussed but can be very helpful in restoring menstrual function in those with post birth control syndrome. A 2011 study found that those who used oral contraceptives had lower plasma vitamin B6 concentrations, and one type of amenorrhea caused by high prolactin levels was able to be treated using B6 supplementation, suggesting that supplementing with B6 may be beneficial in post birth control syndrome.
Vitamin B6 is found in a variety of foods, and is generally safe to take as a supplement at doses below 100 mg per day. I like Designs for Health’s Sublingual Vitamin B6, which has the added benefit of providing a small amount of chelated zinc. At 50 mg per teaspoon, it’s a high enough dose to replenish any depleted stores, but not so much to risk toxicity with long term use.
Other Nutrients
There are other nutrients that I address with my clients, either making diet or supplement recommendations to address potential deficiencies in their diets. One nutrient that I find tends to be quite low in many of my young female clients’ diets is vitamin A. You can get plenty of vitamin A by eating 4-8 ounces of beef or lamb liver every week, and that’s almost always something I recommend to my clients who are struggling to regain their periods. Another important nutrient is vitamin D, which typically comes from adequate sun exposure but can be helpful as a supplement for those with blood levels below 30 ng/mL.
2. Optimize Your Circadian Rhythms
In our modern world of late night TV, attachment to our cell phones, 24 hour artificial light, and inadequate hours of sleep, our circadian rhythms have taken a serious beating.
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. People who fly across several time zones experience circadian rhythm disruption as “jet lag”, but even less dramatic shifts in your circadian rhythms can cause significant health problems, including infertility and amenorrhea.
Your circadian rhythms affect all endocrine hormone secretions, including melatonin, cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone, growth hormone, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), insulin, leptin, and more. (1) While we don’t know how all of these hormones might contribute to healthy menstruation, we do know that prolactin, FSH, and LH are the key hormones regulating the menstrual cycle along with estrogen and progesterone.
There are dozens of factors that affect circadian rhythms, but I’ll just focus on the two most important: light exposure and sleep. Proper light exposure includes getting adequate daytime sunlight and appropriate elimination of bright light at night. The biggest influence is the light hitting your eyes, so I strongly suggest making an effort to get outside, or at least sit by a window, for most of the daylight hours. On the flip side, you also need to ensure you’re not getting blue light exposure once the sun has gone down.
There are ways you can address this issue even if you can’t go outside during the day or shut off all your lights when the sun goes down. The first is to get a light therapy lamp that can help provide the right spectrum of daytime light during your day, which you can set up at your work desk. The second is to block blue light at night, and the easiest way to do this is by using these super fashionable orange goggles. You can also use orange light bulbs as your evening lighting option.
And of course it should go without saying that you need to prioritize your sleep, going to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep every night.
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3. Eat Enough Carbs and Calories For Your Activity Levels
This is one of the most difficult recommendations for many of my clients, as frequently those dealing with post birth control syndrome are also trying to lose weight. And more often than not, their weight loss attempt includes reducing their food intake and cutting down on carbohydrates.
While this strategy may help with short term weight loss, it’s definitely not conducive to your hormonal health to significantly limit your food intake in this way. It’s a well known phenomenon in the medical world, called the Female Athlete Triad, where women under eat and overtrain so much that they lose their menstrual function, and even put themselves at risk for osteoporosis.
Stefanie Ruper has written a fantastic article on the problems with being overly restrictive with your food intake, and how dozens of her readers have written to her complaining that they lost their menstrual function when switching to a Paleo diet. She acknowledges that it’s not the Paleo diet that is the issue per se, but that those who switch to Paleo often get stuck in an overly restrictive, low carbohydrate approach that does not support healthy endocrine function through various effects on the HPA axis and thyroid hormone conversion.
I generally recommend at least 30-40% of calories from carbohydrate for my patients who aren’t getting their period, and provide them an appropriate calorie range for their body size and activity levels. Trying to quickly lose weight while dealing with amenorrhea is rarely a good combination.
And the other side of this issue is avoiding overtraining, which is another problem I see in many of my young female clients trying to “lean out”. As I mentioned, this overtraining and undereating combination is known as the Female Athlete Triad and is well known as a cause of amenorrhea. Overtraining means different things to different people; what might be a normal training schedule for an elite athlete may cause burnout and hormonal disruption in a non-athlete. If you’re dealing with amenorrhea, you need to take a serious look at your training regimen and make sure you’re not overdoing it.
4. Manage Your Stress
This is another big issue for many of my young female clients experiencing amenorrhea. Stress is generally unavoidable in our modern lives, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it disrupt your life and throw off your hormone regulation.
Chronic stress causes hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation, which is also known as adrenal fatigue. (3) Unfortunately, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are also key regulators of the menstrual cycle. (4) Thus, chronic stress is easily able to cause irregular menstrual cycle activity, and can even lead to a condition known as hypothalamic amenorrhea. This is very similar to what happens in the case of the Female Athlete Triad, and is typically caused by the chronic physical and/or emotional stress that is unfortunately common among young women.
For those trying to overcome post birth control syndrome (or any type of amenorrhea for that matter), getting stress under control is very important. This includes the recommendation above regarding eating enough and avoiding overtraining, but it also deals with managing daily stress from work, relationships, financial issues, and more.
I always tell my amenorrheic clients to find a stress management protocol that works for them, which can include yoga, meditation, journaling, deep breathing, and more. Anything you enjoy doing that helps relieve stress is a great choice, and can make a big difference in your return to normal menstrual function.
5. Boost Your Detox Capacity
Having a strong ability to detoxify is crucial for recovering from post birth control syndrome, as one of the primary issues with taking oral contraceptives for a long period of time is hormonal build up. Your body stores hormones like estrogen in your fat cells, and these stored hormones can linger for months or years after you stop taking the Pill. Your liver is responsible for clearing these hormones through the bile, and if you’re not detoxifying well enough, your liver is ineffective at eliminating these excess hormones.
There are many ways to boost detox capacity – too many to get into in this article – but I’ve written another article in which I recommend increasing intake of certain foods that can help boost hormone clearance. Another option is taking a supplement which contains a variety of nutrients and botanicals that support the body’s natural detoxification process. Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator from NOW Foods is a popular choice.
And wouldn’t you know it, your gut flora can even help you detoxify excess hormones. This podcast I’ve linked to is all about the “estrobolome,” the complete set of bacterial genes that code for enzymes capable of metabolizing estrogens within the human intestine. (5) So taking a high quality probiotic and eating fermented foods, especially fermented cruciferous vegetables like sauerkraut, is an important part of recovering from post birth control syndrome.
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What to Do If You Still Haven’t Gotten Your Period Back
These are my best general recommendations for how to regain your period after stopping birth control, and I’ve used these strategies successfully with many young female clients. It’s important to address all these factors, as any one of them can be enough to disrupt menstrual function, which is a sign of suboptimal health.
Of course, sometimes this isn’t enough to get you back on track hormonally, especially if you were taking birth control for many years, or if you started birth control as a method to address hormone issues in the first place. In this case, you may need some additional testing done to identify any issues that may be causing your amenorrhea. PCOS is a very common condition that can significantly disrupt your hormonal function, so you’ll want to discuss this possibility with your endocrinologist.
And of course working with a knowledgable nutritionist can help you identify the missing pieces in your recovery plan to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to get back your hormonal health and menstrual function.
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I stopped the pill in April and waited 45 days… yesterday I got my period and it is heavy! I have been reading and researching.. (I am a nurse in labor and delivery) so I asked many co-workers about this issue as well. It seems 3 months is absolutely normal to wait after pooling many women. I looked into fertilaid.. has anyone used it to try to get pregnant? Also, I am with all of you, I was never told the pill would mess up my hormones afterwards, more young women need to be educated. Of course, in our early 20’s getting pregnant is the last thing we want… now it is the only thing we want and our 20 year old choices are affecting our chances. I hope all of you on here get your period soon, and continue to have regular cycles, stressing over it doesn’t help (but we are human and thats what we do!) Thank you for this feed, it helped me a lot.
I couldn’t agree more! I’m 30 and have been on the pill since I was 18. I went on to control my acne and have been terrified to come off until January this year because am TTC. 6 months later and still no period. Wish I’d have come off the pill sooner but no one ever warned me this may happen. I think that doctors shouldn’t prescribe the pill so liberally without at least warning young women about the affect it can have on their hormones! Feel really strongly about this. Am glad you have had a period. I just hope mine hurries up soon so I can start TTC properly
I feel same Jen & Sarah. I would not have stayed on pill for 11 years if I had known it would do this.
hey, maybe you need to focus on your lifestyle, check this page, maybe you find some useful info for yourself
I stopped birth control back in January and have had my period twice in February and then it never came back? Ive always had regular periods before i took the pill even when i was on the pill they were regular but since ive stopped i haven’t been getting a period, & yes it is stressful where as both myself and my partner want to try for a baby, ive had many tests done by doctors but they say everything is perfectly fine in that area and i have nothing to worry about! But i am just wondering what you would recommend to induce a period to make it come faster! Ive already made healthier lifestyle changes in the past month and am steady keeping to it, but i would like to know what can i do to induce my period to come back again!?
I put on birth control when I was pretty young due to a large ovarian cyst. I was on it for 5 years & when I stopped taking it, I didn’t have a period for a year! I am still very irregular & only have a couple periods a year. My doctors want to put me back on birth control but I don’t want too. I’m just worried if this is unhealthy for my body to have such irregular periods & im worried about having kids someday 🙁
I am a 26 years old i have been on depo for about three years my next date was on December 30 i did not go coz i want to have a baby please help me i want to get pregnant because i go married Now my husband want a baby please help me i really need a baby
My doc told me it can take up to six months before your fertility levels get back on track after stopping the depo shots (for some even longer than that). My advice is that you relax and dont stress yourslef by needing a baby ASAP cause it’ll take some time and stress wont help AT ALL.. Depo does reduce your fertility for quite some time. talk to your husband and make him understand. Good luck
I was told sometimes your cycle can take up to 18 months to return after stopping the depo. I stopped taking the injection back in October of 2015 (no sign of a cycle yet)..they are currently running tests to rule out any other issues as I am only 33 with 5 healthy children at home.. Hope you are able to start your family soon?
I hadn’t had a period for over a year. I was devastated. When I first went off birth control my family who has never run into problems with it was positive for my future in trying to get pregnant. Month after month went by and no period and no bfp (big fat positive) it was heart breaking. I finally went to the doctor after month 3. Found out I had a hypothyroidism. I’m on medication now got it all straightened out but still no period. After about 4 more months I also found out I had pcos. It can be hard for people to get their periods and sometimes to get pregnant. I started reading some advice on here after about 9 months. One was how a young lady started taking an over the counter medication called fertilaid. I was skeptical but I was willing to try almost anything.. So I bought it. The medication is a form of natural herbs and vitamins. On the site it tells how it can help with people looking to get there period back. It says take for at least 3 months. I did. Last November I finally received my period again. I don’t know if it was just this medicine alone or if it was a combination on medication my doctor was providing me but if your looking for answers like me, go to your doctor get a check up.. And possibly order the medication. It might help you like it helped me. Thanks!
Can you get this product fertilaid at any pharmacy how would i go about getting it? is it on the shelves or do i need a prescription for it!thanks!
UR problem was exactly like mine just that mine is six yrs now that I have not seen my period after I stop taken pills pls am from Cameroon I need to know how I can get this fertilized u talk about help me pls cuz am so confused and don’t know what to do my husband family are on me for a baby
can I get thus drug from a pharmacy fertiliad
Hello Laura! I was wondering whether you had a brand you could recommend when it comes to these vitamins? Is there some product that would be a good combination of all these or is it better to take them separately? Also, how to know if it’s good quality, and what form of the vitamins and minerals to look for? Magnesium, for example, seems to be sold in a zillion different forms so it gets confusing. Can prenatals be good for amenorrhea? I have just recovered my period after suffering from hypothalamic amenorrhea for years and I just want to do everything possible to keep my period happy 🙂 Thanks for the great post and I love the work you do!!!
u said u have just recoverd UR period after several years how do u do it is it by following lura, s treatment pls help me cuz I haven’t seen my period for six years now after I stop taken pills
where can we get your products from Nigeria in Abuja
I had been on the pill for around 7 1/2 years, I got married and about a year later me and my husband decided we wanted to start trying for a baby, I immediately got on a prenatal vitamin, it has been about seven months and I haven’t had a period or even spotting… I finally went to my doctor and she put me on med rock say crowed gesture I went to my doctor and she put me on medroxyprogesterone to help jump start my period…(I just started taking this) she says within a month I should start my period, and if I do then I just wasn’t ovulating… And if I don’t then there’s another problem. Any advise ?
Did u do this Autumn? Did these jump start ur period?, Thanks
My OB tried me on medroxyprogesterone and it didn’t do anything for me aside from help me gain weight. But that may just be me.. I’ve been of BC for 1.5 years now and still no period..
I took the pill for 5 years and decided to stop for health reasons. It had been 4 months without my period but I started taking evening primrose oil (capsules) and eating maca powder and I swear to god, only 2 days later my period began! These two products are safe and herbal, you can google them, read up and I highly recommend buying from a health store.
when I was taking birth control I didn’t take the placebo pills for a year so i wouldn’t get my period now that I have stopped its been 2 months since I’ve had a period and I’m 16
Thanks Shlee, will try these 🙂
EVERYONE please read “Period Repair Manual” by Lara Briden. She is a naturopathic doctor and it is such a great read. $15 or so on Amazon, I cannot recommend it enough. I am taking steps to get my period back after birth control and after reading that book I feel confident that I can if I follow the instructions listed. Hopefully it helps!
Thank you so much, I’m so glad I found this article! I had been on the pill for about 13 years, and quit since my husband and I wanted to start trying right after we got married. Unfortunately, after a few months my period never came and I was getting frustrated as I had baby fever in a major way. I took this article to heart and immediately ordered zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, and got some yam pills as well. After just two weeks of being on this combination, my period is back!! I am beyond excited. I hope I ovulate normally and we will conceive soon…huge thank you and good luck to the rest of the ladies on this feed. I highly suggest taking these natural remedies, it works!
What doses did you take of each and when?
how did you use the yam pill please
found this presume it is what u are talking about
I’m 34, no children was on lo loestrin fe for 4 years, it completely took away my period. Of course any girl would be happy but I recently decided to go off it to have children. My Dr. suggested first I go on to the generic to wheen me off the pills and hope my period will start. I was on it for 4 months and nothing. I went off my BC 3 weeks ago, no period. I’ve had symptoms of cramping, nausea, headaches, bloating, backaches, fatigue and spotting during sex during the last 3 weeks. My partner and I have been having unprotected sex, we want to start a family. I had spotting a few days after sex but just tested negative. I also just started taking prenatal vitamins to replace the vitamins I need. I know it’s only been 3 weeks but I figured I would start already due to if I missed a couple days of my BC in the past I would start my period.
Hi all – I was on the pill for 8 years and when I came off it I didn’t get my period for 14 months. Multiple doctors visits, ultrasound to check for cysts, even a CT scan to make sure I don’t have a brain tumour. Well my period finally came back today. (Happy dance!!!!)
Over the last couple of months I’ve been taking vitamins / herbal pills. In the past week, I noticed extreme PMS symptoms (and I mean extreme — headaches, moodiness, my face looks like a pizza, sensitive breasts, sensitive skin, even sensitive teeth). In the event that the vitamins are what did it, I want to share the brands with you:
— Vitamin Code for Women, by ‘Garden of Life’ – 2 pills twice a day
— EstroSense (Hormone Balancing Therapy) – 1 pill twice a day
Taken with breakfast and dinner. And of course this is complete with daily exercise and a healthy diet. I do believe these pills helped, since they have everything the body needs for a healthy cycle.
Best of luck!!!
T. R.
My last period was in July, just before I had to go off the pill. While hubby & I have been careful, we’ve had one or two slip ups. But all negative pregnancy tests & still no period. Never had this issue after going off the last two times when we were trying for our kids. Same pill, nothing has changed, except we are under more stress now with a 21 month & 3 year old, international move & sudden job loss… could this be the issue?
Progesterone is essential in getting and staying pregnant. It can become compromised if there is too much stress in your life because your body will produce more cortisol over progesterone. So absolutley.
I have been off birth control for 3 weeks and I don’t know how to handle it anymore. Acne, hair lose, depression, insomnia and constipation. Anyone experienced constipation and what do I do? Lexative didn’t help, it’s crazy.
This is rather late but I am just finding this site and your comment is one I related to. I stopped my BC five weeks ago, and I guess I didn’t even put 2 and 2 together before but I was also very constipated over the last month, and I still don’t feel quite right, digestively speaking. I think I am compounding my issues since I also am trying to go vegetarian this last few weeks, so my eating habits are changed dramatically too.
I have just been trying to eat a fiber one bar daily and also take some dulcolax to keep things moving. I hope you are feeling better!
Oh my goodness I’m exactly the same!!! I’m glad I found this thread as i was starting to think something was wrong!! I’m coming up to my 5th week off the pill and I’ve been SO constipated!! It’s so awful!! And when I do try and go it’s only little bits and it’s hard and hurts! It’s like I haven’t got the urge to go. I’ve tried drinking more water eating more kiwifuit and it didn’t work. I ended up going to the health shop and got some flaxseed oil and having a tablespoon mixed in my oats in the morning. It works it makes your stool softer and easier to pass! But I still don’t feel like it’s back to normal. I also got some senna tea to help kick start things but beware only use one teabag and steep for a few minutes. I used 2 before I went to bed and holy shit (literally!) the next morning it cleaned me out it was explosive and had bad stomach cramps. It wasn’t pleasant but it cleaned me out haha and I felt better! My stomach was nice and flat afterwards! Will only use it every once in a while as your bowel can become dependant on it. If you have any tips on this too I’d love to hear from you! X
is there a benefit to taking isolated b6? Would it be the same as getting it in a b-complex, if the amount is the same ? (I think you recommend 50mg)
Just an update from my post on Aug 31, 2015:
Aunt Flo is back after over a year of no natural period!! I used natural progesterone cream for only about 2 1/2 wks as well as diffusing ylang-ylang essential oils at night for about 1 wk. Just wanted to share what worked for me in case it could help anyone else get their period back. I know how stressful it can be, but thankfully I found something that worked for me. 🙂
I am 37 years old over weight and had fibroid tumors on my ovaries. I have not had my period over in 4 months. From what I’m reading it seems normal not to have your period after using birth control to shrink the fibroid tumors is this true?
I would recommend “What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause: Balance Your Hormones and Your Life from Thirty to Fifty” by John R Lee. I’m in my 20s so don’t be intimidated by the title. It explains a lot about how your hormones get out of whack, how to use the natural progesterone to get your period back, and much more. It also talks about how hormone imbalance can cause fibroids, and many women have used the natural progesterone cream not only to get there periods back, but it has also helped to shrink their fibroids. I myself along with several friends have used natural progesterone with great success. Hopefully this helps 🙂
D/C my BCP over 2 months ago. Last Aunt Flo that started on July 16th and lasted 5 days. No AF since. My hubby and I did have unprotected sex several times in this time. Spotting, occasional cramp, backache today, terrible dizziness the other night. 2 negative pregnancy tests. Any thoughts?
I also was in birth-control for so many years and stop sometimes to take breaks and get back on it. Last time i stop was for 6 months and got periods but got a cyst, and the doctor told me to get back on the birth-control. I got back for a year now and was trying to get pregnant so i got out in March, and got periods for April, May and then for June was a 41-day cycle and since June no period. I have cramps most of the time, or feel like electricity thru my breast. I got back to eating very healthy no meat mostly greens, grains, and fruits and taking a multivitamin. I’m in fear thinking that i can get back cyst. My moods are fine, and hair as i was reading other ladies having issues. I gain some weight as well. I will get acupuncture as i don’t want to take no medication.
I got acupuncture after not getting a period for almost 3 months and took B-complex and lots of faith and prayer. I got my cycle regular this month and i will continue doing acupunture till the baby comes:)