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9 Steps to Perfect Health: How to Heal Your Gut Naturally


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how to heal your gut naturally

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All disease begins in the gut. — Hippocrates

Hippocrates made this profound statement more than 2,000 years ago, but we’re only now coming to understand just how right he was. Gut health is critical to overall health, and an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of chronic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, autism, depression, and anxiety. Many researchers, myself included, believe that supporting intestinal health and restoring the integrity of the gut barrier are two of the most important goals of medicine in the 21st century.

If you’re experiencing issues, learning how to support gut health naturally could make a difference in your overall health and well-being. If you’re working in the health and wellness field as a nutritionist, health coach, or another allied provider, understanding gut health could help you support your clients as they work to restore and maintain a healthy microbiota. Read on to learn why a healthy gut is essential for creating a healthy body and how you can restore and maintain a healthy gut for life.

Finding natural methods to heal the gut can help you get relief from a wide range of distressing symptoms. Find out how to support a healthy gut through diet and lifestyle. #optimalhealth #changeagent #chriskresser

Health Coaches: Why Focus on Gut Health?

If you’re in the health coaching profession, you’ll undoubtedly encounter clients with existing gut problems and chronic diseases. Some may struggle with obvious gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, or bloating that clearly point to gut issues. However, others may have extraintestinal manifestations, such as blood sugar dysregulation or mental health issues, that are also rooted in gut dysfunction. No matter who you’re working with, supporting your clients as they take steps to heal their gut naturally should be a priority due to the profound impact of gut health on overall health.

The idea of the gut affecting overall health may seem far-fetched to some people. Therefore, I recommend beginning any discussion of gut health by briefly describing the two related variables that determine gut health: the intestinal microbiota and the gut barrier.

Are We More Microbial than Human?

The human gut is home to approximately 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) microorganisms, collectively referred to as the “gut microbiota.” (1) The gut microbiota harbors a gene set 150 times greater than that of the human genome. (2, 3)

These microbes aren’t just passively living their lives; they have a profound impact on our health. Within the GI tract, gut microbes promote peristalsis (the movement of food through the intestines), protect against infection, produce vitamins, and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal mucus layer.

Outside the digestive tract, gut microbes influence other organs and tissues through neural networks and signaling molecules. Through these complex communication networks, gut microbes regulate 70 to 80 percent of the immune system and influence blood sugar control. (4, 5) They also modulate the function of the brain, bone, heart, skin, eyes, and muscle tissue. (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

When the gut microbiome is disrupted, processes normally regulated by the gut microbiota, such as immunity and brain function, are impaired. This ultimately may lead to the development of chronic conditions such as autoimmune disease, metabolic dysfunction, and mental health issues, among many other health problems.

What Disrupts the Gut Microbiome?

There are many features of the modern lifestyle that disturb the gut microbiome. Exposure to these harmful factors is pervasive in our society.

Processed, Inflammatory Foods

The Standard American Diet, packed with processed, inflammatory foods such as refined carbohydrates and industrial seed oils, is an established risk factor for gut dysbiosis. (12) The Standard American Diet reduces bacterial diversity and induces inflammation in the gut, thereby contributing to a slew of downstream adverse health effects.

Low Fiber Intake

Our gut microbes ferment dietary fiber to fuel their activities. A lack of dietary fermentable fermentable fiber, which is quite common in the United States, deprives gut bacteria of this fuel and leads to reductions of beneficial bacteria. (13)


Chronic psychological stress alters the gut microbiota; in fact, this may be one of the critical mechanisms by which stress contributes to so many chronic health issues. (14)

Chronic Infections

Bacterial, fungal, and viral gut pathogens alter the composition of the gut microbiota. (15) Importantly, a gut infection does not need to be acute to cause problems in the gut microbiota; some infections fly under the radar for years. Stool testing is a valuable tool for identifying both acute and subclinical gut infections.

Antibiotics and Other Medications

Antibiotics and non-antibiotic medications such as birth control pills, proton pump inhibitors, and NSAIDs significantly alter the gut microbiota, according to research. (16, 17) Repeated rounds of antibiotics and the use of non-antibiotic meds are important risk factors to identify.

C-Section Birth and Lack of Breastfeeding

During vaginal birth, a baby passes through the birth canal and is “seeded” with a mother’s beneficial bacteria, setting the stage for optimal gut microbiota development. Babies born by Caesarean section, on the other hand, are first exposed to microbes present on the skin of those who touch them during the C-section delivery (doctor, nurses) and immediately after (mom), as well as whatever limited microbes are floating around a sterile hospital environment. A newborn’s lack of exposure to a mother’s beneficial vaginal bacteria alters the course of gut microbiota development in infancy and childhood and may be associated with future health problems, even into adulthood. (18)

Breastfeeding provides infants with breast milk rich in probiotics, prebiotics, and immunoglobulins, which facilitate the development of a healthy gut microbiota. (19) Infant formula lacks many of these nutritional factors and is associated with suboptimal development of the gut microbiota. (20)

Circadian Rhythm Disruption

Circadian rhythm disruption, induced by factors such as abnormal sleep/wake schedules and blue light exposure at night, causes imbalances in the gut microbiome. It also compromises the integrity of the gut barrier, the second essential variable that influences gut health. (21)

How Does the Gut Barrier Impact Our Health?

As I mentioned earlier, two variables influence gut health: the gut microbiota and the gut barrier. But what exactly is the gut barrier and why is it essential for our health?

The gut is a hollow tube stretching from the mouth to the anus that passes out anything that is not digested. The gut barrier, a multilayer system made up of intestinal epithelial cells and proteins, prevents the escape of non-nutritive (and potentially harmful) substances from the intestine into the bloodstream. When the structural integrity of the gut barrier is compromised, large proteins and other molecules escape from the gut into the blood; this phenomenon is referred to as “leaky gut.”

The leakage of undesirable and incompatible substances from the gut into the bloodstream causes the immune system to launch an inflammatory response. The chronic inflammation resulting from leaky gut is an underlying cause of many chronic health conditions. Leaky gut could, therefore, be playing a role in many health conditions.

What Causes Leaky Gut?

We’ve learned that many of the factors that harm the gut microbiome, such as antibiotics and an unhealthy diet, also contribute to leaky gut, a predisposing factor in the development of many health issues.

In addition, there are particular substances that can compromise the intestinal barrier and cause abnormal permeability. Research has identified a protein called zonulin as one primary culprit.  

Zonulin increases intestinal permeability, including that of the tight junctions between intestinal cells. It has emerged as a critical link between leaky gut and adverse health consequences such as autoimmune diseases. (22) Gliadin, a component of the gluten protein, promotes leaky gut by increasing zonulin production. You can learn more about the connection between gluten, zonulin, and leaky gut in my podcast with researcher Dr. Alessio Fasano.

The Health Consequences of Leaky Gut

It is possible for someone to have leaky gut even if they don’t have gut-related symptoms. In fact, studies indicate that it can manifest as eczema, autoimmune disease, obesity, and many other chronic health conditions. (23, 24, 25)

If leaky gut is left untreated, it will be nearly impossible to improve other health issues, such as blood sugar control and cognitive function. That’s why it’s so important to focus on promoting a healthy gut barrier.

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Seven Ways to Heal the Gut Naturally

The first step in healing the gut is avoiding the disruptive factors I listed earlier that harm the gut microbiome and gut barrier.

While it’s not always possible to completely steer clear of those factors (an adult cannot control, for instance, whether he or she was born by C-section or breastfed), there are still many ways in which you can improve gut health.

1. Remove Processed, Inflammatory Foods from the Diet

Transition to a whole foods-based, nutrient-dense diet. Identify and remove foods that are causing inflammation, such as gluten and dairy. Inflammatory foods can be identified via food sensitivity testing or an elimination diet.

2. Add Fermentable Fibers

Eat plenty of fermentable fibers, found in foods such as artichoke, onions, garlic, and plantains. These fibers fuel the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and help heal leaky gut.

3. Add Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics that help restore a healthy gut microbiota and intestinal barrier. Unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, and kefir provide probiotics in abundance. However, make sure you’re not struggling with histamine intolerance before increasing your intake of fermented foods, as fermented foods can exacerbate symptoms.

4. Seek Treatment for Any Intestinal Pathogens

Gut infections are an important cause of gut dysbiosis and leaky gut. If you—or your clients—are currently seeking treatment from a Functional Medicine practitioner, ask about testing like the Genova GI Effects test or GI-MAP. These can identify specific bacterial, fungal, or parasitic imbalances causing gut dysbiosis.

5. Emphasize Healthy Sleep Habits

Get seven to eight hours of high-quality sleep a night to support your gut health. I recommend sleep hygiene practices such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule and avoiding blue light exposure at night. Blue light exposure can be minimized with blue-light-blocking glasses and the f.lux and Iris apps.

6. Develop an Exercise Routine

Develop a sustainable exercise program that will keep your gut microbes in shape. If you’re an endurance athlete, you may need additional gut support to mitigate the adverse effects of frequent endurance exercise on the gut microbiota, such as increased intestinal permeability. (26)

7. Manage Stress

Make stress-reduction practices, such as yoga or meditation, a part of daily life. Mindfulness apps such as Headspace or Calm can be helpful for people who are new to meditation.

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  1. why do probiotics make me go to the bathroom lots and what can i do to help this
    is this a sign that they are cleaning me out sor to speak
    any suggestions please let me know
    and what are some of the best way to take probiotics and some of the best way to make them
    thank you for all your help
    sometimes they make me feel little sick is this normal

    • Armondo, manufacturers are adding a chemical called carrageenan to yogurt and other dairy products. Research that I have done indicates that carrageenan causes stomach inflammation. I have found that it is true. Eating carrageenan causes me upset stomach for about a full day. The only good yogurt that I have found is Walmarts brand of Greek yogurt. Read your labels and avoid carrageenan and it should help.

      • Stay away from anything with Carrageenan. It is an inflammatory. It causes inflammation in our bodies with is the root cause for many diseases.

    • Hi Armando, If you are taking a good probiotic such as Probio5 by Plexus you will notice something called die off symptoms of the bad yeast in your stomach. Die off symptoms are normal and as your gut starts to get healthy these symptoms will subside. I take my Probio 5 along with BioCleanse at bedtime. Most probiotics however are not strong enough to make it to the gut and then break through and kill the bad bacteria. Hope this helps.

  2. I’m beginning to think my hot flashes are related to my gallbladder issues instead of my Menopause. Does anyone else notice hot flashes related to their gallstones?

    • Hi Suzi I’m no doctor but I suggest you read an interesting article that may help you with the hot flushes. Type in your Google browser …Could a simple magnet magic away your aches…..Daily Mail
      Good luck… Best wishes,

  3. Hi, someone asked above and I would really like to understand. You recommend starches, but they are full of sugar. For me, personally, when I eat them, I have noticeable stomach effects. Also, why aren’t good fats mentioned like bone broth soup? Thanks!

  4. When did eating become such a chore? It’s getting to the point that I’m afraid to eat. I have now started losing too much weight. I was 134 when this started now I’m down to 123 and it’s scaring me. How can I get more calories but still eat to help the G.I, Track?

    • I would recommend trying Daily Body Restore. It’s a natural probiotic with digestive enzymes that work to support digestive health, immune health and assist with digestion of fats, carbohydrates and protein for a more optimal nutrient absorption. I personally use this probiotic and it helped get me to a healthy weight. I hope this helps!

    • Kombucha is made from tea which has high concentrations of fluoride in the leaves. Your call if want to ingest fluoride or not.

  5. I have been suffering with very severe symptoms which have had doctors stumped for the past 9 months. The symptoms can best be described as intense stomach cramps and judders with pain and accompanied by acid reflux and constipation. Whilst I have trusted the medical profession till now, they have been no help thus far and so I am beginning to experiment with different diets and foods. This article was thus very helpful but if anyone knows of any other recommended foods or products then I would be very interested to hear from them. At the moment the best relief I have found has been a combination of liquorice tea and aloe vera juice, but it barely holds the symptoms at bay and I am becoming more certain that there is a link between other foods i might be eating and my symptoms. Lately symptoms have included rather strange anxiety attacks which are completely out of character and baffled even me as they came out of nowhere. Naturally I am eager to find a solution to this and I am more and more seeing that the answer most likely lies somewhere in nature as opposed to inside a doctors surgery.

    • Several if not all of your symptoms are signs of magnesium deficiency. Stomach irritation, drinking alcohol, taking antibiotics or supplementing calcium, among other things… all lower magnesium. Its great you realize the anxiety is false and directly related to the bigger issue at hand. When it happened to me I had the same ability to step back from the anxiety and realize “Wait, there is absolutely no reason for this anxiety… it is not emotional!” It certainly helps to know you’re not going nuts on top of it all.

      Google everyone of your symptoms with the phrase “magnesium deficiency” next to it. Whatever is causing the low magnesium you need to find that out. In the meantime get the powdered magnesium drink called “Natural Calm” and also try dissolving Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) crystals on your chest in a hot bath as it is absorbed through your skin. I think you’ll feel a lot better!

      • Hi, I am recovering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and while this is very different from the symptoms you are suffering I would suggest a similar approach as it could easily be an allergy/intolerance or autoimmune response caused by leaky gut. I believe that the best way to deal with these problems is first, like this article suggests, cut out the likely agitators. It could be gluten, dairy, sugar, processed foods, meat or some or all of them. Or you could be reacting to something more unusual. I would research elimination diets and cut out likely toxins for a long period of time. Then I suggest the aloe vera and I am now trying glutamine powder which apparently really helps the gut repair itself. Then you want to add the probiotics and enzymes to help recovery of a healthy gut. This is the approach I am taking and it seems to be working, albeit slowly. Make sure you eat plenty of complex carbs, brown rice, sweet pots, and lots of greens. I hope this is of some help as your symptoms sound very difficult to cope with. All the best.

    • You might want to look into the Fodmap Diet and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Also, Dr. Zach Bush (VA) has a product called Restore for Gut Health which can help improve your digestion.

      • Gallstones are an autoimmune disease. Leaky gut causes many autoimmune diseases.

        • Do tell me more please. This is the first time I have heard this information. I would like to know more about it. I’m working really hard to get rid of this stone. It’s now a freeloader that I want evicted from the premises.

          • I used Chanca Piedra for my Kidney Stones; otherwise known as Stone Breaker. It is an herb. This and drinking lots if water and a clean diet was helpful to shrink them so they can pass through easily without pain.

    • Wite down everything you eat and drink and pay attention to how long things seem to take to pass through you.

      The reason to write it all down is that it sounds like you are having an allergy or metabolic response to something. I suspect milk, but, that’s because milk is what does it to me. It could be something else that does it to you.

      The reason for paying attenton to how fast things pass through you is that doctors will often tell you that any food you eat will be digested within 4 hous and, so, if you have a reaction 8 hours later then it can’t be from what you ate. This is not true, though, for people with little stomach acid and a screwy digestive system. As one of them, I can tell you, that I can have something with milk in it and get a bad reaction a day later and still be suffering from it for the next week, because, that’s how long it takes to go away.

      Strangely, when I quit eating wheat for a while, my digestion improved dramatically and it took only a few hours to a few days to recover when I accidentally had some milk.

      Anyway, you said you suspected it was something you ate. Listen to yourself and investigate along those lines. In the meantime, you might think about changing what you eat, fora while, to make it more noticeable, if you do have an allergy. There are many books and sites about cutting out foods and reintroducing them to self-test for allergies.

    • I suffer with the same issues as you. I have found Dr Axe (draxe.com) to be very helpful. He goes through very specific details about healing your gut and is, so far, the only systematic approach I have seen online. He has a program to heal leaky gut and I believe it’s $147 right now. I have gone to many doctors, naturopath’s, and other health practitioners and have only received part of the story. I really feel Dr Axe is onto something (I’m not an endorser, just liking his approach). The hardest part I find is the cost of natural foods and supplements but if it restores your health, it will be worth it.
      PS – it could take years and a lot of trail and error to figure it out but don’t give up! I found removing dairy helped me a lot! …but it is different for everyone.
      Best wishes.

    • Flax seed sprinkled over foods daily and magnesium supplement! has done wanders for my symptoms!

    • TJTEMPS : I had the same issues for over a year and turns out it was IBS. The website http://www.helpforibs.com really helped me out. Especially the cheat sheet for what foods to avoid. Peppermint tea after dinner works wonders! Reducing stress in your life is important too! Good luck!

    • i had the same symptoms for years.was diagnosed with celiac disease a few months back.better now since im on a gluten free diet.

    • I suffered for anxiety attacks bad ones & they are totally put of character for me. I was led to take all gluten out of my diet & they pretty much disappear. But I realized I have a lot of damage from it, su h as leaky gut etc. I hand an imbalance about 7 yrs ago I was one of the survivors from listeria from the Maple leaf Food recall. It’s taken yrs to heal but my guts still need work as they sling shot right back to being unbalanced every time I eat sugar products. Hope this helps. I was told remove all gluten if it doesn’t say gluten free or God didn’t package it (whole food) don’t eat it. Get something to kill the yeast unbalance & prebiotics.

    • Hi, Hopefully this reaches you in good health, but just incase you are still in pain, here is a suggestion. The apple cider vinegar with the mother (Braggs) has really helped me get rid of my acid reflux, So much so that even in the middle of the night I can take a swing and go back to sleep. I feel that I actually did not have enough acid in my stomach causing my food in my stomach to just sit there. Please research the uses of Braggs apple cider vinegar! Best of health to you!

  6. Hi,
    Can you explain what you mean by “fermentable fibre (starches such as sweet potato, yams etc”)”. You recommend eating these to improve gut health but I was under the impression these starches would be a no-no. Thanks.

  7. what are some of the best things to do after having had a really bad stomach flue
    and i have noticed i get cramps after eating

  8. Hello, I have been suffering from constipation for almost a year. I manage to have a bowel movement every day, but I dont feel fully done. My stomach burns at times and doctors can not find something wrong. I know this may sound strange but I am also suffering from body odor and this has severely impacted my self esteem and my life. I am taking time of from university because of this. I have changed my diet and lifestyle, but I just dont know what to do. My doctors have not been able to help. I am hoping that I can heal from this.

    • Hi Erin, has your doctor tested you for h pylori bacteria in your gut. This bacteria can damage your gut lining and when you digest food it creates a burning sensation. Has the doctor also tested for a ulcer or problems with your gallbladder? With regard to your body odor, is this a fishy smell? There is a condition called trimethylaminuria. You could have a problem with an enzyme called FMO3 that cannot convert trimethylamine to trimethylamine N-oxide. You can treat this by not eating foods that contain trimethylamine (choline, lecithin and trimethylamine N-oxide) such as liver, eggs, kidney, peas, beans, peanuts, soy products, cows milk, cruciferous vegetables and anything with lecithin in it and also fish. You can take some medication to reduce the trimethylamine. Also using soap that is close to your ph level and taking Vitamin B2. Activated charcoal could help too. I am not a doctor but I have heard of this condition so please consult a doctor for more advice. I hope this helps you.

    • I am no expert but i bet the body odor is caused by the constipation. I’m sure you have a lot of toxins that are building up because they aren’t getting flushed out. Also, in my experience drinking apple cider vinegar by braggs with the mother in it before each meal and drinking lots of water can help constipation. Just make sure to dilute the vinegar with water be ause the acidity can ruin your teeth. Also, drinking liquids with your meals dilutes your digestive enzymes; so try to avoid drinks with meals.

  9. has anyone had luck getting rid of anxiety by repairing leaky gut and if so what did you to make it work
    excersice ,food ,supplements etc

    • Hi ARMANDO – For decades, chronic anxiety was my middle name. I even repaired my leaky gut using the Candida/Yeast-free Diet, plus probiotics and meditation…. and still had chronic anxiety.

      I felt better and had more energy, but still had the anxiety.

      It was an awful way to live and almost ruined my life, as well as a few good relationships.

      I finally realized I had to get rid of the toxic people in my life, two of them are toxic family members and one is (a few doors down) a toxic neighbor, so distancing myself and then totally avoiding them wasn’t easy, but it had to be done.

      I did it slowly and kindly. My anxiety practically vanished after 4 months of not having any contact with any of them. Just seeing their # on my ID caller used to make me anxious.

      I also increased my Magnesium intake with a supplement and since I have high histamine levels I also take probiotics; L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus & L. salivarius combination (purchased on Amazon) … plus another combination of B. brevi, B, longus & B. infantum. They really work well.

      I also take a 10mg. Melatonin capsule just before going to bed, as a good night’s sleep is known to reduce anxiety, while insomnia makes it considerably worse.

      Once I got things under control, I was able to kick my sugar and bread habit. I eliminated all processed foods and sugar. and white/wheat flour/gluten, as well as pasta. Now I only have gluten-free pasta once or twice per month.

      But you can do all of these things and if you still have a toxic person/people in your life the anxiety will still be there. You have to get people out of your life who inspire anxiety, create drama, and who only pretend to be on your side in order to stay in your life — even if they are a family member.

      Best of luck. Hope that helps. J.A.R.

      • I believe you are right about the people in your life. I believe if a person is very negative it jumps on you & so does anxiety. We were made by God to live in peace. Health is a crucial as a peaceful spirit

    • I take 500mg of L-Glutamine 3 X day not with food + enteric peppermint capsules and they seem to help. Other helpful anti-inflammation supplements include Boswellia extract, ginger, catsclaw to name a few. I started the Specific carb diet 2 years and I am 75% better. I cant seem to fix the last 25%. Good luck.

    • From my recent experience, gluten and an impacted bowel were the culprits. The solution for me was, eating pears and bananas for breakfast along with a probiotic (instead of a bowl of cereal and milk), drinking around 3 litres of water during each day, and most importantly, taking a Macrogol laxative (Movicol) to hydrate my impacted bowel. Took 2 doses in the morning and afternoon for a week (until I became more regular) – don’t eat extra fibre during this time. Once regular, take it once a day for a month, to give your stretched colon a chance to shrink back down to normal size and increase fibre intake to 30g a day (add pears, beans, and if necessary, slippery elm to your diet). During the whole process examine your feacal stools and compare them to the Bristol Stool Scale.

      Im now feeling better, and loosing weight after every meal (more feaces out than food in) and my stomache is shrinking in the process! I’m suspect an impacted bowel along with gluten is a recipe for getting a leaky gut and general ill health.

      A note that I didn’t have a big stomache, it was a back X-ray that revealed I had an impacted bowel, and it seams its something that is commonly reported by radiologists, but rarely spoken of by dieticians.

      Before I would empty my bowels once every day or so, but now I go two to three times a day (shortly after eating a meal), so clearly there was a serious issue, and I’m sure it’s a very common, but undiagnosed problem.

    • One miracle food is coconut oil. It is anti viral,anti fungal, anti microbial and anti parasitic amongst other amazing traits. It has a positive effect on neurological health and much research shows it regresses alzeimers. Very good cooking oil as withstands high heat and the oil does not go rancid. Very high in Omega 3 which most of us are deficient in. Nice in a drink with warm water, soups etc. Something well worth researching.

  10. i have been useing chinnes herbs for anxiety and really seems to help
    if anyone has sufferd from anxiety this may help
    but get the natural herbs
    also if anyone has over come anxiety please share information on how and what helpd much aprisieted
    thank you and stay strong life will get better each and everyday

  11. I have discovered that not only am I histamine intolerant, but fodmap intolerant too. DAOsin is saving my life atm and Prescript Assist helps with the IBS (much thanks to CK for writing about PS). But wondering how to get rid of the histamine intolerance when I am already on such a restricted diet… I was not always histamine intolerant, until maybe three years into doing Reg Paleo, out of the blue I get severe facial swelling, hives, runny nose etc. I’m guessing this means I’m not DAO enzyme deficient, as that is genetic and I would have suffered with histamine intolerance all my life then. I suppose my gut got leaky on Paleo, due to the nuts & seeds and nightshades and that’s what brought on histamine intolerance? If that’s the case, it would seem that AIP Paleo, along with low fodmap and low histamine diet would be enough for me to get better, but I’m still so ill. I’m not doing bone broth or fermented foods for obvious reasons… how am I supposed to heal? Anyone experiencing this? Almost considering fasting, because I react to so many things. But I hear that’s dangerous for people who have autoimmune diseases…

    • I think what everyone misses is that if you have indeed progressed to the leaky gut stage that you are surely magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency then goes hand in hand with potassium deficiency. Leaky gut will also cause the B-vitamins to become deficient and eventually vitamin K. So expect bruising, cramps in muscles, sleeping problems, canker sores, depression, histamine issues, migraines, constipation, exaggerated startle response, photophobia. Magnesium deficiency is causing this new histamine intolerance with you most certainly.

      Restoring levels of magnesium orally is tough when in full leaky gut mode. I supplemented daily for months with 1200mgs of magnesium glycinate and got no where. One IV a week of 2500mgs magnesium for 3 weeks will get you back up to normal. If the IV’s of magnesium make you feel like warmth is spreading though you then you are likely hypothyroid. A Thyroid condition causes low body temp and the thyroid problem is the likely cause of the leaky gut. Pancreatic enzyme weaken in Hypothyroidism as do other digestive enzymes and the food just doesn’t get broken down properly. The leaky gut starts as a result of all this irritation to the stomach lining and the mineral and vitamin deficiencies begin.

      If you can’t break down a peanut I’d suspect hypothyroidism… could be secondary hypothyroidism but I’d still consider some Armour thyroid hormone to get your food digested properly.

      • Interesting. I used to think I was magnesium deficient because I could not have a BM on my own without copious amounts of magnesium rich foods every day (why I ate so many almonds, so high in mag… cursing myself for that). But then that was resolved when I took Prescript Assist so I assumed that the magnesium was compensating for what was actually a deficiency in soil based organisms. Perhaps I am still deficient in magnesium though due to leaky gut, I know it’s hard to get even the RDA from your food alone.

        So I did some research and turns out that you can in fact have a magnesium deficiency despite blood tests coming back normal (mine are perfect). Wonder if the same goes for Vit D. The difficulty would be to convince a doctor to administer magnesium IV with normal blood test results. They wouldn’t want to over dose you I’m sure. Also, are you suggesting that you resolved leaky gut issues with magnesium IV? Just curious where you got this idea. And thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

        • Also, can’t break down a peanut? That made me laugh 😀 What does that mean? I definitely can’t digest lectins because of my autoimmune disease (Psoriasis).

        • Yes, you can be magnesium deficient and have normal serum magnesium levels. The body store of Magnesium is checked with a red blood cell analysis. That will give you the average magnesium in the cells over 90 days. If you have low SERUM levels of magnesium then you are seriously deficient since blood levels of the mineral are highly regulated by the body.

          2500mg is not a lot of magnesium. That amount is like taking 2 pills. You are just trying to bypass the stomach that can not longer fully absorb magnesium orally. For instance, 50,000mgs of IV magnesium is given to women during childbirth to stop or slow labor contractions. The woman in labor could be brimming with magnesium in her cells and this infusion does not hurt her or the baby. When paramedics reach a stroke victim here in Los Angeles they give a similar IV infusion of magnesium before transporting. It relaxes muscles and blood vessels.

          No, magnesium did not resolve my leaky gut but it stopped a lot of the unnecessary suffering… like histamine surging unchecked. Also, magnesium deficiency you will have anxiety and panic attacks. Finding out what was causing then stopping the irritation to the stomach began the reversal of the leaky gut. Once that happens then soothing agents like L-glutamine and other supplements can rebuild the mucosal lining over a few months. In advanced LG you can begin to show anti-bodies to all types of food just for the fact that molecules of the food are now passing through the gut wall and into the blood stream. They may not be real allergies but they need to be identified and cut from the diet until this leaky gut gets resolved.

          This test will help you to get a handle on whats going on inside your gut instead of guessing. It will tell you the status of your gut ecology, anti-bodies, bacteria good and bad, parasites, etc. This test and the GI-2 add-on that is. My insurance pays for it but if you must pay yourself it is $285 and worth every penny.


          People that heal their leaky gut usually don’t stay around forums to share information. The last thing they want is a reminder of the “dark days” when doctors let them down time after time. It took me 10 years of suffering to find a couple doctors that both gave me pieces to the puzzle and I was able to reverse all this. I chime in occasionally on forums that I use to frequent… I feel terrible just letting all this knowledge go not only because I paid thousands of dollars if not tens of thousands over 10 years with visits to all types of specialists. People rarely listen but I’m sitting here cured and lob in some info every now an then anyway. 🙂 Good luck!

          • Thanks for sharing your infor every now and then!!! I am one of the ones who is grasping at any all infor on digestive issues I can!!! I have been suffering with stomach issues for over a year now!! As you say going from one Doctor to the next!! You would’ve thought the GI Specialist would have helped me by now! Although I am better than I was 6 months ago, I am certainly not 100% !!!! I have gone from a diagnosis of fructose Intolerance initially to H Pylori, to bacteria overgrowth, to Gastropareses now!! After being put on Reglan for a few months, the symptoms have gotten better, but not completely gone!! He stated he will start weening me off of it next month! Afraid of what will happen then, as I feel the problem is not gone!!

            The information you shared is closely related to what I have been going through!! I understand what you mean when you say, people who have found a cure, don’t want to be reminded of what they had gone through! Just want to tell you Thanks for sharing your information to help other people who are suffering from similar symptoms!! Every little bit helps, and can possibly give someone else a ray of HOPE when their situation seems so hopeless!!!!

          • So you think that magnesium deficiency has caused the histamine intolerance… hope I’m lucky enough for that to be the case, DAOsin is WAY too costly at three pills a day. I’ll get magnesium IV for at least a few weeks and supplement with l-glutamine too, maybe the l-glutamine will help this time around. If that doesn’t work, I agree that I prob need to get that testing done. I’ve looked into it before, but the expense was so high and I don’t work full time due to health. Good to know exactly what testing to get. Will post my results.

            You’re not suggesting that it’s possible my leaky gut is still permeable due to eating foods I shouldn’t be are you? I can’t imagine what else I could cut out… eating a couple dozen foods only atm. I had always assumed it’s possible to not be able to seal a gut even after removing irritants, because your body can’t absorb the nutrition needed to fix the gut.

            Is there some place I can view a testimonial from you? I have searched the web and cannot seem to find people, save a hand full, who have got rid of leaky gut. Too bad people tend to not post their success so others can troubleshoot. Without a doubt, people suffering from autoimmune disease have helped me the most.

            “People rarely listen,” I believe it. I have passed on my information before to sufferers via email, to receive no response. It never fails to shock me that most people would much rather suffer and pop pills than actually solve the issue.

            Thank-you for all the suggestions. It is much appreciated.

            • Drugs and brands of supplements are promoted by people hired to push them on forums… grassroots advertising. I think we all can get of sense of that when its happening. Sadly, we can suspect someones motives when they are just trying to help others as a result.

              The other thing standing in the way of people listening is that they want a big, complex explanation for what is happening to them. It can’t possibly be a simple magnesium deficiency… but float the idea of “mercury poisoning” and some people jump on it and into a potentially 2 year waste of valuable time in their recovery.

              My severe leaky gut was made less severe by cutting out the irritating foods I was eating. My body had temporarily became allergic to Soy and Casein… that cleared up after the leaky gut was under control. Gluten antibodies are still detected however. The problem was dealing with the lingering gut inflammation and rebuilding the mucosal lining of my stomach that was compromised.

              My leaky gut caused nutritional deficiencies that need to be cured to stop the symptoms that those deficiencies can cause so I could focus on rebuilding the mucosa. Anxiety, histamine sensitivity, depression, bruises, sleep issues, canker sores, constipation, sound and light sensitivity, migraines, etc…. they all cleared up when I cured the deficiencies that made my decade long nightmare even worse. No amount of yoga or positive thinking in the world is going to calm a magnesium deficiency fueled anxiety attack. Drugging it doesn’t cure it either.

              Magnesium and B-vitamins deficiencies are a given when stomach issues are involved… it just happens. Magnesium deficiency causes potassium deficiency. As the leaky gut progresses and is ongoing then fat soluble vitamins like Vit-A, D and K are depleted. Most surprising is that Vitamin A is essential to restore the stomach lining as is zinc! I mega-dosed both for a month once my gut calmed down. I did my vitamin cocktail mixture with IV’s as well. 5000mg of L-glutamine… in powdered form.

              I mentioned here before that I used, on a doctors advice, Mediclear Plus as it stopped my stomach irritation instantly. I’m sure you could get the same results with a soothing drink without using Mediclear as it is expensive to keep up.

              You removed the irritants now rebuilding the mucosal lining and restore lost vitamins and minerals! It takes a while but it gets better and better

              • I have considered meal replacements before. However, they have too many foods I am intolerant to. Hope I won’t have to resort to blending my food…

                I have always believed magnesium is a key component to my health issues; whenever I eat magnesium rich foods, my symptoms are relieved. Supplementation (mag glycinate) never helped me though and I assumed that it wasn’t being absorbed proper in pill form so I quit.

                So my doctor tells me there is no way I can get magnesium by direct IV because clinics do not offer that, and that I would need to be on my death bed in a hospital setting for it to be administered. Guess the standard care is a little different in Canada. Same thing happened when I asked for the hydrogen methane breath test for SIBO. The doctor had never heard of such a thing. So I guess I will just have to supplement and hope for the best. I might be able to get away with it as my digestive system responds fast to magnesium rich foods, so my gut can’t be too devastated. Already doing 5,000 mg of L-Glutamine and will try magnesium pills again, but this time I’ll take obscene amounts. Will look into those other vitamins you mentioned as well. I’ve read that the gut lining replaces itself in less than a week, so maybe loading up on vitamins for the brief time I can afford it is better than taking moderate amounts over the long term.

                Man, some days I just hate Canada. Thanks again Finndian! Great to have you confirm much of what I thought to be true for myself, and to fill in the blanks. Will let you all know what happens…

                • Gut lining replaces itself in a week?! Not in my experience! That took a year or more after I took away the irritants testing showed I was reacting to. It comes a little at a time. It all about restoring lost vitamins and minerals at a certain point. Keep in mind that what started it all for you may be even mild hypothyroidism and the resulting low stomach acids. So, ongoing stomach irritation even after cutting foods then you need to start thinking “bigger picture”. Things like Xylitol and Metamucil are incredible irritants to an already irritated gut by the way.

                  If you have low vitamin A then you can forget about your gut reconstituting itself anytime soon. Look at this list of known nutrients and supplements to help the leaky gut… I used all of them. I agree with the list, I have never frequented this website so I’m not endorsing it in the least. Do not buy anything from them if they are selling.


                  I supplemented mag until the cows came home and it made me feel much better for the day especially with divided doses but even after months blood tests still showed low intracellular magnesium levels. You’ll need to find way to bypass the gut until the stomach is healthier but I’d continue supplement large doses since I know it alleviates symptoms if only for a short time. Potassium needs to be taken too. Try low sodium V8 juice… it has huge amounts of potassium per glass.

                  A couple ideas for you…. Magnesium can be absorbed though the skin as well. I use to take a warm bath and dissolve crystal of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) on my chest as I laid there soaking. Another magnesium supplement is called “Natural Calm”. It is a magnesium powder mixed with a food grade acid. When you pour hot water on a couple teaspoons of the powder it fizzes and smokes for 10 seconds or so. The magnesium is dissolved clear by the acid and then neutralizes the acid. I’ve tried every which way to make my own magnesium drink by dissolving pills but every other type of magnesium pill or powder dissolves turning the water white. The directions say to drink this clear mixture while it is warm and the PH is perfect for absorption. I’d say it is true. Its brilliant really… “predigest” the hard to breakdown magnesium with acid! It makes you very tired so only before bedtime.

                  I don’t doubt that your histamine problem will disappear with magnesium in your system… mine certainly did. I’m no longer allergic to dust and dust mites! I would get welts, sneezing fits with mucus pouring from my nose when I was exposed to dust all my life. This obviously has been a life long problem for me.

                  You’d need to google “alternative doctor list Canada” with the name of your city to get a doctor who would do a simple magnesium IV for you. I called around and arranged for my sister in Detroit, who suffers the same thing as I do to get an IV from a doctor who didn’t even ask to see her! I just paid $35 over the phone and my sister went in to his office to see his nurse to get the 2500mg infusion of magnesium.

              • I agree with you totally. Had similar experience, went on Low Fodmap, Low Oxolate diet and made tremendous progress.

                • Hey Finn and others. As a side note, I tried the Natural Calm as suggested. Turns out I could not absorb it as well as the Mag Glycinate as my leg cramping returned with it’s use. Was worth a shot though!

                  So I only ended up doing about 3 1/2 months of the prescribed herbs from my Naturopath. They made me absolutely worse, no doubt due to the garlic I was taking as FODMAPS are a huge issue with IBS/Blasto. Never did fully recover from those herbs, IBS after that was dreadful. My IBS literally reacted to every food after that – even chamomile tea. So I decided to get the Triple drug infusion. Just got back from Melbourne Australia on Monday, the only place in the world that does triple infusion now for overseas patients as their Sydney clinic will not treat us ATM. Anyway, you’re supposed to notice improvement after 3-4 weeks but after the second infusion my IBS vanished. Perfect BM’s twice a day now. No bad taste in my mouth anymore, no nausea. Histamine intolerance is WAY down if not totally obliterated – still testing and loading up on high histamine foods to see just how far I can push it (new it was caused by Blasto! Studies prove this also). I still have muscle pain and chronic hunger when I eat starch or sugar, but those symptoms are typical leaky gut issues. Hopeful now that the Blasto is gone I can fix that with AIP. I did not bother to order the fecal transplant though because studies show you can change/build your gut flora within days with the right foods (also the drugs do not kill your good bacteria anyway as some people think, they are anti parasitic only.) The only side effects I experienced with the drugs was a migraine, nausea and bad taste in my mouth. This went away after a few days. Good luck to anyone dealing with Blasto. Looks like for most, Melbourne is the only option… my only regret is I didn’t get stool testing done earlier to show me what I was dealing with. Would have done the infusion years ago otherwise. I still can’t believe I don’t have to dread meal time, that I can eat most AIP foods without paranoia and that it basically happened over night. It’s surreal. Will give an update as things keep changing for me. Until then, take care everyone, best of luck.

    • That sounds like something my husband went through and it is not caused by food, but by being bitten by a tick, or even chiggers! It brings on an allergic reaction though, to certain foods (mainly meat – that you have been eating without incident, previously). We went through a nightmare for over a year trying to figure out what was wrong, and no doctor that we could find (including allergists) had any idea what it was! Fortunately, it will eventually (in many cases) lessen with time. Now my husband only reacts once in a while. It is being researched at the University of VA – read the following:


  12. I was having horrendous migraines and entire body pain which was dibilitating. After seeing an acupuncturist, I found out that I had a gluten and cheese allergy and that yeast overgrowth from food was causing many side effects that you speak of in skin related concerns. After eating a diet filled with fruits and vegetables and also high in lean protein (I also have a sugar issue and need to make sure I’m giving my body enough protein), I have been able to turn around all of the issues. So, this is excellent advise! Highly recommend and thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Hi,

    I keep reading other site’s articles that state taking L-glutamine (along with MSM, probiotics etc) can help heal leaky gut.

    Can Chris or anyone please comment on this article (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/05/01/glutamine.aspx) which states that L-glutamine may actually be very harmful?

    I have hashimoto’s (minor; antibodies higher than normal range but my thyroid hormones are in normal range so far and my actual thyroid looks normal according to an ultrasound scan) and possible leaky gut, so I’m just trying to find a good protocol to prevent hashimoto’s from getting worse. Hence the question regarding L-glutamine safety.


    • Hi!

      Bob; I am in the same position!
      Have hashimatos but normal tyhroid levels. I am seing dr.flannery, and spend so much money and so far no progress.
      I really would love to learn if you find a way to heal your gut?



  14. Goodness I’m so glad I found this thread! I have had many of the same issues listed here for the past couple of years: bloating, fatigue, depression, extreme gas, indigestion, weight gain, brain fog, and more recently my face has been breaking out and is always extremely red.

    The most immediate change I am going to implement is the probiotic supplement- can anyone recommend a good brand and dose to start with to get on track?

    Thanks, great info!

    • My daughter thoroughly researched different probiotics and was highly recommended a product by a very reputable professional, which has given her excellent results:

      PB8 by Nutrition Now (original formula & gluten free),
      keep refrigerated and take 2 capsules per day.

      Cheers to improved health!

    • Only thing that worked for me was Prescript Assist. Actual results within 24 hours.

  15. Can anyone help me here?

    My daughter is in her late 30’s and took birth control pills from her late-teen yrs until my grand-daughter was born almost 4 yrs ago. She can be difficult to get along with, moody and verbally abusive at times.

    This was going on before she became pregnant, so it has nothing to do with motherhood. My Holistic doctor told me that birth control pills, especially taken over the course of two decades, destroys the intestinal flora and increases the bad gut bacteria — the pill throws everything off-balance.

    He thinks maybe that is why she acts like a lunatic. But she will not go in to see him. She would rather emotionally abuse me and others than find out why she is so miserable towards me and others as well.

    She is not narcissistic (like so many her age and younger) and she is not Bi-polar either. She eats healthy, is very attractive and healthy-looking, a good weight, and doesn’t have any bad habits, and appears to be in very good health.

    But her emotional health is another story — she is moody and verbally abusive, not to her 4-yr old daughter, but to me and my sisters and her step-father mostly — the people who love her the most.

    Do you think maybe this could be related to yrs of birth control pills? I am not asking for a diagnosis, just some insights and information about the b.c. pill and intestinal bacteria, of course backed by knowledge and experience.

    Thanks – Jana R

    • It sounds like you are very hard on your daughter. I would probably push away anyone who referred to me as a lunatic, and only acknowledged me in a positive way based on my physique and not my personality. Its probably not the pill if she doesn’t have any other symptoms. Maybe instead of trying to “fix” your daughter you should try and support her through building a functional adult mother-daughter relationship based on good communication. Tell her how she makes you feel, and dare to listen when she tells you how she feels. And for the love of God don’t dismiss her feelings as something non-valid that only exists because she is taking the pill! It seems like you love her a lot, I wish you good luck and hope you can see eye to eye soon.

      • This woman is simply describing her situation and trust me, it is extremely difficult and the fact that she is searching for a solution tells you she cares. Unless you have lived through this situation do not judge. She is not the only one having this problem with her daughter, she states her daughter treats the adult family members this way. This is my situation also. Trust me, I have spent so much time being compassionate and understanding and incredibly loving and supportive and my daughter still acted this way. She is clearly NOT dismissing her feelings she is trying to help her as she will not have a happy life is she continues this behavior.

    • A GP from Taiwan also said that Birth Control is really bad for woman. It can cause hormonal issue, which has something to do with our emotional and mood. Please search for more info regarding relations between hormonal imbalance and emotional issue. Find natural products or pure essential oils that can help the emotional issue and a lot more.. I would recommend young living products.

  16. Since everyone here is giving a piece of their history, and what has worked, I will do the same.
    I am 30 yrs old right now. A 2 years clear, survivor of an almost terminal breast cancer. I was diagnosed in the fall of 2012, after many years of being sick with “no reason for it”.
    Looking back, it started when I was a kid.
    I remember having serious stomach aches, so bad, I thought I was dying. After several emergency room visits, my mother just stopped taking me, bc “nothing was wrong”.
    Life went on, I lived through the belly pains.
    Then the migraines came, with puberty.
    “Nothing was wrong”.
    Dark quiet places became my saving grace.
    They were so bad, I felt like my head was being crushed.
    Age 19:
    Can’t eat 2 bites of any meal, without immediately having to go to the bathroom.
    The pains were crippling.
    Rashes, constantly.
    I started having my period constantly.
    After every single test they would do… colonoscopy, the chalk test, blood work, an ultra sound…
    “Nothing was wrong.”
    … but they took me off birth control, bc my body might “just not like it”….
    In the waiting room, one day, I pick up a readers digest. open by “accident” to an article about food allergies, and the similarities of proteins in certain foods such as bananas, watermelon, and broccoli. And how they produce in some people the same symptoms as those with celiac.
    hmm… I had recently started eating whole grain bread daily, and devoured broccoli as if it were the only vegetable on the planet.
    I cut those all out.
    Started feeling better in no time.
    Age 20., I get pregnant.
    The migraines return. This time with tunnel vision, double vision, and almost total blackouts.
    I was hospitalized for the duration of a day_ sent to my first endocrinologist, and my first MRI.
    “Nothing is wrong.”
    It’s hereditary they say.
    Baby comes, we’re all happy and healthy, for a while.
    But I keep thinking that I’m pregnant again, I feel like I am. Switch bc Again.
    Age 25. I have my period almost every day. It won’t stop.
    I keep going to the Drs.
    They switch my bc 3 more times.
    After 1.5 years, I’ve had my period for approx. 300+ days.
    I knew I was dying.
    ……. but “Nothing was wrong”.
    I stop it all, take up the advice of a naturopathic dr, who says I need omega-3 fatty acid supplements.
    Within 5 days of taking 600 milligrams, The bleeding finally ceased.
    After 6 mnths, I dropped to 300 milligrams, and my periods were at a steady 3 week interval. 21 days was better than every day.
    Age 26., 6 mnths later, no bc, no supplements, all seems well.
    Then I realize that my breast is almost solid. I put it off, thinking it was fine, probly from all those hormones and the trauma of “my system being off”…..
    My friends convince me that it is not normal.
    The vomiting starts.
    And doesn’t stop.
    I go and go and go to the dr.
    After 2 rounds of antibiotics bc they “just know” that’s its a bacterial infection,
    I go back. The vomiting is worse.
    They send me for an ultrasound. and immediately walk me over to have a mammogram.
    Bc ….”they’ve never seen tissue like this”
    …….. But its not cancer, they say, cancer is black on their screen. there is no black.
    That mammogram, ruptured my tumor.
    I bleed from my chest progressively worse for the next 4 mnths. It was just an infection they said, but the antibiotics make me puke, and its not cancer.
    So I stay at my 2 jobs, and try to go to school, and I still have my kid right? No time to be sick.
    One day I lay down, and cannot get up.
    So I go back., back to the dr.
    biopsy #1. its stage zero cancer, but theyd like more samples.
    3 weeks later, biopsy #2.
    sorry….its not stage zero, its stage 3b.
    I spent the next yr having surgery after surgery, 4 mnths of chemo, 2 mnths of radiation.
    I have been poked, prodded, scanned and violated in almost every fashion.
    All better now.
    Except for the belly aches.
    And the diarrhea,
    And how every med I “should take now”, have put my gut right back to where it was when this all began.
    Which is why I am here. I have studied and studied and studied cancer and the body and almost every factor that could be related.
    I’m not a Dr.
    Not a scientist either,
    But I know what I’ve lived through. I know what I feel. And I’ve gotten pretty good at weighing factors.
    I’m pretty sure my guts been off my whole entire life.
    And I’m fairly certain that the garbage processed food we put into our temples without question are the culprits. While I do not like to call it ‘allergies’, when we ingest foods that our bodies do not recognize as real food particles, we go into “attack mode”. Our bodies start rejecting all that we consume. The cilia in our intestines lay flat, sending all of “our food” right through us. We can not obtain maximum absorption bc of this.
    And then our “systems” get thrown out of whack. one thing goes up, another goes down, and our entire body exhausts itself trying to restore the balance while lacking the nutrients it needs to do such a thing.
    Some things I have found to be of great help;
    Leeks. (eat them a lot)
    Def broth. mushroom, ginger, and homemade chicken bone broth….boiled at a very high temp.
    Seafood cooked in olive oil. feed yourself natural oils to lubricate your insides.
    Nuts. Again, we need those oils.
    We as an entire human race have moved from being hunter gatherers to a very small generic diet.
    Eat outside the box. Go for the herbs and consume the biggest variety of vegetables you can find.
    Beans beans beans. Not soy beans. black ones, and green ones. And red ones.
    While I choose to eat a limited amount of meat bc of unreliable sources and I hate the idea of chewing on rotting carcasses, if you have access to wild meat, eat that.
    I hope this helps. As I, in all my reluctant diagnoses’ have stuck by my gut- through thick and thin, and it is true, that everything starts there.

    • Colleen, just want to say, my heart goes out to you & what you have been through. What an amazing woman you are!
      Feeling bloated & lethargic is a constant for me, as well as sinus headaches & skin problems. I am 47. Many years ago, I was acutely stressed at being dumped by ‘ the love of my life’ after 7 years together. I remember seeing doctors & naturopath’s about my skin eruptions and furred tongue, which was now an embarrassing, unhealthy shade of brown (usually white). One doctor took me by surprise when in a kindly tone he asked if I had had any major stresses recently.. Then came the tears & my first recognition of how emotions affect my body & vice versa. I also was diagnosed by a naturopath as being allergic to most foods & alcohol ( there is a definite intolerance) and put on a basic, simple food plan that cut out wheat & excess sugar & soy. I took high doses of bacillus type supplements. I lost weight quickly. My stomach deflated. And I felt the best I had in years. I was 27. Why didn’t I learn – this should have been a lifestyle choice, not a quick fix.
      20 years later & I can look back at years of mental & physical fatigue. I had my gall bladder removed, with complications, at the peak of feeling my most rotten.
      For years I have overlooked looking after the gut, when I know how beneficial it is from past experience. I say lets do it! Be kind to yourself. Feed that baby good bacteria.

    • Do serious reading about……fecal retention enema……especially fm The Mayo Clinic. You can do this yourself at home with super results.

  17. i need help with anxiety seems i can never shut my mind off
    having a hard time sleeping please send me some advice all advice is greatly apriciated
    thank you so much

    • Armando- one of the best soothers for a racing mind is the Bach Flower Remedy “White Chestnut”. Bach remedies are available in Whole Foods and many health food stores. The display will guide you to more information. Good luck-

    • Hi I was the same. At my wits end I took some random advice and its changed my life. It’s difficult & requires consistency (which I’m still working on a year later)… Meditation! I use guided meditations because I too cannot shut my brain off. Just try it for a month, try the same time everyday. They have some on YouTube or just look up guided meditation for beginners. Good luck!

    • Hi
      Its all about the gut bacteria for sleep and mood. Cut out the grains, get a good probiotic and some resistant starch to feed the bacteria and you will start feeling mellow and have great sleeps! Works for me, and really has been the first thing that has worked regarding sleep. Gut bacteria produce serotonin which makes melatonin.

  18. I have consistent nausea, hashitmotos thyroiditis, fybromyalgia, arthritis, obesity, depression, chronic migraines, and i am the “go to” person both at work and in my personal life…which is gratifying but highly stressful. I was also treated for H pylori. i eat a clean diet and lost over 100lbs doing so a few years ago but the weight has crept back on…what tests should i ask my physician to order to determine if i have a gut issue

    • What you need to do is get your thyroid under control. You have all the signs of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is not a symptom of what ails you… it IS the problem. Hypothyroidism causes a weakening of stomach acids which itself can cause H. Pylori to proliferate.

      We hashi’s patients need to have TSH below 1 to start feeling better. Free T3 levels need to be high normal as well. If your doctor doesn’t test your free T3 levels dump him/her and get one that does!

      • Finndian,

        I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos too and I have stomach issues most of the time. My endocrinologist was going to put me on Armour if my T3 and T4 levels were off, but they weren’t so she didn’t tell me to do anything, but take B6 becaue I was low. What should I do to get my gut health in order? I think it is stalling my weight loss in my stomach, not to mention fatigue and depression.

  19. I loved reading this article, very encouraging. I have had severe joint pain and inflammation for years. Hormone imbalance, nervous leg syndrome, insomnia, high cholesterol, weight gain, constant pain in my knees, elbows hands and back, just to name a few. I went to a doctor that did every kind of blood test known to man. The technician that took my blood even had to look up some of the tests on the internet. This doctor was thorough and wanted to rule out everything that it sounded like. She is a general practitioner, but believes in natural medicine as well. My results came back negative on pretty much all counts…Lupus, RA, and no fibromyalgia. So what’s causing all this pain and inflammation? One discovery was that I have MTHFR (you can read about all over the internet, who knew?). Because of this genetic disorder, I can’t assimilate Folic Acid or B. So my body was starving for it! MTHFR is a simple blood test, but most doctors don’t know what it is. Her other conclusion was leaky gut, which I had never heard of either. What alternate universe had I entered? She was speaking another language, but I was intrigued! I so listened to her recommendations and my journey began!

    First, I did an elimination diet and found chicken, corn, tomatoes (WHAT?) all were contributing to inflammation. All things I ate on a regular basis! I have since eliminated these foods. Then she asked me to add some Complex B’s to my diet and supplementation. Okay, that’s easy, but still had pain. Then I started juicing lots of raw greens and fruits (healing the gut), that helped some, but I wasn’t convinced. I did notice some weight dropping off, and I hadn’t really changed my routine, so that was nice. Then things got serious, I started eating fermented foods everyday. I loved the local kimchi made at my favorite ShabuShabu hang out, but I had no idea it was so good for me! These foods were the missing link!. My gut really started to heal now! And with fermented foods in your diet, you don’t crave or even want sugar! Within 4 weeks, my hands didn’t hurt! I would wake up and found that I slept all night. As a matter of fact, I can hardly hold my eyes open at night, I sleep like a baby. I eat two tablespoons of an organic Sheep’s Milk yogurt I get at a local FM right before bedtime…LOVE IT! My daily regime also now consists of Glucomannen (to help lower cholesterol) and Trace Minerals for easier absorption.

    I know everyone is different, but I hope something maybe strikes a cord with others searching for answers. I’m still on this amazing discovery…everyday I find more information, and though I’m not 100% just yet, I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not sprouting my foods before I cook them! We truly ARE what we EAT!

    • I have a typo at the end…I meant to say I am “Now” sprouting my foods…LOL! Clearly the brain fog is still under construction!

      • Such great news for you and what a fantastic journey. I hope you are still walking the walk. Good luck and good job!

        • Thank you Joanne…I am! Feeling great and learning a little more about my body everyday. I now know if ‘ve eaten something that my body doesn’t like. It’s very liberating! LOL!

    • Tanya – your intolerances sound like mine! My naturopath is a fan of the blood type diet, and those (corn, tomatoes, chicken) are my big “No’s”. I’m blood type B. Not sure if there is any correlation for you, but I do feel better when I follow the blood type guidelines for my blood type and eliminate those foods.