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Get Your Period Back: 5 Tips for Recovering from Post Birth Control Syndrome

by Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD

Published on

Reviewed by Phyllis J Gee, MD, FACOG


One of the downsides of using “the Pill” is that many times it’s hard to get back to a normal menstrual cycle once you stop taking it. Some of my young female clients in their 20s and 30s who were taking birth control for a long time and then stopped haven’t had their periods for months, or sometimes even years!

It can be frustrating, especially for women who have stopped taking birth control because they want to become pregnant. And my clients realize that having amenorrhea isn’t a good sign for their overall health regardless of their childbearing plans, so they’ve come to me to help them make the diet, supplement, exercise, and lifestyle changes they need to in order to get their hormones back on track.

Has birth control use made you lose your period? Get it back naturally with these tips by @AncestralizeMe!

Since this is a common experience for women my age, I wanted to share my best suggestions for recovering from post birth control syndrome using diet and lifestyle, in order to help those who have been frustrated by the symptoms associated with the condition. The following are tips you can follow without needing a doctor’s visit or a prescription. Read on to learn how to get your period back!

1. Optimize Your Nutrition Status

As a dietitian/nutritionist, nutrition is always the number one focus in any of my health improvement plans. My clients who’ve aren’t having regular periods tend to be some of the fastest responders to a tailored nutrition and supplement program, primarily because the loss of menstruation is often be a sign of underlying nutrient deficiencies. Even if you’re eating a whole foods, Paleo diet, there are many nutrients that can be inadequate if you’re not making a concerted effort to include specific foods and/or supplements.

There has been evidence accumulating over the years that certain nutrients may become depleted while a woman is on an oral contraceptive. While there are likely dozens of nutrients that are important in regaining your fertility and monthly cycle, there are a few in particular that I find to be extremely effective in helping to recover the menstrual cycle.


Zinc is a critical nutrient to consider, and many nutritionists recommend an increase in zinc intake for female clients struggling with loss of menstruation following the use of the Pill. There is evidence demonstrating that women who take oral contraceptives have lower plasma zinc levels, so they may have higher need for this important mineral for fertility.

Some healthcare practitioners theorize that taking oral contraception might either cause zinc deficiency or even copper overload, which could contribute to the loss of healthy menstrual function. Either way, I always include zinc as part of my recommendations for my clients with amenorrhea.

Zinc can be sometimes difficult to replenish without short term therapeutic supplementation, even in the context of a whole foods diet. If you’re willing to eat lots of shellfish (e.g. oysters and clams), red meat, pumpkin seeds, and poultry, you may be able to avoid supplementing with zinc in this case. I usually recommend 15-30 mg of zinc per day for someone with post birth control syndrome. (If you do supplement, be sure to take it with a meal, otherwise you may get sudden, intense nausea.)


Magnesium is another mineral that I find beneficial for my clients with post birth control syndrome. While many of us in the ancestral health community feel that everyone can benefit from daily magnesium supplementation, it’s especially important for those on birth control (or coming off birth control) to supplement with magnesium.

Magnesium is difficult to get enough of in our modern diets, and some evidence shows that serum magnesium levels are reduced by oral contraceptive use.

If you have a history of birth control use, I recommend using a chelated form of magnesium and taking 200-400 mg daily to supplement what you’re getting from food.

Vitamin B6

Finally, vitamin B6 is another nutrient that is not often discussed but can be very helpful in restoring menstrual function in those with post birth control syndrome. A 2011 study found that those who used oral contraceptives had lower plasma vitamin B6 concentrations, and one type of amenorrhea caused by high prolactin levels was able to be treated using B6 supplementation, suggesting that supplementing with B6 may be beneficial in post birth control syndrome.

Vitamin B6 is found in a variety of foods, and is generally safe to take as a supplement at doses below 100 mg per day. I like Designs for Health’s Sublingual Vitamin B6, which has the added benefit of providing a small amount of chelated zinc. At 50 mg per teaspoon, it’s a high enough dose to replenish any depleted stores, but not so much to risk toxicity with long term use.

Other Nutrients

There are other nutrients that I address with my clients, either making diet or supplement recommendations to address potential deficiencies in their diets. One nutrient that I find tends to be quite low in many of my young female clients’ diets is vitamin A. You can get plenty of vitamin A by eating 4-8 ounces of beef or lamb liver every week, and that’s almost always something I recommend to my clients who are struggling to regain their periods. Another important nutrient is vitamin D, which typically comes from adequate sun exposure but can be helpful as a supplement for those with blood levels below 30 ng/mL.

There are many nutrients that may be negatively affected by long term birth control use, and every person’s needs are unique. If you’re struggling with post birth control syndrome and aren’t sure if your nutrition has been optimized for your recovery, I recommend working with a knowledgable nutritionist who can help assess your diet for possible nutrient gaps.

2. Optimize Your Circadian Rhythms

In our modern world of late night TV, attachment to our cell phones, 24 hour artificial light, and inadequate hours of sleep, our circadian rhythms have taken a serious beating.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. People who fly across several time zones experience circadian rhythm disruption as “jet lag”, but even less dramatic shifts in your circadian rhythms can cause significant health problems, including infertility and amenorrhea.

Your circadian rhythms affect all endocrine hormone secretions, including melatonin, cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone, growth hormone, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), insulin, leptin, and more. (1) While we don’t know how all of these hormones might contribute to healthy menstruation, we do know that prolactin, FSH, and LH are the key hormones regulating the menstrual cycle along with estrogen and progesterone.

So it’s not a stretch to assume that if these hormones aren’t being released at the appropriate times, the reproductive system won’t be getting the proper signals that are needed to regulate the menstrual cycle. And some research does show that circadian rhythm disruption from jet lag and shift work can wreak havoc on women’s reproductive function. (2)

There are dozens of factors that affect circadian rhythms, but I’ll just focus on the two most important: light exposure and sleep. Proper light exposure includes getting adequate daytime sunlight and appropriate elimination of bright light at night. The biggest influence is the light hitting your eyes, so I strongly suggest making an effort to get outside, or at least sit by a window, for most of the daylight hours. On the flip side, you also need to ensure you’re not getting blue light exposure once the sun has gone down.

There are ways you can address this issue even if you can’t go outside during the day or shut off all your lights when the sun goes down. The first is to get a light therapy lamp that can help provide the right spectrum of daytime light during your day, which you can set up at your work desk. The second is to block blue light at night, and the easiest way to do this is by using these super fashionable orange goggles. You can also use orange light bulbs as your evening lighting option.

And of course it should go without saying that you need to prioritize your sleep, going to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep every night.

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3. Eat Enough Carbs and Calories For Your Activity Levels

This is one of the most difficult recommendations for many of my clients, as frequently those dealing with post birth control syndrome are also trying to lose weight. And more often than not, their weight loss attempt includes reducing their food intake and cutting down on carbohydrates.

While this strategy may help with short term weight loss, it’s definitely not conducive to your hormonal health to significantly limit your food intake in this way. It’s a well known phenomenon in the medical world, called the Female Athlete Triad, where women under eat and overtrain so much that they lose their menstrual function, and even put themselves at risk for osteoporosis.

Stefanie Ruper has written a fantastic article on the problems with being overly restrictive with your food intake, and how dozens of her readers have written to her complaining that they lost their menstrual function when switching to a Paleo diet. She acknowledges that it’s not the Paleo diet that is the issue per se, but that those who switch to Paleo often get stuck in an overly restrictive, low carbohydrate approach that does not support healthy endocrine function through various effects on the HPA axis and thyroid hormone conversion.

I think it’s safe to say that those women dealing with post birth control syndrome should also be wary about how restrictive their diet is, and ensure that they’re getting enough calories and carbohydrates to support their activity levels.

I generally recommend at least 30-40% of calories from carbohydrate for my patients who aren’t getting their period, and provide them an appropriate calorie range for their body size and activity levels. Trying to quickly lose weight while dealing with amenorrhea is rarely a good combination.

And the other side of this issue is avoiding overtraining, which is another problem I see in many of my young female clients trying to “lean out”. As I mentioned, this overtraining and undereating combination is known as the Female Athlete Triad and is well known as a cause of amenorrhea. Overtraining means different things to different people; what might be a normal training schedule for an elite athlete may cause burnout and hormonal disruption in a non-athlete. If you’re dealing with amenorrhea, you need to take a serious look at your training regimen and make sure you’re not overdoing it.

4. Manage Your Stress

This is another big issue for many of my young female clients experiencing amenorrhea. Stress is generally unavoidable in our modern lives, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it disrupt your life and throw off your hormone regulation.

Chronic stress causes hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation, which is also known as adrenal fatigue. (3) Unfortunately, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are also key regulators of the menstrual cycle. (4) Thus, chronic stress is easily able to cause irregular menstrual cycle activity, and can even lead to a condition known as hypothalamic amenorrhea. This is very similar to what happens in the case of the Female Athlete Triad, and is typically caused by the chronic physical and/or emotional stress that is unfortunately common among young women.

For those trying to overcome post birth control syndrome (or any type of amenorrhea for that matter), getting stress under control is very important. This includes the recommendation above regarding eating enough and avoiding overtraining, but it also deals with managing daily stress from work, relationships, financial issues, and more.

I always tell my amenorrheic clients to find a stress management protocol that works for them, which can include yoga, meditation, journaling, deep breathing, and more. Anything you enjoy doing that helps relieve stress is a great choice, and can make a big difference in your return to normal menstrual function.

5. Boost Your Detox Capacity

Having a strong ability to detoxify is crucial for recovering from post birth control syndrome, as one of the primary issues with taking oral contraceptives for a long period of time is hormonal build up. Your body stores hormones like estrogen in your fat cells, and these stored hormones can linger for months or years after you stop taking the Pill. Your liver is responsible for clearing these hormones through the bile, and if you’re not detoxifying well enough, your liver is ineffective at eliminating these excess hormones.

There are many ways to boost detox capacity – too many to get into in this article – but I’ve written another article in which I recommend increasing intake of certain foods that can help boost hormone clearance. Another option is taking a supplement which contains a variety of nutrients and botanicals that support the body’s natural detoxification process. Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator from NOW Foods is a popular choice.

And wouldn’t you know it, your gut flora can even help you detoxify excess hormones. This podcast I’ve linked to is all about the “estrobolome,” the complete set of bacterial genes that code for enzymes capable of metabolizing estrogens within the human intestine. (5) So taking a high quality probiotic and eating fermented foods, especially fermented cruciferous vegetables like sauerkraut, is an important part of recovering from post birth control syndrome.

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What to Do If You Still Haven’t Gotten Your Period Back

These are my best general recommendations for how to regain your period after stopping birth control, and I’ve used these strategies successfully with many young female clients. It’s important to address all these factors, as any one of them can be enough to disrupt menstrual function, which is a sign of suboptimal health.

Of course, sometimes this isn’t enough to get you back on track hormonally, especially if you were taking birth control for many years, or if you started birth control as a method to address hormone issues in the first place. In this case, you may need some additional testing done to identify any issues that may be causing your amenorrhea. PCOS is a very common condition that can significantly disrupt your hormonal function, so you’ll want to discuss this possibility with your endocrinologist.

And of course working with a knowledgable nutritionist can help you identify the missing pieces in your recovery plan to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to get back your hormonal health and menstrual function.

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Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD
Laura Beth Schoenfeld, RD

Laura Schoenfeld, MPH, RD, is a licensed registered dietitian and women’s health expert trained in Functional Medical nutrition therapy. She assisted in the creation of educational materials for both the ADAPT practitioner and health coach training programs.

Her passion is empowering women to nourish their bodies, develop true strength, and ultimately use their improved health to pursue their purpose. Laura guides her clients in identifying and implementing diet and lifestyle changes that allow them to live a healthy, fit, symptom-free life without being consumed by thoughts of food and exercise. She draws from a variety of sources to form her philosophy on nutrition, including ancestral diets, principles of biochemistry, current research, and clinical experience. Her areas of expertise include women’s hormones and fertility, gut health, autoimmune disease, athletic performance, stress management, skin health, and weight loss. Recognizing that health goes far beyond just diet and exercise, Laura teaches her clients how to focus on and implement life-changing mental and spiritual health habits as well, including changing their thoughts and beliefs to ones that drive health-supporting decision-making around food, fitness, and life in general.

Her greatest mission is to help health-conscious women realize that, while their health is priceless, they are so much more than a body. When she’s not educating and serving her coaching clients and community, Laura loves traveling with her husband, Sundays with her church family, hikes with her dog, beach trips, live music, and strength training.

Professional website: lauraschoenfeldrd.com

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  1. I haven’t had my period since coming off of birth control in January. I have also suffered from hair thinning and feel quite anxious about it. Any one suffered from any other side effects due to amenorrhea?

  2. I was on birth control for three years. I stopped taking the pill about three and a half months ago, and I still haven’t gotten my period. I’m starting to get worried there’s something more going on than just my body readjusting. I don’t really know anyone who has stopped taking birth control personally, so any advice helps!

    • I’m 32 ttc. I stopped the pill last June after being on it forever. It took me 5 months to finally get a period. Cycles vary 30-36 days. I feel so silly thinking getting pregnant would be as easy as just getting of that damn pill. Started using opk two months ago. And now my current cycle is 50+ days. Made an appt with my doc just to see if everything is ok. Ugh

      • This is pretty much exactly my story! How did the doc checks go? Have you had any luck ttc yet? Think I’m going to have to get into the opk game as well.. it has to be the only way to know at the moment 🙁

  3. i am 24 and was on the pill for 9 years. I came off it in December and havent had a period since. I feel good not taking it but ots very frustrating not having it. I take vitamins and zinc and also eat pretty healthy and drink 2/3 litres of water a day. Has anyone ever been to the doctors to get tests done to get them back up and running? Or should I just wait for them to come naturally! ?

    • My last period was in December after stopping the pill – I didn’t have a period until last week ! I believe you need to wait for your body to naturally re adjust to a life without false hormones ! X

  4. Hi am Zodwa i’ve been using birth control for a year now i stop last year november to take birh control and on january 2017 i did get my peroid and also february on march i did not get my period till now but if i take home pregnacy test it came negetive now my breast start to be sore in the nipile

  5. Hi Girls

    I am 31 years old and have been on the pill for 12 years . I stopped taking it in Nov 2015 & had periods until May 2016 they ranged from 28-50 day cycles – In June i didn’t come on so went back on the pill. In August I had my withdrawal bleed as normal and had periods up until December these ranged from 32-59 day cycles and I have now not had a period since end December 2016. Having read lots of forums I realise that this is quite common – had I of known the issues I would be having with irregular periods now I would never have gone on the pill ! But the Drs don’t tell you that do they ?! I don’t want to take anything synthetic – and would rather allow my body to get back into a natural sync with natural methods. Has anyone anything they can recommend having tried and tested ? I am not TTC but would very much like to get my periods back !!

    Kate x

    • An update ! I got my period today – heavier than usual but so glad it’s finally made an appearance 4 months late !! x

  6. hi lam 28yrs old i only used pill for only 2 months and since then its now 3 yrs havent recieved my periods .i tried to take some pill as was prescribed by a doc to induce my periods it only worked for 1 month and from then i havent seen my periods . tried natural herbs like parsley and coriander but never worked.went back to my doc and prescribed me to Nerethindrone Acetate(n) now its 8dys no periods .please help me get my ps back .its so frustuating .

  7. Hi I took microgynan for 4 months and stopped due to how it made me feel prior to this I had a regular 28 day cycle since stopping in Feb my first cycle was 30 days ….. I’m now on day 30 of my second cycle since stopping the pill and my period as not arrived why would this be ??? I’m not pregnant but I’m stressing that my cycle has suddenly changed any advice ?

    • The pill can cause havoc with our bodies ! I am sure your cycle will settle after all the pill did stop your natural ovulation process and with some people it doesn’t come back straight away x

  8. I love reading everyone comments. I felt I was the only one going through this.

    I’ve been on the pill for 3 years. Recently I got off the pill in early December 2016. My husband and I want to start having kids. That we would start trying the beginning of 2017. Also I wanted to get off early so that My body can adjust.

    I didn’t get my next period till late February 2017. I was really scared and thought I was pregnant but the test were negative. A real bummer. I found this site and read other women going through the same things as i was. I just waited patiently and took multi-vitimain pills to see if that help. To me I felt it did. I got my period late February. March came around and no period. I took 2 test about 10 days after my period was due and they were negative. I’m 25 days late and worried this may be a repeat from December. I finally made a doctor’s appt this Friday and hope my lady doctor can help answer my questions and concerns.

    Any advice is appreciated

    • I hope all going well for you now.

      I am now 15 months post pill (stopped Jan 2016) and no sign of a period. Not even a spot since I stopped.

      I have seen natrupaths. GP. Spiritual healers. Acupuncture etc. I am waiting to see a gyno in June (earliest I could get in).

      I am not underweight but I did do a lot of weight training & cardio. I started it too loose weight for my wedding. I lost 11kg and gained some muscle. Now I have cut out most cardio. Cut back weight sessions to 3 a week and added in yoga and light walking. I’ve even been eating more than usual. Started gaining weight again (very very hard to accept) and Still nothing, no change.

      I’ve had most people tell me my body was too stressed. I’ve had a healer tell me my masculine energy was overpowering the feminine.

      It’s all pretty draining and I feel pretty helpless. Blood tests and intraviginal scan shown nothing abnormal. No cysts etc. Hormones came up ok.

      Hoping something happens soon. I am 27 and I was on the pill for 8 years straight with no break.

      My future daughter (should I be so lucky to have one) will be strongly advised against ever going on the pill 🙂

      Kind regards,

      • I totally understand all of this!

        I am 24, I was on the pill for 8 years and went off it 2 years ago. I have always been very active and athletic and fell into the overtrain, under eat and also a lot of stress (which I denied and ignored).
        I went to various appointments for blood and hormone testing, ultra sounds, no cysts or abnormalities, I changed my training and exercise regime, I eat a paleo diet, sleep 7-8 hours a night, lots of water, detoxing via ionic foot detox and saunas, I did Brainwave Optimization, various UNDA tinctures and herbal remedies, mindfulness practice, HCL to boost stomach acid as per my nutritional assessments were showing that I was not absorbing fats. –> Nothing!
        More recently I have been taking Liver SAP for the last couple months, supplementing with Zinc, and doing bulletproof intermittent fasting once a week. I have even done a couple Bulletproof Protein fasting days to really help reset my digestion etc. I continue with my healthy lifestyle and FINALLY, I have had my period the past 2 months, normal and regular!

        So it took quite a long time to get my hormones working again, which were present, but not enough to actually bind to appropriate receptors and cause menstruation.

        • I’m on this train–work in fitness as my full-time career and have tapered my activity such that I only teach 1 cycling class/week and limit my activity otherwise to the training/walking that I do on a regular basis as part of my job. I feel generally very happy but wonder if I’m stressed without knowing it. It’s been ~2 years with a couple random periods, tests show low estrogen post birth control (was on it for 10+ years). ACK! I’ve done the intermittent, bulletproof thing and eat healthily but really try not to restrict too much–I love sweets but try not to overdo that since my Mom’s a Type II Diabetic. I have a healthy body fat percentage (~20%) so really don’t feel like I need to gain weight, but what else is there?! Would love to hear some of the specifics you all in the overactive/stressed camps feel worked for you.

    • I am 49 days in without a period. Spoke with my doctor and she advise to give it some time. If I don’t get it with 3-4 months to come back and set appt. I’m really worried now because this is the longest i have ever waited. I hope it will come soon. I’m not stresses but sad that we are TTC and we can’t bc of this current situation.

  9. Hi I have been off the Pill for over a year now and still no periods.. how are you all cooping?!????

    my anxiety is getting worse each day panic attacks and tight chest constantly crying and mood swings i feel like I’m having a mental break down!!!!!!!!! and ready to quit my job! I’m getting married in tow months can anyone help!!!!

    i eat so well but so bloated all the time, wondering if i should quit coffee? i only have 1 latte a day?

    And what healthy foods can i use to put on weight? nothings working! I’ve tried mac powder etc but then i think well maybe the body is having too much anti oxidants thats why its not got a period?


  10. 6 months off the pill with no period. Tried acupuncture and a course of progesterone and still nothing. I am a weight lifter and very into nutrition- I am currently eating about 2,000 calories and am at a healthy weight. In my past I had overexercised and underate, and competed in a bikini competition about two years ago. I am currently very healthy but my doctor thinks I have hypothalamic amenorrhea. I don’t know how to “recover” from it since I am currently very healthy. My estrogen is still low and I am going to start on estrogen and progesterone to get me ready for IVF. anyone else have hypothalamic amenorrhea without being underweight, not overly stressed, and are eating plenty?

    • Kate yes please go on Facebook and join the no period now what group – Its also a book written by three women who had HA. hundreds of girls have recovered I’m currently trying to atm and everyone in the group is really supportive. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1759358524278511/

      So many of them were told they had to do IVF too but then recovered, pls pls check it out because admitting defeat and thinking IVF is the only way It really isn’t !

    • Hi. You may want to join a hypothalamic amanorrhea help group on Facebook or buy the book “no period now what “. Many women with HA have to stop excercise and exertion altogether and eat well above 2000 cals a day, and gain above their previous “healthy” weight, to recover from the condition. In fact ones concept of “healthy ” can radically change in the process of full recovery

    • Femmenessence MacaHarmony worked for me. It is an herb taken twice a day. It sounds sketchy, but I did quite a bit of research and went for it. I went on bcp because I had PCOS and didn’t get my period regularly. I read ab Maca in “how to conceive naturally after 30” I took Maca as I came off the pill and four weeks later got my period. Not fun – lots of bloating and cramps – but at least it arrived right on time and seems to be normal!

  11. Okay so I took the birth control Levora for 9-12 months but I never took the placebo pills, we skipped those and would just start a new pack. I was on it for mood stabilization. I was on it as well as several psychiatric medications. A few months ago, they were all counter reacting so I got off of everything. After I quit the birth control, I had two periods that were a little bit heavier than normal, and then nothing. I haven’t had a period in over 4 months and I’m kind of getting concerned. I’m not sexually active, so there’s no chance of pregnancy. I’m 21 years old.

  12. I stopped taking birth control pills after my last period. I was due to have the Mirena IUD inserted that week, but had complications and we needed to reschedule to a day I was on my period to possibly make it easier to insert. Two days before my period was due, I had sex with my boyfriend. We did not use protection, but he did withdraw. Two days later, and my period did not come. And here I am 8 days late, and still no period. I should mention, I am under extreme stress with planning a destination wedding in the Caribbean for this summer, moving into a new house this month, and just recently visited grandparents who are not well in health. I have also lost about 12 pounds in the last month. I assumed it was just from stopping the pill. I have felt crampy, nauseous, had tender breasts, and felt completely fine randomly throughout the month, which has been frustratingly confusing. The first day I was late, I googled everything and found that you can ovulate ANYTIME after getting off the pill. (I did NOT know this unfortunately.) To make matters worse, if I am pregnant, that means the wedding has to be rescheduled because of Zika in tropical locations. And of course, all of our guests have already booked their hotels. (So this is also highly stressing me out.) What are your thoughts on this?! The only person who knows of this situation is my boyfriend and the doctor (who I am impatiently waiting for their call).

    • Its been one year since I have had a period after birth control . I have tried EVERYTHING to try and get it back, and the ONLY thing that has worked for me is Maca powder . I purchased it at a gnc store and it’s called maca complex ,which could also be used for pre menopause symptoms. I took two pills a day , one in morning and one at night . WALA!! , I just got my period back . !! I haven’t even finished my bottle of maca pills yet . it’s a herbal supplement that helps in so many ways, if your hormonally imbalanced. Not having a period for a year caused symptoms like being tired all the time , mood swings and this bloatness I could never really get rid of. When I started taking maca a lot of the symptoms went away and I had more energy . I’m telling you guys maca is something to consider . !!

      • Lc, I’m very happy to have seen your comment! I stopped bc months ago and haven’t had a period. I have been feeling so unlike myself lately. I will definitely try to buy the Maca complex.

      • Hi, how long do you need to take the Maca Complex for? Is it just something to set your body straight and then you’re good? Or is it long term? Thank you!!

  13. I don’t know if i’m in the same situation, I had a miscarriage in November of 2015. After i bleed lightly but i loss a lot of blood during the ordeal. After that I haven’t seen my period for seven months so I went to the doctor he say sometimes that happen. He told me to take the birth control to bring it down. So for Three months I took it, I saw my period then I came off to see If my body could handle menstruating on its own, that was two months ago. i’m still not menstruating. What is wrong with me?

    • My wife gave birth in July 2013 but had severe bleeding and became unconscious, after like five months she was not experiencing her periods and we went to a doctor who gave us some pills and she had it for only one month. We went for all tests and discovered she had hormone imbalances. All the medicine given she has taken but up to now no periods. What can we do? She is only 25 years now. Am scared won’t she get boils inside?

  14. After about 7 years on birth control I stopped taking it this past September. I had my withdrawal bleeding after I stopped and then a regular period 30 days later in October. After that, nothing in November. In December my doctor prescribed me Provera to take for 10 days. After the 10 days I got my period at the end of December. I should have started today and nothing yet ( I usually start early mornings). So I’m not sure if my period is off track again or if I’m pregnant. Although I don’t have any pregnancy symptoms other than sore breasts. I’ll take a test later today to see, but I have a feeling it will be a while before my period is back on track and even longer before I am able to get pregnant. It sucks not knowing how hard it would be to get pregnant after stopping to pill.

    • Hi i have exactly the same problem. Stopped the pill in november and had withdrawal bleeding and got a period in december after 31 days. But no period since. I should have gotten it a week ago and i feel that its not gonna come any time soon. I had pcos and thats the reason i went on the pill but i never had irregular periods even with the pcos. I just had extra hair on my body. Does anyone know whats happening?

    • Same boat here. Stopped beginning of Dec, full period at the end of Dec, and now I’m a week late. Multiple pregnancy tests include a doctor’s office visit all negative. Hoping that following some of the above suggestions about vitamin supplements and eating healthy will help, but so sad that I might not be able to try for a baby as soon as my hubby and I had hoped

    • I’m experiencing the same. Got off the pill in September and didnt have a period in October or November. In December the doctor put me on Provera. Had a period for 3 days and nothing in January or February yet!

  15. hey
    for all ladies here that are confronted with amenorrhea, please, check on google about hypothalamic amenorrhea.
    it is a condition when hypothalamus stops giving signals to ovaries to work properly. the system shuts down because of lack of calories, too much exercise, stress…
    please, google about it and you will see that there are more intuitive resolutions too.
    no period, now what – is a great book from year 2016, has a great reviews on amazon as well..

    • Thank you for sharing this resource! I’m going to purchase it today–I haven’t had a period for two years and I think I suffer from the female athlete triad…I added back carbs but all it’s done so far is make me gain 20lbs, which I’m on the fence about but I know it’s about healing the body

  16. I’ve been taking birth control for about a year and just recently stopped it due to medication I had to stop the birth control for. I haven’t had my period in over a month. I was scared I might be pregnant so i took tests and they were all negative but I still haven’t got my period back yet. Help!

    • hi we have the same condition, I stopped taking pill last Dec. 15 and got my period on the 18th or 19th..but since then I havent got my period..I am also worried and took hcg test but all negative..it’s driving me nuts…have u got your period already? thanks

  17. I can totally relate to this article. I was on birth control for about 15 years and recently decided to get off it due how it was making me feel. I had breakthrough bleeding after stopping the pill and since then have had 1 maybe 2 days of very light bleeding. I am very frustrated that I am going through this but am glad that other women are sharing this struggle as well. If I would’ve known that this would be a side effect of coming off the pill I would’ve never started it in the first place. I would definitely appreciate some words of encouragement and comfort knowing that with time it will get better.

  18. I am on birth control for about two years now and I just remembered that I am not sure the last time I noticed spotting or my period. I am considering going off the pill but I am not sure what to do. I am in the middle of transferring doctors so I don’t know who to ask. Should I go off the pill to restart my period and then go back on?? Please help!